
Implemented a GUI.

Peter Eliasson [01-16-15 - 00:18]
Implemented a GUI.
diff --git a/gui.lua b/gui.lua
index 94db0fc..797ff80 100644
--- a/gui.lua
+++ b/gui.lua
@@ -6,16 +6,391 @@ local tContains = tContains;

 -- Set up module
 local addon = addonTable[1];
-local gui = addon:NewModule("gui")
+local gui = addon:NewModule("gui", "AceHook-3.0")
 addon.gui = gui;

 -- AceGUI
 local AceGUI = LibStub("AceGUI-3.0");

-function gui:OnEnable()

+function gui:CreateHighScoreParseEntry(parse, role, rank)
+	local entryWidget = AceGUI:Create("SimpleGroup");
+	entryWidget:SetFullWidth(true);
+	entryWidget:SetLayout("Flow");
+	local rankLabel = AceGUI:Create("Label");
+	rankLabel:SetText(rank);
+	rankLabel:SetRelativeWidth(0.14);
+	local dpsHpsLabel = AceGUI:Create("Label");
+	local dpsHps = Skada:FormatNumber((role == "HEALER") and parse.hps or parse.dps);
+	dpsHpsLabel:SetText(dpsHps);
+	dpsHpsLabel:SetRelativeWidth(0.14);
+	local nameLabel = AceGUI:Create("Label");
+	nameLabel:SetText(parse.name);
+	nameLabel:SetRelativeWidth(0.14);
+	local classLabel = AceGUI:Create("Label");
+	classLabel:SetText(parse.class);
+	classLabel:SetRelativeWidth(0.14);
+	local specLabel = AceGUI:Create("Label");
+	specLabel:SetText(parse.specName or "");
+	specLabel:SetRelativeWidth(0.14);
+	local ilvlLabel = AceGUI:Create("Label");
+	ilvlLabel:SetText(parse.itemLevel or "");
+	ilvlLabel:SetRelativeWidth(0.14);
+	local dateLabel = AceGUI:Create("Label");
+	dateLabel:SetText(date("%m/%d/%y", parse.startTime));
+	dateLabel:SetRelativeWidth(0.14);
+	entryWidget:AddChild(rankLabel);
+	entryWidget:AddChild(dpsHpsLabel);
+	entryWidget:AddChild(nameLabel);
+	entryWidget:AddChild(classLabel);
+	entryWidget:AddChild(specLabel);
+	entryWidget:AddChild(ilvlLabel);
+	entryWidget:AddChild(dateLabel);
+	return entryWidget;

-function gui:OnDisable()
+function gui:CreateGuildDropdown()
+	local dropdown = AceGUI:Create("Dropdown");
+	self.guildDropdown = dropdown;
+	dropdown:SetLabel("Guild");
+	dropdown:SetRelativeWidth(0.25);
+	dropdown:SetCallback("OnValueChanged", function(widget, evt, guildId)
+		gui:SetSelectedGuild(guildId);
+	end)
+	local guilds, numGuilds = addon.highscore:GetGuilds();
+	if numGuilds > 0 then
+		dropdown:SetList(guilds);
+	else
+		dropdown:SetDisabled(true);
+		dropdown:SetText("No Guilds.");
+	end
+	return dropdown;
+function gui:CreateZoneDropdown()
+	local dropdown = AceGUI:Create("Dropdown");
+	self.zoneDropdown = dropdown;
+	dropdown:SetLabel("Zone");
+	dropdown:SetRelativeWidth(0.25);
+	dropdown:SetList(nil);
+	dropdown:SetDisabled(true);
+	dropdown:SetCallback("OnValueChanged", function(widget, evt, zoneId)
+		gui:SetSelectedZone(zoneId);
+	end)
+	return dropdown;
+function gui:CreateDifficultyDropdown()
+	local dropdown = AceGUI:Create("Dropdown");
+	self.difficultyDropdown = dropdown;
+	dropdown:SetLabel("Difficulty");
+	dropdown:SetRelativeWidth(0.25);
+	dropdown:SetList(nil);
+	dropdown:SetDisabled(true);
+	dropdown:SetCallback("OnValueChanged", function(widget, evt, difficultyId)
+		gui:SetSelectedDifficulty(difficultyId);
+	end)
+	return dropdown;
+function gui:CreateEncounterDropdown()
+	local dropdown = AceGUI:Create("Dropdown");
+	self.encounterDropdown = dropdown;
+	dropdown:SetLabel("Encounter");
+	dropdown:SetRelativeWidth(0.25);
+	dropdown:SetList(nil);
+	dropdown:SetDisabled(true);
+	dropdown:SetCallback("OnValueChanged", function(widget, evt, encounterId)
+		gui:SetSelectedEncounter(encounterId);
+	end)

