diff --git a/XanReputation.lua b/XanReputation.lua
index b720063..c068e94 100644
--- a/XanReputation.lua
+++ b/XanReputation.lua
@@ -299,18 +299,6 @@ function f:SetupDropDown()
- local t = {}
- local q = {}
- for i = 1, GetNumFactions() do
- local name, showValue, level, minVal, maxVal, value, atWar, canBeAtWar, isHeader, isCollapsed, hasRep, isWatched, isChild = GetFactionInfo(i)
- if value and not isHeader then
- table.insert(t, name)
- q[name] = level
- end
- end
- table.sort(t, function(a,b) return a < b end)
local dd1 = LibStub('LibXMenu-1.0'):New("XanReputation_DD", XanREP_DB)
dd1.initialize = function(self, lvl)
if lvl == 1 then
@@ -320,18 +308,48 @@ function f:SetupDropDown()
elseif lvl and lvl > 1 then
if sub == "rep" then
- local starti = (30 * (lvl - 2)) + 1
- local endi = (30 * (lvl - 1)) - 1
- for i = starti, endi, 1 do
- if not t[i] then break end
- local status = "??"
- if q[t[i]] then
- status = string.format("|cFF%s%s|r", colors[q[t[i]]], levels[q[t[i]]])
+ for i = 1, GetNumFactions() do
+ local name, showValue, level, minVal, maxVal, value, atWar, canBeAtWar, isHeader, isCollapsed, hasRep, isWatched, isChild = GetFactionInfo(i)
+ if isHeader then
+ self:AddList(lvl, name, "rep2|"..name)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif strmatch(sub, "(%w+)|(.+)") == "rep2" then
+ local _, cHeader = strmatch(sub, "(%w+)|(.+)")
+ local t = {}
+ local q = {}
+ for i = 1, GetNumFactions() do
+ local name, showValue, level, minVal, maxVal, value, atWar, canBeAtWar, isHeader, isCollapsed, hasRep, isWatched, isChild = GetFactionInfo(i)
+ if isHeader and name == cHeader then
+ boolD = true
+ elseif isHeader and name ~= cHeader then
+ boolD = false
+ end
+ if boolD and not isHeader then
+ table.insert(t, name)
+ q[name] = level
- self:AddSelect(lvl, string.format("%s (%s)", t[i], status), t[i], "factionWatched")
- if i == endi and t[i + 1] then
- self:AddList(lvl, "More", sub)
- break
+ end
+ table.sort(t, function(a,b) return a < b end)
+ if #t > 0 then
+ local starti = (30 * (lvl - 3)) + 1
+ local endi = (30 * (lvl - 2)) - 1
+ for i = starti, endi, 1 do
+ if not t[i] then break end
+ local status = "??"
+ if q[t[i]] then
+ status = string.format("|cFF%s%s|r", colors[q[t[i]]], levels[q[t[i]]])
+ end
+ self:AddSelect(lvl, string.format("%s (%s)", t[i], status), t[i], "factionWatched")
+ if i == endi and t[i + 1] then
+ self:AddList(lvl, "More", sub)
+ break
+ end
elseif sub == "settings" then