Johnny C. Lam [04-06-14 - 18:46]
diff --git a/Ovale.toc b/Ovale.toc
index 2ee460d..b11f237 100644
--- a/Ovale.toc
+++ b/Ovale.toc
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ OvaleIcone.xml
# Additional modules.
diff --git a/OvaleBanditsGuile.lua b/OvaleBanditsGuile.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..997df03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OvaleBanditsGuile.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+ Ovale Spell Priority
+ Copyright (C) 2013 Johnny C. Lam
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License in the LICENSE
+ file accompanying this program.
+ This addon tracks the hidden stacking damage buff from Bandit's Guile
+ on a combat rogue.
+ Bandit's Guile description from
+ Your training allows you to recognize and take advantage of the
+ natural ebb and flow of combat. Your Sinister Strike and Revealing
+ Strike abilities increase your damage dealt by up to 30%. After
+ reaching this maximum, the effect will fade after 15 sec and the
+ cycle will begin anew.
+ Mechanically, there is a hidden buff that stacks up to 12. At 4 stacks,
+ the rogue gains Shallow Insight (10% increased damage). At 8 stacks, the
+ rogue gains Moderate Insight (20% increased damage). At 12 stacks, the
+ rogue gains Deep Insight (30% increased damage).
+ This addon manages the hidden aura in OvaleAura using events triggered by
+ either attacking with Sinister/Revealing Strike or by changes to the
+ Insight auras on the player. The aura ID of the hidden aura is set to
+ 84654, the spell ID of Bandit's Guile, and can be checked like any other
+ aura using OvaleAura's public or state methods.
+local _, Ovale = ...
+local OvaleBanditsGuile = Ovale:NewModule("OvaleBanditsGuile", "AceEvent-3.0")
+Ovale.OvaleBanditsGuile = OvaleBanditsGuile
+-- Forward declarations for module dependencies.
+local OvaleAura = nil
+local API_GetTime = GetTime
+local API_UnitClass = UnitClass
+local API_UnitGUID = UnitGUID
+-- Player's class.
+local _, self_class = API_UnitClass("player")
+-- Player's GUID.
+local self_guid = nil
+-- Bandit's Guile spell ID from spellbook; re-used has as the aura ID of the hidden, stacking buff.
+local BANDITS_GUILE = 84654
+-- Aura IDs for visible buff from Bandit's Guile.
+local SHALLOW_INSIGHT = 84745
+local MODERATE_INSIGHT = 84746
+local DEEP_INSIGHT = 84747
+-- Spell IDs for abilities that proc Bandit's Guile.
+local REVEALING_STRIKE = 84617
+local SINISTER_STRIKE = 1752
+-- start, ending, stacks for hidden Bandit's Guile buff.
+OvaleBanditsGuile.spellId = BANDITS_GUILE
+OvaleBanditsGuile.start = 0
+OvaleBanditsGuile.ending = math.huge
+OvaleBanditsGuile.stacks = 0
+function OvaleBanditsGuile:OnInitialize()
+ -- Resolve module dependencies.
+ OvaleAura = Ovale.OvaleAura
+function OvaleBanditsGuile:OnEnable()
+ if self_class == "ROGUE" then
+ self_guid = API_UnitGUID("player")
+ self:RegisterMessage("Ovale_SpecializationChanged")
+ end
+function OvaleBanditsGuile:OnDisable()
+ if self_class == "ROGUE" then
+ self:UnregisterMessage("Ovale_SpecializationChanged")
+ end
+function OvaleBanditsGuile:Ovale_SpecializationChanged(event, specialization)
+ if specialization == 2 then
+ self:RegisterMessage("Ovale_AuraAdded")
+ self:RegisterMessage("Ovale_AuraChanged")
+ self:RegisterMessage("Ovale_AuraRemoved")
+ else
+ self:UnregisterEvent("COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED")
+ self:UnregisterMessage("Ovale_AuraAdded")
+ self:UnregisterMessage("Ovale_AuraChanged")
+ self:UnregisterMessage("Ovale_AuraRemoved")
+ end
+function OvaleBanditsGuile:COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED(event, timestamp, cleuEvent, hideCaster, sourceGUID, sourceName, sourceFlags, sourceRaidFlags, destGUID, destName, destFlags, destRaidFlags, ...)
