
need to safecheck all profile updates again

Darthpred [06-06-15 - 23:30]
need to safecheck all profile updates again
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.txt b/CHANGELOG.txt
index 550b3fe..f757df3 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.txt
+++ b/CHANGELOG.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 For preventing issues we recommend you to remove Shadow & Light and install it again instead of usual updating process due to some files have been moved or renamed.
+Also due to changes in settings tables you may experience errors on profile change or entering/leaving the zone. Those errors potentially can result in your profile being reset to defaults. We recommend you to backup your settings prior to loggin into the game in case we can't find all those.
 - New options to control visibility of quest log in sertain areas. It can be full, minimized or hidden.
 - New option for UI Buttons to show/hide backdrop on the main menu panel.
@@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ Changes:
 - Screensaer now should be less demanding on cpu.
 - Removed "Exit AFK" button in screensaver.
 - To avoid confusion core ElvUI's options disabled/moved by S&L are now replaced with buttons redirecting user towards the place where he/she can cancel the effect.
+- Darth finished (yeaaaah riiiiight) messing around with his layout.
 - Fixed the button from PAWN addon being unclickable with armory mode enabled
 - Fixed numerous errors when inspecting people (probably not all of them so keep an eye on those)