
Fix Alliance on-load bug, hopefully

Joseph Collins [02-08-13 - 09:46]
Fix Alliance on-load bug, hopefully
diff --git a/Currencies.lua b/Currencies.lua
index 35a9ee1..e35529c 100644
--- a/Currencies.lua
+++ b/Currencies.lua
@@ -457,6 +457,11 @@ local function SetContentColumn(index, currencyName, characterOrder, hordeDB, al

+	-- Use next(DB) to see if the DB has any entries.
+	local hasAlliance = allianceDB and (next(allianceDB) ~= nil)
+	local hasHorde = hordeDB and (next(hordeDB) ~= nil)
+	local numFactions = (hasHorde and 1 or 0) + (hasAlliance and 1 or 0)
 	-- Display the quantities for each cell in the column and keep running totals for both factions
 	local row = 1
 	local character, count
@@ -467,18 +472,15 @@ local function SetContentColumn(index, currencyName, characterOrder, hordeDB, al

 		SetCurrencyColumnText(ChillEffectCurrencyFrame.rows[row].columns[index], currencyName, currencyWidth, count)

-		if hordeDB[v[1]] then
+		if hasHorde and hordeDB[v[1]] then
 			hordeTotal = hordeTotal + count
-		elseif allianceDB[v[1]] then
+		elseif hasAlliance and allianceDB[v[1]] then
 			allianceTotal = allianceTotal + count
 		row = row + 1

-	-- Use next(DB) to see if the DB has any entries.
-	local hasAlliance = allianceDB and (next(allianceDB) ~= nil)
-	local hasHorde = hordeDB and (next(hordeDB) ~= nil)
-	local numFactions = (hasHorde and 1 or 0) + (hasAlliance and 1 or 0)

 	if numFactions == 1 then
 		if hasAlliance then
@@ -566,6 +568,8 @@ function Currencies:RedrawCurrencyFrame()
 	hasAlliance = self.db.sv.factionrealm["Alliance - ".. realmName] and true or false
 	numFactions = (hasHorde and 1 or 0) + (hasAlliance and 1 or 0)

+	if numFactions == 0 then return end
 	--== Let's figure out the column sorting. Pull everyone into a set of {charName, charData, sortTypeValue} tables, sort those, and use the resulting order
 	local character, count
 	local characterOrder = {}
@@ -645,7 +649,7 @@ function Currencies:RedrawCurrencyFrame()
 		numCurrencyColumns = NUM_MAX_CURRENCY_HEADERS
 	local currentColumn
 	for i = 1, numCurrencyColumns do
 		currentColumn = i + 1
diff --git a/TheAlternative.toc b/TheAlternative.toc
index 4582e24..fc8e575 100644
--- a/TheAlternative.toc
+++ b/TheAlternative.toc
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-## Interface: 50001
+## Interface: 50100
 ## Title: The Alternative
 ## Author: Corv
 ## Notes: Tracks currencies and inventories across characters.