
Global environment and core

Scott Sibley [08-13-10 - 12:47]
Global environment and core
diff --git a/Modules/Text.lua b/Modules/Text.lua
index 9e215a5..f989c51 100644
--- a/Modules/Text.lua
+++ b/Modules/Text.lua
@@ -2,11 +2,14 @@ local mod = StarTip:NewModule("Text", "AceTimer-3.0", "AceEvent-3.0")
 mod.name = "Text"
 mod.toggled = true
 assert(LibStub("StarLibEvaluator-1.0", true), "Text module requires StarLibEvaluator-1.0")
-local Evaluator = LibStub("StarLibEvaluator-1.0"):New()
 local LibProperty = LibStub("StarLibProperty-1.0", true)
 assert(LibProperty, "Text module requires StarLibProperty-1.0")
 local WidgetText = LibStub("StarLibWidgetText-1.0", true)
 assert(WidgetText, "Text module requires StarLibWidgetText-1.0")
+local LCDText = LibStub("StarLibLCDText-1.0", true)
+assert(LCDText, mod.name .. " requires StarLibLCDText-1.0")
+local LibCore = LibStub("StarLibCore-1.0", true)
+assert(LibCore, mod.name .. " requires StarLibCore-1.0")
 local _G = _G
 local GameTooltip = _G.GameTooltip
 local StarTip = _G.StarTip
@@ -431,6 +434,10 @@ function mod:OnInitialize()
     StarTip:SetOptionsDisabled(options, true)
+	self.core = LibCore:New(mod, environment, name, config, "ModuleText", lcd, StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel)
+	self.evaluator = LibStub("StarLibEvaluator-1.0"):New(environment, StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel)

 function mod:OnEnable()
@@ -487,11 +494,11 @@ function mod:CreateLines()

                 if v.right then
-                    right, c = Evaluator.ExecuteCode(environment, v.name, v.right)
-                    left, cc = Evaluator.ExecuteCode(environment, v.name, v.left)
+                    right, c = mod.evaluator.ExecuteCode(environment, v.name, v.right)
+                    left, cc = mod.evaluator.ExecuteCode(environment, v.name, v.left)
                     right = ''
-                    left, c = Evaluator.ExecuteCode(environment, v.name, v.left)
+                    left, c = mod.evaluator.ExecuteCode(environment, v.name, v.left)

                 if left and right then
@@ -514,12 +521,19 @@ function mod:CreateLines()
 						if v.marquee then
 							v.string = v.left
+							if v.marqueeObj and v.marqueeObj.visitor and v.marqueeObj.visitor.lcd then
+								v.marqueeObj.visitor.lcd:Del()
+								v.marqueeObj.vistior.lcd = nil
+							end
 							if v.marqueeObj then
 								v.marqueeObj = nil
-							v.marqueeObj = WidgetText:New(self, v.name, v, 0, 0, 0, mod.leftLines[lineNum], environment, StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel)
+							--(visitor, name, config, row, col, layer, fontString, env, errorLevel, callback, data)
+							v.marqueeObj = WidgetText:New(mod.core, v.name, v, 0, 0, 0, mod.leftLines[lineNum], environment, StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel)
+							v.marqueeObj.visitor.lcd = LCDText:New(mod.core, 1, v.width, 0, 0, 0, 0)
 							v.lastLine = lineNum
diff --git a/config.lua b/config.lua
index 78c5c8e..1af2fe1 100644
--- a/config.lua
+++ b/config.lua
@@ -1,300 +1,25 @@
-    "variables": {
-        "foo": 100
-    },
-    /*"display_cfa631": {
-        "driver": "crystalfontz",
-        "backlight": 100,
-        "contrast": 50,
-        "layout": "layout_bar",
-        "model": "632",
-        "port": "/dev/ttyUSB0",
-        "baud": 19200,
-        "rows": 2,
-        "cols": 20
-    },
-    "display_cfa634": {
-        "driver": "crystalfontz",
-        "backlight": 100,
-        "contrast": 50,
-        "layout": "layout_icons",
-        "model": "634",
-        "port": "/dev/ttyUSB1",
-        "baud": 19200,
-        "rows": 4,
-        "cols": 20
-    }, */
-    "display_cfa1": {
-        //"driver": "crystalfontz",
-        //"driver": "qt",
-        "backlight": 100,
-        "contrast": 50,
-        "layout0": "layout_bar",
-        "layout1": "layout_1",
-        "layout2": "layout_karo",
-        "layout3": "layout_bignums",
-        "layout4": "layout_american_flag",
-        "layout5": "layout_intel",
-        "layout6": "layout_marquee1",
-        "layout7": "layout_dolby",
-        "layout8": "layout_bolt",
-        "model": "533",
-        "port": "/dev/ttyUSB0",
-        "baud": 19200,
-        "widget0": "widget_key_up",
-        "widget1": "widget_key_down"
-    },
-    "display_xmms2_pcm": {
-        //"driver": "qt",
-        //"gif-file": "xmms2_pcm.gif",
