diff --git a/AutoTurnIn.lua b/AutoTurnIn.lua
index 9c3b920..5bea4ea 100644
--- a/AutoTurnIn.lua
+++ b/AutoTurnIn.lua
@@ -9,9 +9,12 @@ local addonName, ptable = ...
local L = ptable.L
local C = ptable.CONST
local TOCVersion = GetAddOnMetadata(addonName, "Version")
+local Q_ALL, Q_DAILY, Q_EXCEPTDAILY = 1, 2, 3
AutoTurnIn = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("AutoTurnIn", "AceEvent-3.0", "AceConsole-3.0")
-AutoTurnIn.defaults = {enabled = true, all = false, trivial = false, lootreward = 1, tournament = 2,
+AutoTurnIn.defaults = {enabled = true, all = 2, trivial = false, completeonly = false,
+ lootreward = 1, tournament = 2,
darkmoonteleport=true, todarkmoon=true, togglekey=4, darkmoonautostart=true, showrewardtext=true,
version=TOCVersion, autoequip = false, debug=false,
questlevel=true, watchlevel=true, questshare=false,
@@ -57,7 +60,7 @@ end
-- quest autocomplete handlers and functions
function AutoTurnIn:OnEnable()
if (not AutoTurnInCharacterDB) or (not AutoTurnInCharacterDB.version or (AutoTurnInCharacterDB.version < TOCVersion)) then
- AutoTurnInCharacterDB = nil
+ AutoTurnInCharacterDB = nil
@@ -107,6 +110,7 @@ function AutoTurnIn:RegisterGossipEvents()
+ self:RegisterEvent("QUEST_ACCEPTED")
function AutoTurnIn:QUEST_LOG_UPDATE()
@@ -121,18 +125,30 @@ function AutoTurnIn:QUEST_LOG_UPDATE()
--- returns true if quest offered by gossip is daily
-function AutoTurnIn:AllOrCachedDaily(questname)
- return AutoTurnInCharacterDB.all or (not not self.questCache[questname])
+-- Available check requires cache
+-- Active check query API function Returns true if quest matches options
+function AutoTurnIn:isAppropriate(questname, byCache)
+ local daily
+ if byCache then
+ daily = (not not self.questCache[questname])
+ else
+ daily = (QuestIsDaily() or QuestIsWeekly())
+ end
+ return self:_isAppropriate(daily)
-function AutoTurnIn:AllOrDaily(questname)
- return AutoTurnInCharacterDB.all or (QuestIsDaily() or QuestIsWeekly())
+-- 'private' function
+function AutoTurnIn:_isAppropriate(daily)
+ if daily then
+ return (AutoTurnInCharacterDB.all ~= Q_EXCEPTDAILY)
+ else
+ return (AutoTurnInCharacterDB.all ~= Q_DAILY)
+ end
-- caches offered by gossip quest as daily
-function AutoTurnIn:CacheAsDaily(gossipQuest)
- self.questCache[gossipQuest] = true
+function AutoTurnIn:CacheAsDaily(questname)
+ self.questCache[questname] = true
function AutoTurnIn:IsIgnoredQuest(quest)
@@ -149,8 +165,6 @@ function AutoTurnIn:IsIgnoredQuest(quest)
return false
-local p1 = {[true]=L["enabled"], [false]=L["disabled"]}
-local p2 = {[true]=L["all"], [false]=L["list"]}
function AutoTurnIn:ConsoleComand(arg)
arg = strlower(arg)
if (#arg == 0) then
@@ -193,32 +207,34 @@ function AutoTurnIn:QUEST_GREETING()
for index=1, GetNumActiveQuests() do
local quest, isComplete = GetActiveTitle(index)
- if isComplete and (self:AllOrCachedDaily(quest)) then
+ if isComplete and (self:isAppropriate(quest, true)) then
- for index=1, GetNumAvailableQuests() do
- local isTrivial, isDaily, isRepeatable = GetAvailableQuestInfo(index)
- local triviaAndAllowedOrNotTrivia = (not isTrivial) or AutoTurnInCharacterDB.trivial
- local title = GetAvailableTitle(index)
- local quest = L.quests[title]
- local notBlackListed = not (quest and (quest.donotaccept or AutoTurnIn:IsIgnoredQuest(title)))
- if isDaily then
- self:CacheAsDaily(GetAvailableTitle(index))
- end
- if (triviaAndAllowedOrNotTrivia and notBlackListed and (AutoTurnInCharacterDB.all or isDaily)) then
- if quest and quest.amount then
- if self:GetItemAmount(quest.currency, quest.item) >= quest.amount then
- SelectAvailableQuest(index)
- end
- else
- SelectAvailableQuest(index)
- end
- end
- end
+ if not AutoTurnInCharacterDB.completeonly then
+ for index=1, GetNumAvailableQuests() do
+ local isTrivial, isDaily, isRepeatable = GetAvailableQuestInfo(index)
