
Made it modular to separat elemental and resto (and possibly other) modules.

Taracque [12-07-12 - 14:06]
Made it modular to separat elemental and resto (and possibly other) modules.
diff --git a/Elementarist.lua b/Elementarist.lua
index f85584c..d8db14e 100755
--- a/Elementarist.lua
+++ b/Elementarist.lua
@@ -26,8 +26,7 @@ Elementarist.person = {
 	["friend"]  = {},
 	["foe"]		= {}
-Elementarist.debuffCooldowns = {
+Elementarist.debuffCooldowns = {}
 Elementarist.lastPersonTablePurged = 0.0;
 Elementarist.configPanel = nil
 Elementarist.prevDB = {}
@@ -118,12 +117,10 @@ Elementarist.textList = {
 	["debuff"] = nil,
 	["shield"] = nil
-Elementarist.Behaviors = {
-Elementarist.CLBehaviors = {
-Elementarist.EleLayout = {
+Elementarist.Behaviors = {}
+Elementarist.CLBehaviors = {}
+Elementarist.EleLayout = {}
 Elementarist.HostileFilter = {
   ["_DAMAGE"] = true,
   ["_LEECH"] = true,
@@ -134,6 +131,8 @@ Elementarist.HostileFilter = {
   ["_MISSED"] = true

+Elementarist.modules = {}
 -- Our sneaky frame to watch for events ... checks Elementarist.events[] for the function.  Passes all args.
 Elementarist.eventFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")
 Elementarist.eventFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(this, event, ...)
@@ -253,6 +252,10 @@ function Elementarist.events.ADDON_LOADED(addon)
 	Elementarist.DebugChat = Elementarist:GetDebugFrame()

+function Elementarist:RegisterModule(talent)
+	Elementarist.modules[talent] = true;
 function Elementarist:InitSettings()
 	if not ElementaristDB then
 		ElementaristDB = {} -- fresh start
@@ -675,430 +678,25 @@ function Elementarist:SpellAvailable(spell)

-function Elementarist:NextSpell(timeshift,exspell1,exspell2)
-	if (Elementarist.talent == "elemental") then
-		return Elementarist:NextSpellElem(timeshift,exspell1,exspell2)
+function Elementarist:NextSpell(...)
+	if (Elementarist[Elementarist.talent]) and (Elementarist[Elementarist.talent].NextSpell ~= nil) then
+		return Elementarist[Elementarist.talent]:NextSpell(...)

 	return ""

-function Elementarist:NextSpellElem(timeshift,exspell1,exspell2)
-	local guid = UnitGUID("target")
-	local currentTime = GetTime()
-	local s,d,e
-	local name, fsExpiration, unitCaster
-	local lastSpell
-	local _
-	if (exspell1) then
-		if (exspell2) then
-			lastSpell = exspell2
-		else
-			lastSpell = exspell1
-		end
-	else
-		lastSpell = Elementarist.lastSpell
-	end
-	Elementarist.lastBaseGCD = 1.5 - (1.5 * Elementarist.spellHaste * .01)
-	local flameshockavail = false
-	local LvBct = 2 - (2 * Elementarist.spellHaste * .01)
-	-- check Shock CD
-	local s, d = GetSpellCooldown(Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"])
-	if (d) and (d>0) and (s == 0) then
-		Elementarist.lastShockCD = d
-	end
-	local s, d = GetSpellCooldown(Elementarist.SpellList["Earth Shock"])
-	if (d) and (d>0) and (s == 0) then
-		Elementarist.lastShockCD = d
-	end
-	-- if target is dead, return ""
-	if (UnitHealth("target")<=0) then
-		return ""
-	end
-	if (not timeshift) then
-		timeshift = 0
-	end
-	-- check current spell
-	local spellInCast, _, _, _, sICstartTime, sICendTime = UnitCastingInfo("player")
-	if (spellInCast) then
-		if ( (sICendTime - sICstartTime) / 1000 ) < Elementarist.lastBaseGCD then
-			sICendTime = sICstartTime + (Elementarist.lastBaseGCD * 1000)
-		end
-		timeshift = timeshift + (sICendTime / 1000) - GetTime()
-	else
-		-- no spell in cast, check global cd via Flametongue Weapon
-		if (Elementarist.SpellList["Flametongue Weapon"]) then
-			local ftcd = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Flametongue Weapon"])
-			if (ftcd) then
-				timeshift = timeshift + Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Flametongue Weapon"])
-			else
-				timeshift = timeshift + Elementarist.lastBaseGCD
-			end
-		else
-			timeshift = timeshift + Elementarist.lastBaseGCD
-		end
-	end
-	-- check if Flame shock applied on target first
-	name, _, _, _, _, _, fsExpiration, unitCaster = Elementarist:hasDeBuff("target", Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"], "player");
-	if (not fsExpiration) then
-		fsExpiration = 0
-	end
-	if (exspell1 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"]) and (exspell2 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"]) and (exspell1 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Earth Shock"]) and (exspell2 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Earth Shock"]) then
-		if IsSpellInRange(Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"], "target") == 1 then
-			d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"])
-			if ((d - timeshift) <= 0) then
-				flameshockavail = true
-				local doFS = false
-				if (unitCaster ~= "player") then	-- fs debuff is not casted by the player
