
more interface changes

ckaotik [08-04-10 - 14:07]
more interface changes
diff --git a/Broker_Garbage.toc b/Broker_Garbage.toc
index 6dc7aca..2826168 100644
--- a/Broker_Garbage.toc
+++ b/Broker_Garbage.toc
@@ -18,21 +18,21 @@
 ## X-License: BSD

 # libraries


 # localization files

 # main files
diff --git a/Locale/deDE.lua b/Locale/deDE.lua
index 4a0fc18..0215235 100644
--- a/Locale/deDE.lua
+++ b/Locale/deDE.lua
@@ -9,21 +9,22 @@ if GetLocale() == "deDE" then
 	BrokerGarbage.locale.repair = "Repariert für %s."
 	BrokerGarbage.locale.sell = "Müll verkauft für %s."

-	BrokerGarbage.locale.addedTo_exclude = "%s zur Ausnahmeliste hinzugefügt."
+	BrokerGarbage.locale.addedTo_exclude = "%s zur Behalten-Liste hinzugefügt."
 	BrokerGarbage.locale.addedTo_forceVendorPrice = "Für %s wird nun nur der Händlerpreis genutzt."
-	BrokerGarbage.locale.addedTo_include = "%s zur Einschlussliste hinzugefügt."
+	BrokerGarbage.locale.addedTo_include = "%s zur Müll-Liste hinzugefügt."
 	BrokerGarbage.locale.addedTo_autoSellList = "%s wird bei Händlern automatisch verkauft."
+	BrokerGarbage.locale.itemAlreadyOnList = "%s ist bereits auf dieser Liste!"
 	BrokerGarbage.locale.limitSet = "Für %s wurde das Limit auf %d gesetzt."
 	BrokerGarbage.locale.itemDeleted = "%1$sx%2$d wurde gelöscht."
 	BrokerGarbage.locale.couldNotRepair = "Konnte nicht reparieren, da du nicht genug Geld hast. Du brauchst %s."

 	BrokerGarbage.locale.listsUpdatedPleaseCheck = "Die Listeneinstellungen wurden geändert. Bitte sieh in den Einstellungen nach, ob sie für dich passend sind."
-	BrokerGarbage.locale.slashCommandHelp = "Folgende Kommandos werden unterstützt: |cffc0c0c0/garbage|r\n"..
-		"|cffc0c0c0config|r öffnet die Optionen.\n"..
-		"|cffc0c0c0format |cffc0c0ffformatstring|r lässt dich das Format der LDB Anzeige anpassen, |cffc0c0c0 format reset|r setzt es zurück.\n"..
-		"|cffc0c0c0limit |cffc0c0ffitemLink/ID Anzahl|r setzt ein Limit für das gewählte Item für den aktuellen Charakter.\n"..
-		"|cffc0c0c0globallimit |cffc0c0ffitemLink/ID Anzahl|r setzt ein Limit für alle Charaktere.\n"..
-		"|cffc0c0c0value |cffc0c0ffWertInKupfer|r setzt den Itemwert, ab dem Items gelootet werden (benötigt den Loot Manager)."
+	BrokerGarbage.locale.slashCommandHelp = [[Folgende Kommandos werden unterstützt:
+/garbage |cffc0c0c0config|r öffnet die Optionen.
+/garbage |cffc0c0c0format |cffc0c0ffformatstring|r lässt dich das Format der LDB Anzeige anpassen, |cffc0c0c0 format reset|r setzt es zurück.
+/garbage |cffc0c0c0limit |cffc0c0ffitemLink/ID Anzahl|r setzt ein Limit für das gewählte Item für den aktuellen Charakter.
+/garbage |cffc0c0c0globallimit |cffc0c0ffitemLink/ID Anzahl|r setzt ein Limit für alle Charaktere.
+/garbage |cffc0c0c0value |cffc0c0ffWertInKupfer|r setzt den Itemwert, ab dem Items gelootet werden (benötigt den Loot Manager).]]
 	BrokerGarbage.locale.minValueSet = "Mindestwert für items wurde auf %s gesetzt."

 	BrokerGarbage.locale.warningMessagePrefit = "Warnung"
@@ -38,7 +39,6 @@ if GetLocale() == "deDE" then
 	BrokerGarbage.locale.increaseTreshold = "Erhöhe die Item Qualität"

 	BrokerGarbage.locale.categoriesHeading = "Kategorien"
-	BrokerGarbage.locale.unknownAuctionAddon = "Unbekannt/Keins"
 	BrokerGarbage.locale.LPTNotLoaded = "LibPeriodicTable nicht aktiv"

 	BrokerGarbage.locale.autoSellTooltip = "Müll für %s verkaufen"
@@ -78,12 +78,12 @@ if GetLocale() == "deDE" then
 	BrokerGarbage.locale.ResetLocalDataTooltip = "Klicke um alle charakterspezifischen Statistiken zurückzusetzen."

