
Refactor OvaleEclipse:ApplySpellAfterCast() into smaller functions.

Johnny C. Lam [05-27-14 - 18:27]
Refactor OvaleEclipse:ApplySpellAfterCast() into smaller functions.

Add state methods:

    EclipseEnergy() returns the eclipse energy generated by a spell.
    ApplyEclipseEnergy() updates the eclipse state.
    AddEclipse() and RemoveEclipse() for managing Eclipse state effects.

Also properly handle Celestial Alignment, which zeroed the eclipse energy
but also granted the spell effects of both Lunar and Solar Eclipse.

git-svn-id: svn://svn.curseforge.net/wow/ovale/mainline/trunk@1499 d5049fe3-3747-40f7-a4b5-f36d6801af5f
diff --git a/OvaleEclipse.lua b/OvaleEclipse.lua
index 4485f00..5ddc25b 100644
--- a/OvaleEclipse.lua
+++ b/OvaleEclipse.lua
@@ -160,73 +160,130 @@ function OvaleEclipse:ResetState(state)
 	state.eclipseDirection = self.eclipseDirection

+-- Apply the effects of the spell at the start of the spellcast.
+function OvaleEclipse:ApplySpellStartCast(state, spellId, targetGUID, startCast, endCast, nextCast, isChanneled, nocd, spellcast)
+	-- Channeled spells cost resources at the start of the channel.
+	if isChanneled then
+		state:ApplyEclipseEnergy(spellId, startCast, spellcast.snapshot)
+	end
 -- Apply the effects of the spell on the player's state, assuming the spellcast completes.
 function OvaleEclipse:ApplySpellAfterCast(state, spellId, targetGUID, startCast, endCast, nextCast, isChanneled, nocd, spellcast)
+	-- Instant or cast-time spells cost resources at the end of the spellcast.
+	if not isChanneled then
+		state:ApplyEclipseEnergy(spellId, endCast, spellcast.snapshot)
+	end
+-- Update the state of the simulator for the eclipse energy gained by casting the given spell.
+statePrototype.ApplyEclipseEnergy = function(state, spellId, atTime, snapshot)
+	if spellId == CELESTIAL_ALIGNMENT then
+		-- Celestial Alignment grants the spell effects of both Lunar and Solar Eclipse and
+		-- also resets the total Eclipse energy to zero.
+		state:AddEclipse(LUNAR_ECLIPSE, atTime, snapshot)
+		state:AddEclipse(SOLAR_ECLIPSE, atTime, snapshot)
+		state.eclipse = 0
+		-- Remove any current Eclipse state.
+		state:RemoveEclipse(LUNAR_ECLIPSE, atTime)
+		state:RemoveEclipse(SOLAR_ECLIPSE, atTime)
+	else
+		local si = OvaleData.spellInfo[spellId]
+		if si and si.eclipse then
+			local power = state.eclipse
+			local direction = state.eclipseDirection
+			local energy = state:EclipseEnergy(spellId)
+			-- Celestial Alignment prevents gaining Eclipse energy during its duration.
+			local aura = state:GetAura("player", CELESTIAL_ALIGNMENT, "HELPFUL", true)
+			if state:IsActiveAura(aura) then
+				energy = 0
+			end
+			-- Only adjust the total Eclipse energy if the spell adds Eclipse energy in the current direction.
+			if (direction <= 0 and energy < 0) or (direction >= 0 and energy > 0) then
+				Ovale:Logf("[%s] Eclipse %d -> %d", OVALE_ECLIPSE_DEBUG, power, power + energy)
+				power = power + energy
+				-- Crossing zero energy removes the corresponding Eclipse state.
+				if direction < 0 and power <= 0 then
+					state:RemoveEclipse(SOLAR_ECLIPSE, atTime)
+				elseif direction > 0 and power >= 0 then
+					state:RemoveEclipse(LUNAR_ECLIPSE, atTime)
+				end
+				-- Clamp Eclipse energy to min/max values and note that an Eclipse state will be reached.
+				if power <= -100 then
+					power = -100
+					direction = 1
+					state:AddEclipse(LUNAR_ECLIPSE, atTime, snapshot)
+				elseif power >= 100 then
+					power = 100
+					direction = -1
+					state:AddEclipse(SOLAR_ECLIPSE, atTime, snapshot)
+				end
+			end
+			state.eclipse = power
+			state.eclipseDirection = direction
+		end
+	end
+statePrototype.EclipseEnergy = function(state, spellId)
+	local eclipseEnergy = 0
 	local si = OvaleData.spellInfo[spellId]
 	if si and si.eclipse then
-		local eclipse = state.eclipse
-		local direction = state.eclipseDirection
 		local energy = si.eclipse
-		if energy == 0 then
-			-- Spell resets Eclipse energy to zero, but leaves the Eclipse direction intact.
-			eclipse = 0
-		else -- if energy ~= 0 then
+		--[[
+			eclipse = 0 means that the spell generates no Eclipse energy.
+			eclipse < 0 means that the spell generates Lunar energy.
+			eclipse > 0 means that the spell generates Solar energy.
+		--]]
+		if energy ~= "0" then
 			-- If there is no Eclipse direction yet, then start moving in the direction generated
 			-- by the energy of the spellcast.
+			local direction = state.eclipseDirection
 			if direction == 0 then
 				direction = (energy < 0) and -1 or 1
+			-- If "eclipsedir" is set, then the spell adds energy in the current direction.
 			if si.eclipsedir then
 				energy = energy * direction
-			local aura = state:GetAura("player", CELESTIAL_ALIGNMENT, "HELPFUL", true)
-			if state:IsActiveAura(aura) then
-				-- Celestial Alignment prevents gaining Eclipse energy during its duration.
-				energy = 0
-			elseif OvaleSpellBook:IsKnownSpell(EUPHORIA) then
+			-- Euphoria: While not in an Eclipse state, your spells generate double the normal
+			-- amount of Solar or Lunar energy.
+			if OvaleSpellBook:IsKnownSpell(EUPHORIA) then
 				local lunar = state:GetAura("player", LUNAR_ECLIPSE, "HELPFUL", true)
 				local solar = state:GetAura("player", SOLAR_ECLIPSE, "HELPFUL", true)
 				if not state:IsActiveAura(lunar) and not state:IsActiveAura(solar) then
-					-- Euphoria: While not in an Eclipse state, your spells generate double the normal
-					-- amount of Solar or Lunar energy.
 					energy = energy * 2
-			-- Only adjust Eclipse energy if the spell moves the Eclipse bar in the right direction.
-			if (direction <= 0 and energy < 0) or (direction >= 0 and energy > 0) then
-				Ovale:Logf("[%s] Eclipse %d -> %d", OVALE_ECLIPSE_DEBUG, eclipse, eclipse + energy)
-				eclipse = eclipse + energy
-				-- Crossing zero energy removes the corresponding Eclipse state.
-				if direction < 0 and eclipse <= 0 then
-					state:RemoveAuraOnGUID(self_guid, SOLAR_ECLIPSE, "HELPFUL", true, endCast)
-				elseif direction > 0 and eclipse >= 0 then
-					state:RemoveAuraOnGUID(self_guid, LUNAR_ECLIPSE, "HELPFUL", true, endCast)
-				end
+			eclipseEnergy = energy
+		end
+	end
+	return eclipseEnergy

