diff --git a/DKCrutch_GUI.lua b/DKCrutch_GUI.lua
index 2f76c6e..81fafbf 100644
--- a/DKCrutch_GUI.lua
+++ b/DKCrutch_GUI.lua
@@ -1,823 +1,823 @@
--- DKCrutch Gui functions
--- GUI functions and structures for DKCrutch
-local L = DKCrutch.Locals
-function DKCrutch:CreateCheckButton(name, parent, table, field, radio)
- local button
- if radio then
- button = CreateFrame('CheckButton', parent:GetName() .. name, parent, 'SendMailRadioButtonTemplate')
- else
- button = CreateFrame('CheckButton', parent:GetName() .. name, parent, 'OptionsCheckButtonTemplate')
- end
- local frame = _G[button:GetName() .. 'Text']
- frame:SetText(name)
- frame:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1, 1)
- frame:SetFontObject(GameFontNormal)
- button:SetScript("OnShow",
- function (self)
- self:SetChecked(table[field])
- self.origValue = table[field] or self.origValue
- end
- )
- if radio then
- button:SetScript("OnClick",
- function (self, button, down)
- this:SetChecked(1)
- table[field] = not table[field]
- end
- )
- else
- button:SetScript("OnClick",
- function (self, button, down)
- table[field] = not table[field]
- end
- )
- end
- function button:Restore()
- table[field] = self.origValue
- end
- return button
-function DKCrutch:CreateSlider(text, parent, low, high, step)
- local name = parent:GetName() .. text
- local slider = CreateFrame('Slider', name, parent, 'OptionsSliderTemplate')
- slider:SetScript('OnMouseWheel', Slider_OnMouseWheel)
- slider:SetMinMaxValues(low, high)
- slider:SetValueStep(step)
- slider:EnableMouseWheel(true)
- _G[name .. 'Text']:SetText(text)
- _G[name .. 'Low']:SetText('')
- _G[name .. 'High']:SetText('')
- local text = slider:CreateFontString(nil, 'BACKGROUND')
- text:SetFontObject('GameFontHighlightSmall')
- text:SetPoint('LEFT', slider, 'RIGHT', 7, 0)
- slider.valText = text
- return slider
-function DKCrutch:CreateButton(text, parent)
- local name = parent:GetName() .. text
- local button = CreateFrame('Button', name, parent, 'UIPanelButtonTemplate')
- _G[name .. 'Text']:SetText(text)
- local text = button:CreateFontString(nil, 'BACKGROUND')
- text:SetFontObject('GameFontHighlightSmall')
- text:SetPoint('LEFT', button, 'RIGHT', 7, 0)
- button.valText = text
- return button
-function DKCrutch:CreateDropDownMenu(text, parent, dbTree, varName, itemList, width)
- local name = parent:GetName() .. text
- local menu = CreateFrame("Frame", name, parent, "UIDropDownMenuTemplate");
- menu.displayMode = "MENU"
- local frame = _G[menu:GetName() .. 'Text']
- frame:SetText(text)
- frame:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1, 1)
- frame:SetFontObject(GameFontNormal)
- menu:EnableMouse(true);
- if(width) then
- _G.UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(menu, width);
- end
- menu.itemList = itemList or {};
- menu.init = function()
- for i=1, #menu.itemList do
- if(not menu.itemList[i].hooked) then
- local func = menu.itemList[i].func or function(self) end;
- menu.itemList[i].func = function(self, arg1, arg2)
- self = self or _G.this; -- wotlk/tbc hack
- dbTree[varName] = self.value;
- _G.UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedValue(menu, self.value);
- func(self, arg1, arg2);
- end
- menu.itemList[i].hooked = true;
- end
- local info = _G.UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
- for k,v in pairs(menu.itemList[i]) do
- info[k] = v;
- end
- _G.UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, _G.UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL);
- end
- end
- menu:SetScript("OnShow", function(self)
- _G.UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(self, self.init);
- _G.UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedValue(self, dbTree[varName]);
- end);
- menu.SetValue = function(self, value)
- _G.UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedValue(self, value);
- end;
- menu:Hide(); menu:Show();
- return menu;
-function DKCrutch:ApplySettings()
- DKCrutch:InitSettings()
- if (not DKCrutchDB.locked) then
- DKCrutch:UnLockFrames()
- else
- if (DKCrutch.displayFrame) then
- DKCrutch.displayFrame:EnableMouse(false)
- DKCrutch.displayFrame:SetMovable(false)
- DKCrutch.displayFrame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .0)
- DKCrutch.advisorFrame:EnableMouse(false)
- DKCrutch.advisorFrame:SetMovable(false)
- DKCrutch.advisorFrame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .0)
- DKCrutch.procFrame:EnableMouse(false)
- DKCrutch.procFrame:SetMovable(false)
- DKCrutch.procFrame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .0)
- DKCrutch.weaponFrame:EnableMouse(false)
- DKCrutch.weaponFrame:SetMovable(false)
- DKCrutch.weaponFrame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .0)
- DKCrutch.runicFrame:EnableMouse(false)
- DKCrutch.runicFrame:SetMovable(false)
- DKCrutch.debuffFrame:EnableMouse(false)
- DKCrutch.debuffFrame:SetMovable(false)
- end
- end
- if ( DKCrutchDB.enabled ) then
- DKCrutch.eventFrame:RegisterEvent("COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED")
- DKCrutch.eventFrame:RegisterEvent("RUNE_POWER_UPDATE")
- DKCrutch.eventFrame:RegisterEvent("RUNE_TYPE_UPDATE")
- DKCrutch.eventFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED")
- if (DKCrutch.displayFrame) then
- DKCrutch.displayFrame:Show()
- if (not DKCrutchDB.advisorDisabled) then
- DKCrutch.advisorFrame:Show()
- end
- if (not DKCrutchDB.procDisabled) then
- DKCrutch.procFrame:Show()
- end
- if (not DKCrutchDB.weaponDisabled) then
- DKCrutch.weaponFrame:Show()
- end
- end
- else
- DKCrutch.eventFrame:UnregisterEvent("COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED")
- DKCrutch.eventFrame:UnregisterEvent("RUNE_POWER_UPDATE")
- DKCrutch.eventFrame:UnregisterEvent("RUNE_TYPE_UPDATE")
- DKCrutch.eventFrame:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED")
- if (DKCrutch.displayFrame) then
- DKCrutch.displayFrame:Hide()
- DKCrutch.advisorFrame:Hide()
- DKCrutch.procFrame:Hide()
- DKCrutch.weaponFrame:Hide()
- DKCrutch.runicFrame:Hide()
- DKCrutch.debuffFrame:Hide()
- end
- end
- if (DKCrutch.displayFrame) then
- DKCrutch.displayFrame:SetAlpha(DKCrutchDB.runes.alpha)
- DKCrutch.displayFrame:SetScale(DKCrutchDB.runes.scale)
- DKCrutch.advisorFrame:SetAlpha(DKCrutchDB.advisor.alpha)
- DKCrutch.advisorFrame:SetScale(DKCrutchDB.advisor.scale)
- DKCrutch.procFrame:SetAlpha(DKCrutchDB.proc.alpha)
- DKCrutch.procFrame:SetScale(DKCrutchDB.proc.scale)
- DKCrutch.weaponFrame:SetAlpha(DKCrutchDB.weapon.alpha)
- DKCrutch.weaponFrame:SetScale(DKCrutchDB.weapon.scale)
- DKCrutch.runicFrame:SetAlpha(DKCrutchDB.runic.alpha)
- DKCrutch.runicFrame:SetScale(DKCrutchDB.runic.scale)
- DKCrutch.debuffFrame:SetAlpha(DKCrutchDB.debuff.alpha)
- DKCrutch.debuffFrame:SetScale(DKCrutchDB.debuff.scale)
- end
-function DKCrutch:StoreUIValues()
- for i,v in pairs(DKCrutchDB) do
- DKCrutch.prevDB[i]=v
- end
-function DKCrutch:ReStoreUIValues()
- for i,v in pairs(DKCrutch.prevDB) do
- DKCrutchDB[i]=v
- end
-function DKCrutch:CreateConfig()
- DKCrutch.configPanel = CreateFrame( "Frame", "DKCrutchConfigPanel", UIParent );
- -- Register in the Interface Addon Options GUI
- -- Set the name for the Category for the Options Panel
- DKCrutch.configPanel.name = "DKCrutch";
- local EnableBtn = DKCrutch:CreateCheckButton(L.CONFIG_ENABLED, DKCrutch.configPanel, DKCrutchDB, "enabled", false)
