diff --git a/Tags.lua b/Tags.lua
index ab70905..c9d9681 100644
--- a/Tags.lua
+++ b/Tags.lua
@@ -193,3 +193,16 @@ oUF.Tags.Methods['LanCombo'] = function(unit)
oUF.Tags.Events['LanCombo'] = 'UNIT_COMBO_POINTS'
+oUF.Tags.Methods['LanChi'] = function(unit)
+ local chi = UnitPower('player', SPELL_POWER_CHI)
+ if chi > 0 then
+ return string.format('|c909482c9%d|r', chi)
+ end
+local num = UnitPower('player', SPELL_POWER_CHI)
+ if(num > 0) then
+ return num
+ end
diff --git a/oUF_Lanerra.lua b/oUF_Lanerra.lua
index 5a2f761..58e56cd 100644
--- a/oUF_Lanerra.lua
+++ b/oUF_Lanerra.lua
@@ -5,7 +5,30 @@
Game92 for inspiration, and Phanx for inspiration and an inline border method
----- Lazy Stuff Goes Here!
+-- Kill some unneeded settings
+-- Kill some unitframe stuff
+for _, button in pairs({
+ 'CombatPanelTargetOfTarget',
+ 'CombatPanelEnemyCastBarsOnPortrait',
+ 'DisplayPanelShowAggroPercentage',
+}) do
+ _G['InterfaceOptions'..button]:SetAlpha(0.35)
+ _G['InterfaceOptions'..button]:Disable()
+ _G['InterfaceOptions'..button]:EnableMouse(false)
+-- Lazy Stuff Goes Here!
for k, v in pairs(UnitPopupMenus) do
@@ -498,6 +521,8 @@ local Stylish = function(self, unit, isSingle)
self.ignoreHealComm = true
+-- print("Spawn", self:GetName(), unit)
@@ -1049,7 +1074,15 @@ local Stylish = function(self, unit, isSingle)
ComboPoints:SetFont(Settings.Media.Font, 24, 'OUTLINE')
self:Tag(ComboPoints, '[LanCombo]')
+ end
+ -- Chi display
+ if (select(2, UnitClass('player')) == 'MONK') then
+ local Chi = self:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
+ Chi:SetPoint('CENTER', self, 'RIGHT', 17, 0)
+ Chi:SetFont(Settings.Media.Font, 24, 'OUTLINE')
+ Chi:SetJustifyH('CENTER')
+ self:Tag(Chi, '[LanChi]')
-- Raid Icons
@@ -1109,6 +1142,8 @@ local function StylishGroup(self, unit)
self.ignoreHealComm = true
+-- print("Spawn", self:GetName(), unit)
@@ -1290,6 +1325,8 @@ local function StylishRaid(self, unit)
self.ignoreHealComm = true
+-- print("Spawn", self:GetName(), unit)
@@ -1441,14 +1478,26 @@ local function StylishRaid(self, unit)
-- Now, actually bring it all together by actually spawning the frames
--- First spawn the group and raid stuff
+-- First spawn the solo stuff
+oUF:RegisterStyle('oUF_Lanerra', Stylish)
+ self:SetActiveStyle('oUF_Lanerra')
+ self:Spawn('player', 'oUF_Lanerra_Player'):SetPoint(unpack(Settings.Units.Player.Position))
+ self:Spawn('target', 'oUF_Lanerra_Target'):SetPoint(unpack(Settings.Units.Target.Position))
+ self:Spawn('targettarget', 'oUF_Lanerra_ToT'):SetPoint(unpack(Settings.Units.ToT.Position))
+ self:Spawn('pet', 'oUF_Lanerra_Pet'):SetPoint(unpack(Settings.Units.Pet.Position))
+ self:Spawn('focus', 'oUF_Lanerra_Focus'):SetPoint(unpack(Settings.Units.Focus.Position))
+-- Next spawn the group stuff
oUF:RegisterStyle('oUF_Lanerra_Group', StylishGroup)
-oUF:RegisterStyle('oUF_Lanerra_Raid', StylishRaid)
--- First up are the group frames
+ self:SetActiveStyle('oUF_Lanerra_Group')
if (Settings.Units.Party.Healer) then
