
Removed several dev-only files from the main branch

Kevin Lyles [06-11-11 - 23:47]
Removed several dev-only files from the main branch
localization notes
wowhead values
diff --git a/convert-gem-ids.sh b/convert-gem-ids.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 06ff866..0000000
--- a/convert-gem-ids.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-sed -e '/^\t\t\[3\] = {/{
-	N
-	s/{\n\t\t\t/{/
-	: addline
-	N
-	s/,\n\t\t\t/, /
-	t addline
-	s/,\n\t\t}/}/}' gem-ids.lua > gem-ids-converted.lua
-sed -i -e '/\[3\]/s/\({\|, \)\([a-z]\+\) = /\1["\2"] = /g' gem-ids-converted.lua
-sed -i -e '/\[3\]/s/\["\([^"]\+\)"\]/[L["\1"]]/g' gem-ids-converted.lua
-sed -i -e 's/^\t\t\[[1-3]\] = /\t\t/' gem-ids-converted.lua
-sed -i -e 's/^/\t\t\t/' gem-ids-converted.lua
diff --git a/create-gem-ids-file.lua b/create-gem-ids-file.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index dab3d40..0000000
--- a/create-gem-ids-file.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-local function includeFile(filename)
-	if string.find(filename, "%.toc$") then
-		local startDir = filename:gsub("[^/]+$", "")
-		for line in io.lines(filename) do
-			line = line:gsub("#.*", ""):gsub("\\", "/")
-			if string.find(line, ".+%..+") then
-				if not string.find(line, "^Libs/") then
-					includeFile(startDir .. line)
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	elseif string.find(filename, "%.xml$") then
-		local startDir = filename:gsub("[^/]+$", "")
-		for line in io.lines(filename) do
-			local start, _, luaFile = string.find(line, "<Script file=\"(.*)\"/>")
-			if start then
-				luaFile = luaFile:gsub("\\", "/")
-				includeFile(startDir .. luaFile)
-			end
-			local start, _, xmlFile = string.find(line, "<Include file=\"(.*)\"/>")
-			if start then
-				xmlFile = xmlFile:gsub("\\", "/")
-				includeFile(startDir .. xmlFile)
-			end
-		end
-	else
-		local status, err = loadfile(filename)
-		if status then
-			status, err = pcall(status)
-			if not status then
-				print(debug.traceback(err))
-				error()
-			end
-		else
-			print(debug.traceback(err))
-			error()
-		end
-	end
-local function removeEmptyTables(data)
-	for index, value in pairs(data) do
-		if type(value) == "table" then
-			data[index] = removeEmptyTables(value)
-		end
-	end
-	for index, value in pairs(data) do
-		return data
-	end
-	return nil
-local gem_data = {}
-local function runTests(totalItems)
-	local numItems = 0
-	WeightsWatcher.ResetTables()
-	for gemId in pairs(gem_ids_to_item_info) do
-		numItems = numItems + 1
-		io.stdout:write(string.format("\rParsing gem id %d (%d of %d)", gemId, numItems, totalItems))
-		io.stdout:flush()
-		local itemLink = string.format("item:25:0:%d:0:0:0:0:0:85", gemId)
-		gem_data[gemId] = ww_bareItemCache[itemLink]
-		for name, value in pairs(gem_data[gemId]) do
-			if type(value) == "table" then
-				local empty = true
-				for _ in pairs(value) do
-					empty = false
-					break
-				end
-				if empty then
-					gem_data[gemId][name] = nil
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	io.stdout:write("\n")
-	io.stdout:flush()
-local currentItem
-WeightsWatcherHiddenTooltip = {}
-function WeightsWatcherHiddenTooltip:ClearLines()
-	currentItem = nil
-function WeightsWatcherHiddenTooltip:SetHyperlink(link)
-	currentItem = gem_ids_to_item_info[tonumber(link:sub(11,-14))]
-	if not currentItem then
-		print(link, link:sub(11,-14))
-		return
-	end
-	local lastLine
-	for i = 1, #(currentItem) do
-		_G["WeightsWatcherHiddenTooltipTextLeft" .. i] = {GetText = function() return currentItem[i].left end}
-		_G["WeightsWatcherHiddenTooltipTextRight" .. i] = {GetText = function() return currentItem[i].right end}
-		lastLine = i
-	end
-	lastLine = lastLine + 1
-	while _G["WeightsWatcherHiddenTooltipTextLeft" .. lastLine] do
-		_G["WeightsWatcherHiddenTooltipTextLeft" .. lastLine] = nil
-		_G["WeightsWatcherHiddenTooltipTextRight" .. lastLine] = nil
-		lastLine = lastLine + 1
-	end
-function WeightsWatcherHiddenTooltip:NumLines()
-	if currentItem then
-		return #(currentItem)
-	else
-		return 0
-	end
-WeightsWatcher = {}
-ww_vars = ww_copyDefaultAccountVars()
-local numItems = 0
-for _ in pairs(gem_ids_to_item_info) do
-	numItems = numItems + 1
-local gemIdInfo = {}
-for gemId, gemInfo in pairs(gem_ids_to_item_info) do
-	local start, color
-	for _, line in ipairs(gemInfo) do
-		start, _, color = line.left:find("Matches a ([%a, ]+) [sS]ocket%.")
-		if start then
-			color = color:lower()
-			if color == "red or yellow" or color == "yellow or red" then
-				color = "orange"
-			elseif color == "red or blue" or color == "blue or red" then
-				color = "purple"
-			elseif color == "blue or yellow" or color == "yellow or blue" then
-				color = "green"
-			elseif color == "red, yellow or blue" or color == "red, blue, or yellow" then
-				color = "prismatic"
-			end
-			if color ~= "red" and color ~= "orange" and color ~= "yellow" and color ~= "green" and color ~= "blue" and color ~= "purple" and color ~= "prismatic" then
-				print(string.format("Error: invalid color (%s)", color))
-				color = nil
-			end
-			break
-		else
-			start, _, color = line.left:find("Only fits in a (meta) gem slot%.")
-			if start then
-				break
-			end
-			start = line.left:find("Only fits in a Cogwheel socket")
-			if start then
-				color = "cogwheel"
-				break
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	if not color then
-		color = "UNKNOWN"
-	end
-	gemIdInfo[gemId] = {
-		color,
-		gemInfo[1].left,
-		gem_data[gemId].normalStats,
-	}
-local realPrint = print
-local function filePrint(...)
-	for _, str in ipairs({...}) do
-		io.write(str)
-		io.write("\n")
-	end
-print = filePrint
-sort(gemIdInfo, "gemIdInfo")
-print = realPrint
diff --git a/future-features b/future-features
deleted file mode 100644
index ee84418..0000000
--- a/future-features
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-Weighted total of a character's gear (like GearScore), but using the default weights for that class/spec
-	add option to use an alternate weight instead/in addition to the default
-	default here is from ww_defaultVars, NOT just the weight with the default's name in ww_vars
-import/export from/to wowhead weights
-automatic outfit creation using outfitter (and others?)
-	look into supporting just the equipment manger if possible
-	needs to handle hit/expertise/def/etc caps intelligently
-option to consider enchants when comparing gear
-better user interaction re: unhandled gems, major errors, etc
-(easily) customized orders for weights and maybe classes
-suggestions welcome!
diff --git a/gem-ids-converted.lua b/gem-ids-converted.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 06c0f6a..0000000
--- a/gem-ids-converted.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4023 +0,0 @@
-local L = ww_localizedStats
--- format:
--- 	[source] = {
---  	[type] = {
---  		[quality] = {
---  			[gemId] = {
---  				"color",
---  				"name",
---  				{stats},
---  			}
---  		}
---  	}
--- 	}
--- sources:
--- 	Vendor: purchasable w/ gold
--- 	PVP-Vendor: purchasable w/ pvp stuff
--- 	Crafted: crafted by players
--- 	Procced: procced via crafting
--- 	Drop: drops from a mob or zone
--- 	Quest: quest reward
--- types:
--- 	Normal: normal gems, no restrictions on their use
--- 	Unique-Equipped: Only one can be equipped at a time
--- 	Jewelcrafter-Only: Only jewelcrafters can use them
--- qualities:
--- 	1: BC white
--- 	2: BC green
--- 	3: BC blue
--- 	4: BC epic
--- 	5: wrath green
--- 	6: wrath blue
--- 	7: wrath epic
--- 	8: cataclysm epic
--- 	9: cataclysm epic
--- 	10: cataclysm epic
-ww_gems = {
-	["Vendor"] = {
-		["Normal"] = {
-			[1] = {
-				[2956] = {
-					"red",
-					"Bold Tourmaline",
-					{[L["strength"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[2957] = {
-					"red",
-					"Delicate Tourmaline",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[2958] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Tourmaline",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[2959] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Tourmaline",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[2960] = {
-					"red",
-					"Delicate Tourmaline",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[2961] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Solid Zircon",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[2962] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Sparkling Zircon",
-					{[L["spirit"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[2963] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Sparkling Zircon",
-					{[L["spirit"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[2964] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Tourmaline",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[2965] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Smooth Amber",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[2966] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Rigid Zircon",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[2967] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Smooth Amber",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[2968] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Subtle Amber",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 4},
-				},
-			},
-		},
-		["Unique-Equipped"] = {
-			[9] = {
-				[4166] = {
-					"cogwheel",
-					"Subtle Cogwheel",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 208},
-				},
-				[4167] = {
-					"cogwheel",
-					"Smooth Cogwheel",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 208},
-				},
-				[4168] = {
-					"cogwheel",
-					"Quick Cogwheel",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 208},
-				},
-				[4169] = {
-					"cogwheel",
-					"Fractured Cogwheel",
-					{[L["mastery rating"]] = 208},
-				},
-				[4170] = {
-					"cogwheel",
-					"Precise Cogwheel",
-					{[L["expertise rating"]] = 208},
-				},
-				[4171] = {
-					"cogwheel",
-					"Flashing Cogwheel",
-					{[L["parry rating"]] = 208},
-				},
-				[4172] = {
-					"cogwheel",
-					"Rigid Cogwheel",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 208},
-				},
-				[4173] = {
-					"cogwheel",
-					"Sparkling Cogwheel",
-					{[L["spirit"]] = 208},
-				},
-				[4239] = {
-					"cogwheel",
-					"Mystic Cogwheel",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 208},
-				},
-			},
-		},
-	},
-	["Crafted"] = {
-		["Normal"] = {
-			[2] = {
-				[2690] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Blood Garnet",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[2691] = {
-					"red",
-					"Bold Blood Garnet",
-					{[L["strength"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[2692] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Blood Garnet",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[2693] = {
-					"red",
-					"Delicate Blood Garnet",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[2694] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Blood Garnet",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[2695] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Smooth Golden Draenite",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[2696] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Subtle Golden Draenite",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[2697] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Rigid Azure Moonstone",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[2698] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Solid Azure Moonstone",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 9},
-				},
-				[2699] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Sparkling Azure Moonstone",
-					{[L["spirit"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[2700] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Stormy Azure Moonstone",
-					{[L["spell penetration"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[2701] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Sparkling Azure Moonstone",
-					{[L["spirit"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[2705] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Reckless Flame Spessarite",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 3, [L["intellect"]] = 3},
-				},
-				[2706] = {
-					"green",
-					"Regal Deep Peridot",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 3, [L["stamina"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[2707] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Purified Shadow Draenite",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 3, [L["spirit"]] = 3},
-				},
-				[2708] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Timeless Shadow Draenite",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 3, [L["stamina"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[2709] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Purified Shadow Draenite",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 3, [L["spirit"]] = 3},
-				},
-				[2710] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Shifting Shadow Draenite",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 3, [L["stamina"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[2711] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Sovereign Shadow Draenite",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 4, [L["strength"]] = 3},
-				},
-				[2752] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Inscribed Flame Spessarite",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 3, [L["strength"]] = 3},
-				},
-				[2755] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Glinting Shadow Draenite",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 3, [L["hit rating"]] = 3},
-				},
-				[2757] = {
-					"green",
-					"Jagged Deep Peridot",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 3, [L["stamina"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[2760] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Potent Flame Spessarite",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 3, [L["intellect"]] = 3},
-				},
-				[2762] = {
-					"green",
-					"Radiant Deep Peridot",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 3, [L["spell penetration"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[2942] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Smooth Golden Draenite",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[2971] = {
-					"red",
-					"Delicate Blood Garnet",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3104] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Rigid Azure Moonstone",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3106] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Shifting Shadow Draenite",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 3, [L["stamina"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[3108] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Shifting Shadow Draenite",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 3, [L["stamina"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[3110] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Veiled Shadow Draenite",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 3, [L["intellect"]] = 3},
-				},
-				[3113] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Deadly Flame Spessarite",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 3, [L["critical strike rating"]] = 3},
-				},
-				[3201] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Purified Jaggal Pearl",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 3, [L["spirit"]] = 3},
-				},
-			},
-			[3] = {
-				[2725] = {
-					"red",
-					"Bold Living Ruby",
-					{[L["strength"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[2726] = {
-					"red",
-					"Delicate Living Ruby",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[2727] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Living Ruby",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[2728] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Living Ruby",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[2729] = {
-					"red",
-					"Delicate Living Ruby",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[2730] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Subtle Dawnstone",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[2731] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Solid Star of Elune",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[2732] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Sparkling Star of Elune",
-					{[L["spirit"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[2733] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Sparkling Star of Elune",
-					{[L["spirit"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[2734] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Living Ruby",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[2735] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Smooth Dawnstone",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[2736] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Smooth Dawnstone",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[2737] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Subtle Dawnstone",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[2738] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Sovereign Nightseye",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 6, [L["strength"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[2739] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Shifting Nightseye",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 4, [L["stamina"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[2740] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Timeless Nightseye",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 5, [L["stamina"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[2741] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Purified Nightseye",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 4, [L["spirit"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[2742] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Reckless Noble Topaz",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 4, [L["intellect"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[2743] = {
-					"green",
-					"Regal Talasite",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 4, [L["stamina"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[2744] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Purified Nightseye",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 4, [L["spirit"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[2753] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Inscribed Noble Topaz",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 4, [L["strength"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[2754] = {
-					"red",
-					"Flashing Living Ruby",
-					{[L["parry rating"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[2756] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Glinting Nightseye",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 4, [L["hit rating"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[2758] = {
-					"green",
-					"Jagged Talasite",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 4, [L["stamina"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[2759] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Mystic Dawnstone",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[2761] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Potent Noble Topaz",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 4, [L["intellect"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[2763] = {
-					"green",
-					"Radiant Talasite",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 4, [L["spell penetration"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[2764] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Rigid Star of Elune",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[2765] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Stormy Star of Elune",
-					{[L["spell penetration"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[2827] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Destructive Skyfire Diamond",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 14, [L["spell reflect (percent)"]] = 1},
-				},
-				[2828] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Mystical Skyfire Diamond",
-					{[L["chance to increase spell haste"]] = 1},
-				},
-				[2829] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Swift Skyfire Diamond",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 12, [L["minor run speed"]] = 1},
-				},
-				[2830] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Enigmatic Skyfire Diamond",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 12, [L["snare/root duration reduction (percent)"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[2831] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Powerful Earthstorm Diamond",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 18, [L["stun duration reduction (percent)"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[2832] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Bracing Earthstorm Diamond",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 12, [L["threat reduction (percent)"]] = 2},
-				},
-				[2833] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Tenacious Earthstorm Diamond",
-					{[L["chance to restore health on hit"]] = 1, [L["dodge rating"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[2834] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Brutal Earthstorm Diamond",
-					{[L["average melee weapon damage"]] = 3, [L["chance to stun target"]] = 1, [L["maximum melee weapon damage"]] = 3},
-				},
-				[2835] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Insightful Earthstorm Diamond",
-					{[L["chance to restore mana on spellcast"]] = 1, [L["intellect"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[2947] = {
-					"prismatic",
-					"Prismatic Sphere",
-					{[L["all resistances"]] = 3},
-				},
-				[3105] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Rigid Star of Elune",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3107] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Shifting Nightseye",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 4, [L["stamina"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3109] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Glinting Nightseye",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 4, [L["hit rating"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[3111] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Veiled Nightseye",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 4, [L["intellect"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[3112] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Deadly Noble Topaz",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 4, [L["critical strike rating"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[3154] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Relentless Earthstorm Diamond",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 12, [L["critical damage (percent)"]] = 3},
-				},
-				[3155] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Thundering Skyfire Diamond",
-					{[L["chance to increase physical haste"]] = 1},
-				},
-				[3202] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Purified Shadow Pearl",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 4, [L["spirit"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[3226] = {
-					"green",
-					"Steady Talasite",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 4, [L["stamina"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3261] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Chaotic Skyfire Diamond",
-					{[L["critical damage (percent)"]] = 3, [L["critical strike rating"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3270] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Quick Dawnstone",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3271] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Reckless Noble Topaz",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 4, [L["intellect"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[3272] = {
-					"green",
-					"Forceful Talasite",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 4, [L["stamina"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3274] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Eternal Earthstorm Diamond",
-					{[L["block value (percent)"]] = 1, [L["dodge rating"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3275] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Ember Skyfire Diamond",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 12, [L["mana (percent)"]] = 2},
-				},
-				[3280] = {
-					"green",
-					"Regal Talasite",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 4, [L["stamina"]] = 6},
-				},
-			},
-			[4] = {
-				[2948] = {
-					"prismatic",
-					"Void Sphere",
-					{[L["all resistances"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[3115] = {
-					"red",
-					"Bold Crimson Spinel",
-					{[L["strength"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3116] = {
-					"red",
-					"Delicate Crimson Spinel",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3117] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Crimson Spinel",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3118] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Crimson Spinel",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3119] = {
-					"red",
-					"Delicate Crimson Spinel",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3120] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Subtle Lionseye",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3121] = {
-					"red",
-					"Flashing Crimson Spinel",
-					{[L["parry rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3122] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Solid Empyrean Sapphire",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3123] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Sparkling Empyrean Sapphire",
-					{[L["spirit"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3124] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Sparkling Empyrean Sapphire",
-					{[L["spirit"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3125] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Stormy Empyrean Sapphire",
-					{[L["spell penetration"]] = 13},
-				},
-				[3126] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Crimson Spinel",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3127] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Smooth Lionseye",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3128] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Rigid Empyrean Sapphire",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3129] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Smooth Lionseye",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3130] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Subtle Lionseye",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3131] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Mystic Lionseye",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3132] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Rigid Empyrean Sapphire",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3133] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Sovereign Shadowsong Amethyst",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 7, [L["strength"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3134] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Shifting Shadowsong Amethyst",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 5, [L["stamina"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3135] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Shifting Shadowsong Amethyst",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 5, [L["stamina"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3136] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Glinting Shadowsong Amethyst",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 5, [L["hit rating"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3137] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Timeless Shadowsong Amethyst",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 5, [L["stamina"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3138] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Purified Shadowsong Amethyst",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 5, [L["spirit"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3139] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Inscribed Pyrestone",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 5, [L["strength"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3140] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Potent Pyrestone",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 5, [L["intellect"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3141] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Reckless Pyrestone",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 5, [L["intellect"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3142] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Glinting Shadowsong Amethyst",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 5, [L["hit rating"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3143] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Veiled Shadowsong Amethyst",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 5, [L["intellect"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3144] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Deadly Pyrestone",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 5, [L["critical strike rating"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3145] = {
-					"green",
-					"Regal Seaspray Emerald",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 5, [L["stamina"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3146] = {
-					"green",
-					"Radiant Seaspray Emerald",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 5, [L["spell penetration"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3147] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Purified Shadowsong Amethyst",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 5, [L["spirit"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3148] = {
-					"green",
-					"Jagged Seaspray Emerald",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 5, [L["stamina"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3284] = {
-					"green",
-					"Steady Seaspray Emerald",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 5, [L["stamina"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3285] = {
-					"green",
-					"Forceful Seaspray Emerald",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 5, [L["stamina"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3286] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Reckless Pyrestone",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 5, [L["intellect"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3287] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Quick Lionseye",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3318] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Purified Shadowsong Amethyst",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 5, [L["spirit"]] = 5},
-				},
-			},
-			[5] = {
-				[3371] = {
-					"red",
-					"Bold Bloodstone",
-					{[L["strength"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3374] = {
-					"red",
-					"Delicate Bloodstone",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3375] = {
-					"red",
-					"Delicate Bloodstone",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3376] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Subtle Sun Crystal",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3377] = {
-					"red",
-					"Flashing Bloodstone",
-					{[L["parry rating"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3378] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Smooth Sun Crystal",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3379] = {
-					"red",
-					"Precise Bloodstone",
-					{[L["expertise rating"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3380] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Bloodstone",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3381] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Bloodstone",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3382] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Smooth Sun Crystal",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3383] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Rigid Chalcedony",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3384] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Subtle Sun Crystal",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3385] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Mystic Sun Crystal",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3386] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Quick Sun Crystal",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3387] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Solid Chalcedony",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 18},
-				},
-				[3388] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Sparkling Chalcedony",
-					{[L["spirit"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3389] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Sparkling Chalcedony",
-					{[L["spirit"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3390] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Stormy Chalcedony",
-					{[L["spell penetration"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3391] = {
-					"green",
-					"Jagged Dark Jade",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 6, [L["stamina"]] = 9},
-				},
-				[3392] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Sovereign Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 9, [L["strength"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3393] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Shifting Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 6, [L["stamina"]] = 9},
-				},
-				[3394] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Timeless Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 6, [L["stamina"]] = 9},
-				},
-				[3395] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Shifting Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 6, [L["stamina"]] = 9},
-				},
-				[3396] = {
-					"green",
-					"Regal Dark Jade",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 6, [L["stamina"]] = 9},
-				},
-				[3397] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Defender's Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["parry rating"]] = 6, [L["stamina"]] = 9},
-				},
-				[3398] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Guardian's Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["expertise rating"]] = 6, [L["stamina"]] = 9},
-				},
-				[3399] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Purified Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 6, [L["spirit"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3400] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 6, [L["hit rating"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3401] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Purified Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 6, [L["spirit"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3402] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 6, [L["hit rating"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3403] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Mysterious Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 6, [L["spell penetration"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3404] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Reckless Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 6, [L["intellect"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3405] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Inscribed Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 6, [L["strength"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3406] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 6, [L["hit rating"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3407] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Champion's Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 6, [L["strength"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3408] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Resplendent Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 6, [L["strength"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3409] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Fierce Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 6, [L["strength"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3410] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Deadly Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 6, [L["critical strike rating"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3411] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Etched Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 6, [L["strength"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3412] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Lucent Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 6, [L["resilience rating"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3413] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Deft Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 6, [L["haste rating"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3414] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Potent Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 6, [L["intellect"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3415] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Veiled Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 6, [L["intellect"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3416] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Willful Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 6, [L["resilience rating"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3417] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Reckless Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 6, [L["intellect"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3418] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Stalwart Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 6, [L["parry rating"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3419] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Stalwart Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 6, [L["parry rating"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3420] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Accurate Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["expertise rating"]] = 6, [L["hit rating"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3421] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Resolute Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 6, [L["expertise rating"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3422] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Deadly Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 6, [L["critical strike rating"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3423] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 6, [L["hit rating"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3424] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Lucent Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 6, [L["resilience rating"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3426] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Deft Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 6, [L["haste rating"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3427] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Timeless Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 6, [L["stamina"]] = 9},
-				},
-				[3428] = {
-					"green",
-					"Jagged Dark Jade",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 6, [L["stamina"]] = 9},
-				},
-				[3429] = {
-					"green",
-					"Nimble Dark Jade",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 6, [L["hit rating"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3430] = {
-					"green",
-					"Regal Dark Jade",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 6, [L["stamina"]] = 9},
-				},
-				[3431] = {
-					"green",
-					"Steady Dark Jade",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 6, [L["stamina"]] = 9},
-				},
-				[3432] = {
-					"green",
-					"Forceful Dark Jade",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 6, [L["stamina"]] = 9},
-				},
-				[3433] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Purified Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 6, [L["spirit"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3434] = {
-					"green",
-					"Misty Dark Jade",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 6, [L["spirit"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3435] = {
-					"green",
-					"Lightning Dark Jade",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 6, [L["hit rating"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3436] = {
-					"green",
-					"Turbid Dark Jade",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 6, [L["spirit"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3437] = {
-					"green",
-					"Energized Dark Jade",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 6, [L["spirit"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3438] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Purified Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 6, [L["spirit"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3439] = {
-					"green",
-					"Misty Dark Jade",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 6, [L["spirit"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3440] = {
-					"green",
-					"Lightning Dark Jade",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 6, [L["hit rating"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3441] = {
-					"green",
-					"Turbid Dark Jade",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 6, [L["spirit"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3442] = {
-					"green",
-					"Energized Dark Jade",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 6, [L["spirit"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3443] = {
-					"green",
-					"Radiant Dark Jade",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 6, [L["spell penetration"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3444] = {
-					"green",
-					"Radiant Dark Jade",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 6, [L["spell penetration"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3445] = {
-					"green",
-					"Shattered Dark Jade",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 6, [L["spell penetration"]] = 8},
-				},
-			},
-			[6] = {
-				[3446] = {
-					"red",
-					"Bold Scarlet Ruby",
-					{[L["strength"]] = 16},
-				},
-				[3447] = {
-					"red",
-					"Delicate Scarlet Ruby",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 16},
-				},
-				[3448] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Scarlet Ruby",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 16},
-				},
-				[3449] = {
-					"red",
-					"Delicate Scarlet Ruby",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 16},
-				},
-				[3450] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Subtle Autumn's Glow",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 16},
-				},
-				[3451] = {
-					"red",
-					"Flashing Scarlet Ruby",
-					{[L["parry rating"]] = 16},
-				},
-				[3452] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Smooth Autumn's Glow",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 16},
-				},
-				[3453] = {
-					"red",
-					"Precise Scarlet Ruby",
-					{[L["expertise rating"]] = 16},
-				},
-				[3454] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Solid Sky Sapphire",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 24},
-				},
-				[3455] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Sparkling Sky Sapphire",
-					{[L["spirit"]] = 16},
-				},
-				[3456] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Sparkling Sky Sapphire",
-					{[L["spirit"]] = 16},
-				},
-				[3457] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Stormy Sky Sapphire",
-					{[L["spell penetration"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[3458] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Scarlet Ruby",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 16},
-				},
-				[3459] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Smooth Autumn's Glow",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 16},
-				},
-				[3460] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Rigid Sky Sapphire",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 16},
-				},
-				[3461] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Subtle Autumn's Glow",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 16},
-				},
-				[3462] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Mystic Autumn's Glow",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 16},
-				},
-				[3463] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Quick Autumn's Glow",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 16},
-				},
-				[3464] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Sovereign Twilight Opal",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 12, [L["strength"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3465] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Shifting Twilight Opal",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 8, [L["stamina"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3466] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Timeless Twilight Opal",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 8, [L["stamina"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3467] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Shifting Twilight Opal",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 8, [L["stamina"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3468] = {
-					"green",
-					"Regal Forest Emerald",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 8, [L["stamina"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3469] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Defender's Twilight Opal",
-					{[L["parry rating"]] = 8, [L["stamina"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3470] = {
-					"green",
-					"Jagged Forest Emerald",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 8, [L["stamina"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3471] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Guardian's Twilight Opal",
-					{[L["expertise rating"]] = 8, [L["stamina"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3472] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Purified Twilight Opal",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 8, [L["spirit"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3473] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Purified Twilight Opal",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 8, [L["spirit"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3474] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Glinting Twilight Opal",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 8, [L["hit rating"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3475] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Glinting Twilight Opal",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 8, [L["hit rating"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3476] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Mysterious Twilight Opal",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 8, [L["spell penetration"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3477] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Inscribed Monarch Topaz",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 8, [L["strength"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3478] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Etched Twilight Opal",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 8, [L["strength"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3479] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Champion's Monarch Topaz",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 8, [L["strength"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3480] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Resplendent Monarch Topaz",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 8, [L["strength"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3481] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Fierce Monarch Topaz",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 8, [L["strength"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3482] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Deadly Monarch Topaz",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 8, [L["critical strike rating"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3483] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Glinting Twilight Opal",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 8, [L["hit rating"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3484] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Lucent Monarch Topaz",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 8, [L["resilience rating"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3485] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Deft Monarch Topaz",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 8, [L["haste rating"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3486] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Reckless Monarch Topaz",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 8, [L["intellect"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3487] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Potent Monarch Topaz",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 8, [L["intellect"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3488] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Veiled Twilight Opal",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 8, [L["intellect"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3489] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Willful Monarch Topaz",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 8, [L["resilience rating"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3490] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Reckless Monarch Topaz",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 8, [L["intellect"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3491] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Deadly Monarch Topaz",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 8, [L["critical strike rating"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3492] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Glinting Twilight Opal",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 8, [L["hit rating"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3493] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Lucent Monarch Topaz",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 8, [L["resilience rating"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3494] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Deft Monarch Topaz",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 8, [L["haste rating"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3495] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Stalwart Monarch Topaz",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 8, [L["parry rating"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3496] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Stalwart Monarch Topaz",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 8, [L["parry rating"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3497] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Accurate Twilight Opal",
-					{[L["expertise rating"]] = 8, [L["hit rating"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3498] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Resolute Monarch Topaz",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 8, [L["expertise rating"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3499] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Timeless Twilight Opal",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 8, [L["stamina"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3500] = {
-					"green",
-					"Jagged Forest Emerald",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 8, [L["stamina"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3501] = {
-					"green",
-					"Nimble Forest Emerald",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 8, [L["hit rating"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3502] = {
-					"green",
-					"Regal Forest Emerald",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 8, [L["stamina"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3503] = {
-					"green",
-					"Steady Forest Emerald",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 8, [L["stamina"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3504] = {
-					"green",
-					"Forceful Forest Emerald",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 8, [L["stamina"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3505] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Purified Twilight Opal",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 8, [L["spirit"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3506] = {
-					"green",
-					"Misty Forest Emerald",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 8, [L["spirit"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3507] = {
-					"green",
-					"Lightning Forest Emerald",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 8, [L["hit rating"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3508] = {
-					"green",
-					"Turbid Forest Emerald",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 8, [L["spirit"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3509] = {
-					"green",
-					"Energized Forest Emerald",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 8, [L["spirit"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3510] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Purified Twilight Opal",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 8, [L["spirit"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3511] = {
-					"green",
-					"Misty Forest Emerald",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 8, [L["spirit"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3512] = {
-					"green",
-					"Lightning Forest Emerald",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 8, [L["hit rating"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3513] = {
-					"green",
-					"Turbid Forest Emerald",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 8, [L["spirit"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3514] = {
-					"green",
-					"Energized Forest Emerald",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 8, [L["spirit"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3515] = {
-					"green",
-					"Radiant Forest Emerald",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 8, [L["spell penetration"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3516] = {
-					"green",
-					"Radiant Forest Emerald",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 8, [L["spell penetration"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3517] = {
-					"green",
-					"Shattered Forest Emerald",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 8, [L["spell penetration"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3621] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Chaotic Skyflare Diamond",
-					{[L["critical damage (percent)"]] = 3, [L["critical strike rating"]] = 21},
-				},
-				[3622] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Destructive Skyflare Diamond",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 25, [L["spell reflect (percent)"]] = 1},
-				},
-				[3623] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Ember Skyflare Diamond",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 21, [L["mana (percent)"]] = 2},
-				},
-				[3624] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Enigmatic Skyflare Diamond",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 21, [L["snare/root duration reduction (percent)"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3625] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Swift Skyflare Diamond",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 21, [L["minor run speed"]] = 1},
-				},
-				[3626] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Bracing Earthsiege Diamond",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 21, [L["threat reduction (percent)"]] = 2},
-				},
-				[3627] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Insightful Earthsiege Diamond",
-					{[L["chance to restore mana on spellcast"]] = 1, [L["intellect"]] = 21},
-				},
-				[3628] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Relentless Earthsiege Diamond",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 21, [L["critical damage (percent)"]] = 3},
-				},
-				[3631] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Eternal Earthsiege Diamond",
-					{[L["block value (percent)"]] = 1, [L["dodge rating"]] = 21},
-				},
-				[3632] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Tireless Skyflare Diamond",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 21, [L["minor run speed"]] = 1},
-				},
-				[3633] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Revitalizing Skyflare Diamond",
-					{[L["critical healing (percent)"]] = 3, [L["spirit"]] = 22},
-				},
-				[3634] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Shielded Skyflare Diamond",
-					{[L["spell damage taken reduction (percent)"]] = 2, [L["stamina"]] = 32},
-				},
-				[3635] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Forlorn Skyflare Diamond",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 21, [L["silence duration reduction (percent)"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3636] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Impassive Skyflare Diamond",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 21, [L["fear duration reduction (percent)"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3637] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Austere Earthsiege Diamond",
-					{[L["armor from items (percent)"]] = 2, [L["stamina"]] = 32},
-				},
-				[3638] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Persistent Earthsiege Diamond",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 21, [L["stun duration reduction (percent)"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3639] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Trenchant Earthsiege Diamond",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 21, [L["stun duration reduction (percent)"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3640] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Invigorating Earthsiege Diamond",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 21, [L["sometimes heal on your crits"]] = 1},
-				},
-				[3641] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Beaming Earthsiege Diamond",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 21, [L["mana (percent)"]] = 2},
-				},
-				[3642] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Powerful Earthsiege Diamond",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 32, [L["stun duration reduction (percent)"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3643] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Thundering Skyflare Diamond",
-					{[L["chance to increase physical haste"]] = 1},
-				},
-			},
-			[7] = {
-				[3518] = {
-					"red",
-					"Bold Cardinal Ruby",
-					{[L["strength"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[3519] = {
-					"red",
-					"Delicate Cardinal Ruby",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[3520] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Cardinal Ruby",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[3521] = {
-					"red",
-					"Delicate Cardinal Ruby",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[3522] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Subtle King's Amber",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[3523] = {
-					"red",
-					"Flashing Cardinal Ruby",
-					{[L["parry rating"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[3524] = {
-					"red",
-					"Precise Cardinal Ruby",
-					{[L["expertise rating"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[3525] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Smooth King's Amber",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[3526] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Cardinal Ruby",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[3527] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Smooth King's Amber",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[3528] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Rigid Majestic Zircon",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[3529] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Subtle King's Amber",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[3530] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Mystic King's Amber",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[3531] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Quick King's Amber",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[3532] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Solid Majestic Zircon",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 30},
-				},
-				[3533] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Sparkling Majestic Zircon",
-					{[L["spirit"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[3534] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Sparkling Majestic Zircon",
-					{[L["spirit"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[3535] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Stormy Majestic Zircon",
-					{[L["spell penetration"]] = 25},
-				},
-				[3536] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Sovereign Dreadstone",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 15, [L["strength"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3537] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Shifting Dreadstone",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 10, [L["stamina"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3538] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Timeless Dreadstone",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 10, [L["stamina"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3539] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Shifting Dreadstone",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 10, [L["stamina"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3540] = {
-					"green",
-					"Regal Eye of Zul",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 10, [L["stamina"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3541] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Defender's Dreadstone",
-					{[L["parry rating"]] = 10, [L["stamina"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3542] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Guardian's Dreadstone",
-					{[L["expertise rating"]] = 10, [L["stamina"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3543] = {
-					"green",
-					"Jagged Eye of Zul",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 10, [L["stamina"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3544] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Glinting Dreadstone",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 10, [L["hit rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3545] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Purified Dreadstone",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 10, [L["spirit"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3546] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Purified Dreadstone",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 10, [L["spirit"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3547] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Glinting Dreadstone",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 10, [L["hit rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3548] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Mysterious Dreadstone",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 10, [L["spell penetration"]] = 13},
-				},
-				[3549] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Inscribed Ametrine",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 10, [L["strength"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3550] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Etched Dreadstone",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 10, [L["strength"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3551] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Champion's Ametrine",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 10, [L["strength"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3552] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Resplendent Ametrine",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 10, [L["strength"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3553] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Fierce Ametrine",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 10, [L["strength"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3554] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Deadly Ametrine",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 10, [L["critical strike rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3555] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Glinting Dreadstone",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 10, [L["hit rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3556] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Lucent Ametrine",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 10, [L["resilience rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3557] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Deft Ametrine",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 10, [L["haste rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3558] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Purified Dreadstone",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 10, [L["spirit"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3559] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Potent Ametrine",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 10, [L["intellect"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3560] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Veiled Dreadstone",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 10, [L["intellect"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3561] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Willful Ametrine",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 10, [L["resilience rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3563] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Reckless Ametrine",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 10, [L["intellect"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3564] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Deadly Ametrine",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 10, [L["critical strike rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3565] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Glinting Dreadstone",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 10, [L["hit rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3566] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Lucent Ametrine",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 10, [L["resilience rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3567] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Deft Ametrine",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 10, [L["haste rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3568] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Stalwart Ametrine",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 10, [L["parry rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3569] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Stalwart Ametrine",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 10, [L["parry rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3570] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Accurate Dreadstone",
-					{[L["expertise rating"]] = 10, [L["hit rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3571] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Resolute Ametrine",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 10, [L["expertise rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3572] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Timeless Dreadstone",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 10, [L["stamina"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3573] = {
-					"green",
-					"Jagged Eye of Zul",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 10, [L["stamina"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3574] = {
-					"green",
-					"Nimble Eye of Zul",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 10, [L["hit rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3575] = {
-					"green",
-					"Regal Eye of Zul",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 10, [L["stamina"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3576] = {
-					"green",
-					"Steady Eye of Zul",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 10, [L["stamina"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3577] = {
-					"green",
-					"Forceful Eye of Zul",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 10, [L["stamina"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3578] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Purified Dreadstone",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 10, [L["spirit"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3579] = {
-					"green",
-					"Misty Eye of Zul",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 10, [L["spirit"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3580] = {
-					"green",
-					"Lightning Eye of Zul",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 10, [L["hit rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3581] = {
-					"green",
-					"Turbid Eye of Zul",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 10, [L["spirit"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3582] = {
-					"green",
-					"Energized Eye of Zul",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 10, [L["spirit"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3583] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Purified Dreadstone",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 10, [L["spirit"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3584] = {
-					"green",
-					"Misty Eye of Zul",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 10, [L["spirit"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3585] = {
-					"green",
-					"Lightning Eye of Zul",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 10, [L["hit rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3586] = {
-					"green",
-					"Turbid Eye of Zul",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 10, [L["spirit"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3587] = {
-					"green",
-					"Energized Eye of Zul",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 10, [L["spirit"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3588] = {
-					"green",
-					"Radiant Eye of Zul",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 10, [L["spell penetration"]] = 13},
-				},
-				[3589] = {
-					"green",
-					"Radiant Eye of Zul",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 10, [L["spell penetration"]] = 13},
-				},
-				[3590] = {
-					"green",
-					"Shattered Eye of Zul",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 10, [L["spell penetration"]] = 13},
-				},
-			},
-			[8] = {
-				[3885] = {
-					"green",
-					"Zen Jasper",
-					{[L["mastery rating"]] = 15, [L["spirit"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3886] = {
-					"green",
-					"Sensei's Jasper",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 15, [L["mastery rating"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3889] = {
-					"red",
-					"Bold Carnelian",
-					{[L["strength"]] = 30},
-				},
-				[3890] = {
-					"red",
-					"Delicate Carnelian",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 30},
-				},
-				[3891] = {
-					"red",
-					"Flashing Carnelian",
-					{[L["parry rating"]] = 30},
-				},
-				[3892] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Carnelian",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 30},
-				},
-				[3893] = {
-					"red",
-					"Precise Carnelian",
-					{[L["expertise rating"]] = 30},
-				},
-				[3894] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Solid Zephyrite",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 45},
-				},
-				[3895] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Sparkling Zephyrite",
-					{[L["spirit"]] = 30},
-				},
-				[3896] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Stormy Zephyrite",
-					{[L["spell penetration"]] = 38},
-				},
-				[3897] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Rigid Zephyrite",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 30},
-				},
-				[3898] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Subtle Alicite",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 30},
-				},
-				[3899] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Mystic Alicite",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 30},
-				},
-				[3900] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Quick Alicite",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 30},
-				},
-				[3901] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Fractured Alicite",
-					{[L["mastery rating"]] = 30},
-				},
-				[3902] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Sovereign Nightstone",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 23, [L["strength"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3903] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Defender's Nightstone",
-					{[L["parry rating"]] = 15, [L["stamina"]] = 23},
-				},
-				[3904] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Shifting Nightstone",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 15, [L["stamina"]] = 23},
-				},
-				[3905] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Timeless Nightstone",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 15, [L["stamina"]] = 23},
-				},
-				[3906] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Guardian's Nightstone",
-					{[L["expertise rating"]] = 15, [L["stamina"]] = 23},
-				},
-				[3907] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Purified Nightstone",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 15, [L["spirit"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3908] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Etched Nightstone",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 15, [L["strength"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3909] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Glinting Nightstone",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 15, [L["hit rating"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3910] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Retaliating Nightstone",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 15, [L["parry rating"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3911] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Veiled Nightstone",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 15, [L["intellect"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3912] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Accurate Nightstone",
-					{[L["expertise rating"]] = 15, [L["hit rating"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3913] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Polished Hessonite",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 15, [L["dodge rating"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3914] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Resolute Hessonite",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 15, [L["expertise rating"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3915] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Inscribed Hessonite",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 15, [L["strength"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3916] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Deadly Hessonite",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 15, [L["critical strike rating"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3917] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Potent Hessonite",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 15, [L["intellect"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3918] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Fierce Hessonite",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 15, [L["strength"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3919] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Deft Hessonite",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 15, [L["haste rating"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3920] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Reckless Hessonite",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 15, [L["intellect"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3921] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Skillful Hessonite",
-					{[L["mastery rating"]] = 15, [L["strength"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3922] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Adept Hessonite",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 15, [L["mastery rating"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3923] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Fine Hessonite",
-					{[L["mastery rating"]] = 15, [L["parry rating"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3924] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Artful Hessonite",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 15, [L["mastery rating"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3925] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Keen Hessonite",
-					{[L["expertise rating"]] = 15, [L["mastery rating"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3926] = {
-					"green",
-					"Regal Jasper",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 15, [L["stamina"]] = 23},
-				},
-				[3927] = {
-					"green",
-					"Nimble Jasper",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 15, [L["hit rating"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3928] = {
-					"green",
-					"Jagged Jasper",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 15, [L["stamina"]] = 23},
-				},
-				[3929] = {
-					"green",
-					"Piercing Jasper",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 15, [L["hit rating"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3930] = {
-					"green",
-					"Steady Jasper",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 15, [L["stamina"]] = 23},
-				},
-				[3931] = {
-					"green",
-					"Forceful Jasper",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 15, [L["stamina"]] = 23},
-				},
-				[3932] = {
-					"green",
-					"Lightning Jasper",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 15, [L["hit rating"]] = 15},
-				},
-				[3933] = {
-					"green",
-					"Puissant Jasper",
-					{[L["mastery rating"]] = 15, [L["stamina"]] = 23},
-				},
-				[3936] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Smooth Alicite",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 30},
-				},
-			},
-			[9] = {
-				[3983] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Accurate Demonseye",
-					{[L["expertise rating"]] = 20, [L["hit rating"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[3984] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Defender's Demonseye",
-					{[L["parry rating"]] = 20, [L["stamina"]] = 30},
-				},
-				[3985] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Etched Demonseye",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 20, [L["strength"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[3986] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Veiled Demonseye",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 20, [L["intellect"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[3987] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Glinting Demonseye",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 20, [L["hit rating"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[3988] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Guardian's Demonseye",
-					{[L["expertise rating"]] = 20, [L["stamina"]] = 30},
-				},
-				[3989] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Retaliating Demonseye",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 20, [L["parry rating"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[3990] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Purified Demonseye",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 20, [L["spirit"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[3991] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Shifting Demonseye",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 20, [L["stamina"]] = 30},
-				},
-				[3992] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Sovereign Demonseye",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 30, [L["strength"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[3993] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Timeless Demonseye",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 20, [L["stamina"]] = 30},
-				},
-				[3994] = {
-					"red",
-					"Bold Inferno Ruby",
-					{[L["strength"]] = 40},
-				},
-				[3995] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Inferno Ruby",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 40},
-				},
-				[3996] = {
-					"red",
-					"Delicate Inferno Ruby",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 40},
-				},
-				[3997] = {
-					"red",
-					"Flashing Inferno Ruby",
-					{[L["parry rating"]] = 40},
-				},
-				[3998] = {
-					"red",
-					"Precise Inferno Ruby",
-					{[L["expertise rating"]] = 40},
-				},
-				[3999] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Fractured Amberjewel",
-					{[L["mastery rating"]] = 40},
-				},
-				[4000] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Mystic Amberjewel",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 40},
-				},