- EnableBtn:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', 10, -8)
- local LockBtn = DKCrutch:CreateCheckButton(L.CONFIG_LOCK_FRAMES, DKCrutch.configPanel, DKCrutchDB, "locked", false)
- LockBtn:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', 10, -58)
- local Scale = DKCrutch:CreateSlider(L.CONFIG_SPELL_ADV_SCALE, DKCrutch.configPanel, .25, 3, .1)
- Scale:SetScript('OnShow', function(self)
- self.onShow = true
- self:SetValue(DKCrutchDB.advisor.scale)
- self.onShow = nil
- end)
- Scale:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function(self, value)
- self.valText:SetText(format('%.1f', value))
- if not self.onShow then
- DKCrutchDB.advisor.scale=value
- DKCrutch.advisorFrame:SetScale(value)
- end
- end)
- Scale:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",10,-98)
- Scale:Show()
- local Alpha = DKCrutch:CreateSlider(L.CONFIG_SPELL_ADV_ALPHA, DKCrutch.configPanel, .0, 1, .1)
- Alpha:SetScript('OnShow', function(self)
- self.onShow = true
- self:SetValue(DKCrutchDB.advisor.alpha)
- self.onShow = nil
- end)
- Alpha:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function(self, value)
- self.valText:SetText(format('%.1f', value))
- if not self.onShow then
- DKCrutchDB.advisor.alpha=value
- DKCrutch.advisorFrame:SetAlpha(value)
- end
- end)
- Alpha:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",200,-98)
- Alpha:Show()
- local advisorDisableBtn = DKCrutch:CreateCheckButton(L.CONFIG_DISABLE_ADVISOR, DKCrutch.configPanel, DKCrutchDB, "advisorDisabled", false)
- advisorDisableBtn:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', 10, -158)
- local RuneScale = DKCrutch:CreateSlider(L.CONFIG_RUNE_TRACKER_SCALE, DKCrutch.configPanel, .25, 3, .1)
- RuneScale:SetScript('OnShow', function(self)
- self.onShow = true
- self:SetValue(DKCrutchDB.runes.scale)
- self.onShow = nil
- end)
- RuneScale:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function(self, value)
- self.valText:SetText(format('%.1f', value))
- if not self.onShow then
- DKCrutchDB.runes.scale=value
- DKCrutch.displayFrame:SetScale(value)
- end
- end)
- RuneScale:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",10,-138)
- RuneScale:Show()
- local RuneAlpha = DKCrutch:CreateSlider(L.CONFIG_RUNE_TRACKER_ALPHA, DKCrutch.configPanel, .0, 1, .1)
- RuneAlpha:SetScript('OnShow', function(self)
- self.onShow = true
- self:SetValue(DKCrutchDB.runes.alpha)
- self.onShow = nil
- end)
- RuneAlpha:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function(self, value)
- self.valText:SetText(format('%.1f', value))
- if not self.onShow then
- DKCrutchDB.runes.alpha=value
- DKCrutch.displayFrame:SetAlpha(value)
- end
- end)
- RuneAlpha:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",200,-138)
- RuneAlpha:Show()
- local procScale = DKCrutch:CreateSlider(L.CONFIG_PROC_SCALE, DKCrutch.configPanel, .25, 3, .1)
- procScale:SetScript('OnShow', function(self)
- self.onShow = true
- self:SetValue(DKCrutchDB.proc.scale)
- self.onShow = nil
- end)
- procScale:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function(self, value)
- self.valText:SetText(format('%.1f', value))
- if not self.onShow then
- DKCrutchDB.proc.scale=value
- DKCrutch.procFrame:SetScale(value)
- end
- end)
- procScale:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",10,-198)
- procScale:Show()
- local procAlpha = DKCrutch:CreateSlider(L.CONFIG_PROC_ALPHA, DKCrutch.configPanel, .0, 1, .1)
- procAlpha:SetScript('OnShow', function(self)
- self.onShow = true
- self:SetValue(DKCrutchDB.proc.alpha)
- self.onShow = nil
- end)
- procAlpha:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function(self, value)
- self.valText:SetText(format('%.1f', value))
- if not self.onShow then
- DKCrutchDB.proc.alpha=value
- DKCrutch.procFrame:SetAlpha(value)
- end
- end)
- procAlpha:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",200,-198)
- procAlpha:Show()
- local procDisableBtn = DKCrutch:CreateCheckButton(L.CONFIG_DISABLE_PROC, DKCrutch.configPanel, DKCrutchDB, "procDisabled", false)
- procDisableBtn:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', 10, -218)
- local runicScale = DKCrutch:CreateSlider(L.CONFIG_RUNIC_SCALE, DKCrutch.configPanel, .25, 3, .1)
- runicScale:SetScript('OnShow', function(self)
- self.onShow = true
- self:SetValue(DKCrutchDB.runic.scale)
- self.onShow = nil
- end)
- runicScale:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function(self, value)
- self.valText:SetText(format('%.1f', value))
- if not self.onShow then
- DKCrutchDB.runic.scale=value
- DKCrutch.runicFrame:SetScale(value)
- end
- end)
- runicScale:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",10,-258)
- runicScale:Show()
- local runicAlpha = DKCrutch:CreateSlider(L.CONFIG_RUNIC_ALPHA, DKCrutch.configPanel, .0, 1, .1)
- runicAlpha:SetScript('OnShow', function(self)
- self.onShow = true
- self:SetValue(DKCrutchDB.runic.alpha)
- self.onShow = nil
- end)
- runicAlpha:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function(self, value)
- self.valText:SetText(format('%.1f', value))
- if not self.onShow then
- DKCrutchDB.runic.alpha=value
- DKCrutch.runicFrame:SetAlpha(value)
- end
- end)
- runicAlpha:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",200,-258)
- runicAlpha:Show()
- local runicDisableBtn = DKCrutch:CreateCheckButton(L.CONFIG_DISABLE_RUNIC, DKCrutch.configPanel, DKCrutchDB, "runicDisabled", false)
- runicDisableBtn:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', 10, -278)
- local debuffScale = DKCrutch:CreateSlider(L.CONFIG_DEBUFF_SCALE, DKCrutch.configPanel, .25, 3, .1)
- debuffScale:SetScript('OnShow', function(self)
- self.onShow = true
- self:SetValue(DKCrutchDB.debuff.scale)
- self.onShow = nil
- end)
- debuffScale:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function(self, value)
- self.valText:SetText(format('%.1f', value))
- if not self.onShow then
- DKCrutchDB.debuff.scale=value
- DKCrutch.debuffFrame:SetScale(value)
- end
- end)
- debuffScale:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",10,-318)
- debuffScale:Show()
- local debuffAlpha = DKCrutch:CreateSlider(L.CONFIG_DEBUFF_ALPHA, DKCrutch.configPanel, .0, 1, .1)
- debuffAlpha:SetScript('OnShow', function(self)
- self.onShow = true
- self:SetValue(DKCrutchDB.debuff.alpha)
- self.onShow = nil
- end)
- debuffAlpha:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function(self, value)
- self.valText:SetText(format('%.1f', value))
- if not self.onShow then
- DKCrutchDB.debuff.alpha=value
- DKCrutch.debuffFrame:SetAlpha(value)
- end
- end)
- debuffAlpha:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",200,-318)
- debuffAlpha:Show()
- local debuffDisableBtn = DKCrutch:CreateCheckButton(L.CONFIG_DISABLE_DEBUFF, DKCrutch.configPanel, DKCrutchDB, "debuffDisabled", false)
- debuffDisableBtn:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', 10, -338)
- local weaponScale = DKCrutch:CreateSlider(L.CONFIG_WEAPON_SCALE, DKCrutch.configPanel, .25, 3, .1)
- weaponScale:SetScript('OnShow', function(self)
- self.onShow = true
- self:SetValue(DKCrutchDB.weapon.scale)
- self.onShow = nil
- end)
- weaponScale:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function(self, value)
- self.valText:SetText(format('%.1f', value))
- if not self.onShow then
- DKCrutchDB.weapon.scale=value
- DKCrutch.weaponFrame:SetScale(value)
- end
- end)