-					name = false
-					fsExpiration = 0
-				end
-				if (not name) then 	-- no fs debuff on target
-					fsExpiration = 0
-				end
-				if (ElementaristDB.Behavior == Elementarist.Behaviors["1"]) then
-					doFS = true
-				else	-- if fs before lvb, check lvb cd
-					d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Lava Burst"])
-					if (d <= (timeshift + Elementarist.lastBaseGCD)) then
-						doFS = true
-					end
-				end
-				if (doFS) and ((fsExpiration - GetTime() - timeshift) < 0) then
-					return Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"]
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	local ascendance, _, _, _, _, _, ascendanceExp = Elementarist:hasBuff("player",Elementarist.SpellList["AscendanceElementalBuff"]);
-	if (ascendance == nil) then
-		ascendanceExp = 0
-	end
-	if (
-		((exspell1 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Lava Burst"]) and (exspell2 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Lava Burst"]))
-		or
-		((ascendanceExp-GetTime()-timeshift) > 0)
-	) then
-		if (IsSpellInRange(Elementarist.SpellList["Lava Burst"], "target") == 1) and
-		(
-			((fsExpiration~=0) and ((fsExpiration-GetTime()-timeshift) > LvBct)) or
-			(exspell1 == Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"]) or
-			(exspell2 == Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"])
-		) then
-			if (((Elementarist.SpellList["Lava Burst"]) ~= spellInCast) or (ascendance ~= nil)) then
-				d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Lava Burst"])
-				if ((d-timeshift) <= 0) or ((ascendanceExp-GetTime()-timeshift) > 0) then
-					return Elementarist.SpellList["Lava Burst"]
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	-- if Tier6 talent is Unleashed Fury Unleash Elements
-	if (Elementarist.tier6Talent == 16) then
-		name, _, _, _, _, _, e, unitCaster = Elementarist:hasDeBuff("target", Elementarist.SpellList["Unleashed Fury"], "player");
-		if (name == nil) or (e - GetTime() - timeshift) then
-			if (GetWeaponEnchantInfo()) and (exspell1 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Unleash Elements"]) and (exspell2 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Unleash Elements"]) and (IsSpellInRange(Elementarist.SpellList["Unleash Elements"], "target") == 1) then
-				e = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Unleash Elements"])
-				if (e-timeshift <= 0) then
-					return Elementarist.SpellList["Unleash Elements"];
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	-- Earth shock if Lightning Shield count >=7 and not on cd, and FS debuff remaining > FS cooldown, or FS debuff remaining between FS and FS cd + 2sec and LS count>=5
-	if ( (exspell1 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Earth Shock"]) and (exspell2 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Earth Shock"]) and (exspell1 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"]) and (exspell2 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"]) ) then
-		if ( (fsExpiration - GetTime() - timeshift) > Elementarist.lastShockCD ) then
-			d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Earth Shock"])
-			local _, _, _, lscount = Elementarist:hasBuff("player",Elementarist.SpellList["Lightning Shield"])
-			if (
-				( (d) and ((d-timeshift) <= 0) and (lscount) ) and (	-- Earth Shock is available, and has lightning shield
-					(lscount>=7) or 														-- Lightning shield has 7 charge
-					( (lscount>=5) and ( (fsExpiration - GetTime() - timeshift) < Elementarist.lastShockCD + 2 ) )	-- or, has 5 or more charges but FS expiration within 2 secs to FS CD
-				)
-			) then
-				return Elementarist.SpellList["Earth Shock"]
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	-- if Tier6 talent is Elemental Blast use it
-	if (Elementarist.tier6Talent == 18) then
-		if (
-			(exspell1 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Elemental Blast"]) and
-			(exspell2 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Elemental Blast"]) and
-			(IsSpellInRange(Elementarist.SpellList["Elemental Blast"], "target") == 1) and
-			(Elementarist.SpellList["Elemental Blast"] ~= spellInCast)
-		) then
-			d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Elemental Blast"])
-			if ((d - timeshift) <= 0) then
-				return Elementarist.SpellList["Elemental Blast"]
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	-- otherwise lightning bolt
-	if IsSpellInRange(Elementarist.SpellList["Lightning Bolt"], "target") == 1 then
-		return Elementarist.SpellList["Lightning Bolt"]
-	end
-	-- if nothing works, try flameshock again
-	if flameshockavail then
-		return Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"]
+function Elementarist:MiscSpell(...)
