
Add slash command to enable/disable sources

James Whitehead II [09-24-12 - 06:46]
Add slash command to enable/disable sources

/tt source <source name>
/tt sources
diff --git a/DatabaseDefaults.lua b/DatabaseDefaults.lua
index e938255..c8dd3d9 100644
--- a/DatabaseDefaults.lua
+++ b/DatabaseDefaults.lua
@@ -6,9 +6,11 @@ addon.defaults = {
     profile = {
         positions = {},

-        corpseSource = true,
-        questObjectivesSource = true,
-        archaeologyDigSitesSource = true,
+		sources = {
+			corpse = true,
+			questobj = true,
+			archaeodig = true,
+		},

         showMapIconsZone = false,
         showMapIconsContinent = false,
diff --git a/TomTomLite.lua b/TomTomLite.lua
index f23f52a..7a66a06 100644
--- a/TomTomLite.lua
+++ b/TomTomLite.lua
@@ -69,6 +69,16 @@ function addon:Initialize()
     self.PRI_ACTIVE = 15
     self.PRI_NORMAL = 0
     self.PRI_ALWAYS = math.huge
+	-- Set options for any pre-registered sources
+	for idx, source in ipairs(self.sources) do
+		local stype = source.stype
+		if addon.db.profile.sources[stype] == nil then
+			source.enabled = true
+		else
+			source.enabled = addon.db.profile.sources[stype]
+		end
+	end

 function addon:CreateCrazyArrow(name, parent)
@@ -172,23 +182,32 @@ end
 --   opt    - A table containing any other options, for future-use

 function addon:RegisterSource(stype, name, desc, opt)
-    local sources = {
-        type = stype,
+    local source = {
+        stype = stype,
         name = name,
         desc = desc,

     if opt then
         for k,v in pairs(opt) do
-            if sources[k] then
+            if source[k] then
                 local err = string.format(L["Source '%s' registered with invalid option '%s'"], name, k)
-                sources[k] = v
+                source[k] = v

+	-- Check to see if the options table has been loaded, if so
+	if addon.db then
+		if addon.db.profile.sources[stype] == nil then
+			source.enabled = true
+		else
+			source.enabled = addon.db.profile.sources[style]
+		end
+	end
     table.insert(self.sources, source)

@@ -216,6 +235,8 @@ end
 --                 100, indicating something that should always be
 --                 displayed, for example the Corpse arrow.
+--      source - The source that produced the waypoint
 -- Returns:
 --   waypoint   - A table containing the information about the given waypoint and
 --                serving as a unique identifier for the waypoint within TomTomLite.
@@ -289,16 +310,26 @@ function addon:UpdateArrow()
         return bpri < apri

-    local highest = self.waypoints[1]
-    if highest then
-        local zone, floor, x, y = unpack(highest)
-        local lzone = self:GetMapDisplayName(zone)
+	local active = false
+	for idx, waypoint in ipairs(self.waypoints) do
+		local source = waypoint.source
+		local disabled = source and self.db.profile.sources[source] == false
+		if disabled then
+			-- move on to the next waypoint
+		else
+			local zone, floor, x, y = unpack(waypoint)
+			local lzone = self:GetMapDisplayName(zone)
+			self.arrow.waypoint = waypoint
+			self.arrow.title:SetText(waypoint.title or L["Unknown waypoint"])
+			self.arrow.info:SetFormattedText("%.2f, %.2f - %s", x * 100, y * 100, lzone)
+			self.arrow:Show()
+			active = true
+		end
+	end

-        self.arrow.waypoint = highest
-        self.arrow.title:SetText(highest.title or L["Unknown waypoint"])
-        self.arrow.info:SetFormattedText("%.2f, %.2f - %s", x * 100, y * 100, lzone)
-        self.arrow:Show()
-    else
+	if not active then
         self.arrow.waypoint = nil
@@ -405,6 +436,8 @@ SLASH_TOMTOMLITE3 = "/tt"

 local wrongseparator = "(%d)" .. (tonumber("1.1") and "," or ".") .. "(%d)"
 local rightseparator =   "%1" .. (tonumber("1.1") and "." or ",") .. "%2"
+local enabled = L["|cFF11FF11%s|r"]:format(L["enabled"])
+local disabled = L["|cFFFF1111%s|r"]:format(L["disabled"])