 	BrokerGarbage.locale.AuctionAddon = "Auktionsaddon"
-	BrokerGarbage.locale.AuctionAddonUnknown = "Unbekannt/Keins"
+	BrokerGarbage.locale.unknown = "Unbekannt"	-- refers to auction addon
+	BrokerGarbage.locale.na = "Nicht vorhanden"

 	-- Basic Options Frame
-	BrokerGarbage.locale.BasicOptionsTitle = "Grundeinstellungen"
-	BrokerGarbage.locale.BasicOptionsText = "Möchtest du einmal nicht automatisch verkaufen/reparieren? "..
-		"Halte SHIFT (je nach Einstellung) gedrückt, wenn du den Händler ansprichst!"
+	BrokerGarbage.locale.BasicOptionsTitle = "Allgemein"
+	BrokerGarbage.locale.BasicOptionsText = "Möchtest du einmal nicht automatisch verkaufen/reparieren? Halte SHIFT (je nach Einstellung) gedrückt, wenn du den Händler ansprichst!"
 	BrokerGarbage.locale.autoSellTitle = "Automatisch Verkaufen"
 	BrokerGarbage.locale.autoSellText = "Wenn ausgewählt, werden graue Gegenstände automatisch beim Händler verkauft."

@@ -146,16 +146,24 @@ if GetLocale() == "deDE" then
 	BrokerGarbage.locale.LDBDisplayTextResetTooltip = "Setze den LDB Anzeigetext auf den Standardwert zurück."
 	BrokerGarbage.locale.LDBNoJunkTextTooltip = "Nutze diese Einstellung, um den Text zu ändern, der angezeigt wird, wenn du keinen Müll hast."
 	BrokerGarbage.locale.LDBNoJunkTextResetTooltip = "Setze den 'Kein Müll' Text auf den Standardwert zurück."
-	BrokerGarbage.locale.LDBDisplayTextHelpTooltip = "Schnellhilfe:\n"..
-		"[itemname] - Itemlink\n"..
-		"[itemcount] - Item Anzahl\n"..
-		"[itemvalue] - Itemwert\n"..
-		"[freeslots] - freier Taschenplatz\n"..
-		"[totalslots] - Gesamttaschenplatz\n"..
-		"[junkvalue] - Verkaufswert\n"..
-		"[bagspacecolor]...[endcolor] zum färben"
+	BrokerGarbage.locale.LDBDisplayTextHelpTooltip = [[Schnellhilfe:
+[itemname] - Itemlink
+[itemcount] - Item Anzahl
+[itemvalue] - Itemwert
+[freeslots] - freier Taschenplatz
+[totalslots] - Gesamttaschenplatz
+[junkvalue] - Verkaufswert
+[bagspacecolor]...[endcolor] zum färben]]

 	-- List Options Panel
+	BrokerGarbage.locale.LOTitle = "Listen"
+	BrokerGarbage.locale.LOSubTitle = [[Wenn du Hilfe brauchst, klicke das "?"-Tab an.
+|cffffd200Müll|r: Diese Liste beinhaltet Items, die  weggeworfen werden können.
+|cffffd200Behalten|r: Items auf dieser Liste werden nie weggeworfen.
+|cffffd200Händlerpreis|r: Items nutzen keine Auktionspreise. (immer global!)
+|cffffd200Verkaufen|r: Diese Items werden bei Händlern automatisch verkauft.]]
 	BrokerGarbage.locale.defaultListsText = "Standardlisten"
 	BrokerGarbage.locale.defaultListsTooltip = "|cffffffffKlicke|r, um manuell die lokalen Standardeinträge für Listen einzufügen.\n|cffffffffRechtsklick|r um auch die globalen Einträge zu erstellen."

@@ -167,32 +175,30 @@ if GetLocale() == "deDE" then
 	BrokerGarbage.locale.LOIncludeAutoSellText = "Müll-Items verkaufen"
 	BrokerGarbage.locale.LOIncludeAutoSellTooltip = "Aktivieren, um Items von deiner Müll-Liste automatisch beim Händler zu verkaufen. Items ohne Wert werden ignoriert."