+	if (Elementarist[Elementarist.talent]) and (Elementarist[Elementarist.talent].MiscSpell ~= nil) then
+		return Elementarist[Elementarist.talent]:MiscSpell(...)
-	return ""

-function Elementarist:MiscSpell()
-	if (Elementarist.talent == "elemental") then
-		return Elementarist:MiscSpellElem()
-	else
-		if (Elementarist.talent == "restoration") then
-			return Elementarist:MiscSpellResto()
-		end
-	end
 	return ""

-function Elementarist:MiscSpellResto()
-	local d, e
-	local name, expirationTime, _
-	-- Alchemy Flask of Enhancement
-	if GetItemCount(Elementarist.CustomIDs["Alchemist's Flask Item"]) ~= 0 then
-		name = Elementarist:hasBuff("player", Elementarist.SpellList["Flask of the Warm Sun"]);
-		if (name == nil) then
-			name = Elementarist:hasBuff("player", Elementarist.SpellList["Flask of the Draconic Mind"]);
-		end
-		if (name == nil) then
-			name, _, _, _, _, _, expirationTime = Elementarist:hasBuff("player", Elementarist.SpellList["Alchemist's Flask"], false, Elementarist.CustomIDs["Alchemist's Flask Spell"]);
-			if (name == nil) or (expirationTime < 2) then
-				if (icon == nil) then
-					icon = GetItemIcon(Elementarist.CustomIDs["Alchemist's Flask Item"])
-				end
-				return nil,icon
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	-- Flametongue weapon
-	if Elementarist:SpellAvailable(Elementarist.SpellList["Earthliving Weapon"]) then
-		local hasMainHandEnchant, mainHandExpiration, _, _, _, _ = GetWeaponEnchantInfo()
-		if (hasMainHandEnchant == nil) or ((mainHandExpiration / 60000) < 1) then
-			return Elementarist.SpellList["Earthliving Weapon"]
-		end
-	end
-	-- Water Shield
-	if Elementarist:SpellAvailable(Elementarist.SpellList["Water Shield"]) then
-		name, _, _, _, _, _, expirationTime = Elementarist:hasBuff("player", Elementarist.SpellList["Water Shield"]);
-		if (name == nil) or (expirationTime < 1) then
-			return Elementarist.SpellList["Water Shield"]
-		end
-	end
-function Elementarist:MiscSpellElem()
-	-- Miscelaneous spell order:
-	-- Flametongoue weapon
-	-- Lightning Shield
-	-- Searing Totem
-	-- Elemental Mastery
-	-- Berserking troll racial (if available)
-	-- Blood Fury orc racial
-	-- Lifeblood Herbalism spell
-	local d, e
-	local name, expirationTime, _
-	-- Alchemy Flask of Enhancement
-	if GetItemCount(Elementarist.CustomIDs["Alchemist's Flask Item"]) ~= 0 then
-		name = Elementarist:hasBuff("player", Elementarist.SpellList["Flask of the Warm Sun"]);
-		if (name == nil) then
-			name = Elementarist:hasBuff("player", Elementarist.SpellList["Flask of the Draconic Mind"]);
-		end
-		if (name == nil) then
-			name, _, _, _, _, _, expirationTime = Elementarist:hasBuff("player", Elementarist.SpellList["Alchemist's Flask"], false, Elementarist.CustomIDs["Alchemist's Flask Spell"]);
-			if (name == nil) or (expirationTime < 2) then
-				if (icon == nil) then
-					icon = GetItemIcon(Elementarist.CustomIDs["Alchemist's Flask Item"])
-				end
-				return nil,icon
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	-- Flametongue weapon
-	if Elementarist:SpellAvailable(Elementarist.SpellList["Flametongue Weapon"]) then
-		local hasMainHandEnchant, mainHandExpiration, _, _, _, _ = GetWeaponEnchantInfo()
-		if (hasMainHandEnchant == nil) or ((mainHandExpiration / 60000) < 1) then
-			return Elementarist.SpellList["Flametongue Weapon"]
-		end
-	end
-	-- Lightning Shield
-	if Elementarist:SpellAvailable(Elementarist.SpellList["Lightning Shield"]) then
-		name, _, _, _, _, _, expirationTime = Elementarist:hasBuff("player", Elementarist.SpellList["Lightning Shield"]);
-		if (name == nil) or (expirationTime < 1) then
-			return Elementarist.SpellList["Lightning Shield"]
-		end
-	end
-	-- Searing Totem
-	if Elementarist:SpellAvailable(Elementarist.SpellList["Searing Totem"]) then
-		local haveFireTotem,fireTotemName,_,_ = GetTotemInfo(1)
-		if (fireTotemName == "") then
-			-- no fire totem
-			return Elementarist.SpellList["Searing Totem"]
-		end
-	end
-	-- Elemental Mastery
-	if Elementarist:SpellAvailable(Elementarist.SpellList["Elemental Mastery"]) then
