
cata beta support

yaroot [09-13-10 - 06:23]
cata beta support
diff --git a/yClassColors.lua b/yClassColors.lua
index d4ca7a1..f5c2316 100644
--- a/yClassColors.lua
+++ b/yClassColors.lua
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ local enable_wholist = true
 local enable_bgscoreboard = true

+local is_cata = select(4, GetBuildInfo()) >= 40000

 local GUILD_INDEX_MAX = 12
 local SMOOTH = {
@@ -129,51 +130,101 @@ if(enable_friendslist) then
     local WHITE = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 1}
     FRIENDS_LEVEL_TEMPLATE = FRIENDS_LEVEL_TEMPLATE:gsub('%$d', '%$s') -- '%2$s %1$d-го уровня'
-    hooksecurefunc(FriendsFrameFriendsScrollFrame, 'buttonFunc', function(button, index, fristButton)
-        local height
-        local nameText
-        local infoText
-        local nameColor
-        local playerArea = GetRealZoneText()
+    if(is_cata) then
+        hooksecurefunc('FriendsFrame_UpdateFriends', function()
+            local scrollFrame = FriendsFrameFriendsScrollFrame
+            local offset = HybridScrollFrame_GetOffset(scrollFrame)
+            local buttons = scrollFrame.buttons
+            local playerArea = GetRealZoneText()
+            for i = 1, #buttons do
+                local nameText, nameColor, infoText
+                button = buttons[i]
+                index = offset + i
+                if(button:IsShown()) then
+                    if ( button.buttonType == FRIENDS_BUTTON_TYPE_WOW ) then
+                        local name, level, class, area, connected, status, note = GetFriendInfo(button.id)
+                        if(connected) then
+                            nameText = classColorHex[class] .. name.."|r, "..format(FRIENDS_LEVEL_TEMPLATE, diffColor[level] .. level .. '|r', class)
+                            if(areaName == playerArea) then
+                                infoText = format('|cff00ff00%s|r', area)
+                            end
+                        end
+                    elseif (button.buttonType == FRIENDS_BUTTON_TYPE_BNET) then
+                        local presenceID, givenName, surname, toonName, toonID, client, isOnline, lastOnline, isAFK, isDND, messageText, noteText = BNGetFriendInfo(button.id)
+                        if(isOnline and client==BNET_CLIENT_WOW) then
+                            local hasFocus, toonName, client, realmName, faction, race, class, guild, zoneName, level, gameText, broadcastText, broadcastTime = BNGetToonInfo(toonID)
+                            if(givenName and surname and toonName) then
+                                if(enable_friendslist_wowcrossrealmfriend or CanCooperateWithToon(toonID)) then
+                                    nameText = format(BATTLENET_NAME_FORMAT, givenName, surname) ..' '.. FRIENDS_WOW_NAME_COLOR_CODE .. '(' .. classColorHex[class] .. toonName .. FRIENDS_WOW_NAME_COLOR_CODE .. ')'
+                                    if(zoneName == playerArea) then
+                                        infoText = format('|cff00ff00%s|r', zoneName)
+                                    end
+                                end
+                            end
+                        end
+                    end
+                end

