diff --git a/deDE.lua b/deDE.lua deleted file mode 100644 index cca085b..0000000 --- a/deDE.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,219 +0,0 @@ --- German localisation file -_, BrokerGarbage = ... - -if GetLocale() == "deDE" then - -BrokerGarbage.locale = { - label = "Kein Müll", - - -- Chat Messages - sellAndRepair = "Müll für %1$s verkauft, repariert für %2$s. Änderung: %3$s.", - repair = "Repariert für %s.", - sell = "Müll verkauft für %s.", - - addedToSaveList = "%s zur Ausnahmeliste hinzugefügt.", - addedToPriceList = "Für %s wird nun nur der Händlerpreis genutzt.", - addedToIncludeList = "%s zur Einschlussliste hinzugefügt.", - addedToSellList = "%s wird bei Händlern automatisch verkauft.", - limitSet = "Für %s wurde das Limit auf %d gesetzt.", - itemDeleted = "%s wurde gelöscht.", - - openPlease = "Bitte öffne %s - es nimmt unnötig Platz weg.", - openClams = "Du hast eine %s im Inventar!", - couldNotLootValue = "%s wurde nicht geplündert, da es zu billig ist.", - couldNotLootLocked = "Konnte %s nicht plündern, da es gesperrt ist. Bitte plündere es manuell.", - couldNotLootSpace = "Konnte %s nicht plündern, da dein Inventar voll ist.", - couldNotLootLM = "%s wurde nicht geplündert. Du bist Plündermeister, bitte verteile es manuell.", - slashCommandHelp = "Folgende Kommandos werden unterstützt: |cffc0c0c0/garbage|r\n|cffc0c0c0 config|r öffnet die Optionen.\n|cffc0c0c0format |cffc0c0ffformatstring|r lässt dich das Format der LDB Anzeige anpassen, |cffc0c0c0 format reset|r setzt es zurück.\n|cffc0c0c0stats|r gibt dir eine Kurzstatistik aus.\n|cffc0c0c0limit |cffc0c0ffitemLink/ID Anzahl|r setzt ein Limit für das gewählte Item für den aktuellen Charakter.\n|cffc0c0c0globallimit |cffc0c0ffitemLink/ID Anzahl|r setzt ein Limit für alle Charaktere.\n|cffc0c0c0value |cffc0c0ffWertInKupfer|r setzt den Itemwert, ab dem Items gelootet werden.", - statistics = "Statistik:\nGesamtverdienst (alle Charaktere): %1$s\nGesamtverlust (alle Charaktere): %2$s", - minValueSet = "Mindestwert für items wurde auf %s gesetzt.", - - -- Tooltip - headerRightClick = "Rechts-Klick: Optionen", - headerShiftClick = "SHIFT-Klick: Zerstören", - headerCtrlClick = "STRG-Klick: Behalten", - moneyLost = "Gold verloren:", - moneyEarned = "Gold verdient:", - noItems = "Keine Items zum Löschen.", - increaseTreshold = "Erhöhe die Item Qualität", - - autoSellTooltip = "Müll für %s verkaufen", - reportNothingToSell = "Nichts zu verkaufen!", - - -- Statistics Frame - StatisticsHeading = "Statistiken, jeder braucht sie!\nUm Teile davon zu löschen, klicke auf das jeweilige 'x'.", - - MemoryUsageText = "Bitte beachte, dass insbesondere nach dem Inventarscan der Speicherbedarf stark zunimmt. Er schrumpft wieder, wenn der 'Garbage Collector' ans Werk geht.", - MemoryUsageTitle = "Speicherverbrauch (kB)", - CollectMemoryUsageTooltip = "Klicke um den 'Garbage Collector' (Blizzard Funktion) manuell zu starten.", - - GlobalStatisticsHeading = "Globale Geldstatistiken:", - AverageSellValueTitle = "Durchschnittl. Verkaufswert", - AverageDropValueTitle = "Durchschnittl. weggeworfen", - - GlobalMoneyEarnedTitle = "Gesamtverdienst", - ResetGlobalMoneyEarnedTooltip = "Klicke um deinen Gesamtverdienst zurückzusetzen.", - GlobalMoneyLostTitle = "Gesamtverlust", - ResetGlobalMoneyLostTooltip = "Klicke um deinen Gesamtverlust zurückzusetzen.", - - GlobalItemsSoldTitle = "Items verkauft", - ResetGlobalItemsSoldTooltip = "Klicke um die Anzahl an verkauften Items zurückzusetzen.", - ItemsDroppedTitle = "Items weggeworfen", - ResetGlobalItemsDroppedTooltip = "Klicke um die Anzahl der weggeworfenen Items zurückzusetzen.", - - LocalStatisticsHeading = "Statistiken von %s:", - StatisticsLocalAmountEarned = "Verdienst", - ResetLocalMoneyEarnedTooltip = "Klicke um deinen (lokalen) Verdienst zurückzusetzen.", - StatisticsLocalAmountLost = "Verlust", - ResetLocalMoneyLostTooltip = "Klicke um deinen (lokalen) Verlust zurückzusetzen.", - - ResetGlobalDataText = "Reset: Global", - ResetGlobalDataTooltip = "Klicke hier um alle globalen Statistikdaten zurückzusetzen.", - ResetLocalDataText = "Reset: Lokal", - ResetLocalDataTooltip = "Klicke um alle charakterspezifischen Statistiken zurückzusetzen.", - - -- Basic Options Frame - BasicOptionsTitle = "Grundeinstellungen", - BasicOptionsText = "Möchtest du einmal nicht automatisch verkaufen / reparieren? \nHalte SHIFT gedrückt, wenn du den Händler ansprichst!", - autoSellTitle = "Automatisch Verkaufen", - autoSellText = "Wenn ausgewählt, werden graue Gegenstände automatisch beim Händler verkauft.", - - showAutoSellIconTitle = "Icon anzeigen", - showAutoSellIconText = "Wenn ausgewählt, wird bei Händlern ein Icon zum automatischen Verkaufen angezeigt.", - - showNothingToSellTitle = "'Nichts zu verkaufen'", - showNothingToSellText = "Wenn ausgewählt, wird bei Besuch eines Händlers eine Nachricht ausgegeben, falls es nichts zu verkaufen gibt.", - - autoRepairTitle = "Automatisch Reparieren", - autoRepairText = "Wenn ausgewählt, wird deine Ausrüstung automatisch repariert wenn möglich.", - - autoRepairGuildTitle = "Reparatur selbst zahlen", - autoRepairGuildText = "Wenn ausgewählt, wird Broker_Garbage nicht auf Gildenkosten reparieren.", - - showLostTitle = "'Verlorenes Gold' zeigen", - showLostText = "Wenn ausgewählt, wird im Tooltip die Zeile 'Verlorenes Gold' gezeigt.", - - showSourceTitle = "Quelle anzeigen", - showSourceText = "Wenn ausgewählt, wird im Tooltip als letzte Spalte die Preisquelle gezeigt.", - - showEarnedTitle = "'Verdientes Gold' zeigen", - showEarnedText = "Wenn ausgewählt, wird im Tooltip die Zeile 'Verdientes Gold' gezeigt.", - - dropQualityTitle = "Item Qualität", - dropQualityText = "Wähle, bis zu welcher Qualität Items zum Löschen vorgeschlagen werden. Standard: Schlecht (0)", - - moneyFormatTitle = "Geldformat", - moneyFormatText = "Ändere die Art, wie Geldbeträge angezeigt werden. Standard: 2", - - maxItemsTitle = "Max. Items", - maxItemsText = "Lege fest, wie viele Zeilen im Tooltip angezeigt werden. Standard: 9", - - maxHeightTitle = "Max. Höhe", - maxHeightText = "Lege fest, wie hoch der Tooltip sein darf. Standard: 220", - - enchanterTitle = "Verzauberer", - enchanterTooltip = "Setze das Häkchen, wenn du einen Verzauberer besitzt/kennst. Wenn aktiviert, wird Broker_Garbage Entzauberpreise verwenden, welche in der Regel höher sind als