Update README.textile
Xruptor [09-28-15 - 19:31]
diff --git a/README.textile b/README.textile
index 83365f7..91f8958 100644
--- a/README.textile
+++ b/README.textile
@@ -1,3 +1 @@
-h3. (5-30-2011) Major Restructuring of BagSync (Blame Curse at CurseForge.com)
-* I had to remove pretty much all previous version tags of BagSync prior to the v6.X format. The primary reason for this was an incompatibility with P.O.S. CurseForge. Now I know why I prefer WOWInterface over CurseForge. In any case, apparently they are extraordinarily picky on how tags should be placed on git. So I had to modify the current tag system for BagSync in order to bend my back so it works on their system. Granted it worked fine on EVERY other Git Respository I used, minus CurseForge of course <em>(Rollseyes)</em>. So from now on I'm going to use the vX.X format.
+This is a readme file! Hurray!