Rel notes
Alar of Runetotem [03-29-17 - 07:38]
diff --git a/RelNotes.lua b/RelNotes.lua
index 73e9777..21aa6db 100644
--- a/RelNotes.lua
+++ b/RelNotes.lua
@@ -22,6 +22,12 @@ self:Wiki([[
== Silent mode ==
typing /gac silent in chat will eliminate every chat message from GarrisonCommander
+Fix: Message: Interface\AddOns\GarrisonCommander\FollowerCache.lua:25: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'GARRISON_FOLLOWER_MAX_UPGRADE_QUALITY' (a table value)
+Toc bump
Feature: Improved autologout management. Now you are logged out on timeout ONLY if you started mission control via ctrl-click on table.
Popup message should be informative