Händlerpreise.", - - rescanInventory = "Inventar neu scannen", - rescanInventoryText = "Klicke um dein Inventar neu zu scannen. Dies sollte normalerweise nicht nötig sein!", - - emptyExcludeList = "Ausschlussliste leeren", - emptyExcludeListText = "Klicke um deine globale (!) Ausschlussliste zu leeren.", - - emptyIncludeList = "Einschlussliste leeren", - emptyIncludeListText = "Klicke um deine globale (!) Einschlussliste zu leeren.", - - LDBDisplayTextTitle = "LDB Anzeige:", - LDBDisplayTextHelpTooltip = "Schnellhilfe:\n%1$s - Itemlink\n%2$s - Item Anzahl\n%3$s - Itemwert\n%4$d - freier Taschenplatz\n%5$d - Gesamttaschenplatz", - LDBDisplayTextResetTooltip = "Setze den LDB Anzeigetext auf den Standardwert zurück.", - - -- List Options Panel - LOPTitle = "Positiv-Listen", - LOPSubTitle = "Zum Hinzufügen ziehe Items auf das jeweilige '+'. Zum Entfernen wähle sie aus und klicke auf '-'. Nutze Kategorien per Rechts-Klick auf '+'.", - - -- Exclude List - LOPExcludeHeader = "Ausschlussliste - Items hier werden nie verkauft/gelöscht.", - LOPExcludePlusTT = "Items hinzufügen, indem du sie hierher ziehst/hier ablegst. Rechtsklick, um Kategorien hinzuzufügen!", - LOPExcludeMinusTT = "Wähle Items, die du entfernen willst. Dann klicke hier.", - LOPExcludePromoteTT = "Klicke um alle markierten Items in die globale Ausnahmeliste zu übernehmen.", - LOPExcludeEmptyTT = "Klicke, um die lokale Ausschlussliste völlig zu leeren.\n|cffff0000Achtung!", - - -- Force Vendor Price List - LOPForceHeader = "Händlerpreis-Liste - Für diese Items wird nur der Händlerpreis betrachtet.", - LOPForcePlusTT = "Items hinzufügen, indem du sie hierher ziehst/hier ablegst. Rechtsklick, um Kategorien hinzuzufügen!", - LOPForceMinusTT = "Wähle Items, die du entfernen willst. Dann klicke hier.", - LOPForcePromoteTT = "Die Händlerpreis-Liste ist bereits global.", - LOPForceEmptyTT = "Klicke, um die Händlerliste völlig zu leeren.\n|cffff0000Achtung!", - - -- AutoSell Options Panel - LONTitle = "Negativ-Listen", - LONSubTitle = "Analog zu den Positiv-Listen. Um eine maximale Anzahl für ein bestimmtes Item festzulegen, nutze das Mausrad über dem Item-Icon.", - - -- Include List - LONIncludeHeader = "Einschlussliste - Items werden zuerst angezeigt und vom LM nicht geplündert.", - LONIncludePlusTT = "Items hinzufügen, indem du sie hierher ziehst/hier ablegst. Rechtsklick, um Kategorien hinzuzufügen!", - LONIncludeMinusTT = "Wähle Items, die du entfernen willst. Dann klicke hier.", - LONIncludePromoteTT = "Klicke, um alle markierten Items in die globale Einschlussliste zu übernehmen.", - LONIncludeEmptyTT = "Klicke, um die lokale Einschlussliste völlig zu leeren.\n|cffff0000Achtung!", - - -- Auto Sell List - LONAutoSellHeader = "Verkaufsliste - Items hier werden bei Händlern automatisch verkauft.", - LONAutoSellPlusTT = "Items hinzufügen, indem du sie hierher ziehst/hier ablegst. Rechtsklick, um Kategorien hinzuzufügen!", - LONAutoSellMinusTT = "Wähle Items, die du entfernen willst. Dann klicke hier.", - LONAutoSellPromoteTT = "Klicke, um alle markierten Items in die globale Verkaufsliste zu übernehmen.", - LONAutoSellEmptyTT = "Klicke, um die lokale Verkaufsliste völlig zu leeren.\n|cffff0000Achtung!", - - -- LibPeriodicTable texts - PTCategoryTooltipHeader = "Kategorien hinzufügen", - PTCategoryTooltipText = "Füge Kategorien hinzu, indem du auf die entsprechenden Einträge clickst.", - - -- Loot Manager - CreatureTypeBeast = "Wildtier", - You = "Ihr", - - LMTitle = "Loot Manager", - LMSubTitle = "Der Loot Manager kann den gesamten Lootvorgang verwalten, wenn du ihn lässt.\nHalte SHIFT beim Plündern lange gedrückt, wenn du sonst Autoloot an hast, aber einmalig 'per Hand' plündern möchtest.", - - LMEnableTitle = "Loot Manager aktivieren", - LMEnableTooltip = "Aktiviert den Loot Manager.", - - LMSelectiveTitle = "Selektives Looten", - LMSelectiveTooltip = "Wenn ausgewählt, entscheidet Broker_Garbage von selbst, welche Items gelootet werden.", - - LMAutoLootTitle = "Autoloot", - LMAutoLootTooltip = "Wenn nicht ausgewählt, wird Broker_Garbage nur bei bestimmten Gelegenheiten looten.", - - LMAutoLootSkinningTitle = "Kürschnern", - LMAutoLootSkinningTooltip = "Wenn ausgewählt, wird Broker_Garbage versuchen, durch dich kürschnerbare Kreaturen zu looten.", - - LMAutoLootPickpocketTitle = "Taschendiebstahl", - LMAutoLootPickpocketTooltip = "Wenn ausgewählt, wird Broker_Garbage automatisch plündern, wenn du ein Schurke in Verstohlenheit bist.", - - LMAutoLootFishingTitle = "Angeln", - LMAutoLootFishingTooltip = "Wenn ausgewählt, wird Broker_Garbage automatisch plündern, wenn du gerade angelst.", - - LMAutoDestroyTitle = "Auto-Zerstören", - LMAutoDestroyTooltip = "Wenn ausgewählt, wird Broker_Garbage bei zu wenig Platz versuchen, welchen zu schaffen.", - - LMFreeSlotsTitle = "Min. freier Inventarplatz", - LMFreeSlotsTooltip = "Setze das Minimum an freien Taschenplätzen, bei dem Broker_Garbage automatisch Platz schaffen soll.", - - LMRestackTitle = "Automatisch stapeln", - LMRestackTooltip = "Wenn ausgewählt, wird Broker_Garbage automatisch die von dir beobachteten Gegenstände nach dem Plündern stapeln, um Platz zu schaffen.", - - LMFullRestackTitle = "Gesamtes Inventar", - LMFullRestackTooltip = "Wenn ausgewählt, wird Broker_Garbage dein gesamtes Inventar zum Restacken beobachten.", - - LMOpenContainersTitle = "Warne: Behälter", - LMOpenContainersTooltip = "Wenn ausgewählt, wird Broker_Garbage eine Warnung ausgeben, solltest du ungeöffnete Behälter bei dir haben.", - - LMOpenClamsTitle = "Warne: Muscheln", - LMOpenClamsTooltip = "Wenn ausgewählt, wird Broker_Garbage eine Warnung ausgeben, wenn du ungeöffnete Muscheln im Inventar hast. Da diese aber nun stapelbar sind, verlierst du durch deaktivieren dieser Option keinen Taschenplatz.", - - LMWarnLMTitle = "Warne: Plündermeister", - LMWarnLMTooltip = "Wenn ausgewählt, wird Broker_Garbage eine Meldung zeigen, die dich auffordert, die Beute zu verteilen.", - - LMItemMinValue = "Mindestwert zum Looten", -} - -end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/enUS.lua b/enUS.lua deleted file mode 100644 index a076769..0000000 --- a/enUS.