
Updated Locale to a different format.

Xruptor [08-24-16 - 15:59]
Updated Locale to a different format.
-Didn't like the way the old one was setup.  If I had to make a change to one of the english ones then I had to modify the key for all languages.  The current format allows me to make changes to english display but retain the same key throughout the languages.
diff --git a/BagSync.lua b/BagSync.lua
index e1ababb..e755fe6 100644
--- a/BagSync.lua
+++ b/BagSync.lua
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ local dataobj = ldb:NewDataObject("BagSyncLDB", {

 	OnTooltipShow = function(self)
-		self:AddLine(L["Left Click = Search Window"])
-		self:AddLine(L["Right Click = BagSync Menu"])
+		self:AddLine(L.LeftClickSearch)
+		self:AddLine(L.RightClickBagSyncMenu)

@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ function BSYC:FixDB(onlyChkGuild)

-		self:Print("|cFFFF9900"..L["A FixDB has been performed on BagSync!  The database is now optimized!"].."|r")
+		self:Print("|cFFFF9900"..L.FixDBComplete.."|r")

@@ -500,11 +500,10 @@ function BSYC:ScanEntireBank()

 function BSYC:ScanVoidBank()
-	--for some reason blizzard pushes out events for void storage even after you close the window, to prevent this check for the frame
-	if not VoidStorageFrame or not VoidStorageFrame:IsVisible() then return end
+	if not self.atVoidBank then return end

 	self.db.player["void"] = self.db.player["void"] or {}
-	self:Debug("void scanned")
 	--reset our tooltip data since we scanned new items (we want current data not old)
 	self.PreviousItemLink = nil
 	self.PreviousItemTotals = {}
@@ -734,7 +733,7 @@ function BSYC:ShowMoneyTooltip()
 	if self.options.showTotal and gldTotal > 0 then
 		tooltip:AddLine(" ")
-		tooltip:AddDoubleLine(tooltipColor(self.options.colors.total, L["Total:"]), self:CreateMoneyString(gldTotal, false), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
+		tooltip:AddDoubleLine(tooltipColor(self.options.colors.total, L.TooltipTotal), self:CreateMoneyString(gldTotal, false), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)

 	tooltip:AddLine(" ")
@@ -798,26 +797,30 @@ function BSYC:CreateItemTotals(countTable)

 	--order in which we want stuff displayed
 	local list = {
-		[1] = { "bag", 			L["Bags: %d"] },
-		[2] = { "bank", 		L["Bank: %d"] },
-		[3] = { "reagentbank", 	L["Reagent: %d"] },
-		[4] = { "equip", 		L["Equip: %d"] },
-		[5] = { "guild", 		L["Guild: %d"] },
-		[6] = { "mailbox", 		L["Mail: %d"] },
-		[7] = { "void", 		L["Void: %d"] },
-		[8] = { "auction", 		L["AH: %d"] },
+		[1] = { "bag", 			L.TooltipBag },
+		[2] = { "bank", 		L.TooltipBank },
+		[3] = { "reagentbank", 	L.TooltipReagent },
+		[4] = { "equip", 		L.TooltipEquip },
+		[5] = { "guild", 		L.TooltipGuild },
+		[6] = { "mailbox", 		L.TooltipMail },
+		[7] = { "void", 		L.TooltipVoid },
+		[8] = { "auction", 		L.TooltipAuction },

 	for i = 1, #list do
 		local count = countTable[list[i][1]]
 		if count > 0 then
-			info = info..", "..list[i][2]:format(count)
-			total = total + count
 			grouped = grouped + 1
+			info = info..L.TooltipDelimiter..list[i][2]:format(count)
+			total = total + count

-	if grouped > 0 then
+	--remove the first delimiter since it's added to the front automatically
+	info = strsub(info, string.len(L.TooltipDelimiter) + 1)
+	--if it's groupped up and has more then one item then use a different color and show total
+	if grouped > 1 then
 		local totalStr = tooltipColor(self.options.colors.first, total)
 		return totalStr .. tooltipColor(self.options.colors.second, format(" (%s)", info))
@@ -995,7 +998,7 @@ function BSYC:AddItemToTooltip(frame, link) --workaround
 	--show grand total if we have something
 	--don't show total if there is only one item
 	if self.options.showTotal and grandTotal > 0 and getn(self.PreviousItemTotals) > 1 then
-		table.insert(self.PreviousItemTotals, tooltipColor(self.options.colors.total, L["Total:"]).."@"..tooltipColor(self.options.colors.second, grandTotal))
+		table.insert(self.PreviousItemTotals, tooltipColor(self.options.colors.total, L.TooltipTotal).."@"..tooltipColor(self.options.colors.second, grandTotal))

 	--now check for seperater and only add if we have something in the table already
@@ -1164,11 +1167,11 @@ function BSYC:OnEnable()
 	--NOTE: Using OnEnable() instead of OnInitialize() because not all the SavedVarables are loaded and UnitFullName() will return nil for realm


 	local ver = GetAddOnMetadata("BagSync","Version") or 0

@@ -1279,48 +1282,48 @@ function BSYC:OnEnable()
 		local a,b,c=strfind(msg, "(%S+)"); --contiguous string of non-space characters

 		if a then
-			if c and c:lower() == L["search"] then
+			if c and c:lower() == L.SlashSearch then
 				if BagSync_SearchFrame:IsVisible() then
 				return true
-			elseif c and c:lower() == L["gold"] then
+			elseif c and c:lower() == L.SlashGold then
 				return true
-			elseif c and c:lower() == L["tokens"] then
+			elseif c and c:lower() == L.SlashTokens then
 				if BagSync_TokensFrame:IsVisible() then
 				return true
-			elseif c and c:lower() == L["profiles"] then
+			elseif c and c:lower() == L.SlashProfiles then
 				if BagSync_ProfilesFrame:IsVisible() then
 				return true
-			elseif c and c:lower() == L["professions"] then
+			elseif c and c:lower() == L.SlashProfessions then
 				if BagSync_CraftsFrame:IsVisible() then
 				return true
-			elseif c and c:lower() == L["blacklist"] then
+			elseif c and c:lower() == L.SlashBlacklist then
 				if BagSync_BlackListFrame:IsVisible() then
 				return true
-			elseif c and c:lower() == L["fixdb"] then
+			elseif c and c:lower() == L.SlashFixDB then
 				return true
-			elseif c and c:lower() == L["config"] then
+			elseif c and c:lower() == L.SlashConfig then
 				return true
 			elseif c and c:lower() ~= "" then
@@ -1334,15 +1337,15 @@ function BSYC:OnEnable()

-		self:Print(L["/bgs [itemname] - Does a quick search for an item"])
-		self:Print(L["/bgs search - Opens the search window"])
-		self:Print(L["/bgs gold - Displays a tooltip with the amount of gold on each character."])
-		self:Print(L["/bgs tokens - Opens the tokens/currency window."])
-		self:Print(L["/bgs profiles - Opens the profiles window."])
-		self:Print(L["/bgs professions - Opens the professions window."])
-		self:Print(L["/bgs blacklist - Opens the blacklist window."])
-		self:Print(L["/bgs fixdb - Runs the database fix (FixDB) on BagSync."])
-		self:Print(L["/bgs config - Opens the BagSync Config Window"] )
+		self:Print(L.HelpSearchItemName)
+		self:Print(L.HelpSearchWindow)
+		self:Print(L.HelpGoldTooltip)
+		self:Print(L.HelpTokensWindow)
+		self:Print(L.HelpProfilesWindow)
+		self:Print(L.HelpProfessionsWindow)
+		self:Print(L.HelpBlacklistWindow)
+		self:Print(L.HelpFixDB)
+		self:Print(L.HelpConfigWindow )


diff --git a/BagSync.toc b/BagSync.toc
index 78f6430..7274bb7 100644
--- a/BagSync.toc
+++ b/BagSync.toc
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ locale\ruRU.lua

diff --git a/locale/deDE.lua b/locale/deDE.lua
index 2491046..f46e3c9 100644
--- a/locale/deDE.lua
+++ b/locale/deDE.lua
@@ -4,58 +4,58 @@ if not L then return end