-        "rows": 2,
-        "cols": 4,
-        "layout0": "layout_xmms2_pcm_24x16",
-        "layout-timeout": 0
-    },
-    "display_xmms2_peak": {
-        //"driver": "qt",
-        //"gif-file": "xmms2_peak.gif",
-        "rows": 4,
-        "cols": 20,
-        "layout0": "layout_xmms2_peak",
-        "layout-timeout": 0
-    },
-    "display_xmms2_spectrum": {
-        //"driver": "qt",
-        //"gif-file": "xmms2_spectrum.gif",
-        "rows": 4,
-        "cols": 20,
-        "layout0": "layout_xmms2_spectrum",
-        "layout-timeout": 0
-    },
-    "display_cfa634": {
-        //"driver": "crystalfontz",
-        "backlight": 100,
-        "contrast": 60,
-        "layout-timeout": 0,
-        "layout0": "layout_visualization",
-        "layout1": "layout_bar",
-        "layout2": "layout_icons",
-        "layout3": "layout_bignums",
-        "layout4": "layout_american_flag",
-        "layout5": "layout_intel",
-        "layout6": "layout_marquee1",
-        "layout7": "layout_dolby",
-        "layout8": "layout_bolt",
-        "model": "635+",
-        "port": "/dev/ttyUSB2",
-        "speed": 115200,
-        "widget0": "widget_key_up",
-        "widget1": "widget_key_down"
-    },
-    "display_pertelian": {
-        //"driver": "pertelian",
-        "backlight": 1,
-        "layout0": "layout_icons",
-        "layout1": "layout_1",
-        "layout2": "layout_karo",
-        "layout3": "layout_bignums",
-        "layout4": "layout_american_flag",
-        "layout5": "layout_intel",
-        "layout6": "layout_marquee1",
-        "layout7": "layout_dolby",
-        "layout8": "layout_bolt",
-        "port": "/dev/ttyUSB3"
-    },
-    "display_qt_graphic_test": {
-        //"driver": "qtgraphic",
-        //"layout0": "layout_full_256x64",
-        //"layout0": "layout_xmms2_pcm_256x64",
-        "layout0": "layout_bignums",
-        //"gif-file": "graphic_test.gif",
-        "background": "ffffff6f",
-        "layout-timeout": 0,
-        "transition-speed": 50,
-        "rows": 64,
-        "cols": 256,
-        "pixels": "2x2",
-        "widget0": "widget_key_up",
-        "widget1": "widget_key_down"
-    },
-    "display_pico_graphic": {
-        //"driver": "picographic",
-        //"gif-file": "qtgraphic.gif",
-        "layout-timeout": 20000,
-        "layout1": "layout_xmms2_pcm_256x64",
-        "layout0": "layout_full_256x64",
-        "transition-speed": 50,
-        "rows": 64,
-        "cols": 256
-    },
-    "display_nifty_out": {
-        //"driver": "qtgraphic",
-        //"gif-file": "nifty3.gif",
-        "background": "ffffff6f",
-        "cols": 256,
-        "rows": 64,
-        "pixels": "2x2",
-        "layout-timeout": 0,
-        "widget0": "widget_key_up",
-        "widget1": "widget_key_down",
-        "transition-speed": 50,
-        "layout0": "layout_full_256x64"
-    },
-    "display_nifty_in": {
-        //"driver": "nifty",
-        "layout0": "layout_histogram_large",
-        "layout-timeout": 0,
-        "update": 100,
-        "background": "ffffff6f",
-        "layers": 3,
-        "update": 25,
-        "port": 8766
-    },
-    "display_sdl": {
-        "driver": "sdl",
-        //"gif-file": "smooth_lcd.gif",
-        "gif-speed": 50,
-        "pixels": "2x2",
+StarLib.config = [[
+local foo = 500
+config = {
+    "display_startip": {
+        "driver": "startip",
         "layers": 3,
         "background": "d9ccf16f",
-        "fill": 1,
-        "rows": 64,
-        "cols": 256,
+        "rows": 4,
+        "cols": 20,
         "layout-timeout": 0,
         "update": 25,
         "widget0": "widget_key_up",
         "widget1": "widget_key_down",
         "transition-speed": 50,
         "refresh-rate": 25,
-        "layout0": "layout_full_256x64"
-    },
-    "layout_histogram_large": {
-        "layer2": {
-            "row1": {
-                //"col1": "widget_nifty2"
-            }
-        },
-        "row1": {
-            "col1": "widget_xmms2_pcm_256x64"
-        },
-        "transition": "A"
-    },
-    "layout_full_256x64": {
-        "layer2": {
-            "row1": {
-                "col1": "widget_histogram_large"
-            }
-        },
-        "layer3": {
-            "row1": {
-                "col1": "widget_xmms2_pcm_256x64"
-            }
-        },
-        "row1": {
-            "col1": "widget_CPULabel",
