
Fix some bugs in quest objective source

James Whitehead II [01-11-11 - 09:54]
Fix some bugs in quest objective source
diff --git a/sources/QuestObjectives.lua b/sources/QuestObjectives.lua
index 1e1b728..b2f6cfd 100644
--- a/sources/QuestObjectives.lua
+++ b/sources/QuestObjectives.lua
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ function addon:OBJECTIVES_CHANGED()
     -- Scan through every quest that is being tracked, and create a waypoint
     -- for each of the objectives that are being tracked. These waypoints will
     -- be unordered, and will be sorted or ordered by the user/algorithm
+    local first
     local watchIndex = 1
     while true do
         local questIndex = GetQuestIndexForWatch(watchIndex)
@@ -84,13 +85,16 @@ function addon:OBJECTIVES_CHANGED()

             local key = title .. tostring(qid + (x * 100) * (y * 100) * map * (floor + 1))
+            if not first then
+                first = key
+            end

             if waypoints[key] then
                 -- This waypoint already exists, no need to do anything, except
                 -- possibly change the priority

                 local waypoint = waypoints[key]
-                local newpri = (watchIndex == 1) and addon.PRI_ACTIVE or addon.PRI_NORMAL
+                local newpri = key == first and addon.PRI_ACTIVE or addon.PRI_NORMAL
                 if waypoint.priority ~= newpri then
                     changed = true
                     waypoint.priority = newpri
@@ -101,7 +105,7 @@ function addon:OBJECTIVES_CHANGED()
                 -- Create the waypoint, setting priority
                 local waypoint = self:AddWaypoint(map, floor, x, y, {
                     title = title,
-                    priority = (watchIndex == 1) and addon.PRI_ACTIVE or addon.PRI_NORMAL,
+                    priority = key == first and addon.PRI_ACTIVE or addon.PRI_NORMAL,

                 newWaypoints[key] = waypoint