
organized the localization file.

pompachomp [08-04-09 - 20:20]
organized the localization file.
diff --git a/Locals/testenUS.lua b/Locals/testenUS.lua
index f7cbd54..4fc6718 100644
--- a/Locals/testenUS.lua
+++ b/Locals/testenUS.lua
@@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ L["Old World"]				= true
 L["Burning Crusade"]		= true
 L["Wrath of the Lich King"]	= true
 L["Misc"]					= true
+L["Lich King"]              = true

 -- Filter Configuration Descriptions
 L["FILTERING_OPTIONS_DESC"]					= "Allows you to customize which recipes are filtered."
@@ -238,6 +239,12 @@ L["REP_TEXT_DESC"]							= [[Left-click here to select all reputation filters.
 Right-click here to deselect all reputation filters.]]
 L["Miscellaneous"]							= true
 L["FILTERING_MISC_DESC"]					= "Configuration for miscellaneous options which are also present in the display options."
+L["ORIGINAL_WOW_DESC"] = "Recipes available with the original game."
+L["BC_WOW_DESC"] = "Recipes available with the Burning Crusade."
+L["LK_WOW_DESC"] = "Recipes available with the Wrath of the Lich King."
+L["Alt-Tradeskills"] = true
+L["ALT_TRADESKILL_DESC"] = "This will display a list of alts which have had trade skills scanned.  Clicking on the alt's name will output the tradeskill to chat."
+L["Other Realms"] = true

 -- General Filter UI Elements and their associated descriptions
 L["Faction"]				= true
@@ -389,6 +396,43 @@ L["Obtained From"]		= true
 L["RECIPE_EXCLUDED"]	= "Recipe is in Exclusion list"
 L["Required Skill"]		= true

+--Dataminer Strings
+L["DATAMINER_SKILLELVEL"] = [[Recipe level different!
+    Name: %s
+	ARL Level: %s
+	Trainer Level: %s]]
+L["DATAMINER_SKILLLEVEL_ERROR"] = "This can only be used for a trade skill trainer.  Please open up the trainer and try again."
+L["DATAMINER_TRAINER_NOTTARGETTED"] = "You must target the trainer when you run this command."
+L["DATAMINER_VENDOR_NOTTARGETTED"] = "You must target the vendor when you run this command."
+L["DATAMINER_TRAINER_INFO"] = [[Trainer Name: %s
+Trainer ID: %s]]
+L["DATAMINER_TRAINER_TEACH"] = "%s (%s) - Missing"
+L["DATAMINER_TRAINER_NOTTEACH"] = "%s (%s) - Extra"
+L["Auto Scan Trainers"] = true
+L["Datamine Options"] = true
+L["DATAMINE_OPTIONS_DESC"] = "Allows you to customize in-game ARL datamining."
+L["AUTOSCAN_TRAINERS_DESC"] = "Turns on scanning at trainers to compare skill levels, and recipe acquire methods."
+L["Generate Tradeskill Links"] = true
+L["GENERATE_LINKS_DESC"] = "Generate complete profession links."
+L["Compare Trainer Skills"] = true
+L["COMPARE_TRAINER_SKILL_DESC"] = "Compare skill levels of selected trainer with those in ARL database."
+L["Compare Trainer Acquire"] = true
+L["COMPARE_TRAINER_ACQUIRE_DESC"] = "Compare selected trainer acquire methods with those in the ARL database."
+L["DATAMINER_NODB_ERROR"] = "Recipe database not loaded.  Please scan the tradeskill first then try the datamining."
+L["AUTOLOAD_DB_DESC"] = "Automatically loads all of the ARL recipe databases when doing a datamining scan."
+L["Auto Load Recipe Database"] = true
+L["Scan Entire Database"] = true
+L["SCAN_ENTIRE_DB_DESC"] = "Loads the entire recipe database, and scans every single recipes tooltip checking the flags.  This will lag your computer and use a lot of memory."