 --special thanks to GrimPala from wowinterface.com

-L["Bags: %d"] = "Taschen: %d"
-L["Bank: %d"] = "Bank: %d"
-L["Equip: %d"] = "Angelegt: %d"
-L["Guild: %d"] = "Gilde: %d"
-L["Mail: %d"] = "Post: %d"
-L["Void: %d"] = "Leerenlager"
-L["Reagent: %d"] = "Materiallager: %d"
-L["AH: %d"] = "AH: %d"
-L["Search"] = "Suche"
-L["Total:"] = "Gesamt:"
-L["Tokens"] = "Abzeichen"
-L["Profiles"] = "Profile"
-L["Professions"] = "Berufe"
-L["Blacklist"] = "Blacklist"
-L["Gold"] = "Gold"
-L["Close"] = "Schließen"
-L["FixDB"] = "FixDB"
-L["Config"] = "Einstellungen"
-L["Select a profile to delete.\nNOTE: This is irreversible!"] = "Wähle ein Profil zum löschen aus.\nINFO: Dies ist nicht umkehrbar!"
-L["Delete"] = "Löschen"
-L["Confirm"] = "Bestätigen"
-L["Toggle Search"] = "Öffne/Schließe Suche"
-L["Toggle Tokens"] = "Öffne/Schließe Abzeichen"
-L["Toggle Profiles"] = "Öffne/Schließe Profile"
-L["A FixDB has been performed on BagSync!  The database is now optimized!"] = "Die Funktion FixDB wurde ausgeführt! Die Datenbank wurde optimiert!"
-L["ON"] = "An"
-L["OFF"] = "Aus"
-L["Left Click = Search Window"] = "Links Klick = Suchen"
-L["Right Click = BagSync Menu"] = "Rechts Klick = BagSync Menu"
-L["Click Here"] = "Klicke hier"
-L["BagSync: Error user not found!"] = "BagSync: Fehler, Benutzer nicht gefunden!"
-L["Please enter an itemid. (Use Wowhead.com)"] = "Trage bitte eine ItemID ein. (Benutze wowhead.com)"
-L["Remove ItemID"] = "Entferne ItemID"
-L["/bgs [itemname] - Does a quick search for an item"] = "/bgs [itemname] - Nach einem Item suchen"
-L["/bgs search - Opens the search window"] = "/bgs search - Öffnet das Suchfenster"
-L["/bgs gold - Displays a tooltip with the amount of gold on each character."] = "/bgs gold - Zeigt einen Tooltip mit dem Gold eines jeden Charakters."
-L["/bgs tokens - Opens the tokens/currency window."] = "/bgs tokens - Öffnet das Abzeichenfenster."
-L["/bgs profiles - Opens the profiles window."] = "/bgs profiles - Öffnet das Profilfenster."
-L["/bgs fixdb - Runs the database fix (FixDB) on BagSync."] = "/bgs fixdb - Führt eine Reparatur der Datenbank (FixDB) aus."
-L["/bgs config - Opens the BagSync Config Window"] = "/bgs config - Öffnet die Einstellungen für BagSync"
-L["/bgs professions - Opens the professions window."] = "/bgs professions - Öffnet das Berufefenster."
-L["/bgs blacklist - Opens the blacklist window."] = "/bgs blacklist - Öffnet das Blacklistfenster."
-L["Display [Total] amount."] = "[Gesamt] Anzeige in Tooltips für Items und in der Goldanzeige."
-L["Display [Guild Name] for guild bank items."] = "Anzeige [Name der Gilde] in Tooltips zeigen"
-L["Display guild bank items."] = "Aktiviere Gildenbank Items"
-L["Display mailbox items."] = "Aktiviere Briefkasten Items"
-L["Display auction house items."] = "Aktiviere Auktionshaus Items"
-L["Display BagSync minimap button."] = "Zeige BagSync Minimap Button"
-L["Display items for both factions (Alliance/Horde)."] = "Zeige Items beider Fraktionen (Allianz/Horde)."
-L["Display class colors for characters."] = "Zeige Klassenfarben für Charaktere"
-L["Display BagSync tooltip ONLY in the search window."] = "Zeige modifizierte Tooltips NUR im BagSync Suchfenster."
-L["Enable BagSync Tooltips"] = "Aktiviere BagSync Tooltips"
-L["Display empty line seperator."] = "Aktiviere eine leere Linie als Seperator über der BagSync Tooltip Anzeige."
-L["Display Cross-Realms characters."] = "Altiviere Items für Cross-Realm Charaktere."
-L["Display Battle.Net Account characters |cFFDF2B2B(Not Recommended)|r."] = "Aktiviere Items für die aktuellen Battle.net Account Charaktere |cFFDF2B2B(Nicht empfohlen!)|r."
+L.TooltipBag = "Taschen: %d"
+L.TooltipBank = "Bank: %d"
+L.TooltipEquip = "Angelegt: %d"
+L.TooltipGuild = "Gilde: %d"
+L.TooltipMail = "Post: %d"
+L.TooltipVoid = "Leerenlager"
+L.TooltipReagent = "Materiallager: %d"
+L.TooltipAuction = "AH: %d"
+L.Search = "Suche"
+L.TooltipTotal = "Gesamt:"
+L.Tokens = "Abzeichen"
+L.Profiles = "Profile"
+L.Professions = "Berufe"
+L.Blacklist = "Blacklist"
+L.Gold = "Gold"
+L.Close = "Schließen"
+L.FixDB = "FixDB"
+L.Config = "Einstellungen"
+L.DeleteWarning = "Wähle ein Profil zum löschen aus.\nINFO: Dies ist nicht umkehrbar!"
+L.Delete = "Löschen"
+L.Confirm = "Bestätigen"
+L.ToggleSearch = "Öffne/Schließe Suche"
+L.ToggleTokens = "Öffne/Schließe Abzeichen"
+L.ToggleProfiles = "Öffne/Schließe Profile"
+L.FixDBComplete = "Die Funktion FixDB wurde ausgeführt! Die Datenbank wurde optimiert!"
+L.ON = "An"
+L.OFF = "Aus"
+L.LeftClickSearch = "Links Klick = Suchen"
+L.RightClickBagSyncMenu = "Rechts Klick = BagSync Menu"
+L.ClickHere = "Klicke hier"
+L.ErrorUserNotFound = "BagSync: Fehler, Benutzer nicht gefunden!"
+L.EnterItemID = "Trage bitte eine ItemID ein. (Benutze wowhead.com)"
+L.RemoveItemID = "Entferne ItemID"
+L.HelpSearchItemName = "/bgs [itemname] - Nach einem Item suchen"
+L.HelpSearchWindow = "/bgs search - Öffnet das Suchfenster"
+L.HelpGoldTooltip = "/bgs gold - Zeigt einen Tooltip mit dem Gold eines jeden Charakters."
+L.HelpTokensWindow = "/bgs tokens - Öffnet das Abzeichenfenster."
+L.HelpProfilesWindow = "/bgs profiles - Öffnet das Profilfenster."
+L.HelpFixDB = "/bgs fixdb - Führt eine Reparatur der Datenbank (FixDB) aus."
+L.HelpConfigWindow = "/bgs config - Öffnet die Einstellungen für BagSync"
+L.HelpProfessionsWindow = "/bgs professions - Öffnet das Berufefenster."
+L.HelpBlacklistWindow = "/bgs blacklist - Öffnet das Blacklistfenster."
+L.DisplayTotal = "[Gesamt] Anzeige in Tooltips für Items und in der Goldanzeige."
+L.DisplayGuildName = "Anzeige [Name der Gilde] in Tooltips zeigen"
+L.DisplayGuildBank = "Aktiviere Gildenbank Items"
+L.DisplayMailbox = "Aktiviere Briefkasten Items"
+L.DisplayAuctionHouse = "Aktiviere Auktionshaus Items"
+L.DisplayMinimap = "Zeige BagSync Minimap Button"
+L.DisplayFaction = "Zeige Items beider Fraktionen (Allianz/Horde)."
+L.DisplayClassColor = "Zeige Klassenfarben für Charaktere"
+L.DisplayTooltipOnlySearch = "Zeige modifizierte Tooltips NUR im BagSync Suchfenster."
+L.EnableBagSyncTooltip = "Aktiviere BagSync Tooltips"
+L.DisplayLineSeperator = "Aktiviere eine leere Linie als Seperator über der BagSync Tooltip Anzeige."
+L.DisplayCrossRealm = "Altiviere Items für Cross-Realm Charaktere."
+L.DisplayBNET = "Aktiviere Items für die aktuellen Battle.net Account Charaktere |cFFDF2B2B(Nicht empfohlen!)|r."
diff --git a/locale/enUS.lua b/locale/enUS.lua
index b057a88..14bf7b1 100644
--- a/locale/enUS.lua
+++ b/locale/enUS.lua
@@ -2,90 +2,91 @@
 local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("BagSync", "enUS", true)
 if not L then return end