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,218 +0,0 @@ --- enUS / enGB / default localization file -_, BrokerGarbage = ... - - - -BrokerGarbage.locale = { - label = "Junk, be gone!", - - -- Chat Messages - sellAndRepair = "Sold trash for %1$s, repaired for %2$s. Change: %3$s.", - repair = "Repaired for %s.", - sell = "Sold trash for %s.", - - addedToSaveList = "%s has been added to the save list.", - addedToPriceList = "%s will only have its vendor price considered.", - addedToIncludeList = "%s has been added to the Include List.", - addedToSellList = "%s will be automatically sold when at a merchant.", - limitSet = "%s has been assigned a limit of %d.", - itemDeleted = "%s has been deleted.", - - openPlease = "Please open your %s. It's in your bags, stealing your space!", - openClams = "You own a %s. Maybe consider opening it.", - couldNotLootValue = "Did not loot %s because it's too cheap.", - couldNotLootLocked = "Could not loot %s because it is locked. Please loot manually.", - couldNotLootSpace = "Could not loot %s because your inventory is full.", - couldNotLootLM = "%s was not looted. You are the Loot Master so please distrivute the item manually.", - slashCommandHelp = "The following commands are available: |cffc0c0c0/garbage|r\n|cffc0c0c0 config|r opens the options panel.\n|cffc0c0c0format |cffc0c0ffformatstring|r lets you customize the LDB display text, |cffc0c0c0 format reset|r resets it.\n|cffc0c0c0stats|r returns some statistics.\n|cffc0c0c0limit |cffc0c0ffitemLink/ID count|r sets a limit for the given item on the current character.\n|cffc0c0c0globallimit |cffc0c0ffitemLink/ID count|r sets a limit for all characters.\n|cffc0c0c0value |cffc0c0ffvalueInCopper|r sets the minimum value for items to be looted.", - statistics = "Statistics:\nTotal earnings (all characters): %1$s\nTotal losses (all characters): %2$s", - minValueSet = "Items with a value less than %s will not be looted anymore.", - - -- Tooltip - headerRightClick = "Right-Click for options", - headerShiftClick = "SHIFT-Click: Destroy", - headerCtrlClick = "CTRL-Click: Keep", - moneyLost = "Money Lost:", - moneyEarned = "Money Earned:", - noItems = "No items to delete.", - increaseTreshold = "Increase quality treshold", - - autoSellTooltip = "Sell Items for %s", - reportNothingToSell = "Nothing to sell!", - - -- Statistics Frame - StatisticsHeading = "Statistics, everone needs them!\nTo delete any part of them, click the red x.", - - MemoryUsageText = "Please notice that especially after scanning your inventory the memory usage goes up a lot. It will automatically be reduced once the garbage collector kicks in.", - MemoryUsageTitle = "Memory Usage (kB)", - CollectMemoryUsageTooltip = "Click to start the garbage collection (Blizzard function).", - - GlobalStatisticsHeading = "Global Money statistics:", - AverageSellValueTitle = "Average sell value", - AverageDropValueTitle = "Average drop value", - - GlobalMoneyEarnedTitle = "Total amount earned", - ResetGlobalMoneyEarnedTooltip = "Click to reset your (global) money earned data.", - GlobalMoneyLostTitle = "Total amount lost", - ResetGlobalMoneyLostTooltip = "Click to reset your (global) money lost data.", - - GlobalItemsSoldTitle = "Items sold", - ResetGlobalItemsSoldTooltip = "Click to reset the number of items you sold so far.", - ItemsDroppedTitle = "Items dropped", - ResetGlobalItemsDroppedTooltip = "Click to reset the number of items you dropped so far.", - - LocalStatisticsHeading = "%s's statistics:", - StatisticsLocalAmountEarned = "Amount earned", - ResetLocalMoneyEarnedTooltip = "Click to reset your (local) money earned data.", - StatisticsLocalAmountLost = "Amount lost", - ResetLocalMoneyLostTooltip = "Click to reset your (local) money lost data.", - - ResetGlobalDataText = "Reset Global Statistics", - ResetGlobalDataTooltip = "Click here to reset alls global statistics.", - ResetLocalDataText = "Reset Local Statistics", - ResetLocalDataTooltip = "Click here to reset all local statistics.", - - -- Basic Options Frame - BasicOptionsTitle = "Basic Options", - BasicOptionsText = "Don't want to auto-sell/repair? \nHold Shift when adressing the merchant!", - autoSellTitle = "Auto Sell", - autoSellText = "Toggles whether to automatically sell your gray items when at a vendor.", - - showAutoSellIconTitle = "Show Icon", - showAutoSellIconText = "Toggles whether to show an icon to manually auto-sell when at a vendor.", - - showNothingToSellTitle = "'Nothing to sell'", - showNothingToSellText = "Toggles whether to show a notice when at a vendor and there is nothing to sell.", - - autoRepairTitle = "Auto Repair", - autoRepairText = "Toggles whether to automatically repair your gear when at a vendor.", - - autoRepairGuildTitle = "No Guild Repair", - autoRepairGuildText = "If selected, Broker_Garbage will never try to repair using the guild bank's money", - - showLostTitle = "Show Money Lost", - showLostText = "Toggles whether to show the tooltip line 'Money Lost'.", - - showSourceTitle = "Show Source", - showSourceText = "Toggles whether to show the last column in the tooltip, displaying the item value source.", - - showEarnedTitle = "Show Money Earned", - showEarnedText = "Toggles whether to show the tooltip line 'Money Earned'.", - - dropQualityTitle = "Drop Quality", - dropQualityText = "Select up to which treshold items may be listed as deletable. Default: Poor (0)", - - moneyFormatTitle = "Money Format", - moneyFormatText = "Change the way money (i.e. gold/silver/copper) is being displayed. Default: 2", - - maxItemsTitle = "Max. Items", - maxItemsText = "Set how many lines you would like to have displayed in the tooltip. Default: 9", - - maxHeightTitle = "Max. Height", - maxHeightText = "Set the height of the tooltip. Default: 220", - - enchanterTitle = "Enchanter", - enchanterTooltip = "Check this if you have/know an enchanter. When checked, Broker_Garbage will use disenchant values for disenchantable items, which are usually higher than vendor prices.", - - rescanInventory = "Rescan Inventory", - rescanInventoryText = "Click to manually rescan you inventory. Should generally not be needed.", - - emptyExcludeList = "Empty Exclude List", - emptyExcludeListText = "Click to clear your exclude list.", - - emptyIncludeList = "Empty Include List", - emptyIncludeListText = "Click to clear your include list.", - - LDBDisplayTextTitle = "LDB Display text:", - LDBDisplayTextHelpTooltip = "Format string help:\n%1$s - item link\n%2$s - item count\n%3$s - item value\n%4$d - free bag slots\n%5$d - total bag slots", - LDBDisplayTextResetTooltip = "Reset LDB string to default value.", - - -- List Options Panel - LOPTitle = "Positive Lists", - LOPSubTitle = "To add Items to lists, drag them over the corresponding '+' icon, to remove them select them and click the '-'. To add categories right-click on '+'.", - - -- Exclude List - LOPExcludeHeader = "Exclude List - these items will never be sold/deleted.", - LOPExcludePlusTT = "Add items to the Exclude List by dragging/placing them on me. Right click on me for categories!", - LOPExcludeMinusTT = "Select items you want to remove, then click here.", - LOPExcludePromoteTT = "Selected items will be written onto your global Exclude List, as seen by every character.", - LOPExcludeEmptyTT = "Click to fully empty your local Exclude List.