+	return dropdown;
+function gui:CreateHighScoreScrollFrame()
+	local scrollFrame = AceGUI:Create("ScrollFrame");
+	scrollFrame:SetLayout("Flow");
+	scrollFrame:SetFullWidth(true);
+	scrollFrame:SetFullHeight(true);
+	-- Header:
+	-- Rank | DPS/HPS | Name | Class | Spec | Item Level | Date
+	local headerContainer = AceGUI:Create("SimpleGroup");
+	headerContainer:SetFullWidth(true);
+	headerContainer:SetLayout("Flow");
+	local rankLabel = AceGUI:Create("Label");
+	rankLabel:SetText("Rank");
+	rankLabel:SetRelativeWidth(0.14);
+	local dpsHpsLabel = AceGUI:Create("Label");
+	dpsHpsLabel:SetText("DPS/HPS");
+	dpsHpsLabel:SetRelativeWidth(0.14);
+	local nameLabel = AceGUI:Create("Label");
+	nameLabel:SetText("Name");
+	nameLabel:SetRelativeWidth(0.14);
+	local classLabel = AceGUI:Create("Label");
+	classLabel:SetText("Class");
+	classLabel:SetRelativeWidth(0.14);
+	local specLabel = AceGUI:Create("Label");
+	specLabel:SetText("Spec");
+	specLabel:SetRelativeWidth(0.14);
+	local ilvlLabel = AceGUI:Create("Label");
+	ilvlLabel:SetText("Item Level");
+	ilvlLabel:SetRelativeWidth(0.14);
+	local dateLabel = AceGUI:Create("Label");
+	dateLabel:SetText("Date");
+	dateLabel:SetRelativeWidth(0.14);
+	headerContainer:AddChild(rankLabel);
+	headerContainer:AddChild(dpsHpsLabel);
+	headerContainer:AddChild(nameLabel);
+	headerContainer:AddChild(classLabel);
+	headerContainer:AddChild(specLabel);
+	headerContainer:AddChild(ilvlLabel);
+	headerContainer:AddChild(dateLabel);
+	local parsesContainer = AceGUI:Create("SimpleGroup");
+	self.highScoreParsesContainer = parsesContainer;
+	parsesContainer:SetFullWidth(true);
+	parsesContainer:SetLayout("Flow");
+	scrollFrame:AddChild(headerContainer);
+	scrollFrame:AddChild(parsesContainer);
+	return scrollFrame;
+function gui:CreateHighScoreTabGroup()
+	local container = AceGUI:Create("TabGroup");
+	self.highScoreTabGroup = container;
+	container:SetFullWidth(true);
+	container:SetFullHeight(true);
+	container:SetLayout("Fill");
+	container:SetTabs({
+		{value = "DAMAGER", text = "DPSers"},
+		{value = "HEALER", text = "Healers"},
+		{value = "TANK", text = "Tanks"}
+	});
+	container:SetCallback("OnGroupSelected", function(widget, evt, roleId)
+		gui:SetSelectedRole(roleId);
+	end)
+	container:AddChild(self:CreateHighScoreScrollFrame());
+	return container;
+function gui:CreateMainFrame()
+	local frame = AceGUI:Create("Frame")
+	self.mainFrame = frame;
+	frame:Hide()
+	frame:SetWidth(800)
+	frame:SetHeight(600)
+	frame:SetTitle("Guild Skada High Score")
+	frame:SetLayout("Flow")
+	frame:SetCallback("OnClose", function()
+		gui:HideMainFrame()
+	end)
+	frame:AddChild(self:CreateGuildDropdown());
+	frame:AddChild(self:CreateZoneDropdown());
+	frame:AddChild(self:CreateDifficultyDropdown());
+	frame:AddChild(self:CreateEncounterDropdown());
+	frame:AddChild(self:CreateHighScoreTabGroup());
+	return frame;
+function gui:DisplayParses()
+	local guildName = self.selectedGuild;
+	local zoneId = self.selectedZone;
+	local difficultyId = self.selectedDifficulty;
+	local encounter = self.selectedEncounter;
+	local roleId = self.selectedRole;
+	local parsesContainer = self.highScoreParsesContainer;
+	parsesContainer:ReleaseChildren();
+	if guildName and zoneId and difficultyId and encounter and roleId then
+		local parses, numParses = addon.highscore:GetParses(guildName,
+			zoneId, difficultyId, encounter, roleId);
+		if numParses > 0 then
+			for rank, parse in ipairs(parses) do
+				local entryWidget = self:CreateHighScoreParseEntry(parse, roleId, rank);
+				parsesContainer:AddChild(entryWidget);
+			end
+			return;
+		end
+	end
+	local noParsesLabel = AceGUI:Create("Label");
+	noParsesLabel:SetText("No parses found.");
+	parsesContainer:AddChild(noParsesLabel);
+function gui:SetSelectedRole(roleId, noPropagation)
+	-- SelectTab, unlike SetValue for dropdowns, triggers the callback
+	if self.selectedRole ~= roleId then
+		self.selectedRole = roleId;