-	BrokerGarbage.locale.LOTitle = "Listeneinstellungen"
-	BrokerGarbage.locale.LOSubTitle = "Wenn du Hilfe brauchst, klicke das \"?\"-Tab an.\n\n" ..
-		"|cffffd200" .. BrokerGarbage.locale.LOTabTitleInclude .. "|r: Diese Liste beinhaltet Items, die  weggeworfen werden können.\n" ..
-		"|cffffd200" .. BrokerGarbage.locale.LOTabTitleExclude .. "|r: Items auf dieser Liste werden nie weggeworfen.\n" ..
-		"|cffffd200" .. BrokerGarbage.locale.LOTabTitleVendorPrice .. "|r: Items nutzen keine Auktionspreise. (immer global)\n" ..
-		"|cffffd200" .. BrokerGarbage.locale.LOTabTitleAutoSell .. "|r: Diese Items werden bei Händlern automatisch verkauft."
-	BrokerGarbage.locale.listsBestUse = "|cffffd200Listen-Beispiele|r\n" ..
-		"Die Standardlisten geben eine Hilfestellung, was auf welcher Liste nützlich sein könnte.\n" ..
-		"Setze erst alle Items, die du auf jeden Fall behalten möchtest, auf die |cffffd200Behalten-Liste|r. Denke auch daran, dass es Kategorien (s.u.) gibt! Ist der LootManager aktiv, wird er Items von dieser Liste immer plündern. \n|cffAAAAAAz.B. Klassenreagenzien, Fläschchen|r\n" ..
-		"Dinge, von denen du weißt, dass sie sorglos weggeworfen werden können, gehören auf die |cffffd200Müll-Liste|r. \n|cffAAAAAAz.B. Herbeigezauberter Manakeks, Argentumlanze|r\n" ..
-		"Sollte ein Item ungewollt einen exorbitant hohen Wert zugewiesen bekommen, setze das Item auf die |cffffd200Händlerpreis-Liste|r. Diese Items werden nur den Händlerpreis nutzen. \n|cffAAAAAAz.B. Fischöl|r\n" ..
-		"Auf die |cffffd200Verkaufen-Liste|r kannst du alles setzen, was Broker_Garbage verkaufen soll. \n|cffAAAAAAz.B. Wasser (als Krieger), Alterachochkäse|r"
-	BrokerGarbage.locale.iconButtonsUse = "|cffffd200Item-Buttons|r\n" ..
-		"Angezeigt wird entweder das Icon des Items, ein Zahnrad, wenn es sich um eine Kategorie handelt, oder ein Fragezeichen, wenn der Server das Item nicht finden kann.\n" ..
-		"Oben links jedes Buttons befindet sich ein \"G\" (oder auch nicht). Steht es dort, ist dieses Item auf der |cffffd200globalen Liste|r, d.h. diese Regel gilt für alle Charaktere.\n" ..
-		"Items auf der Müll-Liste können ein |cffffd200Limit|r haben. Dies wird als kleine Zahl in der unteren rechten Ecke angezeigt. Zum Ändern nutze das |cffffd200Mausrad|r über dem Button. Diese Items werden erst gelöscht, sollte das Limit überschritten werden."
-	BrokerGarbage.locale.actionButtonsUse = "|cffffd200Aktions-Buttons|r\n" ..
-		"Unterhalb dieses Fensters siehst du 5 Buttons und eine Suchleiste.\n" ..
-		"|cffffd200Plus|r: Hier kannst du Items zu der angezeigten Liste hinzufügen. Ziehe dazu einfach ein Item auf das Plus. Um eine |cffffd200Kategorie|r hinzuzufügen, rechtsklicke das Plus und wähle dann in dem neuen Menü eine Kategorie aus. \n|cffAAAAAAz.B. \"Tradeskill > Recipe\", \"Misc > Key\"|r\n" ..
-		"|cffffd200Minus|r: Markiere Items aus der Liste (anklicken). Beim Klick auf das Minus werden diese Items von der Liste entfernt.\n" ..
-		"|cffffd200Lokal|r: Markierte Items werden auf die lokale Liste gesetzt, gelten also nur für diesen Charakter.\n" ..
-		"|cffffd200Global|r: Analog zu Lokal, nur werden hierbei die Items auf die globale Liste gesetzt, die Regeln gelten damit für alle Charaktere.\n" ..
-		"|cffffd200Leeren|r: Ein Klick auf diesen Button leert die charakterspezifischen Regeln dieser Liste. Shift-Klick leert die accountweiten Regeln. |cffff0000Mit Vorsicht benutzen!|r"
+	BrokerGarbage.locale.listsBestUse = [[|cffffd200Listen-Beispiele|r
+Die Standardlisten geben eine Hilfestellung, was auf welcher Liste nützlich sein könnte.
+Setze erst alle Items, die du auf jeden Fall behalten möchtest, auf die |cffffd200Behalten-Liste|r. Denke auch daran, dass es Kategorien (s.u.) gibt! Ist der LootManager aktiv, wird er Items von dieser Liste immer plündern.
+|cffAAAAAAz.B. Klassenreagenzien, Fläschchen|r
+Dinge, von denen du weißt, dass sie sorglos weggeworfen werden können, gehören auf die |cffffd200Müll-Liste|r.
+|cffAAAAAAz.B. Herbeigezauberter Manakeks, Argentumlanze|r
+Sollte ein Item einen ungewollt hohen Wert zugewiesen bekommen, setze das Item auf die |cffffd200Händlerpreis-Liste|r. Diese Items werden nur den Händlerpreis nutzen.
+|cffAAAAAAz.B. Fischöl|r
+Auf die |cffffd200Verkaufen-Liste|r kannst du alles setzen, was Broker_Garbage verkaufen soll.
+|cffAAAAAAz.B. Wasser (als Krieger), Alterachochkäse|r]]
+	BrokerGarbage.locale.iconButtonsUse = [[|cffffd200Item-Buttons|r
+Angezeigt wird entweder das Icon des Items, ein Zahnrad, wenn es sich um eine Kategorie handelt, oder ein Fragezeichen, wenn der Server das Item nicht finden kann.
+Oben links jedes Buttons kann ein "G" stehen. Ist dies der Fall, ist das entsprechende Item auf der |cffffd200globalen Liste|r, d.h. diese Regel gilt für alle Charaktere.
+Items auf der Müll-Liste können ein |cffffd200Limit|r haben. Dies wird als kleine Zahl in der unteren rechten Ecke angezeigt. Zum Ändern nutze das |cffffd200Mausrad|r über dem Button. Diese Items werden erst gelöscht, sollte das Limit überschritten werden.]]
+	BrokerGarbage.locale.actionButtonsUse = [[|cffffd200Aktions-Buttons|r
+Unterhalb dieses Fensters siehst du 5 Buttons und eine Suchleiste.
+|TInterface\Icons\Spell_ChargePositive:18|t |cffffd200Plus|r: Hier kannst du Items zu der angezeigten Liste hinzufügen. Ziehe dazu einfach ein Item auf das Plus. Um eine |cffffd200Kategorie|r hinzuzufügen, rechtsklicke das Plus und wähle dann in dem neuen Menü eine Kategorie aus.
+|cffAAAAAAz.B. "Tradeskill > Recipe", "Misc > Key"|r
+|TInterface\Icons\Spell_ChargeNegative:18|t |cffffd200Minus|r: Markiere Items aus der Liste (anklicken). Beim Klick auf das Minus werden diese Items von der Liste entfernt.
+|TInterface\Icons\INV_Misc_GroupLooking:18|t |cffffd200Lokal|r: Markierte Items werden auf die lokale Liste gesetzt, gelten also nur für diesen Charakter.
+|TInterface\Icons\INV_Misc_GroupNeedMore:18|t |cffffd200Global|r: Analog zu Lokal, nur werden hierbei die Items auf die globale Liste gesetzt, die Regeln gelten damit für alle Charaktere.
+|TInterface\Buttons\UI-GroupLoot-Pass-UP:18|t |cffffd200Leeren|r: Ein Klick auf diesen Button leert die charakterspezifischen Regeln dieser Liste. Shift-Klick leert die accountweiten Regeln. |cffff0000Mit Vorsicht benutzen!|r]]