-            "col6": "widget_CPU",
-            "col11": "widget_CPUBar",
-            "col21": "widget_RAMLabel",
-            "col26": "widget_RAMFree",
-            "col31": "widget_RAMTotal"
-        },
-        "row2": {
-            "col1": "widget_IDELabel",
-            "col6": "widget_IDEIn",
-            "col17": "widget_IDEOut",
-            "col28": "widget_IDEBar"
-        },
-        "row3": {
-            "col1": "widget_FSSpace"
-        },
-        "row4": {
-            "col1": "widget_WLANLabel",
-            "col6": "widget_WLANIn",
-            "col17": "widget_WLANOut",
-            "col28": "widget_WLANBar"
-        },
-        "row6": {
-            "col1": "widget_icon_heartbeat",
-            "col2": "widget_icon_ekg",
-            "col3": "widget_icon_heart",
-            "col4": "widget_icon_blob",
-            "col5": "widget_icon_wave",
-            "col6": "widget_icon_timer",
-            "col7": "widget_icon_rain",
-            "col8": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col9": "widget_icon_heartbeat",
-            "col10": "widget_icon_ekg",
-            "col11": "widget_icon_heart",
-            "col12": "widget_icon_blob",
-            "col13": "widget_icon_wave",
-            "col14": "widget_icon_timer",
-            "col15": "widget_icon_rain",
-            "col16": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col17": "widget_icon_heartbeat",
-            "col18": "widget_icon_ekg",
-            "col19": "widget_icon_heart",
-            "col20": "widget_icon_blob",
-            "col21": "widget_icon_wave",
-            "col22": "widget_icon_timer",
-            "col23": "widget_icon_rain",
-            "col24": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col25": "widget_icon_heartbeat",
-            "col26": "widget_icon_ekg",
-            "col27": "widget_icon_heart",
-            "col28": "widget_icon_blob",
-            "col29": "widget_icon_wave",
-            "col30": "widget_icon_timer",
-            "col31": "widget_icon_rain",
-            "col32": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col33": "widget_icon_heartbeat",
-            "col34": "widget_icon_ekg",
-            "col35": "widget_icon_heart",
-            "col36": "widget_icon_blob",
-            "col37": "widget_icon_blob",
-            "col38": "widget_icon_wave",
-            "col39": "widget_icon_timer",
-            "col40": "widget_icon_rain",
-            "col41": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col42": "widget_icon_heartbeat"
-        },
-        "row7": {
-            "col1": "widget_Time",
-            "col22": "widget_UptimeLabel",
-            "col30": "widget_Uptime"
-        },
-        "row8": {
-            "col1": "widget_bottom_ticker"
-        },
-        "transition": "T"
+        "layout0": "layout_startip"
     "layout_blank": {
         "keyless": 1,
         "layout-timeout": 0
-    "layout_xmms2_pcm_256x64": {
-        "row1": {
-            "col1": "widget_xmms2_pcm_256x64"
-        },
-        "transition": "A"
-    },
-    "layout_xmms2_pcm_24x16": {
-        "row1": {
-            "col1": "widget_xmms2_pcm_24x16"
-        }
-    },
-    "layout_xmms2_peak": {
-        "row1": {
-            "col1": "widget_xmms2_peak"
-        }
-    },
-    "layout_xmms2_spectrum": {
-        "row1": {
-            "col1": "widget_xmms2_spectrum"
-        },
-        "transition": "U"
-    },
-    "layout_1": {
+    "layout_startip": {
         "row1": {
             "col1": "widget_cpu_label",
             //"col11": "widget_cpu_histogram",
@@ -312,615 +37,6 @@
         "transition": "U"
-    "layout_visualization": {
-        "row1": {
-            "col1": "widget_xmms2_pcm_24x16",
-            "col17": "widget_xmms2_pcm_24x16",
-            "col9": "widget_xmms2_pcm_24x16"
-        },
-        "row3": {
-            "col13": "widget_xmms2_pcm_24x16",
-            "col5": "widget_xmms2_pcm_24x16"
-        }
-    },
-    "layout_american_flag": {
-        "row1": {
-            "col1": "widget_gif_american_flag",
-            "col17": "widget_gif_american_flag",
-            "col9": "widget_gif_american_flag"
-        },
-        "row3": {
-            "col13": "widget_gif_american_flag",
-            "col5": "widget_gif_american_flag"
-        },
-        "transition": "L"
-    },
-    "layout_bar": {
-        "row1": {
