We don't do any localizations here, what is this nonsense?
Adrian L Lange [08-17-14 - 00:43]
We don't do any localizations here, what is this nonsense?
diff --git a/BonusRollPreview.lua b/BonusRollPreview.lua
index b848c59..4e7f75e 100644
--- a/BonusRollPreview.lua
+++ b/BonusRollPreview.lua
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ function Container:PLAYER_LOGIN()
local oldName = 'HabeebIt'
if(IsAddOnLoaded(oldName)) then
- print('|cffff8080BonusRollPreview:|r', string.format(L['You\'re running a conflicting addon (%s), type /reload to resolve'], oldName))
+ print('|cffff8080BonusRollPreview:|r You\'re running a conflicting addon, type /reload to resolve')
local ScrollChild = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, self)