diff --git a/pMinimap/Libs/LibSimpleOptions-1.0.lua b/pMinimap/Libs/LibSimpleOptions-1.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7a21a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pMinimap/Libs/LibSimpleOptions-1.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,955 @@
+Name: LibSimpleOptions-1.0
+Revision: $Rev: 81443 $
+Author(s): ckknight (ckknight@gmail.com)
+Website: http://ckknight.wowinterface.com/
+Description: A library to provide a way to easily create controls for Blizzard's options system
+License: MIT
+local MAJOR_VERSION = "LibSimpleOptions-1.0"
+local MINOR_VERSION = tonumber(("$Revision: 81443 $"):match("(%d+)"))
+if not LibStub then error(MAJOR_VERSION .. " requires LibStub") end
+-- #AUTODOC_NAMESPACE LibSimpleOptions
+local LibSimpleOptions, oldLib = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION)
+if not LibSimpleOptions then
+ return
+if oldLib then
+ oldLib = {}
+ for k, v in pairs(LibSimpleOptions) do
+ LibSimpleOptions[k] = nil
+ oldLib[k] = v
+ end
+local getArgs, doneArgs
+ local tmp = {}
+ function getArgs(...)
+ assert(next(tmp) == nil)
+ for i = 1, select('#', ...), 2 do
+ local k, v = select(i, ...)
+ if type(k) ~= "string" then
+ error(("Received a bad key, must be a %q, got %q (%s)"):format("string", type(k), tostring(k)), 3)
+ elseif tmp[k] ~= nil then
+ error(("Received key %q twice"):format(k), 3)
+ end
+ tmp[k] = v
+ end
+ return tmp
+ end
+ function doneArgs(args)
+ assert(args == tmp)
+ for k in pairs(args) do
+ args[k] = nil
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+local WotLK = not not ToggleAchievementFrame
+local panels
+if oldLib then
+ panels = oldLib.panels or {}
+ panels = {}
+LibSimpleOptions.panels = panels
+local panelMeta
+if oldLib then
+ panelMeta = oldLib.panelMeta or {}
+ panelMeta = {}
+LibSimpleOptions.panelMeta = panelMeta
+for funcName in pairs(panelMeta) do
+ for panel in pairs(panels) do
+ panel[funcName] = nil
+ end
+ panelMeta[funcName] = nil
+ local function update(control, ...)
+ if (...) ~= control.value then
+ control:SetValue(...)
+ end
+ end
+ --- Refresh a panel's controls
+ -- This updates any controls that provide a getFunc
+ -- When a panel is shown, this is automatically called
+ -- @name panel:Refresh
+ -- @usage panel:Refresh()
+ function panelMeta:Refresh()
+ for control in pairs(self.controls) do
+ if control.getFunc then
+ update(control, control.getFunc())
+ end
+ end
+ if self.refreshFunc then
+ self:refreshFunc()
+ end
+ end
+ local function panel_OnShow(self)
+ self:SetScript("OnShow", self.Refresh)
+ self:controlCreationFunc()
+ self.controlCreationFunc = nil
+ self:Refresh()
+ end
+ local function panel_okay(self)
+ for control in pairs(self.controls) do
+ control.oldValue = control.value
+ if control.okayFunc then
+ control.okayFunc()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local function panel_cancel(self)
+ for control in pairs(self.controls) do
+ control:SetValue(control.oldValue)
+ if control.cancelFunc then
+ control.cancelFunc()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local function panel_default(self)
+ for control in pairs(self.controls) do
+ control:SetValue(control.default)
+ if control.defaultFunc then
+ control.defaultFunc()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local function makePanel(name, parentName, controlCreationFunc)
+ local panel
+ if not parentName then
+ panel = CreateFrame("Frame", name .. "_Panel")
+ else
+ panel = CreateFrame("Frame", parentName .. "_Panel_" .. name)
+ end
+ panels[panel] = true
+ panel.name = name
+ panel.controls = {}
+ panel.parent = parentName
+ panel.okay = panel_okay
+ panel.cancel = panel_cancel
+ panel.default = panel_default
+ InterfaceOptions_AddCategory(panel)
+ panel.controlCreationFunc = controlCreationFunc
+ panel:SetScript("OnShow", panel_OnShow)
+ for k, v in pairs(panelMeta) do
+ panel[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ --- Make a new options panel and add it to the Blizzard Interface Options
+ -- @param name name of your panel
+ -- @param controlCreationFunc function to call when the panel is first shown
+ -- @usage LibStub("LibSimpleOptions-1.0").AddOptionsPanel("My Options", function(panel) ... end)
+ -- @return the created panel
+ function LibSimpleOptions.AddOptionsPanel(name, controlCreationFunc)
+ return makePanel(name, nil, controlCreationFunc)
+ end
+ --- Make a new options panel that is a child of another options panel and add it to the Blizzard Interface Options
+ -- @param parentName name of the parent panel
+ -- @param name name of your panel
+ -- @param controlCreationFunc function to call when the panel is first shown
+ -- @usage LibStub("LibSimpleOptions-1.0").AddOptionsPanel("My Options", "My Suboptions", function(panel) ... end)
+ -- @return the created panel
+ function LibSimpleOptions.AddSuboptionsPanel(parentName, name, controlCreationFunc)
+ return makePanel(name, parentName, controlCreationFunc)
+ end
+--- Return a new title text and sub-text for a panel.