 	BrokerGarbage.locale.LOPlus = "Füge Items zu dieser Liste hinzu, indem du sie hierher |cffffffffziehst|r/hier |cffffffffablegst|r.\n|cffffffffRechtsklick|r, um Kategorien hinzuzufügen!"
 	BrokerGarbage.locale.LOMinus = "Wähle oben die Items, die du von dieser Liste entfernen willst. Dann |cffffffffklicke|r hier."
@@ -203,10 +209,10 @@ if GetLocale() == "deDE" then
 	BrokerGarbage.locale.search = "Suchen..."

 	-- LibPeriodicTable category testing
-	BrokerGarbage.locale.PTCategoryTest = "Teste Kategorien"
+	BrokerGarbage.locale.PTCategoryTest = "Kategorientest"
 	BrokerGarbage.locale.PTCategoryTestTitle = "LibPeriodicTable Kategorietest"
 	BrokerGarbage.locale.PTCategoryTestSubTitle = "Wenn du unsicher bist, warum ein Item irgendwo auftaucht oder welche Items zu welcher Kategorie zählen, kannst du das hier testen."
 	BrokerGarbage.locale.PTCategoryTestExplanation = "Wähle einfach unten eine Kategorie aus und es wird dir alle Gegenstände aus deinem Inventar anzeigen, die dazuzählen.\nKategoriedaten kommen von LPT und nicht Broker_Garbage."
 	BrokerGarbage.locale.PTCategoryTestDropdownTitle = "Kategorie, die getestet werden soll"
 	BrokerGarbage.locale.PTCategoryTestDropdownText = "Wähle eine Kategorie"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Locale/enUS.lua b/Locale/enUS.lua
index 67b19f6..51966d0 100644
--- a/Locale/enUS.lua
+++ b/Locale/enUS.lua
@@ -9,21 +9,22 @@ BrokerGarbage.locale = {
 	repair = "Repaired for %s.",
 	sell = "Sold trash for %s.",

-	addedTo_exclude = "%s has been added to the save list.",
+	addedTo_exclude = "%s has been added to the Keep List.",
 	addedTo_forceVendorPrice = "%s will only have its vendor price considered.",
-	addedTo_include = "%s has been added to the Include List.",
+	addedTo_include = "%s has been added to the Junk List.",
 	addedTo_autoSellList = "%s will be automatically sold when at a merchant.",
+	itemAlreadyOnList = "%s is already on this list!",
 	limitSet = "%s has been assigned a limit of %d.",
 	itemDeleted = "%1$sx%2$d has been deleted.",
 	couldNotRepair = "Could not repair because you don't have enough money. You need %s.",

