
Add some tooltip scanning debug code.

ackis [05-26-09 - 19:18]
Add some tooltip scanning debug code.
diff --git a/ARLDatamine.lua b/ARLDatamine.lua
index 5351a94..13836d9 100644
--- a/ARLDatamine.lua
+++ b/ARLDatamine.lua
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ function addon:ScanVendor()

 		ARLDatamineTT:SetOwner(WorldFrame, "ANCHOR_NONE")
 		GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(ARLDatamineTT, UIParent)
+self:Print("Scanning " .. GetMerchantNumItems() .. " items on vendor.")
 		-- Parse all the items on the merchant
 		for i=1,GetMerchantNumItems(),1 do
 			local name, _, _, _, numAvailable = GetMerchantItemInfo(i)
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ end

 --- Parses the mining tooltip for certain keywords, comparing them with the database flags.
 -- @name AckisRecipeList:ScanToolTip
-function addon:ScanToolTip()
+function addon:ScanToolTip(name)

 	-- Get internal database
@@ -407,14 +407,14 @@ function addon:ScanToolTip()

+self:Print("DEBUG: Number of tooltip lines: " .. ARLDatamineTT:NumLines())
 	-- Parse all the lines of the tooltip
 	for i=1,ARLDatamineTT:NumLines(),1 do

 		local linetext = _G["ARLDatamineTTTextLeft" .. i]
 		local text = linetext:GetText()
+self:Print("DEBUG: Tooltip text: " .. text)
 		local enchanting = false
-		local name = ""
 		local boprecipe = false
 		local bopitem = false
 		local healer = false
@@ -444,7 +444,6 @@ function addon:ScanToolTip()
 				enchanting = true

-			name = text
 		-- Check for recipe/item binding
 		elseif (strmatch(text,"Binds when picked up")) then
 			-- The recipe binding is within the first few lines of the tooltip always