+-- Note that this automatically places the title and sub-text appropriately
+-- @name panel:MakeTitleTextAndSubText
+-- @param titleText the text to show as the title
+-- @param subTextText the text to show as the sub-text
+-- @usage local title, subText = panel:MakeTitleTextAndSubText("My Options", "These allow you to change assorted options")
+-- @return the title FontString
+-- @return the sub-text FontString
+function panelMeta:MakeTitleTextAndSubText(titleText, subTextText)
+ local title = self:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontNormalLarge")
+ title:SetText(titleText)
+ title:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+ title:SetJustifyV("TOP")
+ title:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 16, -16)
+ local subText = self:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontHighlightSmall")
+ subText:SetText(subTextText)
+ subText:SetNonSpaceWrap(true)
+ subText:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
+ subText:SetJustifyV("TOP")
+ subText:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", title, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -8)
+ subText:SetPoint("RIGHT", -32, 0)
+ return title, subText
+ local backdrop = {
+ bgFile = [=[Interface\Buttons\WHITE8X8]=],
+ edgeFile = [=[Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Border]=],
+ tile = true,
+ tileSize = 16,
+ edgeSize = 16,
+ insets = { left = 3, right = 3, top = 3, bottom = 3 },
+ }
+ --- Return a scrollable frame to organize controls within
+ -- This is useful to create if you have too many controls to properly fit within one panel
+ -- @name panel:MakeScrollFrame
+ -- @usage local scrollFrame = panel:MakeScrollFrame()
+ -- @return the ScrollFrame
+ function panelMeta:MakeScrollFrame()
+ local name
+ local i = 0
+ repeat
+ i = i + 1
+ name = self:GetName() .. "_ScrollFrame" .. i
+ until not _G[name]
+ local scrollFrame = CreateFrame("ScrollFrame", name, self, "UIPanelScrollFrameTemplate")
+ scrollFrame:SetFrameLevel(scrollFrame:GetFrameLevel() + 1)
+ local bg = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, self)
+ bg:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", scrollFrame, "TOPLEFT", -3, 3)
+ bg:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", scrollFrame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 3, -3)
+ bg:SetBackdrop(backdrop)
+ bg:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0.25)
+ local scrollChild = CreateFrame("Frame", name .. "_Child", scrollFrame)
+ scrollFrame:SetScrollChild(scrollChild)
+ scrollChild:SetWidth(1)
+ scrollChild:SetHeight(1)
+ return scrollFrame, scrollChild
+ end
+ local function slider_OnValueChanged(self)
+ self.value = self:GetValue()
+ self:SetValue(self:GetValue())
+ end
+ local function slider_SetValue(self, value)
+ getmetatable(self).__index.SetValue(self, value)
+ self.value = value
+ self.changeFunc(value)
+ if self.currentText then
+ self.currentText:SetText(self.currentTextFunc(value))
+ end
+ end
+ --- Return a horizontal slider
+ -- This is primarily for manipulating numbers within a range
+ -- @name panel:MakeSlider
+ -- @param ... tuple of key-value pairs<br/>
+ -- name: What the slider displays above it<br/>
+ -- description: What the tooltip displays when hovering over<br/>
+ -- minText: What the slider shows on the left side<br/>
+ -- maxText: What the slider shows on the right side<br/>
+ -- minValue: The minimum value of the slider<br/>
+ -- maxValue: The maximum value of the slider<br/>
+ -- [optional] step: The amount that the slider steps between movements<br/>
+ -- default: The default value<br/>
+ -- current: The current value - can provide either this or getFunc<br/>
+ -- getFunc: Function to get the current value<br/>
+ -- setFunc: What is called when the value changes<br/>
+ -- [optional] currentTextFunc: What is called to get text value at the bottom<br/>
+ -- [optional] okayFunc: Called when the okay button is pressed<br/>
+ -- [optional] cancelFunc: Called when the cancel button is pressed<br/>
+ -- [optional] defaultFunc: Called when the default button is pressed
+ -- @usage panel:MakeSlider(
+ -- 'name', 'Range',
+ -- 'description', 'Specify your tooltip description',
+ -- 'minText', '0%',
+ -- 'maxText', '100%',
+ -- 'minValue', 0,
+ -- 'maxValue', 1,
+ -- 'step', 0.05,
+ -- 'default', 0.5,
+ -- 'current', db.currentRange,
+ -- 'setFunc', function(value) db.currentRange = value end,
+ -- 'currentTextFunc', function(value) return ("%.0f%%"):format(value * 100) end
+ -- )
+ -- @return the Slider
+ function panelMeta:MakeSlider(...)
+ local args = getArgs(...)