+		self.highScoreTabGroup:SelectTab(roleId);
+		self:DisplayParses();
+	end
+function gui:SetSelectedEncounter(encounterId, noPropagation)
+	self.selectedEncounter = encounterId;
+	self.encounterDropdown:SetValue(encounterId);
+	self:DisplayParses();
+function gui:SetSelectedDifficulty(difficultyId, noPropagation)
+	self.selectedDifficulty = difficultyId;
+	self.difficultyDropdown:SetValue(difficultyId);
+	-- Update encounter dropdown with new guild, zone, difficulty
+	local encounters, numEncounters = addon.highscore:GetEncounters(self.selectedGuild, self.selectedZone, self.selectedDifficulty);
+	if numEncounters > 0 then
+		self.encounterDropdown:SetDisabled(false);
+		self.encounterDropdown:SetList(encounters);
+	else
+		self.encounterDropdown:SetDisabled(true);
+		self.encounterDropdown:SetList(nil);
+		self.encounterDropdown:SetText(nil);
+	end
+	if not noPropagation then
+		if numEncounters == 1 then
+			-- If only one option, select it.
+			local encounterId, _ = next(encounters);
+			self:SetSelectedEncounter(encounterId);
+		else
+			self:SetSelectedEncounter(nil);
+		end
+	end
+function gui:SetSelectedZone(zoneId, noPropagation)
+	self.selectedZone = zoneId;
+	self.zoneDropdown:SetValue(zoneId);
+	-- Update difficulty dropdown with new guild, zone
+	local difficulties, numDifficulties = addon.highscore:GetDifficulties(self.selectedGuild, self.selectedZone);
+	if numDifficulties > 0 then
+		self.difficultyDropdown:SetDisabled(false);
+		self.difficultyDropdown:SetList(difficulties);
+	else
+		self.difficultyDropdown:SetDisabled(true);
+		self.difficultyDropdown:SetList(nil);
+		self.difficultyDropdown:SetText(nil);
+	end
+	if not noPropagation then
+		if numDifficulties == 1 then
+			-- If only one option, select it.
+			local difficultyId, _ = next(difficulties);
+			self:SetSelectedDifficulty(difficultyId);
+		else
+			self:SetSelectedDifficulty(nil);
+		end
+	end
+function gui:SetSelectedGuild(guildId, noPropagation)
+	self.selectedGuild = guildId;
+	self.guildDropdown:SetValue(guildId);
+	-- Update zone dropdown for the new guild
+	local zones, numZones = addon.highscore:GetZones(guildId);
+	if numZones > 0 then
+		self.zoneDropdown:SetDisabled(false);
+		self.zoneDropdown:SetList(zones);
+	else
+		self.zoneDropdown:SetDisabled(true);
+		self.zoneDropdown:SetList(nil);
+		self.zoneDropdown:SetText(nil);
+	end
+	if not noPropagation then
+		if numZones == 1 then
+			-- If only one option, select it.
+			local zoneId, _ = next(zones);
+			self:SetSelectedZone(zoneId);
+		else
+			self:SetSelectedZone(nil);
+		end
+	end
+function gui:ShowMainFrame()
+	if not self.mainFrame then
+		-- Only show if not already shown
+		self:CreateMainFrame():Show();
+		if self.selectedGuild then
+			-- Try to restore to same values as before
+			gui:SetSelectedGuild(self.selectedGuild, true);
+			gui:SetSelectedZone(self.selectedZone, true);
+			gui:SetSelectedDifficulty(self.selectedDifficulty, true);
+			gui:SetSelectedEncounter(self.selectedEncounter, true);
+			gui:SetSelectedRole(self.selectedRole, true);
+		elseif addon.guildName then
+			-- Try pre-selecting own guild if has one.
+			gui:SetSelectedGuild(addon.guildName);
+		end
+		-- Have to do special for our tab group as it is never disabled
+		gui:SetSelectedRole(self.selectedRole or "DAMAGER");
+	end
+function gui:HideMainFrame()
+	if self.mainFrame then
+		self.mainFrame:Release();
+		-- Unset references
+		self.mainFrame = nil;
+		self.guildDropdown = nil;
+		self.zoneDropdown = nil;
+		self.difficultyDropdown = nil;
+		self.encounterDropdown = nil;
+		self.highScoreTabGroup = nil;
+	end
+function gui:OnCloseSpecialWindows()
+	if self.mainFrame then
+		self:HideMainFrame()
+		return true
+	else
+		return self.hooks["CloseSpecialWindows"]();
+	end
+function gui:OnEnable()
+	self:RawHook("CloseSpecialWindows", "OnCloseSpecialWindows");
+function gui:OnDisable()
+	self:HideMainFrame();
+	self:UnHook("CloseSpecialWindows");
\ No newline at end of file