diff --git a/BlizzChatIntegration.lua b/BlizzChatIntegration.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a175441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BlizzChatIntegration.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+-- Author : Chrono
+-- Create Date : 3/30/2020 8:27:47 PM
+local ADDON_NAME, Import = ...
+--This is an invisible frame that is created to receive OnUpdate calls
+--Attached to the WorldFrame so it receives events even when the UI is hidden
+local Timer = CreateFrame("Frame","RPChatBubble-Timer",WorldFrame)
+Timer:SetFrameStrata("TOOLTIP") -- higher strata is called last
+--Alias functions
+Timer.Start = Timer.Show
+Timer.Stop = function(self)
+ Timer:Hide()
+ Timer.elapsed = 0
+local numBubbles = 0;
+local messageToSender = {};
+local function getPadding(numSpaces)
+ local str = ">";
+ for i=1,numSpaces,1 do
+ str = "-" .. str
+ end
+ return str
+local function printTable(t, depth)
+ local padding = getPadding(depth)
+ for key, value in pairs(t) do
+ if type(value) == "table" then
+ print(padding .. key .. " = (table):");
+ printTable(value, depth + 1);
+ else
+ print(padding .. key .. " ("..type(value)..") = " .. tostring(value) );
+ end
+ end
+local function getChatBubbleText(chatBubble)
+ for i = 1, chatBubble:GetNumRegions() do
+ local region = select(i, chatBubble:GetRegions())
+ if region:GetObjectType() == "FontString" then
+ return region:GetText()
+ end
+ end
+local function getNamedPoint(chatBubble,pointName)
+ for i = 1, chatBubble:GetNumPoints() do
+ local point, relativeTo, relativePoint, xOfs, yOfs = chatBubble:GetPoint(i);
+ if point == pointName then
+ return relativeTo, relativePoint, xOfs, yOfs;
+ end
+ end
+local function skinBubble(chatBubble)
+ local message = getChatBubbleText(chatBubble);
+ local name = messageToSender[message]
+ local NameText = CreateFrame("EditBox","BlizzBoxNameText",chatBubble);
+ NameText:SetFrameStrata("MEDIUM"); --This is the default but better to be explicit
+ --NameText:SetMultiLine(true);
+ NameText:SetAutoFocus(false);
+ --NameText:EnableMouse(false);
+ NameText:SetSize(700,11);
+ --NameText:SetPoint("CENTER");
+ NameText:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",chatBubble,"TOPLEFT",13,2);
+ NameText:SetFontObject("GameFontNormal");
+ NameText:SetText(name);
+ --local tex = NameText:CreateTexture(nil,"ARTWORK");
+ --tex:SetAllPoints()
+ --tex:SetTexture(255,255,255);
+ NameText.stringMeasure = NameText:CreateFontString(nil,"OVERLAY","GameFontNormal");
+ NameText.stringMeasure:SetText(name);
+ local NameBg = CreateFrame("Frame","BlizzBubbleNameBG",NameText);
+ NameBg:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",-1,14);
+ NameBg:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",-1,-2);
+ NameBg:SetWidth(NameText.stringMeasure:GetStringWidth());
+ NameBg:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND");
+ local midTex = NameBg:CreateTexture("nameBoxBackgroundTex-middle","BACKGROUND");
+ midTex:SetTexture("Interface/CHATFRAME/ChatFrameTab-BGMid.blp");
+ midTex:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",8,0);
+ midTex:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",-7,0);
+ local leftTex = NameBg:CreateTexture("nameBoxBackgroundTex-left","BACKGROUND");
+ leftTex:SetTexture("Interface/CHATFRAME/ChatFrameTab-BGLeft.blp");
+ leftTex:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT",midTex,"TOPLEFT");
+ leftTex:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",midTex,"BOTTOMLEFT");
+ local rightTex = NameBg:CreateTexture("nameBoxBackgroundTex-right","BACKGROUND");