+ if type(args.name) ~= "string" then
+ error(("name must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("string", type(args.name), tostring(args.name)), 2)
+ elseif type(args.description) ~= "string" then
+ error(("description must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("string", type(args.description), tostring(args.description)), 2)
+ elseif type(args.minText) ~= "string" then
+ error(("minText must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("string", type(args.minText), tostring(args.minText)), 2)
+ elseif type(args.maxText) ~= "string" then
+ error(("maxText must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("string", type(args.maxText), tostring(args.maxText)), 2)
+ elseif type(args.minValue) ~= "number" then
+ error(("minValue must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("number", type(args.minValue), tostring(args.minValue)), 2)
+ elseif type(args.maxValue) ~= "number" then
+ error(("maxValue must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("number", type(args.maxValue), tostring(args.maxValue)), 2)
+ elseif args.step and type(args.step) ~= "number" then
+ error(("step must be %q or %q, got %q (%s)"):format("nil", "number", type(args.step), tostring(args.step)), 2)
+ elseif type(args.default) ~= "number" then
+ error(("default must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("number", type(args.default), tostring(args.default)), 2)
+ elseif args.default < args.minValue or args.default > args.maxValue then
+ error(("default must be [%s, %s], got %s"):format(args.minValue, args.maxValue, tostring(args.default)), 2)
+ elseif not args.current == not args.getFunc then
+ error(("either current or getFunc must be supplied, but not both"), 2)
+ elseif args.current and type(args.current) ~= "number" then
+ error(("current must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("number", type(args.current), tostring(args.current)), 2)
+ elseif args.getFunc and type(args.getFunc) ~= "function" then
+ error(("getFunc must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("function", type(args.getFunc), tostring(args.getFunc)), 2)
+ elseif type(args.setFunc) ~= "function" then
+ error(("setFunc must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("function", type(args.setFunc), tostring(args.setFunc)), 2)
+ elseif args.currentTextFunc and type(args.currentTextFunc) ~= "function" then
+ error(("currentTextFunc must be %q or %q, got %q (%s)"):format("nil", "function", type(args.currentTextFunc), tostring(args.currentTextFunc)), 2)
+ elseif args.okayFunc and type(args.okayFunc) ~= "function" then
+ error(("okayFunc must be %q or %q, got %q (%s)"):format("nil", "function", type(args.okayFunc), tostring(args.okayFunc)), 2)
+ elseif args.cancelFunc and type(args.cancelFunc) ~= "function" then
+ error(("cancelFunc must be %q or %q, got %q (%s)"):format("nil", "function", type(args.cancelFunc), tostring(args.cancelFunc)), 2)
+ elseif args.defaultFunc and type(args.defaultFunc) ~= "function" then
+ error(("defaultFunc must be %q or %q, got %q (%s)"):format("nil", "function", type(args.defaultFunc), tostring(args.defaultFunc)), 2)
+ end
+ local name
+ local i = 0
+ repeat
+ i = i + 1
+ name = self:GetName() .. "_Slider" .. i
+ until not _G[name]
+ local slider = CreateFrame("Slider", name, self, "InterfaceOptionsSliderTemplate")
+ self.controls[slider] = true
+ _G[slider:GetName() .. "Text"]:SetText(args.name)
+ slider.tooltipText = args.description
+ _G[slider:GetName() .. "Text"]:SetTextColor(NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.r, NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.g, NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.b)
+ _G[slider:GetName() .. "Low"]:SetText(args.minText)
+ _G[slider:GetName() .. "High"]:SetText(args.maxText)
+ local current
+ if args.getFunc then
+ slider.getFunc = args.getFunc
+ current = args.getFunc()
+ else
+ current = args.current
+ end
+ if args.currentTextFunc then
+ slider.currentTextFunc = args.currentTextFunc
+ local currentText = slider:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontHighlightSmall")
+ slider.currentText = currentText
+ currentText:SetPoint("TOP", slider, "CENTER", 0, -8)
+ currentText:SetText(args.currentTextFunc(current))
+ end
+ slider.default = args.default
+ slider:SetMinMaxValues(args.minValue, args.maxValue)
+ if args.step then
+ slider:SetValueStep(args.step)
+ end
+ slider.oldValue = current
+ slider.value = current
+ slider:SetValue(current)
+ slider.changeFunc = args.setFunc
+ slider.SetValue = slider_SetValue
+ slider:SetScript("OnValueChanged", slider_OnValueChanged)
+ slider.okayFunc = args.okayFunc
+ slider.cancelFunc = args.cancelFunc
+ slider.defaultFunc = args.defaultFunc
+ args = doneArgs(args)
+ return slider
+ end
+local function generic_OnEnter(self)
+ GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_TOPRIGHT")
+ GameTooltip:SetText(self.tooltipText, nil, nil, nil, nil, 1)
+local function generic_OnLeave(self)
+ GameTooltip:Hide()
+ local function dropDown_SetValue(self, value)
+ self.value = value
+ UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedValue(self, value)
+ self.changeFunc(value)
+ end
+ local helper__num, helper__values
+ local function helper()
+ local value, text = helper__values[helper__num], helper__values[helper__num+1]
+ if value == nil then
+ helper__num, helper__values = nil, nil
+ return nil
+ end
+ helper__num = helper__num + 2
+ return value, text
+ end
+ local function get_iter(values)
+ if type(values) == "function" then
+ return values
+ end
+ helper__num = 1
+ helper__values = values
+ return helper
+ end
+ local SetValue_wrapper
+ if WotLK then
+ function SetValue_wrapper(self, ...)
+ return dropDown_SetValue(...)
+ end
+ else
+ SetValue_wrapper = dropDown_SetValue
+ end
+ local function dropDown_menu(self)
+ for value, text in get_iter(self.values) do
+ local info = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo()
+ info.text = text
+ info.value = value
+ info.checked = self.value == value
+ info.func = SetValue_wrapper
+ info.arg1 = self
+ info.arg2 = value
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info)
+ end
+ end
+ local tmp = {}
+ --- Return a single-choice dropdown menu
+ -- This is for choosing a single choice among many
+ -- @name panel:MakeDropDown
+ -- @param ... tuple of key-value pairs<br/>
+ -- name: What shows above the dropdown<br/>
+ -- description: What shows when hovering over the dropdown<br/>
+ -- values: A list of options, in order, where the odd keys are the key and even are its corresponding value<br/>
+ -- default: The default key<br/>
+ -- current: The current key - you can either provide this or getFunc<br/>
+ -- getFunc: Function to return the current key<br/>
+ -- setFunc: What is called when the key changes<br/>
+ -- [optional] okayFunc: Called when the okay button is pressed<br/>
+ -- [optional] cancelFunc: Called when the cancel button is pressed<br/>
+ -- [optional] defaultFunc: Called when the default button is pressed
+ -- @usage panel:MakeDropDown(
+ -- 'name', 'Choose',
+ -- 'description', 'Specify your tooltip description',
+ -- 'values', {
+ -- 'ONE', "One",
+ -- 'TWO', "Two",
+ -- 'THREE', "Three",
+ -- },
+ -- 'default', 'ONE',
+ -- 'current', db.choice,
+ -- 'setFunc', function(value) db.choice = value end,
+ -- )
+ -- @return the DropDown frame
+ function panelMeta:MakeDropDown(...)
