
Converted gem scanning to use the generic coroutine as well

Kevin Lyles [02-12-13 - 03:59]
Converted gem scanning to use the generic coroutine as well
diff --git a/ItemScanner.lua b/ItemScanner.lua
index 048259d..12f08b9 100644
--- a/ItemScanner.lua
+++ b/ItemScanner.lua
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ local function OnUpdate(self)

 local startTime, roundStartTime, numProcessed, roundNumProcessed, valid, roundValid
-local function genericCoroutine(start, min, max, name, linkTemplate, delay, statusVars, tooltip, threadNumber)
+local function genericCoroutine(start, min, max, name, func, delay, statusVars, threadNumber)
 	if not threadNumber or threadNumber == 1 then
 		statusVars.scan_active = true
 		statusVars.finished = false
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ local function genericCoroutine(start, min, max, name, linkTemplate, delay, stat
 	local function scan(i, scanningAll)
 		statusVars.last_scanned = i
 		local itemStartTime = GetTime()
-		if scanItemLink(string.format(linkTemplate, i), tooltip, threadNumber) then
+		if func(i, threadNumber) then
 			if scanningAll then
 				if statusVars.invalid[i] ~= false then
 					valid, roundValid = valid + 1, roundValid + 1
@@ -276,78 +276,6 @@ local function genericCoroutine(start, min, max, name, linkTemplate, delay, stat
 	return true

-local function gemParseCoroutine(start)
-	IS_status.gems.scan_active = true
-	IS_status.gems.finished = false
-	coroutine.yield()
-	local startTime = GetTime()
-	local roundStartTime = startTime
-	local numProcessed, roundNumProcessed, valid, roundValid = 0, 0, 0, 0
-	print(string.format("ItemScanner: starting scan at gem %d", start))
-	local function scan(i, scanningAll)
-		IS_status.gems.last_scanned = i
-		local itemStartTime = GetTime()
-		if scanGem(i) then
-			if scanningAll then
-				if IS_status.gems.invalid[i] ~= false then
-					valid, roundValid = valid + 1, roundValid + 1
-				end
-			else
-				IS_status.gems.last_valid = i
-				valid, roundValid = valid + 1, roundValid + 1
-			end
-			-- Reset invalid count
-			IS_status.gems.invalid[i] = false
-		else
-			-- start with 3 if no previous value
-			IS_status.gems.invalid[i] = (IS_status.gems.invalid[i] or 2) + 1
-		end
-		while GetTime() - itemStartTime < VALID_DELAY do
-			coroutine.yield()
-		end
-		numProcessed = numProcessed + 1
-		roundNumProcessed = roundNumProcessed + 1
-		local currentTime = GetTime()
-		if currentTime - roundStartTime >= 120 then
-			local elapsedTime = currentTime - startTime
-			print(string.format("ItemScanner: at gem %d, %d in %.1f sec. (%.2f/min.) (%d valid), %d this round (%d valid)", i, numProcessed, elapsedTime, numProcessed / elapsedTime * 60, valid, roundNumProcessed, roundValid))
-			roundStartTime = roundStartTime + 120
-			roundNumProcessed, roundValid = 0, 0
-		end
-	end
-	for i = start, maxGem do
-		if not IS_status.gems.invalid[i] or (type(IS_status.gems.invalid[i]) == "number" and IS_status.gems.invalid[i] < CONSECUTIVE_INVALID_TO_IGNORE) then
-			if not IS_status.gems.scan_active then
-				break
-			end
-			scan(i, false)
-		end
-	end
-	IS_status.gems.finished = true
-	while IS_status.gems.scan_active do
-		local i = (IS_status.gems.last_invalid or minGem - 1)
-		repeat
-			i = i + 1
-			if i > maxGem then
-				i = minGem
-			end
-		until IS_status.gems.invalid[i] ~= true
-		IS_status.gems.last_invalid = i
-		scan(i, true)
-	end
-	local elapsedTime = GetTime() - startTime
-	if elapsedTime == 0 then
-		elapsedTime = 0.001
-	end
-	print(string.format("ItemScanner: scan stopped at gem %d, %d in %.1f sec. (%.2f/min.) (%d valid)", IS_status.gems.last_scanned, numProcessed, elapsedTime, numProcessed / elapsedTime * 60, valid))
-	return true
 local function commandHandler(msg)
 	if string.match(msg, "^all") then
 		commandHandler(string.gsub(msg, "all", "items"))
@@ -412,8 +340,8 @@ local function commandHandler(msg)
 			print("  stop        stops scanning but leaves existing data intact")
-		frame.gemco = coroutine.wrap(gemParseCoroutine)
-		frame.gemco(start)
+		frame.gemco = coroutine.wrap(genericCoroutine)
+		frame.gemco(start, minGem, maxGem, "gem", scanGem, VALID_DELAY, IS_status.gems)
 		frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", OnUpdate)
 	elseif string.match(msg, "^items") then
 		local start
@@ -468,8 +396,13 @@ local function commandHandler(msg)
 			if not tooltip then
 				tooltip = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "ItemScannerHiddenTooltip" .. i, nil, "ItemScannerHiddenTooltip")
-			table.insert(frame.itemco, coroutine.wrap(genericCoroutine))
-			frame.itemco[i](start + i - 1, chunkStart, chunkEnd, "item", "item:%d:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85", VALID_DELAY * NUM_THREADS, IS_status.items[chunkStart .. "-" .. chunkEnd], tooltip, i)
+			local function scanItem(i, threadNumber)
+				return scanItemLink(string.format("item:%d:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:85", i), tooltip, threadNumber)
+			end
+			frame.itemco[i] = coroutine.wrap(genericCoroutine)
+			frame.itemco[i](start + i - 1, chunkStart, chunkEnd, "item", scanItem, VALID_DELAY * NUM_THREADS, IS_status.items[chunkStart .. "-" .. chunkEnd], i)
 		frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", OnUpdate)
 	elseif string.match(msg, "^suffixes") then
@@ -506,8 +439,12 @@ local function commandHandler(msg)
 			tooltip = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "ItemScannerHiddenTooltip1", nil, "ItemScannerHiddenTooltip")

+		local function scanSuffix(i)
+			return scanItemLink(string.format("item:11993:0:0:0:0:0:%d:100:85", i), tooltip)
+		end
 		frame.suffco = coroutine.wrap(genericCoroutine)
-		frame.suffco(start, minSuffix, maxSuffix, "suffix", "item:11993:0:0:0:0:0:%d:100:85", VALID_DELAY, IS_status.suffixes, tooltip)
+		frame.suffco(start, minSuffix, maxSuffix, "suffix", scanSuffix, VALID_DELAY, IS_status.suffixes)
 		frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", OnUpdate)
 		print("Usage: /is <arg> (or /itemscanner <arg>")