-				[4001] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Quick Amberjewel",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 40},
-				},
-				[4002] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Smooth Amberjewel",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 40},
-				},
-				[4003] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Subtle Amberjewel",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 40},
-				},
-				[4004] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Rigid Ocean Sapphire",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 40},
-				},
-				[4005] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Solid Ocean Sapphire",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 60},
-				},
-				[4006] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Sparkling Ocean Sapphire",
-					{[L["spirit"]] = 40},
-				},
-				[4007] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Stormy Ocean Sapphire",
-					{[L["spell penetration"]] = 50},
-				},
-				[4008] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Adept Ember Topaz",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 20, [L["mastery rating"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[4009] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Artful Ember Topaz",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 20, [L["mastery rating"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[4010] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Reckless Ember Topaz",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 20, [L["intellect"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[4011] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Deadly Ember Topaz",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 20, [L["critical strike rating"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[4012] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Deft Ember Topaz",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 20, [L["haste rating"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[4013] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Fierce Ember Topaz",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 20, [L["strength"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[4014] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Fine Ember Topaz",
-					{[L["mastery rating"]] = 20, [L["parry rating"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[4015] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Inscribed Ember Topaz",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 20, [L["strength"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[4016] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Keen Ember Topaz",
-					{[L["expertise rating"]] = 20, [L["mastery rating"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[4017] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Polished Ember Topaz",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 20, [L["dodge rating"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[4018] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Potent Ember Topaz",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 20, [L["intellect"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[4019] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Skillful Ember Topaz",
-					{[L["mastery rating"]] = 20, [L["strength"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[4020] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Resolute Ember Topaz",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 20, [L["expertise rating"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[4021] = {
-					"green",
-					"Forceful Dream Emerald",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 20, [L["stamina"]] = 30},
-				},
-				[4022] = {
-					"green",
-					"Jagged Dream Emerald",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 20, [L["stamina"]] = 30},
-				},
-				[4023] = {
-					"green",
-					"Lightning Dream Emerald",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 20, [L["hit rating"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[4024] = {
-					"green",
-					"Nimble Dream Emerald",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 20, [L["hit rating"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[4025] = {
-					"green",
-					"Piercing Dream Emerald",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 20, [L["hit rating"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[4026] = {
-					"green",
-					"Puissant Dream Emerald",
-					{[L["mastery rating"]] = 20, [L["stamina"]] = 30},
-				},
-				[4027] = {
-					"green",
-					"Regal Dream Emerald",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 20, [L["stamina"]] = 30},
-				},
-				[4028] = {
-					"green",
-					"Sensei's Dream Emerald",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 20, [L["mastery rating"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[4029] = {
-					"green",
-					"Steady Dream Emerald",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 20, [L["stamina"]] = 30},
-				},
-				[4030] = {
-					"green",
-					"Zen Dream Emerald",
-					{[L["mastery rating"]] = 20, [L["spirit"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[4045] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Fleet Shadowspirit Diamond",
-					{[L["mastery rating"]] = 54, [L["minor run speed"]] = 1},
-				},
-				[4046] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Chaotic Shadowspirit Diamond",
-					{[L["critical damage (percent)"]] = 3, [L["critical strike rating"]] = 54},
-				},
-				[4047] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Bracing Shadowspirit Diamond",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 54, [L["threat reduction (percent)"]] = 2},
-				},
-				[4048] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Eternal Shadowspirit Diamond",
-					{[L["block value (percent)"]] = 1, [L["stamina"]] = 81},
-				},
-				[4049] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Austere Shadowspirit Diamond",
-					{[L["armor from items (percent)"]] = 2, [L["stamina"]] = 81},
-				},
-				[4050] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Effulgent Shadowspirit Diamond",
-					{[L["spell damage taken reduction (percent)"]] = 2, [L["stamina"]] = 81},
-				},
-				[4051] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Ember Shadowspirit Diamond",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 54, [L["mana (percent)"]] = 2},
-				},
-				[4052] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Revitalizing Shadowspirit Diamond",
-					{[L["critical healing (percent)"]] = 3, [L["spirit"]] = 54},
-				},
-				[4053] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Destructive Shadowspirit Diamond",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 54, [L["spell reflect (percent)"]] = 1},
-				},
-				[4054] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Powerful Shadowspirit Diamond",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 81, [L["stun duration reduction (percent)"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[4055] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Enigmatic Shadowspirit Diamond",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 54, [L["snare/root duration reduction (percent)"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[4056] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Impassive Shadowspirit Diamond",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 54, [L["fear duration reduction (percent)"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[4057] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Forlorn Shadowspirit Diamond",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 54, [L["silence duration reduction (percent)"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[4236] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Willful Ember Topaz",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 20, [L["resilience rating"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[4237] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Lucent Ember Topaz",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 20, [L["resilience rating"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[4238] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Resplendent Ember Topaz",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 20, [L["strength"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[4244] = {
-					"green",
-					"Vivid Dream Emerald",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 20, [L["spell penetration"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[4251] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Agile Shadowspirit Diamond",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 54, [L["critical damage (percent)"]] = 3},
-				},
-				[4252] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Reverberating Shadowspirit Diamond",
-					{[L["critical damage (percent)"]] = 3, [L["strength"]] = 54},
-				},
-				[4253] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Burning Shadowspirit Diamond",
-					{[L["critical damage (percent)"]] = 3, [L["intellect"]] = 54},
-				},
-			},
-		},
-		["Unique-Equipped"] = {
-			[5] = {
-				[3749] = {
-					"prismatic",
-					"Enchanted Pearl",
-					{[L["all stats"]] = 4},
-				},
-			},
-			[6] = {
-				[3750] = {
-					"prismatic",
-					"Enchanted Tear",
-					{[L["all stats"]] = 6},
-				},
-			},
-			[7] = {
-				[3879] = {
-					"prismatic",
-					"Nightmare Tear",
-					{[L["all stats"]] = 10},
-				},
-			},
-		},
-		["Jewelcrafter-Only"] = {
-			[4] = {
-				[3208] = {
-					"red",
-					"Crimson Sun",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3210] = {
-					"red",
-					"Don Julio's Heart",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3211] = {
-					"red",
-					"Kailee's Rose",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3212] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Falling Star",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 18},
-				},
-				[3217] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Blood of Amber",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3220] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Stone of Blades",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3221] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Facet of Eternity",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 12},
-				},
-			},
-			[7] = {
-				[3292] = {
-					"red",
-					"Delicate Dragon's Eye",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 34},
-				},
-				[3293] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Solid Dragon's Eye",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 51},
-				},
-				[3732] = {
-					"red",
-					"Bold Dragon's Eye",
-					{[L["strength"]] = 34},
-				},
-				[3733] = {
-					"red",
-					"Delicate Dragon's Eye",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 34},
-				},
-				[3734] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Dragon's Eye",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 34},
-				},
-				[3735] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Sparkling Dragon's Eye",
-					{[L["spirit"]] = 34},
-				},
-				[3736] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Sparkling Dragon's Eye",
-					{[L["spirit"]] = 34},
-				},
-				[3737] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Dragon's Eye",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 34},
-				},
-				[3738] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Smooth Dragon's Eye",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 34},
-				},
-				[3739] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Quick Dragon's Eye",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 34},
-				},
-				[3740] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Subtle Dragon's Eye",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 34},
-				},
-				[3741] = {
-					"red",
-					"Flashing Dragon's Eye",
-					{[L["parry rating"]] = 34},
-				},
-				[3742] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Rigid Dragon's Eye",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 34},
-				},
-				[3743] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Subtle Dragon's Eye",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 34},
-				},
-				[3744] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Mystic Dragon's Eye",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 34},
-				},
-				[3745] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Smooth Dragon's Eye",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 34},
-				},
-				[3746] = {
-					"red",
-					"Precise Dragon's Eye",
-					{[L["expertise rating"]] = 34},
-				},
-				[3747] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Stormy Dragon's Eye",
-					{[L["spell penetration"]] = 43},
-				},
-			},
-			[10] = {
-				[4031] = {
-					"red",
-					"Bold Chimera's Eye",
-					{[L["strength"]] = 67},
-				},
-				[4032] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Chimera's Eye",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 67},
-				},
-				[4033] = {
-					"red",
-					"Delicate Chimera's Eye",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 67},
-				},
-				[4034] = {
-					"red",
-					"Flashing Chimera's Eye",
-					{[L["parry rating"]] = 67},
-				},
-				[4035] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Fractured Chimera's Eye",
-					{[L["mastery rating"]] = 67},
-				},
-				[4036] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Mystic Chimera's Eye",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 67},
-				},
-				[4037] = {
-					"red",
-					"Precise Chimera's Eye",
-					{[L["expertise rating"]] = 67},
-				},
-				[4038] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Quick Chimera's Eye",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 67},
-				},
-				[4039] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Rigid Chimera's Eye",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 67},
-				},
-				[4040] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Smooth Chimera's Eye",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 67},
-				},
-				[4041] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Solid Chimera's Eye",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 101},
-				},
-				[4042] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Sparkling Chimera's Eye",
-					{[L["spirit"]] = 67},
-				},
-				[4043] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Stormy Chimera's Eye",
-					{[L["spell penetration"]] = 84},
-				},
-				[4044] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Subtle Chimera's Eye",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 67},
-				},
-			},
-		},
-	},
-	["Procced"] = {
-		["Normal"] = {
-			[5] = {
-				[3644] = {
-					"red",
-					"Perfect Delicate Bloodstone",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 14},
-				},
-				[3646] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Perfect Subtle Sun Crystal",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 14},
-				},
-				[3647] = {
-					"red",
-					"Perfect Precise Bloodstone",
-					{[L["expertise rating"]] = 14},
-				},
-				[3648] = {
-					"red",
-					"Perfect Flashing Bloodstone",
-					{[L["parry rating"]] = 14},
-				},
-				[3649] = {
-					"red",
-					"Perfect Bold Bloodstone",
-					{[L["strength"]] = 14},
-				},
-				[3650] = {
-					"red",
-					"Perfect Brilliant Bloodstone",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 14},
-				},
-				[3651] = {
-					"red",
-					"Perfect Delicate Bloodstone",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 14},
-				},
-				[3652] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Perfect Smooth Sun Crystal",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 14},
-				},
-				[3653] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Perfect Sparkling Chalcedony",
-					{[L["spirit"]] = 14},
-				},
-				[3654] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Perfect Sparkling Chalcedony",
-					{[L["spirit"]] = 14},
-				},
-				[3655] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Perfect Solid Chalcedony",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 21},
-				},
-				[3656] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Perfect Stormy Chalcedony",
-					{[L["spell penetration"]] = 18},
-				},
-				[3657] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Perfect Smooth Sun Crystal",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 14},
-				},
-				[3658] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Perfect Subtle Sun Crystal",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 14},
-				},
-				[3659] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Perfect Quick Sun Crystal",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 14},
-				},
-				[3660] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Perfect Rigid Chalcedony",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 14},
-				},
-				[3661] = {
-					"red",
-					"Perfect Brilliant Bloodstone",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 14},
-				},
-				[3662] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Perfect Mystic Sun Crystal",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 14},
-				},
-				[3663] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 7, [L["hit rating"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3664] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Shifting Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 7, [L["stamina"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3665] = {
-					"green",
-					"Perfect Jagged Dark Jade",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 7, [L["stamina"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3666] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 7, [L["hit rating"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3667] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Shifting Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 7, [L["stamina"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3668] = {
-					"green",
-					"Perfect Regal Dark Jade",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 7, [L["stamina"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3669] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Guardian's Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["expertise rating"]] = 7, [L["stamina"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3670] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Defender's Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["parry rating"]] = 7, [L["stamina"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3671] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Sovereign Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 10, [L["strength"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3672] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Purified Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 7, [L["spirit"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3673] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Purified Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 7, [L["spirit"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3674] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Mysterious Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 7, [L["spell penetration"]] = 9},
-				},
-				[3675] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Timeless Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 7, [L["stamina"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3677] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Perfect Deft Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 7, [L["haste rating"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3678] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Perfect Deft Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 7, [L["haste rating"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3679] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 7, [L["hit rating"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3680] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Perfect Lucent Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 7, [L["resilience rating"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3681] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Perfect Inscribed Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 7, [L["strength"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3682] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Etched Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 7, [L["strength"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3683] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Perfect Champion's Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 7, [L["strength"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3684] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Perfect Resplendent Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 7, [L["strength"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3685] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Perfect Fierce Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 7, [L["strength"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3686] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Perfect Deadly Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 7, [L["critical strike rating"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3687] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 7, [L["hit rating"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3688] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Perfect Lucent Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 7, [L["resilience rating"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3689] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Purified Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 7, [L["spirit"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3690] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Perfect Potent Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 7, [L["intellect"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3691] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Veiled Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 7, [L["intellect"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3692] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Perfect Willful Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 7, [L["resilience rating"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3693] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Perfect Reckless Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 7, [L["intellect"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3694] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Perfect Stalwart Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 7, [L["parry rating"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3695] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Perfect Stalwart Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 7, [L["parry rating"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3696] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Accurate Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["expertise rating"]] = 7, [L["hit rating"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3697] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Perfect Resolute Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 7, [L["expertise rating"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3698] = {
-					"green",
-					"Perfect Misty Dark Jade",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 7, [L["spirit"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3699] = {
-					"green",
-					"Perfect Jagged Dark Jade",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 7, [L["stamina"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3700] = {
-					"green",
-					"Perfect Regal Dark Jade",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 7, [L["stamina"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3701] = {
-					"green",
-					"Perfect Energized Dark Jade",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 7, [L["spirit"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3702] = {
-					"green",
-					"Perfect Forceful Dark Jade",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 7, [L["stamina"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3703] = {
-					"green",
-					"Perfect Lightning Dark Jade",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 7, [L["hit rating"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3704] = {
-					"green",
-					"Perfect Nimble Dark Jade",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 7, [L["hit rating"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3705] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Purified Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 7, [L["spirit"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3706] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Timeless Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 7, [L["stamina"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3707] = {
-					"green",
-					"Perfect Turbid Dark Jade",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 7, [L["spirit"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3708] = {
-					"green",
-					"Perfect Steady Dark Jade",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 7, [L["stamina"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3709] = {
-					"green",
-					"Perfect Radiant Dark Jade",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 7, [L["spell penetration"]] = 9},
-				},
-				[3710] = {
-					"green",
-					"Perfect Misty Dark Jade",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 7, [L["spirit"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3711] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Purified Shadow Crystal",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 7, [L["spirit"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3712] = {
-					"green",
-					"Perfect Lightning Dark Jade",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 7, [L["hit rating"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3713] = {
-					"green",
-					"Perfect Turbid Dark Jade",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 7, [L["spirit"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3714] = {
-					"green",
-					"Perfect Energized Dark Jade",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 7, [L["spirit"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[3715] = {
-					"green",
-					"Perfect Radiant Dark Jade",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 7, [L["spell penetration"]] = 9},
-				},
-				[3716] = {
-					"green",
-					"Perfect Shattered Dark Jade",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 7, [L["spell penetration"]] = 9},
-				},
-				[3767] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Perfect Deadly Huge Citrine",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 7, [L["critical strike rating"]] = 7},
-				},
-			},
-			[8] = {
-				[3887] = {
-					"green",
-					"Perfect Zen Jasper",
-					{[L["mastery rating"]] = 18, [L["spirit"]] = 17},
-				},
-				[3888] = {
-					"green",
-					"Perfect Sensei's Jasper",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 17, [L["mastery rating"]] = 18},
-				},
-				[3937] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Etched Nightstone",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 17, [L["strength"]] = 18},
-				},
-				[3938] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Purified Nightstone",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 18, [L["spirit"]] = 17},
-				},
-				[3939] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Guardian's Nightstone",
-					{[L["expertise rating"]] = 18, [L["stamina"]] = 26},
-				},
-				[3940] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Timeless Nightstone",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 18, [L["stamina"]] = 26},
-				},
-				[3941] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Defender's Nightstone",
-					{[L["parry rating"]] = 18, [L["stamina"]] = 26},
-				},
-				[3942] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Shifting Nightstone",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 18, [L["stamina"]] = 23},
-				},
-				[3943] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Sovereign Nightstone",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 26, [L["strength"]] = 18},
-				},
-				[3944] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Perfect Fractured Alicite",
-					{[L["mastery rating"]] = 35},
-				},
-				[3945] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Perfect Quick Alicite",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 35},
-				},
-				[3946] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Perfect Mystic Alicite",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 35},
-				},
-				[3947] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Perfect Smooth Alicite",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 35},
-				},
-				[3948] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Perfect Subtle Alicite",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 35},
-				},
-				[3949] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Perfect Rigid Zephyrite",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 35},
-				},
-				[3950] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Perfect Stormy Zephyrite",
-					{[L["spell penetration"]] = 44},
-				},
-				[3951] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Perfect Sparkling Zephyrite",
-					{[L["spirit"]] = 35},
-				},
-				[3952] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Perfect Solid Zephyrite",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 53},
-				},
-				[3953] = {
-					"red",
-					"Perfect Precise Carnelian",
-					{[L["expertise rating"]] = 35},
-				},
-				[3954] = {
-					"red",
-					"Perfect Brilliant Carnelian",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 35},
-				},
-				[3955] = {
-					"red",
-					"Perfect Flashing Carnelian",
-					{[L["parry rating"]] = 35},
-				},
-				[3956] = {
-					"red",
-					"Perfect Delicate Carnelian",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 35},
-				},
-				[3957] = {
-					"red",
-					"Perfect Bold Carnelian",
-					{[L["strength"]] = 35},
-				},
-				[3958] = {
-					"green",
-					"Perfect Puissant Jasper",
-					{[L["mastery rating"]] = 18, [L["stamina"]] = 26},
-				},
-				[3959] = {
-					"green",
-					"Perfect Lightning Jasper",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 18, [L["hit rating"]] = 17},
-				},
-				[3960] = {
-					"green",
-					"Perfect Forceful Jasper",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 18, [L["stamina"]] = 26},
-				},
-				[3961] = {
-					"green",
-					"Perfect Steady Jasper",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 18, [L["stamina"]] = 26},
-				},
-				[3962] = {
-					"green",
-					"Perfect Piercing Jasper",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 18, [L["hit rating"]] = 17},
-				},
-				[3963] = {
-					"green",
-					"Perfect Jagged Jasper",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 18, [L["stamina"]] = 26},
-				},
-				[3964] = {
-					"green",
-					"Perfect Nimble Jasper",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 18, [L["hit rating"]] = 17},
-				},
-				[3965] = {
-					"green",
-					"Perfect Regal Jasper",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 18, [L["stamina"]] = 26},
-				},
-				[3966] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Perfect Keen Hessonite",
-					{[L["expertise rating"]] = 18, [L["mastery rating"]] = 17},
-				},
-				[3967] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Perfect Artful Hessonite",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 18, [L["mastery rating"]] = 17},
-				},
-				[3968] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Perfect Fine Hessonite",
-					{[L["mastery rating"]] = 17, [L["parry rating"]] = 18},
-				},
-				[3969] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Perfect Adept Hessonite",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 18, [L["mastery rating"]] = 17},
-				},
-				[3970] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Perfect Skillful Hessonite",
-					{[L["mastery rating"]] = 17, [L["strength"]] = 18},
-				},
-				[3971] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Perfect Reckless Hessonite",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 17, [L["intellect"]] = 18},
-				},
-				[3972] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Perfect Deft Hessonite",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 18, [L["haste rating"]] = 17},
-				},
-				[3973] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Perfect Fierce Hessonite",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 17, [L["strength"]] = 18},
-				},
-				[3974] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Perfect Potent Hessonite",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 17, [L["intellect"]] = 18},
-				},
-				[3975] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Perfect Deadly Hessonite",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 18, [L["critical strike rating"]] = 17},
-				},
-				[3976] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Perfect Inscribed Hessonite",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 17, [L["strength"]] = 18},
-				},
-				[3977] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Perfect Resolute Hessonite",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 17, [L["expertise rating"]] = 18},
-				},
-				[3978] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Perfect Polished Hessonite",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 18, [L["dodge rating"]] = 17},
-				},
-				[3979] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Accurate Nightstone",
-					{[L["expertise rating"]] = 18, [L["hit rating"]] = 17},
-				},
-				[3980] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Veiled Nightstone",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 17, [L["intellect"]] = 18},
-				},
-				[3981] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Retaliating Nightstone",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 17, [L["parry rating"]] = 18},
-				},
-				[3982] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Perfect Glinting Nightstone",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 18, [L["hit rating"]] = 17},
-				},
-			},
-		},
-	},
-	["PVP-Vendor"] = {
-		["Normal"] = {
-			[4] = {
-				[2912] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Ornate Ruby",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[2913] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Smooth Ornate Dawnstone",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[2914] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Smooth Ornate Dawnstone",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[2916] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Potent Ornate Topaz",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 5, [L["intellect"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[2945] = {
-					"red",
-					"Delicate Ornate Ruby",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[2946] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Deadly Ornate Topaz",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 5, [L["critical strike rating"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3335] = {
-					"red",
-					"Delicate Ornate Ruby",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3336] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Smooth Ornate Dawnstone",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3337] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Deadly Ornate Topaz",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 5, [L["critical strike rating"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3338] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Potent Ornate Topaz",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 5, [L["intellect"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3339] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Ornate Ruby",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3340] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Smooth Ornate Dawnstone",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-			},
-			[6] = {
-				[3798] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Swift Starflare Diamond",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 17, [L["minor run speed"]] = 1},
-				},
-				[3799] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Tireless Starflare Diamond",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 17, [L["minor run speed"]] = 1},
-				},
-				[3800] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Impassive Starflare Diamond",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 17, [L["fear duration reduction (percent)"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3801] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Enigmatic Starflare Diamond",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 17, [L["snare/root duration reduction (percent)"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3802] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Forlorn Starflare Diamond",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 17, [L["silence duration reduction (percent)"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3803] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Persistent Earthshatter Diamond",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 17, [L["stun duration reduction (percent)"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3804] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Powerful Earthshatter Diamond",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 26, [L["stun duration reduction (percent)"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3805] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Trenchant Earthshatter Diamond",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 17, [L["stun duration reduction (percent)"]] = 10},
-				},
-			},
-		},
-		["Unique-Equipped"] = {
-			[3] = {
-				[2896] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Blood Garnet",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[2898] = {
-					"green",
-					"Jagged Deep Peridot",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 4, [L["stamina"]] = 3},
-				},
-				[2899] = {
-					"green",
-					"Jagged Deep Peridot",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 4, [L["stamina"]] = 3},
-				},
-				[2918] = {
-					"green",
-					"Jagged Deep Peridot",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 4, [L["stamina"]] = 3},
-				},
-				[2921] = {
-					"green",
-					"Jagged Deep Peridot",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 4, [L["stamina"]] = 3},
-				},
-				[2923] = {
-					"green",
-					"Jagged Deep Peridot",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 4, [L["stamina"]] = 3},
-				},
-				[2924] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Blood Garnet",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[2943] = {
-					"red",
-					"Delicate Blood Garnet",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[2944] = {
-					"red",
-					"Delicate Blood Garnet",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[2969] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Swift Windfire Diamond",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 10, [L["minor run speed"]] = 1},
-				},
-				[2970] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Quickened Starfire Diamond",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 10, [L["minor run speed"]] = 1},
-				},
-				[3065] = {
-					"red",
-					"Don Rodrigo's Heart",
-					{[L["strength"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3103] = {
-					"red",
-					"Don Amancio's Heart",
-					{[L["strength"]] = 8},
-				},
-			},
-			[4] = {
-				[2891] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Mystic Dawnstone",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-			},
-			[7] = {
-				[3792] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Kharmaa's Grace",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 20},
-				},
-			},
-		},
-	},
-	["Drop"] = {
-		["Normal"] = {
-			[4] = {
-				[3045] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Sovereign Tanzanite",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 6, [L["strength"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3046] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Reckless Fire Opal",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 4, [L["intellect"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3047] = {
-					"green",
-					"Jagged Chrysoprase",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 5, [L["stamina"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3048] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Shifting Tanzanite",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 5, [L["stamina"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3049] = {
-					"green",
-					"Misty Chrysoprase",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 5, [L["spirit"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[3050] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Reckless Fire Opal",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 4, [L["intellect"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3051] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Timeless Tanzanite",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 5, [L["stamina"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3052] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Glinting Tanzanite",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 5, [L["hit rating"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[3053] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Stalwart Fire Opal",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 4, [L["parry rating"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3054] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Timeless Tanzanite",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 5, [L["stamina"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3055] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Glinting Tanzanite",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 5, [L["hit rating"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[3056] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Stalwart Fire Opal",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 4, [L["parry rating"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3057] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Etched Tanzanite",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 4, [L["strength"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3058] = {
-					"green",
-					"Misty Chrysoprase",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 5, [L["spirit"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[3060] = {
-					"green",
-					"Regal Chrysoprase",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 5, [L["stamina"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3061] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Veiled Tanzanite",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 4, [L["intellect"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3062] = {
-					"green",
-					"Jagged Chrysoprase",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 5, [L["stamina"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3063] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Defender's Tanzanite",
-					{[L["parry rating"]] = 5, [L["stamina"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3064] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Purified Tanzanite",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 5, [L["spirit"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3066] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Mysterious Tanzanite",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 5, [L["spell penetration"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3067] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Shifting Tanzanite",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 5, [L["stamina"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3068] = {
-					"green",
-					"Nimble Chrysoprase",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 5, [L["hit rating"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[3069] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Willful Fire Opal",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 5, [L["resilience rating"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[3070] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Deadly Fire Opal",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 5, [L["critical strike rating"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[3071] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Timeless Tanzanite",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 5, [L["stamina"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3072] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Inscribed Fire Opal",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 4, [L["strength"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3073] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Polished Fire Opal",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 4, [L["dodge rating"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3074] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Purified Tanzanite",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 5, [L["spirit"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[3075] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Champion's Fire Opal",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 4, [L["strength"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3076] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Potent Fire Opal",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 4, [L["intellect"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3077] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Purified Tanzanite",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 5, [L["spirit"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[3078] = {
-					"green",
-					"Regal Chrysoprase",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 5, [L["stamina"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3079] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Lucent Fire Opal",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 5, [L["resilience rating"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[3080] = {
-					"green",
-					"Steady Chrysoprase",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 5, [L["stamina"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3081] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Potent Fire Opal",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 4, [L["intellect"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3082] = {
-					"green",
-					"Regal Chrysoprase",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 5, [L["stamina"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3083] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Purified Tanzanite",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 5, [L["spirit"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[3084] = {
-					"green",
-					"Steady Chrysoprase",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 5, [L["stamina"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3085] = {
-					"green",
-					"Jagged Chrysoprase",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 5, [L["stamina"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3086] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Purified Tanzanite",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 5, [L["spirit"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[3087] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Resplendent Fire Opal",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 4, [L["strength"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3088] = {
-					"green",
-					"Nimble Chrysoprase",
-					{[L["dodge rating"]] = 4, [L["hit rating"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3089] = {
-					"green",
-					"Lightning Chrysoprase",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 4, [L["hit rating"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3090] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Splendid Fire Opal",
-					{[L["parry rating"]] = 5, [L["resilience rating"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[3091] = {
-					"green",
-					"Radiant Chrysoprase",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 5, [L["spell penetration"]] = 5},
-				},
-			},
-			[7] = {
-				[3861] = {
-					"red",
-					"Bold Stormjewel",
-					{[L["strength"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[3862] = {
-					"red",
-					"Delicate Stormjewel",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[3863] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Solid Stormjewel",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 30},
-				},
-				[3864] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Sparkling Stormjewel",
-					{[L["spirit"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[3865] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Stormjewel",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[3866] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Stormjewel",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 20},
-				},
-				[3867] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Rigid Stormjewel",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 20},
-				},
-			},
-		},
-		["Unique-Equipped"] = {
-			[3] = {
-				[3268] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Eye of the Sea",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 15},
-				},
-			}
-		},
-	},
-	["Quest"] = {
-		["Normal"] = {
-			[3] = {
-				[3162] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Tense Unstable Diamond",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 12, [L["stun resist chance (percent)"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3163] = {
-					"meta",
-					"Imbued Unstable Diamond",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 12, [L["stun resist chance (percent)"]] = 5},
-				},
-			},
-			[4] = {
-				[3099] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Timeless Amethyst",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 5, [L["stamina"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3100] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Tireless Soothing Amethyst",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 5, [L["stamina"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3101] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Sovereign Amethyst",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 6, [L["strength"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3276] = {
-					"red",
-					"Delicate Crimson Spinel",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3277] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Crimson Spinel",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3278] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Crimson Spinel",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3281] = {
-					"red",
-					"Delicate Crimson Spinel",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3282] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Crimson Spinel",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3283] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Crimson Spinel",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 10},
-				},
-			},
-		},
-		["Unique-Equipped"] = {
-			[3] = {
-				[3156] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Shifting Amethyst",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 5, [L["stamina"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3157] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Timeless Amethyst",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 4, [L["stamina"]] = 6},
-				},
-				[3158] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Purified Amethyst",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 5, [L["spirit"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[3159] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Deadly Citrine",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 5, [L["critical strike rating"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[3160] = {
-					"orange",
-					"Reckless Citrine",
-					{[L["haste rating"]] = 4, [L["intellect"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3161] = {
-					"green",
-					"Jagged Mossjewel",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 4, [L["stamina"]] = 4},
-				},
-			},
-			[4] = {
-				[3262] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Charmed Amani Jewel",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 15},
-				},
-			},
-		},
-	},
-local GemQualities = {}
-local ilvls = {}
-for gemSource, gems in pairs(ww_gems) do
-	for gemType, gems in pairs(gems) do
-		for gemQuality, gems in pairs(gems) do
-			for gemId, gemInfo in pairs(gems) do
-				GemQualities[gemId] = {
-					source = gemSource,
-					type = gemType,
-					quality = gemQuality,
-					info = gemInfo,
-					minIlvl = gemQuality > 7 and 285 or 0,
-				}
-				ilvls[GemQualities[gemId].minIlvl] = true
-			end
-		end
-	end
-ww_gemMinIlvls = {}
-for ilvl in pairs(ilvls) do
-	table.insert(ww_gemMinIlvls, ilvl)
-function WeightsWatcher.GemInfo(gemId)
-	if type(gemId) == "string" then
-		gemId = tonumber(gemId)
-	end
-	return GemQualities[gemId]
diff --git a/gem-ids-to-item-info.lua b/gem-ids-to-item-info.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 76561b4..0000000
--- a/gem-ids-to-item-info.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28042 +0,0 @@
-gem_ids_to_item_info = {
-	[2686] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Bold Red Bryanite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Strength",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Bold Red Bryanite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:23233:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Bold Red Bryanite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 1,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Bloodstone_03",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2687] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Delicate Blue Bryanite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Agility",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Delicate Blue Bryanite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:23234:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Delicate Blue Bryanite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 1,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_CrystalCut_01",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2688] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Solid Yellow Bryanite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Stamina",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Solid Yellow Bryanite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:23235:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Solid Yellow Bryanite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 1,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Topaz_02",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2690] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Blood Garnet",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Intellect",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Blood Garnet",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:23094:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Blood Garnet]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_BloodGem_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2691] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Bold Blood Garnet",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Strength",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Bold Blood Garnet",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:23095:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Bold Blood Garnet]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_BloodGem_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2692] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Blood Garnet",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Intellect",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Blood Garnet",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:23096:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Blood Garnet]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_BloodGem_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2693] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Delicate Blood Garnet",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Agility",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Delicate Blood Garnet",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:23097:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Delicate Blood Garnet]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_BloodGem_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2694] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Blood Garnet",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Intellect",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Blood Garnet",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:23113:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Blood Garnet]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_BloodGem_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2695] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Smooth Golden Draenite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Smooth Golden Draenite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:23114:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Smooth Golden Draenite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_GoldenDraenite_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2696] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Subtle Golden Draenite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Subtle Golden Draenite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:23115:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Subtle Golden Draenite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_GoldenDraenite_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2697] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Rigid Azure Moonstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Rigid Azure Moonstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:23116:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Rigid Azure Moonstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_AzureDraenite_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2698] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Solid Azure Moonstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+9 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Solid Azure Moonstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:23118:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Solid Azure Moonstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_AzureDraenite_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2699] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sparkling Azure Moonstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sparkling Azure Moonstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:23119:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sparkling Azure Moonstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_AzureDraenite_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2700] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Stormy Azure Moonstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Stormy Azure Moonstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:23120:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Stormy Azure Moonstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_AzureDraenite_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2701] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sparkling Azure Moonstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sparkling Azure Moonstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:23121:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sparkling Azure Moonstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_AzureDraenite_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2703] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "zzDEPRECATEDHeart of the Sky",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Agility per different colored gem",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "zzDEPRECATEDHeart of the Sky",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:23364:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[zzDEPRECATEDHeart of the Sky]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Trade Goods",
-			[7] = "Jewelcrafting",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Pearl_02",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2704] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "zzDEPRECATEDPerfect Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+12 Strength if 4 blue gems equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cff808080Requires at least 4 Blue gems|r",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "zzDEPRECATEDPerfect Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:23366:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[zzDEPRECATEDPerfect Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Trade Goods",
-			[7] = "Jewelcrafting",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Diamond_01",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2705] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Reckless Flame Spessarite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+3 Haste Rating and +3 Intellect",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Reckless Flame Spessarite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:23099:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Reckless Flame Spessarite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_FlameSpessarite_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2706] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Regal Deep Peridot",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+3 Dodge Rating and +4 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Regal Deep Peridot",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:23105:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Regal Deep Peridot]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_DeepPeridot_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2707] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Purified Shadow Draenite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+3 Intellect and +3 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Purified Shadow Draenite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:23106:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purified Shadow Draenite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_EbonDraenite_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2708] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Timeless Shadow Draenite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+3 Intellect and +4 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Timeless Shadow Draenite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:23108:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Timeless Shadow Draenite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_EbonDraenite_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2709] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Purified Shadow Draenite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+3 Intellect and +3 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Purified Shadow Draenite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:23109:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purified Shadow Draenite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_EbonDraenite_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2710] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Shifting Shadow Draenite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+3 Agility and +4 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Shifting Shadow Draenite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:23110:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Shifting Shadow Draenite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_EbonDraenite_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2711] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sovereign Shadow Draenite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+3 Strength and +4 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sovereign Shadow Draenite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:23111:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sovereign Shadow Draenite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_EbonDraenite_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2725] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Bold Living Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Strength",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Bold Living Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:24027:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Bold Living Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_LivingRuby_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2726] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Delicate Living Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Agility",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Delicate Living Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:24028:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Delicate Living Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_LivingRuby_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2727] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Living Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Intellect",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Living Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:24029:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Living Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_LivingRuby_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2728] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Living Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Intellect",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Living Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:24030:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Living Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_LivingRuby_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2729] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Delicate Living Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Agility",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Delicate Living Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:24031:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Delicate Living Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_LivingRuby_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2730] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Subtle Dawnstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Subtle Dawnstone",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:24032:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Subtle Dawnstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Dawnstone_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2731] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Solid Star of Elune",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+12 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Solid Star of Elune",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:24033:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Solid Star of Elune]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_StarOfElune_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2732] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sparkling Star of Elune",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sparkling Star of Elune",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:24035:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sparkling Star of Elune]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_StarOfElune_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2733] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sparkling Star of Elune",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sparkling Star of Elune",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:24037:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sparkling Star of Elune]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_StarOfElune_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2734] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Living Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Intellect",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Living Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:24047:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Living Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_LivingRuby_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2735] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Smooth Dawnstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Smooth Dawnstone",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:24048:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Smooth Dawnstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Dawnstone_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2736] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Smooth Dawnstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Smooth Dawnstone",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:24050:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Smooth Dawnstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Dawnstone_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2737] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Subtle Dawnstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Subtle Dawnstone",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:24052:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Subtle Dawnstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Dawnstone_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2738] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sovereign Nightseye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Strength and +6 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sovereign Nightseye",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:24054:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sovereign Nightseye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2739] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Shifting Nightseye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Agility and +6 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Shifting Nightseye",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:24055:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Shifting Nightseye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2740] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Timeless Nightseye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+5 Intellect and +6 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Timeless Nightseye",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:24056:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Timeless Nightseye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2741] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Purified Nightseye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Intellect and +4 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Purified Nightseye",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:24057:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purified Nightseye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2742] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Reckless Noble Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Intellect and +4 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Reckless Noble Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:24060:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Reckless Noble Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2743] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Regal Talasite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Dodge Rating and +6 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Regal Talasite",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:24062:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Regal Talasite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2744] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Purified Nightseye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Intellect and +4 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Purified Nightseye",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:24065:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purified Nightseye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2752] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Inscribed Flame Spessarite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+3 Critical Strike Rating and +3 Strength",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Inscribed Flame Spessarite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:23098:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Inscribed Flame Spessarite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_FlameSpessarite_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2753] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Inscribed Noble Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Critical Strike Rating and +4 Strength",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Inscribed Noble Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:24058:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Inscribed Noble Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2754] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Flashing Living Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Parry Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Flashing Living Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:24036:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Flashing Living Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_LivingRuby_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2755] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Glinting Shadow Draenite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+3 Hit Rating and +3 Agility",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Glinting Shadow Draenite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:23100:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Glinting Shadow Draenite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_EbonDraenite_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2756] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Glinting Nightseye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Agility and +4 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Glinting Nightseye",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:24061:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Glinting Nightseye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2757] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Jagged Deep Peridot",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+3 Critical Strike Rating and +4 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Jagged Deep Peridot",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:23104:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Jagged Deep Peridot]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_DeepPeridot_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2758] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Jagged Talasite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Critical Strike Rating and +6 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Jagged Talasite",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:24067:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Jagged Talasite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2759] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Mystic Dawnstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Mystic Dawnstone",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:24053:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Mystic Dawnstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Dawnstone_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2760] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Potent Flame Spessarite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+3 Critical Strike Rating and +3 Intellect",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Potent Flame Spessarite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:23101:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Potent Flame Spessarite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_FlameSpessarite_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2761] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Potent Noble Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Intellect and +4 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Potent Noble Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:24059:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Potent Noble Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2762] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Radiant Deep Peridot",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+3 Critical Strike Rating and +4 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Radiant Deep Peridot",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:23103:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Radiant Deep Peridot]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_DeepPeridot_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2763] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Radiant Talasite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Critical Strike Rating and +5 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Radiant Talasite",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:24066:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Radiant Talasite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2764] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Rigid Star of Elune",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Rigid Star of Elune",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:24051:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Rigid Star of Elune]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_StarOfElune_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2765] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Stormy Star of Elune",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Stormy Star of Elune",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:24039:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Stormy Star of Elune]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_StarOfElune_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2827] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Destructive Skyfire Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+14 Critical Strike Rating and 1% Spell Reflect",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 2 Red gems|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 2 Blue gems|r\n  |cff808080Requires at least 2 Yellow gems|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Destructive Skyfire Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:25890:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Destructive Skyfire Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Diamond_07",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2828] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Mystical Skyfire Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Chance to Increase Spell Cast Speed",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires more Blue gems than Yellow gems|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Mystical Skyfire Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:25893:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Mystical Skyfire Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Diamond_07",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2829] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Swift Skyfire Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+12 Critical Strike Rating and Minor Run Speed Increase",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cff808080Requires at least 2 Yellow gems|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Red gem|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Swift Skyfire Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:25894:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Swift Skyfire Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Diamond_07",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2830] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Enigmatic Skyfire Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+12 Critical Strike Rating and Reduces Snare/Root Duration by 10%",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires more Red gems than Yellow gems|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Enigmatic Skyfire Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:25895:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Enigmatic Skyfire Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Diamond_07",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2831] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Powerful Earthstorm Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+18 Stamina and Stun Duration Reduced by 10%",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 3 Blue gems|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Powerful Earthstorm Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:25896:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Powerful Earthstorm Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Diamond_06",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2832] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Bracing Earthstorm Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+12 Intellect and 2% Reduced Threat",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires more Red gems than Blue gems|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Bracing Earthstorm Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:25897:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Bracing Earthstorm Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Diamond_06",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2833] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Tenacious Earthstorm Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+12 Dodge Rating and Chance to Restore Health on Hit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cff808080Requires at least 5 Blue gems|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Tenacious Earthstorm Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:25898:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Tenacious Earthstorm Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Diamond_06",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2834] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brutal Earthstorm Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+3 Melee Damage and Chance to Stun Target",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 2 Red gems|r\n  |cff808080Requires at least 2 Yellow gems|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 2 Blue gems|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brutal Earthstorm Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:25899:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brutal Earthstorm Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Diamond_06",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2835] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Insightful Earthstorm Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+12 Intellect and Chance to restore mana on spellcast",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 2 Red gems|r\n  |cff808080Requires at least 2 Yellow gems|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 2 Blue gems|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Insightful Earthstorm Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:25901:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Insightful Earthstorm Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Diamond_06",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2891] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Mystic Dawnstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+10 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Mystic Dawnstone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:27679:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Mystic Dawnstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Topaz_01",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2894] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "zzOLDMighty Blood Garnet",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+7 Strength",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "zzOLDMighty Blood Garnet",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:27774:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[zzOLDMighty Blood Garnet]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Trade Goods",