+ rightTex:SetTexture("Interface/CHATFRAME/ChatFrameTab-BGRight.blp");
+ rightTex:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",midTex,"TOPRIGHT");
+ rightTex:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",midTex,"BOTTOMRIGHT");
+ local relativeTo, relativePoint, xOfs, yOfs = getNamedPoint(chatBubble,"BOTTOMRIGHT");
+ chatBubble.string = relativeTo;
+ chatBubble.defaultXOfs = xOfs;
+ chatBubble.fixWidth = function(self)
+ local nameWidth = NameText.stringMeasure:GetWidth();
+ NameBg:SetWidth(nameWidth);
+ local stringWidth = self.string:GetStringWidth();
+ local expectedWidth = stringWidth + 32;
+ local requiredWidthForName = nameWidth + 14 + 2 + 16;
+ local defaultXOfs = self.defaultXOfs;
+ local relativeTo, relativePoint, xOfs, yOfs = getNamedPoint(self,"BOTTOMRIGHT");
+ local currHeight = self:GetHeight();
+ if ( expectedWidth < requiredWidthForName ) then
+ local diff = requiredWidthForName - expectedWidth;
+ self:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",relativeTo,relativePoint,defaultXOfs+diff,yOfs);
+ else
+ self:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",relativeTo,relativePoint,defaultXOfs,yOfs);
+ end
+ end
+ chatBubble:fixWidth();
+ chatBubble.nameText = NameText;
+ chatBubble.SetName = function(self,text)
+ NameText:SetText(text)
+ NameText.stringMeasure:SetText(text);
+ self:fixWidth();
+ end;
+ chatBubble.rpSkinned = true;
+ numBubbles = numBubbles + 1;
+local function checkBubbles(chatBubbles)
+ --chatBubbles is an indexed array of frames
+ for _, chatBubble in pairs(chatBubbles) do
+ if not chatBubble.rpSkinned then
+ skinBubble(chatBubble)
+ else
+ local message = getChatBubbleText(chatBubble)
+ chatBubble:SetName(messageToSender[message])
+ end
+ end
+Timer:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self, elapsed)
+ self.elapsed = self.elapsed + elapsed
+ -- 0.01 Seconds after the chat message happened...
+ if self.elapsed > 0.01 then
+ self:Stop();
+ --This returns all chat bubbles created through default Blizz's UI. Custom chat bubbles aren't seen here
+ chatBubbles = C_ChatBubbles:GetAllChatBubbles()
+ checkBubbles(chatBubbles)
+ end
+local function onChatMessage(_, event, message, sender, ...)
+ local name = GetColoredName(event, message, sender, ...);
+ messageToSender[message] = name;
+ --At the time of the chat event, the chat bubble hasn't been created yet. So we'll wait 0.01 seconds before looking for chat bubbles to skin.
+ Timer:Start();
+ return false, message, sender, ...
+local function resetChatHandler(self)
+ for _, channel in pairs(MANAGED_CHANNELS) do
+ ChatFrame_RemoveMessageEventFilter(channel, onChatMessage)
+ ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter(channel, onChatMessage);
+ end
+local function onStart(self)
+ for _, channel in pairs(MANAGED_CHANNELS) do
+ ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter(channel, onChatMessage);
+ end
+Import.modules.BlizzChatIntegration = {};
+Import.modules.BlizzChatIntegration.name = "BlizzChatIntegration";
+Import.modules.BlizzChatIntegration.OnStart = onStart;
+Import.modules.BlizzChatIntegration.ResetChatHandler = resetChatHandler
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ChatBubblePool.lua b/ChatBubblePool.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6ffcf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ChatBubblePool.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+-- Author : Christopher Tse
+-- Create Date : 3/28/2020 1:37:28 PM
+local ADDON_NAME, Import = ...;
+local pool = {}
+Import.ChatBubblePool = {};