-        if(button.buttonType == FRIENDS_BUTTON_TYPE_WOW) then
-            local name, level, class, area, connected, status, note = GetFriendInfo(button.id)
-            if(connected) then
-               nameText = classColorHex[class] .. name .. "|r, " .. format(FRIENDS_LEVEL_TEMPLATE, diffColor[level] .. level .. '|r', class)
-               if(enable_friendslist_wowfriendswhitetext) then
-                   nameColor = WHITE
-               end
-               if(area == playerArea) then
-                    infoText = format('|cff00ff00%s|r', area)
+                if(nameText) then
+                    button.name:SetText(nameText)
+                end
+                if(nameColor) then
+                    button.name:SetTextColor(nameColor.r, nameColor.g, nameColor.b)
+                end
+                if(infoText) then
+                    button.info:SetText(infoText)
-        elseif(button.buttonType == FRIENDS_BUTTON_TYPE_BNET) then
-            local presenceID, givenName, surname, toonName, toonID, client, isOnline, lastOnline, isAFK, isDND, messageText, noteText = BNGetFriendInfo(button.id)
-            if(isOnline and client==BNET_CLIENT_WOW) then
-                local hasFocus, toonName, client, realmName, faction, race, class, guild, zoneName, level, gameText, broadcastText, broadcastTime = BNGetToonInfo(toonID)
-                if(givenName and surname and toonName) then
-                    if(enable_friendslist_wowcrossrealmfriend or CanCooperateWithToon(toonID)) then
-                        nameText = format(BATTLENET_NAME_FORMAT, givenName, surname) ..' '.. FRIENDS_WOW_NAME_COLOR_CODE .. '(' .. classColorHex[class] .. toonName .. FRIENDS_WOW_NAME_COLOR_CODE .. ')'
-                        if(zoneName == playerArea) then
-                            infoText = format('|cff00ff00%s|r', zoneName)
+        end)
+    else
+        hooksecurefunc(FriendsFrameFriendsScrollFrame, 'buttonFunc', function(button, index, fristButton)
+            local height
+            local nameText
+            local infoText
+            local nameColor
+            local playerArea = GetRealZoneText()
+            if(button.buttonType == FRIENDS_BUTTON_TYPE_WOW) then
+                local name, level, class, area, connected, status, note = GetFriendInfo(button.id)
+                if(connected) then
+                   nameText = classColorHex[class] .. name .. "|r, " .. format(FRIENDS_LEVEL_TEMPLATE, diffColor[level] .. level .. '|r', class)
+                   if(enable_friendslist_wowfriendswhitetext) then
+                       nameColor = WHITE
+                   end
+                   if(area == playerArea) then
+                        infoText = format('|cff00ff00%s|r', area)
+                    end
+                end
+            elseif(button.buttonType == FRIENDS_BUTTON_TYPE_BNET) then
+                local presenceID, givenName, surname, toonName, toonID, client, isOnline, lastOnline, isAFK, isDND, messageText, noteText = BNGetFriendInfo(button.id)
+                if(isOnline and client==BNET_CLIENT_WOW) then
+                    local hasFocus, toonName, client, realmName, faction, race, class, guild, zoneName, level, gameText, broadcastText, broadcastTime = BNGetToonInfo(toonID)
+                    if(givenName and surname and toonName) then
+                        if(enable_friendslist_wowcrossrealmfriend or CanCooperateWithToon(toonID)) then
+                            nameText = format(BATTLENET_NAME_FORMAT, givenName, surname) ..' '.. FRIENDS_WOW_NAME_COLOR_CODE .. '(' .. classColorHex[class] .. toonName .. FRIENDS_WOW_NAME_COLOR_CODE .. ')'
+                            if(zoneName == playerArea) then
+                                infoText = format('|cff00ff00%s|r', zoneName)
+                            end
-        end
-       if(nameText) then
-           button.name:SetText(nameText)
-       end
-       if(nameColor) then
-           button.name:SetTextColor(nameColor.r, nameColor.g, nameColor.b)
-       end
-       if(infoText) then
-           button.info:SetText(infoText)
-       end
-    end)
+           if(nameText) then
+               button.name:SetText(nameText)
+           end
+           if(nameColor) then
+               button.name:SetTextColor(nameColor.r, nameColor.g, nameColor.b)
+           end
+           if(infoText) then
+               button.info:SetText(infoText)
+           end
+        end)
+    end

-if(enable_guildlist) then
+if(enable_guildlist and not is_cata) then
     hooksecurefunc('GuildStatus_Update', function()
         local playerArea = GetRealZoneText()

diff --git a/yClassColors.toc b/yClassColors.toc
index cae98b4..d5e2cb7 100644
--- a/yClassColors.toc
+++ b/yClassColors.toc
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
 ## Interface: 30300
+## X-Compatible-With: 40000

 ## Title: |cffff8800y|rClassColors
 ## Note: Colorize name by class!
 ## Author: yleaf
-## Version: 2.0.4
+## Version: 2.1
 ## OptionalDeps: !ClassColors