-			[7] = "Jewelcrafting",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Bloodstone_02",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2896] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Blood Garnet",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+7 Intellect",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Blood Garnet",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:27777:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Blood Garnet]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Ruby_01",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2898] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Jagged Deep Peridot",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+3 Stamina and +4 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Jagged Deep Peridot",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:27785:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Jagged Deep Peridot]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_DeepPeridot_03",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2899] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Jagged Deep Peridot",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+3 Stamina and +4 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Jagged Deep Peridot",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:27786:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Jagged Deep Peridot]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_DeepPeridot_01",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2911] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "zzOLDBold Ornate Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+10 Strength",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "zzOLDBold Ornate Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:28117:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[zzOLDBold Ornate Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Trade Goods",
-			[7] = "Jewelcrafting",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Ruby_02",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2912] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Ornate Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Intellect",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Ornate Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:28118:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Ornate Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Bloodstone_01",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2913] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Smooth Ornate Dawnstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Smooth Ornate Dawnstone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:28119:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Smooth Ornate Dawnstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Topaz_01",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2914] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Smooth Ornate Dawnstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Smooth Ornate Dawnstone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:28120:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Smooth Ornate Dawnstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Topaz_02",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2915] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "zzOLDEnscribed Ornate Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Strength, +5 Crit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "zzOLDEnscribed Ornate Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:28122:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[zzOLDEnscribed Ornate Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Trade Goods",
-			[7] = "Jewelcrafting",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Opal_01",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2916] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Potent Ornate Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+5 Critical Strike Rating and +5 Intellect",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Potent Ornate Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:28123:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Potent Ornate Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Opal_02",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2917] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Extended Cost Copying Bryanite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "gem test enchantment",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Extended Cost Copying Bryanite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:27864:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Extended Cost Copying Bryanite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 1,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_CrystalCut_01",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2918] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Jagged Deep Peridot",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+3 Stamina and +4 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Jagged Deep Peridot",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:27786:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Jagged Deep Peridot]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_DeepPeridot_01",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2921] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Jagged Deep Peridot",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+3 Stamina and +4 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Jagged Deep Peridot",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:27809:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Jagged Deep Peridot]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_DeepPeridot_01",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2922] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "zzOLDMighty Blood Garnet",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+7 Strength",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "zzOLDMighty Blood Garnet",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:27811:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[zzOLDMighty Blood Garnet]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Trade Goods",
-			[7] = "Jewelcrafting",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Bloodstone_02",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2923] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Jagged Deep Peridot",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+3 Stamina and +4 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Jagged Deep Peridot",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:27820:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Jagged Deep Peridot]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_DeepPeridot_03",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2924] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Blood Garnet",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+7 Intellect",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Blood Garnet",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:27812:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Blood Garnet]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Ruby_01",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2942] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Smooth Golden Draenite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Smooth Golden Draenite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:28290:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Smooth Golden Draenite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_GoldenDraenite_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2943] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Delicate Blood Garnet",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+7 Agility",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Delicate Blood Garnet",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:28360:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Delicate Blood Garnet]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Bloodstone_02",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2944] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Delicate Blood Garnet",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+7 Agility",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Delicate Blood Garnet",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:28361:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Delicate Blood Garnet]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Bloodstone_02",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2945] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Delicate Ornate Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Agility",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Delicate Ornate Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:28362:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Delicate Ornate Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Ruby_02",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2946] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Deadly Ornate Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+5 Agility and +5 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Deadly Ornate Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:28363:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Deadly Ornate Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Opal_01",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2947] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Prismatic Sphere",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+3 Resist All",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red, Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Prismatic Sphere",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:22460:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Prismatic Sphere]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Prismatic",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Enchant_PrismaticSphere",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2948] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Void Sphere",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Resist All",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red, Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Void Sphere",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:22459:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Void Sphere]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Prismatic",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Enchant_VoidSphere",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2949] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "TCHILTON TEST RUBY",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Agility",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:28388:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[TCHILTON TEST RUBY]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Trade Goods",
-			[7] = "Jewelcrafting",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Ruby_02",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2950] = {
-		[1] = {
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:28389:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[TCHILTON TEST DAWNSTONE]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Trade Goods",
-			[7] = "Jewelcrafting",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Topaz_01",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2956] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Bold Tourmaline",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Strength",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Bold Tourmaline",
-			[2] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:28458:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Bold Tourmaline]|h|r",
-			[3] = 1,
-			[4] = 55,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Ruby_03",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2957] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Delicate Tourmaline",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Agility",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Delicate Tourmaline",
-			[2] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:28459:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Delicate Tourmaline]|h|r",
-			[3] = 1,
-			[4] = 55,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Ruby_03",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2958] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Tourmaline",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Intellect",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Tourmaline",
-			[2] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:28460:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Tourmaline]|h|r",
-			[3] = 1,
-			[4] = 55,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Ruby_03",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2959] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Tourmaline",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Intellect",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Tourmaline",
-			[2] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:28461:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Tourmaline]|h|r",
-			[3] = 1,
-			[4] = 55,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Ruby_03",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2960] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Delicate Tourmaline",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Agility",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Delicate Tourmaline",
-			[2] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:28462:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Delicate Tourmaline]|h|r",
-			[3] = 1,
-			[4] = 55,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Ruby_03",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2961] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Solid Zircon",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Solid Zircon",
-			[2] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:28463:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Solid Zircon]|h|r",
-			[3] = 1,
-			[4] = 55,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Crystal_03",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2962] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sparkling Zircon",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sparkling Zircon",
-			[2] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:28464:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sparkling Zircon]|h|r",
-			[3] = 1,
-			[4] = 55,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Crystal_03",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2963] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sparkling Zircon",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sparkling Zircon",
-			[2] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:28465:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sparkling Zircon]|h|r",
-			[3] = 1,
-			[4] = 55,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Crystal_03",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2964] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Tourmaline",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Intellect",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Tourmaline",
-			[2] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:28466:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Tourmaline]|h|r",
-			[3] = 1,
-			[4] = 55,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Ruby_03",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2965] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Smooth Amber",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Smooth Amber",
-			[2] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:28467:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Smooth Amber]|h|r",
-			[3] = 1,
-			[4] = 55,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Topaz_03",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2966] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Rigid Zircon",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Rigid Zircon",
-			[2] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:28468:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Rigid Zircon]|h|r",
-			[3] = 1,
-			[4] = 55,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Crystal_03",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2967] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Smooth Amber",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Smooth Amber",
-			[2] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:28469:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Smooth Amber]|h|r",
-			[3] = 1,
-			[4] = 55,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Topaz_03",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2968] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Subtle Amber",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Subtle Amber",
-			[2] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:28470:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Subtle Amber]|h|r",
-			[3] = 1,
-			[4] = 55,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Topaz_03",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2969] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Swift Windfire Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+10 Critical Strike Rating and Minor Run Speed Increase",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "  |cff808080Requires at least 2 Yellow gems|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Red gem|r",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Swift Windfire Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:28556:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Swift Windfire Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Diamond_07",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2970] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Quickened Starfire Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+10 Intellect and Minor Run Speed Increase",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "  |cff808080Requires at least 2 Yellow gems|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Red gem|r",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Quickened Starfire Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:28557:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Quickened Starfire Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Diamond_07",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[2971] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Delicate Blood Garnet",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Agility",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Delicate Blood Garnet",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:28595:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Delicate Blood Garnet]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_BloodGem_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3045] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sovereign Tanzanite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Strength and +6 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sovereign Tanzanite",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30546:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sovereign Tanzanite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3046] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Reckless Fire Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Intellect and +4 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Reckless Fire Opal",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30547:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Reckless Fire Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3047] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Jagged Chrysoprase",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Critical Strike Rating and +6 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Jagged Chrysoprase",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30548:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Jagged Chrysoprase]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3048] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Shifting Tanzanite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Agility and +6 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Shifting Tanzanite",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30549:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Shifting Tanzanite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3049] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Misty Chrysoprase",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Critical Strike Rating and +4 Spirit",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Misty Chrysoprase",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30550:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Misty Chrysoprase]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3050] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Reckless Fire Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Intellect and +4 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Reckless Fire Opal",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30551:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Reckless Fire Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3051] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Timeless Tanzanite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Intellect and +6 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Timeless Tanzanite",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30552:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Timeless Tanzanite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3052] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Glinting Tanzanite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Agility and +4 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Glinting Tanzanite",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30553:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Glinting Tanzanite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3053] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Stalwart Fire Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Parry Rating and +4 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Stalwart Fire Opal",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30554:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Stalwart Fire Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3054] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Timeless Tanzanite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Intellect and +6 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Timeless Tanzanite",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30555:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Timeless Tanzanite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3055] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Glinting Tanzanite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Agility and +4 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Glinting Tanzanite",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30556:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Glinting Tanzanite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3056] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Stalwart Fire Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Parry Rating and +4 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Stalwart Fire Opal",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30558:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Stalwart Fire Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3057] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Etched Tanzanite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Strength and +4 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Etched Tanzanite",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30559:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Etched Tanzanite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3058] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Misty Chrysoprase",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Critical Strike Rating and +4 Spirit",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Misty Chrysoprase",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30560:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Misty Chrysoprase]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3060] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Regal Chrysoprase",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Dodge Rating and +6 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Regal Chrysoprase",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30563:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Regal Chrysoprase]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3061] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Veiled Tanzanite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Intellect and +4 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Veiled Tanzanite",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30564:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Veiled Tanzanite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3062] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Jagged Chrysoprase",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Critical Strike Rating and +6 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Jagged Chrysoprase",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30565:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Jagged Chrysoprase]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3063] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Defender's Tanzanite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Parry Rating and +6 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Defender's Tanzanite",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30566:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Defender's Tanzanite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3064] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Purified Tanzanite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Spirit and +5 Intellect",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Purified Tanzanite",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30572:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purified Tanzanite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3065] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Don Rodrigo's Heart",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+8 Strength",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Don Rodrigo's Heart",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:30571:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Don Rodrigo's Heart]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Ruby_01",
-			[11] = 35243,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3066] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Mysterious Tanzanite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Intellect and +5 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Mysterious Tanzanite",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30573:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Mysterious Tanzanite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3067] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Shifting Tanzanite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Agility and +6 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Shifting Tanzanite",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30574:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Shifting Tanzanite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3068] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Nimble Chrysoprase",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Dodge Rating and +4 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Nimble Chrysoprase",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30575:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Nimble Chrysoprase]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3069] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Willful Fire Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Intellect and +4 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Willful Fire Opal",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30581:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Willful Fire Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3070] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Deadly Fire Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Agility and +4 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Deadly Fire Opal",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30582:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Deadly Fire Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3071] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Timeless Tanzanite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Intellect and +6 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Timeless Tanzanite",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30583:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Timeless Tanzanite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3072] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Inscribed Fire Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Strength and +4 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Inscribed Fire Opal",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30584:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Inscribed Fire Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3073] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Polished Fire Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+4 Agility and +5 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Polished Fire Opal",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30585:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Polished Fire Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3074] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Purified Tanzanite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Intellect and +4 Spirit",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Purified Tanzanite",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30586:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purified Tanzanite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3075] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Champion's Fire Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Strength and +4 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Champion's Fire Opal",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30587:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Champion's Fire Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3076] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Potent Fire Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Intellect and +4 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Potent Fire Opal",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30588:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Potent Fire Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3077] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Purified Tanzanite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Intellect and +4 Spirit",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Purified Tanzanite",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30589:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purified Tanzanite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3078] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Regal Chrysoprase",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+6 Stamina and +5 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Regal Chrysoprase",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30590:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Regal Chrysoprase]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3079] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Lucent Fire Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Agility and +4 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Lucent Fire Opal",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30591:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Lucent Fire Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3080] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Steady Chrysoprase",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+6 Stamina and +5 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Steady Chrysoprase",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30592:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Steady Chrysoprase]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3081] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Potent Fire Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Intellect and +4 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Potent Fire Opal",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30593:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Potent Fire Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3082] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Regal Chrysoprase",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Dodge Rating and +6 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Regal Chrysoprase",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30594:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Regal Chrysoprase]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3083] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Purified Tanzanite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Intellect and +4 Spirit",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Purified Tanzanite",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30600:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purified Tanzanite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3084] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Steady Chrysoprase",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Resilience Rating and +6 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Steady Chrysoprase",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30601:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Steady Chrysoprase]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3085] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Jagged Chrysoprase",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+6 Stamina and +5 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Jagged Chrysoprase",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30602:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Jagged Chrysoprase]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3086] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Purified Tanzanite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Intellect and +4 Spirit",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Purified Tanzanite",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30603:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purified Tanzanite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3087] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Resplendent Fire Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Strength and +4 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Resplendent Fire Opal",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30604:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Resplendent Fire Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3088] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Nimble Chrysoprase",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Hit Rating and +4 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Nimble Chrysoprase",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30605:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Nimble Chrysoprase]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3089] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Lightning Chrysoprase",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Hit Rating and +4 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Lightning Chrysoprase",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30606:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Lightning Chrysoprase]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3090] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Splendid Fire Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Parry Rating and +4 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Splendid Fire Opal",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30607:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Splendid Fire Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3091] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Radiant Chrysoprase",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Critical Strike Rating and +5 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Radiant Chrysoprase",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:30608:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Radiant Chrysoprase]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3099] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Timeless Amethyst",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Intellect and +6 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Timeless Amethyst",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:31116:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Timeless Amethyst]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3100] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Tireless Soothing Amethyst",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Intellect and +6 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Tireless Soothing Amethyst",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:31117:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Tireless Soothing Amethyst]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3101] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sovereign Amethyst",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Strength and +6 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sovereign Amethyst",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:31118:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sovereign Amethyst]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3103] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Don Amancio's Heart",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+8 Strength",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Don Amancio's Heart",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:30598:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Don Amancio's Heart]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Ruby_01",
-			[11] = 35243,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3104] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Rigid Azure Moonstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Rigid Azure Moonstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:31860:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Rigid Azure Moonstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_AzureDraenite_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3105] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Rigid Star of Elune",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Rigid Star of Elune",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:31861:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Rigid Star of Elune]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_StarOfElune_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3106] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Shifting Shadow Draenite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+3 Agility and +4 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Shifting Shadow Draenite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:31862:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Shifting Shadow Draenite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_EbonDraenite_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3107] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Shifting Nightseye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Agility and +6 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Shifting Nightseye",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:31863:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Shifting Nightseye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3108] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Shifting Shadow Draenite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+3 Agility and +4 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Shifting Shadow Draenite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:31864:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Shifting Shadow Draenite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_EbonDraenite_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3109] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Glinting Nightseye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Agility and +4 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Glinting Nightseye",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:31865:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Glinting Nightseye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3110] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Veiled Shadow Draenite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+3 Intellect and +3 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Veiled Shadow Draenite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:31866:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Veiled Shadow Draenite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_EbonDraenite_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3111] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Veiled Nightseye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Intellect and +4 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Veiled Nightseye",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:31867:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Veiled Nightseye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3112] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Deadly Noble Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Agility and +4 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Deadly Noble Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:31868:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Deadly Noble Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3113] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Deadly Flame Spessarite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+3 Critical Strike Rating and +3 Agility",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Deadly Flame Spessarite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:31869:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Deadly Flame Spessarite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_FlameSpessarite_02",
-			[11] = 2500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3115] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Bold Crimson Spinel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Strength",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Bold Crimson Spinel",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32193:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Bold Crimson Spinel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_CrimsonSpinel_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3116] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Delicate Crimson Spinel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Agility",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Delicate Crimson Spinel",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32194:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Delicate Crimson Spinel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_CrimsonSpinel_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3117] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Crimson Spinel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Intellect",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Crimson Spinel",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32195:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Crimson Spinel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_CrimsonSpinel_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3118] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Crimson Spinel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Intellect",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Crimson Spinel",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32196:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Crimson Spinel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_CrimsonSpinel_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3119] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Delicate Crimson Spinel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Agility",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Delicate Crimson Spinel",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32197:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Delicate Crimson Spinel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_CrimsonSpinel_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3120] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Subtle Lionseye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Subtle Lionseye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32198:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Subtle Lionseye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Lionseye_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3121] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Flashing Crimson Spinel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Parry Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Flashing Crimson Spinel",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32199:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Flashing Crimson Spinel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_CrimsonSpinel_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3122] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Solid Empyrean Sapphire",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+15 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Solid Empyrean Sapphire",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32200:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Solid Empyrean Sapphire]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_EmpyreanSapphire_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3123] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sparkling Empyrean Sapphire",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sparkling Empyrean Sapphire",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32201:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sparkling Empyrean Sapphire]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_EmpyreanSapphire_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3124] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sparkling Empyrean Sapphire",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sparkling Empyrean Sapphire",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32202:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sparkling Empyrean Sapphire]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_EmpyreanSapphire_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3125] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Stormy Empyrean Sapphire",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+13 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Stormy Empyrean Sapphire",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32203:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Stormy Empyrean Sapphire]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_EmpyreanSapphire_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3126] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Crimson Spinel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Intellect",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Crimson Spinel",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32204:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Crimson Spinel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_CrimsonSpinel_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3127] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Smooth Lionseye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Smooth Lionseye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32205:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Smooth Lionseye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Lionseye_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3128] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Rigid Empyrean Sapphire",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Rigid Empyrean Sapphire",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32206:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Rigid Empyrean Sapphire]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_EmpyreanSapphire_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3129] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Smooth Lionseye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Smooth Lionseye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32207:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Smooth Lionseye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Lionseye_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3130] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Subtle Lionseye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Subtle Lionseye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32208:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Subtle Lionseye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Lionseye_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3131] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Mystic Lionseye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Mystic Lionseye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32209:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Mystic Lionseye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Lionseye_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3132] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Rigid Empyrean Sapphire",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Rigid Empyrean Sapphire",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32210:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Rigid Empyrean Sapphire]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_EmpyreanSapphire_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3133] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sovereign Shadowsong Amethyst",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+5 Strength and +7 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sovereign Shadowsong Amethyst",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sovereign Shadowsong Amethyst]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_ShadowsongAmethyst_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3134] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Shifting Shadowsong Amethyst",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+5 Agility and +7 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Shifting Shadowsong Amethyst",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32212:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Shifting Shadowsong Amethyst]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_ShadowsongAmethyst_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3135] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Shifting Shadowsong Amethyst",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+5 Agility and +7 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Shifting Shadowsong Amethyst",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32213:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Shifting Shadowsong Amethyst]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_ShadowsongAmethyst_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3136] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Glinting Shadowsong Amethyst",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+5 Agility and +5 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Glinting Shadowsong Amethyst",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32214:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Glinting Shadowsong Amethyst]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_ShadowsongAmethyst_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3137] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Timeless Shadowsong Amethyst",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+5 Intellect and +7 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Timeless Shadowsong Amethyst",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32215:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Timeless Shadowsong Amethyst]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_ShadowsongAmethyst_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3138] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Purified Shadowsong Amethyst",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+5 Intellect and +5 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Purified Shadowsong Amethyst",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32216:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purified Shadowsong Amethyst]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_ShadowsongAmethyst_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3139] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Inscribed Pyrestone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+5 Critical Strike Rating and +5 Strength",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Inscribed Pyrestone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32217:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Inscribed Pyrestone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Pyrestone_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3140] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Potent Pyrestone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+5 Intellect and +5 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Potent Pyrestone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32218:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Potent Pyrestone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Pyrestone_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3141] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Reckless Pyrestone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+5 Intellect and +5 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Reckless Pyrestone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32219:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Reckless Pyrestone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Pyrestone_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3142] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Glinting Shadowsong Amethyst",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+5 Agility and +5 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Glinting Shadowsong Amethyst",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32220:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Glinting Shadowsong Amethyst]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_ShadowsongAmethyst_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3143] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Veiled Shadowsong Amethyst",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+5 Intellect and +5 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Veiled Shadowsong Amethyst",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32221:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Veiled Shadowsong Amethyst]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_ShadowsongAmethyst_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3144] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Deadly Pyrestone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+5 Agility and +5 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Deadly Pyrestone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32222:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Deadly Pyrestone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Pyrestone_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3145] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Regal Seaspray Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+5 Dodge Rating and +7 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Regal Seaspray Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32223:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Regal Seaspray Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_SeasprayEmerald_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3146] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Radiant Seaspray Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+5 Critical Strike Rating and +6 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Radiant Seaspray Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32224:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Radiant Seaspray Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_SeasprayEmerald_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3147] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Purified Shadowsong Amethyst",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+5 Intellect and +5 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Purified Shadowsong Amethyst",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32225:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purified Shadowsong Amethyst]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_ShadowsongAmethyst_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3148] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Jagged Seaspray Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+5 Critical Strike Rating and +7 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Jagged Seaspray Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32226:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Jagged Seaspray Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_SeasprayEmerald_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3154] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Relentless Earthstorm Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+12 Agility and 3% Increased Critical Damage",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 3 Red gems|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Relentless Earthstorm Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:32409:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Relentless Earthstorm Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Diamond_06",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3155] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Thundering Skyfire Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Chance to Increase Melee/Ranged Attack Speed ",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 2 Red gems|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 2 Blue gems|r\n  |cff808080Requires at least 2 Yellow gems|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Thundering Skyfire Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:32410:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Thundering Skyfire Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Diamond_07",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3156] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Shifting Amethyst",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+5 Agility and +6 Stamina",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Shifting Amethyst",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:32634:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Shifting Amethyst]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_EbonDraenite_03",
-			[11] = 9200,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3157] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Timeless Amethyst",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+4 Intellect and +6 Stamina",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Timeless Amethyst",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:32635:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Timeless Amethyst]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_EbonDraenite_03",
-			[11] = 9200,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3158] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Purified Amethyst",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+5 Intellect and +4 Spirit",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Purified Amethyst",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:32636:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purified Amethyst]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_EbonDraenite_03",
-			[11] = 9200,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3159] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Deadly Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+5 Agility and +4 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Deadly Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:32637:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Deadly Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Opal_01",
-			[11] = 9200,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3160] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Reckless Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+5 Intellect and +4 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Reckless Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:32638:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Reckless Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Opal_01",
-			[11] = 9200,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3161] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Jagged Mossjewel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+4 Stamina and +4 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Jagged Mossjewel",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:32639:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Jagged Mossjewel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_01",
-			[11] = 9200,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3162] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Tense Unstable Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+12 Critical Strike Rating and 5% Stun Resistance",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires more Blue gems than Yellow gems|r",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Tense Unstable Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:32640:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Tense Unstable Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Diamond_07",
-			[11] = 36800,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3163] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Imbued Unstable Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+12 Intellect and 5% Stun Resistance",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "  |cff808080Requires at least 3 Yellow gems|r",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Imbued Unstable Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:32641:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Imbued Unstable Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Diamond_06",
-			[11] = 36800,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3197] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Delicate Spencerite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+10 Agility",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Delicate Spencerite",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:32735:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Delicate Spencerite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_LivingRuby_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3201] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Purified Jaggal Pearl",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+3 Intellect and +3 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Purified Jaggal Pearl",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:32833:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purified Jaggal Pearl]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Pearl_08",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3202] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Purified Shadow Pearl",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Intellect and +4 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Purified Shadow Pearl",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:32836:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purified Shadow Pearl]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Pearl_07",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3206] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Soulbound Test Gem",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+8 Agility",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red, Blue, or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Soulbound Test Gem",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:33060:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Soulbound Test Gem]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Prismatic",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_01",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3208] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Crimson Sun",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+12 Agility",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.  Socketing this gem causes the item to become Soulbound.\"",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Crimson Sun",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:33131:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Crimson Sun]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_CrimsonSpinel_02",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3209] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Delicate Fire Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+12 Agility",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Delicate Fire Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:33132:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Delicate Fire Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_CrimsonSpinel_02",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3210] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Don Julio's Heart",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+12 Intellect",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.  Socketing this gem causes the item to become Soulbound.\"",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Don Julio's Heart",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:33133:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Don Julio's Heart]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_CrimsonSpinel_02",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3211] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Kailee's Rose",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+12 Intellect",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.  Socketing this gem causes the item to become Soulbound.\"",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Kailee's Rose",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:33134:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Kailee's Rose]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_CrimsonSpinel_02",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3212] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Falling Star",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+18 Stamina",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.  Socketing this gem causes the item to become Soulbound.\"",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Falling Star",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:33135:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Falling Star]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_EmpyreanSapphire_02",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3214] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sparkling Falling Star",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+12 Spirit",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sparkling Falling Star",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:33137:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sparkling Falling Star]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_EmpyreanSapphire_02",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3215] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Mystic Bladestone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+12 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Mystic Bladestone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:33138:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Mystic Bladestone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Lionseye_02",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3216] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Bladestone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+12 Intellect",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Bladestone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:33139:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Bladestone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_CrimsonSpinel_02",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3217] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Blood of Amber",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+12 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.  Socketing this gem causes the item to become Soulbound.\"",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Blood of Amber",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:33140:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Blood of Amber]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Lionseye_02",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3218] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Rigid Bladestone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+12 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Rigid Bladestone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:33141:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Rigid Bladestone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_EmpyreanSapphire_02",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3219] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Rigid Bladestone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+12 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Rigid Bladestone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:33142:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Rigid Bladestone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Lionseye_02",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3220] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Stone of Blades",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+12 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.  Socketing this gem causes the item to become Soulbound.\"",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Stone of Blades",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:33143:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Stone of Blades]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Lionseye_02",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3221] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Facet of Eternity",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+12 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.  Socketing this gem causes the item to become Soulbound.\"",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Facet of Eternity",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:33144:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Facet of Eternity]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Lionseye_02",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3226] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Steady Talasite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Resilience Rating and +6 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Steady Talasite",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:33782:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Steady Talasite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3242] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Infinite Sphere",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+5 Resist All",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red, Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Infinite Sphere",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:34142:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Infinite Sphere]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 75,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Prismatic",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Enchant_PrismaticSphere",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3254] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Chromatic Sphere",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 All Stats",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red, Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Chromatic Sphere",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:34143:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Chromatic Sphere]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Prismatic",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Enchant_PrismaticSphere",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3261] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Chaotic Skyfire Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+12 Critical Strike Rating and 3% Increased Critical Damage",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 3 Red gems|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Chaotic Skyfire Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:34220:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Chaotic Skyfire Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Diamond_07",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3262] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Charmed Amani Jewel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+15 Stamina",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Charmed Amani Jewel",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:34256:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Charmed Amani Jewel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Pearl_07",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3264] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Heavy Tonk Armor",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+150 Armor, -10% Speed",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Fits into a tonk Overdrive socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Heavy Tonk Armor",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:34627:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Heavy Tonk Armor]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Stone_WeightStone_05",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3268] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Eye of the Sea",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Eye of the Sea",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:34831:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Eye of the Sea]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_StarOfElune_01",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3270] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Quick Dawnstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Quick Dawnstone",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:35315:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Quick Dawnstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Dawnstone_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3271] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Reckless Noble Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Intellect and +4 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Reckless Noble Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:35316:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Reckless Noble Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3272] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Forceful Talasite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Haste Rating and +6 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Forceful Talasite",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:35318:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Forceful Talasite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3274] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Eternal Earthstorm Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+12 Dodge Rating and +1% Shield Block Value",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 2 Blue gems|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Yellow gem|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Eternal Earthstorm Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:35501:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Eternal Earthstorm Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Diamond_06",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3275] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Ember Skyfire Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+12 Intellect and +2% Maximum Mana",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 3 Red gems|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Ember Skyfire Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:35503:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Ember Skyfire Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Diamond_07",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3276] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Delicate Crimson Spinel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+10 Agility",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Delicate Crimson Spinel",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:35487:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Delicate Crimson Spinel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_CrimsonSpinel_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3277] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Crimson Spinel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+10 Intellect",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Crimson Spinel",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:35488:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Crimson Spinel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_CrimsonSpinel_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3278] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Crimson Spinel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+10 Intellect",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Crimson Spinel",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:35489:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Crimson Spinel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_CrimsonSpinel_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3280] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Regal Talasite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+4 Dodge Rating and +6 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Regal Talasite",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:35707:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Regal Talasite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3281] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Delicate Crimson Spinel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+10 Agility",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Delicate Crimson Spinel",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:35487:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Delicate Crimson Spinel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_CrimsonSpinel_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3282] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Crimson Spinel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+10 Intellect",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Crimson Spinel",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:35488:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Crimson Spinel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_CrimsonSpinel_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3283] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Crimson Spinel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+10 Intellect",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Crimson Spinel",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:35489:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Crimson Spinel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_CrimsonSpinel_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3284] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Steady Seaspray Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+5 Resilience Rating and +7 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Steady Seaspray Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:35758:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Steady Seaspray Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_SeasprayEmerald_02",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3285] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Forceful Seaspray Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+5 Haste Rating and +7 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Forceful Seaspray Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:35759:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Forceful Seaspray Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_SeasprayEmerald_02",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3286] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Reckless Pyrestone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+5 Intellect and +5 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Reckless Pyrestone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:35760:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Reckless Pyrestone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Pyrestone_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3287] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Quick Lionseye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Quick Lionseye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:35761:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Quick Lionseye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Lionseye_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3292] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Delicate Dragon's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+34 Agility",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (350)",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red socket.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Delicate Dragon's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:36766:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Delicate Dragon's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye05",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3293] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Solid Dragon's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+51 Stamina",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (350)",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue socket.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Solid Dragon's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:36767:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Solid Dragon's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye04",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3317] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Solid Sky Sapphire",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+21 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Solid Sky Sapphire",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:37430:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Solid Sky Sapphire]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_StarOfElune_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3318] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Purified Shadowsong Amethyst",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+5 Intellect and +5 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Purified Shadowsong Amethyst",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:37503:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purified Shadowsong Amethyst]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_ShadowsongAmethyst_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3321] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Test Living Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+150 Armor",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Test Living Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:38292:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Test Living Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_LivingRuby_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3333] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "QA Test Blank Purple Gem",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "QA Test Blank Purple Gem Enchant",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "QA Test Blank Purple Gem",
