
Fixed BattleNet code according to new changes to BNGetFriendToonInfo and BNGetToonInfo.

F16Gaming [08-15-12 - 03:12]
Fixed BattleNet code according to new changes to BNGetFriendToonInfo and BNGetToonInfo.
diff --git a/BattleNetTools.lua b/BattleNetTools.lua
index 54c5a5d..58a9776 100644
--- a/BattleNetTools.lua
+++ b/BattleNetTools.lua
@@ -38,14 +38,16 @@ local CET = C.Extensions.Table
 local CES = C.Extensions.String

-local TOON_RETURN_ARGC = 16
+local TOON_RETURN_ARGC = 17

 local function ParseBNFriendResult(...)
 	local argc = select("#", ...)
 	if argc ~= FRIEND_RETURN_ARGC then
-		error("ParseBNFriendResult expected 15 arguments, got " .. argc)
+		error("ParseBNFriendResult expected " .. FRIEND_RETURN_ARGC .. " arguments, got " .. argc)
 		return nil
 	local id, pName, bTag, isBTagPresence, tName, tId, client, online, last, afk, dnd, bText, note, friend, bTime, sor = ...
 	local f = {
 		PresenceID = id,
@@ -65,15 +67,18 @@ local function ParseBNFriendResult(...)
 		BroadcastTime = bTime,
 		CanSoR = sor
 	return f

 local function ParseBNToonResult(...)
 	local argc = select("#", ...)
 	if argc ~= TOON_RETURN_ARGC then
-		error("ParseBNToonResult expected 16 arguments, got " .. argc)
+		error("ParseBNToonResult expected " .. TOON_RETURN_ARGC .. " arguments, got " .. argc)
 		return nil
 	local focus, name, client, realm, realmId, faction, race, class, guild, zone, lvl, text, bText, bTime, online, id = ...
 	local t = {
 		HasFocus = focus,
@@ -93,14 +98,55 @@ local function ParseBNToonResult(...)
 		IsOnline = online,
 		PresenceID = id
-	if t.Faction == 0 then
-		t.FactionString = "Horde"
-	elseif t.Faction == 1 then
-		t.FactionString = "Alliance"
+	if t.Faction == FACTION_HORDE then
+		t.FactionID = 0
+	elseif t.Faction == FACTION_ALLIANCE then
+		t.FactionID = 1
+	else
+		t.FactionID = -1
 	return t

+local function ParseBNFriendToonResult(...)
+	local argc = select("#", ...)
+	if argc ~= FRIENDTOON_RETURN_ARGC then
+		error("ParseBNFriendToonResult expected " .. FRIENDTOON_RETURN_ARGC .. " arguments, got " .. argc)
+		return nil
+	end
+	local focus, name, client, realm, realmId, faction, race, class, guild, zone, lvl, text, bText, unknown, bTime, canSoR, id = ...
+	local ft = {
+		HasFocus = focus,
+		Name = name,
+		Client = client,
+		Realm = realm,
+		RealmID = realmId,
+		Faction = faction,
+		Race = race,
+		Class = class,
+		Guild = guild,
+		Zone = zone,
+		Level = lvl,
+		GameText = text,
+		BroadcastText = bText,
+		Unknown = unknown,
+		BroadcastTime = bTime,
+		CanSoR = canSoR,
+		ToonID = id
+	}
+	if ft.Faction == FACTION_HORDE then
+		ft.FactionID = 0
+	elseif ft.Faction == FACTION_ALLIANCE then
+		ft.FactionID = 1
+	else
+		ft.FactionID = -1
+	end
 function BNT:GetFriend(index)
 	if index < 1 or index > BNGetNumFriends() then
 		return nil
diff --git a/Events_Chat.lua b/Events_Chat.lua
index e5cb1f6..5f73f5b 100644
--- a/Events_Chat.lua
+++ b/Events_Chat.lua
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ function C.Events.CHAT_MSG_BN_WHISPER(self, event, ...)
 	local toon = BNT:GetToon(id)
 	if not toon then return end
 	if toon.Client ~= BNET_CLIENT_WOW then return end
-	if toon.Realm:lower() == GetRealmName():lower() and toon.FactionString:lower() == (select(1, UnitFactionGroup("player"))):lower() then
+	if toon.Realm:lower() == GetRealmName():lower() and toon.Faction:lower() == (select(1, UnitFactionGroup("player"))):lower() then
 		CM:HandleMessage(msg, toon.Name, chan, id, chan, true, id)