
An aura that never expires may still have changed if its values change.

Johnny C. Lam [05-22-14 - 16:28]
An aura that never expires may still have changed if its values change.

git-svn-id: svn://svn.curseforge.net/wow/ovale/mainline/trunk@1493 d5049fe3-3747-40f7-a4b5-f36d6801af5f
diff --git a/OvaleAura.lua b/OvaleAura.lua
index c4c822b..b12af90 100644
--- a/OvaleAura.lua
+++ b/OvaleAura.lua
@@ -398,12 +398,15 @@ function OvaleAura:GainedAuraOnGUID(guid, atTime, auraId, casterGUID, filter, vi

 	-- Only overwrite an active aura's information if the aura has changed.
-	-- An aura's "fingerprint" is its: caster, duration, expiration time, stack count.
+	-- An aura's "fingerprint" is its: caster, duration, expiration time, stack count, value
 	local auraIsUnchanged = (
 		aura.source == casterGUID
 			and aura.duration == duration
 			and aura.ending == expirationTime
 			and aura.stacks == count
+			and aura.value1 == value1
+			and aura.value2 == value2
+			and aura.value3 == value3

 	-- Update age of aura, regardless of whether it's changed.