 	listsUpdatedPleaseCheck = "Your lists have been updated. Please have a look at your settings and check if they fit your needs.",
-	slashCommandHelp = "The following commands are available: |cffc0c0c0/garbage|r\n"..
-		"|cffc0c0c0config|r opens the options panel.\n"..
-		"|cffc0c0c0format |cffc0c0ffformatstring|r lets you customize the LDB display text, |cffc0c0c0 format reset|r resets it.\n"..
-		"|cffc0c0c0limit |cffc0c0ffitemLink/ID count|r sets a limit for the given item on the current character.\n"..
-		"|cffc0c0c0globallimit |cffc0c0ffitemLink/ID count|r sets a limit for all characters.\n"..
-		"|cffc0c0c0value |cffc0c0ffvalueInCopper|r sets the minimum value for items to be looted (Loot Manager needed).",
+	slashCommandHelp = [[The following commands are available:
+/garbage |cffc0c0c0config|r opens the options panel.
+/garbage |cffc0c0c0format |cffc0c0ffformatstring|r lets you customize the LDB display text, |cffc0c0c0 format reset|r resets it.
+/garbage |cffc0c0c0limit |cffc0c0ffitemLink/ID count|r sets a limit for the given item on the current character.
+/garbage |cffc0c0c0globallimit |cffc0c0ffitemLink/ID count|r sets a limit for all characters.
+/garbage |cffc0c0c0value |cffc0c0ffvalueInCopper|r sets the minimum value for items to be looted (Loot Manager needed).]],
 	minValueSet = "Items with a value less than %s will not be looted anymore.",

 	warningMessagePrefit = "Warning",
@@ -146,16 +147,24 @@ BrokerGarbage.locale = {
 	LDBDisplayTextResetTooltip = "Reset LDB string to default value.",
 	LDBNoJunkTextTooltip = "Use this to change the text you see when there is no junk to be displayed.",
 	LDBNoJunkTextResetTooltip = "Reset 'No Junk' text to default value.",
-	LDBDisplayTextHelpTooltip = "Format string help:\n"..
-		"[itemname] - item link\n"..
-		"[itemcount] - item count\n"..
-		"[itemvalue] - item value\n"..
-		"[freeslots] - free bag slots\n"..
-		"[totalslots] - total bag slots\n"..
-		"[junkvalue] - total autosell value\n"..
-		"[bagspacecolor]...[endcolor] to colorize",
+	LDBDisplayTextHelpTooltip = [[Format string help:
+[itemname] - item link
+[itemcount] - item count
+[itemvalue] - item value
+[freeslots] - free bag slots
+[totalslots] - total bag slots
+[junkvalue] - total autosell value
+[bagspacecolor]...[endcolor] to colorize]],

 	-- List Options Panel
+	LOTitle = "Lists",
+	LOSubTitle = [[If you need help click the "?"-tab.
+|cffffd200Junk|r: Items on this list can be thrown away if needed.
+|cffffd200Keep|r: Items on this list will never be deleted.
+|cffffd200Vendor Price|r: Items only use vendor values. (always global)
+|cffffd200Sell|r: Items on this list will be sold when at a merchant.]],
 	defaultListsText = "Default Lists",
 	defaultListsTooltip = "|cffffffffClick|r to manually create default local list entries.\n |cffffffffRight-Click|r to also create default global lists.",

@@ -167,33 +176,31 @@ BrokerGarbage.locale = {
 	LOIncludeAutoSellText = "Sell Junk List items",
 	LOIncludeAutoSellTooltip = "Check this to automatically sell items on your include list when at a merchant. Items without a value will be ignored.",