-		d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Elemental Mastery"])
-		if d <= 0.5 then
-			return Elementarist.SpellList["Elemental Mastery"]
-		end
-	end
-	-- Ascendance
-	if Elementarist:SpellAvailable(Elementarist.SpellList["Ascendance"]) then
-		local name = Elementarist:hasBuff("player",Elementarist.SpellList["AscendanceElementalBuff"])
-		if (name == nil) then
-			d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Ascendance"])
-			if d <= 0.5 then
-				return Elementarist.SpellList["Ascendance"]
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	-- Berserking
-	if Elementarist:SpellAvailable(Elementarist.SpellList["Berserking"]) then
-		d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Berserking"])
-		if d <= 0.5 then
-			return Elementarist.SpellList["Berserking"]
-		end
-	end
-	-- Blood Fury
-	if Elementarist:SpellAvailable(Elementarist.SpellList["Blood Fury"]) then
-		d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Blood Fury"])
-		if d <= 0.5 then
-			return Elementarist.SpellList["Blood Fury"]
-		end
-	end
-	-- Lifeblood
-	if Elementarist:SpellAvailable(Elementarist.SpellList["Lifeblood"]) then
-		d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Lifeblood"])
-		if d <= 0.5 then
-			return Elementarist.SpellList["Lifeblood"]
-		end
-	end
-	return ""
-function Elementarist:IntSpell()
-	if (Elementarist.talent == "elemental") then
-		return Elementarist:IntSpellElem()
-	end
-	return ""
-function Elementarist:IntSpellElem()
-	-- interruptions, mana recharge wia thunderstorm, purge, and AoE on target
-	local d
-	if Elementarist:SpellAvailable(Elementarist.SpellList["Wind Shear"]) then
-		if IsSpellInRange(Elementarist.SpellList["Wind Shear"], "target") == 1 then
-			local _, status, threatpct, _, _ = UnitDetailedThreatSituation("player", "target")
-			if ((UnitCastingInfo("target")) or (UnitChannelInfo("target"))) or ((status) and (threatpct>80) and (Elementarist.person["friendCount"]>1) and (Elementarist.inParty>0)) then
-				d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Wind Shear"])
-				if (d) and (d<0.5) and (IsSpellInRange(Elementarist.SpellList["Wind Shear"], "target") ) then
-					return Elementarist.SpellList["Wind Shear"]
-				end
-			end
-			if (UnitChannelInfo("target")) then
-				d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Wind Shear"])
-				if (d<0.5) and (interruptable) and (IsSpellInRange(Elementarist.SpellList["Wind Shear"], "target") ) then
-					return Elementarist.SpellList["Wind Shear"]
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	-- check if mana is below 70% and Thunderstorm available
-	if Elementarist:SpellAvailable(Elementarist.SpellList["Thunderstorm"]) then
-		local d = GetSpellCooldown(Elementarist.SpellList["Thunderstorm"])
-		if (d) and ((UnitPower("player",0) / UnitPowerMax("player",0)) < 0.7) and (d < 0.5) then
-			return Elementarist.SpellList["Thunderstorm"]
-		end
-	end
-	-- if >=4 foes are available, and Earthquake not on cd
-	if (ElementaristDB.EnableEQ) then
-		if (exspell1 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Earthquake"]) and (exspell2 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Earthquake"]) then
-			if (Elementarist.person["foeCount"]>=4) then
-				d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Earthquake"])
-				if (d<0.5) then
-					return Elementarist.SpellList["Earthquake"]
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	-- check if purgeable buff is on target (not sure if this is ok)
-	if Elementarist:SpellAvailable(Elementarist.SpellList["Purge"]) then
-		if IsSpellInRange(Elementarist.SpellList["Purge"], "target") == 1 then
-			if (Elementarist:hasBuff("target", ".", 1)) then
-				d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Purge"])
-				if (d<0.5) then
-					return Elementarist.SpellList["Purge"]
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	-- Lava Beam if there are multiple targets, (count in a dirty way from combat log, not to accurate!!!)