+ local args = getArgs(...)
+ if type(args.name) ~= "string" then
+ error(("name must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("string", type(args.name), tostring(args.name)), 2)
+ elseif type(args.description) ~= "string" then
+ error(("description must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("string", type(args.description), tostring(args.description)), 2)
+ elseif type(args.values) ~= "function" then
+ if type(args.values) ~= "table" then
+ error(("values must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("table", type(args.values), tostring(args.values)), 2)
+ elseif #args.values%2 ~= 0 then
+ error(("values must have an even number of items, got %d"):format(#args.values), 2)
+ end
+ for i = 1, #args.values, 2 do
+ local k, v = args.values[i], args.values[2]
+ if type(k) ~= "string" and type(k) ~= "number" then
+ error(("values' keys must be %q or %q, got %q (%s)"):format("string", "number", type(k), tostring(k)))
+ elseif type(v) ~= "string" then
+ error(("values' values must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("string", type(v), tostring(v)))
+ end
+ tmp[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ if type(args.default) ~= "number" and type(args.default) ~= "string" then
+ error(("default must be %q or %q, got %q (%s)"):format("number", "string", type(args.default), tostring(args.default)), 2)
+ elseif type(args.values) ~= "function" and not tmp[args.default] then
+ error(("default must be in values, %s is not"):format(tostring(args.default)), 2)
+ elseif not args.current == not args.getFunc then
+ error(("either current or getFunc must be supplied, but not both"), 2)
+ elseif args.current and type(args.current) ~= "string" and type(args.current) ~= "number" then
+ error(("current must be %q or %q, got %q (%s)"):format("string", "number", type(args.current), tostring(args.current)), 2)
+ elseif type(args.values) ~= "function" and args.current and not tmp[args.current] then
+ error(("current must be in values, %s is not"):format(tostring(args.current)), 2)
+ elseif args.getFunc and type(args.getFunc) ~= "function" then
+ error(("getFunc must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("function", type(args.getFunc), tostring(args.getFunc)), 2)
+ elseif type(args.setFunc) ~= "function" then
+ error(("setFunc must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("function", type(args.setFunc), tostring(args.setFunc)), 2)
+ elseif args.okayFunc and type(args.okayFunc) ~= "function" then
+ error(("okayFunc must be %q or %q, got %q (%s)"):format("nil", "function", type(args.okayFunc), tostring(args.okayFunc)), 2)
+ elseif args.cancelFunc and type(args.cancelFunc) ~= "function" then
+ error(("cancelFunc must be %q or %q, got %q (%s)"):format("nil", "function", type(args.cancelFunc), tostring(args.cancelFunc)), 2)
+ elseif args.defaultFunc and type(args.defaultFunc) ~= "function" then
+ error(("defaultFunc must be %q or %q, got %q (%s)"):format("nil", "function", type(args.defaultFunc), tostring(args.defaultFunc)), 2)
+ end
+ for k in pairs(tmp) do
+ tmp[k] = nil
+ end
+ local name
+ local i = 0
+ repeat
+ i = i + 1
+ name = self:GetName() .. "_DropDown" .. i
+ until not _G[name]
+ local dropDown = CreateFrame("Frame", name, self, "UIDropDownMenuTemplate")
+ self.controls[dropDown] = true
+ if args.name ~= "" then
+ local label = dropDown:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontNormal")
+ label:SetText(args.name)
+ label:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", dropDown, "TOPLEFT", 16, 3)
+ end
+ dropDown.tooltipText = args.description
+ dropDown.values = args.values
+ UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(dropDown, function()
+ dropDown_menu(dropDown)
+ end)
+ if WotLK then
+ UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(dropDown, 90)
+ else
+ UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(90, dropDown)
+ end
+ local current
+ if args.getFunc then
+ dropDown.getFunc = args.getFunc
+ current = args.getFunc()
+ else
+ current = args.current
+ end
+ UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedValue(dropDown, current)
+ dropDown.default = args.default
+ dropDown.value = args.current
+ dropDown.oldValue = args.current
+ dropDown.changeFunc = args.setFunc
+ dropDown.SetValue = dropDown_SetValue
+ dropDown:EnableMouse(true)
+ dropDown:SetScript("OnEnter", generic_OnEnter)
+ dropDown:SetScript("OnLeave", generic_OnLeave)
+ dropDown.okayFunc = args.okayFunc
+ dropDown.cancelFunc = args.cancelFunc
+ dropDown.defaultFunc = args.defaultFunc
+ args = doneArgs(args)
+ return dropDown
+ end
+ local function donothing() end
+ local function button_OnClick(self)
+ self.clickFunc()
+ end
+ --- Return a button
+ -- @name panel:MakeButton
+ -- @param ... tuple of key-value pairs<br/>
+ -- name: What shows above the dropdown<br/>
+ -- description: What shows when hovering over the dropdown<br/>
+ -- func: What is called when the button is pressed
+ -- @usage panel:MakeButton(
+ -- 'name', 'Click',
+ -- 'description', 'Specify your tooltip description',
+ -- 'func', function() DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Clicked!") end
+ -- )
+ -- @return the Button
+ function panelMeta:MakeButton(...)
+ local args = getArgs(...)