+L["Scan Vendor"] = true
+L["SCAN_VENDOR_DESC"] = "Scans the currently opened vendor for recipes and compares the information with the internal database."
+L["Scan Professions"] = true
+L["SCAN_PROF_DB_DESC"] = "Scans a specified profession (lower case name or spell id) in the recipe database, scanning the tooltips and comparing them with the internal database."
+L["Scan Spell ID"] = true
+L["SCAN_SPELL_ID_DESC"] = "Scans a specified spell ID, scanning its tooltip and comparing it with the internal database."
+L["Auto Scan Vendors"] = true
+L["AUTOSCAN_VENDORS_DESC"] = "Turns on scanning at vendors to compare skill levels, and recipe acquire methods."
+L["DATAMINE_WARNING_DESC"] = "Please note that enabling Auto Load Recipe Database will increase the amount of memory used by ARL.  Enabling Auto Scan Trainers may cause a slight bit of lag when the trainer is opened.  This will be more noticeable on the first scan of a trainer."
 -- Popup Strings
 L["NOTSCANNED"]		= "You have not yet scanned this profession. Please open this profession and click on Scan."
 L["ALL_FILTERED"]	= "Although you have already scanned this profession, your filters are currently preventing any recipes from being displayed. Please change your filters and try again."
@@ -457,7 +501,10 @@ L["Custom41"] = "Removed from the game when Naxx 40 was taken out."
 -- Do not translate anything below this line without talking to Ackis first please.

 L["40 Tickets - Schematic: Steam Tonk Controller"] = true
+L["\"Cookie\" McWeaksauce"] = true
 L["A Binding Contract"] = true
+L["A Good Head On Your Shoulders"] = true
+L["A Yeti of Your Own"] = true
 L["Aaron Hollman"] = true
 L["Aayndia Floralwind"] = true
 L["Abigail Shiel"] = true
@@ -495,6 +542,7 @@ L["Anchorite Fateema"] = true
 L["Anchorite Paetheus"] = true
 L["Anchorite Yazmina"] = true
 L["Ancient Female Vrykul"] = true
+L["Andellion"] = true
 L["Andre Firebeard"] = true
 L["Andrew Hilbert"] = true
 L["Andrion Darkspinner"] = true
@@ -502,9 +550,7 @@ L["Androd Fadran"] = true
 L["Anger Guard"] = true
 L["Anguished Highborne"] = true
 L["Annora"] = true
-L["Anub'ar Guardian"] = true
-L["Anub'ar Prime Guard"] = true
-L["Anub'ar Venomancer"] = true
+L["Anuur"] = true
 L["Anvilrage Captain"] = true
 L["Anvilrage Marshal"] = true
 L["Apothecary Antonivich"] = true
@@ -527,6 +573,7 @@ L["Arnok"] = true
 L["Arras"] = true
 L["Arred"] = true
 L["Arrond"] = true
+L["Arthur Denny"] = true
 L["Arthur Henslowe"] = true
 L["Arthur Moore"] = true
 L["Artificer Daelo"] = true
@@ -554,7 +601,9 @@ L["Bena Winterhoof"] = true
 L["Bengus Deepforge"] = true
 L["Benjamin Clegg"] = true
 L["Bernadette Dexter"] = true
+L["Bethany Cromwell"] = true
 L["Betty Quin"] = true
+L["Binkie Brightgear"] = true
 L["Blackened Ancient"] = true