-            "col1": "widget_ram_label",
-            "col10": "widget_ram_total",
-            "col5": "widget_ram_active"
-        },
-        "row2": {
-            "col1": "widget_wlan0_label",
-            "col10": "widget_wlan0_bar",
-            "col7": "widget_wlan0"
-        },
-        "row3": {
-            "col1": "widget_icon_wave",
-            "col10": "widget_icon_ekg",
-            "col11": "widget_icon_rain",
-            "col12": "widget_icon_blob",
-            "col13": "widget_icon_wave",
-            "col14": "widget_icon_ekg",
-            "col15": "widget_icon_rain",
-            "col16": "widget_icon_blob",
-            "col17": "widget_icon_wave",
-            "col18": "widget_icon_ekg",
-            "col19": "widget_icon_rain",
-            "col2": "widget_icon_ekg",
-            "col20": "widget_icon_blob",
-            "col3": "widget_icon_rain",
-            "col4": "widget_icon_blob",
-            "col5": "widget_icon_wave",
-            "col6": "widget_icon_ekg",
-            "col7": "widget_icon_rain",
-            "col8": "widget_icon_blob",
-            "col9": "widget_icon_wave"
-        },
-        "row4": {
-            "col1": "widget_bottom_ticker"
-        },
-        "transition": "B"
-    },
-    "layout_bignums": {
-        "row2": {
-            "col1": "widget_cpu_label",
-            "col10": "widget_bignums"
-        },
-        "row3": {
-            "col14": "widget_percent"
-        },
-        "transition": "B"
-    },
-    "layout_bolt": {
-        "row1": {
-            "col1": "widget_gif_bolt",
-            "col17": "widget_gif_bolt",
-            "col9": "widget_gif_bolt"
-        },
-        "row3": {
-            "col13": "widget_gif_bolt",
-            "col5": "widget_gif_bolt"
-        },
-        "transition": "B"
-    },
-    "layout_dolby": {
-        "row1": {
-            "col1": "widget_gif_dolby",
-            "col17": "widget_gif_dolby",
-            "col9": "widget_gif_dolby"
-        },
-        "row3": {
-            "col13": "widget_gif_dolby",
-            "col5": "widget_gif_dolby"
-        },
-        "transition": "B"
-    },
-    "layout_icons": {
-        "row1": {
-            "col1": "widget_icon_heartbeat",
-            "col10": "widget_icon_ekg",
-            "col11": "widget_icon_heart",
-            "col12": "widget_icon_blob",
-            "col13": "widget_icon_wave",
-            "col14": "widget_icon_timer",
-            "col15": "widget_icon_rain",
-            "col16": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col17": "widget_icon_heartbeat",
-            "col18": "widget_icon_ekg",
-            "col19": "widget_icon_heart",
-            "col2": "widget_icon_ekg",
-            "col20": "widget_icon_blob",
-            "col3": "widget_icon_heart",
-            "col4": "widget_icon_blob",
-            "col5": "widget_icon_wave",
-            "col6": "widget_icon_timer",
-            "col7": "widget_icon_rain",
-            "col8": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col9": "widget_icon_heartbeat"
-        },
-        "row2": {
-            "col1": "widget_icon_wave",
-            "col10": "widget_icon_timer",
-            "col11": "widget_icon_rain",
-            "col12": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col13": "widget_icon_heartbeat",
-            "col14": "widget_icon_ekg",
-            "col15": "widget_icon_heart",
-            "col16": "widget_icon_blob",
-            "col17": "widget_icon_wave",
-            "col18": "widget_icon_timer",
-            "col19": "widget_icon_rain",
-            "col2": "widget_icon_timer",
-            "col20": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col3": "widget_icon_rain",
-            "col4": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col5": "widget_icon_heartbeat",
-            "col6": "widget_icon_ekg",
-            "col7": "widget_icon_heart",
-            "col8": "widget_icon_blob",
-            "col9": "widget_icon_wave"
-        },
-        "row3": {
-            "col1": "widget_icon_heartbeat",
-            "col10": "widget_icon_ekg",
-            "col11": "widget_icon_heart",
-            "col12": "widget_icon_blob",
-            "col13": "widget_icon_wave",
-            "col14": "widget_icon_timer",
-            "col15": "widget_icon_rain",
-            "col16": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col17": "widget_icon_heartbeat",
