Design change
Adrian L Lange [08-07-09 - 17:41]
diff --git a/oUF_Reputation.lua b/oUF_Reputation.lua
index 7ee44ad..f787209 100644
--- a/oUF_Reputation.lua
+++ b/oUF_Reputation.lua
@@ -47,17 +47,17 @@ local function update(self, event, unit)
local function enable(self, unit)
- local reputation = self.Reputation
- if(reputation and unit == 'player') then
- if(not reputation:GetStatusBarTexture()) then
- reputation:SetStatusBarTexture([=[Interface\TargetingFrame\UI-StatusBar]=])
+ local bar = self.Reputation
+ if(bar and unit == 'player') then
+ if(not bar:GetStatusBarTexture()) then
+ bar:SetStatusBarTexture([=[Interface\TargetingFrame\UI-StatusBar]=])
self:RegisterEvent('UPDATE_FACTION', update)
- if(reputation.Tooltip) then
- reputation:EnableMouse()
- reputation:SetScript('OnLeave', GameTooltip_OnLeave)
+ if(bar.Tooltip) then
+ bar:EnableMouse()
+ bar:SetScript('OnLeave', GameTooltip_OnLeave)
return true