 L["Blackhand Elite"] = true
 L["Blackrock Battlemaster"] = true
@@ -562,10 +611,12 @@ L["Blackrock Slayer"] = true
 L["Blackrock Soldier"] = true
 L["Blacksmith Calypso"] = true
 L["Blackwater Deckhand"] = true
+L["Blimo Gadgetspring"] = true
 L["Blizrik Buckshot"] = true
 L["Bliztik"] = true
 L["Bloodmaul Geomancer"] = true
 L["Bloodsail Raider"] = true
+L["Bombus Finespindle"] = true
 L["Bonechewer Backbreaker"] = true
 L["Booker Kells"] = true
 L["Borgosh Corebender"] = true
@@ -580,6 +631,7 @@ L["Braeg Stoutbeard"] = true
 L["Brandig"] = true
 L["Brawn"] = true
 L["Brek Stonehoof"] = true
+L["Brienna Starglow"] = true
 L["Brikk Keencraft"] = true
 L["Bro'kin"] = true
 L["Brock Stoneseeker"] = true
@@ -590,6 +642,7 @@ L["Bronk Guzzlegear"] = true
 L["Brumman"] = true
 L["Brumn Winterhoof"] = true
 L["Brunna Ironaxe"] = true
+L["Bryan Landers"] = true
 L["Brynna Wilson"] = true
 L["Burbik Gearspanner"] = true
 L["Burko"] = true
@@ -600,6 +653,7 @@ L["Camberon"] = true
 L["Captain Halyndor"] = true
 L["Captain O'Neal"] = true
 L["Captured Gnome"] = true
+L["Cardinal Ruby"] = true
 L["Carolai Anise"] = true
 L["Carter Tiffens"] = true
 L["Caryssia Moonhunter"] = true
@@ -612,6 +666,7 @@ L["Chaw Stronghide"] = true
 L["Chief Engineer Leveny"] = true
 L["Christoph Jeffcoat"] = true
 L["Cielstrasza"] = true
+L["Clamlette Surprise"] = true
 L["Clarise Gnarltree"] = true
 L["Cliff Breaker"] = true
 L["Clintar Dreamwalker"] = true
@@ -628,6 +683,7 @@ L["Coreiel"] = true
 L["Corporal Bluth"] = true
 L["Corruption"] = true
 L["Costly Menace"] = true
+L["Cowardly Crosby"] = true
 L["Crazed Ancient"] = true
 L["Crazed Murkblood Foreman"] = true
 L["Crazed Murkblood Miner"] = true
@@ -638,6 +694,7 @@ L["Cro Threadstrong"] = true
 L["Crocolisk Hunting"] = true
 L["Crog Steelspine"] = true
 L["Crystal Boughman"] = true
+L["Crystal Brightspark"] = true
 L["Culinary Crunch"] = true
 L["Cult Alchemist"] = true
 L["Cult Researcher"] = true
@@ -721,6 +778,7 @@ L["Duhng"] = true
 L["Dulvi"] = true
 L["Durnholde Rifleman"] = true
 L["Dusky Crab Cakes"] = true
+L["Dustin Vail"] = true
 L["Dwukk"] = true
 L["Easy Strider Living"] = true
 L["Eclipsion Archmage"] = true
@@ -753,6 +811,10 @@ L["Enchantress Metura"] = true
 L["Enchantress Volali"] = true
 L["Engineer Sinbei"] = true
 L["Enraged Mammoth"] = true
+L["Enraged Earth Spirit"] = true
+L["Enraged Water Spirit"] = true
+L["Enraged Air Spirit"] = true
+L["Enraged Fire Spirit"] = true
 L["Eorain Dawnstrike"] = true
 L["Eredar Deathbringer"] = true
 L["Eriden"] = true
@@ -763,6 +825,7 @@ L["Ethereal Priest"] = true
 L["Ethereum Jailor"] = true
 L["Ethereum Nullifier"] = true
 L["Eunice Burch"] = true
+L["Fael Morningsong"] = true
 L["Faldron"] = true
 L["Falorn Nightwhisper"] = true
