-Major changes to the layout of the code
Xruptor [01-03-11 - 20:59]
-Major changes to the layout of the code
-Added the removal of guild loot messages. It will be changed to the default ones.
-Changed the color of the URL links to be a much brighter moss green.
-Changed the way in which the primary code loads up.
diff --git a/XanChat.lua b/XanChat.lua
index 4256d26..5de1ae4 100644
--- a/XanChat.lua
+++ b/XanChat.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
---Some stupid custom Chat modifications for me :P
+--Some stupid custom Chat modifications for made for myself.
+--Sharing it with the world in case anybody wants to actually use this.
+ Scrolling and Chat Links
local StickyTypeChannels = {
SAY = 1,
YELL = 0,
@@ -95,67 +101,6 @@ function xanChat_DoCopyName(name)
button:SetPoint("CENTER", editbox, "CENTER", 0, -30)
-function xanChat_doChat()
- --sticky channels
- for k, v in pairs(StickyTypeChannels) do
- ChatTypeInfo[k].sticky = v;
- end
- --toggle class colors
- for i,v in pairs(CHAT_CONFIG_CHAT_LEFT) do
- ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, v.type)
- end
- --this is to toggle class colors for all the global channels that is not listed under CHAT_CONFIG_CHAT_LEFT
- for iCh = 1, 15 do
- ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "CHANNEL"..iCh)
- end
- for i = 1, NUM_CHAT_WINDOWS do
- local f = _G[("ChatFrame%d"):format(i)]
- --add more mouse wheel scrolling (alt key = scroll to top, ctrl = faster scrolling)
- f:EnableMouseWheel(true)
- f:SetScript('OnMouseWheel', scrollChat)
- --f:SetMaxLines(500)
- local editBox = _G[("ChatFrame%dEditBox"):format(i)]
- if not editBox.left then
- editBox.left = _G[("ChatFrame%sEditBoxLeft"):format(i)]
- editBox.right = _G[("ChatFrame%sEditBoxRight"):format(i)]
- editBox.mid = _G[("ChatFrame%sEditBoxMid"):format(i)]
- end
- --remove alt keypress from the EditBox (no longer need alt to move around)
- editBox:SetAltArrowKeyMode(false)
- editBox.left:SetAlpha(0)
- editBox.right:SetAlpha(0)
- editBox.mid:SetAlpha(0)
- editBox.focusLeft:SetTexture([[Interface\ChatFrame\UI-ChatInputBorder-Left2]])
- editBox.focusRight:SetTexture([[Interface\ChatFrame\UI-ChatInputBorder-Right2]])
- editBox.focusMid:SetTexture([[Interface\ChatFrame\UI-ChatInputBorder-Mid2]])
- end
-local eFrame = CreateFrame("frame","xanChatEventFrame",UIParent)
-eFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) if self[event] then return self[event](self, event, ...) end end)
-function eFrame:PLAYER_LOGIN()
- xanChat_doChat()
- self:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGIN")
- self.PLAYER_LOGIN = nil
- eFrame = nil
-if IsLoggedIn() then eFrame:PLAYER_LOGIN() else eFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGIN") end
@@ -163,7 +108,7 @@ if IsLoggedIn() then eFrame:PLAYER_LOGIN() else eFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LOG
local SetItemRef_orig = SetItemRef
function doColor(url)
- url = " |cff99CC33|Hurl:"..url.."|h["..url.."]|h|r "
+ url = " |cff99FF33|Hurl:"..url.."|h["..url.."]|h|r "
return url
@@ -250,3 +195,65 @@ ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_WHISPER", urlFilter)
ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_SAY", urlFilter)
ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_YELL", urlFilter)
ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL", urlFilter)
+local eFrame = CreateFrame("frame","xanChatEvent_Frame",UIParent)
+eFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) if self[event] then return self[event](self, event, ...) end end)
+function eFrame:PLAYER_LOGIN()
+ --sticky channels
+ for k, v in pairs(StickyTypeChannels) do
+ ChatTypeInfo[k].sticky = v;
+ end
+ --toggle class colors
+ for i,v in pairs(CHAT_CONFIG_CHAT_LEFT) do
+ ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, v.type)
+ end
+ --this is to toggle class colors for all the global channels that is not listed under CHAT_CONFIG_CHAT_LEFT
+ for iCh = 1, 15 do
+ ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup(true, "CHANNEL"..iCh)
+ end
+ for i = 1, NUM_CHAT_WINDOWS do
+ local f = _G[("ChatFrame%d"):format(i)]
+ --add more mouse wheel scrolling (alt key = scroll to top, ctrl = faster scrolling)
+ f:EnableMouseWheel(true)
+ f:SetScript('OnMouseWheel', scrollChat)
+ --f:SetMaxLines(500)
+ local editBox = _G[("ChatFrame%dEditBox"):format(i)]
+ if not editBox.left then
+ editBox.left = _G[("ChatFrame%sEditBoxLeft"):format(i)]
+ editBox.right = _G[("ChatFrame%sEditBoxRight"):format(i)]
+ editBox.mid = _G[("ChatFrame%sEditBoxMid"):format(i)]
+ end
+ --remove alt keypress from the EditBox (no longer need alt to move around)
+ editBox:SetAltArrowKeyMode(false)
+ editBox.left:SetAlpha(0)
+ editBox.right:SetAlpha(0)
+ editBox.mid:SetAlpha(0)
+ editBox.focusLeft:SetTexture([[Interface\ChatFrame\UI-ChatInputBorder-Left2]])
+ editBox.focusRight:SetTexture([[Interface\ChatFrame\UI-ChatInputBorder-Right2]])
+ editBox.focusMid:SetTexture([[Interface\ChatFrame\UI-ChatInputBorder-Mid2]])
+ end
+ --remove the annoying guild loot messages by replacing them with the original ones
+ self:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGIN")
+ self.PLAYER_LOGIN = nil
+if IsLoggedIn() then eFrame:PLAYER_LOGIN() else eFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGIN") end
diff --git a/XanChat.toc b/XanChat.toc
index 21ae2a7..372a4fd 100644
--- a/XanChat.toc
+++ b/XanChat.toc
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
## Title: xanChat
## Notes: A very minimalistic chat modification addon.
## Author: Xruptor
-## Version: 1.7
+## Version: 2.0