-L["Bags: %d"] = true
-L["Bank: %d"] = true
-L["Equip: %d"] = true
-L["Guild: %d"] = true
-L["Mail: %d"] = true
-L["Void: %d"] = true
-L["Reagent: %d"] = true
-L["AH: %d"] = true
-L["Search"] = true
-L["Total:"] = true
-L["Tokens"] = true
-L["Profiles"] = true
-L["Professions"] = true
-L["Blacklist"] = true
-L["Gold"] = true
-L["Close"] = true
-L["FixDB"] = true
-L["Config"] = true
-L["Select a profile to delete.\nNOTE: This is irreversible!"] = true
-L["Delete"] = true
-L["Confirm"] = true
-L["Toggle Search"] = true
-L["Toggle Tokens"] = true
-L["Toggle Profiles"] = true
-L["Toggle Professions"] = true
-L["Toggle Blacklist"] = true
-L["A FixDB has been performed on BagSync!  The database is now optimized!"] = true
-L["ON"] = true
-L["OFF"] = true
-L["Left Click = Search Window"] = true
-L["Right Click = BagSync Menu"] = true
-L["Left Click = Link to view tradeskill."] = true
-L["Right Click = Insert tradeskill link."] = true
-L["Click to view profession: "] = true
-L["Click Here"] = true
-L["BagSync: Error user not found!"] = true
-L["Please enter an itemid. (Use Wowhead.com)"] = true
-L["Add ItemID"] = true
-L["Remove ItemID"] = true
+L.TooltipBag = "Bags: %d"
+L.TooltipBank = "Bank: %d"
+L.TooltipEquip = "Equip: %d"
+L.TooltipGuild = "Guild: %d"
+L.TooltipMail = "Mail: %d"
+L.TooltipVoid = "Void: %d"
+L.TooltipReagent = "Reagent: %d"
+L.TooltipAuction = "AH: %d"
+L.TooltipTotal = "Total:"
+L.TooltipDelimiter = ", "
+L.Search = "Search"
+L.Tokens = "Tokens"
+L.Profiles = "Profiles"
+L.Professions = "Professions"
+L.Blacklist = "Blacklist"
+L.Gold = "Gold"
+L.Close = "Close"
+L.FixDB = "FixDB"
+L.Config = "Config"
+L.DeleteWarning = "Select a profile to delete.\nNOTE: This is irreversible!"
+L.Delete = "Delete"
+L.Confirm = "Confirm"
+L.ToggleSearch = "Toggle Search"
+L.ToggleTokens = "Toggle Tokens"
+L.ToggleProfiles = "Toggle Profiles"
+L.ToggleProfessions = "Toggle Professions"
+L.ToggleBlacklist = "Toggle Blacklist"
+L.FixDBComplete = "A FixDB has been performed on BagSync!  The database is now optimized!"
+L.ON = "ON"
+L.OFF = "OFF"
+L.LeftClickSearch = "Left Click = Search Window"
+L.RightClickBagSyncMenu = "Right Click = BagSync Menu"
+L.LeftClickViewTradeSkill = "Left Click = Link to view tradeskill."
+L.RightClickInsertTradeskill = "Right Click = Insert tradeskill link."
+L.ClickViewProfession = "Click to view profession: "
+L.ClickHere = "Click Here"
+L.ErrorUserNotFound = "BagSync: Error user not found!"
+L.EnterItemID = "Please enter an itemid. (Use Wowhead.com)"
+L.AddItemID = "Add ItemID"
+L.RemoveItemID = "Remove ItemID"
-L["[itemname]"] = true
-L["search"] = true
-L["gold"] = true
-L["config"] = true
-L["tokens"] = true
-L["fixdb"] = true
-L["profiles"] = true
-L["professions"] = true
-L["blacklist"] = true
+L.SlashItemName = "[itemname]"
+L.SlashSearch = "search"
+L.SlashGold = "gold"
+L.SlashConfig = "config"
+L.SlashTokens = "tokens"
+L.SlashFixDB = "fixdb"
+L.SlashProfiles = "profiles"
+L.SlashProfessions = "professions"
+L.SlashBlacklist = "blacklist"
-L["/bgs [itemname] - Does a quick search for an item"] = true
-L["/bgs search - Opens the search window"] = true
-L["/bgs gold - Displays a tooltip with the amount of gold on each character."] = true
-L["/bgs tokens - Opens the tokens/currency window."] = true
-L["/bgs profiles - Opens the profiles window."] = true
-L["/bgs fixdb - Runs the database fix (FixDB) on BagSync."] = true
-L["/bgs config - Opens the BagSync Config Window"] = true
-L["/bgs professions - Opens the professions window."] = true
-L["/bgs blacklist - Opens the blacklist window."] = true
-L["Display [Total] amount."] = true
-L["Display [Guild Name] for guild bank items."] = true
-L["Display guild bank items."] = true
-L["Display mailbox items."] = true
-L["Display auction house items."] = true
-L["Display BagSync minimap button."] = true
-L["Display items for both factions (Alliance/Horde)."] = true
-L["Display class colors for characters."] = true
-L["Display BagSync tooltip ONLY in the search window."] = true
-L["Enable BagSync Tooltips"] = true
-L["Display empty line seperator."] = true
-L["Display Cross-Realms characters."] = true
-L["Display Battle.Net Account characters |cFFDF2B2B(Not Recommended)|r."] = true
-L["Primary BagSync tooltip color."] = true
-L["Secondary BagSync tooltip color."] = true
-L["BagSync [Total] tooltip color."] = true
-L["BagSync [Guild] tooltip color."] = true
-L["BagSync [Cross-Realms] tooltip color."] = true
-L["BagSync [Battle.Net] tooltip color."] = true
-L["Settings for various BagSync features."] = true
-L["Display"] = true
-L["Settings for the displayed BagSync tooltip information."] = true
-L["Color"] = true
-L["Color settings for BagSync tooltip information."] = true
-L["Main"] = true
-L["Main settings for BagSync."] = true
-L["WARNING: A total of [%d] items were not searched!\nBagSync is still waiting for the server/cache to respond.\nPress the Search button again to retry."] = true
-L["You have been updated to latest database version!  You will need to rescan all your characters again!|r"] = true
+L.HelpSearchItemName = "/bgs [itemname] - Does a quick search for an item"
+L.HelpSearchWindow = "/bgs search - Opens the search window"
+L.HelpGoldTooltip = "/bgs gold - Displays a tooltip with the amount of gold on each character."
+L.HelpTokensWindow = "/bgs tokens - Opens the tokens/currency window."
+L.HelpProfilesWindow = "/bgs profiles - Opens the profiles window."
+L.HelpFixDB = "/bgs fixdb - Runs the database fix (FixDB) on BagSync."
+L.HelpConfigWindow = "/bgs config - Opens the BagSync Config Window"
+L.HelpProfessionsWindow = "/bgs professions - Opens the professions window."
+L.HelpBlacklistWindow = "/bgs blacklist - Opens the blacklist window."
+L.EnableBagSyncTooltip = "Enable BagSync Tooltips"
+L.DisplayTotal = "Display [Total] amount."
+L.DisplayGuildName = "Display [Guild Name] for guild bank items."
+L.DisplayGuildBank = "Display guild bank items."
+L.DisplayMailbox = "Display mailbox items."
+L.DisplayAuctionHouse = "Display auction house items."
+L.DisplayMinimap = "Display BagSync minimap button."
+L.DisplayFaction = "Display items for both factions (Alliance/Horde)."
+L.DisplayClassColor = "Display class colors for characters."
+L.DisplayTooltipOnlySearch = "Display BagSync tooltip ONLY in the search window."
+L.DisplayLineSeperator = "Display empty line seperator."
+L.DisplayCrossRealm = "Display Cross-Realms characters."
+L.DisplayBNET = "Display Battle.Net Account characters |cFFDF2B2B(Not Recommended)|r."
+L.ColorPrimary = "Primary BagSync tooltip color."
+L.ColorSecondary = "Secondary BagSync tooltip color."
+L.ColorTotal = "BagSync [Total] tooltip color."
+L.ColorGuild = "BagSync [Guild] tooltip color."
+L.ColorCrossRealm = "BagSync [Cross-Realms] tooltip color."
+L.ColorBNET = "BagSync [Battle.Net] tooltip color."
+L.ConfigHeader = "Settings for various BagSync features."
+L.ConfigDisplay = "Display"
+L.ConfigTooltipHeader = "Settings for the displayed BagSync tooltip information."
+L.ConfigColor = "Color"
+L.ConfigColorHeader = "Color settings for BagSync tooltip information."
+L.ConfigMain = "Main"
+L.ConfigMainHeader = "Main settings for BagSync."
+L.WarningItemSearch = "WARNING: A total of [%d] items were not searched!\nBagSync is still waiting for the server/cache to respond.\nPress the Search button again to retry."
+L.WarningUpdatedDB = "You have been updated to latest database version!  You will need to rescan all your characters again!|r"
diff --git a/locale/esES.lua b/locale/esES.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9a2ed4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/esES.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("BagSync", "esES")
+if not L then return end
+--special thanks to annthizze at Curse for the esES translations!
+L.TooltipBag = "Bolsas: %d"
+L.TooltipBank = "Banco: %d"
+L.TooltipEquip = "Equipo: %d"
+L.TooltipGuild = "Hermandad: %d"
+L.TooltipMail = "Correo: %d"
+L.TooltipVoid = "Cofre Etéreo: %d"
+L.TooltipReagent = "Reagentes: %d"
+L.TooltipAuction = "Subasta: %d"
+L.Search = "Buscar"
+L.TooltipTotal = "Total:"
+L.Tokens = "Fichas"
+L.Profiles = "Perfiles"
+L.Professions = "Profesiones"
+L.Blacklist = "Lista negra"
+L.Gold = "Oro"
+L.Close = "Cerrar"
+L.FixDB = "Reparar BD"
+L.Config = "Configuración"
+L.DeleteWarning = "Seleccione el perfil a eliminar,\nNOTE: no se puede volver atrás"
+L.Delete = "Eliminar"
+L.Confirm = "Confirmar"
+L.ToggleSearch = "Conmutar Búsqueda"
+L.ToggleTokens = "Conmutar Fichas"
+L.ToggleProfiles = "Conmutar Perfiles"
+L.ToggleProfessions = "Conmutar Profesiones"
+L.ToggleBlacklist = "Conmutar Lista negra"
+L.FixDBComplete = "¡La reparación de la BD se ha realizado! La base de datos está optimizada"
+L.ON = "Encender"
+L.OFF = "Apagar"
+L.LeftClickSearch = "Botón izquierdo = cuadro de búsqueda"
+L.RightClickBagSyncMenu = "Botón derecho = Menú"
+L.LeftClickViewTradeSkill = "Botón izquierdo = Enlace para visualizar profesiones"
+L.RightClickInsertTradeskill = "Botón derecho = Inserta el enlace de profesiones"
+L.ClickViewProfession = "Pincha para ver profesiones"
+L.ClickHere = "Pincha aquí"
+L.ErrorUserNotFound = "BagSync error: ¡usuario no encontrado!"
+L.EnterItemID = "Por favor, introduzca una ID de objeto"
+L.AddItemID = "Añadir ID de objeto"
+L.RemoveItemID = "Eliminar ID de objeto"
+L.SlashItemName = "[nombredeobjeto]"
+L.SlashSearch = "buscar"
+L.SlashGold = "oro"
+L.SlashTokens = "fichas"
+L.SlashFixDB = "repararbd"
+L.SlashProfiles = "perfiles"
+L.SlashProfessions = "profesiones"
+L.SlashBlacklist = "listanegra"
+L.HelpSearchItemName = "/bgs [nombredeobjeto] - Realiza la búsqueda de un objeto."
+L.HelpSearchWindow = "/bgs buscar - Abre el cuado de búsqueda."
+L.HelpGoldTooltip = "/bgs oro - Muestra un cuadro de diálogo con el oro de tus personajes."
+L.HelpTokensWindow = "/bgs fichas - Abre una ventana con tus fichas/monedas."
+L.HelpProfilesWindow = "/bgs perfiles - Abre la ventana de perfiles."
+L.HelpFixDB = "/bgs repararbd - Inicia la reparación de la base de datos (reparar BD) de BagSync."
+L.HelpConfigWindow = "/bgs config - Abre la ventana de configuración de BagSync."
+L.HelpProfessionsWindow = "/bgs profesiones - Abre la ventana de profesiones."
+L.HelpBlacklistWindow = "/bgs listanegra - Abre la ventana con la lista negra."
+L.DisplayTotal = "Mostrar [Total] en los cuadros de diálogo y mostrar el oro."
+L.DisplayGuildName = "Mostrar [nombre hermandad] en los cuadros de diálogo."
+L.DisplayGuildBank = "Activar objetos del banco de hermandad."
+L.DisplayMailbox = "Activar objetos del correo."
+L.DisplayAuctionHouse = "Activar objetos de la casa de subastas."
+L.DisplayMinimap = "Mostrar el botón de BagSync en el minimapa."
+L.DisplayFaction = "Mostrar los objetos de ambas fracciones."
+L.DisplayClassColor = "Mostrar los colores de clase para los personajes."
+L.DisplayTooltipOnlySearch = "Mostrar las modificaciones de los cuadros de diálogo sólo en la ventana de búsqueda de BagSync."
+L.EnableBagSyncTooltip = "Activar los cuadros de diálogo de BagSync"
+L.DisplayLineSeperator = "Activar un separador de línea encima del cuadro de diálogo de BagSync"
+L.DisplayCrossRealm = "Activar objetos de personaje entre reinos."
+L.DisplayBNET = "Activar objetos de personajes de la cuenta de Battle.net actual|cFFDF2B2B(No recomendado)|r."
diff --git a/locale/frFR.lua b/locale/frFR.lua
index 65a782d..077f13d 100644
--- a/locale/frFR.lua
+++ b/locale/frFR.lua
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ if not L then return end

 --Really wish someone would do the french translation

-L["Bags: %d"] = "Sacs: %d"
-L["Bank: %d"] = "Banque: %d"
-L["Equip: %d"] = "Équipé: %d"
-L["Guild: %d"] = "Guilde: %d"
\ No newline at end of file
+L.TooltipBag = "Sacs: %d"
+L.TooltipBank = "Banque: %d"
+L.TooltipEquip = "Équipé: %d"
+L.TooltipGuild = "Guilde: %d"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/koKR.lua b/locale/koKR.lua
index 4e6bd6f..9a5f7cc 100644
--- a/locale/koKR.lua
+++ b/locale/koKR.lua
@@ -2,62 +2,62 @@
 local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("BagSync", "koKR")
 if not L then return end

