diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/framework/docks/dock_core.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/framework/docks/dock_core.lua
index d781dbe..d45dabe 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/framework/docks/dock_core.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/framework/docks/dock_core.lua
@@ -735,11 +735,9 @@ for location, settings in pairs(DOCK_LOCATIONS) do
-local function SetSuperDockStyle(dock, isBottom)
+function Dock:SetSuperDockStyle(dock, isBottom)
if dock.backdrop then return end
- local leftGradient = {}
local backdrop = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, dock)
@@ -747,7 +745,12 @@ local function SetSuperDockStyle(dock, isBottom)
backdrop.bg = backdrop:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
backdrop.bg:SetTexture(1, 1, 1, 1)
- backdrop.bg:SetGradientAlpha("VERTICAL", 0, 0, 0, 0.8, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ if(isBottom) then
+ backdrop.bg:SetGradientAlpha("VERTICAL", 0, 0, 0, 0.8, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ else
+ backdrop.bg:SetGradientAlpha("VERTICAL", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.8)
+ end
backdrop.left = backdrop:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
backdrop.left:SetTexture(1, 1, 1, 1)
@@ -1124,8 +1127,8 @@ function Dock:Initialize()
SV.Mentalo:Add(dock.Bar, location .. " Dock ToolBar");
if(isBottom) then
- dock.backdrop = SetSuperDockStyle(dock.Window, isBottom)
- dock.Alert.backdrop = SetSuperDockStyle(dock.Alert, isBottom)
+ dock.backdrop = self:SetSuperDockStyle(dock.Window, isBottom)
+ dock.Alert.backdrop = self:SetSuperDockStyle(dock.Alert, isBottom)
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/chat/SVChat.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/chat/SVChat.lua
index eb4150f..bdb0c98 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/chat/SVChat.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/packages/chat/SVChat.lua
@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ local ICONARTFILE = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Icons\DOCK-CHAT]]
local SCROLL_ALERT = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Chat\CHAT-SCROLL]]
local WHISPER_ALERT = [[Interface\AddOns\SVUI\assets\artwork\Chat\CHAT-WHISPER]]
local THROTTLE_CACHE = {};
+local COPY_LINES = {};
local TABS_DIRTY = false;
@@ -747,6 +748,31 @@ do
chat.WhisperAlert = alert
+ --copy chat button
+ chat.button = CreateFrame('Frame', format("SVUI_CopyChatButton%d", id), chat)
+ chat.button:SetAlpha(0.35)
+ chat.button:SetSizeToScale(38, 18)
+ chat.button:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', chat, 'TOPRIGHT', 0, 0)
+ chat.button:SetStylePanel('Default', 'Headline')
+ chat.button.Title = chat.button:CreateFontString()
+ chat.button.Title:FontManager("chattab")
+ chat.button.Title:SetText("copy")
+ chat.button.Title:SetAllPointsIn(chat.button)
+ chat.button.Title:SetTextColor(1,0.8,0)
+ chat.button:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function(self, btn)
+ if btn == "RightButton" and id == 1 then
+ ToggleFrame(ChatMenu)
+ else
+ MOD:CopyChat(chat)
+ end
+ end)
+ chat.button:SetScript("OnEnter", function(self) self:FadeIn() end)
+ chat.button:SetScript("OnLeave", function(self) self:FadeOut() end)
+ chat.button:FadeOut()
chat.InitConfig = true
@@ -1037,6 +1063,42 @@ do
+local function removeIconFromLine(text)
+ for i=1, 8 do
+ text = gsub(text, "|TInterface\\TargetingFrame\\UI%-RaidTargetingIcon_"..i..":0|t", "")
+ end
+ text = gsub(text, "(|TInterface(.*)|t)", "")
+ return text
+function MOD:GetLines(...)
+ local index = 1
+ for i = select("#", ...), 1, -1 do
+ local region = select(i, ...)