- weaponScale:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",10,-378)
- weaponScale:Show()
- local weaponAlpha = DKCrutch:CreateSlider(L.CONFIG_WEAPON_ALPHA, DKCrutch.configPanel, .0, 1, .1)
- weaponAlpha:SetScript('OnShow', function(self)
- self.onShow = true
- self:SetValue(DKCrutchDB.weapon.alpha)
- self.onShow = nil
- end)
- weaponAlpha:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function(self, value)
- self.valText:SetText(format('%.1f', value))
- if not self.onShow then
- DKCrutchDB.weapon.alpha=value
- DKCrutch.weaponFrame:SetAlpha(value)
- end
- end)
- weaponAlpha:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",200,-378)
- weaponAlpha:Show()
- local weaponDisableBtn = DKCrutch:CreateCheckButton(L.CONFIG_DISABLE_WEAPON, DKCrutch.configPanel, DKCrutchDB, "weaponDisabled", false)
- weaponDisableBtn:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', 10, -398)
- local ResetBtn = DKCrutch:CreateButton(L.CONFIG_RESET_POSITIONS, DKCrutch.configPanel)
- ResetBtn:SetWidth(160)
- ResetBtn:SetHeight(22)
- ResetBtn:SetScript('OnClick', function()
- DKCrutch:ResetPosition()
- end)
- ResetBtn:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",10,-448)
- ResetBtn:Show()
- DKCrutch.configPanel.okay = function()
- DKCrutch:ApplySettings()
- end
- DKCrutch.configPanel.cancel = function()
- -- cancel button pressed, revert changes
- DKCrutch:ReStoreUIValues()
- DKCrutch:ApplySettings()
- end
- DKCrutch.configPanel.default = function()
- -- default button pressed, reset setting
- DKCrutch:ResetDB(true)
- DKCrutch:ResetPosition()
- end
- -- always show frame if config panel is open
- DKCrutch.configPanel:SetScript('OnShow', function(self)
- self.onShow = true
- self.onShow = nil
- end)
- DKCrutch.configPanel:SetScript('OnHide', function(self)
- self.onHide = true
- self.onHide = nil
- end)
- -- Add the panel to the Interface Options
- InterfaceOptions_AddCategory(DKCrutch.configPanel)
-function DKCrutch:ResetDB()
- if (not DKCrutchDB.runes) or (force) then
- DKCrutchDB.runes = {
- ["x"] = -180,
- ["y"] = 0,
- ["scale"] = 1,
- ["alpha"] = 1,
- ["relativePoint"] = "CENTER",
- }
- end
- if (not DKCrutchDB.advisor) or (force) then
- DKCrutchDB.advisor = {
- ["x"] = 180,
- ["y"] = 0,
- ["scale"] = 1,
- ["alpha"] = 1,
- ["relativePoint"] = "CENTER",
- }
- end
- if (not DKCrutchDB.proc) or (force) then
- DKCrutchDB.proc = {
- ["x"] = 0,
- ["y"] = 90,
- ["scale"] = 1,
- ["alpha"] = 1,
- ["relativePoint"] = "CENTER",
- }
- end
- if (not DKCrutchDB.weapon) or (force) then
- DKCrutchDB.weapon = {
- ["x"] = 0,
- ["y"] = 122,
- ["scale"] = 1,
- ["alpha"] = 1,
- ["relativePoint"] = "CENTER",
- }
- end
- if (not DKCrutchDB.runic) or (force) then
- DKCrutchDB.runic = {
- ["x"] = 90,
- ["y"] = 90,
- ["scale"] = 1,
- ["alpha"] = 1,
- ["relativePoint"] = "CENTER",
- }
- end
- if (not DKCrutchDB.debuff) or (force) then
- DKCrutchDB.debuff = {
- ["x"] = 0,
- ["y"] = 180,
- ["scale"] = 1,
- ["alpha"] = 1,
- ["relativePoint"] = "CENTER",
- }
- end
- if (force) then
- DKCrutchDB.locked = false
- DKCrutchDB.enabled = true
- DKCrutchDB.advisorDisabled = false
- DKCrutchDB.procDisabled = false
- DKCrutchDB.weaponDisabled = false
- DKCrutchDB.runicDisabled = false
- DKCrutchDB.debuffDisabled = false
- end
-function DKCrutch.Options(msg)
- if (msg=='debug') then
- if (DKCrutch.DebugMode) then
- DKCrutch:Debug("Debug ended", GetTime())
- end
- DKCrutch.DebugMode = not ( DKCrutch.DebugMode )
- local debugStatus = "disabled"
- if (DKCrutch.DebugMode) then
- DKCrutch.DebugChat = DKCrutch:GetDebugFrame()
- debugStatus = "enabled. Using frame: " .. DKCrutch.DebugChat:GetID()
- DKCrutch:Debug("Debug started", GetTime())
- end
- DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("DKCrutch Debug " .. debugStatus)
- else
- InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory(getglobal("DKCrutchConfigPanel"))
- end
-function DKCrutch:adjustDeathTracker()
- if DKCrutch.deathTracker then
- if (DKCrutch.talent == "frost") then
- DKCrutch.deathTracker:SetStatusBarTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\DKCrutch\\media\\death.tga")
- DKCrutch.deathTracker:SetMinMaxValues(0,20)
- else
- DKCrutch.deathTracker:SetStatusBarTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\DKCrutch\\media\\death4.tga")
- DKCrutch.deathTracker:SetMinMaxValues(0,40)
- end
- end
-function DKCrutch:ResetPosition()
- DKCrutchDB.runes.x = 0
- DKCrutchDB.runes.y = -100
- DKCrutchDB.runes.relativePoint = "CENTER"
- DKCrutchDB.advisor.x = -100
- DKCrutchDB.advisor.y = 0
- DKCrutchDB.advisor.relativePoint = "CENTER"
- DKCrutchDB.proc.x = 0
- DKCrutchDB.proc.y = 90
- DKCrutchDB.proc.relativePoint = "CENTER"
- DKCrutchDB.weapon.x = 0
- DKCrutchDB.weapon.y = 122
- DKCrutchDB.weapon.relativePoint = "CENTER"
- DKCrutchDB.runic.x = 90
- DKCrutchDB.runic.y = 90
- DKCrutchDB.runic.relativePoint = "CENTER"
- DKCrutchDB.debuff.x = 0
- DKCrutchDB.debuff.y = 180
- DKCrutchDB.debuff.relativePoint = "CENTER"
- DKCrutch.displayFrame:ClearAllPoints()
- DKCrutch.displayFrame:SetPoint(DKCrutchDB.runes.relativePoint,DKCrutchDB.runes.x,DKCrutchDB.runes.y)
- DKCrutch.advisorFrame:ClearAllPoints()
- DKCrutch.advisorFrame:SetPoint(DKCrutchDB.advisor.relativePoint,DKCrutchDB.advisor.x,DKCrutchDB.advisor.y)
- DKCrutch.procFrame:ClearAllPoints()
- DKCrutch.procFrame:SetPoint(DKCrutchDB.proc.relativePoint,DKCrutchDB.proc.x,DKCrutchDB.proc.y)
- DKCrutch.weaponFrame:ClearAllPoints()
- DKCrutch.weaponFrame:SetPoint(DKCrutchDB.weapon.relativePoint,DKCrutchDB.weapon.x,DKCrutchDB.weapon.y)
- DKCrutch.debuffFrame:ClearAllPoints()
- DKCrutch.debuffFrame:SetPoint(DKCrutchDB.debuff.relativePoint,DKCrutchDB.debuff.x,DKCrutchDB.debuff.y)
-function DKCrutch:MakeDraggable(frame,store)
- frame:Show()
- if (store ~= "runic") then
- frame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .3)
- end
- frame:EnableMouse(true)
- frame:SetMovable(true)
- frame:SetClampedToScreen(true)
- frame:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function(self) self:StartMoving(); self:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .6); end)
- frame:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function(self)
- self:StopMovingOrSizing()
- if (store ~= "runic") then
- if (DKCrutch.locked) then
- self:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0)
- else
- self:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .3)
- end
- end
- local _,_,rp,x,y = self:GetPoint()
- DKCrutchDB[store]["x"] = x
- DKCrutchDB[store]["y"] = y
- DKCrutchDB[store]["relativePoint"] = rp
- end)
- frame:SetScript("OnDragStop", function(self)
- self:StopMovingOrSizing();
- if (store ~= "runic") then
- if (DKCrutch.locked) then
- self:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0)
- else
- self:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .3)
- end
- end
- local _,_,rp,x,y = self:GetPoint()
- DKCrutchDB[store]["x"] = x
- DKCrutchDB[store]["y"] = y
- DKCrutchDB[store]["relativePoint"] = rp
- end)
-function DKCrutch:UnLockFrames()
- DKCrutch:MakeDraggable(DKCrutch.displayFrame,"runes")
- DKCrutch:MakeDraggable(DKCrutch.advisorFrame,"advisor")
- DKCrutch:MakeDraggable(DKCrutch.procFrame,"proc")
- DKCrutch:MakeDraggable(DKCrutch.weaponFrame,"weapon")
- DKCrutch:MakeDraggable(DKCrutch.runicFrame,"runic")
- DKCrutch:MakeDraggable(DKCrutch.debuffFrame,"debuff")
-function DKCrutch:CreateGUI()
