

Munglunch [01-09-15 - 15:54]
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/oUF_Villain/Plugins/oUF_HyperCombo/.subl97d.tmp b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/oUF_Villain/Plugins/oUF_HyperCombo/.subl97d.tmp
deleted file mode 100644
index e1ada29..0000000
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/oUF_Villain/Plugins/oUF_HyperCombo/.subl97d.tmp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-local _G = _G;
-local unpack        = _G.unpack;
-local select        = _G.select;
-local class = select(2, UnitClass("player"));
-if(class ~= "ROGUE" and class ~= "DRUID") then return end;
-local assert        = _G.assert;
-local error         = _G.error;
-local print         = _G.print;
-local pairs         = _G.pairs;
-local next          = _G.next;
-local tostring      = _G.tostring;
-local type  		= _G.type;
-local string        = _G.string;
-local format        = string.format;
-local math          = _G.math;
-local floor         = math.floor
-local ceil          = math.ceil
-local table         = _G.table;
-local wipe          = _G.wipe;
-local GetShapeshiftForm         = _G.GetShapeshiftForm;
-local UnitHasVehicleUI 			= _G.UnitHasVehicleUI;
-local UnitBuff         			= _G.UnitBuff;
-local CombatText_AddMessage 	= _G.CombatText_AddMessage;
-local CombatText_StandardScroll = _G.CombatText_StandardScroll;
-local GetSpellInfo      		= _G.GetSpellInfo;
-local GetComboPoints  			= _G.GetComboPoints;
-local parent, ns = ...
-local oUF = ns.oUF
-local GUILE1 = GetSpellInfo(84745)
-local GUILE2 = GetSpellInfo(84746)
-local GUILE3 = GetSpellInfo(84747)
-local ANTICIPATION = GetSpellInfo(115189)
-local ALERTED = false
-local TextColors = {
-	[1]={1,0.1,0.1},
-	[2]={1,0.5,0.1},
-	[3]={1,1,0.1},
-	[4]={0.5,1,0.1},
-	[5]={0.1,1,0.1}
-local function UpdateGuile()
-	local _, _, _, one = UnitBuff("player", GUILE1, nil, "HELPFUL")
-	local _, _, _, two = UnitBuff("player", GUILE2, nil, "HELPFUL")
-	local _, _, _, three = UnitBuff("player", GUILE3, nil, "HELPFUL")
-	if one or two or three then
-		if one then return 1; end
-		if two then return 2; end
-		if three then return 3; end
-	else
-		return 0;
-	end
-local function FivePointsAlarm(points)
-	if not CombatText_AddMessage then return end
-	if(points == 5 and not ALERTED) then
-		CombatText_AddMessage("5 Points", CombatText_StandardScroll, 0.1, 0.5, 1, "crit")
-		ALERTED = true
-	elseif(ALERTED and points < 5) then
-		ALERTED = false
-	end
-local Update = function(self, event, unit)
-	if(unit == 'pet') then return end
-	local bar = self.HyperCombo;
-	local cpoints = bar.Combo;
-	local tracker = bar.Tracking;
-	if(bar.PreUpdate) then
-		bar:PreUpdate()
-	end
-	local current = 0
-	if(UnitHasVehicleUI'player') then
-		current = GetComboPoints('vehicle', 'target')
-	else
-		current = GetComboPoints('player', 'target')
-	end
-	if(class == "ROGUE") then
-		local anti = select(4, UnitBuff("player", ANTICIPATION)) -- Anticipation stacks
-		if(cpoints) then
-			for i=1, MAX_COMBO_POINTS do
-				if(i <= current) then
-					cpoints[i]:Show()
-					if(bar.PointShow) then
-						bar.PointShow(cpoints[i])
-					end
-				else
-					cpoints[i]:Hide()
-					if(bar.PointHide) then
-						bar.PointHide(cpoints[i], i)
-					end
-				end
-				if(i <= anti) then
-					cpoints[i].Anticipation:Show()
-				else
-					cpoints[i].Anticipation:Hide()
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		local guile = bar.Guile;
-		if(guile) then
-			local insight = UpdateGuile()
-			if(insight and insight > 0) then
-				guile.Text:SetText(insight)
-				guile.Text:SetTextColor(unpack(TextColors[insight]))
-			else
-				guile.Text:SetText("")
-			end
-		end
-		if(current > 0) then
-			FivePointsAlarm(current)
-		end
-	else
-		if(cpoints) then
-			for i=1, MAX_COMBO_POINTS do
-				if(i <= current) then
-					cpoints[i]:Show()
-					if(bar.PointShow) then
-						bar.PointShow(cpoints[i])
-					end
-				else
-					cpoints[i]:Hide()
-					if(bar.PointHide) then
-						bar.PointHide(cpoints[i], i)
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		if((GetShapeshiftForm() == 3) and (current > 0)) then
-			FivePointsAlarm(current)
-		end
-	end
-	if(bar.PostUpdate) then
-		return bar:PostUpdate(current)
-	end
-local Path = function(self, ...)
-	return (self.HyperCombo.Override or Update) (self, ...)
-local ForceUpdate = function(element)
-	return Path(element.__owner, 'ForceUpdate', element.__owner.unit)
-local Enable = function(self)
-	local bar = self.HyperCombo
-	if(bar) then
-		bar.__owner = self
-		bar.ForceUpdate = ForceUpdate
-		self:RegisterEvent('UNIT_COMBO_POINTS', Path, true)
-		self:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED', Path, true)
-		self:RegisterEvent('UNIT_AURA', Path, true)
-		local cpoints = bar.Combo;
-		if(cpoints) then
-			for index = 1, MAX_COMBO_POINTS do
-				local cpoint = cpoints[index]
-				if(cpoint:IsObjectType'Texture' and not cpoint:GetTexture()) then
-					cpoint:SetTexture[[Interface\ComboFrame\ComboPoint]]
-					cpoint:SetTexCoord(0, 0.375, 0, 1)
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		return true
-	end
-local Disable = function(self)
-	local bar = self.HyperCombo
-	if(bar) then
-		local cpoints = bar.Combo;
-		if(cpoints) then
-			for index = 1, MAX_COMBO_POINTS do
-				cpoints[index]:Hide()
-			end
-		end
-		self:UnregisterEvent('UNIT_COMBO_POINTS', Path)
-		self:UnregisterEvent('PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED', Path)
-		self:UnregisterEvent('UNIT_AURA', Path)
-	end
-oUF:AddElement('HyperCombo', Path, Enable, Disable)
diff --git a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/oUF_Villain/Plugins/oUF_HyperCombo/oUF_HyperCombo.lua b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/oUF_Villain/Plugins/oUF_HyperCombo/oUF_HyperCombo.lua
index bc55667..bd6361e 100644
--- a/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/oUF_Villain/Plugins/oUF_HyperCombo/oUF_HyperCombo.lua
+++ b/Interface/AddOns/SVUI/libs/oUF_Villain/Plugins/oUF_HyperCombo/oUF_HyperCombo.lua
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ local Update = function(self, event, unit)
 					bar.PointHide(cpoints[i], i)
-			if(anti) then
+			if(anti and cpoints[i].Anticipation) then
 				if(i <= anti) then