-			[2] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:38498:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[QA Test Blank Purple Gem]|h|r",
-			[3] = 1,
-			[4] = 1,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3334] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Riding Crop",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Northrend Flight",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Mount Enhancement\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Riding Crop",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:38538:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Riding Crop]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Crop_02",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3335] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Delicate Ornate Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+10 Agility",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Delicate Ornate Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:38545:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Delicate Ornate Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Ruby_02",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3336] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Smooth Ornate Dawnstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+10 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Smooth Ornate Dawnstone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:38546:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Smooth Ornate Dawnstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Topaz_02",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3337] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Deadly Ornate Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Agility and +5 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Deadly Ornate Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:38547:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Deadly Ornate Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Opal_01",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3338] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Potent Ornate Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+5 Intellect and +5 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Potent Ornate Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:38548:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Potent Ornate Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Opal_02",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3339] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Ornate Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+10 Intellect",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Ornate Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:38549:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Ornate Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Bloodstone_01",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3340] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Smooth Ornate Dawnstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+10 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Smooth Ornate Dawnstone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:38550:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Smooth Ornate Dawnstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Topaz_01",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3371] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Bold Bloodstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+12 Strength",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Bold Bloodstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39900:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Bold Bloodstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_22",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3374] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Delicate Bloodstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+12 Agility",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Delicate Bloodstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39905:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Delicate Bloodstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_22",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3375] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Delicate Bloodstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+12 Agility",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Delicate Bloodstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39906:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Delicate Bloodstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_22",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3376] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Subtle Sun Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+12 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Subtle Sun Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39907:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Subtle Sun Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_21",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3377] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Flashing Bloodstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+12 Parry Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Flashing Bloodstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39908:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Flashing Bloodstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_22",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3378] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Smooth Sun Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+12 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Smooth Sun Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39909:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Smooth Sun Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_21",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3379] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Precise Bloodstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+12 Expertise Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Precise Bloodstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39910:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Precise Bloodstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_22",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3380] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Bloodstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+12 Intellect",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Bloodstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39911:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Bloodstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_22",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3381] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Bloodstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+12 Intellect",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Bloodstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39912:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Bloodstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_22",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3382] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Smooth Sun Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+12 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Smooth Sun Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39914:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Smooth Sun Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_21",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3383] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Rigid Chalcedony",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+12 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Rigid Chalcedony",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39915:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Rigid Chalcedony]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_24",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3384] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Subtle Sun Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+12 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Subtle Sun Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39916:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Subtle Sun Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_21",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3385] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Mystic Sun Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+12 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Mystic Sun Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39917:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Mystic Sun Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_21",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3386] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Quick Sun Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+12 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Quick Sun Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39918:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Quick Sun Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_21",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3387] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Solid Chalcedony",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+18 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Solid Chalcedony",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39919:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Solid Chalcedony]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_24",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3388] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sparkling Chalcedony",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+12 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sparkling Chalcedony",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39920:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sparkling Chalcedony]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_24",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3389] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sparkling Chalcedony",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+12 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sparkling Chalcedony",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39927:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sparkling Chalcedony]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_24",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3390] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Stormy Chalcedony",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+15 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Stormy Chalcedony",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39932:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Stormy Chalcedony]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_24",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3391] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Jagged Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Critical Strike Rating and +9 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Jagged Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39933:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Jagged Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_19",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3392] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sovereign Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Strength and +9 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sovereign Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39934:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sovereign Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_23",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3393] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Shifting Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Agility and +9 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Shifting Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39935:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Shifting Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_23",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3394] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Timeless Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Intellect and +9 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Timeless Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39936:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Timeless Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_23",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3395] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Shifting Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Agility and +9 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Shifting Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39937:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Shifting Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_23",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3396] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Regal Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Dodge Rating and +9 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Regal Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39938:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Regal Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_19",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3397] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Defender's Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Parry Rating and +9 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Defender's Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39939:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Defender's Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_23",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3398] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Guardian's Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Expertise Rating and +9 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Guardian's Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39940:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Guardian's Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_23",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3399] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Purified Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Intellect and +6 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Purified Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39941:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purified Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_23",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3400] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Agility and +6 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39942:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Glinting Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_23",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3401] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Purified Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Intellect and +6 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Purified Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39943:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purified Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_23",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3402] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Agility and +6 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39944:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Glinting Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_23",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3403] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Mysterious Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Intellect and +8 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Mysterious Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39945:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Mysterious Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_23",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3404] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Reckless Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Intellect and +6 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Reckless Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39946:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Reckless Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_20",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3405] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Inscribed Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Strength and +6 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Inscribed Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39947:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Inscribed Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_20",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3406] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Agility and +6 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39953:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Glinting Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_23",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3407] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Champion's Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Strength and +6 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Champion's Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39949:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Champion's Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_20",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3408] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Resplendent Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Strength and +6 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Resplendent Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39950:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Resplendent Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_20",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3409] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Fierce Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Strength and +6 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Fierce Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39951:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Fierce Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_20",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3410] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Deadly Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Agility and +6 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Deadly Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39952:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Deadly Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_20",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3411] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Etched Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Strength and +6 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Etched Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39948:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Etched Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_23",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3412] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Lucent Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Agility and +6 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Lucent Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39954:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Lucent Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_20",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3413] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Deft Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Agility and +6 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Deft Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39955:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Deft Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_20",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3414] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Potent Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Intellect and +6 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Potent Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39956:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Potent Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_20",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3415] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Veiled Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Intellect and +6 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Veiled Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39957:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Veiled Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_23",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3416] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Willful Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Intellect and +6 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Willful Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39958:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Willful Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_20",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3417] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Reckless Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Intellect and +6 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Reckless Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39959:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Reckless Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_20",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3418] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Stalwart Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Dodge Rating and +6 Parry Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Stalwart Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39964:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Stalwart Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_20",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3419] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Stalwart Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Parry Rating and +6 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Stalwart Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39965:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Stalwart Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_20",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3420] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Accurate Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Expertise Rating and +6 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Accurate Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39966:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Accurate Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_23",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3421] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Resolute Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Expertise Rating and +6 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Resolute Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39967:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Resolute Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_20",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3422] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Deadly Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Agility and +6 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Deadly Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39960:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Deadly Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_20",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3423] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Agility and +6 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39961:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Glinting Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_23",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3424] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Lucent Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Agility and +6 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Lucent Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39962:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Lucent Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_20",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3426] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Deft Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Agility and +6 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Deft Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39963:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Deft Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_20",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3427] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Timeless Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Intellect and +9 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Timeless Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39968:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Timeless Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_23",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3428] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Jagged Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Critical Strike Rating and +9 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Jagged Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39974:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Jagged Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_19",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3429] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Nimble Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Hit Rating and +6 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Nimble Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39975:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Nimble Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_19",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3430] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Regal Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Dodge Rating and +9 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Regal Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39976:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Regal Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_19",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3431] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Steady Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Resilience Rating and +9 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Steady Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39977:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Steady Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_19",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3432] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Forceful Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Haste Rating and +9 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Forceful Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39978:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Forceful Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_19",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3433] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Purified Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Intellect and +6 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Purified Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39979:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purified Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_23",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3434] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Misty Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Critical Strike Rating and +6 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Misty Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39980:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Misty Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_19",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3435] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Lightning Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Hit Rating and +6 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Lightning Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39981:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Lightning Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_19",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3436] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Turbid Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Resilience Rating and +6 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Turbid Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39982:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Turbid Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_19",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3437] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Energized Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Haste Rating and +6 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Energized Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39983:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Energized Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_19",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3438] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Purified Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Intellect and +6 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Purified Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39984:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purified Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_23",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3439] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Misty Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Critical Strike Rating and +6 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Misty Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39985:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Misty Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_19",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3440] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Lightning Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Hit Rating and +6 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Lightning Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39986:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Lightning Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_19",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3441] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Turbid Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Resilience Rating and +6 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Turbid Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39988:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Turbid Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_19",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3442] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Energized Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Haste Rating and +6 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Energized Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39989:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Energized Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_19",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3443] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Radiant Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Critical Strike Rating and +8 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Radiant Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39990:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Radiant Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_19",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3444] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Radiant Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Critical Strike Rating and +8 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Radiant Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39991:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Radiant Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_19",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3445] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Shattered Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+6 Haste Rating and +8 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Shattered Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:39992:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Shattered Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_19",
-			[11] = 5000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3446] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Bold Scarlet Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+16 Strength",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Bold Scarlet Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:39996:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Bold Scarlet Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_28",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3447] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Delicate Scarlet Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+16 Agility",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Delicate Scarlet Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:39997:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Delicate Scarlet Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_28",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3448] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Scarlet Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+16 Intellect",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Scarlet Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:39998:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Scarlet Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_28",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3449] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Delicate Scarlet Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+16 Agility",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Delicate Scarlet Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:39999:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Delicate Scarlet Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_28",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3450] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Subtle Autumn's Glow",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+16 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Subtle Autumn's Glow",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40000:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Subtle Autumn's Glow]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_26",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3451] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Flashing Scarlet Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+16 Parry Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Flashing Scarlet Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40001:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Flashing Scarlet Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_28",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3452] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Smooth Autumn's Glow",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+16 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Smooth Autumn's Glow",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40002:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Smooth Autumn's Glow]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_26",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3453] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Precise Scarlet Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+16 Expertise Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Precise Scarlet Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40003:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Precise Scarlet Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_28",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3454] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Solid Sky Sapphire",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+24 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Solid Sky Sapphire",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40008:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Solid Sky Sapphire]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_27",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3455] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sparkling Sky Sapphire",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+16 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sparkling Sky Sapphire",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40009:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sparkling Sky Sapphire]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_27",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3456] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sparkling Sky Sapphire",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+16 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sparkling Sky Sapphire",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40010:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sparkling Sky Sapphire]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_27",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3457] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Stormy Sky Sapphire",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+20 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Stormy Sky Sapphire",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40011:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Stormy Sky Sapphire]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_27",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3458] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Scarlet Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+16 Intellect",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Scarlet Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40012:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Scarlet Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_28",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3459] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Smooth Autumn's Glow",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+16 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Smooth Autumn's Glow",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40013:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Smooth Autumn's Glow]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_26",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3460] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Rigid Sky Sapphire",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+16 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Rigid Sky Sapphire",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40014:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Rigid Sky Sapphire]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_27",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3461] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Subtle Autumn's Glow",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+16 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Subtle Autumn's Glow",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40015:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Subtle Autumn's Glow]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_26",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3462] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Mystic Autumn's Glow",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+16 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Mystic Autumn's Glow",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40016:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Mystic Autumn's Glow]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_26",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3463] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Quick Autumn's Glow",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+16 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Quick Autumn's Glow",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40017:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Quick Autumn's Glow]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_26",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3464] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sovereign Twilight Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Strength and +12 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sovereign Twilight Opal",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40022:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sovereign Twilight Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_29",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3465] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Shifting Twilight Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Agility and +12 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Shifting Twilight Opal",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40023:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Shifting Twilight Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_29",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3466] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Timeless Twilight Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Intellect and +12 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Timeless Twilight Opal",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40025:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Timeless Twilight Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_29",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3467] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Shifting Twilight Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Agility and +12 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Shifting Twilight Opal",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40029:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Shifting Twilight Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_29",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3468] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Regal Forest Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Dodge Rating and +12 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Regal Forest Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40031:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Regal Forest Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_25",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3469] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Defender's Twilight Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Parry Rating and +12 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Defender's Twilight Opal",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40032:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Defender's Twilight Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_29",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3470] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Jagged Forest Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Critical Strike Rating and +12 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Jagged Forest Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40033:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Jagged Forest Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_25",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3471] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Guardian's Twilight Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Expertise Rating and +12 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Guardian's Twilight Opal",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40034:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Guardian's Twilight Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_29",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3472] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Purified Twilight Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Intellect and +8 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Purified Twilight Opal",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40026:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purified Twilight Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_29",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3473] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Purified Twilight Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Intellect and +8 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Purified Twilight Opal",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40027:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purified Twilight Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_29",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3474] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Glinting Twilight Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Agility and +8 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Glinting Twilight Opal",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40024:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Glinting Twilight Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_29",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3475] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Glinting Twilight Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Agility and +8 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Glinting Twilight Opal",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40030:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Glinting Twilight Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_29",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3476] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Mysterious Twilight Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Intellect and +10 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Mysterious Twilight Opal",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40028:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Mysterious Twilight Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_29",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3477] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Inscribed Monarch Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Strength and +8 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Inscribed Monarch Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40037:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Inscribed Monarch Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_30",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3478] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Etched Twilight Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Strength and +8 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Etched Twilight Opal",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40038:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Etched Twilight Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_29",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3479] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Champion's Monarch Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Strength and +8 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Champion's Monarch Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40039:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Champion's Monarch Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_30",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3480] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Resplendent Monarch Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Strength and +8 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Resplendent Monarch Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40040:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Resplendent Monarch Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_30",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3481] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Fierce Monarch Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Strength and +8 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Fierce Monarch Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40041:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Fierce Monarch Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_30",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3482] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Deadly Monarch Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Agility and +8 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Deadly Monarch Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40043:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Deadly Monarch Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_30",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3483] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Glinting Twilight Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Agility and +8 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Glinting Twilight Opal",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40044:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Glinting Twilight Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_29",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3484] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Lucent Monarch Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Agility and +8 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Lucent Monarch Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40045:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Lucent Monarch Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_30",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3485] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Deft Monarch Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Agility and +8 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Deft Monarch Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40046:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Deft Monarch Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_30",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3486] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Reckless Monarch Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Intellect and +8 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Reckless Monarch Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40047:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Reckless Monarch Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_30",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3487] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Potent Monarch Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Intellect and +8 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Potent Monarch Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40048:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Potent Monarch Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_30",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3488] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Veiled Twilight Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Intellect and +8 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Veiled Twilight Opal",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40049:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Veiled Twilight Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_29",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3489] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Willful Monarch Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Intellect and +8 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Willful Monarch Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40050:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Willful Monarch Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_30",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3490] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Reckless Monarch Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Intellect and +8 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Reckless Monarch Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40051:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Reckless Monarch Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_30",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3491] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Deadly Monarch Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Agility and +8 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Deadly Monarch Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40052:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Deadly Monarch Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_30",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3492] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Glinting Twilight Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Agility and +8 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Glinting Twilight Opal",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40053:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Glinting Twilight Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_29",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3493] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Lucent Monarch Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Agility and +8 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Lucent Monarch Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40054:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Lucent Monarch Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_30",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3494] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Deft Monarch Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Agility and +8 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Deft Monarch Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40055:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Deft Monarch Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_30",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3495] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Stalwart Monarch Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Dodge Rating and +8 Parry Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Stalwart Monarch Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40056:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Stalwart Monarch Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_30",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3496] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Stalwart Monarch Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Parry Rating and +8 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Stalwart Monarch Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40057:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Stalwart Monarch Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_30",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3497] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Accurate Twilight Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Expertise Rating and +8 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Accurate Twilight Opal",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40058:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Accurate Twilight Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_29",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3498] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Resolute Monarch Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Expertise Rating and +8 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Resolute Monarch Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40059:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Resolute Monarch Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_30",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3499] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Timeless Twilight Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Intellect and +12 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Timeless Twilight Opal",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40085:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Timeless Twilight Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_29",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3500] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Jagged Forest Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Critical Strike Rating and +12 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Jagged Forest Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40086:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Jagged Forest Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_25",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3501] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Nimble Forest Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Hit Rating and +8 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Nimble Forest Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40088:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Nimble Forest Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_25",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3502] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Regal Forest Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Dodge Rating and +12 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Regal Forest Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40089:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Regal Forest Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_25",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3503] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Steady Forest Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Resilience Rating and +12 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Steady Forest Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40090:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Steady Forest Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_25",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3504] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Forceful Forest Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Haste Rating and +12 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Forceful Forest Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40091:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Forceful Forest Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_25",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3505] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Purified Twilight Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Intellect and +8 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Purified Twilight Opal",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40092:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purified Twilight Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_29",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3506] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Misty Forest Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Critical Strike Rating and +8 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Misty Forest Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40095:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Misty Forest Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_25",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3507] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Lightning Forest Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Hit Rating and +8 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Lightning Forest Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40099:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Lightning Forest Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_25",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3508] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Turbid Forest Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Resilience Rating and +8 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Turbid Forest Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40102:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Turbid Forest Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_25",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3509] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Energized Forest Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Haste Rating and +8 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Energized Forest Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40104:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Energized Forest Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_25",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3510] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Purified Twilight Opal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Intellect and +8 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Purified Twilight Opal",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40094:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purified Twilight Opal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_29",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3511] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Misty Forest Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Critical Strike Rating and +8 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Misty Forest Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40096:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Misty Forest Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_25",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3512] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Lightning Forest Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Hit Rating and +8 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Lightning Forest Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40100:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Lightning Forest Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_25",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3513] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Turbid Forest Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Spirit and +8 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Turbid Forest Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40103:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Turbid Forest Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_25",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3514] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Energized Forest Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Haste Rating and +8 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Energized Forest Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40105:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Energized Forest Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_25",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3515] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Radiant Forest Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Critical Strike Rating and +10 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Radiant Forest Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40098:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Radiant Forest Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_25",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3516] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Radiant Forest Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Critical Strike Rating and +10 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Radiant Forest Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40101:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Radiant Forest Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_25",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3517] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Shattered Forest Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+8 Haste Rating and +10 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Shattered Forest Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40106:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Shattered Forest Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_25",