-L["Bags: %d"] = "가방: %d"
-L["Bank: %d"] = "은행: %d"
-L["Equip: %d"] = "착용중: %d"
-L["Guild: %d"] = "길드은행: %d"
-L["Mail: %d"] = "우편함: %d"
-L["Void: %d"] = "공허보관소: %d"
-L["Reagent: %d"] = "재료은행: %d"
-L["AH: %d"] = "경매장: %d"
-L["Search"] = "검색"
-L["Total:"] = "총:"
-L["Tokens"] = "문장"
-L["Profiles"] = "프로필"
-L["Professions"] = "전문기술"
-L["Blacklist"] = "차단목록"
-L["Gold"] = "골드"
-L["Close"] = "닫기"
-L["Config"] = "설정"
-L["Select a profile to delete.\nNOTE: This is irreversible!"] = "삭제할 프로필을 선택하세요.\nNOTE: 되돌릴수 없습니다!!!"
-L["Delete"] = "삭제"
-L["Confirm"] = "확인"
-L["Toggle Search"] = "검색 토글"
-L["Toggle Tokens"] = "문장 토글"
-L["Toggle Profiles"] = "프로필 토글"
-L["Toggle Professions"] = "전문기술 토글"
-L["Toggle Blacklist"] = "차단목록 토글"
-L["A FixDB has been performed on BagSync!  The database is now optimized!"] = "BagSync에 FixDB가 실행되었습니다! 데이터베이스가 최적화됩니다!"
-L["Left Click = Search Window"] = "클릭 = 검색창"
-L["Right Click = BagSync Menu"] = "오른쪽 클릭 = BagSync 메뉴"
-L["Left Click = Link to view tradeskill."] = "클릭 = 전문기술 링크하기"
-L["Right Click = Insert tradeskill link."] = "오른쪽 클릭 = 전문기술 링크 삽입"
-L["Click to view profession: "] = "클릭하여 볼 전문기술: "
-L["Click Here"] = "클릭하세요"
-L["BagSync: Error user not found!"] = "BagSync: 오류 사용자를 찾을 수 없음!"
-L["Please enter an itemid. (Use Wowhead.com)"] = "아이템ID를 입력해주세요. (Wowhead.com 이용)"
-L["Add ItemID"] = "아이템ID 추가"
-L["Remove ItemID"] = "아이템ID 제거"
-L["[itemname]"] = "[아이템이름]"
-L["/bgs [itemname] - Does a quick search for an item"] = "/bgs [아이템이름] - 빠른 아이템 찾기"
-L["/bgs search - Opens the search window"] = "/bgs search - 검색창 열기"
-L["/bgs gold - Displays a tooltip with the amount of gold on each character."] = "/bgs gold - 툴팁에 각 케릭터의 골드량을 표시합니다."
-L["/bgs tokens - Opens the tokens/currency window."] = "/bgs tokens - 문장/화폐창을 엽니다"
-L["/bgs profiles - Opens the profiles window."] = "/bgs profiles - 프로필 창을 엽니다."
-L["/bgs fixdb - Runs the database fix (FixDB) on BagSync."] = "/bgs fixdb - BagSync에 데이터베이스 개선 (FixDB) 실행"
-L["/bgs config - Opens the BagSync Config Window"] = "/bgs config - BagSync 설정 창 열기"
-L["/bgs professions - Opens the professions window."] = "/bgs proffessions - 전문기술 창 열기."
-L["/bgs blacklist - Opens the blacklist window."] = "/bgs blacklist - 차단목록 창 열기."
-L["Display [Total] amount."] = "툴팁과 골드 표시 창에 [총] 항목 표시하기."
-L["Display [Guild Name] for guild bank items."] = "툴팁에 [길드 이름] 표시하기."
-L["Display guild bank items."] = "길드 은행 아이템 사용."
-L["Display mailbox items."] = "우편함 아이템 사용."
-L["Display auction house items."] = "경매장 아이템 사용."
-L["Display BagSync minimap button."] = "BagSync 미니맵 아이콘 표시."
-L["Display items for both factions (Alliance/Horde)."] = "양 진영 아이템 표시 (얼라이언스/호드)."
-L["Display class colors for characters."] = "캐릭터에 직업 색상 표시"
-L["Display BagSync tooltip ONLY in the search window."] = "BagSync 검색 창에만 수정된 툴팁 표시."
-L["Enable BagSync Tooltips"] = "BagSync 툴팁 사용"
-L["Display empty line seperator."] = "BagSync 툴팁 표시 위에 빈 줄 삽입 사용,"
-L["Display Cross-Realms characters."] = "다른 서버 캐릭터의 아이템 사용."
-L["Display Battle.Net Account characters |cFFDF2B2B(Not Recommended)|r."] = "현재 Battle.Net 계정 캐릭터의 아이템 사용 |cFFDF2B2B(권장하지 않음)|r."
+L.TooltipBag = "가방: %d"
+L.TooltipBank = "은행: %d"
+L.TooltipEquip = "착용중: %d"
+L.TooltipGuild = "길드은행: %d"
+L.TooltipMail = "우편함: %d"
+L.TooltipVoid = "공허보관소: %d"
+L.TooltipReagent = "재료은행: %d"
+L.TooltipAuction = "경매장: %d"
+L.Search = "검색"
+L.TooltipTotal = "총:"
+L.Tokens = "문장"
+L.Profiles = "프로필"
+L.Professions = "전문기술"
+L.Blacklist = "차단목록"
+L.Gold = "골드"
+L.Close = "닫기"
+L.Config = "설정"
+L.DeleteWarning = "삭제할 프로필을 선택하세요.\nNOTE: 되돌릴수 없습니다!!!"
+L.Delete = "삭제"
+L.Confirm = "확인"
+L.ToggleSearch = "검색 토글"
+L.ToggleTokens = "문장 토글"
+L.ToggleProfiles = "프로필 토글"
+L.ToggleProfessions = "전문기술 토글"
+L.ToggleBlacklist = "차단목록 토글"
+L.FixDBComplete = "BagSync에 FixDB가 실행되었습니다! 데이터베이스가 최적화됩니다!"
+L.LeftClickSearch = "클릭 = 검색창"
+L.RightClickBagSyncMenu = "오른쪽 클릭 = BagSync 메뉴"
+L.LeftClickViewTradeSkill = "클릭 = 전문기술 링크하기"
+L.RightClickInsertTradeskill = "오른쪽 클릭 = 전문기술 링크 삽입"
+L.ClickViewProfession = "클릭하여 볼 전문기술: "
+L.ClickHere = "클릭하세요"
+L.ErrorUserNotFound = "BagSync: 오류 사용자를 찾을 수 없음!"
+L.EnterItemID = "아이템ID를 입력해주세요. (Wowhead.com 이용)"
+L.AddItemID = "아이템ID 추가"
+L.RemoveItemID = "아이템ID 제거"
+L.SlashItemName = "[아이템이름]"
+L.HelpSearchItemName = "/bgs [아이템이름] - 빠른 아이템 찾기"
+L.HelpSearchWindow = "/bgs search - 검색창 열기"
+L.HelpGoldTooltip = "/bgs gold - 툴팁에 각 케릭터의 골드량을 표시합니다."
+L.HelpTokensWindow = "/bgs tokens - 문장/화폐창을 엽니다"
+L.HelpProfilesWindow = "/bgs profiles - 프로필 창을 엽니다."
+L.HelpFixDB = "/bgs fixdb - BagSync에 데이터베이스 개선 (FixDB) 실행"
+L.HelpConfigWindow = "/bgs config - BagSync 설정 창 열기"
+L.HelpProfessionsWindow = "/bgs proffessions - 전문기술 창 열기."
+L.HelpBlacklistWindow = "/bgs blacklist - 차단목록 창 열기."
+L.DisplayTotal = "툴팁과 골드 표시 창에 [총] 항목 표시하기."
+L.DisplayGuildName = "툴팁에 [길드 이름] 표시하기."
+L.DisplayGuildBank = "길드 은행 아이템 사용."
+L.DisplayMailbox = "우편함 아이템 사용."
+L.DisplayAuctionHouse = "경매장 아이템 사용."
+L.DisplayMinimap = "BagSync 미니맵 아이콘 표시."
+L.DisplayFaction = "양 진영 아이템 표시 (얼라이언스/호드)."
+L.DisplayClassColor = "캐릭터에 직업 색상 표시"
+L.DisplayTooltipOnlySearch = "BagSync 검색 창에만 수정된 툴팁 표시."
+L.EnableBagSyncTooltip = "BagSync 툴팁 사용"
+L.DisplayLineSeperator = "BagSync 툴팁 표시 위에 빈 줄 삽입 사용,"
+L.DisplayCrossRealm = "다른 서버 캐릭터의 아이템 사용."
+L.DisplayBNET = "현재 Battle.Net 계정 캐릭터의 아이템 사용 |cFFDF2B2B(권장하지 않음)|r."
diff --git a/locale/ptBR.lua b/locale/ptBR.lua
index 199d142..b89b341 100644
--- a/locale/ptBR.lua
+++ b/locale/ptBR.lua
@@ -4,69 +4,70 @@ if not L then return end

 --special thanks to kubito from wowinterface.com

-L["Bags: %d"] = "Bolsa: %d"
-L["Bank: %d"] = "Banco: %d"
-L["Equip: %d"] = "Equipado: %d"
-L["Guild: %d"] = "Guilda: %d"
-L["Mail: %d"] = "Correio: %d"
-L["Void: %d"] = "Cofre Etéreo: %d"
-L["Reagent: %d"] = "Banco de Reagentes: %d"
-L["AH: %d"] = "Casa de Leilão: %d"
-L["Search"] = "Pesquisar"
-L["Total:"] = "Total"
-L["Tokens"] = "Fichas"
-L["Profiles"] = "Perfis"
-L["Professions"] = "Profissões"
-L["Blacklist"] = "Lista Negra"
-L["Gold"] = "Ouro"
-L["Close"] = "Fechar"
-L["Config"] = "Configuração"
-L["Select a profile to delete.\nNOTE: This is irreversible!"] = "Selecione o perfil para deletar.\nOBS: Isto é irreversível"
-L["Delete"] = "Deletar"
-L["Confirm"] = "Confirmar"
-L["Toggle Search"] = "Ativar Pesquisa"
-L["Toggle Tokens"] = "Ativar Fichas"
-L["Toggle Profiles"] = "Ativar Perfis"
-L["Toggle Professions"] = "Ativar Profissões"
-L["Toggle Blacklist"] = "Ativar Lista Negra"
-L["A FixDB has been performed on BagSync!  The database is now optimized!"] = "O FixDB foi realizado no BagSync! O banco de dados agora esta otimizado!"
-L["ON"] = "Ligar"
-L["OFF"] = "Desligar"
-L["Left Click = Search Window"] = "Botão Esquerdo = Procurar na Janela"
-L["Right Click = BagSync Menu"] = "Botão Direito = Opções do BagSync"
-L["Left Click = Link to view tradeskill."] = "Botão Esquerdo = Link para vizualizar profissão"
-L["Right Click = Insert tradeskill link."] = "Botão Direito = Inserir link de profissão"
-L["Click to view profession: "] = "Clicar para vizualizar profissões"
-L["Click Here"] = "Clique Aqui"
-L["BagSync: Error user not found!"] = "BagSync: Erro, usuário não achado"
-L["Please enter an itemid. (Use Wowhead.com)"] = "Por favor, entre com o itemid. (Use Wowhead.com)"
-L["Add ItemID"] = "Add ItemID"
-L["Remove ItemID"] = "Remover ItemID"
-L["[itemname]"] = "itemnome"
-L["search"] = "pesquisar"
-L["gold"] = "ouro"
-L["tokens"] = "ficha"
-L["fixdb"] = "fixdb"
-L["profiles"] = "perfis"
-L["professions"] = "profissoes"
-L["blacklist"] = "listanegra"
-L["/bgs [itemname] - Does a quick search for an item"] = "/bgs [itemnome] - Faz uma rápida pesquisa para um item"
-L["/bgs search - Opens the search window"] = "/bgs pesquisar - Abre a janela de pesquisar"
-L["/bgs gold - Displays a tooltip with the amount of gold on each character."] = "/bgs ouro - Exibe em dica com a quantidade de ouro em cada personagem."
-L["/bgs tokens - Opens the tokens/currency window."] = "/bgs ficha - Abre uma janela com a quantidade de fichas/moedas."
-L["/bgs profiles - Opens the profiles window."] = "/bgs perfis - Abre uma janela de perfis."
-L["/bgs fixdb - Runs the database fix (FixDB) on BagSync."] = "/bgs fixdb - Executa a correção de banco de dados (FixDB) no BagSync."
-L["/bgs config - Opens the BagSync Config Window"] = "/bgs configuração - Abre uma janela de configuração do BagSync"
-L["/bgs professions - Opens the professions window."] = "/bgs profissões - Abre a janela de profissões."
-L["/bgs blacklist - Opens the blacklist window."] = "/bgs listanegra - Abre a janela de lista negra."
-L["Display [Total] amount."] = "Exibe [Total] nas dicas o indicador de ouro."
-L["Display [Guild Name] for guild bank items."] = "Exbie [Nome da Guilda] nas dicas."
-L["Display guild bank items."] = "Ativar itens do banco da guilda."
-L["Display mailbox items."] = "Ativar itens da caixa de correio."
-L["Display auction house items."] = "Ativar itens da casa de leilão."
-L["Display BagSync minimap button."] = "Exibir icone no minimapa do BagSync."
-L["Display items for both factions (Alliance/Horde)."] = "Exibir itens para ambas as facções (Aliança/Horda)."
-L["Display class colors for characters."] = "Exibir cor de classe para personagens"
-L["Display BagSync tooltip ONLY in the search window."] = "Exibir dicas de modificado APENAS na Janela de Pesquisa do BagSync"
-L["Enable BagSync Tooltips"] = "Ativar dicas do BagSync"
-L["Display empty line seperator."] = "Ativar um separador de linha acima na tela de dicas do BagSync"
\ No newline at end of file
+L.TooltipBag = "Bolsa: %d"
+L.TooltipBank = "Banco: %d"
+L.TooltipEquip = "Equipado: %d"
+L.TooltipGuild = "Guilda: %d"
+L.TooltipMail = "Correio: %d"
+L.TooltipVoid = "Cofre Etéreo: %d"
+L.TooltipReagent = "Banco de Reagentes: %d"
+L.TooltipAuction = "Casa de Leilão: %d"
+L.Search = "Pesquisar"
+L.TooltipTotal = "Total"
+L.Tokens = "Fichas"
+L.Profiles = "Perfis"
+L.Professions = "Profissões"
+L.Blacklist = "Lista Negra"
+L.Gold = "Ouro"
+L.Close = "Fechar"
+L.Config = "Configuração"
+L.DeleteWarning = "Selecione o perfil para deletar.\nOBS: Isto é irreversível"
+L.Delete = "Deletar"
+L.Confirm = "Confirmar"
+L.ToggleSearch = "Ativar Pesquisa"
+L.ToggleTokens = "Ativar Fichas"
+L.ToggleProfiles = "Ativar Perfis"
+L.ToggleProfessions = "Ativar Profissões"
+L.ToggleBlacklist = "Ativar Lista Negra"
+L.FixDBComplete = "O FixDB foi realizado no BagSync! O banco de dados agora esta otimizado!"
+L.ON = "Ligar"
+L.OFF = "Desligar"
+L.LeftClickSearch = "Botão Esquerdo = Procurar na Janela"
+L.RightClickBagSyncMenu = "Botão Direito = Opções do BagSync"
+L.LeftClickViewTradeSkill = "Botão Esquerdo = Link para vizualizar profissão"
+L.RightClickInsertTradeskill = "Botão Direito = Inserir link de profissão"
+L.ClickViewProfession = "Clicar para vizualizar profissões"
+L.ClickHere = "Clique Aqui"
+L.ErrorUserNotFound = "BagSync: Erro, usuário não achado"
+L.EnterItemID = "Por favor, entre com o itemid. (Use Wowhead.com)"
+L.AddItemID = "Add ItemID"
+L.RemoveItemID = "Remover ItemID"
+L.SlashItemName = "itemnome"
+L.SlashSearch = "pesquisar"
+L.SlashGold = "ouro"
+L.SlashConfig = "configuracao"
+L.SlashTokens = "ficha"
+L.SlashFixDB = "fixdb"
+L.SlashProfiles = "perfis"
+L.SlashProfessions = "profissoes"
+L.SlashBlacklist = "listanegra"
+L.HelpSearchItemName = "/bgs [itemnome] - Faz uma rápida pesquisa para um item"
+L.HelpSearchWindow = "/bgs pesquisar - Abre a janela de pesquisar"
+L.HelpGoldTooltip = "/bgs ouro - Exibe em dica com a quantidade de ouro em cada personagem."
+L.HelpTokensWindow = "/bgs ficha - Abre uma janela com a quantidade de fichas/moedas."
+L.HelpProfilesWindow = "/bgs perfis - Abre uma janela de perfis."
+L.HelpFixDB = "/bgs fixdb - Executa a correção de banco de dados (FixDB) no BagSync."
+L.HelpConfigWindow = "/bgs configuracao - Abre uma janela de configuração do BagSync"
+L.HelpProfessionsWindow = "/bgs profissoes - Abre a janela de profissões."
+L.HelpBlacklistWindow = "/bgs listanegra - Abre a janela de lista negra."
+L.DisplayTotal = "Exibe [Total] nas dicas o indicador de ouro."
+L.DisplayGuildName = "Exbie [Nome da Guilda] nas dicas."
+L.DisplayGuildBank = "Ativar itens do banco da guilda."
+L.DisplayMailbox = "Ativar itens da caixa de correio."
+L.DisplayAuctionHouse = "Ativar itens da casa de leilão."
+L.DisplayMinimap = "Exibir icone no minimapa do BagSync."
+L.DisplayFaction = "Exibir itens para ambas as facções (Aliança/Horda)."
+L.DisplayClassColor = "Exibir cor de classe para personagens"
+L.DisplayTooltipOnlySearch = "Exibir dicas de modificado APENAS na Janela de Pesquisa do BagSync"
+L.EnableBagSyncTooltip = "Ativar dicas do BagSync"
+L.DisplayLineSeperator = "Ativar um separador de linha acima na tela de dicas do BagSync"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/ruRU.lua b/locale/ruRU.lua
index 216a68e..806b48c 100644
--- a/locale/ruRU.lua
+++ b/locale/ruRU.lua
@@ -4,49 +4,49 @@ if not L then return end