-	LOTitle = "List Options",
-	LOSubTitle = "If you need help click the \"?\"-tab.\n\n" ..
-		"|cffffd200Junk|r: Items on this list can be thrown away if needed.\n" ..
-		"|cffffd200Keep|r: Items on this list will never be deleted.\n" ..
-		"|cffffd200Vendor Price|r: Items only use vendor values. (always global)\n" ..
-		"|cffffd200Sell|r: Items on this list will be sold when at a merchant.",
-	listsBestUse = "|cffffd200List Examples|r\n" ..
-		"Don't forget to use the standard lists! They provide a great example.\n" ..
-		"First, put any items you don't want to lose on your |cffffd200Keep List|r. Make good use of categories (see below)! If the LootManager is active it will alwas try to loot these items. \n|cffAAAAAAe.g. class reagents, flasks|r\n" ..
-		"Items which may be thrown away any time belong on the |cffffd200Junk List|r. \n|cffAAAAAAe.g. summoned food & drink, argent lance|r\n" ..
-		"In case you encounter highly overrated items, put them on your |cffffd200Vendor Price List|r. They will only have their vendor value used instead of auction or disenchant values.\n|cffAAAAAAe.g. fish oil|r\n" ..
-		"Put items on your |cffffd200Sell List|r that should be sold when visiting a merchant. \n|cffAAAAAAe.g. water as a warrior, cheese|r",
-	iconButtonsUse = "|cffffd200Item Buttons|r\n" ..
-		"For any item you'll either see its icon, a gear if it's a category or a question mark in case the server doesn't know this item.\n" ..
-		"In the top left of each button you'll see a \"G\" (or not). If it's there, the item is on your |cffffd200global list|r meaning this rule is effective for every character.\n" ..
-		"Items on your Junk List may also have a |cffffd200limit|r. This will be shown as a small number in the lower right corner. By using the |cffffd200mousewheel|r on this button you can change this number. Limited items will only be dropped/destroyed if you have more than their limit indicates.",
-	actionButtonsUse = "|cffffd200Action Buttons|r\n" ..
-		"Below this window you'll see five buttons and a search bar.\n" ..
-		"|cffffd200Plus|r: Use this to add items to the currently shown list. Simply drag/drop them onto the plus. To add a |cffffd200category|r, right-click the plus and then choose a category. \n|cffAAAAAAe.g. \"Tradeskill > Recipe\", \"Misc > Key\"|r\n" ..
-		"|cffffd200Minus|r: Mark items on the list (by clicking them). When you click the minus, they will be removed from this list.\n" ..
-		"|cffffd200Local|r: Marked items will be put on your local list, meaning the rule is only active for the current character.\n" ..
-		"|cffffd200Global|r: Same as local, only this time items will be put on your global list. Those rules are active for all your characters.\n" ..
-		"|cffffd200Empty|r: Click this button to remove any character specific (local) items from it. Shift-click empties any account wide (global) rules. |cffff0000Use with caution!|r",
+	listsBestUse = [[|cffffd200List Examples|r
+Don't forget to use the standard lists! They provide a great example.
+First, put any items you don't want to lose on your |cffffd200Keep List|r. Make good use of categories (see below)! If the LootManager is active it will alwas try to loot these items.
+|cffAAAAAAe.g. class reagents, flasks|r
+Items which may be thrown away any time belong on the |cffffd200Junk List|r.
+|cffAAAAAAe.g. summoned food & drink, argent lance|r
+In case you encounter highly overrated items, put them on your |cffffd200Vendor Price List|r. They will only have their vendor value used instead of auction or disenchant values.
+|cffAAAAAAe.g. fish oil|r
+Put items on your |cffffd200Sell List|r that should be sold when visiting a merchant.
+|cffAAAAAAe.g. water as a warrior, cheese|r]],
+	iconButtonsUse = [[|cffffd200Item Buttons|r
+For any item you'll either see its icon, a gear if it's a category or a question mark in case the server doesn't know this item.
+In the top left of each button you'll see a "G" (or not). If it's there, the item is on your |cffffd200global list|r meaning this rule is effective for every character.
+Items on your Junk List may also have a |cffffd200limit|r. This will be shown as a small number in the lower right corner. By using the |cffffd200mousewheel|r on this button you can change this number. Limited items will only be dropped/destroyed if you have more than their limit indicates.]],
+	actionButtonsUse = [[|cffffd200Action Buttons|r
+Below this window you'll see five buttons and a search bar.
+|TInterface\Icons\Spell_ChargePositive:18|t |cffffd200Plus|r: Use this to add items to the currently shown list. Simply drag/drop them onto the plus. To add a |cffffd200category|r, right-click the plus and then choose a category.
+|cffAAAAAAe.g. "Tradeskill > Recipe", "Misc > Key"|r
+|TInterface\Icons\Spell_ChargeNegative:18|t |cffffd200Minus|r: Mark items on the list (by clicking them). When you click the minus, they will be removed from this list.
+|TInterface\Icons\INV_Misc_GroupLooking:18|t |cffffd200Local|r: Marked items will be put on your local list, meaning the rule is only active for the current character.
+|TInterface\Icons\INV_Misc_GroupNeedMore:18|t |cffffd200Global|r: Same as local, only this time items will be put on your global list. Those rules are active for all your characters.
+|TInterface\Buttons\UI-GroupLoot-Pass-UP:18|t |cffffd200Empty|r: Click this button to remove any character specific (local) items from it. Shift-click empties any account wide (global) rules. |cffff0000Use with caution!|r]],
 	LOPlus = "Add items to this list by |cffffffffdragging|r/ |cffffffffdropping|r them onto this button.\n|cffffffffRight-click|r to add categories!",
 	LOMinus = "Choose items to be removed from the list, then |cffffffffclick|r here.",
 	LODemote = "|cffffffffClick|r to have any marked items used as character specific rules.",
@@ -203,7 +210,7 @@ BrokerGarbage.locale = {
 	search = "Search...",

 	-- LibPeriodicTable category testing
-	PTCategoryTest = "Test category strings",
+	PTCategoryTest = "Category Test",
 	PTCategoryTestTitle = "LibPeriodicTable Category String Test",
 	PTCategoryTestSubTitle = "If you're unsure why an item shows up as it does or which items are included in which category, you can test that here.",
 	PTCategoryTestExplanation = "Simply select a category below and it will display all items in your inventory that match this category.\nCategory information comes from LPT and not Broker_Garbage.",
diff --git a/core.lua b/core.lua
index 5f8d697..0a726a2 100644
--- a/core.lua
+++ b/core.lua
@@ -488,8 +488,12 @@ function BrokerGarbage:GetSingleItemValue(item)