+ local triviaAndAllowedOrNotTrivia = (not isTrivial) or AutoTurnInCharacterDB.trivial
+ local title = GetAvailableTitle(index)
+ local quest = L.quests[title]
+ local notBlackListed = not (quest and (quest.donotaccept or AutoTurnIn:IsIgnoredQuest(title)))
+ if isDaily then
+ self:CacheAsDaily(GetAvailableTitle(index))
+ end
+ if (triviaAndAllowedOrNotTrivia and notBlackListed and self:_isAppropriate(isDaily)) then
+ if quest and quest.amount then
+ if self:GetItemAmount(quest.currency, quest.item) >= quest.amount then
+ SelectAvailableQuest(index)
+ end
+ else
+ SelectAvailableQuest(index)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
-- (gaq[i+3]) equals "1" if quest is complete, "nil" otherwise
@@ -231,7 +247,7 @@ function AutoTurnIn:VarArgForActiveQuests(...)
local isComplete = select(i+3, ...) -- complete status
if ( isComplete ) then
local questname = select(i, ...)
- if self:AllOrCachedDaily(questname) then
+ if self:isAppropriate(questname, true) then
local quest = L.quests[questname]
if quest and quest.amount then
if self:GetItemAmount(quest.currency, quest.item) >= quest.amount then
@@ -260,7 +276,7 @@ function AutoTurnIn:VarArgForAvailableQuests(...)
local notBlackListed = not (quest and (quest.donotaccept or AutoTurnIn:IsIgnoredQuest(title)))
-- Quest is appropriate if: (it is trivial and trivial are accepted) and (any quest accepted or (it is daily quest that is not in ignore list))
- if (triviaAndAllowedOrNotTrivia and notBlackListed and (AutoTurnInCharacterDB.all or isDaily )) then
+ if (triviaAndAllowedOrNotTrivia and notBlackListed and self:_isAppropriate(isDaily)) then
if quest and quest.amount then
if self:GetItemAmount(quest.currency, quest.item) >= quest.amount then
@@ -304,7 +320,9 @@ function AutoTurnIn:GOSSIP_SHOW()
local questCount = GetNumGossipActiveQuests() > 0
- self:VarArgForAvailableQuests(GetGossipAvailableQuests())
+ if not AutoTurnInCharacterDB.completeonly then
+ self:VarArgForAvailableQuests(GetGossipAvailableQuests())
+ end
if self:isDarkmoonAndAllowed(questCount) then
local options = {GetGossipOptions()}
@@ -330,8 +348,8 @@ function AutoTurnIn:QUEST_DETAIL()
if (QuestIsDaily() or QuestIsWeekly()) then
- if self:AllowedToHandle() and self:AllOrDaily() then
+ if self:AllowedToHandle() and self:isAppropriate() and (not AutoTurnInCharacterDB.completeonly)then
QuestInfoDescriptionText:SetAlphaGradient(0, -1)
@@ -346,8 +364,8 @@ function AutoTurnIn:QUEST_ACCEPTED(event, index)
function AutoTurnIn:QUEST_PROGRESS()
- if self:AllowedToHandle() and IsQuestCompletable() and self:AllOrDaily() then
- CompleteQuest()
+ if self:AllowedToHandle() and IsQuestCompletable() and self:isAppropriate() then
+ CompleteQuest()
@@ -456,7 +474,7 @@ function AutoTurnIn:TurnInQuest(rewardIndex)
elseif (GetNumQuestChoices() == 0) then
self:Print("Debug: turning quest in, no choice required")
- else
+ else
@@ -506,7 +524,7 @@ function AutoTurnIn:Need()
return true
- local itemCandidate = {index=i, points=0, type="", stat="NOTCHOSEN", secondary={}}
+ local itemCandidate = {index=i, points=0, type="", stat="", secondary={}} --DEBUG structure
-- TYPE: item is suitable if there are no type specified at all or item type is chosen
local OkByType = false
@@ -520,23 +538,30 @@ function AutoTurnIn:Need()
itemCandidate.type=subclass .. ((not not OkByType) and "=>OK" or "=>FAIL")
--STAT+SECONDARY: Same here: if no stat specified or item stat is chosen then item is wanted
- local OkByStat = not next(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.stat) -- true if table is empty
+ local OkByStat = not next(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.stat) -- true if table is empty
local OkBySecondary = not next(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.secondary) -- true if table is empty
if (not (OkByStat and OkBySecondaryStat)) then
GetItemStats(link, self.stattable)
+ local count = 0