+ if region:GetObjectType() == "FontString" then
+ local line = tostring(region:GetText())
+ COPY_LINES[index] = removeIconFromLine(line)
+ index = index + 1
+ end
+ end
+ return index - 1
+function MOD:CopyChat(frame)
+ if not SVUI_CopyChatFrame:IsShown() then
+ --local _, fontSize = FCF_GetChatWindowInfo(frame:GetID());
+ --if fontSize < 10 then fontSize = 12 end
+ --FCF_SetChatWindowFontSize(frame, frame, 0.01)
+ SVUI_CopyChatFrame:Show()
+ local lineCt = self:GetLines(frame:GetRegions())
+ local text = tconcat(COPY_LINES, "\n", 1, lineCt)
+ --FCF_SetChatWindowFontSize(frame, frame, fontSize)
+ SVUI_CopyChatFrameEditBox:SetText(text)
+ else
+ SVUI_CopyChatFrame:Hide()
+ end
local function DockFadeInChat()
local activeChatFrame = FCFDock_GetSelectedWindow(GENERAL_CHAT_DOCK)
activeChatFrame:FadeIn(0.2, activeChatFrame:GetAlpha(), 1)
@@ -1124,9 +1186,57 @@ function MOD:Load()
- -- NewHook(ChatFrame2, "SetPoint", function(self, a1, p, a2, x, y)
- -- if(x > 2) then
- -- self:SetPoint(a1, p, a2, 2, y)
- -- end
- -- end)
+ NewHook(ChatFrame2, "SetPoint", function(self, a1, p, a2, x, y)
+ if(x > 2) then
+ self:SetPoint(a1, p, a2, 2, y)
+ end
+ end)
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", "SVUI_CopyChatFrame", self.Dock)
+ --frame:SetStylePanel('Default', 'Transparent')
+ frame:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', self.Dock, 'TOPLEFT', 0, 0)
+ frame:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', self.Dock, 'TOPRIGHT', 0, 0)
+ frame:SetHeight(self.Dock:GetHeight())
+ frame:Hide()
+ frame:EnableMouse(true)
+ frame:SetFrameStrata("DIALOG")
+ SV.Dock:SetSuperDockStyle(frame)
+ frame.Title = frame:CreateFontString()
+ frame.Title:FontManager("header", "LEFT")
+ frame.Title:SetText("Copy Chat")
+ frame.Title:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", 4, 4)
+ frame.Title:SetTextColor(1,0.8,0)
+ local scrollArea = CreateFrame("ScrollFrame", "SVUI_CopyChatScrollFrame", frame, "UIPanelScrollFrameTemplate")
+ scrollArea:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", 8, -30)
+ scrollArea:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -30, 8)
+ local editBox = CreateFrame("EditBox", "SVUI_CopyChatFrameEditBox", frame)
+ editBox:SetMultiLine(true)
+ editBox:SetMaxLetters(99999)
+ editBox:EnableMouse(true)
+ editBox:SetAutoFocus(false)
+ editBox:FontManager("chatdialog", "LEFT")
+ editBox:SetWidth(scrollArea:GetWidth())
+ editBox:SetHeight(200)
+ editBox:SetScript("OnEscapePressed", function() SVUI_CopyChatFrame:Hide() end)
+ scrollArea:SetScrollChild(editBox)
+ editBox:SetScript("OnTextChanged", function(self, userInput)
+ if userInput then return end
+ local _, max = SVUI_CopyChatScrollFrameScrollBar:GetMinMaxValues()
+ for i=1, max do
+ ScrollFrameTemplate_OnMouseWheel(SVUI_CopyChatScrollFrame, -1)
+ end
+ end)
+ local close = CreateFrame("Button", "SVUI_CopyChatFrameCloseButton", frame, "UIPanelCloseButton")
+ close:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
+ close:SetFrameLevel(close:GetFrameLevel() + 1)
+ close:EnableMouse(true)
+ tinsert(UISpecialFrames, "SVUI_CopyChatFrame")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/blizzard/chat.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/blizzard/chat.lua
index bde3ab4..28ea85e 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/blizzard/chat.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI_StyleOMatic/components/blizzard/chat.lua
@@ -477,6 +477,10 @@ local function ChatStyle()
+ PLUGIN:ApplyPaginationStyle(CombatLogQuickButtonFrame_CustomAdditionalFilterButton,true)
+ PLUGIN:ApplyScrollBarStyle(SVUI_CopyChatScrollFrameScrollBar)
+ PLUGIN:ApplyCloseButtonStyle(SVUI_CopyChatFrameCloseButton)