-        BrokerGarbage.auctionAddon = BrokerGarbage.locale.unknownAuctionAddon
-        auctionPrice = GetAuctionBuyout and GetAuctionBuyout(itemLink) or nil
+        if GetAuctionBuyout then
+            BrokerGarbage.auctionAddon = BrokerGarbage.locale.unknown
+            auctionPrice = GetAuctionBuyout(itemLink)
+        else
+            BrokerGarbage.auctionAddon = BrokerGarbage.locale.na
+        end
         disenchantPrice = canDE and GetDisenchantValue and GetDisenchantValue(itemLink) or nil

diff --git a/options.lua b/options.lua
index 14645ed..901f03c 100644
--- a/options.lua
+++ b/options.lua
@@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ local function ShowListOptions(frame)
 	plus.tiptext = BrokerGarbage.locale.LOPlus
-	plus:RegisterForClicks("RightButtonUp")
+	plus:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp", "RightButtonUp")
 	local minus = CreateFrame("Button", "BrokerGarbage_RemoveButton", frame)
 	minus:SetPoint("LEFT", plus, "RIGHT", 4, 0)
 	minus:SetWidth(25);	minus:SetHeight(25)
@@ -1103,7 +1103,7 @@ local function ShowListOptions(frame)

 	local function AddItem(self, item)
 		local cursorType, itemID, link = GetCursorInfo()
-		if not itemID and (item == "RightButton" or item == "LeftButton" or item == "MiddleButton") then
+		if self == plus and not (cursorType and itemID and link) then

@@ -1128,13 +1128,14 @@ local function ShowListOptions(frame)
 			BrokerGarbage:Print(format(BrokerGarbage.locale["addedTo_" .. frame.current], link))
-		elseif BG_GlobalDB[frame.current] and BG_GlobalDB[frame.current][itemID] == nil then
+		elseif BG_LocalDB[frame.current] == nil and
+			BG_GlobalDB[frame.current] and BG_GlobalDB[frame.current][itemID] == nil then
 			BG_GlobalDB[frame.current][itemID] = true
 			BrokerGarbage:Print(format(BrokerGarbage.locale["addedTo_" .. frame.current], link))
-			BrokerGarbage:Print("<Item is already on that list.>")
+			BrokerGarbage:Print(string.format(BrokerGarbage.locale.itemAlreadyOnList, link))

diff --git a/readme.txt b/readme.txt
index 348dfc2..c32f99c 100644
--- a/readme.txt
+++ b/readme.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Author: ckaotik
-Version: 3.3v28
+Version: 3.3v29
 WoW Version: 3.3.5 (TOC 30300)

 WoWInterface: http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info15531-Broker_Garbage.html
@@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ As you probably don't want to drop everything just by it's vendor price, Broker_
 2. First Start
 Depending on your LDB display addon you may or may not already see the Broker_Garbage plugin on it. If you don't, please check if you need to enable it in oder to be displayed (e.g. for DockingStation). It will be listed as either "Garbage" or "Broker_Garbage".
-If you still can't find it, have a look at your options panel (ESC - Interface - Addon Tab - look for Broker_Garbage). Should you not find it there it might be because it caused an error (you can turn on Lua error messages in the Interface menu).
+If you still can't find it, have a look at your options panel (ESC - Interface - AddOns tab - look for Broker_Garbage). Should you not find it there it might be because it caused an error (you can turn on Lua error messages in the Interface menu) or it's not activated in the Login screen.

 If you get past that point (and really, you should) it's about time to set up your lists. For more information on lists, have at look at 5. List Management.
-1) Set up items you never want to delete, on any character, in your Exclude List. Then, select them and push "Promote" to put them on your global Exclude List.
-2) Now, go ahead and add character specific items to your Exclude List (same as above, just no "Promote")
-3) With that taken care of you might want to think of items that always fill your inventory even though you don't need them or they can be easily gotten back. These items belong on your Include List. Examples for this list are Argentum Lance, Light Feather (if you have a Mage/Priest that needs them, put it on their (local) Exclude list.) and the likes.
+1) Set up items you never want to delete, on any character, in your Keep List. Then, select them and push "Promote" to put them on your global Keep List.
+2) Now, go ahead and add character specific items to your Keep List (same as above, just no "Promote")
+3) With that taken care of you might want to think of items that always fill your inventory even though you don't need them or they can be easily gotten back. These items belong on your Junk List. Examples for this list are Argentum Lance, Light Feather (if you have a Mage/Priest that needs them, by default they will be put on their (local) Keep List) and the likes.

 3. I got an error!!!11!1!
@@ -43,48 +43,48 @@ Still, do not feel bad if it doesn't make it into the addon. In that case I will

 5. List Management
-There are several lists for you to use. Please be aware that itemIDs are prioritized above LPT category strings, so if for example you had "Misc.Reagent.Class.Priest" on your Exclude List but 17056 (Light Feather) on your Include List, the feathers would be considered as included items.
+There are several lists for you to use. Please be aware that itemIDs are prioritized above LibPeriodicTable (LPT) category strings, so if for example you had "Misc.Reagent.Class.Priest" on your Keep List but 17056 (Light Feather) on your Junk List, the feathers would be considered as junk items.

-* Whitelist: Exclude List
+* Whitelist: Keep List
 Items on here will be "saved" from any actions - they will not be sold, dropped or anything else.
-Grayed out items on there are items that are on your global list, active for all characters. Colorful ones are just for your current character.