\n|cffff0000Caution!", - - -- Force Vendor Price List - LOPForceHeader = "Vendor Price List - These items will only have their vendor price considered.", - LOPForcePlusTT = "Add items to the Exclude List by dragging/placing them on me. Right click on me for categories!", - LOPForceMinusTT = "Select items you want to remove, then click here.", - LOPForcePromoteTT = "The Vendor Price List is already global and effects every character.", - LOPForceEmptyTT = "Click to fully empty your Vendor Price List.\n|cffff0000Caution!", - - -- AutoSell Options Panel - LONTitle = "Negative Lists", - LONSubTitle = "Similar usage to Positive Lists. To set an item limit, use your mousewheel when over the item icon.", - - -- Include List - LONIncludeHeader = "Include List - items will be shown first and not be looted by the Loot Manager.", - LONIncludePlusTT = "Add items to the Exclude List by dragging/placing them on me. Right click on me for categories!", - LONIncludeMinusTT = "Select items you want to remove, then click here.", - LONIncludePromoteTT = "Selected items will be written onto your global Include List, as seen by every character.", - LONIncludeEmptyTT = "Click to fully empty your local Include List.\n|cffff0000Caution!", - - -- Auto Sell List - LONAutoSellHeader = "Sell List - These items will be sold automatically when at a vendor.", - LONAutoSellPlusTT = "Add items to the Exclude List by dragging/placing them on me. Right click on me for categories!", - LONAutoSellMinusTT = "Select items you want to remove, then click here.", - LONAutoSellPromoteTT = "Selected items will be written onto your global Sell List, as seen by every character.", - LONAutoSellEmptyTT = "Click to fully empty your local Sell List.\n|cffff0000Caution!", - - -- LibPeriodicTable texts - PTCategoryTooltipHeader = "Add Categories", - PTCategoryTooltipText = "Navigate through this menu and add any of these categories by clicking on them.", - - -- Loot Manager - CreatureTypeBeast = "Beast", - You = "You", -- as in "You receive ..." - - LMTitle = "Loot Manager", - LMSubTitle = "The Loot Manager takes control of your looting if you want it to do so.\nIf you usually autoloot, hold down SHIFT for a while when looting a corpse to disable it once.", - - LMEnableTitle = "Enable Loot Manager", - LMEnableTooltip = "Check to enable the Loot Manager.", - - LMSelectiveTitle = "Selective Looting", - LMSelectiveTooltip = "Check to let Broker_Garbage determine which items to loot.", - - LMAutoLootTitle = "Autoloot", - LMAutoLootTooltip = "If unchecked, Broker_Garbage will only loot on special occations.", - - LMAutoLootSkinningTitle = "Skinning", - LMAutoLootSkinningTooltip = "If checked, Broker_Garbage will loot if the creature is skinnable by you.", - - LMAutoLootPickpocketTitle = "Pickpocket", - LMAutoLootPickpocketTooltip = "If checked, Broker_Garbage will loot if you are a Rogue and stealthed.", - - LMAutoLootFishingTitle = "Fishing", - LMAutoLootFishingTooltip = "If checked, Broker_Garbage will loot if you are currently fishing.", - - LMAutoDestroyTitle = "Autodestroy", - LMAutoDestroyTooltip = "If checked, Broker_Garbage will take actions when your inventory space is (almost) full.", - - LMFreeSlotsTitle = "Minimum free slots", - LMFreeSlotsTooltip = "Set the minimum numer of free slots for autodestroy to take action.", - - LMRestackTitle = "Automatic restack", - LMRestackTooltip = "Check to automatically compress your watched inventory items after looting.", - - LMFullRestackTitle = "Full inventory", - LMFullRestackTooltip = "When checked will look at your whole inventory for restackable items, not just the watched items.", - - LMOpenContainersTitle = "Warn: Containers", - LMOpenContainersTooltip = "When checked, Broker_Garbage will warn you when you have unopened containers in you inventory.", - - LMOpenClamsTitle = "Warn: Clams", - LMOpenClamsTooltip = "When checked, Broker_Garbage will warn you when you have clams in you inventory. As these now do stack, you are not wasting any slots by unchecking this.", - - LMWarnLMTitle = "Warn: Loot Master", - LMWarnLMTooltip = "When checked, Broker_Garbage will print a notice reminding you to assign loot.", - - LMItemMinValue = "Minimum item value", -} - diff --git a/lootmanager.lua b/lootmanager.lua deleted file mode 100644 index a821fe7..0000000 --- a/lootmanager.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,494 +0,0 @@ --- This is BrokerGarbage's Loot Manager - inspired by KarniCrap --- It allows you to manage auto looting and dropping of "too many" items -_, BrokerGarbage = ... - --- register events -local function eventHandler(self, event, ...) - if not BG_GlobalDB.useLootManager then return end - - if event == "CHAT_MSG_LOOT" then - if BrokerGarbage.locale.You and strfind(arg1, BrokerGarbage.locale.You) and BG_GlobalDB.autoDestroy then - BrokerGarbage:AutoDestroy() - end - - elseif event == "LOOT_OPENED" then - local numSlots = 0 - -- restack (relevant) inventory - if BG_GlobalDB.restackIfNeeded then - local justStacked = {} - if BG_GlobalDB.restackFullInventory then - for container = 0, 4 do - numSlots = GetContainerNumSlots(container) - if numSlots then - for slot = 1, numSlots do - local itemID = GetContainerItemID(container,slot) - if itemID and not BrokerGarbage:Find(justStacked, itemID) then - BrokerGarbage:Restack(itemID) - table.insert(justStacked, itemID) - end - end - end - end - else - for i, itemTable in pairs(BrokerGarbage.inventory) do - if not BrokerGarbage:Find(justStacked, itemTable.itemID) then - BrokerGarbage:Restack(itemTable.itemID) - table.insert(justStacked, itemTable.itemID) - end - end - end - end - -- looting - if BG_LocalDB.selectiveLooting