diff --git a/AutoTurnIn.lua b/AutoTurnIn.lua
index af5c3c8..6a7ff7a 100644
--- a/AutoTurnIn.lua
+++ b/AutoTurnIn.lua
@@ -14,7 +14,9 @@ AutoTurnIn = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("AutoTurnIn", "AceEvent-3.0", "Ace
AutoTurnIn.defaults = {enabled = true, all = false, trivial = false, lootreward = 1, tournament = 2,
darkmoonteleport=true, togglekey=4, darkmoonautostart=true, showrewardtext=true,
version=TOCVersion, autoequip = false, debug=false,
+ questlevel=true, watchlevel=true,
armor = {}, weapon = {}, stat = {}, secondary = {}}
AutoTurnIn.ldb, AutoTurnIn.allowed = nil, nil
AutoTurnIn.caption = addonName ..' [%s]'
AutoTurnIn.funcList = {[1] = function() return false end, [2]=IsAltKeyDown, [3]=IsControlKeyDown, [4]=IsShiftKeyDown}
@@ -62,24 +64,28 @@ function AutoTurnIn:OnEnable()
if not AutoTurnInCharacterDB then
_G.AutoTurnInCharacterDB = CopyTable(self.defaults)
- if (tonumber(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.lootreward) == nil) then
- AutoTurnInCharacterDB.lootreward = 1
+ local DB = AutoTurnInCharacterDB
+ if (tonumber(DB.lootreward) == nil) then
+ DB.lootreward = 1
- if (tonumber(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.togglekey) == nil) then
- AutoTurnInCharacterDB.togglekey = 1
+ if (tonumber(DB.togglekey) == nil) then
+ DB.togglekey = 1
- AutoTurnInCharacterDB.armor = AutoTurnInCharacterDB.armor and AutoTurnInCharacterDB.armor or {}
- AutoTurnInCharacterDB.weapon = AutoTurnInCharacterDB.weapon and AutoTurnInCharacterDB.weapon or {}
- AutoTurnInCharacterDB.stat = AutoTurnInCharacterDB.stat and AutoTurnInCharacterDB.stat or {}
- AutoTurnInCharacterDB.secondary = AutoTurnInCharacterDB.secondary and AutoTurnInCharacterDB.secondary or {}
- AutoTurnInCharacterDB.trivial = AutoTurnInCharacterDB.trivial ~= nil and AutoTurnInCharacterDB.trivial or false
+ DB.armor = DB.armor and DB.armor or {}
+ DB.weapon = DB.weapon and DB.weapon or {}
+ DB.stat = DB.stat and DB.stat or {}
+ DB.secondary = DB.secondary and DB.secondary or {}
+ DB.trivial = DB.trivial ~= nil and DB.trivial or false
+ DB.questlevel = DB.questlevel ~= nil and DB.questlevel or true
+ DB.watchlevel = DB.watchlevel ~= nil and DB.watchlevel or true
local LDB = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibDataBroker-1.1", true)
if LDB then
self.ldb = LDB:NewDataObject("AutoTurnIn", self.ldbstruct)
- self:SetEnabled(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.enabled)
+ self:SetEnabled(DB.enabled)
@@ -544,4 +550,8 @@ function AutoTurnIn:QUEST_COMPLETE()
self:TurnInQuest(1) -- index greater than '0' enables autoequip check.