-	if Elementarist:SpellAvailable(Elementarist.SpellList["Lava Beam"]) then
-		if (Elementarist.person["foeCount"]>2) then
-			if IsSpellInRange(Elementarist.SpellList["Lava Beam"], "target") == 1 then
-				d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Lava Beam"])
-				if (d<0.5) then
-					return Elementarist.SpellList["Lava Beam"]
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	-- CL if there are multiple targets, (count in a dirty way from combat log, not to accurate!!!)
-	if (exspell1 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Chain Lightning"]) and (exspell2 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Chain Lightning"]) then
-		if (Elementarist.person["foeCount"]>2) then
-			if IsSpellInRange(Elementarist.SpellList["Chain Lightning"], "target") == 1 then
-				if ((Elementarist.SpellList["Chain Lightning"]) ~= spellInCast) then
-					d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Chain Lightning"])
-					if (d<0.5) then
-						return Elementarist.SpellList["Chain Lightning"]
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end
+function Elementarist:IntSpell(...)
+	if (Elementarist[Elementarist.talent]) and (Elementarist[Elementarist.talent].IntSpell ~= nil) then
+		return Elementarist[Elementarist.talent]:IntSpell(...)

 	return ""
diff --git a/Elementarist.toc b/Elementarist.toc
index 2ec64e4..d4aee93 100755
--- a/Elementarist.toc
+++ b/Elementarist.toc
@@ -10,3 +10,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/elemental.lua b/modules/elemental.lua
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fe0a1f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/elemental.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+local L = Elementarist.Locals;
+Elementarist.elemental = {
+	NextSpell = function(self,timeshift,exspell1,exspell2)
+		local guid = UnitGUID("target")
+		local currentTime = GetTime()
+		local s,d,e
+		local name, fsExpiration, unitCaster
+		local lastSpell
+		local _
+		if (exspell1) then
+			if (exspell2) then
+				lastSpell = exspell2
+			else
+				lastSpell = exspell1
+			end
+		else
+			lastSpell = Elementarist.lastSpell
+		end
+		Elementarist.lastBaseGCD = 1.5 - (1.5 * Elementarist.spellHaste * .01)
+		local flameshockavail = false
+		local LvBct = 2 - (2 * Elementarist.spellHaste * .01)
+		-- check Shock CD
+		local s, d = GetSpellCooldown(Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"])
+		if (d) and (d>0) and (s == 0) then
+			Elementarist.lastShockCD = d
+		end
+		local s, d = GetSpellCooldown(Elementarist.SpellList["Earth Shock"])
+		if (d) and (d>0) and (s == 0) then
+			Elementarist.lastShockCD = d
+		end
+		-- if target is dead, return ""
+		if (UnitHealth("target")<=0) then
+			return ""
+		end
+		if (not timeshift) then
+			timeshift = 0
+		end
+		-- check current spell
+		local spellInCast, _, _, _, sICstartTime, sICendTime = UnitCastingInfo("player")
+		if (spellInCast) then
+			if ( (sICendTime - sICstartTime) / 1000 ) < Elementarist.lastBaseGCD then
+				sICendTime = sICstartTime + (Elementarist.lastBaseGCD * 1000)
+			end
+			timeshift = timeshift + (sICendTime / 1000) - GetTime()
+		else
+			-- no spell in cast, check global cd via Flametongue Weapon
+			if (Elementarist.SpellList["Flametongue Weapon"]) then
+				local ftcd = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Flametongue Weapon"])
+				if (ftcd) then
+					timeshift = timeshift + Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Flametongue Weapon"])
+				else
+					timeshift = timeshift + Elementarist.lastBaseGCD
+				end
+			else
+				timeshift = timeshift + Elementarist.lastBaseGCD
+			end
+		end
+		-- check if Flame shock applied on target first
+		name, _, _, _, _, _, fsExpiration, unitCaster = Elementarist:hasDeBuff("target", Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"], "player");
+		if (not fsExpiration) then
+			fsExpiration = 0
+		end
+		if (exspell1 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"]) and (exspell2 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"]) and (exspell1 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Earth Shock"]) and (exspell2 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Earth Shock"]) then
+			if IsSpellInRange(Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"], "target") == 1 then
+				d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"])
+				if ((d - timeshift) <= 0) then
+					flameshockavail = true
+					local doFS = false
+					if (unitCaster ~= "player") then	-- fs debuff is not casted by the player
+						name = false
+						fsExpiration = 0
+					end
