Typo fix
Kevin Lyles [04-08-12 - 18:03]
diff --git a/Locales/enUS/base.lua b/Locales/enUS/base.lua
index 82666a7..f47ed66 100644
--- a/Locales/enUS/base.lua
+++ b/Locales/enUS/base.lua
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ L["USE_PC_ENCH"] = "Use Crafted Enchants"
L["USE_PVPVP_ENCH_TT"] = "Consider enchants that are purchasable with PVP tokens"
L["USE_PVPVP_ENCH"] = "Use PVP Vendor-Purchasable Enchants"
L["USE_QR_ENCH_TT"] = "Consider enchants that are quest rewards"
-L["USE_QR_ENCH"] = "Use Quest Reqard Enchants"
+L["USE_QR_ENCH"] = "Use Quest Reward Enchants"
L["USE_VP_ENCH_TT"] = "Consider enchants that are purchasable with gold"
L["USE_VP_ENCH"] = "Use Vendor-Purchasable Enchants"
L["USE_REP_ENCH"] = "Use enchants with rep requirements if my rep is:"