
- Update to ensure only mana is checked to avoid confusion (unit power checks focus, etc)

urnati [09-16-19 - 07:50]
- Update to ensure only mana is checked to avoid confusion (unit power checks focus, etc)
diff --git a/TitanClassicRegen/TitanClassicRegen.lua b/TitanClassicRegen/TitanClassicRegen.lua
index 1582092..d0af7a2 100644
--- a/TitanClassicRegen/TitanClassicRegen.lua
+++ b/TitanClassicRegen/TitanClassicRegen.lua
@@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ end
 -- NAME : TitanPanelXPButton_OnEvent
 -- DESC : Parse events registered to addon and act on them
 -- **************************************************************************
-function TitanPanelRegenButton_OnEvent(self, event, a1, ...)
+function TitanPanelRegenButton_OnEvent(self, event, a1, a2, ...)
      if ( event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") then
-          if (UnitPowerMax("player") == 0) then
+          if (UnitPowerMax("player", 0) == 0) then
                TitanSetVar(TITAN_REGEN_ID, "ShowMPRegen", 0);
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ function TitanPanelRegenButton_OnEvent(self, event, a1, ...)
      local runUpdate = 0;

      if (TitanGetVar(TITAN_REGEN_ID,"ShowHPRegen") == 1) then
-          if ( event == "UNIT_HEALTH" and a1 == "player" ) then
+          if ( event == "UNIT_HEALTH" and a1 == "player") then
                currHealth = UnitHealth("player");
                runUpdate = 1;
                if ( currHealth > TITAN_RegenCurrHealth and TITAN_RegenCurrHealth ~= 0 ) then
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ function TitanPanelRegenButton_OnEvent(self, event, a1, ...)

      if (TitanGetVar(TITAN_REGEN_ID,"ShowMPRegen") == 1) then
-          if ( event == "UNIT_POWER_UPDATE" and a1 == "player" ) then
+          if ( event == "UNIT_POWER_UPDATE" and a1 == "player"  and a2 == "MANA") then
                currMana = UnitPower("player");
                runUpdate = 1;
                if ( currMana  > TITAN_RegenCurrMana and TITAN_RegenCurrMana ~= 0 ) then
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ function TitanPanelRegenButton_GetButtonText(id)
      if UnitHealth("player") == UnitHealthMax("player") then
           TITAN_RegenHP = 0;
-     if UnitPower("player") == UnitPowerMax("player") then
+     if UnitPower("player") == UnitPowerMax("player", 0) then
           TITAN_RegenMP = 0;

@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ function TitanPanelRegenButton_GetButtonText(id)
      if (TitanGetVar(TITAN_REGEN_ID,"ShowMPRegen") == 1) then
           labelTextMP = L["TITAN_REGEN_BUTTON_TEXT_MP"];
           if (TitanGetVar(TITAN_REGEN_ID,"ShowPercentage") == 1) then
-               valueTextMP = format(TITAN_REGEN_MP_FORMAT_PERCENT, (TITAN_RegenMP/UnitPowerMax("player"))*100);
+               valueTextMP = format(TITAN_REGEN_MP_FORMAT_PERCENT, (TITAN_RegenMP/UnitPowerMax("player", 0))*100);
                valueTextMP = format(TITAN_REGEN_MP_FORMAT, TITAN_RegenMP);
@@ -216,11 +216,11 @@ function TitanPanelRegenButton_GetTooltipText()

      if (TitanGetVar(TITAN_REGEN_ID,"ShowMPRegen") == 1) then
           local regenPercent;
-          regenPercent = (TITAN_RegenMPDuringCombat/UnitPowerMax("player"))*100;
+          regenPercent = (TITAN_RegenMPDuringCombat/UnitPowerMax("player", 0))*100;

           return ""..
                format(L["TITAN_REGEN_TOOLTIP1"], UnitHealth("player"),UnitHealthMax("player"),UnitHealthMax("player")-UnitHealth("player")).."\n"..
-               format(L["TITAN_REGEN_TOOLTIP2"], UnitPower("player"),UnitPowerMax("player"),UnitPowerMax("player")-UnitPower("player")).."\n"..
+               format(L["TITAN_REGEN_TOOLTIP2"], UnitPower("player"),UnitPowerMax("player", 0),UnitPowerMax("player", 0)-UnitPower("player")).."\n"..
                format(L["TITAN_REGEN_TOOLTIP3"], TITAN_RegenMaxHPRate).."\n"..
                format(L["TITAN_REGEN_TOOLTIP4"], minHP).."\n"..
                format(L["TITAN_REGEN_TOOLTIP5"], TITAN_RegenMaxMPRate).."\n"..