for stat, value in pairs(self.stattable) do
+ count = count + 1
if ( AutoTurnInCharacterDB.stat[stat] ) then
OkByStat = true
- itemCandidate.stat=_G[stat].."=>OK"
+ itemCandidate.stat = _G[stat].. "=>OK"
if ( AutoTurnInCharacterDB.secondary[stat] ) then
OkBySecondary = true
itemCandidate.points = itemCandidate.points + 1
tinsert(itemCandidate.secondary, _G[stat])
- end
- end
+ end
+ if (count == 1) then -- Common quality items have only 1 attribute. This 'if' makes them suitable loot candidates.
+ OkByStat, OkBySecondary = true, true
+ end
+ else
+ itemCandidate.stat = "NO_STAT_SETTINGS"
+ end
-- User may not choose any options hence any item became 'ok'. That situation is undoubtly incorrect.
local SettingsExists = (class == C.WEAPONLABEL and next(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.weapon) or next(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.armor))
@@ -588,7 +613,7 @@ function AutoTurnIn:QUEST_COMPLETE()
--/script faction = (GameTooltip:NumLines() > 2 and not UnitIsPlayer(select(2,GameTooltip:GetUnit()))) and
-- getglobal("GameTooltipTextLeft"..GameTooltip:NumLines()):GetText() DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(faction or "NIL")
- if self:AllOrDaily() then
+ if self:isAppropriate() then
local questname = GetTitleText()
local quest = L.quests[questname]
@@ -624,4 +649,4 @@ end
hooksecurefunc(QuestFrame, "Hide", function() AutoTurnIn.allowed = nil end)
-- if (GetItemCount(45724, false) > 0) then
-- UseItemByName(45724)
--- end
\ No newline at end of file
+-- end
diff --git a/AutoTurnIn.toc b/AutoTurnIn.toc
index 77cbcb7..03dc778 100644
--- a/AutoTurnIn.toc
+++ b/AutoTurnIn.toc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
## Interface: 50400
## Title: AutoTurnIn
-## Version: 4.3
+## Version: 4.4
## Author: Alex Shubert
## Notes: Quest handling automation
## Notes-ruRU: Автоматически обработка заданий
diff --git a/QuestLevel.lua b/QuestLevel.lua
index 989dce1..2ee4653 100644
--- a/QuestLevel.lua
+++ b/QuestLevel.lua
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ function AutoTurnIn:ShowQuestLevelInWatchFrame()
+ local button = WATCHFRAME_LINKBUTTONS[i]
if( button.type == "QUEST" ) then
local questIndex = GetQuestIndexForWatch(button.index)
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ function AutoTurnIn:ShowQuestLevelInWatchFrame()
if textLine.text:GetText() and (not string.find("", "^%[.*%].*")) then
local title, level, _, _, _, _, _, isDaily = GetQuestLogTitle(questIndex)
local questTypeIndex = GetQuestLogQuestType(questIndex)
- tagString = AutoTurnIn.QuestTypesIndex[questTypeIndex]
+ local tagString = AutoTurnIn.QuestTypesIndex[questTypeIndex]
if (not tagString) then
--AutoTurnIn:Print("Please, inform addon author unknown QT for: " ..title)
tagString = ""
diff --git a/loc/localization_DE.lua b/loc/localization_DE.lua
index 2593465..ffbe384 100644
--- a/loc/localization_DE.lua
+++ b/loc/localization_DE.lua
@@ -15,16 +15,18 @@ privateTable.L = setmetatable({
["questTypeLabel"] = "quests",
["questTypeAll"] = "alle",
- ["TrivialQuests"]="'graue' Quests annehmen",
- ["questTypeList"] = "Tägliche Quests",
+ ["questTypeList"] = "Tägliche",
+ ["questTypeExceptDaily"] = "außer Tägliche",
+ ["TrivialQuests"]="'graue' Quests annehmen",
["ShareQuestsLabel"] = "teilen die Quest",
+ ["CompleteOnly"] = "zurückliefern bloß",
["lootTypeLabel"]="Jobs mit Belohnungen",
["lootTypeFalse"]="nicht abgeben",
["lootTypeGreed"]="Teuerste Belohnung wählen",
["lootTypeNeed"]="Wähle Belohnung nach Parametern",
- ["tournamentLabel"]="Turnier",
+ ["tournamentLabel"]="Das Argentumturnier",
["tournamentWrit"]="Verfügung des Champions", -- 46114
["tournamentPurse"]="Geldbeutel des Champions", -- 45724
@@ -157,7 +159,6 @@ privateTable.L.quests = {
["Spaß für die Kleinen"] = {item=393, amount=15, currency=true},
["Saat der Angst"]={item="Schreckensambersplitter", amount=5, currency=false},