- local displayFrame = CreateFrame("Frame","DKCrutchDisplayFrame",UIParent)
- displayFrame:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
- displayFrame:SetWidth(84)
- displayFrame:SetHeight(64)
- displayFrame:SetBackdrop({
- bgFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background", tile = true, tileSize = 32,
- })
- displayFrame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .0)
- displayFrame:SetAlpha(DKCrutchDB.runes.alpha)
- displayFrame:SetPoint(DKCrutchDB.runes.relativePoint,DKCrutchDB.runes.x,DKCrutchDB.runes.y)
- local iconTexture = displayFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"BACKGROUND")
- iconTexture:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\DKCrutch\\media\\icons.tga", true)
- iconTexture:SetWidth(16)
- iconTexture:SetHeight(64)
- iconTexture:SetPoint('TOPLEFT',displayFrame,0,0)
- for i=1,3,1 do
- local runes = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, displayFrame)
- if (i==1) then
- runes:SetStatusBarTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\DKCrutch\\media\\unholy.tga")
- elseif (i==2) then
- runes:SetStatusBarTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\DKCrutch\\media\\frost.tga")
- elseif (i==3) then
- runes:SetStatusBarTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\DKCrutch\\media\\blood.tga")
- end
- runes:SetWidth(64)
- runes:SetHeight(16)
- runes:SetMinMaxValues(0,20)
- runes:SetPoint('TOPLEFT',displayFrame,20,-i*16)
- DKCrutch.runeTracker[i] = runes
- end
- local deathRunes = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, displayFrame)
- deathRunes:SetStatusBarTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\DKCrutch\\media\\death.tga")
- deathRunes:SetWidth(64)
- deathRunes:SetHeight(16)
- deathRunes:SetMinMaxValues(0,20)
- deathRunes:SetPoint('TOPLEFT',displayFrame,20,0)
- DKCrutch.deathTracker = deathRunes
- DKCrutch.displayFrame = displayFrame
- DKCrutch:adjustDeathTracker()
- local advisorFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", "DKCrutchAdvisorFrame", UIParent)
- advisorFrame:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
- advisorFrame:SetWidth(64)
- advisorFrame:SetHeight(64)
- advisorFrame:SetBackdrop({
- bgFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background", tile = true, tileSize = 32,
- })
- advisorFrame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .0)
- local t = advisorFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"BACKGROUND")
- t:SetTexture("")
- t:SetAllPoints(advisorFrame)
- advisorFrame.texture = t
- advisorFrame:SetAlpha(DKCrutchDB.advisor.alpha)
- advisorFrame:SetPoint(DKCrutchDB.advisor.relativePoint,DKCrutchDB.advisor.x,DKCrutchDB.advisor.y)
- local cooldownFrame = CreateFrame("Cooldown","$parent_cooldown", advisorFrame, "CooldownFrameTemplate")
- cooldownFrame:SetHeight(64)
- cooldownFrame:SetWidth(64)
- cooldownFrame:ClearAllPoints()
- cooldownFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", advisorFrame, "CENTER", 0, 0)
- cooldownFrame:SetReverse(false)
- DKCrutch.cooldownFrame = cooldownFrame
- DKCrutch.advisorFrame = advisorFrame
- local procFrame = CreateFrame("Cooldown", "DKCrutchProcFrame", UIParent)
- procFrame:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
- procFrame:SetWidth(32)
- procFrame:SetHeight(32)
- procFrame:SetBackdrop({
- bgFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background", tile = true, tileSize = 32,
- })
- procFrame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .0)
- t = procFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"BACKGROUND")
- t:SetTexture("")
- t:SetAllPoints(procFrame)
- procFrame.texture = t
- procFrame:SetAlpha(DKCrutchDB.proc.alpha)
- procFrame:SetPoint(DKCrutchDB.proc.relativePoint,DKCrutchDB.proc.x,DKCrutchDB.proc.y)
- t = procFrame:CreateFontString("$parent_ProcText","OVERLAY","GameFontHighlightSmallOutline");
- t:SetPoint("BOTTOM",procFrame,"BOTTOM",0,0)
- t:SetAlpha(1)
- t:SetText("")
- DKCrutch.procText = t
- DKCrutch.procFrame = procFrame
- local weaponFrame = CreateFrame("StatusBar", "DKCrutchWeaponFrame", UIParent)
- weaponFrame:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
- weaponFrame:SetWidth(64)
- weaponFrame:SetHeight(20)
- weaponFrame:SetBackdrop({
- bgFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background", tile = true, tileSize = 32,
- })
- weaponFrame:SetOrientation("HORIZONTAL")
- weaponFrame:SetMinMaxValues(0, 15)
- weaponFrame:SetValue(0)
- weaponFrame:SetStatusBarTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\DKCrutch\\media\\weapon.tga")
- t = weaponFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"BACKGROUND")
- t:SetTexture("")
- t:SetAllPoints(weaponFrame)
- weaponFrame.texture = t
- weaponFrame:SetAlpha(DKCrutchDB.weapon.alpha)
- weaponFrame:SetPoint(DKCrutchDB.weapon.relativePoint,DKCrutchDB.weapon.x,DKCrutchDB.weapon.y)
- t = weaponFrame:CreateFontString("$parent_WeaponText","OVERLAY","GameFontHighlightSmallOutline");
- t:SetPoint("CENTER",weaponFrame,"CENTER",0,0)
- t:SetAlpha(1)
- t:SetText("")
- DKCrutch.weaponText = t
- DKCrutch.weaponFrame = weaponFrame
- local runicFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", "DKCrutchRunicFrame", UIParent)
- runicFrame:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
- runicFrame:SetWidth(128)
- runicFrame:SetHeight(128)
- runicFrame:SetBackdrop({
- bgFile = "Interface\\AddOns\\DKCrutch\\media\\runic_circle.tga", tile = false, tileSize = 128,
- })
- t = runicFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"MEDIUM")
- t:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\DKCrutch\\media\\runic_power.tga", false)
- t:SetAllPoints(runicFrame)
- t:SetPoint("CENTER", "DKCrutchRunicFrame", "CENTER", 0, 0);
- runicFrame.texture = t
- runicFrame:SetAlpha(DKCrutchDB.runic.alpha)
- runicFrame:SetPoint(DKCrutchDB.runic.relativePoint,DKCrutchDB.runic.x,DKCrutchDB.runic.y)
- DKCrutch.runicFrame = runicFrame
- local debuffFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", "DKCrutchDebuffFrame", UIParent)
- debuffFrame:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
- debuffFrame:SetWidth(64)
- debuffFrame:SetHeight(32)
- debuffFrame:SetBackdrop({
- bgFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background", tile = true, tileSize = 64,
- })
- debuffFrame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .0)
- local d1 = CreateFrame("Cooldown", "DKCrutchDebuff1Frame", DKCrutchDebuffFrame, "CooldownFrameTemplate")
- d1:SetWidth(32)
- d1:SetHeight(32)
- d1:ClearAllPoints()
- d1:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", debuffFrame, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0)
- t = d1:CreateTexture(nil,"MEDIUM")
- t:SetTexture("")
- t:SetAllPoints(d1)
- d1.texture = t
- DKCrutch.debuff1Frame = d1
- local d2 = CreateFrame("Cooldown", "DKCrutchDebuff2Frame", DKCrutchDebuffFrame, "CooldownFrameTemplate")
- d2:SetWidth(32)
- d2:SetHeight(32)
- d2:ClearAllPoints()
- d2:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", debuffFrame, "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0)
- t = d2:CreateTexture(nil,"MEDIUM")
- t:SetTexture("")
- t:SetAllPoints(d2)
- d2.texture = t
- DKCrutch.debuff2Frame = d2
- debuffFrame:SetAlpha(DKCrutchDB.debuff.alpha)
- debuffFrame:SetPoint(DKCrutchDB.debuff.relativePoint,DKCrutchDB.debuff.x,DKCrutchDB.debuff.y)
- DKCrutch.debuffFrame = debuffFrame
