
Add a simple regression test for the PaperDoll stats.

Johnny C. Lam [11-10-13 - 00:30]
Add a simple regression test for the PaperDoll stats.

Uncommenting the script registration adds a new script that may be
selected with instructions for how to pass the regression test.

git-svn-id: svn://svn.curseforge.net/wow/ovale/mainline/trunk@1142 d5049fe3-3747-40f7-a4b5-f36d6801af5f
diff --git a/conditions/PaperDoll.lua b/conditions/PaperDoll.lua
index 5d472ee..724ab71 100644
--- a/conditions/PaperDoll.lua
+++ b/conditions/PaperDoll.lua
@@ -227,3 +227,27 @@ do
 	OvaleCondition:RegisterCondition("stamina", false, Stamina)
 	OvaleCondition:RegisterCondition("strength", false, Strength)
+	local OvaleScripts = Ovale.OvaleScripts
+	local name = "Regression: PaperDoll"
+	local code = [[
+# Add a separate icon for each paper-doll stat.
+# Need to manually verify numbers against the in-game paper-doll.
+AddIcon help=agility { Agility() }
+AddIcon help=attackPower { AttackPower() }
+AddIcon help=intellect { Intellect() }
+AddIcon help=masteryEffect { MasteryEffect() }
+AddIcon help=meleeCrit { MeleeCritChance() }
+AddIcon help=rangedCrit { RangedCritChance() }
+AddIcon help=spellCrit { SpellCritChance() }
+AddIcon help=spellHaste { SpellHaste() }
+AddIcon help=spellpower { Spellpower() }
+AddIcon help=spirit { Spirit() }
+AddIcon help=stamina { Stamina() }
+AddIcon help=strength { Strength() }
+	OvaleScripts:RegisterScript(nil, name, nil, code, "regression")