-["Auffüllen der Speisekammer"]={item="Bündel mit Zutaten", amount=1, currency=false},
["Ein Gericht für Jogu"]={item="Gebratene Karotten", amount=5, currency=false},
["Garnelenklößchen"]={item="Garnelenklößchen", amount=5, currency=false},
diff --git a/loc/localization_EN.lua b/loc/localization_EN.lua
index 15cefe3..54a0ab9 100644
--- a/loc/localization_EN.lua
+++ b/loc/localization_EN.lua
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ local replaceTable = {
+ ["ptBR"]=true,
["zhCN"]=true }
if (replaceTable[GetLocale()]) then
@@ -19,18 +20,20 @@ privateTable.L = setmetatable({
["dontloottrue"]="do not complete quests with rewards",
- ["questTypeLabel"] = "Quests to handle",
+ ["questTypeLabel"] = "quests to handle",
["questTypeAll"] = "all",
- ["TrivialQuests"]="Accept 'grey' quests",
- ["questTypeList"] = "daily",
- ["ShareQuestsLabel"] = "Quest auto sharing",
+ ["questTypeList"] = "daily",
+ ["questTypeExceptDaily"] = "except daily",
+ ["TrivialQuests"]="Accept 'grey' quests",
+ ["ShareQuestsLabel"] = "quest auto sharing",
+ ["CompleteOnly"] = "turn in only",
- ["lootTypeLabel"]="Quests with rewards",
+ ["lootTypeLabel"]="quests with rewards",
["lootTypeFalse"]="don't turn in",
["lootTypeGreed"]="loot most expensive reward",
["lootTypeNeed"]="loot by parameters",
- ["tournamentLabel"]="Tournament",
+ ["tournamentLabel"]="Argent Tournament",
["tournamentWrit"]="Champion's Writ", -- 46114
["tournamentPurse"]="Champion's Purse", -- 45724
@@ -39,11 +42,11 @@ privateTable.L = setmetatable({
["DarkmoonFaireTeleport"]="Teleportologist Fozlebub",
["DarkmoonAutoLabel"]="Darkmoon: start the game!",
- ["rewardtext"]="Print quest competition text",
- ["questlevel"]="Show quest level",
- ["watchlevel"]="Show watched quest level",
- ["autoequip"]="Equip received reward",
- ["togglekey"]="Enable/disable key",
+ ["rewardtext"]="print quest competition text",
+ ["questlevel"]="show quest level",
+ ["watchlevel"]="show watched quest level",
+ ["autoequip"]="equip received reward",
+ ["togglekey"]="enable/disable key",
["rewardlootoptions"]="Reward loot rules",
@@ -146,7 +149,6 @@ privateTable.L.quests = {
["Fun for the Little Ones"] = {item=393, amount=15, currency=true},
["Seeds of Fear"]={item="Dread Amber Shards", amount=5, currency=false},
-["Replenishing the Pantry"]={item="Bundle of Groceries", amount=1, currency=false},
["A Dish for Jogu"]={item="Sauteed Carrots", amount=5, currency=false},
["A Dish for Ella"]={item="Shrimp Dumplings", amount=5, currency=false},
diff --git a/loc/localization_FR.lua b/loc/localization_FR.lua
index edd6c26..a3858b8 100644
--- a/loc/localization_FR.lua
+++ b/loc/localization_FR.lua
@@ -13,16 +13,18 @@ privateTable.L = setmetatable({
["questTypeLabel"] = "Quêtes à prendre en compte",
["questTypeAll"] = "Toutes",
+ ["questTypeList"] = "journalières",
+ ["questTypeExceptDaily"] = "excepté journalières",
["TrivialQuests"]= "Accepter les quêtes 'grise'",
- ["questTypeList"] = "Quêtes journalières",
["ShareQuestsLabel"] = "partager la quête",
+ ["CompleteOnly"] = "turn in only",
["lootTypeLabel"]="Quêtes à récompense d'objet",
["lootTypeFalse"]="Ne pas rendre",
["lootTypeGreed"]="Vhoisir la récompense la plus chère",
["lootTypeNeed"]="choisir la récompense selon les paramètres",
- ["tournamentLabel"]="Tournoi d'argent",
+ ["tournamentLabel"]="Le tournoi d'Argent",
["tournamentWrit"]="Commission de champion", -- 46114
["tournamentPurse"]="Bourse de champion", -- 45724
@@ -152,7 +154,6 @@ privateTable.L.quests = {
["Les petits s'amusent aussi"] = {item=393, amount=15, currency=true},
["Les graines de la peur"]={item="Eclats d’ambre d’effroi", amount=5, currency=false},
-["Remplir le garde-manger"]={item="Panier de vivres", amount=1, currency=false},
["Un plat pour Jogu"]={item="Carottes sautées", amount=5, currency=false},
["Un plat pour Ella"]={item="Raviolis aux crevettes", amount=5, currency=false},