+					if (not name) then 	-- no fs debuff on target
+						fsExpiration = 0
+					end
+					if (ElementaristDB.Behavior == Elementarist.Behaviors["1"]) then
+						doFS = true
+					else	-- if fs before lvb, check lvb cd
+						d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Lava Burst"])
+						if (d <= (timeshift + Elementarist.lastBaseGCD)) then
+							doFS = true
+						end
+					end
+					if (doFS) and ((fsExpiration - GetTime() - timeshift) < 0) then
+						return Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"]
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		local ascendance, _, _, _, _, _, ascendanceExp = Elementarist:hasBuff("player",Elementarist.SpellList["AscendanceElementalBuff"]);
+		if (ascendance == nil) then
+			ascendanceExp = 0
+		end
+		if (
+			((exspell1 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Lava Burst"]) and (exspell2 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Lava Burst"]))
+			or
+			((ascendanceExp-GetTime()-timeshift) > 0)
+		) then
+			if (IsSpellInRange(Elementarist.SpellList["Lava Burst"], "target") == 1) and
+			(
+				((fsExpiration~=0) and ((fsExpiration-GetTime()-timeshift) > LvBct)) or
+				(exspell1 == Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"]) or
+				(exspell2 == Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"])
+			) then
+				if (((Elementarist.SpellList["Lava Burst"]) ~= spellInCast) or (ascendance ~= nil)) then
+					d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Lava Burst"])
+					if ((d-timeshift) <= 0) or ((ascendanceExp-GetTime()-timeshift) > 0) then
+						return Elementarist.SpellList["Lava Burst"]
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		-- if Tier6 talent is Unleashed Fury Unleash Elements
+		if (Elementarist.tier6Talent == 16) then
+			name, _, _, _, _, _, e, unitCaster = Elementarist:hasDeBuff("target", Elementarist.SpellList["Unleashed Fury"], "player");
+			if (name == nil) or (e - GetTime() - timeshift) then
+				if (GetWeaponEnchantInfo()) and (exspell1 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Unleash Elements"]) and (exspell2 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Unleash Elements"]) and (IsSpellInRange(Elementarist.SpellList["Unleash Elements"], "target") == 1) then
+					e = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Unleash Elements"])
+					if (e-timeshift <= 0) then
+						return Elementarist.SpellList["Unleash Elements"];
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		-- Earth shock if Lightning Shield count >=7 and not on cd, and FS debuff remaining > FS cooldown, or FS debuff remaining between FS and FS cd + 2sec and LS count>=5
+		if ( (exspell1 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Earth Shock"]) and (exspell2 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Earth Shock"]) and (exspell1 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"]) and (exspell2 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"]) ) then
+			if ( (fsExpiration - GetTime() - timeshift) > Elementarist.lastShockCD ) then
+				d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Earth Shock"])
+				local _, _, _, lscount = Elementarist:hasBuff("player",Elementarist.SpellList["Lightning Shield"])
+				if (
+					( (d) and ((d-timeshift) <= 0) and (lscount) ) and (	-- Earth Shock is available, and has lightning shield
+						(lscount>=7) or 														-- Lightning shield has 7 charge
+						( (lscount>=5) and ( (fsExpiration - GetTime() - timeshift) < Elementarist.lastShockCD + 2 ) )	-- or, has 5 or more charges but FS expiration within 2 secs to FS CD
+					)
+				) then
+					return Elementarist.SpellList["Earth Shock"]
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		-- if Tier6 talent is Elemental Blast use it
+		if (Elementarist.tier6Talent == 18) then
+			if (
+				(exspell1 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Elemental Blast"]) and
+				(exspell2 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Elemental Blast"]) and
+				(IsSpellInRange(Elementarist.SpellList["Elemental Blast"], "target") == 1) and
+				(Elementarist.SpellList["Elemental Blast"] ~= spellInCast)
+			) then
+				d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Elemental Blast"])
+				if ((d - timeshift) <= 0) then
+					return Elementarist.SpellList["Elemental Blast"]
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		-- otherwise lightning bolt
+		if IsSpellInRange(Elementarist.SpellList["Lightning Bolt"], "target") == 1 then
+			return Elementarist.SpellList["Lightning Bolt"]
+		end
+		-- if nothing works, try flameshock again
+		if flameshockavail then