- if (not DKCrutchDB.locked) then
- DKCrutch:UnLockFrames()
- end
+-- DKCrutch Gui functions
+-- GUI functions and structures for DKCrutch
+local L = DKCrutch.Locals
+function DKCrutch:CreateCheckButton(name, parent, table, field, radio)
+ local button
+ if radio then
+ button = CreateFrame('CheckButton', parent:GetName() .. name, parent, 'SendMailRadioButtonTemplate')
+ else
+ button = CreateFrame('CheckButton', parent:GetName() .. name, parent, 'OptionsCheckButtonTemplate')
+ end
+ local frame = _G[button:GetName() .. 'Text']
+ frame:SetText(name)
+ frame:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1, 1)
+ frame:SetFontObject(GameFontNormal)
+ button:SetScript("OnShow",
+ function (self)
+ self:SetChecked(table[field])
+ self.origValue = table[field] or self.origValue
+ end
+ )
+ if radio then
+ button:SetScript("OnClick",
+ function (self, button, down)
+ this:SetChecked(1)
+ table[field] = not table[field]
+ end
+ )
+ else
+ button:SetScript("OnClick",
+ function (self, button, down)
+ table[field] = not table[field]
+ end
+ )
+ end
+ function button:Restore()
+ table[field] = self.origValue
+ end
+ return button
+function DKCrutch:CreateSlider(text, parent, low, high, step)
+ local name = parent:GetName() .. text
+ local slider = CreateFrame('Slider', name, parent, 'OptionsSliderTemplate')
+ slider:SetScript('OnMouseWheel', Slider_OnMouseWheel)
+ slider:SetMinMaxValues(low, high)
+ slider:SetValueStep(step)
+ slider:EnableMouseWheel(true)
+ _G[name .. 'Text']:SetText(text)
+ _G[name .. 'Low']:SetText('')
+ _G[name .. 'High']:SetText('')
+ local text = slider:CreateFontString(nil, 'BACKGROUND')
+ text:SetFontObject('GameFontHighlightSmall')
+ text:SetPoint('LEFT', slider, 'RIGHT', 7, 0)
+ slider.valText = text
+ return slider
+function DKCrutch:CreateButton(text, parent)
+ local name = parent:GetName() .. text
+ local button = CreateFrame('Button', name, parent, 'UIPanelButtonTemplate')
+ _G[name .. 'Text']:SetText(text)
+ local text = button:CreateFontString(nil, 'BACKGROUND')
+ text:SetFontObject('GameFontHighlightSmall')
+ text:SetPoint('LEFT', button, 'RIGHT', 7, 0)
+ button.valText = text
+ return button
+function DKCrutch:CreateDropDownMenu(text, parent, dbTree, varName, itemList, width)
+ local name = parent:GetName() .. text
+ local menu = CreateFrame("Frame", name, parent, "UIDropDownMenuTemplate");
+ menu.displayMode = "MENU"
+ local frame = _G[menu:GetName() .. 'Text']
+ frame:SetText(text)
+ frame:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1, 1)
+ frame:SetFontObject(GameFontNormal)
+ menu:EnableMouse(true);
+ if(width) then
+ _G.UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(menu, width);
+ end
+ menu.itemList = itemList or {};
+ menu.init = function()
+ for i=1, #menu.itemList do
+ if(not menu.itemList[i].hooked) then
+ local func = menu.itemList[i].func or function(self) end;
+ menu.itemList[i].func = function(self, arg1, arg2)
+ self = self or _G.this; -- wotlk/tbc hack
+ dbTree[varName] = self.value;
+ _G.UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedValue(menu, self.value);
+ func(self, arg1, arg2);
+ end
+ menu.itemList[i].hooked = true;
+ end
+ local info = _G.UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
+ for k,v in pairs(menu.itemList[i]) do
+ info[k] = v;
+ end
+ _G.UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, _G.UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL);
+ end
+ end
+ menu:SetScript("OnShow", function(self)
+ _G.UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(self, self.init);
+ _G.UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedValue(self, dbTree[varName]);
+ end);
+ menu.SetValue = function(self, value)
+ _G.UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedValue(self, value);
+ end;
+ menu:Hide(); menu:Show();
+ return menu;
+function DKCrutch:ApplySettings()
+ DKCrutch:InitSettings()
+ if (not DKCrutchDB.locked) then
+ DKCrutch:UnLockFrames()
+ else
+ if (DKCrutch.displayFrame) then
+ DKCrutch.displayFrame:EnableMouse(false)
+ DKCrutch.displayFrame:SetMovable(false)
+ DKCrutch.displayFrame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .0)
+ DKCrutch.advisorFrame:EnableMouse(false)
+ DKCrutch.advisorFrame:SetMovable(false)
+ DKCrutch.advisorFrame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .0)
+ DKCrutch.procFrame:EnableMouse(false)
+ DKCrutch.procFrame:SetMovable(false)
+ DKCrutch.procFrame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .0)
+ DKCrutch.weaponFrame:EnableMouse(false)
+ DKCrutch.weaponFrame:SetMovable(false)
+ DKCrutch.weaponFrame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .0)
+ DKCrutch.runicFrame:EnableMouse(false)
+ DKCrutch.runicFrame:SetMovable(false)
+ DKCrutch.debuffFrame:EnableMouse(false)
+ DKCrutch.debuffFrame:SetMovable(false)
+ end
+ end
+ if ( DKCrutchDB.enabled ) then
+ DKCrutch.eventFrame:RegisterEvent("COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED")
+ DKCrutch.eventFrame:RegisterEvent("RUNE_POWER_UPDATE")
+ DKCrutch.eventFrame:RegisterEvent("RUNE_TYPE_UPDATE")
+ DKCrutch.eventFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED")
+ if (DKCrutch.displayFrame) then
+ DKCrutch.displayFrame:Show()
+ if (not DKCrutchDB.advisorDisabled) then
+ DKCrutch.advisorFrame:Show()
+ end
+ if (not DKCrutchDB.procDisabled) then
+ DKCrutch.procFrame:Show()
+ end
+ if (not DKCrutchDB.weaponDisabled) then
+ DKCrutch.weaponFrame:Show()
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ DKCrutch.eventFrame:UnregisterEvent("COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED")
+ DKCrutch.eventFrame:UnregisterEvent("RUNE_POWER_UPDATE")
+ DKCrutch.eventFrame:UnregisterEvent("RUNE_TYPE_UPDATE")
+ DKCrutch.eventFrame:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED")
+ if (DKCrutch.displayFrame) then
+ DKCrutch.displayFrame:Hide()
+ DKCrutch.advisorFrame:Hide()
+ DKCrutch.procFrame:Hide()
+ DKCrutch.weaponFrame:Hide()
+ DKCrutch.runicFrame:Hide()
+ DKCrutch.debuffFrame:Hide()
+ end
+ end
+ if (DKCrutch.displayFrame) then
+ DKCrutch.displayFrame:SetAlpha(DKCrutchDB.runes.alpha)
+ DKCrutch.displayFrame:SetScale(DKCrutchDB.runes.scale)
+ DKCrutch.advisorFrame:SetAlpha(DKCrutchDB.advisor.alpha)
+ DKCrutch.advisorFrame:SetScale(DKCrutchDB.advisor.scale)
+ DKCrutch.procFrame:SetAlpha(DKCrutchDB.proc.alpha)
+ DKCrutch.procFrame:SetScale(DKCrutchDB.proc.scale)
+ DKCrutch.weaponFrame:SetAlpha(DKCrutchDB.weapon.alpha)
+ DKCrutch.weaponFrame:SetScale(DKCrutchDB.weapon.scale)
+ DKCrutch.runicFrame:SetAlpha(DKCrutchDB.runic.alpha)
+ DKCrutch.runicFrame:SetScale(DKCrutchDB.runic.scale)
+ DKCrutch.debuffFrame:SetAlpha(DKCrutchDB.debuff.alpha)
+ DKCrutch.debuffFrame:SetScale(DKCrutchDB.debuff.scale)
+ end
+function DKCrutch:StoreUIValues()
+ for i,v in pairs(DKCrutchDB) do
+ DKCrutch.prevDB[i]=v
+ end
+function DKCrutch:ReStoreUIValues()
+ for i,v in pairs(DKCrutch.prevDB) do
+ DKCrutchDB[i]=v
+ end
+function DKCrutch:CreateConfig()
+ DKCrutch.configPanel = CreateFrame( "Frame", "DKCrutchConfigPanel", UIParent );
+ -- Register in the Interface Addon Options GUI
+ -- Set the name for the Category for the Options Panel
+ DKCrutch.configPanel.name = "DKCrutch";
+ local EnableBtn = DKCrutch:CreateCheckButton(L.CONFIG_ENABLED, DKCrutch.configPanel, DKCrutchDB, "enabled", false)
+ EnableBtn:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', 10, -8)