 L["Fariel Starsong"] = true
@@ -781,12 +844,14 @@ L["Feyden Darkin"] = true
 L["Fiery Plate Gauntlets"] = true
 L["Fimble Finespindle"] = true
 L["Finbus Geargrind"] = true
+L["Findle Whistlesteam"] = true
 L["Firebrand Grunt"] = true
 L["Firebrand Invoker"] = true
 L["Firebrand Legionnaire"] = true
 L["Firebrand Pyromancer"] = true
 L["Firegut Brute"] = true
 L["Flash Bomb Recipe"] = true
+L["Fletcher's Lost and Found"] = true
 L["Fono"]= true
 L["Foreman Marcrid"] = true
 L["Fradd Swiftgear"] = true
@@ -818,6 +883,7 @@ L["Ghak Healtouch"] = true
 L["Gharash"] = true
 L["Ghermas"] = true
 L["Gidge Spellweaver"] = true
+L["Gigget Zipcoil"] = true
 L["Gikkix"] = true
 L["Gimble Thistlefuzz"] = true
 L["Gina MacGregor"] = true
@@ -861,6 +927,7 @@ L["Hama"] = true
 L["Hamanar"] = true
 L["Hammered Patron"] = true
 L["Hammon Karwn"] = true
+L["Harggan"] = true
 L["Harklan Moongrove"] = true
 L["Harlown Darkweave"] = true
 L["Harn Longcast"] = true
@@ -875,11 +942,13 @@ L["Hillsbrad Tailor"] = true
 L["Himmik"] = true
 L["Horns of Frenzy"] = true
 L["Hotoppik Copperpinch"] = true
+L["Hula'mahi"] = true
 L["Humphry"] = true
 L["Hurnak Grimmord"] = true
 L["Ildine Sorrowspear"] = true
 L["Illidari Defiler"] = true
 L["Illidari Watcher"] = true
+L["Imindril Spearsong"] = true
 L["Imperial Plate Belt"] = true
 L["Imperial Plate Boots"] = true
 L["Imperial Plate Bracer"] = true
@@ -917,6 +986,7 @@ L["Jennabink Powerseam"] = true
 L["Jessara Cordell"] = true
 L["Jhag"] = true
 L["Jim Saltit"] = true
+L["Jinky Twizzlefixxit"] = true
 L["Jo'mah"] = true
 L["Johan Barnes"] = true
 L["Johan Focht"] = true
@@ -925,10 +995,12 @@ L["Jonathan Lewis"] = true
 L["Jormund Stonebrow"] = true
 L["Josef Gregorian"] = true
 L["Joseph Moore"] = true
+L["Joseph Wilson"] = true
 L["Josephine Lister"] = true
 L["Josric Fame"] = true
 L["Joys of Omosh"] = true
 L["Jubie Gadgetspring"] = true
+L["Jun'ha"] = true
 L["Juno Dufrain"] = true
 L["Justin Oshenko"] = true
 L["Jutak"] = true
@@ -970,11 +1042,13 @@ L["Kradu Grimblade"] = true
 L["Kray"] = true
 L["Krek Cragcrush"] = true
 L["Kriggon Talsone"] = true
+L["Krinkle Goodsteel"] = true
 L["Kristen Smythe"] = true
 L["Krugosh"] = true
 L["Krulmoo Fullmoon"] = true
 L["Krunn"] = true
 L["Kudrii"] = true
+L["Kul'de"] = true
 L["Kulwia"] = true
 L["Kurdram Stonehammer"] = true
 L["Kurzen Commando"] = true
@@ -1034,6 +1108,7 @@ L["Makaru"] = true
 L["Malcomb Wynn"] = true
 L["Mallen Swain"] = true
 L["Malygen"] = true
+L["Manfred Staller"] = true
 L["Margaux Parchley"] = true
 L["Mari Stonehand"] = true
 L["Maria Lumere"] = true
@@ -1060,6 +1135,7 @@ L["Mildred Fletcher"] = true
 L["Milla Fairancora"] = true
 L["Millie Gregorian"] = true
 L["Mindri Dinkles"] = true
+L["Mining"] = true
 L["Miralisse"] = true