+			return Elementarist.SpellList["Flame Shock"]
+		end
+		return ""
+	end;
+	MiscSpell = function(self)
+		-- Miscelaneous spell order:
+		-- Flametongoue weapon
+		-- Lightning Shield
+		-- Searing Totem
+		-- Elemental Mastery
+		-- Berserking troll racial (if available)
+		-- Blood Fury orc racial
+		-- Lifeblood Herbalism spell
+		local d, e
+		local name, expirationTime, _
+		-- Alchemy Flask of Enhancement
+		if GetItemCount(Elementarist.CustomIDs["Alchemist's Flask Item"]) ~= 0 then
+			name = Elementarist:hasBuff("player", Elementarist.SpellList["Flask of the Warm Sun"]);
+			if (name == nil) then
+				name = Elementarist:hasBuff("player", Elementarist.SpellList["Flask of the Draconic Mind"]);
+			end
+			if (name == nil) then
+				name, _, _, _, _, _, expirationTime = Elementarist:hasBuff("player", Elementarist.SpellList["Alchemist's Flask"], false, Elementarist.CustomIDs["Alchemist's Flask Spell"]);
+				if (name == nil) or (expirationTime < 2) then
+					if (icon == nil) then
+						icon = GetItemIcon(Elementarist.CustomIDs["Alchemist's Flask Item"])
+					end
+					return nil,icon
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		-- Flametongue weapon
+		if Elementarist:SpellAvailable(Elementarist.SpellList["Flametongue Weapon"]) then
+			local hasMainHandEnchant, mainHandExpiration, _, _, _, _ = GetWeaponEnchantInfo()
+			if (hasMainHandEnchant == nil) or ((mainHandExpiration / 60000) < 1) then
+				return Elementarist.SpellList["Flametongue Weapon"]
+			end
+		end
+		-- Lightning Shield
+		if Elementarist:SpellAvailable(Elementarist.SpellList["Lightning Shield"]) then
+			name, _, _, _, _, _, expirationTime = Elementarist:hasBuff("player", Elementarist.SpellList["Lightning Shield"]);
+			if (name == nil) or (expirationTime < 1) then
+				return Elementarist.SpellList["Lightning Shield"]
+			end
+		end
+		-- Searing Totem
+		if Elementarist:SpellAvailable(Elementarist.SpellList["Searing Totem"]) then
+			local haveFireTotem,fireTotemName,_,_ = GetTotemInfo(1)
+			if (fireTotemName == "") then
+				-- no fire totem
+				return Elementarist.SpellList["Searing Totem"]
+			end
+		end
+		-- Elemental Mastery
+		if Elementarist:SpellAvailable(Elementarist.SpellList["Elemental Mastery"]) then
+			d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Elemental Mastery"])
+			if d <= 0.5 then
+				return Elementarist.SpellList["Elemental Mastery"]
+			end
+		end
+		-- Ascendance
+		if Elementarist:SpellAvailable(Elementarist.SpellList["Ascendance"]) then
+			local name = Elementarist:hasBuff("player",Elementarist.SpellList["AscendanceElementalBuff"])
+			if (name == nil) then
+				d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Ascendance"])
+				if d <= 0.5 then
+					return Elementarist.SpellList["Ascendance"]
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		-- Berserking
+		if Elementarist:SpellAvailable(Elementarist.SpellList["Berserking"]) then
+			d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Berserking"])
+			if d <= 0.5 then
+				return Elementarist.SpellList["Berserking"]
+			end
+		end
+		-- Blood Fury
+		if Elementarist:SpellAvailable(Elementarist.SpellList["Blood Fury"]) then
+			d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Blood Fury"])
+			if d <= 0.5 then
+				return Elementarist.SpellList["Blood Fury"]
+			end
+		end
+		-- Lifeblood
+		if Elementarist:SpellAvailable(Elementarist.SpellList["Lifeblood"]) then
+			d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Lifeblood"])
+			if d <= 0.5 then
+				return Elementarist.SpellList["Lifeblood"]
+			end
+		end
+		return ""
+	end;
+	IntSpell = function(self)
+		-- interruptions, mana recharge wia thunderstorm, purge, and AoE on target
+		local d
+		if Elementarist:SpellAvailable(Elementarist.SpellList["Wind Shear"]) then
+			if IsSpellInRange(Elementarist.SpellList["Wind Shear"], "target") == 1 then
+				local _, status, threatpct, _, _ = UnitDetailedThreatSituation("player", "target")
+				if ((UnitCastingInfo("target")) or (UnitChannelInfo("target"))) or ((status) and (threatpct>80) and (Elementarist.person["friendCount"]>1) and (Elementarist.inParty>0)) then
+					d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Wind Shear"])
+					if (d) and (d<0.5) and (IsSpellInRange(Elementarist.SpellList["Wind Shear"], "target") ) then
+						return Elementarist.SpellList["Wind Shear"]
+					end
+				end
+				if (UnitChannelInfo("target")) then
+					d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Wind Shear"])
+					if (d<0.5) and (interruptable) and (IsSpellInRange(Elementarist.SpellList["Wind Shear"], "target") ) then