 SlashCmdList["TOMTOMLITE"] = function(msg, editbox)
     -- Attempt to fix any pairs of coordinates in any form so they work. This
@@ -423,6 +456,7 @@ SlashCmdList["TOMTOMLITE"] = function(msg, editbox)

     local verb = tokens[1] and tokens[1]:lower()
+	local showusage = false

     if verb == "set" then
         if not tonumber(tokens[2]) then
@@ -442,11 +476,43 @@ SlashCmdList["TOMTOMLITE"] = function(msg, editbox)
             if desc then
                 desc = table.concat(tokens, " ", zoneEnd + 3)
+		else
             -- TODO: Try to find a match for the zone/map name
-        else
-            self:Printf(L["Usage for /ttl:"])
-            self:Printf(L["  * set [zone] <x> <y> [desc] - sets a waypoint"])
-        end
+		end
+	elseif verb == "source" then
+		local found = false
+		if tokens[2] then
+			for idx, source in ipairs(addon.sources) do
+				if source.stype == tokens[2]:lower() then
+					found = true
+					source.enabled = not source.enabled
+					addon.db.profile.sources[source.stype] = source.enabled
+					local status = source.enabled and enabled or disabled
+					addon:Printf(L["Waypoint source '%s' has been %s"], tokens[2], status)
+					break
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		if not found then
+			showusage = true
+		end
+	elseif verb == "sources" then
+		addon:Printf(L["Waypoint sources for TomTomLite"])
+		for idx, source in ipairs(addon.sources) do
+			local status = source.enabled and enabled or disabled
+			addon:Printf(L["  - %s - %s: %s"], source.stype, status, source.desc)
+		end
+	else
+		showusage = true
+	end
+	if showusage then
+		addon:Printf(L["Usage for /ttl:"])
+		addon:Printf(L["  * set [zone] <x> <y> [desc] - sets a waypoint"])
+		addon:Printf(L["  * source <sourceName> - toggles a waypoint source"])
+		addon:Printf(L["  * sources - lists available sources and states"])
diff --git a/sources/ArchaeologyDigSites.lua b/sources/ArchaeologyDigSites.lua
index 770c471..3a1a02e 100644
--- a/sources/ArchaeologyDigSites.lua
+++ b/sources/ArchaeologyDigSites.lua
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ eventFrame:RegisterEvent("ARTIFACT_DIG_SITE_UPDATED")
 -- on the current continent
 local waypoints = {}
 local function UpdateDigSites()
-    if not addon.db.profile.archaeologyDigSitesSource then
+    if not addon.db.profile.sources.archaeodig then

@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ local function UpdateDigSites()
                 local waypoint = addon:AddWaypoint(continent, nil, px, py, {
                     title = string.format(L["Dig site: %s\n%s"], name, zoneName),
                     priority = 0,
+					source = "archaeodig",
                 sites[key] = waypoint
diff --git a/sources/Corpse.lua b/sources/Corpse.lua
index e26f832..74e9eba 100644
--- a/sources/Corpse.lua
+++ b/sources/Corpse.lua
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ local waypoint
 local map, floor, x, y

 local function GetCorpseLocation()
-    if not addon.db.profile.corpseSource then
+    if not addon.db.profile.sources.corpse then

@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ local function SetCorpseArrow()
         waypoint = addon:AddWaypoint(map, floor, x, y, {
             title = "Your corpse",
             priority = addon.PRI_ALWAYS,
+			source = "corpse",
         return waypoint
@@ -104,7 +105,7 @@ eventFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self, elapsed)
 		counter = 0
-		if addon.db.profile.corpseSource then
+		if addon.db.profile.sources.corpse then
 			if GetCorpseLocation() then
 				if SetCorpseArrow() then
diff --git a/sources/QuestObjectives.lua b/sources/QuestObjectives.lua
index b2f6cfd..543a602 100644
--- a/sources/QuestObjectives.lua
+++ b/sources/QuestObjectives.lua
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ local L = addon.L

-    local desc = L["This source provides waypoints for each of the objectives listed in the Blizzard objectives tracker. To add a quest to the tracking list, just shift-click it in your quest log."],
+    local desc = L["This source provides waypoints for each of the objectives listed in the Blizzard objectives tracker. To add a quest to the tracking list, just shift-click it in your quest log."]
     addon:RegisterSource("questobj", L["Quest Objectives (tracked)"], desc)

@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ function addon:OBJECTIVES_CHANGED()
     SetCVar("questPOI", 1)

     -- Only do an objective scan if the option is enabled
-    if not self.db.profile.questObjectivesSource then
+    if not self.db.profile.sources.questobj then

@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ function addon:OBJECTIVES_CHANGED()
                 local waypoint = self:AddWaypoint(map, floor, x, y, {
                     title = title,
                     priority = key == first and addon.PRI_ACTIVE or addon.PRI_NORMAL,
+					source = "questobj",

                 newWaypoints[key] = waypoint