+local ChatBubblePool = Import.ChatBubblePool
+local function adjustChatBubbleWidth(chatBubble)
+ local editBox = chatBubble.editBox;
+ local strWidth = editBox.stringMeasure:GetStringWidth();
+ local bg = editBox.background;
+ local padding = bg.padding;
+ local nameBox = chatBubble.nameBox
+ local nameBoxWidth = nameBox:GetFullWidth();
+ local minWidth = 64;
+ if ( nameBoxWidth ~= nil) then
+ local nameBoxMargin = nameBox.margin.L + nameBox.margin.R;
+ minWidth = max(64, nameBoxWidth + nameBoxMargin);
+ end
+ local maxWidth = chatBubble:GetWidth()
+ if ( strWidth < minWidth ) then
+ bg:SetWidth(minWidth + padding)
+ elseif ( minWidth < strWidth and strWidth < maxWidth ) then
+ bg:SetWidth(strWidth + padding)
+ else
+ bg:SetWidth(maxWidth + padding )
+ end
+local function adjustNameBoxWidth(chatBubble)
+ local nameBox = chatBubble.nameBox;
+ local nameBoxBg = nameBox.background;
+ local strWidth = nameBox.stringMeasure:GetStringWidth();
+ local minWidth = 32;
+ local padding = nameBox.padding.L + nameBox.padding.R;
+ --The max width usually won't be reached because of the character limit on the name box
+ local maxWidth = chatBubble:GetWidth() - padding - nameBox.margin.L
+ if ( strWidth < minWidth ) then
+ nameBoxBg:SetWidth(minWidth + padding);
+ elseif ( minWidth < strWidth and strWidth < maxWidth ) then
+ nameBoxBg:SetWidth(strWidth + padding);
+ else
+ nameBoxBg:SetWidth(maxWidth + padding);
+ end
+local function pickNameColor(chatBubble)
+ local r, g, b = chatBubble:GetNameColor()
+ ColorPickerFrame:SetColorRGB(r,g,b);
+ ColorPickerFrame.hasOpacity = false;
+ ColorPickerFrame.func = function(self) chatBubble:SetNameColor(ColorPickerFrame:GetColorRGB()) end;
+ ColorPickerFrame.cancelFunc = function(self) chatBubble:SetNameColor(r,g,b) end;
+ ColorPickerFrame:Show();
+local function closeBubble(chatBubble)
+ chatBubble:Hide();
+ chatBubble:SetMessage("");
+ chatBubble:SetName("");
+ chatBubble.nameBox:SetAlpha(0.01)
+ chatBubble:ClearAllPoints();
+ chatBubble:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",WorldFrame,"CENTER",-chatBubble.center.x,-chatBubble.center.y);
+ chatBubble.isAvailable = true;
+function ChatBubblePool.getChatBubble()
+ for index, chatBubble in ipairs(pool) do
+ if chatBubble.isAvailable then
+ chatBubble:Show()
+ chatBubble.isAvailable = false;
+ return chatBubble
+ end
+ end
+ -- If we got here, there isn't any available chat bubble so create a new one
+ local frameName = "RPChatBubble" .. #pool
+ local newChatBubble = CreateFrame("Frame",frameName,nil)
+ newChatBubble:SetWidth(300)
+ newChatBubble:SetHeight(300)
+ newChatBubble:SetMovable(true)
+ newChatBubble:SetFrameStrata("LOW")
+ newChatBubble.isAvailable = false
+ table.insert(pool, newChatBubble);
+ --chatBubbleTail:EnableMouse(true)
+ --chatBubbleTail:SetMovable(true)
+ --chatBubbleTail:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton")
+ --chatBubbleTail:SetScript("OnDragStart", function(self) self:StartMoving() end)
+ --chatBubbleTail:SetScript("OnDragStop", function(self) self:StopMovingOrSizing() end)
+ local editBox = CreateFrame("EditBox",frameName.."-EditBox",newChatBubble);
+ editBox:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",newChatBubble);
+ editBox:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT",newChatBubble);
+ editBox:SetMultiLine(true);
+ editBox:SetAutoFocus(false);
+ editBox:SetFontObject("ChatBubbleFont");
+ editBox:SetScript("OnEnterPressed", function(self) self:ClearFocus() end);
+ editBox:SetScript("OnEscapePressed", function(self) self:ClearFocus() end);