 --special thanks to senryo

-L["Bags: %d"] = "В сумке: %d"
-L["Bank: %d"] = "В банке: %d"
-L["Equip: %d"] = "На персонаже: %d"
-L["Guild: %d"] = "В гильдбанке: %d"
-L["Mail: %d"] = "На почте: %d"
-L["Reagent: %d"] = "Банк материалов: %d"
-L["AH: %d"] = "Аукцион: %d"
-L["Search"] = "Поиск"
-L["Total:"] = "Всего:"
-L["Tokens"] = "Токены"
-L["Profiles"] = "Профили"
-L["Professions"] = "Профессии"
-L["Blacklist"] = "Черный список"
-L["Gold"] = "Золото"
-L["Close"] = "Закрыть"
-L["FixDB"] = "Исправить БД"
-L["Config"] = "Опции"
-L["Select a profile to delete.\nNOTE: This is irreversible!"] = "Выберите профиль для удаления.\nВНИМАНИЕ: это необратимо!"
-L["Delete"] = "Удалить"
-L["Confirm"] = "Подтвердить"
-L["Left Click = Search Window"] = "Левый клик = Окно Поиска"
-L["Right Click = BagSync Menu"] = "Правый клик = Меню BagSync"
-L["Click Here"] = "Кликните здесь"
-L["Please enter an itemid. (Use Wowhead.com)"] = "Введите ItemID"
-L["Add ItemID"] = "Добавить ItemID"
-L["Remove ItemID"] = "Удалить ItemID"
-L["/bgs [itemname] - Does a quick search for an item"] = "/bgs [имя предмета] - Быстрый поиск предмета."
-L["/bgs search - Opens the search window"] = "/bgs search - Открыть окно поиска."
-L["/bgs gold - Displays a tooltip with the amount of gold on each character."] = "/bgs gold - Показать количество золота на всех персонажах."
-L["/bgs tokens - Opens the tokens/currency window."] = "/bgs tokens - Открыть окно токенов/валюты."
-L["/bgs profiles - Opens the profiles window."] = "/bgs profiles - Открыть окно профилей."
-L["/bgs fixdb - Runs the database fix (FixDB) on BagSync."] = "/bgs fixdb - Запустить исправление БД в BagSync."
-L["/bgs config - Opens the BagSync Config Window"] = "/bgs config - Открыть окно опций BagSync."
-L["/bgs professions - Opens the professions window."] = "/bgs professions - Открыть окно профессий."
-L["/bgs blacklist - Opens the blacklist window."] = "/bgs blacklist - Открыть черный список."
-L["Display [Total] amount."] = "Показывать [Всего] в тултипах и окне золота."
-L["Display [Guild Name] for guild bank items."] = "Показывать [Название Гильдии] в тултипах."
-L["Display guild bank items."] = "Включить предметы в гильдбанках."
-L["Display mailbox items."] = "Включить предметы на почте."
-L["Display auction house items."] = "Включить предметы на аукционе."
-L["Display BagSync minimap button."] = "Показывать кнопку BagSync у миникарты."
-L["Display items for both factions (Alliance/Horde)."] = "Показывать предметы обеих фракций."
-L["Display class colors for characters."] = "Включить цвета классов для персонажей."
-L["Display BagSync tooltip ONLY in the search window."] = "Показывать модифицированные тултипы ТОЛЬКО в окне поиска BagSync."
-L["Enable BagSync Tooltips"] = "Включить тултипы BagSync."
-L["Display empty line seperator."] = "Включить пустую строку над текстом BagSync в тултипах."
\ No newline at end of file
+L.TooltipBag = "В сумке: %d"
+L.TooltipBank = "В банке: %d"
+L.TooltipEquip = "На персонаже: %d"
+L.TooltipGuild = "В гильдбанке: %d"
+L.TooltipMail = "На почте: %d"
+L.TooltipReagent = "Банк материалов: %d"
+L.TooltipAuction = "Аукцион: %d"
+L.Search = "Поиск"
+L.TooltipTotal = "Всего:"
+L.Tokens = "Токены"
+L.Profiles = "Профили"
+L.Professions = "Профессии"
+L.Blacklist = "Черный список"
+L.Gold = "Золото"
+L.Close = "Закрыть"
+L.FixDB = "Исправить БД"
+L.Config = "Опции"
+L.DeleteWarning = "Выберите профиль для удаления.\nВНИМАНИЕ: это необратимо!"
+L.Delete = "Удалить"
+L.Confirm = "Подтвердить"
+L.LeftClickSearch = "Левый клик = Окно Поиска"
+L.RightClickBagSyncMenu = "Правый клик = Меню BagSync"
+L.ClickHere = "Кликните здесь"
+L.EnterItemID = "Введите ItemID"
+L.AddItemID = "Добавить ItemID"
+L.RemoveItemID = "Удалить ItemID"
+L.HelpSearchItemName = "/bgs [имя предмета] - Быстрый поиск предмета."
+L.HelpSearchWindow = "/bgs search - Открыть окно поиска."
+L.HelpGoldTooltip = "/bgs gold - Показать количество золота на всех персонажах."
+L.HelpTokensWindow = "/bgs tokens - Открыть окно токенов/валюты."
+L.HelpProfilesWindow = "/bgs profiles - Открыть окно профилей."
+L.HelpFixDB = "/bgs fixdb - Запустить исправление БД в BagSync."
+L.HelpConfigWindow = "/bgs config - Открыть окно опций BagSync."
+L.HelpProfessionsWindow = "/bgs professions - Открыть окно профессий."
+L.HelpBlacklistWindow = "/bgs blacklist - Открыть черный список."
+L.DisplayTotal = "Показывать [Всего] в тултипах и окне золота."
+L.DisplayGuildName = "Показывать [Название Гильдии] в тултипах."
+L.DisplayGuildBank = "Включить предметы в гильдбанках."
+L.DisplayMailbox = "Включить предметы на почте."
+L.DisplayAuctionHouse = "Включить предметы на аукционе."
+L.DisplayMinimap = "Показывать кнопку BagSync у миникарты."
+L.DisplayFaction = "Показывать предметы обеих фракций."
+L.DisplayClassColor = "Включить цвета классов для персонажей."
+L.DisplayTooltipOnlySearch = "Показывать модифицированные тултипы ТОЛЬКО в окне поиска BagSync."
+L.EnableBagSyncTooltip = "Включить тултипы BagSync."
+L.DisplayLineSeperator = "Включить пустую строку над текстом BagSync в тултипах."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/zhCN.lua b/locale/zhCN.lua
index a83e4e0..eb72cf0 100644
--- a/locale/zhCN.lua
+++ b/locale/zhCN.lua
@@ -4,61 +4,61 @@ if not L then return end

 --special thanks to ytzyt at Curse for the zhCN and zhTW translations!