+ if type(args.name) ~= "string" then
+ error(("name must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("string", type(args.name), tostring(args.name)), 2)
+ elseif type(args.description) ~= "string" then
+ error(("description must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("string", type(args.description), tostring(args.description)), 2)
+ elseif type(args.func) ~= "function" then
+ error(("description must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("function", type(args.func), tostring(args.func)), 2)
+ end
+ local name
+ local i = 0
+ repeat
+ i = i + 1
+ name = self:GetName() .. "_Button" .. i
+ until not _G[name]
+ local button = CreateFrame("Button", name, self, "UIPanelButtonTemplate2")
+ self.controls[button] = true
+ button:SetText(args.name)
+ button.tooltipText = args.description
+ button:SetWidth(120)
+ button:SetHeight(22)
+ button.SetValue = donothing
+ button.clickFunc = args.func
+ button:SetScript("OnClick", button_OnClick)
+ button:SetScript("OnEnter", generic_OnEnter)
+ button:SetScript("OnLeave", generic_OnLeave)
+ args = doneArgs(args)
+ return button
+ end
+ local function toggle_SetValue(self, value)
+ value = not not value
+ self.changeFunc(value)
+ self.value = value
+ self:SetChecked(value)
+ end
+ local function toggle_OnClick(self)
+ self:SetValue(not not self:GetChecked())
+ end
+ --- Return a checkbox
+ -- @name panel:MakeToggle
+ -- @param ... tuple of key-value pairs<br/>
+ -- name: What appears to the right of the checkbox<br/>
+ -- description: What the tooltip shows when hovering over<br/>
+ -- default: The default value<br/>
+ -- current: The current value - you can provide this or getFunc<br/>
+ -- getFunc: Function to return the current value<br/>
+ -- setFunc: What is called when the value changes<br/>
+ -- [optional] okayFunc: Called when the okay button is pressed<br/>
+ -- [optional] cancelFunc: Called when the cancel button is pressed<br/>
+ -- [optional] defaultFunc: Called when the default button is pressed
+ -- @usage panel:MakeToggle(
+ -- 'name', 'Toggle',
+ -- 'description', 'Specify your tooltip description',
+ -- 'default', false,
+ -- 'getFunc', function() return db.myToggle end
+ -- 'setFunc', function(value) db.myToggle = value end
+ -- )
+ -- @return the CheckButton
+ function panelMeta:MakeToggle(...)
+ local args = getArgs(...)
+ if type(args.name) ~= "string" then
+ error(("name must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("string", type(args.name), tostring(args.name)), 2)
+ elseif type(args.description) ~= "string" then
+ error(("description must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("string", type(args.description), tostring(args.description)), 2)
+ elseif type(args.default) ~= "boolean" then
+ error(("default must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("boolean", type(args.default), tostring(args.default)), 2)
+ elseif (args.current == nil) == not args.getFunc then
+ error(("either current or getFunc must be supplied, but not both"), 2)
+ elseif args.current and type(args.current) ~= "boolean" then
+ error(("current must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("boolean", type(args.current), tostring(args.current)), 2)
+ elseif args.getFunc and type(args.getFunc) ~= "function" then
+ error(("getFunc must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("function", type(args.getFunc), tostring(args.getFunc)), 2)
+ elseif type(args.setFunc) ~= "function" then
+ error(("setFunc must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("function", type(args.setFunc), tostring(args.setFunc)), 2)
+ elseif args.okayFunc and type(args.okayFunc) ~= "function" then
+ error(("okayFunc must be %q or %q, got %q (%s)"):format("nil", "function", type(args.okayFunc), tostring(args.okayFunc)), 2)
+ elseif args.cancelFunc and type(args.cancelFunc) ~= "function" then
+ error(("cancelFunc must be %q or %q, got %q (%s)"):format("nil", "function", type(args.cancelFunc), tostring(args.cancelFunc)), 2)
+ elseif args.defaultFunc and type(args.defaultFunc) ~= "function" then
+ error(("defaultFunc must be %q or %q, got %q (%s)"):format("nil", "function", type(args.defaultFunc), tostring(args.defaultFunc)), 2)
+ end
+ local name
+ local i = 0
+ repeat
+ i = i + 1
+ name = self:GetName() .. "_Toggle" .. i
+ until not _G[name]
+ local toggle = CreateFrame("CheckButton", name, self, "InterfaceOptionsCheckButtonTemplate")
+ self.controls[toggle] = true
+ _G[toggle:GetName() .. "Text"]:SetText(args.name)
+ toggle:SetHitRectInsets(0, -_G[toggle:GetName() .. "Text"]:GetWidth() - 1, 0, 0)
+ toggle.tooltipText = args.description
+ toggle.default = args.default
+ local current
+ if args.getFunc then
+ toggle.getFunc = args.getFunc
+ current = args.getFunc()
+ else
+ current = args.current
+ end
+ toggle.value = current
+ toggle.oldValue = current
+ toggle.changeFunc = args.setFunc
+ toggle.SetValue = toggle_SetValue
+ toggle:SetScript("OnClick", toggle_OnClick)
+ toggle:SetChecked(current)
+ toggle:SetScript("OnEnter", generic_OnEnter)
+ toggle:SetScript("OnLeave", generic_OnLeave)
+ toggle.okayFunc = args.okayFunc
+ toggle.cancelFunc = args.cancelFunc
+ toggle.defaultFunc = args.defaultFunc
+ args = doneArgs(args)
+ return toggle
+ end
+ local function update(self, r, g, b, a)
+ if not self.hasAlpha then
+ a = 1
+ end
+ self.info.r = r
+ self.info.g = g
+ self.info.b = b
+ if self.hasAlpha then
+ self.info.opacity = a
+ end
+ self.color:SetTexture(r, g, b, a)
+ if self.value == self.oldValue then
+ self.value = {}
+ end
+ self.value[1] = r
+ self.value[2] = g
+ self.value[3] = b
+ if self.hasAlpha then
+ self.value[4] = a
+ end
+ self.info.r = r
+ self.info.g = g
+ self.info.b = b
+ if self.hasAlpha then
+ self.info.opacity = 1 - a
+ end
+ if self.hasAlpha then
+ self.changeFunc(r, g, b, a)
+ else
+ self.changeFunc(r, g, b)
+ end
+ end
+ local function button_SetValue(self, ...)