diff --git a/loc/localization_RU.lua b/loc/localization_RU.lua
index 82392f5..ea838e0 100644
--- a/loc/localization_RU.lua
+++ b/loc/localization_RU.lua
@@ -15,9 +15,11 @@ privateTable.L = setmetatable({
["questTypeLabel"] = "задания",
["questTypeAll"] = "все",
- ["TrivialQuests"]="брать 'серые' квесты",
- ["questTypeList"] = "ежедневные",
+ ["questTypeList"] = "ежедневные",
+ ["questTypeExceptDaily"] = "кроме ежедневных",
+ ["TrivialQuests"]="брать 'серые' квесты",
["ShareQuestsLabel"] = "Предлагать задание группе",
+ ["CompleteOnly"] = "только завершать",
["lootTypeLabel"]="задания с наградами",
["lootTypeFalse"]="не сдавать",
diff --git a/ui/main_options.lua b/ui/main_options.lua
index 53a9b91..5119f37 100644
--- a/ui/main_options.lua
+++ b/ui/main_options.lua
@@ -4,206 +4,114 @@ local O = addonName .. "OptionsPanel"
AutoTurnIn.OptionsPanel = CreateFrame("Frame", O)
local OptionsPanel = AutoTurnIn.OptionsPanel
+-- switch flag. 'false' signals that reset must be made. 'true' allows redraw the screen keeping values
local MakeACopy=true
-- Title
local title = OptionsPanel:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontNormalLarge")
title:SetText(addonName .." ".. AutoTurnIn.defaults.version)
-- Description
local notes = GetAddOnMetadata(addonName, "Notes-" .. GetLocale()) or GetAddOnMetadata(addonName, "Notes")
local subText = OptionsPanel:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontHighlightSmall")
-- Reset button
local ResetButton = CreateFrame("Button", nil, OptionsPanel, "OptionsButtonTemplate")
ResetButton:SetScript("OnClick", function()
ptable.TempConfig = CopyTable(AutoTurnIn.defaults)
-local function CreateCheckbox(name, marginx, marginy)
- local nm = O..name
- local cb = CreateFrame("CheckButton", nm, OptionsPanel, "OptionsCheckButtonTemplate")
- _G[nm.."Text"]:SetText(L[name])
- cb:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", OptionsPanel, "BOTTOMLEFT", marginx, marginy)
- cb:SetScript("OnClick", function(self)
- ptable.TempConfig[name] = self:GetChecked() == 1
- end)
- return cb
+local function newCheckbox(name, caption, config)
+ local cb = CreateFrame("CheckButton", "$parent"..name, OptionsPanel, "OptionsCheckButtonTemplate")
+ _G[cb:GetName().."Text"]:SetText(caption and caption or name)
+ cb:SetScript("OnClick", function(self)
+ ptable.TempConfig[config] = self:GetChecked() == 1
+ end)
+ return cb
--- 'Enable' CheckBox
-local Enable = CreateCheckbox("enabled", 0, -14)
--- Quest types to handle
-local QuestLabel = OptionsPanel:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontNormal")
-local QuestConst = {L["questTypeAll"], L["questTypeList"]}
-local QuestDropDown = CreateFrame("Frame", O.."QuestDropDown", OptionsPanel, "UIDropDownMenuTemplate")
-UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(QuestDropDown, function (self, level)
- for k, v in ipairs(QuestConst) do
- local info = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo()
- info.text, info.value = v, k
- info.func = function(self)
- UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(QuestDropDown, self:GetID())
- ptable.TempConfig.all = (self:GetID() == 1)
- end
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level)
- end
-UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(QuestDropDown, 200);
-UIDropDownMenu_JustifyText(QuestDropDown, "LEFT")
--- DarkmoonTeleport
-local TrivialQuests = CreateFrame("CheckButton", O.."TrivialQuests", OptionsPanel, "OptionsCheckButtonTemplate")
-TrivialQuests:SetScript("OnClick", function(self)
- ptable.TempConfig.trivial = self:GetChecked() == 1
--- Tournament loot type
-local TournamentDropDownLabel = OptionsPanel:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontNormal")
-local TournamentConst = {L["tournamentWrit"], L["tournamentPurse"]};
-local TournamentDropDown = CreateFrame("Frame", O.."TournamentDropDown", OptionsPanel, "UIDropDownMenuTemplate")