- local group = oUF:SpawnHeader('oUF_Lanerra_Group', nil, nil, 'showParty', true, 'showFocus', true, 'columnSpacing', 10, 'unitsPerColumn', 1, 'maxColumns', 5, 'columnAnchorPoint', 'LEFT', 'groupFilter', i)
+ local group = oUF:SpawnHeader('oUF_Lanerra_Group', nil, nil, 'showParty', true, 'showFocus', true, 'columnSpacing', 10, 'unitsPerColumn', 1, 'maxColumns', 5, 'columnAnchorPoint', 'LEFT')
group:SetPoint('CENTER', UIParent, 0, -240)
local group = oUF:SpawnHeader('oUF_Lanerra_Group', nil, nil, 'showParty', true, 'showPlayer', true, 'showFocus', true, 'yOffset', -10)
@@ -1460,7 +1509,9 @@ oUF:Factory(function(self)
--- Now for the raid frames
+-- And finally, the raid stuff
+oUF:RegisterStyle('oUF_Lanerra_Raid', StylishRaid)
@@ -1529,60 +1580,4 @@ for _, button in pairs({
--- Now all the solo stuff
-oUF:RegisterStyle('oUF_Lanerra', Stylish)
- self:SetActiveStyle('oUF_Lanerra')
- self:Spawn('player', 'oUF_Lanerra_Player'):SetPoint(unpack(Settings.Units.Player.Position))
- self:Spawn('target', 'oUF_Lanerra_Target'):SetPoint(unpack(Settings.Units.Target.Position))
- self:Spawn('targettarget', 'oUF_Lanerra_ToT'):SetPoint(unpack(Settings.Units.ToT.Position))
- self:Spawn('pet', 'oUF_Lanerra_Pet'):SetPoint(unpack(Settings.Units.Pet.Position))
- self:Spawn('focus', 'oUF_Lanerra_Focus'):SetPoint(unpack(Settings.Units.Focus.Position))
--- Handling, whether the Raid- or the Party-frame is shown
--- FIX: Quick'n'dirty fix until the oUF-conditions work again
-local partyToggle = CreateFrame('Frame')
-partyToggle:SetScript('OnEvent', function(self)
- if(InCombatLockdown()) then
- self:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED')
- else
- self:UnregisterEvent('PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED')
- --[[ This results in the following behavior: If you're in a raid, the party frame will be hidden, no matter how many members
- your raid already has. This means, the party will be hidden if the party leader clicks the button to create a raid.
- If you want to switch to raid view later (meaning, if the members no longer fit into the party frame), you may change the following line accordingly.--]]
- if (Settings.Units.Raid.Healer) and (Settings.Units.Party.Healer) then
- if(GetNumGroupMembers() > 0) then
- _G['oUF_Lanerra_Group']:Hide()
- _G['oUF_Lanerra_Raid']:Show()
- else
- _G['oUF_Lanerra_Group']:Show()
- _G['oUF_Lanerra_Raid']:Hide()
- end
- else
- if(GetNumGroupMembers() > 0) then
- _G['oUF_Lanerra_Group']:Hide()
- _G['oUF_Lanerra_Raid1']:Show()
- _G['oUF_Lanerra_Raid2']:Show()
- _G['oUF_Lanerra_Raid3']:Show()
- _G['oUF_Lanerra_Raid4']:Show()
- _G['oUF_Lanerra_Raid5']:Show()
- else
- _G['oUF_Lanerra_Group']:Show()
- _G['oUF_Lanerra_Raid1']:Hide()
- _G['oUF_Lanerra_Raid2']:Hide()
- _G['oUF_Lanerra_Raid3']:Hide()
- _G['oUF_Lanerra_Raid4']:Hide()
- _G['oUF_Lanerra_Raid5']:Hide()
- end
- end
- end
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/oUF_Lanerra.toc b/oUF_Lanerra.toc
index 2f52514..9df3cb8 100644
--- a/oUF_Lanerra.toc
+++ b/oUF_Lanerra.toc
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
## Interface: 50400
-## Version: 1.4
+## Version: 1.4.1
## Title: oUF_Lanerra
## Notes: oUF layout by Lanerra