-L["Bags: %d"] = "背包: %d"
-L["Bank: %d"] = "银行: %d"
-L["Equip: %d"] = "已装备: %d"
-L["Mail: %d"] = "信箱: %d"
-L["Void: %d"] = "虚空仓库: %d"
-L["Reagent: %d"] = "材料银行: %d"
-L["AH: %d"] = "拍卖: %d"
-L["Search"] = "搜索"
-L["Total:"] = "总计: "
-L["Tokens"] = "货币"
-L["Profiles"] = "设定档"
-L["Professions"] = "专业"
-L["Blacklist"] = "忽略例表"
-L["Gold"] = "金钱"
-L["Close"] = "关闭"
-L["FixDB"] = "优化数据库"
-L["Config"] = "设定"
-L["Select a profile to delete.\nNOTE: This is irreversible!"] = "选择要删除的设定档.\n注意: 不可逆!"
-L["Delete"] = "删除"
-L["Confirm"] = "确认"
-L["Toggle Search"] = "切换搜索"
-L["Toggle Tokens"] = "切换货币"
-L["Toggle Profiles"] = "切换设定档"
-L["Toggle Professions"] = "切换专业"
-L["Toggle Blacklist"] = "切换忽略例表"
-L["A FixDB has been performed on BagSync!  The database is now optimized!"] = "已执行FixDB, 数据库已优化!"
-L["ON"] = "开[ON]"
-L["OFF"] = "关[OFF]"
-L["Left Click = Search Window"] = "左键 = 搜索窗"
-L["Right Click = BagSync Menu"] = "右键 = 菜单"
-L["Left Click = Link to view tradeskill."] = "左键 = 查看专业技能链接"
-L["Right Click = Insert tradeskill link."] = "右键 = 插入专业技能链接"
-L["Click to view profession: "] = "点击查看专业"
-L["Click Here"] = "点这里"
-L["BagSync: Error user not found!"] = "BagSync: 错误,未找到用户!"
-L["Please enter an itemid. (Use Wowhead.com)"] = "输入物品ID(用wowhead.com查询)"
-L["Add ItemID"] = "添加物品ID"
-L["Remove ItemID"] = "移除物品ID"
-L["/bgs [itemname] - Does a quick search for an item"] = "/bgs [物品名称] - 快速搜索一件物品"
-L["/bgs search - Opens the search window"] = "/bgs search - 开启搜索窗"
-L["/bgs gold - Displays a tooltip with the amount of gold on each character."] = "/bgs gold - 显示各角色的金钱统计"
-L["/bgs tokens - Opens the tokens/currency window."] = "/bgs tokens - 开启货币窗口"
-L["/bgs profiles - Opens the profiles window."] = "/bgs profiles - 开启设置窗口"
-L["/bgs fixdb - Runs the database fix (FixDB) on BagSync."] = "/bgs fixdb - 优化BagSync数据库"
-L["/bgs config - Opens the BagSync Config Window"] = "/bgs config - 设置"
-L["/bgs professions - Opens the professions window."] = "/bgs professions - 开启专业窗口"
-L["/bgs blacklist - Opens the blacklist window."] = "/bgs blacklist - 开启忽略例表"
-L["Display [Total] amount."] = "在金钱和统计上显示总计"
-L["Display [Guild Name] for guild bank items."] = "在提示上显示公会名"
-L["Display guild bank items."] = "包括公会仓物品"
-L["Display mailbox items."] = "包括信箱内物品"
-L["Display auction house items."] = "包括拍卖行物品"
-L["Display BagSync minimap button."] = "显示小地图按纽"
-L["Display items for both factions (Alliance/Horde)."] = "同时显示部落和联盟的物品"
-L["Display class colors for characters."] = "显示职业颜色"
-L["Display BagSync tooltip ONLY in the search window."] = "只在BagSync搜索窗内显示修改过的鼠标提示"
-L["Enable BagSync Tooltips"] = "启用BagSync鼠标提示"
-L["Display empty line seperator."] = "在鼠标提示上方添加空行分割线"
+L.TooltipBag = "背包: %d"
+L.TooltipBank = "银行: %d"
+L.TooltipEquip = "已装备: %d"
+L.TooltipMail = "信箱: %d"
+L.TooltipVoid = "虚空仓库: %d"
+L.TooltipReagent = "材料银行: %d"
+L.TooltipAuction = "拍卖: %d"
+L.Search = "搜索"
+L.TooltipTotal = "总计: "
+L.Tokens = "货币"
+L.Profiles = "设定档"
+L.Professions = "专业"
+L.Blacklist = "忽略例表"
+L.Gold = "金钱"
+L.Close = "关闭"
+L.FixDB = "优化数据库"
+L.Config = "设定"
+L.DeleteWarning = "选择要删除的设定档.\n注意: 不可逆!"
+L.Delete = "删除"
+L.Confirm = "确认"
+L.ToggleSearch = "切换搜索"
+L.ToggleTokens = "切换货币"
+L.ToggleProfiles = "切换设定档"
+L.ToggleProfessions = "切换专业"
+L.ToggleBlacklist = "切换忽略例表"
+L.FixDBComplete = "已执行FixDB, 数据库已优化!"
+L.ON = "开[ON]"
+L.OFF = "关[OFF]"
+L.LeftClickSearch = "左键 = 搜索窗"
+L.RightClickBagSyncMenu = "右键 = 菜单"
+L.LeftClickViewTradeSkill = "左键 = 查看专业技能链接"
+L.RightClickInsertTradeskill = "右键 = 插入专业技能链接"
+L.ClickViewProfession = "点击查看专业"
+L.ClickHere = "点这里"
+L.ErrorUserNotFound = "BagSync: 错误,未找到用户!"
+L.EnterItemID = "输入物品ID(用wowhead.com查询)"
+L.AddItemID = "添加物品ID"
+L.RemoveItemID = "移除物品ID"
+L.HelpSearchItemName = "/bgs [物品名称] - 快速搜索一件物品"
+L.HelpSearchWindow = "/bgs search - 开启搜索窗"
+L.HelpGoldTooltip = "/bgs gold - 显示各角色的金钱统计"
+L.HelpTokensWindow = "/bgs tokens - 开启货币窗口"
+L.HelpProfilesWindow = "/bgs profiles - 开启设置窗口"
+L.HelpFixDB = "/bgs fixdb - 优化BagSync数据库"
+L.HelpConfigWindow = "/bgs config - 设置"
+L.HelpProfessionsWindow = "/bgs professions - 开启专业窗口"
+L.HelpBlacklistWindow = "/bgs blacklist - 开启忽略例表"
+L.DisplayTotal = "在金钱和统计上显示总计"
+L.DisplayGuildName = "在提示上显示公会名"
+L.DisplayGuildBank = "包括公会仓物品"
+L.DisplayMailbox = "包括信箱内物品"
+L.DisplayAuctionHouse = "包括拍卖行物品"
+L.DisplayMinimap = "显示小地图按纽"
+L.DisplayFaction = "同时显示部落和联盟的物品"
+L.DisplayClassColor = "显示职业颜色"
+L.DisplayTooltipOnlySearch = "只在BagSync搜索窗内显示修改过的鼠标提示"
+L.EnableBagSyncTooltip = "启用BagSync鼠标提示"
+L.DisplayLineSeperator = "在鼠标提示上方添加空行分割线"
diff --git a/locale/zhTW.lua b/locale/zhTW.lua
index bcae1c2..40eb04e 100644
--- a/locale/zhTW.lua
+++ b/locale/zhTW.lua
@@ -4,62 +4,62 @@ if not L then return end

 --special thanks to ytzyt at Curse for the zhCN and zhTW translations!