 L["Mire Lord"] = true
 L["Mirvedon"] = true
@@ -1070,6 +1146,7 @@ L["Mixie Farshot"] = true
 L["Mo'arg Weaponsmith"] = true
 L["Modoru"] = true
 L["Mok'Nathal Treats"] = true
+L["Molt Thorn"] = true
 L["Montarr"] = true
 L["Moonglow Vest"] = true
 L["Moonrage Tailor"] = true
@@ -1093,9 +1170,12 @@ L["Nadyia Maneweaver"] = true
 L["Nahogg"] = true
 L["Naka"] = true
 L["Nakodu"] = true
+L["Namdo Bizzfizzle"] = true
+L["Namha Moonwater"] = true
 L["Nandar Branson"] = true
 L["Nardstrum Copperpinch"] = true
 L["Narj Deepslice"] = true
+L["Narkk"] = true
 L["Narv Hidecrafter"] = true
 L["Nascent Val'kyr"] = true
 L["Nasmara Moonsong"] = true
@@ -1115,6 +1195,7 @@ L["Nioma"] = true
 L["Nissa Firestone"] = true
 L["Nixx Sprocketspring"] = true
 L["Nogg"] = true
+L["Northern Cooking"] = true
 L["Nula the Butcher"] = true
 L["Nurse Applewood"] = true
 L["Nurse Neela"] = true
@@ -1126,9 +1207,11 @@ L["Oglethorpe Obnoticus"] = true
 L["Okothos Ironrager"] = true
 L["Okuno"] = true
 L["Olisarra the Kind"] = true
+L["Oluros"] = true
 L["On Iron Pauldrons"] = true
 L["Onslaught Mason"] = true
 L["Ontuvo"] = true
+L["Orland Schaeffer"] = true
 L["Ormer's Revenge"] = true
 L["Orn Tenderhoof"] = true
 L["Otho Moji'ko"] = true
@@ -1150,6 +1233,7 @@ L["Poshken Hardbinder"] = true
 L["Pratt McGrubben"] = true
 L["Primal Ooze"] = true
 L["Professor Pallin"] = true
+L["Prospector Khazgorm"] = true
 L["Prospector Nachlan"] = true
 L["Provisioner Lorkran"] = true
 L["Provisioner Nasela"] = true
@@ -1169,18 +1253,21 @@ L["Raging Skeleton"] = true
 L["Randal Worth"] = true
 L["Ranik"] = true
 L["Rann Flamespinner"] = true
+L["Rartar"] = true
 L["Rathis Tomber"] = true
 L["Rawrk"] = true
 L["Razia"] = true
 L["Recipe of the Kaldorei"] = true
 L["Redridge Goulash"] = true
 L["Refik"] = true
+L["Rekka the Hammer"] = true
 L["Rhiannon Davis"] = true
 L["Ribbly's Crony"] = true
 L["Rift Keeper"] = true
 L["Rift Lord"] = true
 L["Rikqiz"] = true
 L["Rin'wosho the Trader"] = true
+L["Rizz Loosebolt"] = true
 L["Rogvar"] = true
 L["Rohok"] = true
 L["Rollick MacKreel"] = true
@@ -1191,6 +1278,8 @@ L["Rotgath Stonebeard"] = true
 L["Rotting Behemoth"] = true
 L["Roxxik"] = true
 L["Rungor"] = true
+L["Ruppo Zipcoil"] = true
+L["Sacred Cloth"] = true
 L["Saenorion"] = true
 L["Sairuk"] = true
 L["Sally Tompkins"] = true
@@ -1226,6 +1315,7 @@ L["Shadowy Assassin"] = true
 L["Shaina Fuller"] = true
 L["Shandrina"] = true
 L["Shankys"] = true
+L["Sharing the Knowledge"] = true
 L["Shattered Hand Centurion"] = true
 L["Shattertusk Mammoth"] = true
 L["Shayis Steelfury"] = true
@@ -1234,6 +1324,10 @@ L["Shelene Rhobart"] = true
 L["Shen'dralar Provisioner"] = true
 L["Sheri Zipstitch"] = true
 L["Sid Limbardi"] = true
+L["Silverbrook Trapper"] = true