-			[11] = 45000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3518] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Bold Cardinal Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+20 Strength",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Bold Cardinal Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40111:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Bold Cardinal Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_37",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3519] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Delicate Cardinal Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+20 Agility",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Delicate Cardinal Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40112:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Delicate Cardinal Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_37",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3520] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Cardinal Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+20 Intellect",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Cardinal Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40113:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Cardinal Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_37",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3521] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Delicate Cardinal Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+20 Agility",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Delicate Cardinal Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40114:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Delicate Cardinal Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_37",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3522] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Subtle King's Amber",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+20 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Subtle King's Amber",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40115:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Subtle King's Amber]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_38",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3523] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Flashing Cardinal Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+20 Parry Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Flashing Cardinal Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40116:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Flashing Cardinal Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_37",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3524] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Precise Cardinal Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+20 Expertise Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Precise Cardinal Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40118:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Precise Cardinal Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_37",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3525] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Smooth King's Amber",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+20 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Smooth King's Amber",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40117:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Smooth King's Amber]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_38",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3526] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Cardinal Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+20 Intellect",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Cardinal Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40123:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Cardinal Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_37",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3527] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Smooth King's Amber",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+20 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Smooth King's Amber",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40124:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Smooth King's Amber]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_38",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3528] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Rigid Majestic Zircon",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+20 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Rigid Majestic Zircon",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40125:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Rigid Majestic Zircon]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_42",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3529] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Subtle King's Amber",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+20 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Subtle King's Amber",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40126:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Subtle King's Amber]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_38",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3530] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Mystic King's Amber",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+20 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Mystic King's Amber",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40127:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Mystic King's Amber]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_38",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3531] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Quick King's Amber",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+20 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Quick King's Amber",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40128:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Quick King's Amber]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_38",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3532] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Solid Majestic Zircon",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+30 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Solid Majestic Zircon",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40119:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Solid Majestic Zircon]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_42",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3533] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sparkling Majestic Zircon",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+20 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sparkling Majestic Zircon",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40120:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sparkling Majestic Zircon]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_42",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3534] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sparkling Majestic Zircon",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+20 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sparkling Majestic Zircon",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40121:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sparkling Majestic Zircon]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_42",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3535] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Stormy Majestic Zircon",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+25 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Stormy Majestic Zircon",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40122:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Stormy Majestic Zircon]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_42",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3536] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sovereign Dreadstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Strength and +15 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sovereign Dreadstone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40129:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sovereign Dreadstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_40",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3537] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Shifting Dreadstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Agility and +15 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Shifting Dreadstone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40130:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Shifting Dreadstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_40",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3538] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Timeless Dreadstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Intellect and +15 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Timeless Dreadstone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40132:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Timeless Dreadstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_40",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3539] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Shifting Dreadstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Agility and +15 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Shifting Dreadstone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40136:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Shifting Dreadstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_40",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3540] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Regal Eye of Zul",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Dodge Rating and +15 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Regal Eye of Zul",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40138:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Regal Eye of Zul]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_41",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3541] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Defender's Dreadstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Parry Rating and +15 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Defender's Dreadstone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40139:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Defender's Dreadstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_40",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3542] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Guardian's Dreadstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Expertise Rating and +15 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Guardian's Dreadstone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40141:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Guardian's Dreadstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_40",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3543] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Jagged Eye of Zul",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Critical Strike Rating and +15 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Jagged Eye of Zul",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40140:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Jagged Eye of Zul]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_41",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3544] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Glinting Dreadstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Agility and +10 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Glinting Dreadstone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40131:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Glinting Dreadstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_40",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3545] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Purified Dreadstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Intellect and +10 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Purified Dreadstone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40133:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purified Dreadstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_40",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3546] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Purified Dreadstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Intellect and +10 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Purified Dreadstone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40134:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purified Dreadstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_40",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3547] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Glinting Dreadstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Agility and +10 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Glinting Dreadstone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40137:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Glinting Dreadstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_40",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3548] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Mysterious Dreadstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Intellect and +13 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Mysterious Dreadstone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40135:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Mysterious Dreadstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_40",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3549] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Inscribed Ametrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Strength and +10 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Inscribed Ametrine",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40142:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Inscribed Ametrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_39",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3550] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Etched Dreadstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Strength and +10 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Etched Dreadstone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40143:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Etched Dreadstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_40",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3551] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Champion's Ametrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Strength and +10 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Champion's Ametrine",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40144:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Champion's Ametrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_39",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3552] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Resplendent Ametrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Strength and +10 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Resplendent Ametrine",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40145:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Resplendent Ametrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_39",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3553] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Fierce Ametrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Strength and +10 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Fierce Ametrine",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40146:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Fierce Ametrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_39",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3554] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Deadly Ametrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Agility and +10 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Deadly Ametrine",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40147:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Deadly Ametrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_39",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3555] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Glinting Dreadstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Agility and +10 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Glinting Dreadstone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40148:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Glinting Dreadstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_40",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3556] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Lucent Ametrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Agility and +10 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Lucent Ametrine",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40149:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Lucent Ametrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_39",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3557] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Deft Ametrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Agility and +10 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Deft Ametrine",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40150:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Deft Ametrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_39",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3558] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Purified Dreadstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Intellect and +10 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Purified Dreadstone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40151:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purified Dreadstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_40",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3559] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Potent Ametrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Intellect and +10 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Potent Ametrine",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40152:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Potent Ametrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_39",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3560] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Veiled Dreadstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Intellect and +10 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Veiled Dreadstone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40153:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Veiled Dreadstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_40",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3561] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Willful Ametrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Intellect and +10 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Willful Ametrine",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40154:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Willful Ametrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_39",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3563] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Reckless Ametrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Intellect and +10 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Reckless Ametrine",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40155:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Reckless Ametrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_39",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3564] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Deadly Ametrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Agility and +10 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Deadly Ametrine",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40156:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Deadly Ametrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_39",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3565] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Glinting Dreadstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Agility and +10 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Glinting Dreadstone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40157:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Glinting Dreadstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_40",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3566] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Lucent Ametrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Agility and +10 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Lucent Ametrine",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40158:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Lucent Ametrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_39",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3567] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Deft Ametrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Agility and +10 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Deft Ametrine",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40159:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Deft Ametrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_39",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3568] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Stalwart Ametrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Dodge Rating and +10 Parry Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Stalwart Ametrine",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40160:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Stalwart Ametrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_39",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3569] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Stalwart Ametrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Parry Rating and +10 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Stalwart Ametrine",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40161:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Stalwart Ametrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_39",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3570] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Accurate Dreadstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Expertise Rating and +10 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Accurate Dreadstone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40162:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Accurate Dreadstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_40",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3571] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Resolute Ametrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Expertise Rating and +10 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Resolute Ametrine",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40163:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Resolute Ametrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_39",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3572] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Timeless Dreadstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Intellect and +15 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Timeless Dreadstone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40164:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Timeless Dreadstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_40",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3573] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Jagged Eye of Zul",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Critical Strike Rating and +15 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Jagged Eye of Zul",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40165:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Jagged Eye of Zul]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_41",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3574] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Nimble Eye of Zul",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Hit Rating and +10 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Nimble Eye of Zul",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40166:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Nimble Eye of Zul]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_41",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3575] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Regal Eye of Zul",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Dodge Rating and +15 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Regal Eye of Zul",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40167:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Regal Eye of Zul]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_41",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3576] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Steady Eye of Zul",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Resilience Rating and +15 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Steady Eye of Zul",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40168:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Steady Eye of Zul]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_41",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3577] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Forceful Eye of Zul",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Haste Rating and +15 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Forceful Eye of Zul",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40169:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Forceful Eye of Zul]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_41",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3578] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Purified Dreadstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Intellect and +10 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Purified Dreadstone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40170:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purified Dreadstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_40",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3579] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Misty Eye of Zul",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Critical Strike Rating and +10 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Misty Eye of Zul",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40171:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Misty Eye of Zul]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_41",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3580] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Lightning Eye of Zul",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Hit Rating and +10 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Lightning Eye of Zul",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40172:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Lightning Eye of Zul]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_41",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3581] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Turbid Eye of Zul",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Resilience Rating and +10 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Turbid Eye of Zul",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40173:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Turbid Eye of Zul]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_41",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3582] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Energized Eye of Zul",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Haste Rating and +10 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Energized Eye of Zul",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40174:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Energized Eye of Zul]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_41",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3583] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Purified Dreadstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Intellect and +10 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Purified Dreadstone",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40175:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purified Dreadstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_40",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3584] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Misty Eye of Zul",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Critical Strike Rating and +10 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Misty Eye of Zul",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40176:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Misty Eye of Zul]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_41",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3585] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Lightning Eye of Zul",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Hit Rating and +10 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Lightning Eye of Zul",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40177:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Lightning Eye of Zul]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_41",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3586] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Turbid Eye of Zul",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Resilience Rating and +10 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Turbid Eye of Zul",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40178:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Turbid Eye of Zul]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_41",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3587] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Energized Eye of Zul",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Haste Rating and +10 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Energized Eye of Zul",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40179:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Energized Eye of Zul]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_41",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3588] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Radiant Eye of Zul",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Critical Strike Rating and +13 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Radiant Eye of Zul",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40180:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Radiant Eye of Zul]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_41",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3589] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Radiant Eye of Zul",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Critical Strike Rating and +13 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Radiant Eye of Zul",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40181:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Radiant Eye of Zul]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_41",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3590] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Shattered Eye of Zul",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+10 Haste Rating and +13 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Shattered Eye of Zul",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:40182:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Shattered Eye of Zul]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_gem_41",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3591] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Test Dazzling Talasite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Test +4 Intellect and +2 Mana every 5 seconds",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Test Dazzling Talasite",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:40232:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Test Dazzling Talasite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3621] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Chaotic Skyflare Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+21 Critical Strike Rating and 3% Increased Critical Damage",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 3 Red gems|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Chaotic Skyflare Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:41285:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Chaotic Skyflare Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_IceDiamond_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3622] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Destructive Skyflare Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+25 Critical Strike Rating and 1% Spell Reflect",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Red gem|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Yellow gem|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Blue gem|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Destructive Skyflare Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:41307:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Destructive Skyflare Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_IceDiamond_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3623] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Ember Skyflare Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+21 Intellect and +2% Maximum Mana",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 3 Red gems|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Ember Skyflare Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:41333:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Ember Skyflare Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_IceDiamond_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3624] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Enigmatic Skyflare Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+21 Critical Strike Rating and Reduces Snare/Root Duration by 10%",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 2 Red gems|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Yellow gem|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Enigmatic Skyflare Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:41335:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Enigmatic Skyflare Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_IceDiamond_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3625] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Swift Skyflare Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+21 Critical Strike Rating and Minor Run Speed Increase",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cff808080Requires at least 2 Yellow gems|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Red gem|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Swift Skyflare Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:41339:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Swift Skyflare Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_IceDiamond_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3626] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Bracing Earthsiege Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+21 Intellect and 2% Reduced Threat",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 2 Red gems|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Blue gem|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Bracing Earthsiege Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:41395:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Bracing Earthsiege Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_ShadowSpirit_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3627] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Insightful Earthsiege Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+21 Intellect and Chance to restore mana on spellcast",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Red gem|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Yellow gem|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Blue gem|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Insightful Earthsiege Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:41401:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Insightful Earthsiege Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_ShadowSpirit_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3628] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Relentless Earthsiege Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+21 Agility and 3% Increased Critical Damage",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 3 Red gems|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Relentless Earthsiege Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:41398:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Relentless Earthsiege Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_ShadowSpirit_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3631] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Eternal Earthsiege Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+21 Dodge Rating and +1% Shield Block Value",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 2 Red gems|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Blue gem|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Eternal Earthsiege Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:41396:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Eternal Earthsiege Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_ShadowSpirit_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3632] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Tireless Skyflare Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+21 Intellect and Minor Run Speed Increase",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Red gem|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Blue gem|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Yellow gem|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Tireless Skyflare Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:41375:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Tireless Skyflare Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_IceDiamond_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3633] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Revitalizing Skyflare Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+22 Spirit and 3% Increased Critical Healing Effect",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 2 Red gems|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Revitalizing Skyflare Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:41376:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Revitalizing Skyflare Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_IceDiamond_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3634] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Shielded Skyflare Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+32 Stamina and Reduce Spell Damage Taken by 2%",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 2 Blue gems|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Red gem|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Shielded Skyflare Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:41377:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Shielded Skyflare Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_IceDiamond_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3635] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Forlorn Skyflare Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+21 Intellect and Silence Duration Reduced by 10%",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cff808080Requires at least 2 Yellow gems|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Blue gem|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Forlorn Skyflare Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:41378:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Forlorn Skyflare Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_IceDiamond_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3636] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Impassive Skyflare Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+21 Critical Strike Rating and Fear Duration Reduced by 10%",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 2 Red gems|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Blue gem|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Impassive Skyflare Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:41379:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Impassive Skyflare Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_IceDiamond_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3637] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Austere Earthsiege Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+32 Stamina and 2% Increased Armor Value from Items",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 2 Blue gems|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Red gem|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Austere Earthsiege Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:41380:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Austere Earthsiege Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_ShadowSpirit_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3638] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Persistent Earthsiege Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+21 Critical Strike Rating and Stun Duration Reduced by 10%",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cff808080Requires at least 2 Yellow gems|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Blue gem|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Persistent Earthsiege Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:41381:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Persistent Earthsiege Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_ShadowSpirit_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3639] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Trenchant Earthsiege Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+21 Intellect and Stun Duration Reduced by 10%",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Red gem|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Yellow gem|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Blue gem|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Trenchant Earthsiege Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:41382:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Trenchant Earthsiege Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_ShadowSpirit_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3640] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Invigorating Earthsiege Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+21 Haste Rating and Sometimes Heal on Your Crits",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 2 Blue gems|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Red gem|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Invigorating Earthsiege Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:41385:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Invigorating Earthsiege Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_ShadowSpirit_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3641] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Beaming Earthsiege Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+21 Critical Strike Rating and +2% Mana",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 2 Red gems|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Yellow gem|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Beaming Earthsiege Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:41389:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Beaming Earthsiege Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_ShadowSpirit_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3642] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Powerful Earthsiege Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+32 Stamina and Stun Duration Reduced by 10%",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 3 Blue gems|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Powerful Earthsiege Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:41397:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Powerful Earthsiege Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_ShadowSpirit_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3643] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Thundering Skyflare Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Chance to Increase Melee/Ranged Attack Speed ",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Red gem|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Yellow gem|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Blue gem|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Thundering Skyflare Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:41400:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Thundering Skyflare Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_IceDiamond_02",
-			[11] = 60000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3644] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Delicate Bloodstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+14 Agility",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Delicate Bloodstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41434:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Delicate Bloodstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_16",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3646] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Subtle Sun Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+14 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Subtle Sun Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41439:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Subtle Sun Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_15",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3647] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Precise Bloodstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+14 Expertise Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Precise Bloodstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41437:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Precise Bloodstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_16",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3648] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Flashing Bloodstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+14 Parry Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Flashing Bloodstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41435:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Flashing Bloodstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_16",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3649] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Bold Bloodstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+14 Strength",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Bold Bloodstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41432:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Bold Bloodstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_16",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3650] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Brilliant Bloodstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+14 Intellect",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Brilliant Bloodstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41438:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Brilliant Bloodstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_16",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3651] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Delicate Bloodstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+14 Agility",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Delicate Bloodstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41433:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Delicate Bloodstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_16",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3652] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Smooth Sun Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+14 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Smooth Sun Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41436:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Smooth Sun Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_15",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3653] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Sparkling Chalcedony",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+14 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Sparkling Chalcedony",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41442:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Sparkling Chalcedony]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_17",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3654] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Sparkling Chalcedony",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+14 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Sparkling Chalcedony",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41440:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Sparkling Chalcedony]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_17",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3655] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Solid Chalcedony",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+21 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Solid Chalcedony",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41441:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Solid Chalcedony]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_17",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3656] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Stormy Chalcedony",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+18 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Stormy Chalcedony",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41443:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Stormy Chalcedony]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_17",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3657] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Smooth Sun Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+14 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Smooth Sun Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41448:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Smooth Sun Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_15",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3658] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Subtle Sun Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+14 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Subtle Sun Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41449:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Subtle Sun Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_15",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3659] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Quick Sun Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+14 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Quick Sun Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41446:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Quick Sun Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_15",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3660] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Rigid Chalcedony",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+14 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Rigid Chalcedony",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41447:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Rigid Chalcedony]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_17",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3661] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Brilliant Bloodstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+14 Intellect",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Brilliant Bloodstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41444:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Brilliant Bloodstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_16",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3662] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Mystic Sun Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+14 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Mystic Sun Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41445:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Mystic Sun Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_15",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3663] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Agility and +7 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41454:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Glinting Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_18",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3664] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Shifting Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Agility and +10 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Shifting Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41450:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Shifting Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_18",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3665] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Jagged Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Critical Strike Rating and +10 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Jagged Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41456:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Jagged Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_13",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3666] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Agility and +7 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41462:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Glinting Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_18",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3667] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Shifting Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Agility and +10 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Shifting Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41460:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Shifting Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_18",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3668] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Regal Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Dodge Rating and +10 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Regal Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41458:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Regal Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_13",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3669] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Guardian's Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Expertise Rating and +10 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Guardian's Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41453:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Guardian's Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_18",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3670] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Defender's Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Parry Rating and +10 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Defender's Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41451:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Defender's Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_18",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3671] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Sovereign Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Strength and +10 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Sovereign Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41461:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Sovereign Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_18",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3672] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Purified Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Intellect and +7 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Purified Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41459:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Purified Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_18",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3673] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Purified Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Intellect and +7 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Purified Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41457:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Purified Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_18",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3674] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Mysterious Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Intellect and +9 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Mysterious Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41455:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Mysterious Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_18",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3675] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Timeless Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Intellect and +10 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Timeless Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41452:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Timeless Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_18",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3677] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Deft Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Agility and +7 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Deft Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41485:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Deft Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_14",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3678] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Deft Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Agility and +7 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Deft Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41501:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Deft Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_14",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3679] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Agility and +7 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41496:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Glinting Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_18",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3680] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Lucent Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Agility and +7 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Lucent Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41487:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Lucent Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_14",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3681] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Inscribed Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Strength and +7 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Inscribed Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41492:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Inscribed Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_14",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3682] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Etched Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Strength and +7 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Etched Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41488:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Etched Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_18",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3683] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Champion's Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Strength and +7 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Champion's Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41483:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Champion's Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_14",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3684] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Resplendent Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Strength and +7 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Resplendent Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41499:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Resplendent Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_14",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3685] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Fierce Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Strength and +7 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Fierce Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41489:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Fierce Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_14",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3686] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Deadly Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Agility and +7 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Deadly Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41484:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Deadly Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_14",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3687] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Agility and +7 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41491:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Glinting Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_18",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3688] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Lucent Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Agility and +7 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Lucent Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41493:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Lucent Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_14",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3689] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Purified Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Intellect and +7 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Purified Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41494:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Purified Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_18",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3690] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Potent Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Intellect and +7 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Potent Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41495:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Potent Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_14",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3691] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Veiled Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Intellect and +7 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Veiled Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41502:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Veiled Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_18",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3692] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Willful Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Intellect and +7 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Willful Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41486:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Willful Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_14",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3693] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Reckless Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Intellect and +7 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Reckless Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41497:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Reckless Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_14",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3694] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Stalwart Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Dodge Rating and +7 Parry Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Stalwart Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41500:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Stalwart Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_14",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3695] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Stalwart Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Parry Rating and +7 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Stalwart Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41490:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Stalwart Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_14",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3696] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Accurate Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Expertise Rating and +7 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Accurate Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41482:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Accurate Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_18",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3697] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Resolute Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Expertise Rating and +7 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Resolute Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41498:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Resolute Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_14",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3698] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Misty Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Critical Strike Rating and +7 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Misty Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41470:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Misty Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_13",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3699] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Jagged Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Critical Strike Rating and +10 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Jagged Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41468:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Jagged Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_13",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3700] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Regal Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Dodge Rating and +10 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Regal Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41464:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Regal Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_13",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3701] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Energized Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Haste Rating and +7 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Energized Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41467:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Energized Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_13",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3702] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Forceful Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Haste Rating and +10 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Forceful Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41466:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Forceful Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_13",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3703] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Lightning Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Hit Rating and +7 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Lightning Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41475:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Lightning Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_13",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3704] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Nimble Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Hit Rating and +7 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Nimble Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41481:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Nimble Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_13",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3705] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Purified Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Intellect and +7 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Purified Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41473:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Purified Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_18",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3706] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Timeless Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Intellect and +10 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Timeless Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41479:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Timeless Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_18",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3707] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Turbid Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Resilience Rating and +7 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Turbid Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41480:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Turbid Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_13",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3708] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Steady Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Resilience Rating and +10 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Steady Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41476:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Steady Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_13",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3709] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Radiant Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Critical Strike Rating and +9 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Radiant Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41472:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Radiant Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_13",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3710] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Misty Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Critical Strike Rating and +7 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Misty Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41477:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Misty Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_13",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3711] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Purified Shadow Crystal",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Intellect and +7 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Purified Shadow Crystal",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41463:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Purified Shadow Crystal]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_18",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3712] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Lightning Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Hit Rating and +7 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Lightning Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41469:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Lightning Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_13",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3713] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Turbid Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Resilience Rating and +7 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Turbid Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41471:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Turbid Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_13",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3714] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Energized Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Haste Rating and +7 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Energized Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41465:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Energized Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_13",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3715] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Radiant Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Critical Strike Rating and +9 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Radiant Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41478:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Radiant Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_13",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3716] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Shattered Dark Jade",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Haste Rating and +9 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Shattered Dark Jade",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41474:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Shattered Dark Jade]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_13",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3732] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Bold Dragon's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+34 Strength",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (350)",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red socket.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Bold Dragon's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:42142:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Bold Dragon's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye05",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3733] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Delicate Dragon's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+34 Agility",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (350)",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red socket.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Delicate Dragon's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:42143:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Delicate Dragon's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye05",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3734] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Dragon's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+34 Intellect",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (350)",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red socket.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Dragon's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:42144:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Dragon's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye05",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3735] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sparkling Dragon's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+34 Spirit",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (350)",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue socket.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sparkling Dragon's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:42145:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sparkling Dragon's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye04",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3736] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sparkling Dragon's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+34 Spirit",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (350)",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue socket.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sparkling Dragon's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:42146:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sparkling Dragon's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye04",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3737] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Dragon's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+34 Intellect",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (350)",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red socket.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Dragon's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:42148:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Dragon's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye05",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3738] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Smooth Dragon's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+34 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (350)",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow socket.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Smooth Dragon's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:42149:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Smooth Dragon's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye03",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3739] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Quick Dragon's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+34 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (350)",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow socket.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Quick Dragon's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:42150:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Quick Dragon's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye03",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3740] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Subtle Dragon's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+34 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (350)",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow socket.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Subtle Dragon's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:42151:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Subtle Dragon's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye03",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3741] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Flashing Dragon's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+34 Parry Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (350)",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red socket.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Flashing Dragon's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:42152:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Flashing Dragon's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye05",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3742] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Rigid Dragon's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+34 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (350)",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue socket.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Rigid Dragon's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:42156:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Rigid Dragon's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye04",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3743] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Subtle Dragon's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+34 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (350)",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow socket.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Subtle Dragon's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:42157:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Subtle Dragon's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye03",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3744] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Mystic Dragon's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+34 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (350)",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow socket.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Mystic Dragon's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:42158:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Mystic Dragon's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye03",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3745] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Smooth Dragon's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+34 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (350)",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow socket.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Smooth Dragon's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:42153:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Smooth Dragon's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye03",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3746] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Precise Dragon's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+34 Expertise Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (350)",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red socket.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Precise Dragon's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:42154:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Precise Dragon's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye05",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3747] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Stormy Dragon's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+43 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (350)",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue socket.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Stormy Dragon's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:42155:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Stormy Dragon's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye04",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3749] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Enchanted Pearl",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+4 All Stats",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red, Yellow or Blue socket.  Maximum of one socketed in your equipment.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Enchanted Pearl",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:42701:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Enchanted Pearl]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Prismatic",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Pearl_10",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3750] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Enchanted Tear",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+6 All Stats",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red, Yellow or Blue socket.  Maximum of one socketed in your equipment.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Enchanted Tear",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:42702:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Enchanted Tear]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Prismatic",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Pearl_12",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3767] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Deadly Huge Citrine",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+7 Agility and +7 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Deadly Huge Citrine",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:41429:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Deadly Huge Citrine]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_14",