-function TournamentDropDown:initialize ()
- for k, v in ipairs(TournamentConst) do
- local info = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo()
- info.text, info.value = v, k
- info.func = function(self)
- UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(TournamentDropDown, self:GetID())
- ptable.TempConfig.tournament = self:GetID()
- end
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level)
- end
+local function newDropDown(caption, name, values, config)
+ local label = OptionsPanel:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontNormal")
+ label:SetText(caption)
+ local dropDown = CreateFrame("Frame", O..name, OptionsPanel, "UIDropDownMenuTemplate")
+ UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(dropDown, function (self, level)
+ for k, v in ipairs(values) do
+ local info = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo()
+ info.text, info.value = v, k
+ info.func = function(self)
+ UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(dropDown, self:GetID())
+ ptable.TempConfig[config] = self:GetID()
+ end
+ UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level)
+ end
+ end)
+ UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(dropDown, 200);
+ UIDropDownMenu_JustifyText(dropDown, "LEFT")
+ label:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", dropDown, "TOPLEFT", 18, 0)
+ return dropDown
-UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(TournamentDropDown, 200);
-UIDropDownMenu_JustifyText(TournamentDropDown, "LEFT")
--- How to loot
-local LootLabel = OptionsPanel:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontNormal")
-local LootConst = {L["lootTypeFalse"], L["lootTypeGreed"], L["lootTypeNeed"]}
-local LootDropDown = CreateFrame("Frame", O.."LootDropDown", OptionsPanel, "UIDropDownMenuTemplate")
-UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(LootDropDown, function (self, level)
- for k, v in ipairs(LootConst) do
- local info = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo()
- info.text, info.value = v, k
- info.func = function(self)
- UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(LootDropDown, self:GetID())
- ptable.TempConfig.lootreward = self:GetID()
- end
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level)
- end
-UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(LootDropDown, 200);
-UIDropDownMenu_JustifyText(LootDropDown, "LEFT")
--- Teleport to Darkmoon Faire
-local ToDarkMoon= CreateFrame("CheckButton", O.."ToDarkMoon", OptionsPanel, "OptionsCheckButtonTemplate")
-ToDarkMoon:SetScript("OnClick", function(self)
- ptable.TempConfig.todarkmoon = self:GetChecked() == 1
+-- 'Enable' CheckBox
+local Enable = newCheckbox("enabled", L["enabled"], "enabled")
+-- trivial, so called grayed quests
+local TrivialQuests = newCheckbox("TrivialQuests", L["TrivialQuests"], "trivial")
+-- Only hand in the quest
+local CompleteOnly = newCheckbox("CompleteOnly", L["CompleteOnly"], "completeonly")
-- DarkmoonTeleport
-local DarkMoonCannon = CreateFrame("CheckButton", O.."DarkMoonCannon", OptionsPanel, "OptionsCheckButtonTemplate")
-DarkMoonCannon:SetScript("OnClick", function(self)
- ptable.TempConfig.darkmoonteleport = self:GetChecked() == 1
+local ToDarkMoon = newCheckbox("ToDarkMoon", L["ToDarkmoonLabel"], "todarkmoon")
+-- Darkmoon Teleport to cannon
+local DarkMoonCannon = newCheckbox("DarkMoonCannon", L["DarkmoonTeleLabel"], "darkmoonteleport")
-- Darkmoon games
-local DarkMoonAutoStart = CreateFrame("CheckButton", O.."DarkMoonAutoStart", OptionsPanel, "OptionsCheckButtonTemplate")
-DarkMoonAutoStart:SetScript("OnClick", function(self)
- ptable.TempConfig.darkmoonautostart = self:GetChecked() == 1
+local DarkMoonAutoStart = newCheckbox("DarkMoonAutoStart", L["DarkmoonAutoLabel"], "darkmoonautostart")
-- 'Show Reward Text' CheckBox