+ local arg12, arg13, arg14, arg15, arg16, arg17, arg18, arg19, arg20, arg21, arg22, arg23 = ...
+ if sourceGUID == self_guid and event == "SPELL_DAMAGE" and self.stacks < 4 then
+ local spellId = arg12
+ if spellId == REVEALING_STRIKE or spellID == SINISTER_STRIKE then
+ now = API_GetTime()
+ self.start = now
+ self.ending = now + INSIGHT_DURATION
+ self.stacks = self.stacks + 1
+ self:GainedAura(now)
+ end
+ end
+function OvaleBanditsGuile:Ovale_AuraAdded(event, timestamp, target, auraId, caster)
+ if target == self_guid then
+ if auraId == SHALLOW_INSIGHT or auraId == MODERATE_INSIGHT or auraId == DEEP_INSIGHT then
+ -- Unregister for CLEU since we can now track stacks using refreshes on Insight buffs.
+ self:UnregisterEvent("COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED")
+ -- Set stacks to count implied by seeing the given aura added to the player.
+ if auraId == SHALLOW_INSIGHT then
+ self.stacks = 4
+ elseif auraId == MODERATE_INSIGHT then
+ self.stacks = 8
+ elseif auraId == DEEP_INSIGHT then
+ self.stacks = 12
+ end
+ self.start, self.ending = OvaleAura:GetAura("player", auraId, "HELPFUL", true)
+ self:GainedAura(timestamp)
+ end
+ end
+function OvaleBanditsGuile:Ovale_AuraChanged(event, timestamp, target, auraId, caster)
+ if target == self_guid then
+ if auraId == SHALLOW_INSIGHT or auraId == MODERATE_INSIGHT or auraId == DEEP_INSIGHT then
+ -- A changed Insight buff also means that the Bandit's Guile hidden buff gained a stack.
+ self.stacks = self.stacks + 1
+ self.start, self.ending = OvaleAura:GetAura("player", auraId, "HELPFUL", true)
+ self:GainedAura(timestamp)
+ end
+ end
+function OvaleBanditsGuile:Ovale_AuraRemoved(event, timestamp, target, auraId, caster)
+ if target == self_guid then
+ if (auraId == SHALLOW_INSIGHT and self.stacks < 8)
+ or (auraId == MODERATE_INSIGHT and self.stacks < 12)
+ or auraId == DEEP_INSIGHT then
+ self.start = 0
+ self.ending = math.huge
+ self.stacks = 0
+ self:LostAura(timestamp)
+ -- Register for CLEU again to track the aura before reaching Shallow Insight.
+ end
+ end
+function OvaleBanditsGuile:GainedAura(atTime)
+ atTime = atTime or API_GetTime()
+ OvaleAura:GainedAuraOnGUID(self_guid, atTime, BANDITS_GUILE, self_guid, "HELPFUL", nil, self.stacks, nil, INSIGHT_DURATION, self.ending, nil, "Bandit's Guile", nil, nil, nil)
+function OvaleBanditsGuile:LostAura(atTime)
+ atTime = atTime or API_GetTime()
+ OvaleAura:LostAuraOnGUID(self_guid, atTime, BANDITS_GUILE, self_guid)
+function OvaleBanditsGuile:Debug()
+ local aura = OvaleAura:GetAuraByGUID(self_guid, BANDITS_GUILE, "HELPFUL", true)
+ Ovale:FormatPrint("Player has Bandit's Guile aura with start=%s, end=%s, stacks=%d.", aura.start, aura.ending, aura.stacks)