-L["Bags: %d"] = "背包: %d"
-L["Bank: %d"] = "銀行: %d"
-L["Equip: %d"] = "已裝備: %d"
-L["Guild: %d"] = "公會倉: %d"
-L["Mail: %d"] = "信箱: %d"
-L["Void: %d"] = "虛空倉庫: %d"
-L["Reagent: %d"] = "材料銀行: %d"
-L["AH: %d"] = "拍賣: %d"
-L["Search"] = "搜索"
-L["Total:"] = "總: "
-L["Tokens"] = "貨幣"
-L["Profiles"] = "設定檔"
-L["Professions"] = "專業"
-L["Blacklist"] = "忽略例表"
-L["Gold"] = "金錢"
-L["Close"] = "關閉"
-L["FixDB"] = "優化數據庫"
-L["Config"] = "設定"
-L["Select a profile to delete.\nNOTE: This is irreversible!"] = "選擇要刪除的設定檔.\n注意:此操作不可逆!"
-L["Delete"] = "刪除"
-L["Confirm"] = "確認"
-L["Toggle Search"] = "切換搜索"
-L["Toggle Tokens"] = "切換貨幣"
-L["Toggle Profiles"] = "切換設定檔"
-L["Toggle Professions"] = "切換專業"
-L["Toggle Blacklist"] = "切換忽略例表"
-L["A FixDB has been performed on BagSync!  The database is now optimized!"] = "已執行FixDB, 數據庫已優化!"
-L["ON"] = "開[ON]"
-L["OFF"] = "關[OFF]"
-L["Left Click = Search Window"] = "左鍵 = 搜索窗"
-L["Right Click = BagSync Menu"] = "右鍵 = 選單"
-L["Left Click = Link to view tradeskill."] = "左鍵 = 查看專業技能鏈接"
-L["Right Click = Insert tradeskill link."] = "右鍵 = 插入專業技能鏈接"
-L["Click to view profession: "] = "點擊查看專業"
-L["Click Here"] = "點這裡"
-L["BagSync: Error user not found!"] = "BagSync: 錯誤, 未找到用戶!"
-L["Please enter an itemid. (Use Wowhead.com)"] = "輸入物品ID(用wowhead.com查詢)"
-L["Add ItemID"] = "添加物品ID"
-L["Remove ItemID"] = "移除物品ID"
-L["/bgs [itemname] - Does a quick search for an item"] = "/bgs [物品名稱] - 快速搜索一件物品"
-L["/bgs search - Opens the search window"] = "/bgs search - 開啟搜索窗"
-L["/bgs gold - Displays a tooltip with the amount of gold on each character."] = "/bgs gold - 顯示各角色的金錢統計提示"
-L["/bgs tokens - Opens the tokens/currency window."] = "/bgs tokens - 開啟貨幣視窗"
-L["/bgs profiles - Opens the profiles window."] = "/bgs profiles - 開啟設定檔視窗"
-L["/bgs fixdb - Runs the database fix (FixDB) on BagSync."] = "/bgs fixdb - 優化數據庫"
-L["/bgs config - Opens the BagSync Config Window"] = "/bgs config - 設置"
-L["/bgs professions - Opens the professions window."] = "/bgs professions - 開啟專業視窗"
-L["/bgs blacklist - Opens the blacklist window."] = "/bgs blacklist - 開啟忽略例表"
-L["Display [Total] amount."] = "在金錢和統計上顯示總數"
-L["Display [Guild Name] for guild bank items."] = "在資訊上顯示公會名"
-L["Display guild bank items."] = "包括公會倉物品"
-L["Display mailbox items."] = "包括信箱內物品"
-L["Display auction house items."] = "包括拍賣行物品"
-L["Display BagSync minimap button."] = "顯示小地圖按鈕"
-L["Display items for both factions (Alliance/Horde)."] = "同時顯示聯盟和部落的物品"
-L["Display class colors for characters."] = "職業顏色"
-L["Display BagSync tooltip ONLY in the search window."] = "僅在BagSync搜索視窗內顯示修改過的提示資訊"
-L["Enable BagSync Tooltips"] = "啟用BagSync提示資訊"
-L["Display empty line seperator."] = "在提示資訊上方添加空行分割線"
+L.TooltipBag = "背包: %d"
+L.TooltipBank = "銀行: %d"
+L.TooltipEquip = "已裝備: %d"
+L.TooltipGuild = "公會倉: %d"
+L.TooltipMail = "信箱: %d"
+L.TooltipVoid = "虛空倉庫: %d"
+L.TooltipReagent = "材料銀行: %d"
+L.TooltipAuction = "拍賣: %d"
+L.Search = "搜索"
+L.TooltipTotal = "總: "
+L.Tokens = "貨幣"
+L.Profiles = "設定檔"
+L.Professions = "專業"
+L.Blacklist = "忽略例表"
+L.Gold = "金錢"
+L.Close = "關閉"
+L.FixDB = "優化數據庫"
+L.Config = "設定"
+L.DeleteWarning = "選擇要刪除的設定檔.\n注意:此操作不可逆!"
+L.Delete = "刪除"
+L.Confirm = "確認"
+L.ToggleSearch = "切換搜索"
+L.ToggleTokens = "切換貨幣"
+L.ToggleProfiles = "切換設定檔"
+L.ToggleProfessions = "切換專業"
+L.ToggleBlacklist = "切換忽略例表"
+L.FixDBComplete = "已執行FixDB, 數據庫已優化!"
+L.ON = "開[ON]"
+L.OFF = "關[OFF]"
+L.LeftClickSearch = "左鍵 = 搜索窗"
+L.RightClickBagSyncMenu = "右鍵 = 選單"
+L.LeftClickViewTradeSkill = "左鍵 = 查看專業技能鏈接"
+L.RightClickInsertTradeskill = "右鍵 = 插入專業技能鏈接"
+L.ClickViewProfession = "點擊查看專業"
+L.ClickHere = "點這裡"
+L.ErrorUserNotFound = "BagSync: 錯誤, 未找到用戶!"
+L.EnterItemID = "輸入物品ID(用wowhead.com查詢)"
+L.AddItemID = "添加物品ID"
+L.RemoveItemID = "移除物品ID"
+L.HelpSearchItemName = "/bgs [物品名稱] - 快速搜索一件物品"
+L.HelpSearchWindow = "/bgs search - 開啟搜索窗"
+L.HelpGoldTooltip = "/bgs gold - 顯示各角色的金錢統計提示"
+L.HelpTokensWindow = "/bgs tokens - 開啟貨幣視窗"
+L.HelpProfilesWindow = "/bgs profiles - 開啟設定檔視窗"
+L.HelpFixDB = "/bgs fixdb - 優化數據庫"
+L.HelpConfigWindow = "/bgs config - 設置"
+L.HelpProfessionsWindow = "/bgs professions - 開啟專業視窗"
+L.HelpBlacklistWindow = "/bgs blacklist - 開啟忽略例表"
+L.DisplayTotal = "在金錢和統計上顯示總數"
+L.DisplayGuildName = "在資訊上顯示公會名"
+L.DisplayGuildBank = "包括公會倉物品"
+L.DisplayMailbox = "包括信箱內物品"
+L.DisplayAuctionHouse = "包括拍賣行物品"
+L.DisplayMinimap = "顯示小地圖按鈕"
+L.DisplayFaction = "同時顯示聯盟和部落的物品"
+L.DisplayClassColor = "職業顏色"
+L.DisplayTooltipOnlySearch = "僅在BagSync搜索視窗內顯示修改過的提示資訊"
+L.EnableBagSyncTooltip = "啟用BagSync提示資訊"
+L.DisplayLineSeperator = "在提示資訊上方添加空行分割線"
diff --git a/modules/blacklist.lua b/modules/blacklist.lua
index 3f845dd..6d0c70f 100644
--- a/modules/blacklist.lua
+++ b/modules/blacklist.lua
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ local bgBlackList = CreateFrame("Frame","BagSync_BlackListFrame", UIParent)

 --itemid popup
 StaticPopupDialogs["BAGSYNC_BLACKLIST"] = {
-	text = L["Please enter an itemid. (Use Wowhead.com)"],
+	text = L.EnterItemID,
 	button1 = "Yes",
 	button2 = "No",
 	hasEditBox = true,
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ bgBlackList:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER", 0, 0)

 local addonTitle = bgBlackList:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontNormal")
 addonTitle:SetPoint("CENTER", bgBlackList, "TOP", 0, -20)
-addonTitle:SetText("|cFF99CC33BagSync|r |cFFFFFFFF("..L["Blacklist"]..")|r")
+addonTitle:SetText("|cFF99CC33BagSync|r |cFFFFFFFF("..L.Blacklist..")|r")

 local closeButton = CreateFrame("Button", nil, bgBlackList, "UIPanelCloseButton");
 closeButton:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", bgBlackList, -15, -8);
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ local addItemButton = CreateFrame("Button", nil, bgBlackList, "UIPanelButtonTemp
 addItemButton:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", bgBlackList, "BOTTOMLEFT", 20, 15)
-addItemButton:SetText(L["Add ItemID"])
 addItemButton:SetScript("OnClick", function() StaticPopup_Show("BAGSYNC_BLACKLIST") end)

 --Remove ItemID
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ local removeItemButton = CreateFrame("Button", nil, bgBlackList, "UIPanelButtonT
 removeItemButton:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", bgBlackList, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -20, 15)
-removeItemButton:SetText(L["Remove ItemID"])
 removeItemButton:SetScript("OnClick", function()
 	if not BagSync or not BagSyncBLACKLIST_DB then return end
 	if not BagSyncBLACKLIST_DB[currentRealm] then return end
diff --git a/modules/config.lua b/modules/config.lua
index 4e07e0b..f3bd36e 100644
--- a/modules/config.lua
+++ b/modules/config.lua
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ end

 options.args.heading = {
 	type = "description",
-	name = L["Settings for various BagSync features."],
+	name = L.ConfigHeader,
 	fontSize = "medium",
 	order = 1,
 	width = "full",
@@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ options.args.heading = {
 options.args.main = {
 	type = "group",
 	order = 2,
-	name = L["Main"],
-	desc = L["Main settings for BagSync."],
+	name = L.ConfigMain,
+	desc = L.ConfigMainHeader,
 	args = {
 		tooltip = {
 			order = 1,
 			type = "toggle",
-			name = L["Enable BagSync Tooltips"],
+			name = L.EnableBagSyncTooltip,
 			width = "full",
 			descStyle = "hide",
 			get = get,
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ options.args.main = {
 		enable = {
 			order = 2,
 			type = "toggle",
-			name = L["Display BagSync tooltip ONLY in the search window."],
+			name = L.DisplayTooltipOnlySearch,
 			width = "full",
 			descStyle = "hide",
 			get = get,
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ options.args.main = {
 		enable = {
 			order = 3,
 			type = "toggle",
-			name = L["Display BagSync minimap button."],
+			name = L.DisplayMinimap,
 			width = "full",
 			descStyle = "hide",
 			get = get,
@@ -98,13 +98,13 @@ options.args.main = {
 options.args.display = {
 	type = "group",
 	order = 3,
-	name = L["Display"],
-	desc = L["Settings for the displayed BagSync tooltip information."],
+	name = L.ConfigDisplay,
+	desc = L.ConfigTooltipHeader,
 	args = {
 		seperator = {
 			order = 1,
 			type = "toggle",
-			name = L["Display empty line seperator."],
+			name = L.DisplayLineSeperator,
 			width = "full",
 			descStyle = "hide",
 			get = get,
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ options.args.display = {
 		total = {
 			order = 2,
 			type = "toggle",
-			name = L["Display [Total] amount."],
+			name = L.DisplayTotal,
 			width = "full",
 			descStyle = "hide",
 			get = get,
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ options.args.display = {
 		guildbank = {
 			order = 3,
 			type = "toggle",
-			name = L["Display guild bank items."],
+			name = L.DisplayGuildBank,
 			width = "full",
 			descStyle = "hide",
 			get = get,
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ options.args.display = {
 		guildname = {
 			order = 4,
 			type = "toggle",
-			name = L["Display [Guild Name] for guild bank items."],
+			name = L.DisplayGuildName,
 			width = "full",
 			descStyle = "hide",
 			get = get,
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ options.args.display = {
 		faction = {
 			order = 5,
 			type = "toggle",
-			name = L["Display items for both factions (Alliance/Horde)."],
+			name = L.DisplayFaction,
 			width = "full",
 			descStyle = "hide",
 			get = get,
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ options.args.display = {
 		class = {
 			order = 6,
 			type = "toggle",
-			name = L["Display class colors for characters."],
+			name = L.DisplayClassColor,
 			width = "full",
 			descStyle = "hide",
 			get = get,
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ options.args.display = {
 		mailbox = {
 			order = 7,
 			type = "toggle",
-			name = L["Display mailbox items."],
+			name = L.DisplayMailbox,
 			width = "full",
 			descStyle = "hide",
 			get = get,
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ options.args.display = {
 		auction = {
 			order = 8,
 			type = "toggle",
-			name = L["Display auction house items."],
+			name = L.DisplayAuctionHouse,
 			width = "full",
 			descStyle = "hide",
 			get = get,
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ options.args.display = {
 		crossrealm = {
 			order = 9,
 			type = "toggle",
-			name = L["Display Cross-Realms characters."],
+			name = L.DisplayCrossRealm,
 			width = "full",
 			descStyle = "hide",
 			get = get,
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ options.args.display = {
 		battlenet = {
 			order = 10,
 			type = "toggle",
-			name = L["Display Battle.Net Account characters |cFFDF2B2B(Not Recommended)|r."],
+			name = L.DisplayBNET,
 			width = "full",
 			descStyle = "hide",
 			get = get,
@@ -208,13 +208,13 @@ options.args.display = {
 options.args.color = {
 	type = "group",
 	order = 4,
-	name = L["Color"],
-	desc = L["Color settings for BagSync tooltip information."],
+	name = L.ConfigColor,
+	desc = L.ConfigColorHeader,
 	args = {
 		first = {
 			order = 1,
 			type = "color",
-			name = L["Primary BagSync tooltip color."],
+			name = L.ColorPrimary,
 			width = "full",
 			hasAlpha = false,
 			descStyle = "hide",
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ options.args.color = {
 		second = {
 			order = 2,
 			type = "color",
-			name = L["Secondary BagSync tooltip color."],
+			name = L.ColorSecondary,
 			width = "full",
 			hasAlpha = false,
 			descStyle = "hide",
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ options.args.color = {
 		total = {
 			order = 3,
 			type = "color",
-			name = L["BagSync [Total] tooltip color."],
+			name = L.ColorTotal,
 			width = "full",
 			hasAlpha = false,
 			descStyle = "hide",
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ options.args.color = {
 		guild = {
 			order = 4,
 			type = "color",
-			name = L["BagSync [Guild] tooltip color."],
+			name = L.ColorGuild,
 			width = "full",
 			hasAlpha = false,
 			descStyle = "hide",
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ options.args.color = {
 		cross = {
 			order = 5,
 			type = "color",
-			name = L["BagSync [Cross-Realms] tooltip color."],
+			name = L.ColorCrossRealm,
 			width = "full",
 			hasAlpha = false,
 			descStyle = "hide",
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ options.args.color = {
 		bnet = {
 			order = 6,
 			type = "color",
-			name = L["BagSync [Battle.Net] tooltip color."],
+			name = L.ColorBNET,
 			width = "full",
 			hasAlpha = false,
 			descStyle = "hide",
diff --git a/modules/minimap.lua b/modules/minimap.lua
index edca01d..4b1de71 100644
--- a/modules/minimap.lua
+++ b/modules/minimap.lua
@@ -40,32 +40,32 @@ bgsMinimapDD.initialize = function(self, level)
 	if level == 1 then
 		addButton(level, 'BagSync        ', 1, 1)
-		addButton(level, L["Search"], nil, 1, nil, 'search', function(frame, ...)
+		addButton(level, L.Search, nil, 1, nil, 'search', function(frame, ...)
 			if BagSync_SearchFrame then BagSync_SearchFrame:Show() end
-		addButton(level, L["Tokens"], nil, 1, nil, 'tokens', function(frame, ...)
+		addButton(level, L.Tokens, nil, 1, nil, 'tokens', function(frame, ...)
 			if BagSync_TokensFrame then BagSync_TokensFrame:Show() end
-		addButton(level, L["Profiles"], nil, 1, nil, 'profiles', function(frame, ...)
+		addButton(level, L.Profiles, nil, 1, nil, 'profiles', function(frame, ...)
 			if BagSync_ProfilesFrame then BagSync_ProfilesFrame:Show() end
-		addButton(level, L["Professions"], nil, 1, nil, 'professions', function(frame, ...)
+		addButton(level, L.Professions, nil, 1, nil, 'professions', function(frame, ...)
 			if BagSync_CraftsFrame then BagSync_CraftsFrame:Show() end
-		addButton(level, L["Blacklist"], nil, 1, nil, 'blacklist', function(frame, ...)
+		addButton(level, L.Blacklist, nil, 1, nil, 'blacklist', function(frame, ...)
 			if BagSync_BlackListFrame then BagSync_BlackListFrame:Show() end
-		addButton(level, L["Gold"], nil, 1, nil, 'gold', function(frame, ...)
+		addButton(level, L.Gold, nil, 1, nil, 'gold', function(frame, ...)
 			if BagSync then BagSync:ShowMoneyTooltip() end
-		addButton(level, L["FixDB"], nil, 1, nil, 'fixdb', function(frame, ...)
+		addButton(level, L.FixDB, nil, 1, nil, 'fixdb', function(frame, ...)
 			if BagSync then BagSync:FixDB_Data() end
-		addButton(level, L["Config"], nil, 1, nil, 'config', function(frame, ...)
+		addButton(level, L.Config, nil, 1, nil, 'config', function(frame, ...)
 		addButton(level, "", nil, 1) --space ;)
-		addButton(level, L["Close"], nil, 1)
+		addButton(level, L.Close, nil, 1)