+L["Silverbrook Villager"] = true
+L["Silverbrook Hunter"] = true
+L["Silverbrook Defender"] = true
 L["Simon Tanner"] = true
 L["Simon Unit"] = true
 L["Skeletal Flayer"] = true
@@ -1264,6 +1358,7 @@ L["Stormforged Artificer"] = true
 L["Stormforged Champion"] = true
 L["Stormforged Infiltrator"] = true
 L["Strashaz Myrmidon"] = true
+L["Strashaz Serpent Guard"] = true
 L["Strashaz Warrior"] = true
 L["Stuart Fleming"] = true
 L["Sunfury Arcanist"] = true
@@ -1311,11 +1406,13 @@ L["The Gordok Ogre Suit"] = true
 L["The Great Moongraze Hunt"] = true
 L["The Great Silver Deceiver"] = true
 L["The Journey Has Just Begun"] = true
+L["The Mithril Kid"] = true
 L["The Old Ways"] = true
 L["The Origins of Smithing"] = true
 L["The Rescue"] = true
 L["The Spectral Chalice"] = true
 L["The Undermarket"] = true
+L["The World At Your Feet"] = true
 L["The Zapthrottle Mote Extractor!"] = true
 L["Thelsamar Blood Sausages"] = true
 L["Theramore Infiltrator"] = true
@@ -1374,6 +1471,7 @@ L["Vazario Linkgrease"] = true
 L["Veenix"] = true
 L["Vekh'nir Dreadhawk"] = true
 L["Vendor-Tron 1000"] = true
+L["Vengeful Ancient"] = true
 L["Venture Co. Excavator"] = true
 L["Venture Co. Strip Miner"] = true
 L["Veteran Crusader Aliocha Segard"] = true
@@ -1453,102 +1551,3 @@ L["Zixil"] = true
 L["Zorbin Fandazzle"] = true
 L["Zula Slagfury"] = true
 L["Zurai"] = true
-L["\"Cookie\" McWeaksauce"] = true
-L["Krinkle Goodsteel"] = true
-L["A Good Head On Your Shoulders"] = true
-L["The World At Your Feet"] = true
-L["The Mithril Kid"] = true
-L["Strashaz Serpent Guard"] = true
-L["Enraged Earth Spirit"] = true
-L["Enraged Water Spirit"] = true
-L["Enraged Air Spirit"] = true
-L["Enraged Fire Spirit"] = true
-L["Namdo Bizzfizzle"] = true
-L["Rizz Loosebolt"] = true
-L["Ruppo Zipcoil"] = true
-L["Jinky Twizzlefixxit"] = true
-L["Harggan"] = true
-L["Findle Whistlesteam"] = true
-L["Narkk"] = true
-L["Jun'ha"] = true
-L["Brienna Starglow"] = true
-L["Cowardly Crosby"] = true
-L["Sacred Cloth"] = true
-L["Vengeful Ancient"] = true
-L["Molt Thorn"] = true
-L["Fletcher's Lost and Found"] = true
-L["Gigget Zipcoil"] = true
-L["Blimo Gadgetspring"] = true
-L["Hula'mahi"] = true
-L["Bombus Finespindle"] = true
-L["Rartar"] = true
-L["Bryan Landers"] = true
-L["Prospector Khazgorm"] = true
-L["Northern Cooking"] = true
-L["Clamlette Surprise"] = true
-L["DATAMINER_SKILLELVEL"] = [[Recipe level different!
-    Name: %s
-	ARL Level: %s
-	Trainer Level: %s]]
-L["DATAMINER_SKILLLEVEL_ERROR"] = "This can only be used for a trade skill trainer.  Please open up the trainer and try again."
-L["DATAMINER_TRAINER_NOTTARGETTED"] = "You must target the trainer when you run this command."
-L["DATAMINER_VENDOR_NOTTARGETTED"] = "You must target the vendor when you run this command."