+ --Apparently, the below code stops the user from being able to change the cursor location
+ --editBox:EnableMouse(true)
+ --editBox:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function(self) newChatBubble:StartMoving() end )
+ --editBox:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function(self) newChatBubble:StopMovingOrSizing() end )
+ newChatBubble.editBox = editBox;
+ --This is a hack that centers the newChatBubble using the center of the editbox
+ newChatBubble.center = { x=editBox:GetWidth()/2, y=editBox:GetHeight()/2 };
+ newChatBubble:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",WorldFrame,"CENTER",-newChatBubble.center.x,-newChatBubble.center.y);
+ local chatBubbleBackground = CreateFrame("Frame",frameName.."Background",editBox);
+ chatBubbleBackground:SetBackdrop({
+ bgFile="Interface\\Tooltips\\CHATBUBBLE-BACKGROUND.BLP",
+ edgeFile="Interface\\Tooltips\\CHATBUBBLE-BACKDROP.BLP",
+ tile=true, tileSize=16, edgeSize=16,
+ insets={left=16, right=16, top=16, bottom=16}
+ })
+ chatBubbleBackground:EnableMouse(true)
+ chatBubbleBackground:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",editBox,"TOPLEFT",-16,16)
+ chatBubbleBackground:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",editBox,"BOTTOMLEFT",-16,-16)
+ chatBubbleBackground.padding = 32;
+ chatBubbleBackground:SetWidth(64 + chatBubbleBackground.padding)
+ chatBubbleBackground:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
+ chatBubbleBackground:EnableMouse(true)
+ chatBubbleBackground:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function(self) newChatBubble:StartMoving() end )
+ chatBubbleBackground:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function(self) newChatBubble:StopMovingOrSizing() end )
+ editBox.background = chatBubbleBackground;
+ --This part of the code makes the editbox and the background grow up to 300px as the text grows.
+ --We use an invisible FontString to measure the length of the text inside the edit box.
+ editBox.stringMeasure = editBox:CreateFontString(nil,"OVERLAY","ChatBubbleFont");
+ editBox.stringMeasure:SetAlpha(0);
+ editBox:SetScript("OnTextChanged", function(self)
+ editBox.stringMeasure:SetText(self:GetText());
+ adjustChatBubbleWidth(newChatBubble);
+ end)
+ local closeButton = CreateFrame("Button",frameName.."-CloseButton",chatBubbleBackground,"UIPanelCloseButton")
+ closeButton:SetPoint("CENTER",chatBubbleBackground,"TOPRIGHT",-4,-4);
+ closeButton:SetScript("OnClick",function(self) closeBubble(newChatBubble) end);
+ closeButton:SetScript("OnEnter",function(self) closeButton:SetAlpha(1) end);
+ closeButton:SetScript("OnLeave",function(self) closeButton:SetAlpha(0.1) end);
+ closeButton:SetAlpha(0.1);
+ local nameBoxFrame = CreateFrame("Frame",frameName.."-NameBoxFrame",newChatBubble)
+ nameBoxFrame:SetSize(250,18);
+ nameBoxFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",chatBubbleBackground,"TOPLEFT");
+ local nameBox = CreateFrame("EditBox",frameName.."-NameBox",nameBoxFrame);
+ nameBox:SetFontObject("GameFontNormal");
+ nameBox:SetMaxLetters(25);
+ nameBox.margin = {L=10, R=0, T=4, D=4};
+ nameBox.padding = {L=10, R=10};
+ nameBox:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",nameBoxFrame,nameBox.margin.L,-nameBox.margin.T);
+ nameBox:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",nameBoxFrame,-nameBox.margin.R,nameBox.margin.D);
+ nameBox:SetAutoFocus(false);
+ nameBox:SetMultiLine(true); --It's not actually multiline, but this stops the name from scrolling off if the user selects too much of the text.