-			[11] = 10000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3792] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Kharmaa's Grace",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Kharmaa's Grace",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:44066:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Kharmaa's Grace]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_26",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3798] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Swift Starflare Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+17 Critical Strike Rating and Minor Run Speed Increase",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cff808080Requires at least 2 Yellow gems|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Red gem|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Swift Starflare Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:44076:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Swift Starflare Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_IceDiamond_02",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3799] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Tireless Starflare Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+17 Intellect and Minor Run Speed Increase",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Red gem|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Blue gem|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Yellow gem|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Tireless Starflare Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:44078:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Tireless Starflare Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_IceDiamond_02",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3800] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Impassive Starflare Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+17 Critical Strike Rating and Fear Duration Reduced by 10%",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 2 Blue gems|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Red gem|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Impassive Starflare Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:44082:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Impassive Starflare Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_IceDiamond_02",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3801] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Enigmatic Starflare Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+17 Critical Strike Rating and Reduces Snare/Root Duration by 10%",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 2 Red gems|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Blue gem|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Enigmatic Starflare Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:44081:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Enigmatic Starflare Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_IceDiamond_02",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3802] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Forlorn Starflare Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+17 Intellect and Silence Duration Reduced by 10%",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cff808080Requires at least 2 Yellow gems|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Blue gem|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Forlorn Starflare Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:44084:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Forlorn Starflare Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_IceDiamond_02",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3803] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Persistent Earthshatter Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+17 Critical Strike Rating and Stun Duration Reduced by 10%",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 3 Blue gems|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Persistent Earthshatter Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:44087:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Persistent Earthshatter Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_ShadowSpirit_02",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3804] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Powerful Earthshatter Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+26 Stamina and Stun Duration Reduced by 10%",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 2 Blue gems|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Yellow gem|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Powerful Earthshatter Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:44088:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Powerful Earthshatter Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_ShadowSpirit_02",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3805] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Trenchant Earthshatter Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+17 Intellect and Stun Duration Reduced by 10%",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Red gem|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Yellow gem|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Blue gem|r",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Trenchant Earthshatter Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:44089:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Trenchant Earthshatter Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_ShadowSpirit_02",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3861] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Bold Stormjewel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+20 Strength",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Bold Stormjewel",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:45862:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Bold Stormjewel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_37",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3862] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Delicate Stormjewel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+20 Agility",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Delicate Stormjewel",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:45879:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Delicate Stormjewel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_37",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3863] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Solid Stormjewel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+30 Stamina",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Solid Stormjewel",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:45880:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Solid Stormjewel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_42",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3864] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sparkling Stormjewel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+20 Spirit",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sparkling Stormjewel",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:45881:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sparkling Stormjewel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_42",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3865] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Stormjewel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+20 Intellect",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Stormjewel",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:45882:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Stormjewel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_37",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3866] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Stormjewel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+20 Intellect",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Stormjewel",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:45883:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Stormjewel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_37",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3867] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Rigid Stormjewel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+20 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Rigid Stormjewel",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:45987:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Rigid Stormjewel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_Gem_42",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3879] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Nightmare Tear",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+10 All Stats",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red, Yellow or Blue socket.  Maximum of one socketed in your equipment.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Nightmare Tear",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:49110:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Nightmare Tear]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Prismatic",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Pearl_12",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3884] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Strange Gem",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+24 Stamina and +24 Agility",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue socket.\"",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Strange Gem",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52070:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Strange Gem]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 80,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_DragonsEye02",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3885] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Zen Jasper",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Mastery Rating and +15 Spirit",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Zen Jasper",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52127:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Zen Jasper]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal5a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3886] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sensei's Jasper",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Mastery Rating and +15 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sensei's Jasper",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52128:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sensei's Jasper]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal5a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3887] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Zen Jasper",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Mastery Rating and +17 Spirit",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Zen Jasper",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52130:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Zen Jasper]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect5",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3888] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Sensei's Jasper",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Mastery Rating and +17 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Sensei's Jasper",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52129:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Sensei's Jasper]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect5",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3889] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Bold Carnelian",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+30 Strength",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Bold Carnelian",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52081:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Bold Carnelian]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormala",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3890] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Delicate Carnelian",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+30 Agility",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Delicate Carnelian",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52082:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Delicate Carnelian]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormala",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3891] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Flashing Carnelian",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+30 Parry Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Flashing Carnelian",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52083:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Flashing Carnelian]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormala",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3892] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Carnelian",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+30 Intellect",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Carnelian",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52084:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Carnelian]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormala",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3893] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Precise Carnelian",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+30 Expertise Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Precise Carnelian",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52085:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Precise Carnelian]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormala",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3894] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Solid Zephyrite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+45 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Solid Zephyrite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52086:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Solid Zephyrite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal4a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3895] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sparkling Zephyrite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+30 Spirit",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sparkling Zephyrite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52087:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sparkling Zephyrite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal4a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3896] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Stormy Zephyrite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+38 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Stormy Zephyrite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52088:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Stormy Zephyrite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal4a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3897] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Rigid Zephyrite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+30 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Rigid Zephyrite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52089:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Rigid Zephyrite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal4a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3898] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Subtle Alicite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+30 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Subtle Alicite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52090:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Subtle Alicite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal6a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3899] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Mystic Alicite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+30 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Mystic Alicite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52092:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Mystic Alicite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal6a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3900] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Quick Alicite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+30 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Quick Alicite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52093:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Quick Alicite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal6a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3901] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Fractured Alicite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+30 Mastery Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Fractured Alicite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52094:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Fractured Alicite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal6a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3902] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sovereign Nightstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Strength and +23 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sovereign Nightstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52095:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sovereign Nightstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal2a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3903] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Defender's Nightstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Parry Rating and +23 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Defender's Nightstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52097:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Defender's Nightstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal2a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3904] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Shifting Nightstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Agility and +23 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Shifting Nightstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52096:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Shifting Nightstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal2a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3905] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Timeless Nightstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Intellect and +23 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Timeless Nightstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52098:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Timeless Nightstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal2a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3906] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Guardian's Nightstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Expertise Rating and +23 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Guardian's Nightstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52099:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Guardian's Nightstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal2a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3907] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Purified Nightstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Intellect and +15 Spirit",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Purified Nightstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52100:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purified Nightstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal2a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3908] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Etched Nightstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Strength and +15 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Etched Nightstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52101:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Etched Nightstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal2a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3909] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Glinting Nightstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Agility and +15 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Glinting Nightstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52102:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Glinting Nightstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal2a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3910] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Retaliating Nightstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Parry Rating and +15 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Retaliating Nightstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52103:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Retaliating Nightstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal2a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3911] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Veiled Nightstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Intellect and +15 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Veiled Nightstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52104:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Veiled Nightstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal2a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3912] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Accurate Nightstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Expertise Rating and +15 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Accurate Nightstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52105:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Accurate Nightstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal2a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3913] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Polished Hessonite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Agility and +15 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Polished Hessonite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52106:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Polished Hessonite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal3a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3914] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Resolute Hessonite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Expertise Rating and +15 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Resolute Hessonite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52107:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Resolute Hessonite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal3a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3915] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Inscribed Hessonite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Strength and +15 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Inscribed Hessonite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52108:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Inscribed Hessonite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal3a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3916] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Deadly Hessonite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Agility and +15 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Deadly Hessonite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52109:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Deadly Hessonite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal3a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3917] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Potent Hessonite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Intellect and +15 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Potent Hessonite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52110:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Potent Hessonite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal3a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3918] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Fierce Hessonite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Strength and +15 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Fierce Hessonite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52111:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Fierce Hessonite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal3a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3919] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Deft Hessonite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Agility and +15 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Deft Hessonite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52112:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Deft Hessonite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal3a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3920] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Reckless Hessonite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Intellect and +15 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Reckless Hessonite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52113:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Reckless Hessonite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal3a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3921] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Skillful Hessonite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Strength and +15 Mastery Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Skillful Hessonite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52114:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Skillful Hessonite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal3a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3922] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Adept Hessonite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Agility and +15 Mastery Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Adept Hessonite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52115:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Adept Hessonite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal3a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3923] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Fine Hessonite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Parry Rating and +15 Mastery Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Fine Hessonite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52116:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Fine Hessonite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal3a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3924] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Artful Hessonite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Intellect and +15 Mastery Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Artful Hessonite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52117:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Artful Hessonite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal3a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3925] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Keen Hessonite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Expertise Rating and +15 Mastery Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Keen Hessonite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52118:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Keen Hessonite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal3a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3926] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Regal Jasper",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Dodge Rating and +23 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Regal Jasper",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52119:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Regal Jasper]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal5a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3927] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Nimble Jasper",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Dodge Rating and +15 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Nimble Jasper",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52120:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Nimble Jasper]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal5a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3928] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Jagged Jasper",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Critical Strike Rating and +23 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Jagged Jasper",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52121:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Jagged Jasper]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal5a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3929] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Piercing Jasper",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Critical Strike Rating and +15 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Piercing Jasper",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52122:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Piercing Jasper]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal5a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3930] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Steady Jasper",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Resilience Rating and +23 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Steady Jasper",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52123:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Steady Jasper]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal5a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3931] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Forceful Jasper",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Haste Rating and +23 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Forceful Jasper",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52124:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Forceful Jasper]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal5a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3932] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Lightning Jasper",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Haste Rating and +15 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Lightning Jasper",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52125:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Lightning Jasper]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal5a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3933] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Puissant Jasper",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+15 Mastery Rating and +23 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Puissant Jasper",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52126:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Puissant Jasper]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal5a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3936] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Smooth Alicite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+30 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Smooth Alicite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52091:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Smooth Alicite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 81,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemnormal6a",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3937] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Etched Nightstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Strength and +17 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Etched Nightstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52156:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Etched Nightstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect2",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3938] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Purified Nightstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Intellect and +17 Spirit",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Purified Nightstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52157:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Purified Nightstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect2",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3939] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Guardian's Nightstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Expertise Rating and +26 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Guardian's Nightstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52158:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Guardian's Nightstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect2",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3940] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Timeless Nightstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Intellect and +26 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Timeless Nightstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52159:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Timeless Nightstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect2",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3941] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Defender's Nightstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Parry Rating and +26 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Defender's Nightstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52160:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Defender's Nightstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect2",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3942] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Shifting Nightstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Agility and +23 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Shifting Nightstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52161:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Shifting Nightstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect2",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3943] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Sovereign Nightstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Strength and +26 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Sovereign Nightstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52162:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Sovereign Nightstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect2",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3944] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Fractured Alicite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+35 Mastery Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Fractured Alicite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52163:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Fractured Alicite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect6",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3945] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Quick Alicite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+35 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Quick Alicite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52164:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Quick Alicite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect6",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3946] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Mystic Alicite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+35 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Mystic Alicite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52165:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Mystic Alicite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect6",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3947] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Smooth Alicite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+35 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Smooth Alicite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52166:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Smooth Alicite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect6",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3948] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Subtle Alicite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+35 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Subtle Alicite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52167:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Subtle Alicite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect6",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3949] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Rigid Zephyrite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+35 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Rigid Zephyrite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52168:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Rigid Zephyrite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect3",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3950] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Stormy Zephyrite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+44 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Stormy Zephyrite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52169:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Stormy Zephyrite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect3",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3951] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Sparkling Zephyrite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+35 Spirit",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Sparkling Zephyrite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52170:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Sparkling Zephyrite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect3",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3952] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Solid Zephyrite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+53 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Solid Zephyrite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52171:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Solid Zephyrite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect3",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3953] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Precise Carnelian",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+35 Expertise Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Precise Carnelian",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52172:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Precise Carnelian]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect4",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3954] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Brilliant Carnelian",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+35 Intellect",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Brilliant Carnelian",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52173:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Brilliant Carnelian]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect4",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3955] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Flashing Carnelian",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+35 Parry Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Flashing Carnelian",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52174:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Flashing Carnelian]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect4",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3956] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Delicate Carnelian",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+35 Agility",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Delicate Carnelian",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52175:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Delicate Carnelian]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect4",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3957] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Bold Carnelian",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+35 Strength",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Bold Carnelian",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52176:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Bold Carnelian]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect4",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3958] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Puissant Jasper",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Mastery Rating and +26 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Puissant Jasper",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52131:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Puissant Jasper]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect5",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3959] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Lightning Jasper",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Haste Rating and +17 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Lightning Jasper",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52132:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Lightning Jasper]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect5",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3960] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Forceful Jasper",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Haste Rating and +26 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Forceful Jasper",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52133:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Forceful Jasper]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect5",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3961] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Steady Jasper",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Resilience Rating and +26 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Steady Jasper",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52134:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Steady Jasper]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect5",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3962] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Piercing Jasper",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Critical Strike Rating and +17 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Piercing Jasper",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52135:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Piercing Jasper]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect5",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3963] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Jagged Jasper",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Critical Strike Rating and +26 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Jagged Jasper",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52136:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Jagged Jasper]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect5",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3964] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Nimble Jasper",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Dodge Rating and +17 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Nimble Jasper",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52137:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Nimble Jasper]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect5",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3965] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Regal Jasper",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Dodge Rating and +26 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Regal Jasper",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52138:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Regal Jasper]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect5",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3966] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Keen Hessonite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Expertise Rating and +17 Mastery Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Keen Hessonite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52139:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Keen Hessonite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3967] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Artful Hessonite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Intellect and +17 Mastery Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Artful Hessonite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52140:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Artful Hessonite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3968] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Fine Hessonite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Parry Rating and +17 Mastery Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Fine Hessonite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52141:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Fine Hessonite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3969] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Adept Hessonite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Agility and +17 Mastery Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Adept Hessonite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52142:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Adept Hessonite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3970] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Skillful Hessonite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Strength and +17 Mastery Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Skillful Hessonite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52143:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Skillful Hessonite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3971] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Reckless Hessonite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Intellect and +17 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Reckless Hessonite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52144:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Reckless Hessonite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3972] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Deft Hessonite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Agility and +17 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Deft Hessonite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52145:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Deft Hessonite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3973] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Fierce Hessonite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Strength and +17 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Fierce Hessonite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52146:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Fierce Hessonite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3974] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Potent Hessonite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Intellect and +17 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Potent Hessonite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52147:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Potent Hessonite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3975] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Deadly Hessonite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Agility and +17 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Deadly Hessonite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52148:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Deadly Hessonite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3976] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Inscribed Hessonite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Strength and +17 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Inscribed Hessonite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52149:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Inscribed Hessonite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3977] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Resolute Hessonite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Expertise Rating and +17 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Resolute Hessonite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52150:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Resolute Hessonite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3978] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Polished Hessonite",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Agility and +17 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Polished Hessonite",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52151:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Polished Hessonite]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3979] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Accurate Nightstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Expertise Rating and +17 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Accurate Nightstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52152:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Accurate Nightstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect2",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3980] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Veiled Nightstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Intellect and +17 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Veiled Nightstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52153:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Veiled Nightstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect2",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3981] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Retaliating Nightstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Parry Rating and +17 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Retaliating Nightstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52154:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Retaliating Nightstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect2",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3982] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Perfect Glinting Nightstone",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+18 Agility and +17 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Perfect Glinting Nightstone",
-			[2] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:52155:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Perfect Glinting Nightstone]|h|r",
-			[3] = 2,
-			[4] = 83,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemperfect2",
-			[11] = 90000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3983] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Accurate Demonseye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Expertise Rating and +20 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Accurate Demonseye",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52203:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Accurate Demonseye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior3",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3984] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Defender's Demonseye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Parry Rating and +30 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Defender's Demonseye",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52210:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Defender's Demonseye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior3",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3985] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Etched Demonseye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Strength and +20 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Etched Demonseye",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52213:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Etched Demonseye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior3",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3986] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Veiled Demonseye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Intellect and +20 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Veiled Demonseye",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52217:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Veiled Demonseye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior3",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3987] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Glinting Demonseye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Agility and +20 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Glinting Demonseye",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52220:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Glinting Demonseye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior3",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3988] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Guardian's Demonseye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Expertise Rating and +30 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Guardian's Demonseye",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52221:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Guardian's Demonseye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior3",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3989] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Retaliating Demonseye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Parry Rating and +20 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Retaliating Demonseye",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52234:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Retaliating Demonseye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior3",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3990] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Purified Demonseye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Intellect and +20 Spirit",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Purified Demonseye",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52236:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Purified Demonseye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior3",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3991] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Shifting Demonseye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Agility and +30 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Shifting Demonseye",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52238:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Shifting Demonseye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior3",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3992] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sovereign Demonseye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Strength and +30 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sovereign Demonseye",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52243:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sovereign Demonseye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior3",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3993] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Timeless Demonseye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Intellect and +30 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Timeless Demonseye",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52248:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Timeless Demonseye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Purple",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior3",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3994] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Bold Inferno Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+40 Strength",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Bold Inferno Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52206:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Bold Inferno Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior6",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3995] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Inferno Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+40 Intellect",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Inferno Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52207:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Inferno Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior6",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3996] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Delicate Inferno Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+40 Agility",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Delicate Inferno Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52212:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Delicate Inferno Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior6",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3997] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Flashing Inferno Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+40 Parry Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Flashing Inferno Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52216:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Flashing Inferno Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior6",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3998] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Precise Inferno Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+40 Expertise Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Precise Inferno Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52230:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Precise Inferno Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior6",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[3999] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Fractured Amberjewel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+40 Mastery Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Fractured Amberjewel",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52219:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Fractured Amberjewel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4000] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Mystic Amberjewel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+40 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Mystic Amberjewel",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52226:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Mystic Amberjewel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4001] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Quick Amberjewel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+40 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Quick Amberjewel",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52232:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Quick Amberjewel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4002] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Smooth Amberjewel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+40 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Smooth Amberjewel",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52241:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Smooth Amberjewel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4003] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Subtle Amberjewel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+40 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Subtle Amberjewel",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52247:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Subtle Amberjewel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4004] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Rigid Ocean Sapphire",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+40 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Rigid Ocean Sapphire",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52235:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Rigid Ocean Sapphire]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior2",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4005] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Solid Ocean Sapphire",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+60 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Solid Ocean Sapphire",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52242:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Solid Ocean Sapphire]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior2",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4006] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sparkling Ocean Sapphire",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+40 Spirit",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sparkling Ocean Sapphire",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52244:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sparkling Ocean Sapphire]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior2",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4007] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Stormy Ocean Sapphire",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+50 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Stormy Ocean Sapphire",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52246:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Stormy Ocean Sapphire]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior2",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4008] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Adept Ember Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Agility and +20 Mastery Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Adept Ember Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52204:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Adept Ember Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior4",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4009] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Artful Ember Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Intellect and +20 Mastery Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Artful Ember Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52205:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Artful Ember Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior4",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4010] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Reckless Ember Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Intellect and +20 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Reckless Ember Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52208:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Reckless Ember Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior4",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4011] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Deadly Ember Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Agility and +20 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Deadly Ember Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52209:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Deadly Ember Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior4",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4012] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Deft Ember Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Agility and +20 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Deft Ember Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52211:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Deft Ember Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior4",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4013] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Fierce Ember Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Strength and +20 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Fierce Ember Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52214:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Fierce Ember Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior4",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4014] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Fine Ember Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Parry Rating and +20 Mastery Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Fine Ember Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52215:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Fine Ember Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior4",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4015] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Inscribed Ember Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Strength and +20 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Inscribed Ember Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52222:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Inscribed Ember Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior4",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4016] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Keen Ember Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Expertise Rating and +20 Mastery Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Keen Ember Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52224:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Keen Ember Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior4",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4017] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Polished Ember Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Agility and +20 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Polished Ember Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52229:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Polished Ember Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior4",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4018] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Potent Ember Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Intellect and +20 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Potent Ember Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52239:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Potent Ember Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior4",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4019] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Skillful Ember Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Strength and +20 Mastery Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Skillful Ember Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52240:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Skillful Ember Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior4",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4020] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Resolute Ember Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Expertise Rating and +20 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Resolute Ember Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52249:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Resolute Ember Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior4",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4021] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Forceful Dream Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Haste Rating and +30 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Forceful Dream Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52218:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Forceful Dream Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior5",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4022] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Jagged Dream Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Critical Strike Rating and +30 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Jagged Dream Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52223:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Jagged Dream Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior5",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4023] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Lightning Dream Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Haste Rating and +20 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Lightning Dream Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52225:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Lightning Dream Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior5",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4024] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Nimble Dream Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Dodge Rating and +20 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Nimble Dream Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52227:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Nimble Dream Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior5",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4025] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Piercing Dream Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Critical Strike Rating and +20 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Piercing Dream Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52228:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Piercing Dream Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior5",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4026] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Puissant Dream Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Mastery Rating and +30 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Puissant Dream Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52231:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Puissant Dream Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior5",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4027] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Regal Dream Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Dodge Rating and +30 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Regal Dream Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52233:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Regal Dream Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior5",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4028] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sensei's Dream Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Mastery Rating and +20 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sensei's Dream Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52237:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sensei's Dream Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior5",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4029] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Steady Dream Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Resilience Rating and +30 Stamina",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Steady Dream Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52245:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Steady Dream Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior5",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4030] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Zen Dream Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Mastery Rating and +20 Spirit",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Zen Dream Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52250:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Zen Dream Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior5",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4031] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Bold Chimera's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "+67 Strength",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (500)",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red socket.\"",
-		},
-		[8] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Bold Chimera's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:52255:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Bold Chimera's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye05",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4032] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Brilliant Chimera's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "+67 Intellect",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (500)",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red socket.\"",
-		},
-		[8] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Brilliant Chimera's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:52257:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Brilliant Chimera's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye05",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4033] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Delicate Chimera's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "+67 Agility",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (500)",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red socket.\"",
-		},
-		[8] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Delicate Chimera's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:52258:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Delicate Chimera's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye05",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4034] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Flashing Chimera's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "+67 Parry Rating",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (500)",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red socket.\"",
-		},
-		[8] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Flashing Chimera's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:52259:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Flashing Chimera's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye05",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4035] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Fractured Chimera's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "+67 Mastery Rating",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (500)",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow socket.\"",
-		},
-		[8] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Fractured Chimera's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:52269:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Fractured Chimera's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye03",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4036] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Mystic Chimera's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "+67 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (500)",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow socket.\"",
-		},
-		[8] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Mystic Chimera's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:52267:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Mystic Chimera's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye03",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4037] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Precise Chimera's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "+67 Expertise Rating",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (500)",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red socket.\"",
-		},
-		[8] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Precise Chimera's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:52260:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Precise Chimera's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye05",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4038] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Quick Chimera's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "+67 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (500)",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow socket.\"",
-		},
-		[8] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Quick Chimera's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:52268:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Quick Chimera's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye03",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4039] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Rigid Chimera's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "+67 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (500)",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue socket.\"",
-		},
-		[8] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Rigid Chimera's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:52264:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Rigid Chimera's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye04",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4040] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Smooth Chimera's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "+67 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (500)",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow socket.\"",
-		},
-		[8] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Smooth Chimera's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:52266:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Smooth Chimera's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye03",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4041] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Solid Chimera's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "+101 Stamina",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (500)",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue socket.\"",
-		},
-		[8] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Solid Chimera's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:52261:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Solid Chimera's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye04",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4042] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sparkling Chimera's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "+67 Spirit",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (500)",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue socket.\"",
-		},
-		[8] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sparkling Chimera's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:52262:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sparkling Chimera's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye04",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4043] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Stormy Chimera's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "+84 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (500)",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue socket.\"",
-		},
-		[8] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Stormy Chimera's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:52263:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Stormy Chimera's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Blue",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye04",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4044] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Subtle Chimera's Eye",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped: Jeweler's Gems (3)",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "+67 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "Requires Jewelcrafting (500)",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Yellow socket.\"",
-		},
-		[8] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Subtle Chimera's Eye",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:52265:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Subtle Chimera's Eye]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Yellow",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye03",
-			[11] = 11250,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = 2,
-			[2] = 3,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4045] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Fleet Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+54 Mastery Rating and Minor Run Speed Increase",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "  |cff808080Requires at least 2 Yellow gems|r",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Fleet Shadowspirit Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52289:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Fleet Shadowspirit Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_metagem_b",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4046] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Chaotic Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+54 Critical Strike Rating and 3% Increased Critical Damage",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 3 Red gems|r",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Chaotic Shadowspirit Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52291:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Chaotic Shadowspirit Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_metagem_b",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4047] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Bracing Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+54 Intellect and 2% Reduced Threat",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Blue gem|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Yellow gem|r",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Bracing Shadowspirit Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52292:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Bracing Shadowspirit Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_metagem_b",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4048] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Eternal Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+81 Stamina and +1% Shield Block Value",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 3 Blue gems|r",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Eternal Shadowspirit Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52293:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Eternal Shadowspirit Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_metagem_b",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4049] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Austere Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+81 Stamina and 2% Increased Armor Value from Items",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "  |cff808080Requires at least 2 Yellow gems|r",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Austere Shadowspirit Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52294:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Austere Shadowspirit Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_metagem_b",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4050] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Effulgent Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+81 Stamina and Reduce Spell Damage Taken by 2%",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Red gem|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Yellow gem|r",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Effulgent Shadowspirit Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52295:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Effulgent Shadowspirit Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_metagem_b",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4051] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Ember Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+54 Intellect and +2% Maximum Mana",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "  |cff808080Requires at least 2 Yellow gems|r",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Ember Shadowspirit Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52296:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Ember Shadowspirit Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_metagem_b",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4052] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Revitalizing Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+54 Spirit and 3% Increased Critical Healing Effect",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Blue gem|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Yellow gem|r",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Revitalizing Shadowspirit Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52297:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Revitalizing Shadowspirit Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_metagem_b",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4053] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Destructive Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+54 Critical Strike Rating and 1% Spell Reflect",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 2 Red gems|r",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Destructive Shadowspirit Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52298:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Destructive Shadowspirit Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_metagem_b",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4054] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Powerful Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+81 Stamina and Stun Duration Reduced by 10%",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 2 Blue gems|r",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Powerful Shadowspirit Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52299:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Powerful Shadowspirit Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_metagem_b",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4055] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Enigmatic Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+54 Critical Strike Rating and Reduces Snare/Root Duration by 10%",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Blue gem|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Yellow gem|r",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Enigmatic Shadowspirit Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52300:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Enigmatic Shadowspirit Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_metagem_b",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4056] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Impassive Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+54 Critical Strike Rating and Fear Duration Reduced by 10%",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Blue gem|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Yellow gem|r",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Impassive Shadowspirit Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52301:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Impassive Shadowspirit Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_metagem_b",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4057] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Forlorn Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+54 Intellect and Silence Duration Reduced by 10%",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Blue gem|r\n  |cffffffffRequires at least 1 Red gem|r",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Forlorn Shadowspirit Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:52302:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Forlorn Shadowspirit Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_metagem_b",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4119] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Stackable Ruby",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "+50 Strength",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Stackable Ruby",
-			[2] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:54616:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Stackable Ruby]|h|r",
-			[3] = 4,
-			[4] = 70,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 20,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Jewelcrafting_LivingRuby_03",