\ No newline at end of file
+-- gossip and quest interaction goes through a sequence of windows: gossip [shows a list of available quests] - quest[describes specified quest]
+-- sometimes some parts of this chain is skipped. For example, priest in Honor Hold show quest window directly. This is a trick to handle 'toggle key'
+hooksecurefunc(QuestFrame, "Hide", function() AutoTurnIn.allowed = nil end)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/QuestLevel.lua b/QuestLevel.lua
index 483342d..9a8395e 100644
--- a/QuestLevel.lua
+++ b/QuestLevel.lua
@@ -5,7 +5,24 @@ local L = ptable.L
local C = ptable.CONST
AutoTurnIn.QuestLevelFormat = " [%d] %s"
+AutoTurnIn.WatchFrameLevelFormat = "[%d%s%s] %s"
+AutoTurnIn.QuestTypesIndex = {
+ [0] = "", --default
+ [1] = "g", --Group
+ [41] = "+", --PvP
+ [62] = "r", --Raid
+ [81] = "d", --Dungeon
+ [83] = "L", --Legendary
+ [85] = "h", --Heroic
+ [98] = "s", --Scenario QUEST_TYPE_SCENARIO
+ [102] = "a", -- Account
function AutoTurnIn:ShowQuestLevelInLog()
+ if not AutoTurnInCharacterDB.questlevel then
+ return
+ end
-- see function QuestLog_Update() in function QuestLogFrame.lua for details
local scrollOffset = HybridScrollFrame_GetOffset(QuestLogScrollFrame);
local numEntries, numQuests = GetNumQuestLogEntries();
@@ -22,28 +39,15 @@ function AutoTurnIn:ShowQuestLevelInLog()
--- gossip and quest interaction goes through a sequence of windows: gossip [shows a list of available quests] - quest[describes specified quest]
--- sometimes some parts of this chain is skipped. For example, priest in Honor Hold show quest window directly. This is a trick to handle 'toggle key'
-hooksecurefunc(QuestFrame, "Hide", function() AutoTurnIn.allowed = nil end)
-- Quest level in a log.
hooksecurefunc("QuestLog_Update", AutoTurnIn.ShowQuestLevelInLog)
hooksecurefunc(QuestLogScrollFrame, "update", AutoTurnIn.ShowQuestLevelInLog)
-AutoTurnIn.WatchFrameLevelFormat = "[%d%s%s] %s"
-AutoTurnIn.QuestTypesIndex = {
- [0] = "", --default
- [1] = "g", --Group
- [41] = "+", --PvP
- [62] = "r", --Raid
- [81] = "d", --Dungeon
- [83] = "L", --Legendary
- [85] = "h", --Heroic
- [98] = "s", --Scenario QUEST_TYPE_SCENARIO
- [102] = "a", -- Account
function AutoTurnIn:ShowQuestLevelInWatchFrame()
+ if not AutoTurnInCharacterDB.watchlevel then
+ return
+ end
diff --git a/loc/localization_DE.lua b/loc/localization_DE.lua
index 6f4eb1c..bbfb307 100644
--- a/loc/localization_DE.lua
+++ b/loc/localization_DE.lua
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ privateTable.L = setmetatable({
["Scared Pandaren Cub"]="verängstigte Pandarenkinder",
["rewardtext"]="Show quest reward text",
+ ["questlevel"]="Show quest level",
+ ["watchlevel"]="Show watched quest level",
["autoequip"]="tragen Belohnung",
["togglekey"]="aktivieren/deaktivieren Taste",
diff --git a/loc/localization_EN.lua b/loc/localization_EN.lua
index d4aeafe..b855105 100644
--- a/loc/localization_EN.lua
+++ b/loc/localization_EN.lua
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ privateTable.L = setmetatable({
["DarkmoonAutoLabel"]="Darkmoon: start the game!",
["rewardtext"]="Print quest reward text",
+ ["questlevel"]="Show quest level",
+ ["watchlevel"]="Show watched quest level",
["autoequip"]="Equip received reward",
["togglekey"]="Enable/disable key",
diff --git a/loc/localization_FR.lua b/loc/localization_FR.lua
index 72c4892..cb5fdb8 100644
--- a/loc/localization_FR.lua
+++ b/loc/localization_FR.lua
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ privateTable.L = setmetatable({
["Scared Pandaren Cub"]="Bébé pandaren apeuré",
["rewardtext"]="Écrire le texte de quête dans le chat",
+ ["questlevel"]="Show quest level",
+ ["watchlevel"]="Show watched quest level",
["autoequip"]="Équiper les objets de récompense",
["togglekey"]="touche activer/désactiver",
diff --git a/loc/localization_RU.lua b/loc/localization_RU.lua
index 36b1344..9164a6e 100644
--- a/loc/localization_RU.lua
+++ b/loc/localization_RU.lua
@@ -36,8 +36,10 @@ privateTable.L = setmetatable({
["Scared Pandaren Cub"]="Испуганный юный пандарен",
["rewardtext"]="Показывать финальный текст задания",
+ ["questlevel"]="Уровни заданий в журнале",
+ ["watchlevel"]="Уровни отслеживаемых заданий",
["autoequip"]="Надеть полученную награду",
- ["togglekey"]="Клавиша разового включения/отключения",
+ ["togglekey"]="клавиша разового включения/отключения",
['Jewelry']="Ювелирные украшения",
["rewardlootoptions"]="Правила выбора награды",