-L["DATAMINER_TRAINER_INFO"] = [[Trainer Name: %s
-Trainer ID: %s]]
-L["DATAMINER_TRAINER_TEACH"] = "%s (%s) - Missing"
-L["DATAMINER_TRAINER_NOTTEACH"] = "%s (%s) - Extra"
-L["Auto Scan Trainers"] = true
-L["Datamine Options"] = true
-L["DATAMINE_OPTIONS_DESC"] = "Allows you to customize in-game ARL datamining."
-L["AUTOSCAN_TRAINERS_DESC"] = "Turns on scanning at trainers to compare skill levels, and recipe acquire methods."
-L["Generate Tradeskill Links"] = true
-L["GENERATE_LINKS_DESC"] = "Generate complete profession links."
-L["Compare Trainer Skills"] = true
-L["COMPARE_TRAINER_SKILL_DESC"] = "Compare skill levels of selected trainer with those in ARL database."
-L["Compare Trainer Acquire"] = true
-L["COMPARE_TRAINER_ACQUIRE_DESC"] = "Compare selected trainer acquire methods with those in the ARL database."
-L["DATAMINER_NODB_ERROR"] = "Recipe database not loaded.  Please scan the tradeskill first then try the datamining."
-L["Dustin Vail"] = true
-L["Kul'de"] = true
-L["Fael Morningsong"] = true
-L["Binkie Brightgear"] = true
-L["Bethany Cromwell"] = true
-L["Crystal Brightspark"] = true
-L["Joseph Wilson"] = true
-L["Oluros"] = true
-L["Rekka the Hammer"] = true
-L["Arthur Denny"] = true
-L["Desert Recipe"] = true
-L["Manfred Staller"] = true
-L["Andellion"] = true
-L["Namha Moonwater"] = true
-L["AUTOLOAD_DB_DESC"] = "Automatically loads all of the ARL recipe databases when doing a datamining scan."
-L["Auto Load Recipe Database"] = true
-L["Orland Schaeffer"] = true
-L["Imindril Spearsong"] = true
-L["Alt-Tradeskills"] = true
-L["ORIGINAL_WOW_DESC"] = "Recipes available with the original game."
-L["BC_WOW_DESC"] = "Recipes available with the Burning Crusade."
-L["LK_WOW_DESC"] = "Recipes available with the Wrath of the Lich King."
-L["Lich King"] = true
-L["Silverbrook Trapper"] = true
-L["Silverbrook Villager"] = true
-L["Silverbrook Hunter"] = true
-L["Silverbrook Defender"] = true
-L["ALT_TRADESKILL_DESC"] = "This will display a list of alts which have had trade skills scanned.  Clicking on the alt's name will output the tradeskill to chat."
-L["Other Realms"] = true
-L["DATAMINE_WARNING_DESC"] = "Please note that enabling Auto Load Recipe Database will increase the amount of memory used by ARL.  Enabling Auto Scan Trainers may cause a slight bit of lag when the trainer is opened.  This will be more noticeable on the first scan of a trainer."
-L["Anuur"] = true
-L["Scan Entire Database"] = true
-L["SCAN_ENTIRE_DB_DESC"] = "Loads the entire recipe database, and scans every single recipes tooltip checking the flags.  This will lag your computer and use a lot of memory."
-L["Scan Vendor"] = true
-L["SCAN_VENDOR_DESC"] = "Scans the currently opened vendor for recipes and compares the information with the internal database."
-L["Scan Professions"] = true
-L["SCAN_PROF_DB_DESC"] = "Scans a specified profession (lower case name or spell id) in the recipe database, scanning the tooltips and comparing them with the internal database."
-L["Scan Spell ID"] = true
-L["SCAN_SPELL_ID_DESC"] = "Scans a specified spell ID, scanning its tooltip and comparing it with the internal database."
-L["Auto Scan Vendors"] = true
-L["AUTOSCAN_VENDORS_DESC"] = "Turns on scanning at vendors to compare skill levels, and recipe acquire methods."
-L["A Yeti of Your Own"] = true
-L["Mining"] = true
-L["Cardinal Ruby"] = true