-			[11] = 30000,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4166] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Subtle Cogwheel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Cogwheel",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+208 Dodge Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "Requires Engineering (525)",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a Cogwheel socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Subtle Cogwheel",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:59477:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Subtle Cogwheel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 359,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Cogwheel",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_enggizmos_30",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4167] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Smooth Cogwheel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Cogwheel",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+208 Critical Strike Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "Requires Engineering (525)",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a Cogwheel socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Smooth Cogwheel",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:59478:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Smooth Cogwheel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 359,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Cogwheel",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_enggizmos_30",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4168] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Quick Cogwheel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Cogwheel",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+208 Haste Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "Requires Engineering (525)",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a Cogwheel socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Quick Cogwheel",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:59479:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Quick Cogwheel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 359,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Cogwheel",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_enggizmos_30",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4169] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Fractured Cogwheel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Cogwheel",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+208 Mastery Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "Requires Engineering (525)",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a Cogwheel socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Fractured Cogwheel",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:59480:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Fractured Cogwheel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 359,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Cogwheel",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_enggizmos_30",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4170] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Precise Cogwheel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Cogwheel",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+208 Expertise Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "Requires Engineering (525)",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a Cogwheel socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Precise Cogwheel",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:59489:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Precise Cogwheel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 359,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Cogwheel",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_enggizmos_30",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4171] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Flashing Cogwheel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Cogwheel",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+208 Parry Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "Requires Engineering (525)",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a Cogwheel socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Flashing Cogwheel",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:59491:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Flashing Cogwheel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 359,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Cogwheel",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_enggizmos_30",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4172] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Rigid Cogwheel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Cogwheel",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+208 Hit Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "Requires Engineering (525)",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a Cogwheel socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Rigid Cogwheel",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:59493:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Rigid Cogwheel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 359,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Cogwheel",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_enggizmos_30",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4173] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Sparkling Cogwheel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Cogwheel",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+208 Spirit",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "Requires Engineering (525)",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a Cogwheel socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Sparkling Cogwheel",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:59496:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Sparkling Cogwheel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 359,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Cogwheel",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_enggizmos_30",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4212] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Bold Blood Garnet",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+7 Strength",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Bold Blood Garnet",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:63696:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Bold Blood Garnet]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Bloodstone_02",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4213] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Bold Blood Garnet",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Binds when picked up",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+7 Strength",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red Socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Bold Blood Garnet",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:63697:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Bold Blood Garnet]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 60,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Red",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Bloodstone_02",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4236] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Willful Ember Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Intellect and +20 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Willful Ember Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:68356:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Willful Ember Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior4",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4237] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Lucent Ember Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Agility and +20 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Lucent Ember Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:68357:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Lucent Ember Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior4",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4238] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Resplendent Ember Topaz",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Strength and +20 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Resplendent Ember Topaz",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:68358:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Resplendent Ember Topaz]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Orange",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior4",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4239] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Mystic Cogwheel",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Cogwheel",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+208 Resilience Rating",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "Requires Engineering (525)",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a Cogwheel socket.\"",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Mystic Cogwheel",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:68660:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Mystic Cogwheel]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 359,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Cogwheel",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_enggizmos_30",
-			[11] = 0,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4244] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Vivid Dream Emerald",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "+20 Resilience Rating and +20 Spell Penetration",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "\"Matches a Blue or Yellow Socket.\"",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Vivid Dream Emerald",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:68741:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Vivid Dream Emerald]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Green",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_cutgemsuperior5",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4251] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Agile Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+54 Agility and 3% Increased Critical Damage",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 3 Red gems|r",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Agile Shadowspirit Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:68778:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Agile Shadowspirit Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_metagem_b",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4252] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Reverberating Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+54 Strength and 3% Increased Critical Damage",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 3 Red gems|r",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Reverberating Shadowspirit Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:68779:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Reverberating Shadowspirit Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_metagem_b",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
-	[4253] = {
-		[1] = {
-			left = "Burning Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		},
-		[2] = {
-			left = "Unique-Equipped",
-		},
-		[3] = {
-			left = "Requires Item Level: 285",
-		},
-		[4] = {
-			left = "+54 Intellect and 3% Increased Critical Damage",
-		},
-		[5] = {
-			left = "  |cffffffffRequires at least 3 Red gems|r",
-		},
-		[6] = {
-			left = "\"Only fits in a meta gem slot.\"",
-		},
-		[7] = {
-			left = " ",
-		},
-		itemInfo = {
-			[1] = "Burning Shadowspirit Diamond",
-			[2] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:68780:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85:0|h[Burning Shadowspirit Diamond]|h|r",
-			[3] = 3,
-			[4] = 85,
-			[5] = 0,
-			[6] = "Gem",
-			[7] = "Meta",
-			[8] = 1,
-			[9] = "",
-			[10] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_misc_metagem_b",
-			[11] = 37500,
-		},
-		itemSpell = {
-		},
-		itemUniqueness = {
-			[1] = -1,
-			[2] = 1,
-		},
-		statTable = {
-		},
-	},
diff --git a/gem-ids.lua b/gem-ids.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 3aec950..0000000
--- a/gem-ids.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6097 +0,0 @@
-gemIdInfo = {
-	[2686] = {
-		[1] = "UNKNOWN",
-		[2] = "Bold Red Bryanite",
-		[3] = {
-			strength = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[2687] = {
-		[1] = "UNKNOWN",
-		[2] = "Delicate Blue Bryanite",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[2688] = {
-		[1] = "UNKNOWN",
-		[2] = "Solid Yellow Bryanite",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[2690] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Blood Garnet",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[2691] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Bold Blood Garnet",
-		[3] = {
-			strength = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[2692] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Blood Garnet",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[2693] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Delicate Blood Garnet",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[2694] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Blood Garnet",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[2695] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Smooth Golden Draenite",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[2696] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Subtle Golden Draenite",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[2697] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Rigid Azure Moonstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[2698] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Solid Azure Moonstone",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 9,
-		},
-	},
-	[2699] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Sparkling Azure Moonstone",
-		[3] = {
-			spirit = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[2700] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Stormy Azure Moonstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["spell penetration"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[2701] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Sparkling Azure Moonstone",
-		[3] = {
-			spirit = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[2703] = {
-		[1] = "UNKNOWN",
-		[2] = "zzDEPRECATEDHeart of the Sky",
-	},
-	[2704] = {
-		[1] = "UNKNOWN",
-		[2] = "zzDEPRECATEDPerfect Diamond",
-	},
-	[2705] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Reckless Flame Spessarite",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 3,
-			intellect = 3,
-		},
-	},
-	[2706] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Regal Deep Peridot",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 3,
-			stamina = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[2707] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Purified Shadow Draenite",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 3,
-			spirit = 3,
-		},
-	},
-	[2708] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Timeless Shadow Draenite",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 3,
-			stamina = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[2709] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Purified Shadow Draenite",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 3,
-			spirit = 3,
-		},
-	},
-	[2710] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Shifting Shadow Draenite",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 3,
-			stamina = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[2711] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Sovereign Shadow Draenite",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 4,
-			strength = 3,
-		},
-	},
-	[2725] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Bold Living Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			strength = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[2726] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Delicate Living Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[2727] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Living Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[2728] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Living Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[2729] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Delicate Living Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[2730] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Subtle Dawnstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[2731] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Solid Star of Elune",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[2732] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Sparkling Star of Elune",
-		[3] = {
-			spirit = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[2733] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Sparkling Star of Elune",
-		[3] = {
-			spirit = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[2734] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Living Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[2735] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Smooth Dawnstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[2736] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Smooth Dawnstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[2737] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Subtle Dawnstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[2738] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Sovereign Nightseye",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 6,
-			strength = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[2739] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Shifting Nightseye",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 4,
-			stamina = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[2740] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Timeless Nightseye",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 5,
-			stamina = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[2741] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Purified Nightseye",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 4,
-			spirit = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[2742] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Reckless Noble Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 4,
-			intellect = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[2743] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Regal Talasite",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 4,
-			stamina = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[2744] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Purified Nightseye",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 4,
-			spirit = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[2752] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Inscribed Flame Spessarite",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 3,
-			strength = 3,
-		},
-	},
-	[2753] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Inscribed Noble Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 4,
-			strength = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[2754] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Flashing Living Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			["parry rating"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[2755] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Glinting Shadow Draenite",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 3,
-			["hit rating"] = 3,
-		},
-	},
-	[2756] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Glinting Nightseye",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 4,
-			["hit rating"] = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[2757] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Jagged Deep Peridot",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 3,
-			stamina = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[2758] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Jagged Talasite",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 4,
-			stamina = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[2759] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Mystic Dawnstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[2760] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Potent Flame Spessarite",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 3,
-			intellect = 3,
-		},
-	},
-	[2761] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Potent Noble Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 4,
-			intellect = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[2762] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Radiant Deep Peridot",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 3,
-			["spell penetration"] = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[2763] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Radiant Talasite",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 4,
-			["spell penetration"] = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[2764] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Rigid Star of Elune",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[2765] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Stormy Star of Elune",
-		[3] = {
-			["spell penetration"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[2827] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Destructive Skyfire Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 14,
-			["spell reflect (percent)"] = 1,
-		},
-	},
-	[2828] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Mystical Skyfire Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["chance to increase spell haste"] = 1,
-		},
-	},
-	[2829] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Swift Skyfire Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 12,
-			["minor run speed"] = 1,
-		},
-	},
-	[2830] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Enigmatic Skyfire Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 12,
-			["snare/root duration reduction (percent)"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[2831] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Powerful Earthstorm Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 18,
-			["stun duration reduction (percent)"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[2832] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Bracing Earthstorm Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 12,
-			["threat reduction (percent)"] = 2,
-		},
-	},
-	[2833] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Tenacious Earthstorm Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["chance to restore health on hit"] = 1,
-			["dodge rating"] = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[2834] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Brutal Earthstorm Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["average melee weapon damage"] = 3,
-			["chance to stun target"] = 1,
-			["maximum melee weapon damage"] = 3,
-		},
-	},
-	[2835] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Insightful Earthstorm Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["chance to restore mana on spellcast"] = 1,
-			intellect = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[2891] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Mystic Dawnstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[2894] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "zzOLDMighty Blood Garnet",
-		[3] = {
-			strength = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[2896] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Blood Garnet",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[2898] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Jagged Deep Peridot",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 4,
-			stamina = 3,
-		},
-	},
-	[2899] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Jagged Deep Peridot",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 4,
-			stamina = 3,
-		},
-	},
-	[2911] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "zzOLDBold Ornate Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			strength = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[2912] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Ornate Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[2913] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Smooth Ornate Dawnstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[2914] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Smooth Ornate Dawnstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[2915] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "zzOLDEnscribed Ornate Topaz",
-	},
-	[2916] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Potent Ornate Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 5,
-			intellect = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[2917] = {
-		[1] = "UNKNOWN",
-		[2] = "Extended Cost Copying Bryanite",
-	},
-	[2918] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Jagged Deep Peridot",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 4,
-			stamina = 3,
-		},
-	},
-	[2921] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Jagged Deep Peridot",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 4,
-			stamina = 3,
-		},
-	},
-	[2922] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "zzOLDMighty Blood Garnet",
-		[3] = {
-			strength = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[2923] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Jagged Deep Peridot",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 4,
-			stamina = 3,
-		},
-	},
-	[2924] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Blood Garnet",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[2942] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Smooth Golden Draenite",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[2943] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Delicate Blood Garnet",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[2944] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Delicate Blood Garnet",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[2945] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Delicate Ornate Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[2946] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Deadly Ornate Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 5,
-			["critical strike rating"] = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[2947] = {
-		[1] = "prismatic",
-		[2] = "Prismatic Sphere",
-		[3] = {
-			["all resistances"] = 3,
-		},
-	},
-	[2948] = {
-		[1] = "prismatic",
-		[2] = "Void Sphere",
-		[3] = {
-			["all resistances"] = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[2949] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[2950] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[2956] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Bold Tourmaline",
-		[3] = {
-			strength = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[2957] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Delicate Tourmaline",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[2958] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Tourmaline",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[2959] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Tourmaline",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[2960] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Delicate Tourmaline",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[2961] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Solid Zircon",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[2962] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Sparkling Zircon",
-		[3] = {
-			spirit = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[2963] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Sparkling Zircon",
-		[3] = {
-			spirit = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[2964] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Tourmaline",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[2965] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Smooth Amber",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[2966] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Rigid Zircon",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[2967] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Smooth Amber",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[2968] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Subtle Amber",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[2969] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Swift Windfire Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 10,
-			["minor run speed"] = 1,
-		},
-	},
-	[2970] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Quickened Starfire Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 10,
-			["minor run speed"] = 1,
-		},
-	},
-	[2971] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Delicate Blood Garnet",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3045] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Sovereign Tanzanite",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 6,
-			strength = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3046] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Reckless Fire Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 4,
-			intellect = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3047] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Jagged Chrysoprase",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 5,
-			stamina = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3048] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Shifting Tanzanite",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 5,
-			stamina = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3049] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Misty Chrysoprase",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 5,
-			spirit = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[3050] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Reckless Fire Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 4,
-			intellect = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3051] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Timeless Tanzanite",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 5,
-			stamina = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3052] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Glinting Tanzanite",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 5,
-			["hit rating"] = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[3053] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Stalwart Fire Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 4,
-			["parry rating"] = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3054] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Timeless Tanzanite",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 5,
-			stamina = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3055] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Glinting Tanzanite",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 5,
-			["hit rating"] = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[3056] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Stalwart Fire Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 4,
-			["parry rating"] = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3057] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Etched Tanzanite",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 4,
-			strength = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3058] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Misty Chrysoprase",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 5,
-			spirit = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[3060] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Regal Chrysoprase",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 5,
-			stamina = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3061] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Veiled Tanzanite",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 4,
-			intellect = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3062] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Jagged Chrysoprase",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 5,
-			stamina = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3063] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Defender's Tanzanite",
-		[3] = {
-			["parry rating"] = 5,
-			stamina = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3064] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Purified Tanzanite",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 5,
-			spirit = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3065] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Don Rodrigo's Heart",
-		[3] = {
-			strength = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3066] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Mysterious Tanzanite",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 5,
-			["spell penetration"] = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3067] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Shifting Tanzanite",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 5,
-			stamina = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3068] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Nimble Chrysoprase",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 5,
-			["hit rating"] = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[3069] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Willful Fire Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 5,
-			["resilience rating"] = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[3070] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Deadly Fire Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 5,
-			["critical strike rating"] = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[3071] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Timeless Tanzanite",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 5,
-			stamina = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3072] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Inscribed Fire Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 4,
-			strength = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3073] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Polished Fire Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 4,
-			["dodge rating"] = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3074] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Purified Tanzanite",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 5,
-			spirit = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[3075] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Champion's Fire Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 4,
-			strength = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3076] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Potent Fire Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 4,
-			intellect = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3077] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Purified Tanzanite",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 5,
-			spirit = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[3078] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Regal Chrysoprase",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 5,
-			stamina = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3079] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Lucent Fire Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 5,
-			["resilience rating"] = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[3080] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Steady Chrysoprase",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 5,
-			stamina = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3081] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Potent Fire Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 4,
-			intellect = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3082] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Regal Chrysoprase",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 5,
-			stamina = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3083] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Purified Tanzanite",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 5,
-			spirit = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[3084] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Steady Chrysoprase",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 5,
-			stamina = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3085] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Jagged Chrysoprase",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 5,
-			stamina = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3086] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Purified Tanzanite",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 5,
-			spirit = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[3087] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Resplendent Fire Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 4,
-			strength = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3088] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Nimble Chrysoprase",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 4,
-			["hit rating"] = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3089] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Lightning Chrysoprase",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 4,
-			["hit rating"] = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3090] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Splendid Fire Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			["parry rating"] = 5,
-			["resilience rating"] = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[3091] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Radiant Chrysoprase",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 5,
-			["spell penetration"] = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3099] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Timeless Amethyst",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 5,
-			stamina = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3100] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Tireless Soothing Amethyst",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 5,
-			stamina = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3101] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Sovereign Amethyst",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 6,
-			strength = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3103] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Don Amancio's Heart",
-		[3] = {
-			strength = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3104] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Rigid Azure Moonstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3105] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Rigid Star of Elune",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3106] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Shifting Shadow Draenite",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 3,
-			stamina = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[3107] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Shifting Nightseye",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 4,
-			stamina = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3108] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Shifting Shadow Draenite",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 3,
-			stamina = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[3109] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Glinting Nightseye",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 4,
-			["hit rating"] = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[3110] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Veiled Shadow Draenite",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 3,
-			intellect = 3,
-		},
-	},
-	[3111] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Veiled Nightseye",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 4,
-			intellect = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[3112] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Deadly Noble Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 4,
-			["critical strike rating"] = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[3113] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Deadly Flame Spessarite",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 3,
-			["critical strike rating"] = 3,
-		},
-	},
-	[3115] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Bold Crimson Spinel",
-		[3] = {
-			strength = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3116] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Delicate Crimson Spinel",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3117] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Crimson Spinel",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3118] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Crimson Spinel",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3119] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Delicate Crimson Spinel",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3120] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Subtle Lionseye",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3121] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Flashing Crimson Spinel",
-		[3] = {
-			["parry rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3122] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Solid Empyrean Sapphire",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3123] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Sparkling Empyrean Sapphire",
-		[3] = {
-			spirit = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3124] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Sparkling Empyrean Sapphire",
-		[3] = {
-			spirit = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3125] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Stormy Empyrean Sapphire",
-		[3] = {
-			["spell penetration"] = 13,
-		},
-	},
-	[3126] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Crimson Spinel",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3127] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Smooth Lionseye",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3128] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Rigid Empyrean Sapphire",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3129] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Smooth Lionseye",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3130] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Subtle Lionseye",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3131] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Mystic Lionseye",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3132] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Rigid Empyrean Sapphire",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3133] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Sovereign Shadowsong Amethyst",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 7,
-			strength = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3134] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Shifting Shadowsong Amethyst",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 5,
-			stamina = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3135] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Shifting Shadowsong Amethyst",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 5,
-			stamina = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3136] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Glinting Shadowsong Amethyst",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 5,
-			["hit rating"] = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3137] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Timeless Shadowsong Amethyst",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 5,
-			stamina = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3138] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Purified Shadowsong Amethyst",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 5,
-			spirit = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3139] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Inscribed Pyrestone",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 5,
-			strength = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3140] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Potent Pyrestone",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 5,
-			intellect = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3141] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Reckless Pyrestone",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 5,
-			intellect = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3142] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Glinting Shadowsong Amethyst",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 5,
-			["hit rating"] = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3143] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Veiled Shadowsong Amethyst",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 5,
-			intellect = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3144] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Deadly Pyrestone",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 5,
-			["critical strike rating"] = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3145] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Regal Seaspray Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 5,
-			stamina = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3146] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Radiant Seaspray Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 5,
-			["spell penetration"] = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3147] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Purified Shadowsong Amethyst",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 5,
-			spirit = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3148] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Jagged Seaspray Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 5,
-			stamina = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3154] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Relentless Earthstorm Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 12,
-			["critical damage (percent)"] = 3,
-		},
-	},
-	[3155] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Thundering Skyfire Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["chance to increase physical haste"] = 1,
-		},
-	},
-	[3156] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Shifting Amethyst",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 5,
-			stamina = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3157] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Timeless Amethyst",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 4,
-			stamina = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3158] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Purified Amethyst",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 5,
-			spirit = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[3159] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Deadly Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 5,
-			["critical strike rating"] = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[3160] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Reckless Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 4,
-			intellect = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3161] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Jagged Mossjewel",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 4,
-			stamina = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[3162] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Tense Unstable Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 12,
-			["stun resist chance (percent)"] = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3163] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Imbued Unstable Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 12,
-			["stun resist chance (percent)"] = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3197] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Delicate Spencerite",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3201] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Purified Jaggal Pearl",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 3,
-			spirit = 3,
-		},
-	},
-	[3202] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Purified Shadow Pearl",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 4,
-			spirit = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[3206] = {
-		[1] = "prismatic",
-		[2] = "Soulbound Test Gem",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3208] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Crimson Sun",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3209] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Delicate Fire Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3210] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Don Julio's Heart",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3211] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Kailee's Rose",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3212] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Falling Star",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 18,
-		},
-	},
-	[3214] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Sparkling Falling Star",
-		[3] = {
-			spirit = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3215] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Mystic Bladestone",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3216] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Bladestone",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3217] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Blood of Amber",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3218] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Rigid Bladestone",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3219] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Rigid Bladestone",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3220] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Stone of Blades",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3221] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Facet of Eternity",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3226] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Steady Talasite",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 4,
-			stamina = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3242] = {
-		[1] = "prismatic",
-		[2] = "Infinite Sphere",
-		[3] = {
-			["all resistances"] = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3254] = {
-		[1] = "prismatic",
-		[2] = "Chromatic Sphere",
-		[3] = {
-			["all stats"] = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[3261] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Chaotic Skyfire Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical damage (percent)"] = 3,
-			["critical strike rating"] = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3262] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Charmed Amani Jewel",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3264] = {
-		[1] = "UNKNOWN",
-		[2] = "Heavy Tonk Armor",
-	},
-	[3268] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Eye of the Sea",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3270] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Quick Dawnstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3271] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Reckless Noble Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 4,
-			intellect = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[3272] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Forceful Talasite",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 4,
-			stamina = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3274] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Eternal Earthstorm Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["block value (percent)"] = 1,
-			["dodge rating"] = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3275] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Ember Skyfire Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 12,
-			["mana (percent)"] = 2,
-		},
-	},
-	[3276] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Delicate Crimson Spinel",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3277] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Crimson Spinel",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3278] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Crimson Spinel",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3280] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Regal Talasite",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 4,
-			stamina = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3281] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Delicate Crimson Spinel",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3282] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Crimson Spinel",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3283] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Crimson Spinel",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3284] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Steady Seaspray Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 5,
-			stamina = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3285] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Forceful Seaspray Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 5,
-			stamina = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3286] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Reckless Pyrestone",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 5,
-			intellect = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3287] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Quick Lionseye",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3292] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Delicate Dragon's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 34,
-		},
-	},
-	[3293] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Solid Dragon's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 51,
-		},
-	},
-	[3317] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Solid Sky Sapphire",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 21,
-		},
-	},
-	[3318] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Purified Shadowsong Amethyst",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 5,
-			spirit = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3321] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Test Living Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			armor = 150,
-		},
-	},
-	[3333] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "QA Test Blank Purple Gem",
-	},
-	[3334] = {
-		[1] = "UNKNOWN",
-		[2] = "Riding Crop",
-	},
-	[3335] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Delicate Ornate Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3336] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Smooth Ornate Dawnstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3337] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Deadly Ornate Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 5,
-			["critical strike rating"] = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3338] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Potent Ornate Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 5,
-			intellect = 5,
-		},
-	},
-	[3339] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Ornate Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3340] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Smooth Ornate Dawnstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3371] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Bold Bloodstone",
-		[3] = {
-			strength = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3374] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Delicate Bloodstone",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3375] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Delicate Bloodstone",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3376] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Subtle Sun Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3377] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Flashing Bloodstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["parry rating"] = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3378] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Smooth Sun Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3379] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Precise Bloodstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["expertise rating"] = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3380] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Bloodstone",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3381] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Bloodstone",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3382] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Smooth Sun Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3383] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Rigid Chalcedony",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3384] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Subtle Sun Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3385] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Mystic Sun Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3386] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Quick Sun Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3387] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Solid Chalcedony",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 18,
-		},
-	},
-	[3388] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Sparkling Chalcedony",
-		[3] = {
-			spirit = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3389] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Sparkling Chalcedony",
-		[3] = {
-			spirit = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3390] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Stormy Chalcedony",
-		[3] = {
-			["spell penetration"] = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3391] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Jagged Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 6,
-			stamina = 9,
-		},
-	},
-	[3392] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Sovereign Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 9,
-			strength = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3393] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Shifting Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 6,
-			stamina = 9,
-		},
-	},
-	[3394] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Timeless Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 6,
-			stamina = 9,
-		},
-	},
-	[3395] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Shifting Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 6,
-			stamina = 9,
-		},
-	},
-	[3396] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Regal Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 6,
-			stamina = 9,
-		},
-	},
-	[3397] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Defender's Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			["parry rating"] = 6,
-			stamina = 9,
-		},
-	},
-	[3398] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Guardian's Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			["expertise rating"] = 6,
-			stamina = 9,
-		},
-	},
-	[3399] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Purified Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 6,
-			spirit = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3400] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 6,
-			["hit rating"] = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3401] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Purified Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 6,
-			spirit = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3402] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 6,
-			["hit rating"] = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3403] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Mysterious Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 6,
-			["spell penetration"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3404] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Reckless Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 6,
-			intellect = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3405] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Inscribed Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 6,
-			strength = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3406] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 6,
-			["hit rating"] = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3407] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Champion's Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 6,
-			strength = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3408] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Resplendent Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 6,
-			strength = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3409] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Fierce Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 6,
-			strength = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3410] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Deadly Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 6,
-			["critical strike rating"] = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3411] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Etched Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 6,
-			strength = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3412] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Lucent Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 6,
-			["resilience rating"] = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3413] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Deft Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 6,
-			["haste rating"] = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3414] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Potent Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 6,
-			intellect = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3415] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Veiled Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 6,
-			intellect = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3416] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Willful Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 6,
-			["resilience rating"] = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3417] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Reckless Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 6,
-			intellect = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3418] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Stalwart Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 6,
-			["parry rating"] = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3419] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Stalwart Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 6,
-			["parry rating"] = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3420] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Accurate Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			["expertise rating"] = 6,
-			["hit rating"] = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3421] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Resolute Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 6,
-			["expertise rating"] = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3422] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Deadly Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 6,
-			["critical strike rating"] = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3423] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 6,
-			["hit rating"] = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3424] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Lucent Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 6,
-			["resilience rating"] = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3426] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Deft Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 6,
-			["haste rating"] = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3427] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Timeless Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 6,
-			stamina = 9,
-		},
-	},
-	[3428] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Jagged Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 6,
-			stamina = 9,
-		},
-	},
-	[3429] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Nimble Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 6,
-			["hit rating"] = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3430] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Regal Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 6,
-			stamina = 9,
-		},
-	},
-	[3431] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Steady Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 6,
-			stamina = 9,
-		},
-	},
-	[3432] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Forceful Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 6,
-			stamina = 9,
-		},
-	},
-	[3433] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Purified Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 6,
-			spirit = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3434] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Misty Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 6,
-			spirit = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3435] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Lightning Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 6,
-			["hit rating"] = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3436] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Turbid Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 6,
-			spirit = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3437] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Energized Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 6,
-			spirit = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3438] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Purified Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 6,
-			spirit = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3439] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Misty Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 6,
-			spirit = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3440] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Lightning Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 6,
-			["hit rating"] = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3441] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Turbid Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 6,
-			spirit = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3442] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Energized Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 6,
-			spirit = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3443] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Radiant Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 6,
-			["spell penetration"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3444] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Radiant Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 6,
-			["spell penetration"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3445] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Shattered Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 6,
-			["spell penetration"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3446] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Bold Scarlet Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			strength = 16,
-		},
-	},
-	[3447] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Delicate Scarlet Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 16,
-		},
-	},
-	[3448] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Scarlet Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 16,
-		},
-	},
-	[3449] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Delicate Scarlet Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 16,
-		},
-	},
-	[3450] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Subtle Autumn's Glow",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 16,
-		},
-	},
-	[3451] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Flashing Scarlet Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			["parry rating"] = 16,
-		},
-	},
-	[3452] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Smooth Autumn's Glow",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 16,
-		},
-	},
-	[3453] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Precise Scarlet Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			["expertise rating"] = 16,
-		},
-	},
-	[3454] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Solid Sky Sapphire",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 24,
-		},
-	},
-	[3455] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Sparkling Sky Sapphire",
-		[3] = {
-			spirit = 16,
-		},
-	},
-	[3456] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Sparkling Sky Sapphire",
-		[3] = {
-			spirit = 16,
-		},
-	},
-	[3457] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Stormy Sky Sapphire",
-		[3] = {
-			["spell penetration"] = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3458] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Scarlet Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 16,
-		},
-	},
-	[3459] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Smooth Autumn's Glow",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 16,
-		},
-	},
-	[3460] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Rigid Sky Sapphire",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 16,
-		},
-	},
-	[3461] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Subtle Autumn's Glow",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 16,
-		},
-	},
-	[3462] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Mystic Autumn's Glow",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 16,
-		},
-	},
-	[3463] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Quick Autumn's Glow",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 16,
-		},
-	},
-	[3464] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Sovereign Twilight Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 12,
-			strength = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3465] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Shifting Twilight Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 8,
-			stamina = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3466] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Timeless Twilight Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 8,
-			stamina = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3467] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Shifting Twilight Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 8,
-			stamina = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3468] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Regal Forest Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 8,
-			stamina = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3469] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Defender's Twilight Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			["parry rating"] = 8,
-			stamina = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3470] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Jagged Forest Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 8,
-			stamina = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3471] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Guardian's Twilight Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			["expertise rating"] = 8,
-			stamina = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3472] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Purified Twilight Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 8,
-			spirit = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3473] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Purified Twilight Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 8,
-			spirit = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3474] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Glinting Twilight Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 8,
-			["hit rating"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3475] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Glinting Twilight Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 8,
-			["hit rating"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3476] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Mysterious Twilight Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 8,
-			["spell penetration"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3477] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Inscribed Monarch Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 8,
-			strength = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3478] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Etched Twilight Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 8,
-			strength = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3479] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Champion's Monarch Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 8,
-			strength = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3480] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Resplendent Monarch Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 8,
-			strength = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3481] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Fierce Monarch Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 8,
-			strength = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3482] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Deadly Monarch Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 8,
-			["critical strike rating"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3483] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Glinting Twilight Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 8,
-			["hit rating"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3484] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Lucent Monarch Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 8,
-			["resilience rating"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3485] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Deft Monarch Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 8,
-			["haste rating"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3486] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Reckless Monarch Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 8,
-			intellect = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3487] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Potent Monarch Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 8,
-			intellect = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3488] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Veiled Twilight Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 8,
-			intellect = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3489] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Willful Monarch Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 8,
-			["resilience rating"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3490] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Reckless Monarch Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 8,
-			intellect = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3491] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Deadly Monarch Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 8,
-			["critical strike rating"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3492] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Glinting Twilight Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 8,
-			["hit rating"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3493] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Lucent Monarch Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 8,
-			["resilience rating"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3494] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Deft Monarch Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 8,
-			["haste rating"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3495] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Stalwart Monarch Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 8,
-			["parry rating"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3496] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Stalwart Monarch Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 8,
-			["parry rating"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3497] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Accurate Twilight Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			["expertise rating"] = 8,
-			["hit rating"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3498] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Resolute Monarch Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 8,
-			["expertise rating"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3499] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Timeless Twilight Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 8,
-			stamina = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3500] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Jagged Forest Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 8,
-			stamina = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3501] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Nimble Forest Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 8,
-			["hit rating"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3502] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Regal Forest Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 8,
-			stamina = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3503] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Steady Forest Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 8,
-			stamina = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3504] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Forceful Forest Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 8,
-			stamina = 12,
-		},
-	},
-	[3505] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Purified Twilight Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 8,
-			spirit = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3506] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Misty Forest Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 8,
-			spirit = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3507] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Lightning Forest Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 8,
-			["hit rating"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3508] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Turbid Forest Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 8,
-			spirit = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3509] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Energized Forest Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 8,
-			spirit = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3510] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Purified Twilight Opal",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 8,
-			spirit = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3511] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Misty Forest Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 8,
-			spirit = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3512] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Lightning Forest Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 8,
-			["hit rating"] = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3513] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Turbid Forest Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 8,
-			spirit = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3514] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Energized Forest Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 8,
-			spirit = 8,
-		},
-	},
-	[3515] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Radiant Forest Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 8,
-			["spell penetration"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3516] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Radiant Forest Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 8,
-			["spell penetration"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3517] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Shattered Forest Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 8,
-			["spell penetration"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3518] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Bold Cardinal Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			strength = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3519] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Delicate Cardinal Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3520] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Cardinal Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3521] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Delicate Cardinal Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3522] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Subtle King's Amber",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3523] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Flashing Cardinal Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			["parry rating"] = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3524] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Precise Cardinal Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			["expertise rating"] = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3525] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Smooth King's Amber",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3526] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Cardinal Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3527] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Smooth King's Amber",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3528] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Rigid Majestic Zircon",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3529] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Subtle King's Amber",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3530] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Mystic King's Amber",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3531] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Quick King's Amber",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3532] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Solid Majestic Zircon",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 30,
-		},
-	},
-	[3533] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Sparkling Majestic Zircon",
-		[3] = {
-			spirit = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3534] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Sparkling Majestic Zircon",
-		[3] = {
-			spirit = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3535] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Stormy Majestic Zircon",
-		[3] = {
-			["spell penetration"] = 25,
-		},
-	},
-	[3536] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Sovereign Dreadstone",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 15,
-			strength = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3537] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Shifting Dreadstone",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 10,
-			stamina = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3538] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Timeless Dreadstone",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 10,
