
Fixed a rather nasty bug that would prevent you from equipping any boe items

James Whitehead II [08-23-08 - 07:37]
Fixed a rather nasty bug that would prevent you from equipping any boe items
diff --git a/DressToKill.lua b/DressToKill.lua
index e468cd9..5284d3f 100644
--- a/DressToKill.lua
+++ b/DressToKill.lua
@@ -347,28 +347,28 @@ eventFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED")

+--local LEVEL_LOW = LEVEL_TOO_LOW:gsub("%%d", "%%d%+"):gsub("%.", "%%.")
 local function OnEvent(self, event, arg1)
 	self.equipped = true
-	if event == "EQUIP_BIND_CONFIRM" and CursorHasItem() then
-		self.equipped = false
-		debug(L["Clearing non-soulbound item"])
-		ClearCursor()
-	elseif event == "UI_ERROR_MESSAGE" and arg1 == ERR_PROFICIENCY_NEEDED then
-		self.equipped = false
-		debug(L["Clearing item we don't have the proficiency for"])
-		ClearCursor()
-	elseif event == "UI_ERROR_MESSAGE" and arg1 == ERR_2HSKILLNOTFOUND then
-		self.equipped = false
-		debug(L["Clearing item since we lack dual wielding skill"])
-		ClearCursor()
-	elseif event == "UI_ERROR_MESSAGE" and arg1 == LEVEL_TOO_LOW then
-		self.equipped = false
-		debug(L["Clearing item that we're too low to equip"])
-		ClearCursor()
-	end
 	local thread = DressToKill.currentThread
 	if thread and coroutine.status(thread) ~= "dead" then
+		if event == "EQUIP_BIND_CONFIRM" and CursorHasItem() then
+			self.equipped = false
+			debug(L["Clearing non-soulbound item"])
+			ClearCursor()
+		elseif event == "UI_ERROR_MESSAGE" and arg1 == ERR_PROFICIENCY_NEEDED then
+			self.equipped = false
+			debug(L["Clearing item we don't have the proficiency for"])
+			ClearCursor()
+		elseif event == "UI_ERROR_MESSAGE" and arg1 == ERR_2HSKILLNOTFOUND then
+			self.equipped = false
+			debug(L["Clearing item since we lack dual wielding skill"])
+			ClearCursor()
+		elseif event == "UI_ERROR_MESSAGE" then
+			debug(L["Got an UI error message: %s"], arg1)
+		end