-            "col18": "widget_icon_ekg",
-            "col19": "widget_icon_heart",
-            "col2": "widget_icon_ekg",
-            "col20": "widget_icon_blob",
-            "col3": "widget_icon_heart",
-            "col4": "widget_icon_blob",
-            "col5": "widget_icon_wave",
-            "col6": "widget_icon_timer",
-            "col7": "widget_icon_rain",
-            "col8": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col9": "widget_icon_heartbeat"
-        },
-        "row4": {
-            "col1": "widget_icon_wave",
-            "col10": "widget_icon_timer",
-            "col11": "widget_icon_rain",
-            "col12": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col13": "widget_icon_heartbeat",
-            "col14": "widget_icon_ekg",
-            "col15": "widget_icon_heart",
-            "col16": "widget_icon_blob",
-            "col17": "widget_icon_wave",
-            "col18": "widget_icon_timer",
-            "col19": "widget_icon_rain",
-            "col2": "widget_icon_timer",
-            "col20": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col3": "widget_icon_rain",
-            "col4": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col5": "widget_icon_heartbeat",
-            "col6": "widget_icon_ekg",
-            "col7": "widget_icon_heart",
-            "col8": "widget_icon_blob",
-            "col9": "widget_icon_wave"
-        },
-        "transition": "B"
-    },
-    "layout_intel": {
-        "row1": {
-            "col1": "widget_gif_intel",
-            "col17": "widget_gif_intel",
-            "col9": "widget_gif_intel"
-        },
-        "row3": {
-            "col13": "widget_gif_intel",
-            "col5": "widget_gif_intel"
-        },
-        "transition": "B"
-    },
-    "layout_karo": {
-        "row1": {
-            "col1": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col10": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col11": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col12": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col13": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col14": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col15": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col16": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col17": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col18": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col19": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col2": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col20": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col3": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col4": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col5": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col6": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col7": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col8": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col9": "widget_icon_karo"
-        },
-        "row2": {
-            "col1": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col10": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col11": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col12": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col13": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col14": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col15": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col16": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col17": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col18": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col19": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col2": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col20": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col3": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col4": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col5": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col6": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col7": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col8": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col9": "widget_icon_karo"
-        },
-        "row3": {
-            "col1": "widget_icon_karo",
-            "col10": "widget_icon_karo",
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