-			stamina = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3539] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Shifting Dreadstone",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 10,
-			stamina = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3540] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Regal Eye of Zul",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 10,
-			stamina = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3541] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Defender's Dreadstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["parry rating"] = 10,
-			stamina = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3542] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Guardian's Dreadstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["expertise rating"] = 10,
-			stamina = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3543] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Jagged Eye of Zul",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 10,
-			stamina = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3544] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Glinting Dreadstone",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 10,
-			["hit rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3545] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Purified Dreadstone",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 10,
-			spirit = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3546] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Purified Dreadstone",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 10,
-			spirit = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3547] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Glinting Dreadstone",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 10,
-			["hit rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3548] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Mysterious Dreadstone",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 10,
-			["spell penetration"] = 13,
-		},
-	},
-	[3549] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Inscribed Ametrine",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 10,
-			strength = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3550] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Etched Dreadstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 10,
-			strength = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3551] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Champion's Ametrine",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 10,
-			strength = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3552] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Resplendent Ametrine",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 10,
-			strength = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3553] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Fierce Ametrine",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 10,
-			strength = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3554] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Deadly Ametrine",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 10,
-			["critical strike rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3555] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Glinting Dreadstone",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 10,
-			["hit rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3556] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Lucent Ametrine",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 10,
-			["resilience rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3557] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Deft Ametrine",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 10,
-			["haste rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3558] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Purified Dreadstone",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 10,
-			spirit = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3559] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Potent Ametrine",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 10,
-			intellect = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3560] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Veiled Dreadstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 10,
-			intellect = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3561] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Willful Ametrine",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 10,
-			["resilience rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3563] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Reckless Ametrine",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 10,
-			intellect = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3564] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Deadly Ametrine",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 10,
-			["critical strike rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3565] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Glinting Dreadstone",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 10,
-			["hit rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3566] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Lucent Ametrine",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 10,
-			["resilience rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3567] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Deft Ametrine",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 10,
-			["haste rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3568] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Stalwart Ametrine",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 10,
-			["parry rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3569] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Stalwart Ametrine",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 10,
-			["parry rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3570] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Accurate Dreadstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["expertise rating"] = 10,
-			["hit rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3571] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Resolute Ametrine",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 10,
-			["expertise rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3572] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Timeless Dreadstone",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 10,
-			stamina = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3573] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Jagged Eye of Zul",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 10,
-			stamina = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3574] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Nimble Eye of Zul",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 10,
-			["hit rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3575] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Regal Eye of Zul",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 10,
-			stamina = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3576] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Steady Eye of Zul",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 10,
-			stamina = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3577] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Forceful Eye of Zul",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 10,
-			stamina = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3578] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Purified Dreadstone",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 10,
-			spirit = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3579] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Misty Eye of Zul",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 10,
-			spirit = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3580] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Lightning Eye of Zul",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 10,
-			["hit rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3581] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Turbid Eye of Zul",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 10,
-			spirit = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3582] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Energized Eye of Zul",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 10,
-			spirit = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3583] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Purified Dreadstone",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 10,
-			spirit = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3584] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Misty Eye of Zul",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 10,
-			spirit = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3585] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Lightning Eye of Zul",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 10,
-			["hit rating"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3586] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Turbid Eye of Zul",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 10,
-			spirit = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3587] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Energized Eye of Zul",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 10,
-			spirit = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3588] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Radiant Eye of Zul",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 10,
-			["spell penetration"] = 13,
-		},
-	},
-	[3589] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Radiant Eye of Zul",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 10,
-			["spell penetration"] = 13,
-		},
-	},
-	[3590] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Shattered Eye of Zul",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 10,
-			["spell penetration"] = 13,
-		},
-	},
-	[3591] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Test Dazzling Talasite",
-	},
-	[3621] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Chaotic Skyflare Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical damage (percent)"] = 3,
-			["critical strike rating"] = 21,
-		},
-	},
-	[3622] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Destructive Skyflare Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 25,
-			["spell reflect (percent)"] = 1,
-		},
-	},
-	[3623] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Ember Skyflare Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 21,
-			["mana (percent)"] = 2,
-		},
-	},
-	[3624] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Enigmatic Skyflare Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 21,
-			["snare/root duration reduction (percent)"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3625] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Swift Skyflare Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 21,
-			["minor run speed"] = 1,
-		},
-	},
-	[3626] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Bracing Earthsiege Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 21,
-			["threat reduction (percent)"] = 2,
-		},
-	},
-	[3627] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Insightful Earthsiege Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["chance to restore mana on spellcast"] = 1,
-			intellect = 21,
-		},
-	},
-	[3628] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Relentless Earthsiege Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 21,
-			["critical damage (percent)"] = 3,
-		},
-	},
-	[3631] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Eternal Earthsiege Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["block value (percent)"] = 1,
-			["dodge rating"] = 21,
-		},
-	},
-	[3632] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Tireless Skyflare Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 21,
-			["minor run speed"] = 1,
-		},
-	},
-	[3633] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Revitalizing Skyflare Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical healing (percent)"] = 3,
-			spirit = 22,
-		},
-	},
-	[3634] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Shielded Skyflare Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["spell damage taken reduction (percent)"] = 2,
-			stamina = 32,
-		},
-	},
-	[3635] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Forlorn Skyflare Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 21,
-			["silence duration reduction (percent)"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3636] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Impassive Skyflare Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 21,
-			["fear duration reduction (percent)"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3637] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Austere Earthsiege Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["armor from items (percent)"] = 2,
-			stamina = 32,
-		},
-	},
-	[3638] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Persistent Earthsiege Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 21,
-			["stun duration reduction (percent)"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3639] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Trenchant Earthsiege Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 21,
-			["stun duration reduction (percent)"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3640] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Invigorating Earthsiege Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 21,
-			["sometimes heal on your crits"] = 1,
-		},
-	},
-	[3641] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Beaming Earthsiege Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 21,
-			["mana (percent)"] = 2,
-		},
-	},
-	[3642] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Powerful Earthsiege Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 32,
-			["stun duration reduction (percent)"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3643] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Thundering Skyflare Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["chance to increase physical haste"] = 1,
-		},
-	},
-	[3644] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Perfect Delicate Bloodstone",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 14,
-		},
-	},
-	[3646] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Perfect Subtle Sun Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 14,
-		},
-	},
-	[3647] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Perfect Precise Bloodstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["expertise rating"] = 14,
-		},
-	},
-	[3648] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Perfect Flashing Bloodstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["parry rating"] = 14,
-		},
-	},
-	[3649] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Perfect Bold Bloodstone",
-		[3] = {
-			strength = 14,
-		},
-	},
-	[3650] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Perfect Brilliant Bloodstone",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 14,
-		},
-	},
-	[3651] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Perfect Delicate Bloodstone",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 14,
-		},
-	},
-	[3652] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Perfect Smooth Sun Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 14,
-		},
-	},
-	[3653] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Perfect Sparkling Chalcedony",
-		[3] = {
-			spirit = 14,
-		},
-	},
-	[3654] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Perfect Sparkling Chalcedony",
-		[3] = {
-			spirit = 14,
-		},
-	},
-	[3655] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Perfect Solid Chalcedony",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 21,
-		},
-	},
-	[3656] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Perfect Stormy Chalcedony",
-		[3] = {
-			["spell penetration"] = 18,
-		},
-	},
-	[3657] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Perfect Smooth Sun Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 14,
-		},
-	},
-	[3658] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Perfect Subtle Sun Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 14,
-		},
-	},
-	[3659] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Perfect Quick Sun Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 14,
-		},
-	},
-	[3660] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Perfect Rigid Chalcedony",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 14,
-		},
-	},
-	[3661] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Perfect Brilliant Bloodstone",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 14,
-		},
-	},
-	[3662] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Perfect Mystic Sun Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 14,
-		},
-	},
-	[3663] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 7,
-			["hit rating"] = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3664] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Shifting Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 7,
-			stamina = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3665] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Perfect Jagged Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 7,
-			stamina = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3666] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 7,
-			["hit rating"] = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3667] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Shifting Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 7,
-			stamina = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3668] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Perfect Regal Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 7,
-			stamina = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3669] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Guardian's Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			["expertise rating"] = 7,
-			stamina = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3670] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Defender's Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			["parry rating"] = 7,
-			stamina = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3671] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Sovereign Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 10,
-			strength = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3672] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Purified Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 7,
-			spirit = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3673] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Purified Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 7,
-			spirit = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3674] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Mysterious Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 7,
-			["spell penetration"] = 9,
-		},
-	},
-	[3675] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Timeless Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 7,
-			stamina = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3677] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Perfect Deft Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 7,
-			["haste rating"] = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3678] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Perfect Deft Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 7,
-			["haste rating"] = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3679] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 7,
-			["hit rating"] = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3680] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Perfect Lucent Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 7,
-			["resilience rating"] = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3681] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Perfect Inscribed Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 7,
-			strength = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3682] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Etched Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 7,
-			strength = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3683] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Perfect Champion's Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 7,
-			strength = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3684] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Perfect Resplendent Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 7,
-			strength = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3685] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Perfect Fierce Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 7,
-			strength = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3686] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Perfect Deadly Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 7,
-			["critical strike rating"] = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3687] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Glinting Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 7,
-			["hit rating"] = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3688] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Perfect Lucent Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 7,
-			["resilience rating"] = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3689] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Purified Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 7,
-			spirit = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3690] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Perfect Potent Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 7,
-			intellect = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3691] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Veiled Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 7,
-			intellect = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3692] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Perfect Willful Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 7,
-			["resilience rating"] = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3693] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Perfect Reckless Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 7,
-			intellect = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3694] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Perfect Stalwart Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 7,
-			["parry rating"] = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3695] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Perfect Stalwart Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 7,
-			["parry rating"] = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3696] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Accurate Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			["expertise rating"] = 7,
-			["hit rating"] = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3697] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Perfect Resolute Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 7,
-			["expertise rating"] = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3698] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Perfect Misty Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 7,
-			spirit = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3699] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Perfect Jagged Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 7,
-			stamina = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3700] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Perfect Regal Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 7,
-			stamina = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3701] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Perfect Energized Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 7,
-			spirit = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3702] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Perfect Forceful Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 7,
-			stamina = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3703] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Perfect Lightning Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 7,
-			["hit rating"] = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3704] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Perfect Nimble Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 7,
-			["hit rating"] = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3705] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Purified Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 7,
-			spirit = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3706] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Timeless Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 7,
-			stamina = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3707] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Perfect Turbid Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 7,
-			spirit = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3708] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Perfect Steady Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 7,
-			stamina = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3709] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Perfect Radiant Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 7,
-			["spell penetration"] = 9,
-		},
-	},
-	[3710] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Perfect Misty Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 7,
-			spirit = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3711] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Purified Shadow Crystal",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 7,
-			spirit = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3712] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Perfect Lightning Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 7,
-			["hit rating"] = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3713] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Perfect Turbid Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 7,
-			spirit = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3714] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Perfect Energized Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 7,
-			spirit = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3715] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Perfect Radiant Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 7,
-			["spell penetration"] = 9,
-		},
-	},
-	[3716] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Perfect Shattered Dark Jade",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 7,
-			["spell penetration"] = 9,
-		},
-	},
-	[3732] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Bold Dragon's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			strength = 34,
-		},
-	},
-	[3733] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Delicate Dragon's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 34,
-		},
-	},
-	[3734] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Dragon's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 34,
-		},
-	},
-	[3735] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Sparkling Dragon's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			spirit = 34,
-		},
-	},
-	[3736] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Sparkling Dragon's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			spirit = 34,
-		},
-	},
-	[3737] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Dragon's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 34,
-		},
-	},
-	[3738] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Smooth Dragon's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 34,
-		},
-	},
-	[3739] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Quick Dragon's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 34,
-		},
-	},
-	[3740] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Subtle Dragon's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 34,
-		},
-	},
-	[3741] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Flashing Dragon's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			["parry rating"] = 34,
-		},
-	},
-	[3742] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Rigid Dragon's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 34,
-		},
-	},
-	[3743] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Subtle Dragon's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 34,
-		},
-	},
-	[3744] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Mystic Dragon's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 34,
-		},
-	},
-	[3745] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Smooth Dragon's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 34,
-		},
-	},
-	[3746] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Precise Dragon's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			["expertise rating"] = 34,
-		},
-	},
-	[3747] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Stormy Dragon's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			["spell penetration"] = 43,
-		},
-	},
-	[3749] = {
-		[1] = "prismatic",
-		[2] = "Enchanted Pearl",
-		[3] = {
-			["all stats"] = 4,
-		},
-	},
-	[3750] = {
-		[1] = "prismatic",
-		[2] = "Enchanted Tear",
-		[3] = {
-			["all stats"] = 6,
-		},
-	},
-	[3767] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Perfect Deadly Huge Citrine",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 7,
-			["critical strike rating"] = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[3792] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Kharmaa's Grace",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3798] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Swift Starflare Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 17,
-			["minor run speed"] = 1,
-		},
-	},
-	[3799] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Tireless Starflare Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 17,
-			["minor run speed"] = 1,
-		},
-	},
-	[3800] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Impassive Starflare Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 17,
-			["fear duration reduction (percent)"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3801] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Enigmatic Starflare Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 17,
-			["snare/root duration reduction (percent)"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3802] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Forlorn Starflare Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 17,
-			["silence duration reduction (percent)"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3803] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Persistent Earthshatter Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 17,
-			["stun duration reduction (percent)"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3804] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Powerful Earthshatter Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 26,
-			["stun duration reduction (percent)"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3805] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Trenchant Earthshatter Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 17,
-			["stun duration reduction (percent)"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3861] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Bold Stormjewel",
-		[3] = {
-			strength = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3862] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Delicate Stormjewel",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3863] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Solid Stormjewel",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 30,
-		},
-	},
-	[3864] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Sparkling Stormjewel",
-		[3] = {
-			spirit = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3865] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Stormjewel",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3866] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Stormjewel",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3867] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Rigid Stormjewel",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3879] = {
-		[1] = "prismatic",
-		[2] = "Nightmare Tear",
-		[3] = {
-			["all stats"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[3884] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Strange Gem",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 24,
-			stamina = 24,
-		},
-	},
-	[3885] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Zen Jasper",
-		[3] = {
-			["mastery rating"] = 15,
-			spirit = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3886] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Sensei's Jasper",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 15,
-			["mastery rating"] = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3887] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Perfect Zen Jasper",
-		[3] = {
-			["mastery rating"] = 18,
-			spirit = 17,
-		},
-	},
-	[3888] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Perfect Sensei's Jasper",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 17,
-			["mastery rating"] = 18,
-		},
-	},
-	[3889] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Bold Carnelian",
-		[3] = {
-			strength = 30,
-		},
-	},
-	[3890] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Delicate Carnelian",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 30,
-		},
-	},
-	[3891] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Flashing Carnelian",
-		[3] = {
-			["parry rating"] = 30,
-		},
-	},
-	[3892] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Carnelian",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 30,
-		},
-	},
-	[3893] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Precise Carnelian",
-		[3] = {
-			["expertise rating"] = 30,
-		},
-	},
-	[3894] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Solid Zephyrite",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 45,
-		},
-	},
-	[3895] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Sparkling Zephyrite",
-		[3] = {
-			spirit = 30,
-		},
-	},
-	[3896] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Stormy Zephyrite",
-		[3] = {
-			["spell penetration"] = 38,
-		},
-	},
-	[3897] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Rigid Zephyrite",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 30,
-		},
-	},
-	[3898] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Subtle Alicite",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 30,
-		},
-	},
-	[3899] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Mystic Alicite",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 30,
-		},
-	},
-	[3900] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Quick Alicite",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 30,
-		},
-	},
-	[3901] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Fractured Alicite",
-		[3] = {
-			["mastery rating"] = 30,
-		},
-	},
-	[3902] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Sovereign Nightstone",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 23,
-			strength = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3903] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Defender's Nightstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["parry rating"] = 15,
-			stamina = 23,
-		},
-	},
-	[3904] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Shifting Nightstone",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 15,
-			stamina = 23,
-		},
-	},
-	[3905] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Timeless Nightstone",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 15,
-			stamina = 23,
-		},
-	},
-	[3906] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Guardian's Nightstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["expertise rating"] = 15,
-			stamina = 23,
-		},
-	},
-	[3907] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Purified Nightstone",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 15,
-			spirit = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3908] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Etched Nightstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 15,
-			strength = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3909] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Glinting Nightstone",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 15,
-			["hit rating"] = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3910] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Retaliating Nightstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 15,
-			["parry rating"] = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3911] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Veiled Nightstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 15,
-			intellect = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3912] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Accurate Nightstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["expertise rating"] = 15,
-			["hit rating"] = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3913] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Polished Hessonite",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 15,
-			["dodge rating"] = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3914] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Resolute Hessonite",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 15,
-			["expertise rating"] = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3915] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Inscribed Hessonite",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 15,
-			strength = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3916] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Deadly Hessonite",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 15,
-			["critical strike rating"] = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3917] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Potent Hessonite",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 15,
-			intellect = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3918] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Fierce Hessonite",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 15,
-			strength = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3919] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Deft Hessonite",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 15,
-			["haste rating"] = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3920] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Reckless Hessonite",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 15,
-			intellect = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3921] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Skillful Hessonite",
-		[3] = {
-			["mastery rating"] = 15,
-			strength = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3922] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Adept Hessonite",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 15,
-			["mastery rating"] = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3923] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Fine Hessonite",
-		[3] = {
-			["mastery rating"] = 15,
-			["parry rating"] = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3924] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Artful Hessonite",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 15,
-			["mastery rating"] = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3925] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Keen Hessonite",
-		[3] = {
-			["expertise rating"] = 15,
-			["mastery rating"] = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3926] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Regal Jasper",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 15,
-			stamina = 23,
-		},
-	},
-	[3927] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Nimble Jasper",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 15,
-			["hit rating"] = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3928] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Jagged Jasper",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 15,
-			stamina = 23,
-		},
-	},
-	[3929] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Piercing Jasper",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 15,
-			["hit rating"] = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3930] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Steady Jasper",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 15,
-			stamina = 23,
-		},
-	},
-	[3931] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Forceful Jasper",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 15,
-			stamina = 23,
-		},
-	},
-	[3932] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Lightning Jasper",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 15,
-			["hit rating"] = 15,
-		},
-	},
-	[3933] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Puissant Jasper",
-		[3] = {
-			["mastery rating"] = 15,
-			stamina = 23,
-		},
-	},
-	[3936] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Smooth Alicite",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 30,
-		},
-	},
-	[3937] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Etched Nightstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 17,
-			strength = 18,
-		},
-	},
-	[3938] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Purified Nightstone",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 18,
-			spirit = 17,
-		},
-	},
-	[3939] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Guardian's Nightstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["expertise rating"] = 18,
-			stamina = 26,
-		},
-	},
-	[3940] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Timeless Nightstone",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 18,
-			stamina = 26,
-		},
-	},
-	[3941] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Defender's Nightstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["parry rating"] = 18,
-			stamina = 26,
-		},
-	},
-	[3942] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Shifting Nightstone",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 18,
-			stamina = 23,
-		},
-	},
-	[3943] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Sovereign Nightstone",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 26,
-			strength = 18,
-		},
-	},
-	[3944] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Perfect Fractured Alicite",
-		[3] = {
-			["mastery rating"] = 35,
-		},
-	},
-	[3945] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Perfect Quick Alicite",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 35,
-		},
-	},
-	[3946] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Perfect Mystic Alicite",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 35,
-		},
-	},
-	[3947] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Perfect Smooth Alicite",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 35,
-		},
-	},
-	[3948] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Perfect Subtle Alicite",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 35,
-		},
-	},
-	[3949] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Perfect Rigid Zephyrite",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 35,
-		},
-	},
-	[3950] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Perfect Stormy Zephyrite",
-		[3] = {
-			["spell penetration"] = 44,
-		},
-	},
-	[3951] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Perfect Sparkling Zephyrite",
-		[3] = {
-			spirit = 35,
-		},
-	},
-	[3952] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Perfect Solid Zephyrite",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 53,
-		},
-	},
-	[3953] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Perfect Precise Carnelian",
-		[3] = {
-			["expertise rating"] = 35,
-		},
-	},
-	[3954] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Perfect Brilliant Carnelian",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 35,
-		},
-	},
-	[3955] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Perfect Flashing Carnelian",
-		[3] = {
-			["parry rating"] = 35,
-		},
-	},
-	[3956] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Perfect Delicate Carnelian",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 35,
-		},
-	},
-	[3957] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Perfect Bold Carnelian",
-		[3] = {
-			strength = 35,
-		},
-	},
-	[3958] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Perfect Puissant Jasper",
-		[3] = {
-			["mastery rating"] = 18,
-			stamina = 26,
-		},
-	},
-	[3959] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Perfect Lightning Jasper",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 18,
-			["hit rating"] = 17,
-		},
-	},
-	[3960] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Perfect Forceful Jasper",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 18,
-			stamina = 26,
-		},
-	},
-	[3961] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Perfect Steady Jasper",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 18,
-			stamina = 26,
-		},
-	},
-	[3962] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Perfect Piercing Jasper",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 18,
-			["hit rating"] = 17,
-		},
-	},
-	[3963] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Perfect Jagged Jasper",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 18,
-			stamina = 26,
-		},
-	},
-	[3964] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Perfect Nimble Jasper",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 18,
-			["hit rating"] = 17,
-		},
-	},
-	[3965] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Perfect Regal Jasper",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 18,
-			stamina = 26,
-		},
-	},
-	[3966] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Perfect Keen Hessonite",
-		[3] = {
-			["expertise rating"] = 18,
-			["mastery rating"] = 17,
-		},
-	},
-	[3967] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Perfect Artful Hessonite",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 18,
-			["mastery rating"] = 17,
-		},
-	},
-	[3968] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Perfect Fine Hessonite",
-		[3] = {
-			["mastery rating"] = 17,
-			["parry rating"] = 18,
-		},
-	},
-	[3969] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Perfect Adept Hessonite",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 18,
-			["mastery rating"] = 17,
-		},
-	},
-	[3970] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Perfect Skillful Hessonite",
-		[3] = {
-			["mastery rating"] = 17,
-			strength = 18,
-		},
-	},
-	[3971] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Perfect Reckless Hessonite",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 17,
-			intellect = 18,
-		},
-	},
-	[3972] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Perfect Deft Hessonite",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 18,
-			["haste rating"] = 17,
-		},
-	},
-	[3973] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Perfect Fierce Hessonite",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 17,
-			strength = 18,
-		},
-	},
-	[3974] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Perfect Potent Hessonite",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 17,
-			intellect = 18,
-		},
-	},
-	[3975] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Perfect Deadly Hessonite",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 18,
-			["critical strike rating"] = 17,
-		},
-	},
-	[3976] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Perfect Inscribed Hessonite",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 17,
-			strength = 18,
-		},
-	},
-	[3977] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Perfect Resolute Hessonite",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 17,
-			["expertise rating"] = 18,
-		},
-	},
-	[3978] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Perfect Polished Hessonite",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 18,
-			["dodge rating"] = 17,
-		},
-	},
-	[3979] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Accurate Nightstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["expertise rating"] = 18,
-			["hit rating"] = 17,
-		},
-	},
-	[3980] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Veiled Nightstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 17,
-			intellect = 18,
-		},
-	},
-	[3981] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Retaliating Nightstone",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 17,
-			["parry rating"] = 18,
-		},
-	},
-	[3982] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Perfect Glinting Nightstone",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 18,
-			["hit rating"] = 17,
-		},
-	},
-	[3983] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Accurate Demonseye",
-		[3] = {
-			["expertise rating"] = 20,
-			["hit rating"] = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3984] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Defender's Demonseye",
-		[3] = {
-			["parry rating"] = 20,
-			stamina = 30,
-		},
-	},
-	[3985] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Etched Demonseye",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 20,
-			strength = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3986] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Veiled Demonseye",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 20,
-			intellect = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3987] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Glinting Demonseye",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 20,
-			["hit rating"] = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3988] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Guardian's Demonseye",
-		[3] = {
-			["expertise rating"] = 20,
-			stamina = 30,
-		},
-	},
-	[3989] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Retaliating Demonseye",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 20,
-			["parry rating"] = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3990] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Purified Demonseye",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 20,
-			spirit = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3991] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Shifting Demonseye",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 20,
-			stamina = 30,
-		},
-	},
-	[3992] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Sovereign Demonseye",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 30,
-			strength = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[3993] = {
-		[1] = "purple",
-		[2] = "Timeless Demonseye",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 20,
-			stamina = 30,
-		},
-	},
-	[3994] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Bold Inferno Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			strength = 40,
-		},
-	},
-	[3995] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Inferno Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 40,
-		},
-	},
-	[3996] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Delicate Inferno Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 40,
-		},
-	},
-	[3997] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Flashing Inferno Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			["parry rating"] = 40,
-		},
-	},
-	[3998] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Precise Inferno Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			["expertise rating"] = 40,
-		},
-	},
-	[3999] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Fractured Amberjewel",
-		[3] = {
-			["mastery rating"] = 40,
-		},
-	},
-	[4000] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Mystic Amberjewel",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 40,
-		},
-	},
-	[4001] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Quick Amberjewel",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 40,
-		},
-	},
-	[4002] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Smooth Amberjewel",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 40,
-		},
-	},
-	[4003] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Subtle Amberjewel",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 40,
-		},
-	},
-	[4004] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Rigid Ocean Sapphire",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 40,
-		},
-	},
-	[4005] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Solid Ocean Sapphire",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 60,
-		},
-	},
-	[4006] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Sparkling Ocean Sapphire",
-		[3] = {
-			spirit = 40,
-		},
-	},
-	[4007] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Stormy Ocean Sapphire",
-		[3] = {
-			["spell penetration"] = 50,
-		},
-	},
-	[4008] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Adept Ember Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 20,
-			["mastery rating"] = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[4009] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Artful Ember Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 20,
-			["mastery rating"] = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[4010] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Reckless Ember Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 20,
-			intellect = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[4011] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Deadly Ember Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 20,
-			["critical strike rating"] = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[4012] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Deft Ember Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 20,
-			["haste rating"] = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[4013] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Fierce Ember Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 20,
-			strength = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[4014] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Fine Ember Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			["mastery rating"] = 20,
-			["parry rating"] = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[4015] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Inscribed Ember Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 20,
-			strength = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[4016] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Keen Ember Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			["expertise rating"] = 20,
-			["mastery rating"] = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[4017] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Polished Ember Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 20,
-			["dodge rating"] = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[4018] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Potent Ember Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 20,
-			intellect = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[4019] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Skillful Ember Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			["mastery rating"] = 20,
-			strength = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[4020] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Resolute Ember Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 20,
-			["expertise rating"] = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[4021] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Forceful Dream Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 20,
-			stamina = 30,
-		},
-	},
-	[4022] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Jagged Dream Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 20,
-			stamina = 30,
-		},
-	},
-	[4023] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Lightning Dream Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 20,
-			["hit rating"] = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[4024] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Nimble Dream Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 20,
-			["hit rating"] = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[4025] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Piercing Dream Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 20,
-			["hit rating"] = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[4026] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Puissant Dream Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["mastery rating"] = 20,
-			stamina = 30,
-		},
-	},
-	[4027] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Regal Dream Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 20,
-			stamina = 30,
-		},
-	},
-	[4028] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Sensei's Dream Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 20,
-			["mastery rating"] = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[4029] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Steady Dream Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 20,
-			stamina = 30,
-		},
-	},
-	[4030] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Zen Dream Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["mastery rating"] = 20,
-			spirit = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[4031] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Bold Chimera's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			strength = 67,
-		},
-	},
-	[4032] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Brilliant Chimera's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 67,
-		},
-	},
-	[4033] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Delicate Chimera's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 67,
-		},
-	},
-	[4034] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Flashing Chimera's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			["parry rating"] = 67,
-		},
-	},
-	[4035] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Fractured Chimera's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			["mastery rating"] = 67,
-		},
-	},
-	[4036] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Mystic Chimera's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 67,
-		},
-	},
-	[4037] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Precise Chimera's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			["expertise rating"] = 67,
-		},
-	},
-	[4038] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Quick Chimera's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 67,
-		},
-	},
-	[4039] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Rigid Chimera's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 67,
-		},
-	},
-	[4040] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Smooth Chimera's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 67,
-		},
-	},
-	[4041] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Solid Chimera's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 101,
-		},
-	},
-	[4042] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Sparkling Chimera's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			spirit = 67,
-		},
-	},
-	[4043] = {
-		[1] = "blue",
-		[2] = "Stormy Chimera's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			["spell penetration"] = 84,
-		},
-	},
-	[4044] = {
-		[1] = "yellow",
-		[2] = "Subtle Chimera's Eye",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 67,
-		},
-	},
-	[4045] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Fleet Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["mastery rating"] = 54,
-			["minor run speed"] = 1,
-		},
-	},
-	[4046] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Chaotic Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical damage (percent)"] = 3,
-			["critical strike rating"] = 54,
-		},
-	},
-	[4047] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Bracing Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 54,
-			["threat reduction (percent)"] = 2,
-		},
-	},
-	[4048] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Eternal Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["block value (percent)"] = 1,
-			stamina = 81,
-		},
-	},
-	[4049] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Austere Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["armor from items (percent)"] = 2,
-			stamina = 81,
-		},
-	},
-	[4050] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Effulgent Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["spell damage taken reduction (percent)"] = 2,
-			stamina = 81,
-		},
-	},
-	[4051] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Ember Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 54,
-			["mana (percent)"] = 2,
-		},
-	},
-	[4052] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Revitalizing Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical healing (percent)"] = 3,
-			spirit = 54,
-		},
-	},
-	[4053] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Destructive Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 54,
-			["spell reflect (percent)"] = 1,
-		},
-	},
-	[4054] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Powerful Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			stamina = 81,
-			["stun duration reduction (percent)"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[4055] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Enigmatic Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 54,
-			["snare/root duration reduction (percent)"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[4056] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Impassive Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 54,
-			["fear duration reduction (percent)"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[4057] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Forlorn Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 54,
-			["silence duration reduction (percent)"] = 10,
-		},
-	},
-	[4119] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Stackable Ruby",
-		[3] = {
-			strength = 50,
-		},
-	},
-	[4166] = {
-		[1] = "cogwheel",
-		[2] = "Subtle Cogwheel",
-		[3] = {
-			["dodge rating"] = 208,
-		},
-	},
-	[4167] = {
-		[1] = "cogwheel",
-		[2] = "Smooth Cogwheel",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical strike rating"] = 208,
-		},
-	},
-	[4168] = {
-		[1] = "cogwheel",
-		[2] = "Quick Cogwheel",
-		[3] = {
-			["haste rating"] = 208,
-		},
-	},
-	[4169] = {
-		[1] = "cogwheel",
-		[2] = "Fractured Cogwheel",
-		[3] = {
-			["mastery rating"] = 208,
-		},
-	},
-	[4170] = {
-		[1] = "cogwheel",
-		[2] = "Precise Cogwheel",
-		[3] = {
-			["expertise rating"] = 208,
-		},
-	},
-	[4171] = {
-		[1] = "cogwheel",
-		[2] = "Flashing Cogwheel",
-		[3] = {
-			["parry rating"] = 208,
-		},
-	},
-	[4172] = {
-		[1] = "cogwheel",
-		[2] = "Rigid Cogwheel",
-		[3] = {
-			["hit rating"] = 208,
-		},
-	},
-	[4173] = {
-		[1] = "cogwheel",
-		[2] = "Sparkling Cogwheel",
-		[3] = {
-			spirit = 208,
-		},
-	},
-	[4212] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Bold Blood Garnet",
-		[3] = {
-			strength = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[4213] = {
-		[1] = "red",
-		[2] = "Bold Blood Garnet",
-		[3] = {
-			strength = 7,
-		},
-	},
-	[4236] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Willful Ember Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			intellect = 20,
-			["resilience rating"] = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[4237] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Lucent Ember Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 20,
-			["resilience rating"] = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[4238] = {
-		[1] = "orange",
-		[2] = "Resplendent Ember Topaz",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 20,
-			strength = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[4239] = {
-		[1] = "cogwheel",
-		[2] = "Mystic Cogwheel",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 208,
-		},
-	},
-	[4244] = {
-		[1] = "green",
-		[2] = "Vivid Dream Emerald",
-		[3] = {
-			["resilience rating"] = 20,
-			["spell penetration"] = 20,
-		},
-	},
-	[4251] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Agile Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			agility = 54,
-			["critical damage (percent)"] = 3,
-		},
-	},
-	[4252] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Reverberating Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical damage (percent)"] = 3,
-			strength = 54,
-		},
-	},
-	[4253] = {
-		[1] = "meta",
-		[2] = "Burning Shadowspirit Diamond",
-		[3] = {
-			["critical damage (percent)"] = 3,
-			intellect = 54,
-		},
-	},
diff --git a/goals b/goals
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d9b96f..0000000
--- a/goals
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-	tooltip display (item) showing weight score(s)
-		shift compares to current item
-	minimap icon (fubar?)
-		right-click opens config
-			found under interface/options
-				could be its own frame
-			2 panes
-				left:
-					list of classes
-						expands to show list of weights
-						seeded w/ default weights (from wowhead?)
-						all weights can be edited/deleted, even defaults
-						no limit on number
-						more can be created
-				right:
-					changes w/ weight selection
-					shown or not on current char
-					shows list of stats/attributes
-						perhaps allow different weights for red/blue/yellow
-							consider wowhead export difficulties
-			needs a restore defaults button
-				shouldn't wipe custom weights
-		left-click drops list of classes/weights for current selection
-weights saved per account
-	selections saved per character
-	importable/exportable from/to wowhead
-	database of items
-		perhaps query atlasloot and similar
-		catalogs items viewed on other chars (like gearscore)
-	create outfitter outfits according to weights
-		optional restrictions (stay def capped, don't go over hit cap, etc)
-	give scores for groups of items
-	show who benefits most from a drop
-	suggest better/alternate enchants
-	show scores with gems as:
-		ignored
-		current
-		best for color
-		best overall
-		***Figure out how to indicate which is active (and what suggested gems) compactly***
-		potentially allow for any number of these to be shown
diff --git a/localization notes b/localization notes
deleted file mode 100644
index c4b5b1b..0000000
--- a/localization notes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-files to translate (inside Locales/<your locale>):
-	minimum:
-		stats.lua
-		gems.lua
-		patterns-generic.lua
-		patterns-sockets.lua
-		patterns-socket-bonuses.lua
-		patterns.lua
-			NOTE: you can safely skip those patterns whose category table only includes cooldownUseEffects and/or stackingEquipEffects (or any other of the recommended and later files you're skipping)
-			NOTE: if you do not translate some files, the matching variables need to be commented out or removed from ww_EffectHandlers (near line 5)
-		classes-specs.lua
-		slots.lua
-		dropdown-options.lua
-		base.lua
-		<locale name>.xml
-			includes all the other localization files as scripts
-			should not need much updating (none if you translate everything)
-	recommended (in recommended order of completion):
-		patterns-equip-stats.lua
-		patterns-elixirs.lua
-		patterns-use-effects.lua
-		patterns-food.lua
-		patterns-enchants.lua
-		patterns-fishing.lua
-	"extra" features (the UI will change but still work minus these features if these are not done):
-		patterns-cooldown-use-effects.lua
-		patterns-stacking-equip-effects.lua
-			NOTE: triggerGroups is translated backwards.  That is, the left hand side should be translated, with the right hand side remaining in English.
-	You will need lua installed to properly test the translation
-		WeightsWatcher has an offline mode that can test every item in the game in under a minute on a fast machine, which can be much more efficient than testing everything in-game.
-	You must keep the names of all non-local variables/functions the same
-	All files should be saved in UTF-8 format
-	Most quoted strings that are not part of ww_localization ('L' in most files) are actually lua patterns.  These are similar to regular expressions, but vary in several important ways.  See http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#5.4.1 for more information about patterns.
-		A few specific notes:
-			to include a literal dash ('-') in a pattern, you must use "%-" or the pattern will not match
-				parentheses, periods, and % are the same way
-			%a and similar will probably NOT change with your locale based on my testing.  This is due to Blizzard using their own version of lua.
-	If you encounter a lua error, PLEASE let me know!  I have only one other language to test with, and I may have missed something.
-	For in-game testing, tekErr and tekKompare are highly recommended
-		tekErr will log nil errors for much easier tracking down and fixing
-		tekKompare allows you to use modifier keys on item links pasted from wowhead or similar sites
-Recommended development process:
-	1.	copy the Locales/enUS folder to Locales/<your locale> and change the locale on line 1 of each lua file in the new folder
-	2.	translate ww_localizedSocketColors (gems.lua), ww_localizedSlotNames (slots.lua), and ww_localizedStats (stats.lua)
-			NOTE: not all stats actually appear in-game as worded here.
-	3.	get a full list of item data using the ItemScanner addon
-			See notes about ItemScanner below
-			Once you have the final combined item data, copy or move it into the WeightsWatcher directory as item-info-<your locale>.lua
-				If there are items that are in either item-info-enUS.lua or the file you just created, but not both, you should remove the items so that your item lists are the same
-					NOTE: if the item is missing from item-info-enUS.lua, you can e-mail me with the item number and I will try to scan that item again
-					If you have more than 50 or so of these items that are missing from your file, it probably means that ItemScanner did not work properly and you should try again after removing ItemScanner's SavedVariables files
-					If you have several thousand of these items that are missing from your file, you either did not do a full scan or forgot to get the data before doing the next section, and should re-read the ItemScanner notes below
-	4.	decide whether you'd rather have your output in english or the language you're translating to
-			NOTE: only item and enchant data is translated automatically.
-			If you want to work in English:
-				run an offline scan:
-					lua -i standalone-data-scanner.lua
-				edit standalone-data-scanner.lua:
-					comment line 153 and uncomment line 154
-					comment line 159 and uncomment line 160
-			If you want to work in the language you're translating to:
-				edit standalone-data-scanner.lua:
-					comment line 182
-					change line 184 to the locale you're translating to
-				run an offline scan:
-					lua -i standalone-data-scanner.lua (make sure you save everything first)
-				edit standalone-data-scanner.lua again:
-					uncomment line 182
-	5.	edit wrapper-functions.lua:
-			change line 45 to the locale you're translating to
-	6.	translate the rest of the minimum files
-			you can save most of base.lua for later as it only affects the UI
-				you should translate the talent names and item types though
-					lines 82, 83, and 114-118
-	7.	run an offline scan:
-			delete the contents of output-<your locale> and create that folder if it doesn't exist
-			lua -i standalone-data-scanner.lua
-	8.	compare your results to the output-enUS folder
-			NOTE: only the item_data-*.lua and enchant_data.lua files are translated (and therefore comparable)
-			NOTE: until you finish translating everything, there will be differences
-				try to make sure the differences in the file(s) you're working on have been removed before moving on
-	9.	translate a recommended file and go to step 7.  repeat until the results look right
-	10.	translate an "extra" file and go to step 7, etc.
-Notes about ItemScanner:
-	I recommend running ItemScanner as a druid to get feral attack power to show up
-	You will need to run at least 3 scans to get most of the in-game items
-	Each scan has to be done in 3 parts due to a size limit of the SavedVariables files
-	ItemScanner will print out a status message every 2 minutes.  If you don't see one after waiting 2 minutes, it likely finished and you missed the message.
-	WARNING: ItemScanner used to disconnect me on a fairly regular basis.  I am fairly sure I have fixed the problem, but it could still be lurking somewhere.
-		The fix for this is the main reason the time delays are the way there are.  I don't recommend shortening them, especially the 5 seconds waiting for an invalid item.
-	The first couple of runs will take several hours each, later runs will be faster but will only update items you have already seen with ItemScanner
-		You can reset the list of what's been seen by deleting itemScanner's SavedVariables file
-			This will make the next 2 scans take several hours again, but may get items you had missed before
-	I highly recommend using some sort of source control on the scanned directory so you can easily combine results from multiple scans
-	Normal ItemScanner flow:
-		Start a scan with /is items reset
-			If the scan is interrupted, you can resume it with /is items
-			Once the scan finishes, reload ui or logout
-				Run lua get-live-data.lua
-		Start the next segment with /is items next-chunk
-			Once the segment finishes, reload ui or logout and re-run get-live-data.lua
-		Start the last segment with /is items next-chunk and /is enchants
-			Wait for the enchant scan to finish before reloading ui or logging out
-			You can run both command at once; the enchant scan will wait for the item scan to finish first
-			Again, reload ui or logout and re-run get-live-data.lua
-		Finally, run lua splice-item-info.lua to combine the results into a single file
-			The final file size should be at least 30 megabytes, and may be much larger for some locales
-Notes about the general structure of WeightsWatcher:
-	ww_MultipleStatLines should contain one rule for each way that multiple stats are worded
-	ww_SingleStatLines should contain one rule for each stat
-		use the other patterns files to change text to match the most common usage for each stat
-	The last part of each rule in ww_MultipleStatLines and ww_SingleStatLines is a listing of the categories the rule will be used for.  There is a category for each patterns-*.lua file (see the next note).
-	The patterns-*.lua files all finish with a variable that will eventually be passed to WeightsWatcher.handleEffects()
-		The contents of that variable, in order:
-			MatchLines: used to check if a particular line should be parsed with this handler
-			IgnoreLines: used to remove lines from consideration and ignore them
-			UnweightedLines: used ot indicate that a line cannot be parsed (but should not be totally ignored)
-			PreprocessLines: a table of tables, with each subtable containing two string that will be passed as the second and third arguments to string.gsub (with the current line as the first).  Used to re-word a line for easier parsing or to change to a more-common wording.
-			Affixes: a list of string that should be removed from the current line, in order.  Used to strip away extra information.
-			Handler: the function that will be called on what is left of the current line.  Usually WeightsWatcher.parseStats, but some files have their own function to handle this differently.
-			CategoryName: a string indicating which patterns in patterns.lua should be used to parse the current line.  Should not be changed.
-		All of these except the last 2 can be empty ({}).  However, if the first one is empty, the file is effectively doing nothing.
-	In general, stats and other things parsed from items are not translated into english until the scores for the item are calculated
-	All things that are saved to SavedVariables should be in English
-		For example, stat names in the weights
-	Most things put into tooltips are translated as they're displayed
-		The main exception is stat names
-		Some debug info is not translated at all
-	Ranged weapons should have their damage, dps, and weapon speed parsed as if they were melee weapons
-		WeightsWatcher.getItemStats will convert these to ranged stats on ranged weapons
-Finally, a translation for mastery rating would be most appreciated.  You can put it in stats.lua or just mention it in your e-mail when you send back your translation.  I do not know what other changes Cataclysm will bring, but it would be nice to have that one out of the way ahead of time.
-Please contact me if you have any questions or problems.
-Thank you for your help!
diff --git a/test-script.sh b/test-script.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 2f1bd90..0000000
--- a/test-script.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-luac -l -p $* \
-| grep '[GS]ETGLOBAL' \
-| grep -v '; ww_' \
-| grep -v '; WeightsWatcher' \
-| grep -v '; i\?pairs$' \
-| grep -v '; string$' \
-| grep -v '; print$' \
-| grep -v '; type$' \
-| grep -v '; table$' \
-| grep -v '; [gs]etmetatable$' \
-| grep -v '; CURRENTLY_EQUIPPED$' \
-| grep -v '; rawget$' \
-| grep -v '; GetInventoryItemLink$' \
-| grep -v '; GetNumTalents$' \
-| grep -v '; math$' \
-| grep -v '; GetTalentInfo$' \
-| grep -v '; unpack$' \
-| grep -v '; AtlasLootTooltip$' \
-| grep -v '; GetItemInfo$' \
-| grep -v '; GetNumTalentTabs$' \
-| grep -v '; IsEquippableItem$' \
-| grep -v '; DisableAddOn$' \
-| grep -v '; StaticPopup_Show$' \
-| grep -v '; UnitLevel$' \
-| grep -v '; ReloadUI$' \
-| grep -v '; _G$' \
-| grep -v '; SlashCmdList$' \
-| grep -v '; StaticPopupDialogs$' \
-| grep -v '; strsplit$' \
-| grep -v '; strjoin$' \
-| grep -v '; UnitClass$' \
-| grep -v '; GetInventorySlotInfo$' \
-| grep -v '; SLASH_WEIGHTSWATCHER[0-9]\+$' \
-| grep -v '; GetLocale$' \
-| grep -v '; tonumber$' \
-| grep -v '; tostring$' \
-| grep -v '; UIDropDownMenu_\(AddButton\|SetSelectedValue\)$' \
-| grep -v '; AceLibrary$' \
-| grep -v '; CreateFrame$' \
-| grep -v '; select$' \
-| grep -v '; io$' \
-| grep -v '; load\(file\|string\)$' \
-| grep -v '; pcall$' \
-| grep -v '; debug$' \
-| grep -v '; error$' \
-| grep -v '; Is\([A-Z][a-z]\+\)\+KeyDown$' \
-| grep -v '; FauxScrollFrame_\([GS]etOffset\|Update\)$' \
-| grep -v '; GetPrimaryTalentTree$' \
-| grep -v sort
diff --git a/unknown-gems b/unknown-gems
deleted file mode 100644
index 98bc70c..0000000
--- a/unknown-gems
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-				[2686] = {
-					"UNKNOWN",
-					"Bold Red Bryanite",
-					{[L["strength"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[2687] = {
-					"UNKNOWN",
-					"Delicate Blue Bryanite",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[2688] = {
-					"UNKNOWN",
-					"Solid Yellow Bryanite",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[2703] = {
-					"UNKNOWN",
-					"zzDEPRECATEDHeart of the Sky",
-				},
-				[2704] = {
-					"UNKNOWN",
-					"zzDEPRECATEDPerfect Diamond",
-				},
-				[2894] = {
-					"red",
-					"zzOLDMighty Blood Garnet",
-					{[L["strength"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[2911] = {
-					"red",
-					"zzOLDBold Ornate Ruby",
-					{[L["strength"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[2915] = {
-					"orange",
-					"zzOLDEnscribed Ornate Topaz",
-				},
-				[2917] = {
-					"UNKNOWN",
-					"Extended Cost Copying Bryanite",
-				},
-				[2922] = {
-					"red",
-					"zzOLDMighty Blood Garnet",
-					{[L["strength"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[2949] = {
-					"red",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[2950] = {
-					"yellow",
-					{[L["critical strike rating"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3197] = {
-					"red",
-					"Delicate Spencerite",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 10},
-				},
-				[3206] = {
-					"prismatic",
-					"Soulbound Test Gem",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 8},
-				},
-				[3209] = {
-					"red",
-					"Delicate Fire Ruby",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3214] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Sparkling Falling Star",
-					{[L["spirit"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3215] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Mystic Bladestone",
-					{[L["resilience rating"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3216] = {
-					"red",
-					"Brilliant Bladestone",
-					{[L["intellect"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3218] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Rigid Bladestone",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3219] = {
-					"yellow",
-					"Rigid Bladestone",
-					{[L["hit rating"]] = 12},
-				},
-				[3242] = {
-					"prismatic",
-					"Infinite Sphere",
-					{[L["all resistances"]] = 5},
-				},
-				[3254] = {
-					"prismatic",
-					"Chromatic Sphere",
-					{[L["all stats"]] = 4},
-				},
-				[3264] = {
-					"UNKNOWN",
-					"Heavy Tonk Armor",
-				},
-				[3317] = {
-					"blue",
-					"Solid Sky Sapphire",
-					{[L["stamina"]] = 21},
-				},
-				[3321] = {
-					"red",
-					"Test Living Ruby",
-					{[L["armor"]] = 150},
-				},
-				[3333] = {
-					"purple",
-					"QA Test Blank Purple Gem",
-				},
-				[3334] = {
-					"UNKNOWN",
-					"Riding Crop",
-				},
-				[3591] = {
-					"green",
-					"Test Dazzling Talasite",
-				},
-				-- May be in-game, may not
-				[3884] = {
-					"purple",
-					"Strange Gem",
-					{[L["agility"]] = 24, [L["stamina"]] = 24},
-				},
-				-- Probably a test gem, but not sure
-				[4119] = {
-					"red",
-					"Stackable Ruby",
-					{[L["strength"]] = 50},
-				},
-				-- No longer available
-				[4212] = {
-					"red",
-					"Bold Blood Garnet",
-					{[L["strength"]] = 7},
-				},
-				[4213] = {
-					"red",
-					"Bold Blood Garnet",
-					{[L["strength"]] = 7},
-				},
-			}
diff --git a/wowhead values b/wowhead values
deleted file mode 100644
index 62ad8c4..0000000
--- a/wowhead values
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-Str:Agi:Sta:Int:Spi:Arcane Resist:Fire Resist:Nature Resist;
-Frost Resist:Shadow Resist:Holy Resist:DPS:Min Damage:Max Damage:Speed:Melee AP;
-Ranged AP:Ranged Hit:Armor:Defense:Block Value:Block:Dodge;
-Parry:Spell Hit:Spell Crit:Healing:Spell Damage:Arcane Power:Fire Power:Frost Power;
-Holy Power:Nature Power:Shadow Power:Durability:HP5:MP5:Cooldown:Buy;
-Sell:Money:AP:Melee Haste:Resilience:Melee Crit:Buyout:Spell Pen;
-Melee Hit:Crit:Feral AP:Sockets:Ranged Haste:Spell Haste:Haste:Bonus Armor;
-:Armor Pen:Health:Mana:Expertise:Hit:Spell Power:;
-Melee DPS:Melee min damage:Melee max damage;
-Melee speed:Ranged DPS:Ranged max damage:Ranged speed