+						return Elementarist.SpellList["Wind Shear"]
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		-- check if mana is below 70% and Thunderstorm available
+		if Elementarist:SpellAvailable(Elementarist.SpellList["Thunderstorm"]) then
+			local d = GetSpellCooldown(Elementarist.SpellList["Thunderstorm"])
+			if (d) and ((UnitPower("player",0) / UnitPowerMax("player",0)) < 0.7) and (d < 0.5) then
+				return Elementarist.SpellList["Thunderstorm"]
+			end
+		end
+		-- if >=4 foes are available, and Earthquake not on cd
+		if (ElementaristDB.EnableEQ) then
+			if (exspell1 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Earthquake"]) and (exspell2 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Earthquake"]) then
+				if (Elementarist.person["foeCount"]>=4) then
+					d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Earthquake"])
+					if (d<0.5) then
+						return Elementarist.SpellList["Earthquake"]
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		-- check if purgeable buff is on target (not sure if this is ok)
+		if Elementarist:SpellAvailable(Elementarist.SpellList["Purge"]) then
+			if IsSpellInRange(Elementarist.SpellList["Purge"], "target") == 1 then
+				if (Elementarist:hasBuff("target", ".", 1)) then
+					d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Purge"])
+					if (d<0.5) then
+						return Elementarist.SpellList["Purge"]
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		-- Lava Beam if there are multiple targets, (count in a dirty way from combat log, not to accurate!!!)
+		if Elementarist:SpellAvailable(Elementarist.SpellList["Lava Beam"]) then
+			if (Elementarist.person["foeCount"]>2) then
+				if IsSpellInRange(Elementarist.SpellList["Lava Beam"], "target") == 1 then
+					d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Lava Beam"])
+					if (d<0.5) then
+						return Elementarist.SpellList["Lava Beam"]
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		-- CL if there are multiple targets, (count in a dirty way from combat log, not to accurate!!!)
+		if (exspell1 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Chain Lightning"]) and (exspell2 ~= Elementarist.SpellList["Chain Lightning"]) then
+			if (Elementarist.person["foeCount"]>2) then
+				if IsSpellInRange(Elementarist.SpellList["Chain Lightning"], "target") == 1 then
+					if ((Elementarist.SpellList["Chain Lightning"]) ~= spellInCast) then
+						d = Elementarist:GetSpellCooldownRemaining(Elementarist.SpellList["Chain Lightning"])
+						if (d<0.5) then
+							return Elementarist.SpellList["Chain Lightning"]
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		return ""
+	end
diff --git a/modules/restoration.lua b/modules/restoration.lua
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bd9b362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/restoration.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+local L = Elementarist.Locals;
+Elementarist.restoration = {
+	NextSpell = function(self,timeshift,exspell1,exspell2)
+		return ""
+	end;
+	MiscSpell = function(self)
+		local d, e
+		local name, expirationTime, _
+		-- Alchemy Flask of Enhancement
+		if GetItemCount(Elementarist.CustomIDs["Alchemist's Flask Item"]) ~= 0 then
+			name = Elementarist:hasBuff("player", Elementarist.SpellList["Flask of the Warm Sun"]);
+			if (name == nil) then
+				name = Elementarist:hasBuff("player", Elementarist.SpellList["Flask of the Draconic Mind"]);
+			end
+			if (name == nil) then
+				name, _, _, _, _, _, expirationTime = Elementarist:hasBuff("player", Elementarist.SpellList["Alchemist's Flask"], false, Elementarist.CustomIDs["Alchemist's Flask Spell"]);
+				if (name == nil) or (expirationTime < 2) then
+					if (icon == nil) then
+						icon = GetItemIcon(Elementarist.CustomIDs["Alchemist's Flask Item"])
+					end
+					return nil,icon
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		-- Flametongue weapon
+		if Elementarist:SpellAvailable(Elementarist.SpellList["Earthliving Weapon"]) then
+			local hasMainHandEnchant, mainHandExpiration, _, _, _, _ = GetWeaponEnchantInfo()
+			if (hasMainHandEnchant == nil) or ((mainHandExpiration / 60000) < 1) then
+				return Elementarist.SpellList["Earthliving Weapon"]
+			end
+		end
+		-- Water Shield
+		if Elementarist:SpellAvailable(Elementarist.SpellList["Water Shield"]) then
+			name, _, _, _, _, _, expirationTime = Elementarist:hasBuff("player", Elementarist.SpellList["Water Shield"]);
+			if (name == nil) or (expirationTime < 1) then
+				return Elementarist.SpellList["Water Shield"]
+			end
+		end
+		return ""
+	end;
+	IntSpell = function(self)
+		return ""
+	end