+ local LockBtn = DKCrutch:CreateCheckButton(L.CONFIG_LOCK_FRAMES, DKCrutch.configPanel, DKCrutchDB, "locked", false)
+ LockBtn:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', 10, -58)
+ local Scale = DKCrutch:CreateSlider(L.CONFIG_SPELL_ADV_SCALE, DKCrutch.configPanel, .25, 3, .1)
+ Scale:SetScript('OnShow', function(self)
+ self.onShow = true
+ self:SetValue(DKCrutchDB.advisor.scale)
+ self.onShow = nil
+ end)
+ Scale:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function(self, value)
+ self.valText:SetText(format('%.1f', value))
+ if not self.onShow then
+ DKCrutchDB.advisor.scale=value
+ DKCrutch.advisorFrame:SetScale(value)
+ end
+ end)
+ Scale:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",10,-98)
+ Scale:Show()
+ local Alpha = DKCrutch:CreateSlider(L.CONFIG_SPELL_ADV_ALPHA, DKCrutch.configPanel, .0, 1, .1)
+ Alpha:SetScript('OnShow', function(self)
+ self.onShow = true
+ self:SetValue(DKCrutchDB.advisor.alpha)
+ self.onShow = nil
+ end)
+ Alpha:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function(self, value)
+ self.valText:SetText(format('%.1f', value))
+ if not self.onShow then
+ DKCrutchDB.advisor.alpha=value
+ DKCrutch.advisorFrame:SetAlpha(value)
+ end
+ end)
+ Alpha:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",200,-98)
+ Alpha:Show()
+ local advisorDisableBtn = DKCrutch:CreateCheckButton(L.CONFIG_DISABLE_ADVISOR, DKCrutch.configPanel, DKCrutchDB, "advisorDisabled", false)
+ advisorDisableBtn:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', 10, -158)
+ local RuneScale = DKCrutch:CreateSlider(L.CONFIG_RUNE_TRACKER_SCALE, DKCrutch.configPanel, .25, 3, .1)
+ RuneScale:SetScript('OnShow', function(self)
+ self.onShow = true
+ self:SetValue(DKCrutchDB.runes.scale)
+ self.onShow = nil
+ end)
+ RuneScale:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function(self, value)
+ self.valText:SetText(format('%.1f', value))
+ if not self.onShow then
+ DKCrutchDB.runes.scale=value
+ DKCrutch.displayFrame:SetScale(value)
+ end
+ end)
+ RuneScale:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",10,-138)
+ RuneScale:Show()
+ local RuneAlpha = DKCrutch:CreateSlider(L.CONFIG_RUNE_TRACKER_ALPHA, DKCrutch.configPanel, .0, 1, .1)
+ RuneAlpha:SetScript('OnShow', function(self)
+ self.onShow = true
+ self:SetValue(DKCrutchDB.runes.alpha)
+ self.onShow = nil
+ end)
+ RuneAlpha:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function(self, value)
+ self.valText:SetText(format('%.1f', value))
+ if not self.onShow then
+ DKCrutchDB.runes.alpha=value
+ DKCrutch.displayFrame:SetAlpha(value)
+ end
+ end)
+ RuneAlpha:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",200,-138)
+ RuneAlpha:Show()
+ local procScale = DKCrutch:CreateSlider(L.CONFIG_PROC_SCALE, DKCrutch.configPanel, .25, 3, .1)
+ procScale:SetScript('OnShow', function(self)
+ self.onShow = true
+ self:SetValue(DKCrutchDB.proc.scale)
+ self.onShow = nil
+ end)
+ procScale:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function(self, value)
+ self.valText:SetText(format('%.1f', value))
+ if not self.onShow then
+ DKCrutchDB.proc.scale=value
+ DKCrutch.procFrame:SetScale(value)
+ end
+ end)
+ procScale:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",10,-198)
+ procScale:Show()
+ local procAlpha = DKCrutch:CreateSlider(L.CONFIG_PROC_ALPHA, DKCrutch.configPanel, .0, 1, .1)
+ procAlpha:SetScript('OnShow', function(self)
+ self.onShow = true
+ self:SetValue(DKCrutchDB.proc.alpha)
+ self.onShow = nil
+ end)
+ procAlpha:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function(self, value)
+ self.valText:SetText(format('%.1f', value))
+ if not self.onShow then
+ DKCrutchDB.proc.alpha=value
+ DKCrutch.procFrame:SetAlpha(value)
+ end
+ end)
+ procAlpha:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",200,-198)
+ procAlpha:Show()
+ local procDisableBtn = DKCrutch:CreateCheckButton(L.CONFIG_DISABLE_PROC, DKCrutch.configPanel, DKCrutchDB, "procDisabled", false)
+ procDisableBtn:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', 10, -218)
+ local runicScale = DKCrutch:CreateSlider(L.CONFIG_RUNIC_SCALE, DKCrutch.configPanel, .25, 3, .1)
+ runicScale:SetScript('OnShow', function(self)
+ self.onShow = true
+ self:SetValue(DKCrutchDB.runic.scale)
+ self.onShow = nil
+ end)
+ runicScale:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function(self, value)
+ self.valText:SetText(format('%.1f', value))
+ if not self.onShow then
+ DKCrutchDB.runic.scale=value
+ DKCrutch.runicFrame:SetScale(value)
+ end
+ end)
+ runicScale:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",10,-258)
+ runicScale:Show()
+ local runicAlpha = DKCrutch:CreateSlider(L.CONFIG_RUNIC_ALPHA, DKCrutch.configPanel, .0, 1, .1)
+ runicAlpha:SetScript('OnShow', function(self)
+ self.onShow = true
+ self:SetValue(DKCrutchDB.runic.alpha)
+ self.onShow = nil
+ end)
+ runicAlpha:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function(self, value)
+ self.valText:SetText(format('%.1f', value))
+ if not self.onShow then
+ DKCrutchDB.runic.alpha=value
+ DKCrutch.runicFrame:SetAlpha(value)
+ end
+ end)
+ runicAlpha:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",200,-258)
+ runicAlpha:Show()
+ local runicDisableBtn = DKCrutch:CreateCheckButton(L.CONFIG_DISABLE_RUNIC, DKCrutch.configPanel, DKCrutchDB, "runicDisabled", false)
+ runicDisableBtn:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', 10, -278)
+ local debuffScale = DKCrutch:CreateSlider(L.CONFIG_DEBUFF_SCALE, DKCrutch.configPanel, .25, 3, .1)
+ debuffScale:SetScript('OnShow', function(self)
+ self.onShow = true
+ self:SetValue(DKCrutchDB.debuff.scale)
+ self.onShow = nil
+ end)
+ debuffScale:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function(self, value)
+ self.valText:SetText(format('%.1f', value))
+ if not self.onShow then
+ DKCrutchDB.debuff.scale=value
+ DKCrutch.debuffFrame:SetScale(value)
+ end
+ end)
+ debuffScale:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",10,-318)
+ debuffScale:Show()
+ local debuffAlpha = DKCrutch:CreateSlider(L.CONFIG_DEBUFF_ALPHA, DKCrutch.configPanel, .0, 1, .1)
+ debuffAlpha:SetScript('OnShow', function(self)
+ self.onShow = true
+ self:SetValue(DKCrutchDB.debuff.alpha)
+ self.onShow = nil
+ end)
+ debuffAlpha:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function(self, value)
+ self.valText:SetText(format('%.1f', value))
+ if not self.onShow then
+ DKCrutchDB.debuff.alpha=value
+ DKCrutch.debuffFrame:SetAlpha(value)
+ end
+ end)
+ debuffAlpha:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",200,-318)
+ debuffAlpha:Show()
+ local debuffDisableBtn = DKCrutch:CreateCheckButton(L.CONFIG_DISABLE_DEBUFF, DKCrutch.configPanel, DKCrutchDB, "debuffDisabled", false)
+ debuffDisableBtn:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', 10, -338)
+ local weaponScale = DKCrutch:CreateSlider(L.CONFIG_WEAPON_SCALE, DKCrutch.configPanel, .25, 3, .1)
+ weaponScale:SetScript('OnShow', function(self)
+ self.onShow = true
+ self:SetValue(DKCrutchDB.weapon.scale)
+ self.onShow = nil
+ end)
+ weaponScale:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function(self, value)
+ self.valText:SetText(format('%.1f', value))
+ if not self.onShow then
+ DKCrutchDB.weapon.scale=value
+ DKCrutch.weaponFrame:SetScale(value)
+ end
+ end)
+ weaponScale:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",10,-378)