+ if select('#', ...) == 1 and type((...)) == "table" then
+ return button_SetValue(self, unpack(value))
+ end
+ update(self, ...)
+ end
+ local function button_OnClick(self)
+ OpenColorPicker(self.info)
+ end
+ local function swatchFunc(self)
+ local r, g, b = ColorPickerFrame:GetColorRGB()
+ local opacity = 1 - OpacitySliderFrame:GetValue()
+ update(self, r, g, b, opacity)
+ end
+ local function cancelFunc(self)
+ local previousValues = ColorPickerFrame.previousValues
+ local r, g, b, opacity = previousValues.r, previousValues.g, previousValues.b, hasAlpha and 1 - previousValues.opacity or 1
+ update(self, r, g, b, opacity)
+ end
+ --- Return a color swatch that opens a color picker
+ -- @name panel:MakeColorPicker
+ -- @param ... tuple of key-value pairs<br/>
+ -- name: What shows up next to the swatch<br />
+ -- description: What shows up in the tooltip on hover<br />
+ -- hasAlpha: Whether the color picker should have an alpha setting<br />
+ -- defaultR: Default red value [0, 1]<br />
+ -- defaultG: Default green value [0, 1]<br />
+ -- defaultB: Default blue value [0, 1]<br />
+ -- defaultA: Default alpha value [0, 1], only needed if hasAlpha is true<br />
+ -- currentR: The current red value - you can provide this or getFunc<br />
+ -- currentG: The current green value - you can provide this or getFunc<br />
+ -- currentB: The current blue value - you can provide this or getFunc<br />
+ -- currentA: The current alpha value - you can provide this or getFunc<br />
+ -- getFunc: Function to return the current color as a tuple<br />
+ -- setFunc: What is called when the color changes<br />
+ -- [optional] okayFunc: Called when the okay button is pressed<br />
+ -- [optional] cancelFunc: Called when the cancel button is pressed<br />
+ -- [optional] defaultFunc: Called when the default button is pressed
+ -- @usage panel:MakeColorPicker(
+ -- 'name', 'Pick a color',
+ -- 'description', 'Specify your tooltip description',
+ -- 'hasAlpha', false,
+ -- 'defaultR', 1,
+ -- 'defaultG', 0.82,
+ -- 'defaultB', 0,
+ -- 'getFunc', function() return unpack(db.color) end
+ -- 'setFunc', function(r, g, b) db.color[1], db.color[2], db.color[3] = r, g, b end
+ -- )
+ -- @usage panel:MakeColorPicker(
+ -- 'name', 'Pick a color',
+ -- 'description', 'Specify your tooltip description',
+ -- 'hasAlpha', true,
+ -- 'defaultR', 0,
+ -- 'defaultG', 1,
+ -- 'defaultB', 0,
+ -- 'defaultA', 0.5,
+ -- 'currentR', db.color2.r,
+ -- 'currentG', db.color2.g,
+ -- 'currentB', db.color2.b,
+ -- 'currentA', db.color2.a,
+ -- 'setFunc', function(r, g, b, a) db.color2.r, db.color2.g db.color2.b, db.color2.a = r, g, b, a end
+ -- )
+ -- @return the color swatch
+ function panelMeta:MakeColorPicker(...)
+ local args = getArgs(...)
+ if type(args.name) ~= "string" then
+ error(("name must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("string", type(args.name), tostring(args.name)), 2)
+ elseif type(args.description) ~= "string" then
+ error(("description must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("string", type(args.description), tostring(args.description)), 2)
+ elseif type(args.hasAlpha) ~= "boolean" then
+ error(("hasAlpha must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("boolean", type(args.hasAlpha), tostring(args.hasAlpha)), 2)
+ elseif type(args.defaultR) ~= "number" then
+ error(("defaultR must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("number", type(args.defaultR), tostring(args.defaultR)), 2)
+ elseif args.defaultR < 0 or args.defaultR > 1 then
+ error(("defaultR must be [0, 1], got %s"):format(tostring(args.defaultR)), 2)
+ elseif type(args.defaultG) ~= "number" then
+ error(("defaultG must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("number", type(args.defaultG), tostring(args.defaultG)), 2)
+ elseif args.defaultG < 0 or args.defaultG > 1 then
+ error(("defaultG must be [0, 1], got %s"):format(tostring(args.defaultG)), 2)
+ elseif type(args.defaultB) ~= "number" then
+ error(("defaultB must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("number", type(args.defaultB), tostring(args.defaultB)), 2)
+ elseif args.defaultB < 0 or args.defaultB > 1 then
+ error(("defaultB must be [0, 1], got %s"):format(tostring(args.defaultB)), 2)
+ elseif args.hasAlpha and type(args.defaultA) ~= "number" then
+ error(("defaultA must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("number", type(args.defaultA), tostring(args.defaultA)), 2)
+ elseif args.hasAlpha and (args.defaultA < 0 or args.defaultA > 1) then
+ error(("defaultA must be [0, 1], got %s"):format(tostring(args.defaultA)), 2)
+ elseif not args.currentR == not args.getFunc then
+ error(("either currentR or getFunc must be supplied, but not both"), 2)
+ elseif args.currentR and (not args.currentG or not args.currentB or (args.hasAlpha and not args.currentA)) then
+ error(("if you supply currentR, you must supply currentG and currentB (and currentA if hasAlpha)"), 2)