diff --git a/ui/main_options.lua b/ui/main_options.lua
index 05bc7c6..2ce5ee2 100644
--- a/ui/main_options.lua
+++ b/ui/main_options.lua
@@ -152,6 +152,19 @@ end)
UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(ToggleKeyDropDown, 200);
UIDropDownMenu_JustifyText(ToggleKeyDropDown, "LEFT")
+-- 'Show QuestLevel' CheckBox
+local ShowQuestLevel = CreateFrame("CheckButton", O.."QuestLevel", OptionsPanel, "OptionsCheckButtonTemplate")
+ShowQuestLevel:SetScript("OnClick", function(self)
+ ptable.TempConfig.questlevel = self:GetChecked() == 1
+-- 'Show Watch Quest Level' CheckBox
+local ShowWatchLevel = CreateFrame("CheckButton", O.."WatchLevel", OptionsPanel, "OptionsCheckButtonTemplate")
+ShowWatchLevel:SetScript("OnClick", function(self)
+ ptable.TempConfig.watchlevel = self:GetChecked() == 1
-- Control placement
title:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 16, -16)
@@ -159,20 +172,21 @@ subText:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", title, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -8)
ResetButton:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", OptionsPanel, "TOPRIGHT", -10, -10)
Enable:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", subText, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -16)
QuestLabel:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", QuestDropDown, "TOPLEFT", 18, 0)
-QuestDropDown:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", Enable, "BOTTOMLEFT", -15, -35)
+QuestDropDown:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", Enable, "BOTTOMLEFT", -15, -30)
TrivialQuests:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", QuestDropDown, "TOPRIGHT", 30, 0)
LootLabel:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", LootDropDown, "TOPLEFT", 18, 0)
LootDropDown:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", QuestDropDown, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -30)
TournamentDropDownLabel:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", TournamentDropDown, "TOPLEFT", 18, 0)
TournamentDropDown:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", LootDropDown, "TOPRIGHT", 17, 0)
-DarkMoonCannon:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", LootDropDown, "BOTTOMLEFT", 16, -16)
+EquipReward:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", LootDropDown, "BOTTOMLEFT", 16, -16)
+ShowRewardText:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", EquipReward, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -16)
+DarkMoonCannon:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", ShowRewardText, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -16)
DarkMoonAutoStart:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", DarkMoonCannon, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -16)
-ShowRewardText:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", DarkMoonAutoStart, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -16)
-EquipReward:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", ShowRewardText, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -16)
Debug:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", ResetButton, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -16)
ToggleKeyLabel:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", ToggleKeyDropDown, "TOPLEFT", 18, 0)
-ToggleKeyDropDown:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", EquipReward, "BOTTOMLEFT", -15, -30)
+ToggleKeyDropDown:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", DarkMoonAutoStart, "BOTTOMLEFT", -15, -30)
+ShowQuestLevel:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", ToggleKeyDropDown, "BOTTOMLEFT", 16, -16)
+ShowWatchLevel:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", ShowQuestLevel, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -16)
OptionsPanel.refresh = function()
if ( MakeACopy ) then
@@ -195,6 +209,8 @@ OptionsPanel.refresh = function()
+ ShowQuestLevel:SetChecked(ptable.TempConfig.questlevel)
+ ShowWatchLevel:SetChecked(ptable.TempConfig.watchlevel)
UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(ToggleKeyDropDown, ptable.TempConfig.togglekey)
UIDropDownMenu_SetText(ToggleKeyDropDown, ToggleKeyConst[ptable.TempConfig.togglekey])
@@ -208,6 +224,8 @@ end
OptionsPanel.okay = function()
AutoTurnInCharacterDB = CopyTable(ptable.TempConfig)
+ QuestLog_Update()
+ WatchFrame_Update(WatchFrame)
\ No newline at end of file