-local ShowRewardText = CreateFrame("CheckButton", O.."Reward", OptionsPanel, "OptionsCheckButtonTemplate")
-ShowRewardText:SetScript("OnClick", function(self)
- ptable.TempConfig.showrewardtext = self:GetChecked() == 1
--- 'Equip Reward Text' CheckBox
-local EquipReward = CreateFrame("CheckButton", O.."Equip", OptionsPanel, "OptionsCheckButtonTemplate")
-EquipReward:SetScript("OnClick", function(self)
- ptable.TempConfig.autoequip = self:GetChecked() == 1
--- 'Equip Reward Text' CheckBox
-local Debug = CreateFrame("CheckButton", O.."Debug", OptionsPanel, "OptionsCheckButtonTemplate")
-Debug:SetScript("OnClick", function(self)
- ptable.TempConfig.debug = self:GetChecked() == 1
-local ShareQuests = CreateFrame("CheckButton", O.."ShareQuests", OptionsPanel, "OptionsCheckButtonTemplate")
-ShareQuests:SetScript("OnClick", function(self)
- ptable.TempConfig.questshare = self:GetChecked() == 1
+local ShowRewardText = newCheckbox("Reward", L["rewardtext"], "showrewardtext")
+-- 'Equip Reward' CheckBox
+local EquipReward = newCheckbox("Equip", L["autoequip"], "autoequip")
+-- reward loot explanation
+local Debug = newCheckbox("Debug", L["debug"], "debug")
+-- share quest (!!! alpha)
+local ShareQuests = newCheckbox("ShareQuests", L["ShareQuestsLabel"], "questshare")
+-- 'Show QuestLevel' CheckBox
+local ShowQuestLevel = newCheckbox("QuestLevel", L["questlevel"], "questlevel")
+-- 'Show Watch Quest Level' CheckBox
+local ShowWatchLevel = newCheckbox("WatchLevel", L["watchlevel"], "watchlevel")
-- Auto toggle key
-local ToggleKeyLabel = OptionsPanel:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontNormal")
local ToggleKeyConst = {NONE_KEY, ALT_KEY, CTRL_KEY, SHIFT_KEY}
-local ToggleKeyDropDown = CreateFrame("Frame", O.."ToggleKeyDropDown", OptionsPanel, "UIDropDownMenuTemplate")
-UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(ToggleKeyDropDown, function (self, level)
- for k, v in ipairs(ToggleKeyConst) do
- local info = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo()
- info.text, info.value = v, k
- info.func = function(self)
- UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(ToggleKeyDropDown, self:GetID())
- ptable.TempConfig.togglekey = self:GetID()
- end
- UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level)
- end
-UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(ToggleKeyDropDown, 200);
-UIDropDownMenu_JustifyText(ToggleKeyDropDown, "LEFT")
--- 'Show QuestLevel' CheckBox
-local ShowQuestLevel = CreateFrame("CheckButton", O.."QuestLevel", OptionsPanel, "OptionsCheckButtonTemplate")
-ShowQuestLevel:SetScript("OnClick", function(self)
- ptable.TempConfig.questlevel = self:GetChecked() == 1
+local ToggleKeyDropDown = newDropDown(L["togglekey"], "ToggleKeyDropDown", ToggleKeyConst, "togglekey")
+-- Quest types to handle
+local QuestConst = {L["questTypeAll"], L["questTypeList"], L["questTypeExceptDaily"]}
+local QuestDropDown = newDropDown(L["questTypeLabel"], "QuestDropDown", QuestConst, "all") -- self:GetID() == 1
+-- Tournament loot type
+local TournamentConst = {L["tournamentWrit"], L["tournamentPurse"]}
+local TournamentDropDown = newDropDown(L["tournamentLabel"], "TournamentDropDown", TournamentConst, "tournament")
+-- How to loot
+local LootConst = {L["lootTypeFalse"], L["lootTypeGreed"], L["lootTypeNeed"]}
+local LootDropDown = newDropDown(L["lootTypeLabel"], "LootDropDown", LootConst, "lootreward")
--- 'Show Watch Quest Level' CheckBox
-local ShowWatchLevel = CreateFrame("CheckButton", O.."WatchLevel", OptionsPanel, "OptionsCheckButtonTemplate")
-ShowWatchLevel:SetScript("OnClick", function(self)
- ptable.TempConfig.watchlevel = self:GetChecked() == 1
-- Control placement
title:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 16, -16)
subText:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", title, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -8)
