
Reflect recent changes from ElvUI for AP calculation in bags and armory for Korean and Chinese clients.

Merathilis [04-17-17 - 07:49]
Reflect recent changes from ElvUI for AP calculation in bags and armory for Korean and Chinese clients.
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/modules/Armory/CharacterArmory/CharacterArmory.lua b/ElvUI_SLE/modules/Armory/CharacterArmory/CharacterArmory.lua
index ef05640..612fe76 100644
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/modules/Armory/CharacterArmory/CharacterArmory.lua
+++ b/ElvUI_SLE/modules/Armory/CharacterArmory/CharacterArmory.lua
@@ -1152,9 +1152,15 @@ do --<< Artifact Monitor >>
 		["ruRU"] = "(%d*[%p%s]?%d+) млн",
 		["koKR"] = "(%d*[%p%s]?%d+)만",
 		["zhTW"] = "(%d*[%p%s]?%d+)萬",
-		["zhCN"] = "(%d*[%p%s]?%d+)万",
+		["zhCN"] = "(%d*[%p%s]?%d+) 万",
+	}
+	local apValueMultiplier = {
+		["koKR"] = 1e4,
+		["zhTW"] = 1e4,
+		["zhCN"] = 1e4,
 	local apStringValueMillionLocal = apStringValueMillion[GetLocale()]
+	local apValueMultiplierLocal = (apValueMultiplier[GetLocale()] or 1e6) --Fallback to 1e6 which is used by all non-asian clients
 	local empoweringSpellName = GetSpellInfo(227907)

 	function CA:LegionArtifactMonitor_UpdateLayout()
@@ -1352,9 +1358,9 @@ do --<< Artifact Monitor >>
 												if value then
 													digit1, digit2 = T.match(value, "(%d+)[%p%s](%d+)")
 													if digit1 and digit2 then
-														ap = T.tonumber(T.format("%s.%s", digit1, digit2)) * 1e6 --Multiply by one million
+														ap = T.tonumber(T.format("%s.%s", digit1, digit2)) * apValueMultiplierLocal --Multiply by 1 million (or 10.000 for asian clients)
-														ap = T.tonumber(value) * 1e6 --Multiply by one million
+														ap = T.tonumber(value) * apValueMultiplierLocal --Multiply by 1 million (or 10.000 for asian clients)
 													digit1, digit2, digit3 = T.match(tooltipText,"(%d+)[%p%s]?(%d+)[%p%s]?(%d+)")
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/modules/bags/artifactpower.lua b/ElvUI_SLE/modules/bags/artifactpower.lua
index b49aa7c..0a67127 100644
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/modules/bags/artifactpower.lua
+++ b/ElvUI_SLE/modules/bags/artifactpower.lua
@@ -26,7 +26,13 @@ local apStringValueMillion = {
 	["zhTW"] = "(%d*[%p%s]?%d+)萬",
 	["zhCN"] = "(%d*[%p%s]?%d+)万",
+local apValueMultiplier = {
+	["koKR"] = 1e4,
+	["zhTW"] = 1e4,
+	["zhCN"] = 1e4,
 local apStringValueMillionLocal = apStringValueMillion[GetLocale()]
+local apValueMultiplierLocal = (apValueMultiplier[GetLocale()] or 1e6) --Fallback to 1e6 which is used by all non-asian clients
 local function GetItemLinkArtifactPower(slotLink)
 	local apValue
 	if not slotLink then return nil end
@@ -48,9 +54,9 @@ local function GetItemLinkArtifactPower(slotLink)
 				if value then
 					digit1, digit2 = T.match(value, "(%d+)[%p%s](%d+)")
 					if digit1 and digit2 then
-						ap = T.tonumber(T.format("%s.%s", digit1, digit2)) * 1e6 --Multiply by one million
+						ap = T.tonumber(T.format("%s.%s", digit1, digit2)) * apValueMultiplierLocal --Multiply by 1 million (or 10.000 for asian clients)
-						ap = T.tonumber(value) * 1e6 --Multiply by one million
+						ap = T.tonumber(value) * apValueMultiplierLocal --Multiply by 1 million (or 10.000 for asian clients)
 					digit1, digit2, digit3 = T.match(tooltipText,"(%d+)[%p%s]?(%d+)[%p%s]?(%d+)")