* Fixed compare items not being available. This should solve auto destroy issues!
ckaotik [01-02-11 - 13:23]
* Fixed compare items not being available. This should solve auto destroy issues!
diff --git a/Broker_Garbage-LootManager/core.lua b/Broker_Garbage-LootManager/core.lua
index 79f240c..ea4a47b 100644
--- a/Broker_Garbage-LootManager/core.lua
+++ b/Broker_Garbage-LootManager/core.lua
@@ -301,7 +301,8 @@ function BGLM.SelectiveLooting(autoloot) -- jwehgH"G$(&/&§$/!!" stupid . vs. :
local _, _, quantity, quality, locked = GetLootSlotInfo(slot)
local itemLink = GetLootSlotLink(slot)
local itemID = BGLM:GetItemID(itemLink)
- local compareTo = select(1, Broker_Garbage:GetVariable("cheapestItems"))
+ local compareTo = Broker_Garbage:GetVariable("cheapestItems")
+ compareTo = compareTo and compareTo[1] or nil
if itemLink then -- needed because faulty loot slots or slots that contain money break things
local value = Broker_Garbage:GetItemValue(itemLink, quantity) or 0