+ --The max letters should prevent the edit box from ever reaching more than one line
+ nameBox:SetScript("OnEnterPressed", function(self) self:ClearFocus() end);
+ nameBox:SetScript("OnTabPressed", function(self) editBox:SetFocus() end);
+ nameBox:SetAlpha(0);
+ nameBox:SetScript("OnEditFocusGained", function(self) self:SetAlpha(1) end);
+ nameBox:SetScript("OnEditFocusLost", function(self) if self:GetText() == "" then self:SetAlpha(0.01) end end);
+ newChatBubble.nameBox = nameBox;
+ local nameBoxBackground = CreateFrame("Frame",frameName.."-NameBoxBackground",nameBox);
+ local paddingL = nameBox.padding.L;
+ nameBoxBackground:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",nameBox,"BOTTOMLEFT",-paddingL,-nameBox.margin.D)
+ nameBoxBackground:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",nameBox,"TOPLEFT",-paddingL,nameBox.margin.T + 12);
+ nameBoxBackground:SetWidth(32);
+ nameBoxBackground:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND");
+ nameBox.background = nameBoxBackground
+ local nameBoxMouseCatcher = CreateFrame("Button",frameName.."-NameBoxMouseCatcher",nameBox);
+ nameBoxMouseCatcher:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",nameBoxBackground);
+ nameBoxMouseCatcher:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT",nameBoxBackground);
+ nameBoxMouseCatcher:SetScript("OnEnter", function(self) if nameBox:GetText() == "" and not nameBox:HasFocus() then nameBox:SetAlpha(0.5) end end);
+ nameBoxMouseCatcher:SetScript("OnLeave", function(self) if nameBox:GetText() == "" and not nameBox:HasFocus() then nameBox:SetAlpha(0) end end);
+ nameBoxMouseCatcher:SetScript("OnClick", function(self) nameBox:SetFocus() end);
+ nameBoxMouseCatcher:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function(self) newChatBubble:StartMoving() end )
+ nameBoxMouseCatcher:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function(self) newChatBubble:StopMovingOrSizing() end )
+ local nameBoxColorPicker = CreateFrame("Button",frameName.."-ColorPickerButton",newChatBubble);
+ nameBoxColorPicker:SetSize(16,16);
+ nameBoxColorPicker:SetFrameStrata("MEDIUM") -- Needs to be higher than the EditBox to override it
+ nameBox.colorPickerTex = nameBoxColorPicker:CreateTexture(frameName.."-ColorPickerButton-color","ARTWORK")
+ nameBox.colorPickerTex:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",2,-2);
+ nameBox.colorPickerTex:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",-2,2);
+ nameBox.colorPickerTex:SetColorTexture(nameBox:GetTextColor());
+ local cpBorderTex = nameBoxColorPicker:CreateTexture(frameName.."-ColorPickerButton-border","BORDER");
+ cpBorderTex:SetAllPoints();
+ cpBorderTex:SetColorTexture(0.1,0.1,0.1);
+ nameBoxColorPicker:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",nameBoxBackground,"BOTTOMRIGHT");
+ nameBoxColorPicker:SetAlpha(0.01);
+ nameBoxColorPicker:EnableMouse(true);
+ nameBoxColorPicker:SetScript("OnEnter", function(self) if nameBox:GetText() ~= "" then self:SetAlpha(1); end; end);
+ nameBoxColorPicker:SetScript("OnLeave", function(self) self:SetAlpha(0.01) end);
+ nameBoxColorPicker:SetScript("OnClick", function(self) pickNameColor(newChatBubble) end);
+ nameBox.stringMeasure = nameBox:CreateFontString(nil,"OVERLAY","GameFontNormal");
+ --nameBox.stringMeasure:SetAlpha(0);
+ nameBox.GetFullWidth = function(self) return nameBoxBackground:GetWidth() end;
+ nameBox:SetScript("OnTextChanged", function(self)
+ nameBox.stringMeasure:SetText(self:GetText());
+ adjustNameBoxWidth(newChatBubble)
+ adjustChatBubbleWidth(newChatBubble)
+ end);
+ local midTex = nameBoxBackground:CreateTexture("nameBoxBackgroundTex-middle","BACKGROUND");
+ midTex:SetTexture("Interface/CHATFRAME/ChatFrameTab-BGMid.blp");
+ midTex:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",16,0);
+ midTex:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",-16,0);
+ local leftTex = nameBoxBackground:CreateTexture("nameBoxBackgroundTex-left","BACKGROUND");
+ leftTex:SetTexture("Interface/CHATFRAME/ChatFrameTab-BGLeft.blp");
+ leftTex:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT",midTex,"TOPLEFT");
+ leftTex:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",midTex,"BOTTOMLEFT");
+ local rightTex = nameBoxBackground:CreateTexture("nameBoxBackgroundTex-right","BACKGROUND");
+ rightTex:SetTexture("Interface/CHATFRAME/ChatFrameTab-BGRight.blp");
+ rightTex:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",midTex,"TOPRIGHT");
+ rightTex:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",midTex,"BOTTOMRIGHT");