ResetButton:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", OptionsPanel, "TOPRIGHT", -10, -10)
Enable:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", subText, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -14)
-QuestLabel:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", QuestDropDown, "TOPLEFT", 18, 0)
QuestDropDown:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", Enable, "BOTTOMLEFT", -15, -22)
TrivialQuests:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", QuestDropDown, "TOPRIGHT", 30, 0)
-LootLabel:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", LootDropDown, "TOPLEFT", 18, 0)
+CompleteOnly:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", TrivialQuests, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -10)
LootDropDown:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", QuestDropDown, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -22)
-TournamentDropDownLabel:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", TournamentDropDown, "TOPLEFT", 18, 0)
-TournamentDropDown:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", LootDropDown, "TOPRIGHT", 17, 0)
+TournamentDropDown:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", ToggleKeyDropDown, "TOPRIGHT", 17, 0)
EquipReward:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", LootDropDown, "BOTTOMLEFT", 16, -10)
ShowRewardText:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", EquipReward, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -10)
ToDarkMoon:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", ShowRewardText, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -10)
DarkMoonCannon:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", ToDarkMoon, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -10)
DarkMoonAutoStart:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", DarkMoonCannon, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -10)
Debug:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", ResetButton, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -10)
-ToggleKeyLabel:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", ToggleKeyDropDown, "TOPLEFT", 18, 0)
ToggleKeyDropDown:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", DarkMoonAutoStart, "BOTTOMLEFT", -15, -22)
ShowQuestLevel:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", ToggleKeyDropDown, "BOTTOMLEFT", 16, -10)
ShowWatchLevel:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", ShowQuestLevel, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -10)
@@ -216,14 +124,14 @@ OptionsPanel.refresh = function()
- UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(QuestDropDown, ptable.TempConfig.all and 1 or 2)
- UIDropDownMenu_SetText(QuestDropDown, ptable.TempConfig.all and L["questTypeAll"] or L["questTypeList"] )
+ UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(QuestDropDown, ptable.TempConfig.all)
+ UIDropDownMenu_SetText(QuestDropDown, QuestConst[ptable.TempConfig.all])
UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(LootDropDown, ptable.TempConfig.lootreward)
UIDropDownMenu_SetText(LootDropDown, LootConst[ptable.TempConfig.lootreward])
UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(TournamentDropDown, ptable.TempConfig.tournament)
- UIDropDownMenu_SetText(TournamentDropDown,TournamentConst[ptable.TempConfig.tournament])
+ UIDropDownMenu_SetText(TournamentDropDown, TournamentConst[ptable.TempConfig.tournament])
@@ -231,12 +139,13 @@ OptionsPanel.refresh = function()
+ CompleteOnly:SetChecked(ptable.TempConfig.completeonly)
UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(ToggleKeyDropDown, ptable.TempConfig.togglekey)
- UIDropDownMenu_SetText(ToggleKeyDropDown, ToggleKeyConst[ptable.TempConfig.togglekey])
+ UIDropDownMenu_SetText(ToggleKeyDropDown, ToggleKeyConst[ptable.TempConfig.togglekey])
MakeACopy = true