+ weaponScale:Show()
+ local weaponAlpha = DKCrutch:CreateSlider(L.CONFIG_WEAPON_ALPHA, DKCrutch.configPanel, .0, 1, .1)
+ weaponAlpha:SetScript('OnShow', function(self)
+ self.onShow = true
+ self:SetValue(DKCrutchDB.weapon.alpha)
+ self.onShow = nil
+ end)
+ weaponAlpha:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function(self, value)
+ self.valText:SetText(format('%.1f', value))
+ if not self.onShow then
+ DKCrutchDB.weapon.alpha=value
+ DKCrutch.weaponFrame:SetAlpha(value)
+ end
+ end)
+ weaponAlpha:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",200,-378)
+ weaponAlpha:Show()
+ local weaponDisableBtn = DKCrutch:CreateCheckButton(L.CONFIG_DISABLE_WEAPON, DKCrutch.configPanel, DKCrutchDB, "weaponDisabled", false)
+ weaponDisableBtn:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', 10, -398)
+ local ResetBtn = DKCrutch:CreateButton(L.CONFIG_RESET_POSITIONS, DKCrutch.configPanel)
+ ResetBtn:SetWidth(160)
+ ResetBtn:SetHeight(22)
+ ResetBtn:SetScript('OnClick', function()
+ DKCrutch:ResetPosition()
+ end)
+ ResetBtn:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",10,-448)
+ ResetBtn:Show()
+ DKCrutch.configPanel.okay = function()
+ DKCrutch:ApplySettings()
+ end
+ DKCrutch.configPanel.cancel = function()
+ -- cancel button pressed, revert changes
+ DKCrutch:ReStoreUIValues()
+ DKCrutch:ApplySettings()
+ end
+ DKCrutch.configPanel.default = function()
+ -- default button pressed, reset setting
+ DKCrutch:ResetDB(true)
+ DKCrutch:ResetPosition()
+ end
+ -- always show frame if config panel is open
+ DKCrutch.configPanel:SetScript('OnShow', function(self)
+ self.onShow = true
+ self.onShow = nil
+ end)
+ DKCrutch.configPanel:SetScript('OnHide', function(self)
+ self.onHide = true
+ self.onHide = nil
+ end)
+ -- Add the panel to the Interface Options
+ InterfaceOptions_AddCategory(DKCrutch.configPanel)
+function DKCrutch:ResetDB()
+ if (not DKCrutchDB.runes) or (force) then
+ DKCrutchDB.runes = {
+ ["x"] = -180,
+ ["y"] = 0,
+ ["scale"] = 1,
+ ["alpha"] = 1,
+ ["relativePoint"] = "CENTER",
+ }
+ end
+ if (not DKCrutchDB.advisor) or (force) then
+ DKCrutchDB.advisor = {
+ ["x"] = 180,
+ ["y"] = 0,
+ ["scale"] = 1,
+ ["alpha"] = 1,
+ ["relativePoint"] = "CENTER",
+ }
+ end
+ if (not DKCrutchDB.proc) or (force) then
+ DKCrutchDB.proc = {
+ ["x"] = 0,
+ ["y"] = 90,
+ ["scale"] = 1,
+ ["alpha"] = 1,
+ ["relativePoint"] = "CENTER",
+ }
+ end
+ if (not DKCrutchDB.weapon) or (force) then
+ DKCrutchDB.weapon = {
+ ["x"] = 0,
+ ["y"] = 122,
+ ["scale"] = 1,
+ ["alpha"] = 1,
+ ["relativePoint"] = "CENTER",
+ }
+ end
+ if (not DKCrutchDB.runic) or (force) then
+ DKCrutchDB.runic = {
+ ["x"] = 90,
+ ["y"] = 90,
+ ["scale"] = 1,
+ ["alpha"] = 1,
+ ["relativePoint"] = "CENTER",
+ }
+ end
+ if (not DKCrutchDB.debuff) or (force) then
+ DKCrutchDB.debuff = {
+ ["x"] = 0,
+ ["y"] = 180,
+ ["scale"] = 1,
+ ["alpha"] = 1,
+ ["relativePoint"] = "CENTER",
+ }
+ end
+ if (force) then
+ DKCrutchDB.locked = false
+ DKCrutchDB.enabled = true
+ DKCrutchDB.advisorDisabled = false
+ DKCrutchDB.procDisabled = false
+ DKCrutchDB.weaponDisabled = false
+ DKCrutchDB.runicDisabled = false
+ DKCrutchDB.debuffDisabled = false
+ end
+function DKCrutch.Options(msg)
+ if (msg=='debug') then
+ if (DKCrutch.DebugMode) then
+ DKCrutch:Debug("Debug ended", GetTime())
+ end
+ DKCrutch.DebugMode = not ( DKCrutch.DebugMode )
+ local debugStatus = "disabled"
+ if (DKCrutch.DebugMode) then
+ DKCrutch.DebugChat = DKCrutch:GetDebugFrame()
+ debugStatus = "enabled. Using frame: " .. DKCrutch.DebugChat:GetID()
+ DKCrutch:Debug("Debug started", GetTime())
+ end
+ DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("DKCrutch Debug " .. debugStatus)
+ else
+ InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory(getglobal("DKCrutchConfigPanel"))
+ end
+function DKCrutch:adjustDeathTracker()
+ if DKCrutch.deathTracker then
+ if (DKCrutch.talent == "frost") then
+ DKCrutch.deathTracker:SetStatusBarTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\DKCrutch\\media\\death.tga")
+ DKCrutch.deathTracker:SetMinMaxValues(0,20)
+ else
+ DKCrutch.deathTracker:SetStatusBarTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\DKCrutch\\media\\death4.tga")
+ DKCrutch.deathTracker:SetMinMaxValues(0,40)
+ end
+ end
+function DKCrutch:ResetPosition()
+ DKCrutchDB.runes.x = 0
+ DKCrutchDB.runes.y = -100
+ DKCrutchDB.runes.relativePoint = "CENTER"
+ DKCrutchDB.advisor.x = -100
+ DKCrutchDB.advisor.y = 0
+ DKCrutchDB.advisor.relativePoint = "CENTER"
+ DKCrutchDB.proc.x = 0
+ DKCrutchDB.proc.y = 90
+ DKCrutchDB.proc.relativePoint = "CENTER"
+ DKCrutchDB.weapon.x = 0
+ DKCrutchDB.weapon.y = 122
+ DKCrutchDB.weapon.relativePoint = "CENTER"
+ DKCrutchDB.runic.x = 90
+ DKCrutchDB.runic.y = 90
+ DKCrutchDB.runic.relativePoint = "CENTER"
+ DKCrutchDB.debuff.x = 0
+ DKCrutchDB.debuff.y = 180
+ DKCrutchDB.debuff.relativePoint = "CENTER"
+ DKCrutch.displayFrame:ClearAllPoints()
+ DKCrutch.displayFrame:SetPoint(DKCrutchDB.runes.relativePoint,DKCrutchDB.runes.x,DKCrutchDB.runes.y)
+ DKCrutch.advisorFrame:ClearAllPoints()
+ DKCrutch.advisorFrame:SetPoint(DKCrutchDB.advisor.relativePoint,DKCrutchDB.advisor.x,DKCrutchDB.advisor.y)
+ DKCrutch.procFrame:ClearAllPoints()
+ DKCrutch.procFrame:SetPoint(DKCrutchDB.proc.relativePoint,DKCrutchDB.proc.x,DKCrutchDB.proc.y)
+ DKCrutch.weaponFrame:ClearAllPoints()
+ DKCrutch.weaponFrame:SetPoint(DKCrutchDB.weapon.relativePoint,DKCrutchDB.weapon.x,DKCrutchDB.weapon.y)
+ DKCrutch.debuffFrame:ClearAllPoints()
+ DKCrutch.debuffFrame:SetPoint(DKCrutchDB.debuff.relativePoint,DKCrutchDB.debuff.x,DKCrutchDB.debuff.y)
+function DKCrutch:MakeDraggable(frame,store)
+ frame:Show()
+ if (store ~= "runic") then
+ frame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .3)
+ end
+ frame:EnableMouse(true)
+ frame:SetMovable(true)
+ frame:SetClampedToScreen(true)
+ frame:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function(self) self:StartMoving(); self:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .6); end)
+ frame:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function(self)
+ self:StopMovingOrSizing()
+ if (store ~= "runic") then
+ if (DKCrutch.locked) then
+ self:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ else
+ self:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .3)
+ end
+ end
+ local _,_,rp,x,y = self:GetPoint()
+ DKCrutchDB[store]["x"] = x
+ DKCrutchDB[store]["y"] = y
+ DKCrutchDB[store]["relativePoint"] = rp
+ end)
+ frame:SetScript("OnDragStop", function(self)
+ self:StopMovingOrSizing();
+ if (store ~= "runic") then
+ if (DKCrutch.locked) then
+ self:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ else
+ self:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .3)
+ end
+ end
+ local _,_,rp,x,y = self:GetPoint()
+ DKCrutchDB[store]["x"] = x
+ DKCrutchDB[store]["y"] = y
+ DKCrutchDB[store]["relativePoint"] = rp
+ end)
+function DKCrutch:UnLockFrames()
+ DKCrutch:MakeDraggable(DKCrutch.displayFrame,"runes")
+ DKCrutch:MakeDraggable(DKCrutch.advisorFrame,"advisor")
+ DKCrutch:MakeDraggable(DKCrutch.procFrame,"proc")
+ DKCrutch:MakeDraggable(DKCrutch.weaponFrame,"weapon")
+ DKCrutch:MakeDraggable(DKCrutch.runicFrame,"runic")
+ DKCrutch:MakeDraggable(DKCrutch.debuffFrame,"debuff")
+function DKCrutch:CreateGUI()
+ local displayFrame = CreateFrame("Frame","DKCrutchDisplayFrame",UIParent)