+ local chatBubbleTail = CreateFrame("Frame",frameName.."-tail",chatBubbleBackground)
+ chatBubbleTail:SetBackdrop({
+ bgFile="Interface\\Tooltips\\CHATBUBBLE-TAIL.BLP"
+ })
+ chatBubbleTail:SetSize(16,16)
+ chatBubbleTail:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",chatBubbleBackground,"BOTTOMLEFT",8,3)
+ --Functions for outside use
+ newChatBubble.GetName = nameBox.GetText;
+ newChatBubble.SetName = function(self,name) nameBox:SetText(name); if (name ~= "" ) then nameBox:SetAlpha(1); end; end;
+ newChatBubble.GetMessage = editBox.GetText;
+ newChatBubble.SetMessage = function(self,message) editBox:SetText(message) end;
+ newChatBubble.GetNameColor = function(self) return nameBox:GetTextColor() end;
+ newChatBubble.SetNameColor = function(self,r,g,b) nameBox:SetTextColor(r,g,b) nameBox.colorPickerTex:SetColorTexture(r,g,b) end;
+ return newChatBubble
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MainFrame.lua b/MainFrame.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68547f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MainFrame.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+-- Author : Christopher Tse
+-- Create Date : 3/28/2020 11:43:45 AM
+local ADDON_NAME, Import = ...;
+local mainFrame;
+local ChatBubblePool = Import.ChatBubblePool
+function RPChatBubbles_createChatBubble()
+ return ChatBubblePool.getChatBubble()
+function RPChatBubbles_OnLoad(self, event,...)
+ self:SetClampedToScreen(true);
+ self:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED");
+function RPChatBubbles_OnEvent(self, event, ...)
+ if event == "ADDON_LOADED" and ... == ADDON_NAME then
+ self:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton");
+ self:SetScript("OnDragStart", function(self)
+ self:StartMoving();
+ end);
+ self:SetScript("OnDragStop", function(self)
+ self:StopMovingOrSizing();
+ end);
+ for moduleName, moduleStructure in pairs(Import.modules) do
+ moduleStructure:OnStart();
+ end
+ end
+Import.modules = {};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MainFrame.xml b/MainFrame.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45e7653
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MainFrame.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<Ui xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
+ <Script file="MainFrame.lua" />
+ <Script file="BlizzChatIntegration.lua" />
+ <Script file="TotalRP3.lua" />
+ <Frame name="MainFrame" parent="UIParent" toplevel="true" movable="true" enableMouse="true">
+ <Size x="145" y="76" />
+ <Anchors>
+ <Anchor point="CENTER" x="-28" y="29" />
+ </Anchors>
+ <Backdrop bgFile="Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Background" edgeFile="Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Border" tile="true">
+ <BackgroundInsets>
+ <AbsInset left="11" right="12" top="12" bottom="11" />
+ </BackgroundInsets>
+ <TileSize>
+ <AbsValue val="32" />
+ </TileSize>
+ <EdgeSize>
+ <AbsValue val="32" />
+ </EdgeSize>
+ </Backdrop>
+ <Layers>
+ <Layer level="OVERLAY">
+ <FontString inherits="GameFontNormal" text="RP Chat Bubbles">
+ <Size x="112" y="20" />
+ <Anchors>
+ <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" x="18" y="-14" />
+ </Anchors>
+ </FontString>
+ </Layer>
+ </Layers>
+ <Frames>
+ <Button inherits="UIPanelButtonTemplate" text="Create">
+ <Scripts>
+ <onClick function="RPChatBubbles_createChatBubble" />
+ </Scripts>
+ <Size x="115" y="23" />
+ <Anchors>
+ <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" x="15" y="-35" />
+ </Anchors>
+ </Button>
+ </Frames>
+ <Scripts>
+ <OnLoad function="RPChatBubbles_OnLoad">
+ </OnLoad>
+ <OnEvent function="RPChatBubbles_OnEvent">
+ </OnEvent>
+ </Scripts>
+ </Frame>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/RoleplayChatBubbles.toc b/RoleplayChatBubbles.toc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d40004
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RoleplayChatBubbles.toc
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+## Title: RoleplayChatBubbles
+## Version: 1.0
+## Author: Christopher Tse
+## Interface: 80300
+## OptionalDeps: totalRP3
diff --git a/TotalRP3.lua b/TotalRP3.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..125fe11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TotalRP3.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+-- Author : Chrono
+-- Create Date : 3/29/2020 4:39:46 PM
+local _, Import = ...;
+local ellyb, loc, Color, ColorManager;
+local function makeBubbleForNPCChat(_, event, message, ...)