-				-- Clamp Eclipse energy to min/max values and note that an Eclipse state will be reached after the spellcast.
-				if eclipse <= -100 then
-					eclipse = -100
-					direction = 1
-					Ovale:Logf("[%s] Adding Lunar Eclipse (%d) at %f", OVALE_ECLIPSE_DEBUG, LUNAR_ECLIPSE, endCast)
-					state:AddAuraToGUID(self_guid, LUNAR_ECLIPSE, self_guid, "HELPFUL", endCast, math.huge, spellcast.snapshot)
-					-- Reaching Lunar Eclipse resets the cooldown of Starfall.
-					state:ResetSpellCooldown(STARFALL, endCast)
-					-- Reaching Eclipse state grants Nature's Grace.
-					state:AddAuraToGUID(self_guid, NATURES_GRACE, self_guid, "HELPFUL", endCast, endCast + 15, spellcast.snapshot)
-				elseif eclipse >= 100 then
-					eclipse = 100
-					direction = -1
-					Ovale:Logf("[%s] Adding Solar Eclipse (%d) at %f", OVALE_ECLIPSE_DEBUG, SOLAR_ECLIPSE, endCast)
-					state:AddAuraToGUID(self_guid, SOLAR_ECLIPSE, self_guid, "HELPFUL", endCast, math.huge, spellcast.snapshot)
-					-- Reaching Eclipse state grants Nature's Grace.
-					state:AddAuraToGUID(self_guid, NATURES_GRACE, self_guid, "HELPFUL", endCast, endCast + 15, spellcast.snapshot)
-				end
-			end
+statePrototype.AddEclipse = function(state, eclipseId, atTime, snapshot)
+	if eclipseId == LUNAR_ECLIPSE or eclipseId == SOLAR_ECLIPSE then
+		local eclipseName = (eclipseId == LUNAR_ECLIPSE) and "Lunar" or "Solar"
+		Ovale:Logf("[%s] Adding %s Eclipse (%d) at %f", OVALE_ECLIPSE_DEBUG, eclipseName, eclipseId, atTime)
+		state:AddAuraToGUID(self_guid, eclipseId, self_guid, "HELPFUL", atTime, math.huge, snapshot)
+		-- Reaching Eclipse state grants Nature's Grace.
+		state:AddAuraToGUID(self_guid, NATURES_GRACE, self_guid, "HELPFUL", atTime, atTime + 15, snapshot)
+		-- Reaching Lunar Eclipse resets the cooldown of Starfall.
+		if eclipseId == LUNAR_ECLIPSE then
+			state:ResetSpellCooldown(STARFALL, atTime)
-		state.eclipse = eclipse
-		state.eclipseDirection = direction
+statePrototype.RemoveEclipse = function(state, eclipseId, atTime)
+	if eclipseId == LUNAR_ECLIPSE or eclipseId == SOLAR_ECLIPSE then
+		state:RemoveAuraOnGUID(self_guid, eclipseId, "HELPFUL", true, atTime)
+	end