then - local autoloot = arg1 - if BrokerGarbage.currentRestackItems ~= nil then - BrokerGarbage.afterRestack = function() - BrokerGarbage:SelectiveLooting(autoloot) - end - else - BrokerGarbage:SelectiveLooting(autoloot) - end - end - - elseif event == "LOOT_CLOSED" then - if BG_LocalDB.selectiveLooting then - BrokerGarbage:CheckAndClearInv() - end - - if BG_GlobalDB.openContainers then - BrokerGarbage:OpenContainers() - end - - elseif event == "ITEM_UNLOCKED" then - -- keep restacking - if BrokerGarbage:RestackStep() then - -- wait for next update - BrokerGarbage:Debug("Still restacking...", BrokerGarbage.currentRestackItems) - else - -- we're done - frame:UnregisterEvent("ITEM_UNLOCKED") - BrokerGarbage.currentRestackItems = nil - BrokerGarbage:Debug("Unregistered ITEM_UNLOCKED") - - if BrokerGarbage.afterRestack ~= nil then - BrokerGarbage:afterRestack() - BrokerGarbage.afterRestack = nil - end - end - end -end - -local frame = CreateFrame("Frame") -frame:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_LOOT") -frame:RegisterEvent("LOOT_OPENED") -frame:RegisterEvent("LOOT_CLOSED") -frame:SetScript("OnEvent", eventHandler) - --- --------------------------------------------------------- --- Helper functions --- --------------------------------------------------------- --- restacks items so when deleting you lose as few items as possible -function BrokerGarbage:Restack(itemID) - if BrokerGarbage.currentRestackItems then - tinsert(BrokerGarbage.currentRestackItems, itemID) - else - BrokerGarbage.currentRestackItems = { itemID } - if BrokerGarbage:RestackStep() then - -- wait for moved items - frame:RegisterEvent("ITEM_UNLOCKED") - else - -- nothing to restack - if BrokerGarbage.afterRestack ~= nil then - BrokerGarbage:afterRestack() - BrokerGarbage.afterRestack = nil - end - end - end -end - -local function NextRestackStep() - -- go to next item if there is one - tremove(BrokerGarbage.currentRestackItems, 1) - if #(BrokerGarbage.currentRestackItems) <= 0 then - BrokerGarbage.currentRestackItems = nil - return false - else - return BrokerGarbage:RestackStep() - end -end - --- move 1 item for restacking -function BrokerGarbage:RestackStep() - if not BrokerGarbage.currentRestackItems then return false end - local itemID = BrokerGarbage.currentRestackItems[1] - if not itemID then return NextRestackStep() end - - local count = GetItemCount(itemID) - if not count or count <= 1 then return NextRestackStep() end - - local locations = BrokerGarbage:FindSlotToDelete(itemID, true) - local maxLoc = #locations - if maxLoc <= 1 then - return NextRestackStep() - end -- we're done, nothing to restack - - if GetContainerItemInfo(locations[1].bag, locations[1].slot) then - ClearCursor() - PickupContainerItem(locations[1].bag, locations[1].slot) - PickupContainerItem(locations[maxLoc].bag, locations[maxLoc].slot) - - BrokerGarbage:Debug("Restack from/to", locations[1].count, locations[maxLoc].count) - end - return true -end - --- calls restack and deletes as many items as needed -function BrokerGarbage:DeletePartialStack(itemID, num) - local locations = BrokerGarbage:FindSlotToDelete(itemID) - local maxStack = select(8, GetItemInfo(itemID)) - - SplitContainerItem(locations[1].bag, locations[1].slot, num) - if CursorHasItem() then - BrokerGarbage:Debug("DeletePartialStack", select(2,GetItemInfo(itemID)), num, locations[1].bag, locations[1].slot) - DeleteCursorItem() - end -end - --- checks the inventory for items that can and should be dropped/restacked -function BrokerGarbage:CheckAndClearInv() - local numSlots - -- restack - local justStacked = {} - if BG_GlobalDB.restackIfNeeded and BG_GlobalDB.restackFullInventory then - for container = 0, 4 do - numSlots = GetContainerNumSlots(container) - if numSlots then - for slot = 1, numSlots do - local itemID = GetContainerItemID(container,slot) - if itemID and not BrokerGarbage:Find(justStacked, itemID) then - BrokerGarbage:Restack(itemID) - table.insert(justStacked, itemID) - end - end - end - end - elseif BG_GlobalDB.restackIfNeeded then - for i, itemTable in pairs(BrokerGarbage.inventory) do - if not BrokerGarbage:Find(justStacked, itemTable.itemID) then - BrokerGarbage:Restack(itemTable.itemID) - table.insert(justStacked, itemTable.itemID) - end - end - end - - -- drop until conditions are met - --while BrokerGarbage.totalFreeSlots <= BG_GlobalDB.tooFewSlots do - -- BrokerGarbage:Delete(BrokerGarbage:GetCheapest()) -- automatically takes included items - -- BrokerGarbage:ScanInventory() - --end -end - --- drops Include List (Blacklist) items -function BrokerGarbage:AntiCrap() - local numSlots, itemID - for bag = 0, 4 do - numSlots = GetContainerNumSlots(container) - if numSlots then - for slot = 1, numSlots do - itemID = GetContainerItemID(container,slot) - if not IsInteresting(select(2,GetItemInfo(itemID))) then - BrokerGarbage:Delete(select(2,GetItemInfo(itemID)), bag, slot) - end - end - end - end -end - --- warns of container - clams and/or containers -function BrokerGarbage:OpenContainers() - --[[if BrokerGarbage.totalFreeSlots < 2 then - BrokerGarbage:Print("Too few slots to securely loot containers! Please make some room.") - return - end]]-- - - -- only containers - if BG_GlobalDB.openContainers then - local itemLink - - for i, itemTable in pairs(BrokerGarbage.unopened) do - if not itemTable.clam then - itemLink = select(2,GetItemInfo(itemTable.itemID)) - BrokerGarbage:Print(format(BrokerGarbage.locale.openPlease, itemLink)) - -- UseContainerItem(itemTable.container, itemTable.slot) - tremove(BrokerGarbage.unopened, i) - end - end - end - - -- only clams - if BG_GlobalDB.openClams then - -- opening clams - local auctionType = select(6,GetAuctionItemClasses()) - local auctionSubType = GetAuctionItemSubClasses(6) - local itemLink - - for i, itemTable in pairs(BrokerGarbage.unopened) do - if itemTable.clam then - -- UseContainerItem(itemTable.bag, itemTable.slot) - itemLink = select(2,GetItemInfo(itemTable.itemID)) - BrokerGarbage:Print(format(BrokerGarbage.locale.openClams, itemLink)) - tremove(BrokerGarbage.unopened, i) - end - end - end -end - ---[[ returns number of free inventory slots // currently unused -function BrokerGarbage:GetNumSlots() - local total = 0 - local free = 0 - local numSlots = 0 - local freeSlots = 0 - - for container = 0, 4 do - freeSlots = select(1,GetContainerFreeSlots(container)) or {} - free = free + #freeSlots - numSlots = GetContainerNumSlots(container) - if numSlots then - total = total + numSlots - end - end - return total, free -end ]]-- - --- returns true if the requested mob is skinnable with our skill -function BrokerGarbage:CanSkin(mobLevel) - local isSkinner = IsUsableSpell(select(1,GetSpellInfo(8613))) and BrokerGarbage:GetTradeSkill(select(1,GetSpellInfo(8613))) - if not isSkinner then return false end - local maxLevel - if isSkinner < 100 then - maxLevel = floor(isSkinner/10) + 10 - else - maxLevel = floor(isSkinner/5) - end - - return maxLevel >= mobLevel -end - --- determines if an item should be lootet -function BrokerGarbage:IsInteresting(itemLink) - local itemID = BrokerGarbage:GetItemID(itemLink) - local alwaysLoot = false - - -- items we don't want - local negativeList = BrokerGarbage:JoinTables(BG_GlobalDB.include, BG_LocalDB.include) - if negativeList[itemID] then - return false, false - else - -- check if the item belongs to a category - local inCategory - for setName,_ in pairs(negativeList) do - if type(setName) == "string" then - _, inCategory = BrokerGarbage.PT:ItemInSet(itemID, setName) - end - if inCategory then - return false, false - end - end - end - - -- items we always want - local positiveList = BrokerGarbage:JoinTables(BG_GlobalDB.exclude, BG_LocalDB.exclude) - if positiveList[itemID] then - alwaysLoot = true - else - -- check if the item belongs to a category - local inCategory - for setName,_ in pairs(positiveList) do - if type(setName) == "string" then - _, inCategory = BrokerGarbage.PT:ItemInSet(itemID, setName) - end - if inCategory then - alwaysLoot = true - end - end - end - - -- items we don't care about - return true, alwaysLoot - - --local sellList = BrokerGarbage:JoinTables(BG_GlobalDB.forceVendorPrice, BG_GlobalDB.autoSellList, BG_LocalDB.autoSellList) -end - --- hook UpdateButton function for non-autoloot -local LootFrame_UpdateButton_orig = LootFrame_UpdateButton -function LootFrame_UpdateButton(index) - LootFrame_UpdateButton_orig(index) - if not BG_GlobalDB.useLootManager then return end - - local slot = (LOOTFRAME_NUMBUTTONS * (LootFrame.page - 1)) + index - _, itemName, quantity, quality, locked = GetLootSlotInfo(slot) - itemLink = GetLootSlotLink(slot) - if not itemLink then return end - if BrokerGarbage:IsInteresting(itemLink) then - _G["LootButton"..index.."IconTexture"]:SetDesaturated(false) - _G["LootButton"..index.."IconTexture"]:SetAlpha(1) - else - _G["LootButton"..index.."IconTexture"]:SetDesaturated(true) - _G["LootButton"..index.."IconTexture"]:SetAlpha(0.5) - end -end - --- --------------------------------------------------------- --- lootmanager functionality from here --- --------------------------------------------------------- --- for use in CHAT_MSG_LOOT event - destroys watched items as needed -function BrokerGarbage:AutoDestroy() - local count = GetItemCount(itemID) - if not count or count == 1 then return end - local location = {} - - for itemID,maxCount in pairs(BrokerGarbage:JoinTables(BG_LocalDB.include, BG_GlobalDB.include)) do - count = 0 - if type(itemID) == "number" and type(maxCount) == "number" then - -- delete excess items - location = BrokerGarbage:FindSlotToDelete(itemID) - for i = #location, 1, -1 do - if count >= maxCount then - BrokerGarbage:Delete(GetItemInfo(itemID), location[i].bag, location[i].slot) - else - count = count + location[i].count - end - end - end - end -end - --- for use in LOOT_OPENED event -function BrokerGarbage:SelectiveLooting(autoloot) - if IsShiftKeyDown() then return end - local numItems = GetNumLootItems() - local texture, quantity, quality, locked, itemLink - local manage, loot, close = false, false, true - - local mobLevel = UnitExists("target") and UnitIsDead("target") and UnitLevel("target") - local mobType = UnitCreatureType("target") == BrokerGarbage.locale.CreatureTypeBeast - local autoLoot = autoloot ~= 0 or BG_GlobalDB.autoLoot - - if autoLoot - or (BG_GlobalDB.autoLootPickpocket and BrokerGarbage.playerClass == "ROGUE" and IsStealthed()) - or (BG_GlobalDB.autoLootFishing and IsFishingLoot()) - or (BG_GlobalDB.autoLootSkinning and mobType and CanSkin(mobLevel)) then - - BrokerGarbage:Debug("Clearing mob") - manage = true - - for slot = 1,numItems do - loot = false - if LootSlotIsCoin(slot) then - -- take money - loot = true - else - -- check items - _, _, quantity, quality, locked = GetLootSlotInfo(slot) - itemLink = GetLootSlotLink(slot) - local value = BrokerGarbage:GetItemValue(itemLink, quantity) - local isInteresting, alwaysLoot = BrokerGarbage:IsInteresting(itemLink) - - if isInteresting - and (not value or value >= BG_LocalDB.itemMinValue) then - - if BrokerGarbage.totalFreeSlots <= BG_GlobalDB.tooFewSlots then - -- try to compress and make room - BrokerGarbage:Debug("We're out of space!") - - local itemID = BrokerGarbage:GetItemID(itemLink) - local maxStack = select(8, GetItemInfo(itemID)) - local inBags = mod(GetItemCount(itemID), maxStack) - local compareTo = BrokerGarbage:GetCheapest() - - local prepareSkinning = (autoLoot or BG_GlobalDB.autoLootSkinning) and mobType and BrokerGarbage:CanSkin(mobLevel) - - if inBags > 0 and maxStack >= (inBags + quantity) then - -- this item fits without us doing anything - BrokerGarbage:Debug("Item stacks.", itemLink) - loot = true - - elseif BG_GlobalDB.autoDestroy and not alwaysLoot and inBags > 0 - and (inBags < maxStack or prepareSkinning) and inBags + quantity > maxStack then - - -- we can fit x more in ... *squeeze* - BrokerGarbage:Debug("Item can be made to fit.", itemLink) - - local amount = quantity + inBags - maxStack - if not compareTo[1] - or (BrokerGarbage:GetItemValue(itemLink, quantity) or 0) < compareTo[1].value then - - BrokerGarbage:DeletePartialStack(itemID, amount) - loot = true - end - - elseif BG_GlobalDB.autoDestroy and compareTo[1] then - -- delete cheaper item - BrokerGarbage:Debug("Check for items to throw away for", itemLink) - - if (BrokerGarbage:GetItemValue(itemLink, quantity) or 0) > compareTo[1].value - or select(6,GetItemInfo(itemLink)) == select(12, GetAuctionItemClasses()) then - - -- this item is worth more or it is a quest item - BrokerGarbage:Debug("Delete item to make room.", itemLink) - - BrokerGarbage:Delete(select(2,GetItemInfo(compareTo[1].itemID)), - compareTo[1].bag, compareTo[1].slot) - loot = true - - elseif prepareSkinning and