diff --git a/oUF_P3lim.lua b/oUF_P3lim.lua
index a6a9f1b..1df81c5 100644
--- a/oUF_P3lim.lua
+++ b/oUF_P3lim.lua
@@ -28,6 +28,21 @@ local function PostUpdateCast(element, unit)
+local function PostUpdateClassIcon(element, cur, max, diff)
+ if(diff) then
+ for index = 1, max do
+ local ClassIcon = element[index]
+ if(max == 3) then
+ ClassIcon:SetWidth(74)
+ elseif(max == 4) then
+ ClassIcon:SetWidth(index > 2 and 55 or 54)
+ elseif(max == 5) then
+ ClassIcon:SetWidth(index == 5 and 42 or 43)
+ end
+ end
+ end
local function UpdateAura(self, elapsed)
if(self.expiration) then
if(self.expiration < 60) then
@@ -122,7 +137,7 @@ local UnitSpecific = {
PowerValue.frequentUpdates = 0.1
- self:Tag(PowerValue, '[p3lim:power][ |cff00ff96>chi][ |cfffff568>holypower][ |cff7b68ee>shadoworbs][ |cffba55d3>p3lim:shards][ |cff997fcc>demonicfury<|r][ |cff0090ff>p3lim:mana<|r][ | >p3lim:spell]')
+ self:Tag(PowerValue, '[p3lim:power][ |cff997fcc>demonicfury<|r][ |cff0090ff>p3lim:mana<|r][ | >p3lim:spell]')
local Experience = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self)
Experience:SetPoint('BOTTOM', 0, -20)
@@ -144,6 +159,42 @@ local UnitSpecific = {
ExperienceBG:SetTexture(1/3, 1/3, 1/3)
local _, playerClass = UnitClass('player')
+ local ClassIcons = {}
+ ClassIcons.UpdateTexture = function() end
+ ClassIcons.PostUpdate = PostUpdateClassIcon
+ local r, g, b
+ if(playerClass == 'MONK') then
+ r, g, b = 0, 4/5, 3/5
+ elseif(playerClass == 'WARLOCK') then
+ r, g, b = 2/3, 1/3, 2/3
+ elseif(playerClass == 'PRIEST') then
+ r, g, b = 2/3, 1/4, 2/3
+ elseif(playerClass == 'PALADIN') then
+ r, g, b = 1, 1, 2/5
+ end
+ for index = 1, 5 do
+ local ClassIcon = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, self)
+ ClassIcon:SetHeight(6)
+ ClassIcon:SetBackdrop(BACKDROP)
+ ClassIcon:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0)
+ if(index == 1) then
+ ClassIcon:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 0, -4)
+ else
+ ClassIcon:SetPoint('LEFT', ClassIcons[index - 1], 'RIGHT', 4, 0)
+ end
+ local Texture = ClassIcon:CreateTexture(nil, 'BORDER')
+ Texture:SetAllPoints()
+ Texture:SetTexture(r, g, b)
+ ClassIcons[index] = ClassIcon
+ end
+ self.ClassIcons = ClassIcons
if(playerClass == 'DEATHKNIGHT') then
local Runes = {}
for index = 1, 6 do