trivial quest logic, another bug: it's returned true for any quest
Alex Shubert [09-15-12 - 09:20]
trivial quest logic, another bug: it's returned true for any quest
diff --git a/AutoTurnIn.lua b/AutoTurnIn.lua
index f7ac4fa..a683672 100644
--- a/AutoTurnIn.lua
+++ b/AutoTurnIn.lua
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ function AutoTurnIn:QUEST_GREETING()
for index=1, GetNumAvailableQuests() do
- local triviaAndAllowedOrNotTrivia = IsActiveQuestTrivial(index) and AutoTurnInCharacterDB.trivial or true
+ local triviaAndAllowedOrNotTrivia = (not IsActiveQuestTrivial(index)) or AutoTurnInCharacterDB.trivial
local quest = L.quests[GetAvailableTitle(index)]
if (triviaAndAllowedOrNotTrivia and (AutoTurnInCharacterDB.all or quest))then
if quest and quest.amount then
@@ -170,7 +170,6 @@ end
-- with ending `nil`. So: '#' for {1,nil, "b", nil} returns 1
function AutoTurnIn:VarArgForActiveQuests(...)
local MOP_INDEX_CONST = 5 -- was '4' in Cataclysm
for i=1, select("#", ...), MOP_INDEX_CONST do
local completeStatus = select(i+3, ...)
if (completeStatus) then -- complete status
@@ -194,14 +193,13 @@ end
-- like previous function this one works around `nil` values in a list.
function AutoTurnIn:VarArgForAvailableQuests(...)
local MOP_INDEX_CONST = 6 -- was '5' in Cataclysm
for i=1, select("#", ...), MOP_INDEX_CONST do
local questname = select(i, ...)
local isTrivial = select(i+2, ...)
local quest = L.quests[questname] -- this quest exists in questlist, stored in addons localization files. There are mostly daily quests
- local triviaAndAllowedOrNotTrivia = isTrivial and AutoTurnInCharacterDB.trivial or true
+ local triviaAndAllowedOrNotTrivia = (not isTrivial) or AutoTurnInCharacterDB.trivial
local inListAndAllowed = quest and (not quest.donotaccept)
-- Quest is appropriate if: (it is trivial and trivial are accepted) and (any quest accepted or (it is daily quest that is not in ignore list))
if (triviaAndAllowedOrNotTrivia and (AutoTurnInCharacterDB.all or inListAndAllowed)) then
if quest and quest.amount then
@@ -301,7 +299,7 @@ function AutoTurnIn:TurnInQuest(rewardIndex)
self:Print((UnitName("target") and UnitName("target") or '')..'\n', GetRewardText())
- if self.forceGreed then
+ if (self.forceGreed) and (rewardIndex > 0) then