
Update no-lib error message.

John Pasula [03-04-10 - 21:20]
Update no-lib error message.
diff --git a/ARL.lua b/ARL.lua
index b993793..f2cc84a 100644
--- a/ARL.lua
+++ b/ARL.lua
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ end -- do

 if MissingLibraries() then
-	addon:Print("You are using an SVN version of ARL.  As per WowAce/Curseforge standards, SVN externals are not set up.  You will have to install Ace3, Babble-Faction-3.0, Babble-Zone-3.0, Babble-Boss-3.0, LibAboutPanel, and LibSharedMedia-3.0 in order for the addon to function correctly.")
+	addon:Print("You are using an repository version of ARL.  As per WowAce standards, externals are not set up.  You will have to install all necessary libraries in order for the addon to function correctly.")
 	_G.AckisRecipeList = nil