@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ end)
 bgMinimapButton:SetScript('OnEnter', function(self)
 	GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_LEFT")
-	GameTooltip:AddLine(L["Left Click = Search Window"])
-	GameTooltip:AddLine(L["Right Click = BagSync Menu"])
+	GameTooltip:AddLine(L.LeftClickSearch)
+	GameTooltip:AddLine(L.RightClickBagSyncMenu)

diff --git a/modules/professions.lua b/modules/professions.lua
index fe2d5a4..886edad 100644
--- a/modules/professions.lua
+++ b/modules/professions.lua
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ local function LoadSlider()
 		if self.canLink and self.owner then
 			GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_RIGHT")
 			GameTooltip:AddLine(format("|cFF99CC33%s|r", self.owner))
-			GameTooltip:AddLine(L["Left Click = Link to view tradeskill."])
-			GameTooltip:AddLine(L["Right Click = Insert tradeskill link."])
+			GameTooltip:AddLine(L.LeftClickViewTradeSkill)
+			GameTooltip:AddLine(L.RightClickInsertTradeskill)
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ local function LoadSlider()
 			row:SetScript("OnClick", function (self, button, down)
 				if self.link then
 					if button == "LeftButton" then
-						DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(format("%s|cFF99CC33%s|r ==> %s", L["Click to view profession: "], self.owner, self.link))
+						DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(format("%s|cFF99CC33%s|r ==> %s", L.ClickViewProfession, self.owner, self.link))
 						local editBox = ChatEdit_ChooseBoxForSend()

@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ bgCrafts:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER", 0, 0)

 local addonTitle = bgCrafts:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontNormal")
 addonTitle:SetPoint("CENTER", bgCrafts, "TOP", 0, -20)
-addonTitle:SetText("|cFF99CC33BagSync|r |cFFFFFFFF("..L["Professions"]..")|r")
+addonTitle:SetText("|cFF99CC33BagSync|r |cFFFFFFFF("..L.Professions..")|r")

 local closeButton = CreateFrame("Button", nil, bgCrafts, "UIPanelCloseButton");
 closeButton:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", bgCrafts, -15, -8);
diff --git a/modules/profiles.lua b/modules/profiles.lua
index a1d0d64..e4a491e 100644
--- a/modules/profiles.lua
+++ b/modules/profiles.lua
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ bgsProfilesDD.initialize = function(self, level)

 		addButton(level, "", nil, 1) --space ;)
-		addButton(level, L["Close"], nil, 1)
+		addButton(level, L.Close, nil, 1)


@@ -75,18 +75,18 @@ bgProfiles:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER", 0, 0)

 local addonTitle = bgProfiles:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontNormal")
 addonTitle:SetPoint("CENTER", bgProfiles, "TOP", 0, -20)
-addonTitle:SetText("|cFF99CC33BagSync|r |cFFFFFFFF("..L["Profiles"]..")|r")
+addonTitle:SetText("|cFF99CC33BagSync|r |cFFFFFFFF("..L.Profiles..")|r")

 local closeButton = CreateFrame("Button", nil, bgProfiles, "UIPanelCloseButton");
 closeButton:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", bgProfiles, -15, -8);

 local warningLabel = bgProfiles:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontNormal")
 warningLabel:SetPoint("CENTER", bgProfiles, 0, 29)
-warningLabel:SetText("|cFFDF2B2B"..L["Select a profile to delete.\nNOTE: This is irreversible!"].."|r")
 bgProfiles.warningLabel = warningLabel

 local buttonText = bgProfiles:CreateFontString("BagSyncProfilesToonNameText", nil, "GameFontNormal")
-buttonText:SetText(L["Click Here"])

 bgProfiles.toonName = CreateFrame("Button", "BagSyncProfilesToonName", bgProfiles);
@@ -105,14 +105,14 @@ bgProfiles.deleteButton = CreateFrame("Button", nil, bgProfiles, "UIPanelButtonT
 bgProfiles.deleteButton:SetPoint("BOTTOM", bgProfiles, "BOTTOM", -70, 20);
 bgProfiles.deleteButton:SetScript("OnClick", function() BagSync_ProfilesFrame.confirmButton:Enable()  end)

 bgProfiles.confirmButton = CreateFrame("Button", nil, bgProfiles, "UIPanelButtonTemplate");
 bgProfiles.confirmButton:SetPoint("BOTTOM", bgProfiles, "BOTTOM", 70, 20);

 bgProfiles.confirmButton:SetScript("OnClick", function(self)
@@ -121,17 +121,17 @@ bgProfiles.confirmButton:SetScript("OnClick", function(self)
 	if bgProfiles.charName and string.len(bgProfiles.charName) > 0 and bgProfiles.charRealm and string.len(bgProfiles.charRealm) > 0 then

 		BagSyncDB[bgProfiles.charRealm][bgProfiles.charName] = nil --remove it
-		BagSyncProfilesToonNameText:SetText(L["Click Here"]) --reset
+		BagSyncProfilesToonNameText:SetText(L.ClickHere) --reset
 		UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(bgsProfilesDD, bgsProfilesDD.initialize) --repopulate the dropdown
 		BagSync:FixDB_Data() --remove all associated tables from the user
-		print("|cFFFF0000BagSync: "..L["Profiles"].." "..L["Delete"].." ["..bgProfiles.charName.." - "..bgProfiles.charRealm.."]!|r")
+		print("|cFFFF0000BagSync: "..L.Profiles.." "..L.Delete.." ["..bgProfiles.charName.." - "..bgProfiles.charRealm.."]!|r")
 		bgProfiles.charName = nil
 		bgProfiles.charRealm = nil
 		bgProfiles.realRealm = nil

-		print(L["BagSync: Error user not found!"])
+		print(L.ErrorUserNotFound)

diff --git a/modules/search.lua b/modules/search.lua
index c3d709f..28af5b7 100644
--- a/modules/search.lua
+++ b/modules/search.lua
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ local function DoSearch()
 		table.sort(searchTable, function(a,b) return (a.name < b.name) end)

-	bgSearch.totalC:SetText("|cFFFFFFFF"..L["Total:"].." "..count.."|r")
+	bgSearch.totalC:SetText("|cFFFFFFFF"..L.TooltipTotal.." "..count.."|r")

@@ -312,15 +312,15 @@ bgSearch:SetBackdrop({
 bgSearch:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER", 0, 0)

-bgSearch.SEARCHBTN = createEditBox("$parentEdit1", (L["Search"]..":"), bgSearch, 60, -50)
+bgSearch.SEARCHBTN = createEditBox("$parentEdit1", (L.Search..":"), bgSearch, 60, -50)

 local addonTitle = bgSearch:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontNormal")
 addonTitle:SetPoint("CENTER", bgSearch, "TOP", 0, -20)
-addonTitle:SetText("|cFF99CC33BagSync|r |cFFFFFFFF("..L["Search"]..")|r")
+addonTitle:SetText("|cFF99CC33BagSync|r |cFFFFFFFF("..L.Search..")|r")

 local totalC = bgSearch:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontNormal")
 totalC:SetPoint("RIGHT", bgSearch.SEARCHBTN, 70, 0)
-totalC:SetText("|cFFFFFFFF"..L["Total:"].." 0|r")
+totalC:SetText("|cFFFFFFFF"..L.TooltipTotal.." 0|r")
 bgSearch.totalC = totalC

 local closeButton = CreateFrame("Button", nil, bgSearch, "UIPanelCloseButton");
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ end)
 bgSearch:SetScript("OnHide", function(self)
 	searchTable = {}
-	self.totalC:SetText("|cFFFFFFFF"..L["Total:"].." 0|r")
+	self.totalC:SetText("|cFFFFFFFF"..L.TooltipTotal.." 0|r")

 bgSearch:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function(frame, button)
diff --git a/modules/tokens.lua b/modules/tokens.lua
index 9e9dcf8..adbae12 100644
--- a/modules/tokens.lua
+++ b/modules/tokens.lua
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ bgTokens:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER", 0, 0)

 local addonTitle = bgTokens:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontNormal")
 addonTitle:SetPoint("CENTER", bgTokens, "TOP", 0, -20)
-addonTitle:SetText("|cFF99CC33BagSync|r |cFFFFFFFF("..L["Tokens"]..")|r")
+addonTitle:SetText("|cFF99CC33BagSync|r |cFFFFFFFF("..L.Tokens..")|r")

 local closeButton = CreateFrame("Button", nil, bgTokens, "UIPanelCloseButton");
 closeButton:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", bgTokens, -15, -8);