Add the blacklist code back in
James Whitehead II [11-23-10 - 09:04]
Add the blacklist code back in
diff --git a/Clique.lua b/Clique.lua
index 19bd319..fe50399 100755
--- a/Clique.lua
+++ b/Clique.lua
@@ -886,6 +886,22 @@ function addon:BLACKLIST_CHANGED()
+ -- Clear attributes on all frames
+ self:ClearAttributes()
+ -- Actually update the blacklist accordingly
+ local bits = {
+ "blacklist = table.wipe(blacklist)",
+ }
+ for frame, value in pairs(self.settings.blacklist) do
+ if not not value then
+ bits[#bits + 1] = string.format("blacklist[%q] = true", frame)
+ end
+ end
+ addon.header:Execute(table.concat(bits, ";\n"))
-- Update the registered clicks, to catch any unblacklisted frames
-- Update the options panel