compareTo[1] then - -- we are skinning - BrokerGarbage:Debug("Looting for skinning", itemLink) - - BrokerGarbage:Delete(select(2,GetItemInfo(compareTo[1].itemID)), - compareTo[1].bag, compareTo[1].slot) - loot = true - end - end - else - -- enough bag space - loot = true - end - end - end - - -- take loot if we can - if locked and quality < GetLootThreshold() then - BrokerGarbage:Print(format(BrokerGarbage.locale.couldNotLootLocked, itemLink)) - elseif not loot and not BG_GlobalDB.autoDestroy then - BrokerGarbage:Print(format(BrokerGarbage.locale.couldNotLootSpace, itemLink)) - elseif not loot then - BrokerGarbage:Print(format(BrokerGarbage.locale.couldNotLootValue, itemLink)) - else - -- check if we are allowed to loot this - if not LootSlotIsCoin(slot) and (GetNumPartyMembers() > 0 or GetNumRaidMembers() > 1) - and GetLootMethod() ~= "freeforall" and GetLootThreshold() <= quality then - - -- ignore item as it is still being rolled for / loot master's job - if GetNumRaidMembers() > 1 and select(3,GetLootMethod()) - and UnitIsUnit("raid"..select(3,GetLootMethod()), "player") then - - if BG_GlobalDB.warnLM then - BrokerGarbage:Print(format(BrokerGarbage.locale.couldNotLootLM, itemLink)) - end - close = false - end - else - -- loot normally - LootSlot(slot) - end - end - end - end - - if manage and (close or GetNumLootItems() == 0) then - CloseLoot() - end -end -BrokerGarbage.lootManager = true \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lootmanager_options.lua b/lootmanager_options.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 9f042af..0000000 --- a/lootmanager_options.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ -_, BrokerGarbage = ... - -BrokerGarbage:CheckSettings() - -local function Update(self) - BrokerGarbage:lootManagerOptionsUpdate(self) -end - -local function ShowOptions(frame) - local title = LibStub("tekKonfig-Heading").new(BrokerGarbage.lootManagerOptions, "Broker_Garbage - " .. BrokerGarbage.locale.LMTitle) - - local subtitle = BrokerGarbage.lootManagerOptions:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontHighlightSmall") - subtitle:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", title, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -8) - subtitle:SetPoint("RIGHT", BrokerGarbage.lootManagerOptions, -32, 0) - subtitle:SetHeight(45) - subtitle:SetNonSpaceWrap(true) - subtitle:SetJustifyH("LEFT") - subtitle:SetJustifyV("TOP") - subtitle:SetText(BrokerGarbage.locale.LMSubTitle) - - local enable = LibStub("tekKonfig-Checkbox").new(BrokerGarbage.lootManagerOptions, nil, BrokerGarbage.locale.LMEnableTitle, "TOPLEFT", subtitle, "BOTTOMLEFT", -2, -4) - enable.tiptext = BrokerGarbage.locale.LMEnableTooltip - enable:SetChecked(BG_GlobalDB.useLootManager) - local checksound = enable:GetScript("OnClick") - enable:SetScript("OnClick", function(enable) - checksound(enable) - BG_GlobalDB.useLootManager = not BG_GlobalDB.useLootManager - Update() - end) - - -- -- Selective Looting ------------------------------------------------------- - local selective = LibStub("tekKonfig-Checkbox").new(BrokerGarbage.lootManagerOptions, nil, BrokerGarbage.locale.LMSelectiveTitle, "TOPLEFT", enable, "BOTTOMLEFT", 14, -20) - selective.tiptext = BrokerGarbage.locale.LMSelectiveTooltip - selective:SetChecked(BG_LocalDB.selectiveLooting) - selective:SetScript("OnClick", function(selective) - checksound(selective) - BG_LocalDB.selectiveLooting = not BG_LocalDB.selectiveLooting - Update() - end) - - - local autoLoot = LibStub("tekKonfig-Checkbox").new(BrokerGarbage.lootManagerOptions, nil, BrokerGarbage.locale.LMAutoLootTitle, "TOPLEFT", selective, "BOTTOMLEFT", 14, 0) - autoLoot.tiptext = BrokerGarbage.locale.LMAutoLootTooltip - autoLoot:SetChecked(BG_GlobalDB.autoLoot) - autoLoot:SetScript("OnClick", function(autoLoot) - checksound(autoLoot) - BG_GlobalDB.autoLoot = not BG_GlobalDB.autoLoot - Update() - end) - - local autoLoot_skinning = LibStub("tekKonfig-Checkbox").new(BrokerGarbage.lootManagerOptions, nil, BrokerGarbage.locale.LMAutoLootSkinningTitle, "TOPLEFT", autoLoot, "BOTTOMLEFT", 14, 0) - autoLoot_skinning.tiptext = BrokerGarbage.locale.LMAutoLootSkinningTooltip - autoLoot_skinning:SetChecked(BG_GlobalDB.autoLootSkinning) - autoLoot_skinning:SetScript("OnClick", function(autoLoot_skinning) - checksound(autoLoot_skinning) - BG_GlobalDB.autoLootSkinning = not BG_GlobalDB.autoLootSkinning - end) - - local autoLoot_pickpocket = LibStub("tekKonfig-Checkbox").new(BrokerGarbage.lootManagerOptions, nil, BrokerGarbage.locale.LMAutoLootPickpocketTitle, "TOPLEFT", autoLoot_skinning, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0) - autoLoot_pickpocket.tiptext = BrokerGarbage.locale.LMAutoLootPickpocketTooltip - autoLoot_pickpocket:SetChecked(BG_GlobalDB.autoLootPickpocket) - autoLoot_pickpocket:SetScript("OnClick", function(autoLoot_pickpocket) - checksound(autoLoot_pickpocket) - BG_GlobalDB.autoLootPickpocket = not BG_GlobalDB.autoLootPickpocket - end) - - local autoLoot_fishing = LibStub("tekKonfig-Checkbox").new(BrokerGarbage.lootManagerOptions, nil, BrokerGarbage.locale.LMAutoLootFishingTitle, "TOPLEFT", autoLoot_pickpocket, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0) - autoLoot_fishing.tiptext = BrokerGarbage.locale.LMAutoLootFishingTooltip - autoLoot_fishing:SetChecked(BG_GlobalDB.autoLootPickpocket) - autoLoot_fishing:SetScript("OnClick", function(autoLoot_fishing) - checksound(autoLoot_fishing) - BG_GlobalDB.autoLootFishing = not BG_GlobalDB.autoLootFishing - end) - - - local autoDestroy = LibStub("tekKonfig-Checkbox").new(BrokerGarbage.lootManagerOptions, nil, BrokerGarbage.locale.LMAutoDestroyTitle, "TOPLEFT", autoLoot_fishing, "BOTTOMLEFT", -14, 0) - autoDestroy.tiptext = BrokerGarbage.locale.LMAutoDestroyTooltip - autoDestroy:SetChecked(BG_GlobalDB.autoDestroy) - autoDestroy:SetScript("OnClick", function(autoDestroy) - checksound(autoDestroy) - BG_GlobalDB.autoDestroy = not BG_GlobalDB.autoDestroy - Update() - end) - - local minFreeSlots = LibStub("tekKonfig-Slider").new(BrokerGarbage.lootManagerOptions, BrokerGarbage.locale.LMFreeSlotsTitle, 0, 30, "TOPLEFT", autoDestroy, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -20) - minFreeSlots.tiptext = BrokerGarbage.locale.LMFreeSlotsTooltip - minFreeSlots:SetWidth(200) - minFreeSlots:SetValueStep(1) - minFreeSlots:SetValue(BG_GlobalDB.tooFewSlots) - minFreeSlots.text = minFreeSlots:CreateFontString("$parentCenterText", "ARTWORK", "GameFontHighlightSmall") - minFreeSlots.text:SetPoint("TOP", minFreeSlots, "BOTTOM", 0, 3) - minFreeSlots.text:SetText(BG_GlobalDB.tooFewSlots) - minFreeSlots:SetScript("OnValueChanged", function(minFreeSlots) - BG_GlobalDB.tooFewSlots = minFreeSlots:GetValue() - minFreeSlots.text:SetText(BG_GlobalDB.tooFewSlots) - BrokerGarbage:ScanInventory() - end) - - - -- -- Restack ----------------------------------------------------------------- - local restack = LibStub("tekKonfig-Checkbox").new(BrokerGarbage.lootManagerOptions, nil, BrokerGarbage.locale.LMRestackTitle, "TOPLEFT", selective, "TOPLEFT", 200, 0) - restack.tiptext = BrokerGarbage.locale.LMRestackTooltip - restack:SetChecked(BG_GlobalDB.restackIfNeeded) - restack:SetScript("OnClick", function(restack) - checksound(restack) - BG_GlobalDB.restackIfNeeded = not BG_GlobalDB.restackIfNeeded - Update() - end) - - local fullRestack = LibStub("tekKonfig-Checkbox").new(BrokerGarbage.lootManagerOptions, nil, BrokerGarbage.locale.LMFullRestackTitle, "TOPLEFT", restack, "BOTTOMLEFT", 14, 0) - fullRestack.tiptext = BrokerGarbage.locale.LMFullRestackTooltip - fullRestack:SetChecked(BG_GlobalDB.restackFullInventory) - fullRestack:SetScript("OnClick", function(fullRestack) - checksound(fullRestack) - BG_GlobalDB.restackFullInventory = not BG_GlobalDB.restackFullInventory - end) - - -- -- Opening Items ----------------------------------------------------------- - local openContainers = LibStub("tekKonfig-Checkbox").new(BrokerGarbage.lootManagerOptions, nil, BrokerGarbage.locale.LMOpenContainersTitle, "TOPLEFT", fullRestack, "BOTTOMLEFT", -14, 0) - openContainers.tiptext = BrokerGarbage.locale.LMOpenContainersTooltip - openContainers:SetChecked(BG_GlobalDB.openContainers) - openContainers:SetScript("OnClick", function(openContainers) - checksound(openContainers) - BG_GlobalDB.openContainers = not BG_GlobalDB.openContainers - end) - - local openClams = LibStub("tekKonfig-Checkbox").new(BrokerGarbage.lootManagerOptions, nil, BrokerGarbage.locale.LMOpenClamsTitle, "TOPLEFT", openContainers, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0) - openClams.tiptext = BrokerGarbage.locale.LMOpenClamsTooltip - openClams:SetChecked(BG_GlobalDB.openClams) - openClams:SetScript("OnClick", function(openClams) - checksound(openClams) - BG_GlobalDB.openClams = not BG_GlobalDB.openClams - end) - - local warnLM = LibStub("tekKonfig-Checkbox").new(BrokerGarbage.lootManagerOptions, nil, BrokerGarbage.locale.LMWarnLMTitle, "TOPLEFT", openClams, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0) - warnLM.tiptext = BrokerGarbage.locale.LMWarnLMTooltip - warnLM:SetChecked(BG_GlobalDB.warnLM) - warnLM:SetScript("OnClick", function(warnLM) - checksound(warnLM) - BG_GlobalDB.warnLM = not BG_GlobalDB.warnLM - end) - - -- -- Loot Treshold ----------------------------------------------------------- - local editbox = CreateFrame("EditBox", nil, BrokerGarbage.lootManagerOptions) - editbox:SetAutoFocus(false) - editbox:SetWidth(100); editbox:SetHeight(32) - editbox:SetFontObject("GameFontHighlightSmall") - editbox:SetText(BrokerGarbage:FormatMoney(BG_LocalDB.itemMinValue)) - local left = editbox:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND") - left:SetWidth(8) left:SetHeight(20) - left:SetPoint("LEFT", -5, 0) - left:SetTexture("Interface\\Common\\Common-Input-Border") - left:SetTexCoord(0, 0.0625, 0, 0.625) - local right = editbox:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND") - right:SetWidth(8) right:SetHeight(20) - right:SetPoint("RIGHT", 0, 0) - right:SetTexture("Interface\\Common\\Common-Input-Border") - right:SetTexCoord(0.9375, 1, 0, 0.625) - local center = editbox:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND") - center:SetHeight(20) - center:SetPoint("RIGHT", right, "LEFT", 0, 0) - center:SetPoint("LEFT", left, "RIGHT", 0, 0) - center:SetTexture("Interface\\Common\\Common-Input-Border") - center:SetTexCoord(0.0625, 0.9375, 0, 0.625) - - local minvalue = editbox:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontHighlight") - minvalue:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", warnLM, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -20) - minvalue:SetText(BrokerGarbage.locale.LMItemMinValue) - editbox:SetPoint("TOP", minvalue, "BOTTOM", 0, 0) - local function ResetEditBox(self) - self:SetText(BrokerGarbage:FormatMoney(BG_LocalDB.itemMinValue)) - self:ClearFocus() - end - local function UnFormatEditBox(self) - self:SetText(BG_LocalDB.itemMinValue) - end - local function SubmitEditBox() - BG_LocalDB.itemMinValue = tonumber(editbox:GetText()) - editbox:SetText(BrokerGarbage:FormatMoney(BG_LocalDB.itemMinValue)) - editbox:ClearFocus() - end - editbox:SetScript("OnEscapePressed", ResetEditBox) - editbox:SetScript("OnEnterPressed", SubmitEditBox) - editbox:SetScript("OnEditFocusGained", UnFormatEditBox) - - - function BrokerGarbage.lootManagerOptionsUpdate(self) - if BG_GlobalDB.useLootManager then - restack:Enable() - if BG_GlobalDB.restackIfNeeded then - fullRestack:Enable() - else - fullRestack:Disable() - end - - openContainers:Enable() - openClams:Enable() - warnLM:Enable() - - selective:Enable() - if BG_LocalDB.selectiveLooting then - autoLoot:Enable() - autoDestroy:Enable() - - if not BG_GlobalDB.autoLoot then - autoLoot_skinning:Enable() - autoLoot_pickpocket:Enable() - autoLoot_fishing:Enable() - else - autoLoot_skinning:Disable() - autoLoot_pickpocket:Disable() - autoLoot_fishing:Disable() - end - - if BG_GlobalDB.autoDestroy then - minFreeSlots:Enable() - else - minFreeSlots:Disable() - end - else - autoLoot:Disable() - autoDestroy:Disable() - autoLoot_skinning:Disable() - autoLoot_pickpocket:Disable() - autoLoot_fishing:Disable() - minFreeSlots:Disable() - end - - else - restack:Disable() - fullRestack:Disable() - - openContainers:Disable() - openClams:Disable() - warnLM:Disable() - - selective:Disable() - autoLoot:Disable() - autoLoot_skinning:Disable() - autoLoot_pickpocket:Disable() - autoLoot_fishing:Disable() - autoDestroy:Disable() - minFreeSlots:Disable() - end - end - - BrokerGarbage:lootManagerOptionsUpdate() - BrokerGarbage.lootManagerOptions:SetScript("OnShow", BrokerGarbage.lootManagerOptionsUpdate) -end - -BrokerGarbage.lootManagerOptions:SetScript("OnShow", ShowOptions) \ No newline at end of file