-* Whitelist: 'Force Vendor Price' List
-Items on this list will never have their auction value used. This is useful for food, drinks and other things people tend to put on the AH at unbelievable prices.
-* Blacklist: Include List
+* Blacklist: Junk List
 Items on this list will be always be shown in the drop Tooltip, no matter what Quality Treshold you might have set. If you have too many, you won't see any other items in the tooltip. Caution!
-Grayed out items on there are items that are on your global list, active for all characters. Colorful ones are just for your current character.
-Since 3.3v17 include list items also can have a limit set. Use this if for example you only want to keep 5 Soulshards. Excess items will be listed in the Tooltip!

-* Blacklist: Auto-Sell List
+Junk List items can have a set limit. Use this if for example you only want to keep 5 Soulshards. Excess items will be listed in the Tooltip!
+* Vendor Price List
+Items on this list will never have their auction value used. This is useful for food, drinks and other things people tend to put on the AH at unbelievable prices.
+* Sell List
 Items on this list will be sold whenever you talk to a vendor. Items of higher quality than your Quality Treshold WILL be sold, just keep that in mind.

-Each of these lists except the 'Force Vendor Price' list have a global (affects all your characters) and local (only affects the current character) component. You can broadcast items on your local lists as global by selecting them and then clicking on the promote icon next to the list.
+Each of these lists except for 'Vendor Price' have a global (affects all your characters) and local (only affects the current character) component. You can promote/demote items between the two by selecting them and then clicking on the Promote/Demote icon below the list.
+Global items will have a "G" shown in their top left corner.

 6. 'Source' information on the tooltip
 If you check 'Show Source' in the options panel, the tooltip will display an additional column with color coded letters. These are to show you which item price Broker_Garbage decided on using. Possible codes are:
 	orange V		This item has its vendor price set as the highest value.
-	dark orange V 	This item is on your Auto-Sell list or Force Vendor Price list. It uses the vendor price
-	green A			This item has its auction value shown
+	dark orange V 	This item is on your Sell List or Vendor Price List. It uses the item's vendor price
+	green A			This item has its auction value used
 	blue G			You have 'Sell Gear' checked and this item will be sold when at a merchant. It uses the vendor price.
-	white I			This item is on your include list and therefore displayed first.
+	white I			This item is on your Junk List and therefore is displayed first.

 7. Periodic Table -or- How to put entire categories onto those stupid lists
-Starting in version 3.3v11 you can add category strings to make your life easier. To do so, go to your settings panel for the list you wish to add it to and right-click on the 'plus' icon. You will see a list of all categories LibPeriodicTable (LPT) has to offer (or at least the parts of it that I chose to include).
+Starting in version 3.3v11 you can add category strings to make your life easier. To do so, go to your settings panel for the list you wish to add it to and right-click on the 'plus' icon. You will see a list of all categories LibPeriodicTable has to offer (or at least the parts of it that I chose to include).
 Navigate your way through the menu and add any category you like simply by clicking on it.
-To remove a category simply do as you would with any other item on your list: Select it and then hit the corresponding 'minus' icon.
-If you want to test which items are on what lists, just use the 'Test category strings' panel in the options.
+To remove a category simply do as you would with any other item on your list: Select it and then hit the 'Minus' icon.
+If you want to test which items are on what lists, just use the 'Category Test' panel in the options.

-Why these categories are only in English? There's a simple answer to that: Because that's what LPT does and I do not want to localize the complete LPT. Sorry for that, but it's kind of not my job to do that ;)
+Why are these categories only in English? There's a simple answer to that: Because that's what LPT does and I do not want to localize the complete LPT. Sorry for that, but it's kind of not my job to do that ;)

 8. How to adjust the LDB display text
-In 3.3v15 I added the possibility to adjust the LDB display text to your liking. To do so, simply change the text on the Basic Options panel or type "/garbage format 'formatstring'" where formatstring is your desired output format (without quotation marks). The LDB display format supports several parameters:
+In 3.3v15 I added the possibility to adjust the LDB display text to your liking. To do so, simply change the text on the General Options panel or type "/garbage format 'formatstring'" (without any quotation marks) where formatstring is your desired output format. The LDB display format supports several parameters:

-	[itemname]		item link
+	[itemname]		item name/link
 	[itemcount]		item count
 	[itemvalue]		item value

@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ In 3.3v15 I added the possibility to adjust the LDB display text to your liking.
 	[bagspacecolor]	colors the following text corresponding to your bag situation
 	[endcolor]		resets the coloring

-	[junkvalue]		the amount a vendor would give you, if you autosold stuff
+	[junkvalue]		the amount a vendor would give you for your junk/auto sell items

 Some examples:

@@ -112,9 +112,7 @@ Some examples:
 The Loot Manager has several settings for you to play around with. It is a seperate addon that can be (de)activated in the addons panel and ingame in the options panel.
 For more information on the Loot Manager, see its own readme.txt .

-Items on your Include List (see it as a Blacklist) will never be looted, while Broker_Garbage will always try its best to loot those items that are on your Exclude List (works as a Whitelist).
-For more information on the Loot Manager, have a look at its own readme.txt!
+Items on your Junk List will never be looted, while the Loot Manager will always try its best to loot those items that are on your Keep List.

 10. Slash Commands