+ elseif args.currentR and type(args.currentR) ~= "number" then
+ error(("current must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("number", type(args.currentR), tostring(args.currentR)), 2)
+ elseif args.currentG and type(args.currentG) ~= "number" then
+ error(("current must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("number", type(args.currentG), tostring(args.currentG)), 2)
+ elseif args.currentB and type(args.currentB) ~= "number" then
+ error(("current must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("number", type(args.currentB), tostring(args.currentB)), 2)
+ elseif args.currentA and type(args.currentA) ~= "number" then
+ error(("current must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("number", type(args.currentA), tostring(args.currentA)), 2)
+ elseif args.getFunc and type(args.getFunc) ~= "function" then
+ error(("getFunc must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("function", type(args.getFunc), tostring(args.getFunc)), 2)
+ elseif type(args.setFunc) ~= "function" then
+ error(("setFunc must be %q, got %q (%s)"):format("function", type(args.setFunc), tostring(args.setFunc)), 2)
+ elseif args.okayFunc and type(args.okayFunc) ~= "function" then
+ error(("okayFunc must be %q or %q, got %q (%s)"):format("nil", "function", type(args.okayFunc), tostring(args.okayFunc)), 2)
+ elseif args.cancelFunc and type(args.cancelFunc) ~= "function" then
+ error(("cancelFunc must be %q or %q, got %q (%s)"):format("nil", "function", type(args.cancelFunc), tostring(args.cancelFunc)), 2)
+ elseif args.defaultFunc and type(args.defaultFunc) ~= "function" then
+ error(("defaultFunc must be %q or %q, got %q (%s)"):format("nil", "function", type(args.defaultFunc), tostring(args.defaultFunc)), 2)
+ end
+ local name
+ local i = 0
+ repeat
+ i = i + 1
+ name = self:GetName() .. "_ColorPicker" .. i
+ until not _G[name]
+ if not args.hasAlpha then
+ args.defaultA = 1
+ end
+ local button = CreateFrame("Button", name, self)
+ self.controls[button] = true
+ local currentR, currentG, currentB, currentA
+ if args.getFunc then
+ button.getFunc = args.getFunc
+ currentR, currentG, currentB, currentA = button.getFunc()
+ if not args.hasAlpha then
+ currentA = 1
+ end
+ else
+ currentR = args.currentR
+ currentG = args.currentG
+ currentB = args.currentB
+ if not args.hasAlpha then
+ currentA = 1
+ else
+ currentR = args.currentA
+ end
+ end
+ button.tooltipText = args.description
+ local text = button:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontHighlight")
+ text:SetText(args.name)
+ text:SetPoint("LEFT", button, "RIGHT", 0, 1)
+ button:SetHitRectInsets(0, -text:GetWidth() - 1, 0, 0)
+ local color = button:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK")
+ button.color = color
+ color:SetTexture(currentR, currentG, currentB, currentA)
+ local background = button:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")
+ background:SetTexture([=[Tileset\Generic\Checkers]=])
+ background:SetTexCoord(0, 0.5, 0, 0.5)
+ local border = button:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+ border:SetTexture([=[Interface\ChatFrame\ChatFrameColorSwatch]=])
+ button:SetWidth(26)
+ button:SetHeight(26)
+ background:SetPoint("CENTER")
+ background:SetWidth(14)
+ background:SetHeight(14)
+ color:SetPoint("CENTER")
+ color:SetWidth(14)
+ color:SetHeight(14)
+ border:SetAllPoints(button)
+ button.default = { args.defaultR, args.defaultG, args.defaultB }
+ button.oldValue = { currentR, currentG, currentB }
+ if hasAlpha then
+ button.default[4] = args.defaultA
+ button.oldValue[4] = currentA
+ end
+ button.value = button.oldValue
+ button.hasAlpha = args.hasAlpha
+ button.changeFunc = args.setFunc
+ button.SetValue = button_SetValue
+ local function swatchFunc_wrapper()
+ swatchFunc(button)
+ end
+ local function cancelFunc_wrapper()
+ cancelFunc(button)
+ end
+ button.info = {
+ swatchFunc = swatchFunc_wrapper,
+ hasOpacity = args.hasAlpha,
+ opacityFunc = args.hasAlpha and swatchFunc_wrapper or nil,
+ r = currentR,
+ g = currentB,
+ b = currentG,
+ opacity = args.hasAlpha and 1 - currentA or nil,
+ cancelFunc = cancelFunc_wrapper,
+ }
+ button:SetScript("OnClick", button_OnClick)
+ button:SetScript("OnEnter", generic_OnEnter)
+ button:SetScript("OnLeave", generic_OnLeave)
+ button:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp")
+ button.okayFunc = args.okayFunc
+ button.cancelFunc = args.cancelFunc
+ button.defaultFunc = args.defaultFunc
+ args = doneArgs(args)
+ return button
+ end
+--- Add a slash command to open a specific options panel
+-- @param name name of the panel to open
+-- @param ... tuple of slash commands
+-- @usage LibStub("LibSimpleOptions-1.0").AddSlashCommand("My Options", "/MyOpt", "/MO")
+function LibSimpleOptions.AddSlashCommand(name, ...)
+ local num = 0
+ local name_upper = name:upper()
+ for i = 1, select('#', ...) do
+ local cmd = select(i, ...)