+ if event == "CHAT_MSG_EMOTE" then
+ local npcName = TRP3_API.chat.getNPCMessageName()
+ if npcName then
+ for talkType, talkChannel in pairs(NPC_TALK_PATTERNS) do
+ if message:find(talkType) then
+ local color;
+ local myMessage = message;
+ local normalColor = ColorManager.getChatColorForChannel(talkChannel);
+ local normalColorAsString = normalColor:GetColorCodeStartSequence();
+ local nameColor;
+ --Detect colour alterations
+ if myMessage:sub(1,2) == "|c" then
+ color = myMessage:sub(1,10); --Save this to prepend back later
+ myMessage = myMessage:sub(11);
+ end
+ --If the name is in the default color scheme, remove it for titling emphasis
+ if npcName:sub(1,10) ~= normalColorAsString then
+ nameColor = Color.static.CreateFromHexa(npcName:sub(1,10));
+ end
+ npcName = npcName:sub(11);
+ local len = talkType:len();
+ --Remove the "says:" from the beginning of the message.
+ if myMessage:sub(1, len) == talkType then
+ local actualMessage = myMessage:sub(len+1);
+ --Remove leading spaces if any
+ if actualMessage:sub(1,1) == " " then
+ actualMessage = actualMessage:sub(2);
+ end
+ actualMessage = color .. actualMessage;
+ local chatBubble = RPChatBubbles_createChatBubble()
+ print("NPC Talk Found! npcName="..npcName);
+ chatBubble:SetName(npcName);
+ chatBubble:SetMessage(actualMessage);
+ if nameColor then
+ chatBubble:SetNameColor(nameColor:GetRGBA())
+ end
+ end
+ break;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return false, message, ...
+function initTRP3Vars(self)
+ ellyb = TRP3_API.Ellyb;
+ loc = TRP3_API.loc;
+ Color = ellyb.Color;
+ ColorManager = ellyb.ColorManager;
+ };
+function TotalRP3_onStart(self)
+ if TRP3_API then
+ initTRP3Vars();
+ for _, channel in pairs(POSSIBLE_CHANNELS) do
+ ChatFrame_RemoveMessageEventFilter(channel, makeBubbleForNPCChat);
+ ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter(channel, makeBubbleForNPCChat);
+ end
+ Import.modules.BlizzChatIntegration:ResetChatHandler()
+ end
+--Import.modules["TotalRP3"] = {
+-- name="TotalRP3",
+-- onStart = TotalRP3_onStart;
+ ["name"] = "Roleplay Chat Bubbles",
+ ["description"] = "Module for integrating TotalRP3's chatframe system with Roleplay Chat Bubbles.",
+ ["version"] = 1.000,
+ ["id"] = "rp_chatBubbles",
+ ["onStart"] = TotalRP3_onStart,
+ ["minVersion"] = 3,
+if TRP3_API then
+ TRP3_API.module.registerModule(MODULE_STRUCTURE);