+ displayFrame:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
+ displayFrame:SetWidth(84)
+ displayFrame:SetHeight(64)
+ displayFrame:SetBackdrop({
+ bgFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background", tile = true, tileSize = 32,
+ })
+ displayFrame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .0)
+ displayFrame:SetAlpha(DKCrutchDB.runes.alpha)
+ displayFrame:SetPoint(DKCrutchDB.runes.relativePoint,DKCrutchDB.runes.x,DKCrutchDB.runes.y)
+ local iconTexture = displayFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"BACKGROUND")
+ iconTexture:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\DKCrutch\\media\\icons.tga", true)
+ iconTexture:SetWidth(16)
+ iconTexture:SetHeight(64)
+ iconTexture:SetPoint('TOPLEFT',displayFrame,0,0)
+ for i=1,3,1 do
+ local runes = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, displayFrame)
+ if (i==1) then
+ runes:SetStatusBarTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\DKCrutch\\media\\unholy.tga")
+ elseif (i==2) then
+ runes:SetStatusBarTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\DKCrutch\\media\\frost.tga")
+ elseif (i==3) then
+ runes:SetStatusBarTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\DKCrutch\\media\\blood.tga")
+ end
+ runes:SetWidth(64)
+ runes:SetHeight(16)
+ runes:SetMinMaxValues(0,20)
+ runes:SetPoint('TOPLEFT',displayFrame,20,-i*16)
+ DKCrutch.runeTracker[i] = runes
+ end
+ local deathRunes = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, displayFrame)
+ deathRunes:SetStatusBarTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\DKCrutch\\media\\death.tga")
+ deathRunes:SetWidth(64)
+ deathRunes:SetHeight(16)
+ deathRunes:SetMinMaxValues(0,20)
+ deathRunes:SetPoint('TOPLEFT',displayFrame,20,0)
+ DKCrutch.deathTracker = deathRunes
+ DKCrutch.displayFrame = displayFrame
+ DKCrutch:adjustDeathTracker()
+ local advisorFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", "DKCrutchAdvisorFrame", UIParent)
+ advisorFrame:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
+ advisorFrame:SetWidth(64)
+ advisorFrame:SetHeight(64)
+ advisorFrame:SetBackdrop({
+ bgFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background", tile = true, tileSize = 32,
+ })
+ advisorFrame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .0)
+ local t = advisorFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"BACKGROUND")
+ t:SetTexture("")
+ t:SetAllPoints(advisorFrame)
+ advisorFrame.texture = t
+ advisorFrame:SetAlpha(DKCrutchDB.advisor.alpha)
+ advisorFrame:SetPoint(DKCrutchDB.advisor.relativePoint,DKCrutchDB.advisor.x,DKCrutchDB.advisor.y)
+ local cooldownFrame = CreateFrame("Cooldown","$parent_cooldown", advisorFrame, "CooldownFrameTemplate")
+ cooldownFrame:SetHeight(64)
+ cooldownFrame:SetWidth(64)
+ cooldownFrame:ClearAllPoints()
+ cooldownFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", advisorFrame, "CENTER", 0, 0)
+ cooldownFrame:SetReverse(false)
+ DKCrutch.cooldownFrame = cooldownFrame
+ DKCrutch.advisorFrame = advisorFrame
+ local procFrame = CreateFrame("Cooldown", "DKCrutchProcFrame", UIParent)
+ procFrame:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
+ procFrame:SetWidth(32)
+ procFrame:SetHeight(32)
+ procFrame:SetBackdrop({
+ bgFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background", tile = true, tileSize = 32,
+ })
+ procFrame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .0)
+ t = procFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"BACKGROUND")
+ t:SetTexture("")
+ t:SetAllPoints(procFrame)
+ procFrame.texture = t
+ procFrame:SetAlpha(DKCrutchDB.proc.alpha)
+ procFrame:SetPoint(DKCrutchDB.proc.relativePoint,DKCrutchDB.proc.x,DKCrutchDB.proc.y)
+ t = procFrame:CreateFontString("$parent_ProcText","OVERLAY","GameFontHighlightSmallOutline");
+ t:SetPoint("BOTTOM",procFrame,"BOTTOM",0,0)
+ t:SetAlpha(1)
+ t:SetText("")
+ DKCrutch.procText = t
+ DKCrutch.procFrame = procFrame
+ local weaponFrame = CreateFrame("StatusBar", "DKCrutchWeaponFrame", UIParent)
+ weaponFrame:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
+ weaponFrame:SetWidth(64)
+ weaponFrame:SetHeight(20)
+ weaponFrame:SetBackdrop({
+ bgFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background", tile = true, tileSize = 32,
+ })
+ weaponFrame:SetOrientation("HORIZONTAL")
+ weaponFrame:SetMinMaxValues(0, 15)
+ weaponFrame:SetValue(0)
+ weaponFrame:SetStatusBarTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\DKCrutch\\media\\weapon.tga")
+ t = weaponFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"BACKGROUND")
+ t:SetTexture("")
+ t:SetAllPoints(weaponFrame)
+ weaponFrame.texture = t
+ weaponFrame:SetAlpha(DKCrutchDB.weapon.alpha)
+ weaponFrame:SetPoint(DKCrutchDB.weapon.relativePoint,DKCrutchDB.weapon.x,DKCrutchDB.weapon.y)
+ t = weaponFrame:CreateFontString("$parent_WeaponText","OVERLAY","GameFontHighlightSmallOutline");
+ t:SetPoint("CENTER",weaponFrame,"CENTER",0,0)
+ t:SetAlpha(1)
+ t:SetText("")
+ DKCrutch.weaponText = t
+ DKCrutch.weaponFrame = weaponFrame
+ local runicFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", "DKCrutchRunicFrame", UIParent)
+ runicFrame:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
+ runicFrame:SetWidth(128)
+ runicFrame:SetHeight(128)
+ runicFrame:SetBackdrop({
+ bgFile = "Interface\\AddOns\\DKCrutch\\media\\runic_circle.tga", tile = false, tileSize = 128,
+ })
+ t = runicFrame:CreateTexture(nil,"MEDIUM")
+ t:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\DKCrutch\\media\\runic_power.tga", false)
+ t:SetAllPoints(runicFrame)
+ t:SetPoint("CENTER", "DKCrutchRunicFrame", "CENTER", 0, 0);
+ runicFrame.texture = t
+ runicFrame:SetAlpha(DKCrutchDB.runic.alpha)
+ runicFrame:SetPoint(DKCrutchDB.runic.relativePoint,DKCrutchDB.runic.x,DKCrutchDB.runic.y)
+ DKCrutch.runicFrame = runicFrame
+ local debuffFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", "DKCrutchDebuffFrame", UIParent)
+ debuffFrame:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
+ debuffFrame:SetWidth(64)
+ debuffFrame:SetHeight(32)
+ debuffFrame:SetBackdrop({
+ bgFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background", tile = true, tileSize = 64,
+ })
+ debuffFrame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .0)
+ local d1 = CreateFrame("Cooldown", "DKCrutchDebuff1Frame", DKCrutchDebuffFrame, "CooldownFrameTemplate")
+ d1:SetWidth(32)
+ d1:SetHeight(32)
+ d1:ClearAllPoints()
+ d1:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", debuffFrame, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0)
+ t = d1:CreateTexture(nil,"MEDIUM")
+ t:SetTexture("")
+ t:SetAllPoints(d1)
+ d1.texture = t
+ DKCrutch.debuff1Frame = d1
+ local d2 = CreateFrame("Cooldown", "DKCrutchDebuff2Frame", DKCrutchDebuffFrame, "CooldownFrameTemplate")
+ d2:SetWidth(32)
+ d2:SetHeight(32)
+ d2:ClearAllPoints()
+ d2:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", debuffFrame, "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0)
+ t = d2:CreateTexture(nil,"MEDIUM")
+ t:SetTexture("")
+ t:SetAllPoints(d2)
+ d2.texture = t
+ DKCrutch.debuff2Frame = d2
+ debuffFrame:SetAlpha(DKCrutchDB.debuff.alpha)
+ debuffFrame:SetPoint(DKCrutchDB.debuff.relativePoint,DKCrutchDB.debuff.x,DKCrutchDB.debuff.y)
+ DKCrutch.debuffFrame = debuffFrame
+ if (not DKCrutchDB.locked) then
+ DKCrutch:UnLockFrames()
+ end