+ num = num + 1
+ _G["SLASH_" .. name_upper .. num] = cmd
+ local cmd_lower = cmd:lower()
+ if cmd_lower ~= cmd then
+ num = num + 1
+ _G["SLASH_" .. name_upper .. num] = cmd_lower
+ end
+ end
+ _G.hash_SlashCmdList[name_upper] = nil
+ _G.SlashCmdList[name_upper] = function()
+ InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToFrame(name)
+ end
+for funcName, func in pairs(panelMeta) do
+ LibSimpleOptions[funcName] = func
+ for panel in pairs(panels) do
+ panel[funcName] = func
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pMinimap/Libs/LibStub.lua b/pMinimap/Libs/LibStub.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5fc919
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pMinimap/Libs/LibStub.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+-- $Id: LibStub.lua 76 2007-09-03 01:50:17Z mikk $
+-- LibStub is a simple versioning stub meant for use in Libraries. http://www.wowace.com/wiki/LibStub for more info
+-- LibStub is hereby placed in the Public Domain
+-- Credits: Kaelten, Cladhaire, ckknight, Mikk, Ammo, Nevcairiel, joshborke
+local LibStub = _G[LIBSTUB_MAJOR]
+-- Check to see is this version of the stub is obsolete
+if not LibStub or LibStub.minor < LIBSTUB_MINOR then
+ LibStub = LibStub or {libs = {}, minors = {} }
+ LibStub.minor = LIBSTUB_MINOR
+ -- LibStub:NewLibrary(major, minor)
+ -- major (string) - the major version of the library
+ -- minor (string or number ) - the minor version of the library
+ --
+ -- returns nil if a newer or same version of the lib is already present
+ -- returns empty library object or old library object if upgrade is needed
+ function LibStub:NewLibrary(major, minor)
+ assert(type(major) == "string", "Bad argument #2 to `NewLibrary' (string expected)")
+ minor = assert(tonumber(strmatch(minor, "%d+")), "Minor version must either be a number or contain a number.")
+ local oldminor = self.minors[major]
+ if oldminor and oldminor >= minor then return nil end
+ self.minors[major], self.libs[major] = minor, self.libs[major] or {}
+ return self.libs[major], oldminor
+ end
+ -- LibStub:GetLibrary(major, [silent])
+ -- major (string) - the major version of the library
+ -- silent (boolean) - if true, library is optional, silently return nil if its not found
+ --
+ -- throws an error if the library can not be found (except silent is set)
+ -- returns the library object if found
+ function LibStub:GetLibrary(major, silent)
+ if not self.libs[major] and not silent then
+ error(("Cannot find a library instance of %q."):format(tostring(major)), 2)
+ end
+ return self.libs[major], self.minors[major]
+ end
+ -- LibStub:IterateLibraries()
+ --
+ -- Returns an iterator for the currently registered libraries
+ function LibStub:IterateLibraries()
+ return pairs(self.libs)
+ end
+ setmetatable(LibStub, { __call = LibStub.GetLibrary })
diff --git a/pMinimap/pMinimap.lua b/pMinimap/pMinimap.lua
index 9c2822d..f3cbab5 100644
--- a/pMinimap/pMinimap.lua
+++ b/pMinimap/pMinimap.lua
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
pMinimap = CreateFrame('Frame', 'pMinimap', UIParent)
-pMinimap:SetScript('OnEvent', function(self, event, ...) self[event](self, event, ...) end)
+pMinimap:SetScript('OnEvent', function(self, event, ...) self[event](self, ...) end)
-function pMinimap:ADDON_LOADED()
+function pMinimap.ADDON_LOADED(self)
local db = pMinimapDB or {point = {'TOPRIGHT', UIParent, 'TOPRIGHT', -15, -15}, scale = 0.9, offset = 1, colors = {0, 0, 0}, durability = true}
@@ -23,8 +23,9 @@ function pMinimap:ADDON_LOADED()
- MiniMapTrackingBorder:SetTexture()
+ MiniMapTrackingButtonBorder:SetTexture()
+ MiniMapTrackingIconOverlay:SetAlpha(0)
MiniMapTrackingIcon:SetTexCoord(0.065, 0.935, 0.065, 0.935)
@@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ function pMinimap:ADDON_LOADED()
-function pMinimap:UPDATE_INVENTORY_ALERTS()
+function pMinimap.UPDATE_INVENTORY_ALERTS()
local db = pMinimapDB or {colors = {0, 0, 0, 1}}
local maxStatus = 0
diff --git a/pMinimap/pMinimap.toc b/pMinimap/pMinimap.toc
index 0e674b1..a679854 100644
--- a/pMinimap/pMinimap.toc
+++ b/pMinimap/pMinimap.toc
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-## Interface: 20400
+## Interface: 30000
## Author: p3lim
-## Version: 20400.wowi:revision
+## Version: 30000.wowi:revision
## Title: |cffff6000p|rMinimap
## Notes: Yet another square minimap addon
## OptionalDeps: LibStub, LibSimpleOptions-1.0
## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: pMinimapDB
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pMinimap/pMinimapConfig.lua b/pMinimap/pMinimapConfig.lua
index 7d5a4fb..273491c 100644
--- a/pMinimap/pMinimapConfig.lua
+++ b/pMinimap/pMinimapConfig.lua
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ local function CreateOptions(self, db)
):SetPoint('TOPLEFT', sub, 'BOTTOMLEFT', 0, -156)
-function pMinimap:PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD(event)
+function pMinimap.PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD(self, event)
local db = pMinimapDB or {point = {'TOPRIGHT', 'UIParent', 'TOPRIGHT', -15, -15}, scale = 0.9, offset = 1, colors = {0, 0, 0, 1}, durability = true}
LibStub('LibSimpleOptions-1.0').AddOptionsPanel('pMinimap', function(self) CreateOptions(self, db) end)