
Introduce LCDDisplay module

Scott Sibley [08-16-10 - 11:06]
Introduce LCDDisplay module
diff --git a/Modules/LCDDisplay.lua b/Modules/LCDDisplay.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfed98d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Modules/LCDDisplay.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+local mod = StarTip:NewModule("LCDDisplay")
+mod.name = "LCDDisplay"
+mod.toggled = true
+mod.defaultOff = true
+local Evaluator = LibStub("StarLibEvaluator-1.0")
+local LibCore = LibStub("StarLibCore-1.0")
+local LibLCDText = LibStub("StarLibLCDText-1.0")
+local LibDriverQTip = LibStub("StarLibDriverQTip-1.0")
+mod.name = "LCDDisplay"
+mod.toggled = true
+local _G = _G
+local GameTooltip = _G.GameTooltip
+local cores = {}
+local coresDict = {}
+local config = {}
+local defaults = {profile= {cores={}}}
+function mod:OnInitialize()
+	self.db = StarTip.db:RegisterNamespace(self:GetName(), defaults)
+	self.config = Evaluator.ExecuteCode({}, mod:GetName(), StarTip.config)
+	self.lcd = LibDriverQTip:New(self, "display_startip", self.config, StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel)
+	self.lcd.core:CFGSetup()
+	self.lcd.core:BuildLayouts()
+function mod:OnEnable()
+	self.lcd.core:StartLayout()
+	self.lcd:Show()
+function mod:OnDisable()
+	self.lcd.core:StopLayout()
+	self.lcd:Hide()
+function mod:AddLCD(core)
+	tinsert(coresList, core)
+	coresDict[core.name] = {core=core, i = #coresList}
+	self:RebuildOpts()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Modules/Text.lua b/Modules/Text.lua
index eec278c..3f3fea1 100644
--- a/Modules/Text.lua
+++ b/Modules/Text.lua
@@ -31,30 +31,6 @@ environment.new = StarTip.new
 environment.newDict = StarTip.newDict
 environment.del = StarTip.del
 environment._G = _G
-environment.UnitExists = _G.UnitExists
-environment.UnitIsPlayer = _G.UnitIsPlayer
-environment.UnitBuff = _G.UnitBuff
-environment.GetSpellInfo = _G.GetSpellInfo
-environment.UnitIsConnected = _G.UnitIsConnected
-environment.UnitIsFeignDeath = _G.UnitIsFeignDeath
-environment.UnitIsGhost = _G.UnitIsGhost
-environment.UnitIsDead = _G.UnitIsDead
-environment.UnitLevel = _G.UnitLevel
-environment.UnitClassification = _G.UnitClassification
-environment.UnitSelectionColor = _G.UnitSelectionColor
-environment.UnitRace = _G.UnitRace
-environment.GetGuildInfo = _G.GetGuildInfo
-environment.UnitName = _G.UnitName
-environment.UnitClass = _G.UnitClass
-environment.UnitHealth = _G.UnitHealth
-environment.UnitHealthMax = _G.UnitHealthMax
-environment.UnitMana = _G.UnitMana
-environment.UnitManaMax = _G.UnitManaMax
-environment.UnitFactionGroup = _G.UnitFactionGroup
-environment.UnitCreatureFamily = _G.UnitCreatureFamily
-environment.UnitCreatureType = _G.UnitCreatureType
-environment.UnitIsUnit = _G.UnitIsUnit
 local LSM = _G.LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0")
 local factionList = {}
 local linesToAdd = {}
@@ -460,7 +436,8 @@ function mod:OnInitialize()
     StarTip:SetOptionsDisabled(options, true)

 	-- create our core object. Note that we must provide it with an LCD after it is created.
-	self.core = LibCore:New(mod, environment, name, config, "text", StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel)
+	self.core = LibCore:New(mod, environment, self:GetName(), {[self:GetName()] = {}}, "text", StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel)
 	self.lcd = LCDText:New(self.core, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
 	self.core.lcd = self.lcd

@@ -576,8 +553,8 @@ function mod:CreateLines()

 						if not v.leftObj or v.lineNum ~= lineNum then
 							if v.leftObj then  v.leftObj:Del() end
-							v.string = v.left
-							v.leftObj = WidgetText:New(mod.core, v.name .. "left", v, 0, 0, v.layer or 0, environment, StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel, updateFontString, mod.leftLines[lineNum])
+							v.value = v.left
+							v.leftObj = WidgetText:New(mod.core, v.name .. "left", v, 0, 0, v.layer or 0, StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel, updateFontString, mod.leftLines[lineNum])
 							v.leftObj.visitor.lcd = self.lcd
@@ -592,8 +569,8 @@ function mod:CreateLines()

 						if not v.rightObj or v.lineNum ~= lineNum then
 							if v.rightObj then v.rightObj:Del() end
-							v.string = v.right
-							v.rightObj = WidgetText:New(mod.core, v.name .. "right", v, 0, 0, v.layer or 0, environment, StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel, updateFontString, mod.rightLines[lineNum])
+							v.value = v.right
+							v.rightObj = WidgetText:New(mod.core, v.name .. "right", v, 0, 0, v.layer or 0, StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel, updateFontString, mod.rightLines[lineNum])
 							v.rightObj.visitor.lcd = self.lcd

@@ -611,8 +588,8 @@ function mod:CreateLines()

 						if not v.leftObj or v.lineNum ~= lineNum then
 							if v.leftObj then v.leftObj:Del() end
-							v.string = v.left
-							v.leftObj = WidgetText:New(mod.core, v.name, v, 0, 0, 0, environment, StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel, updateFontString, mod.leftLines[lineNum])
+							v.value = v.left
+							v.leftObj = WidgetText:New(mod.core, v.name, v, 0, 0, 0, StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel, updateFontString, mod.leftLines[lineNum])
 							v.leftObj.visitor.lcd = lcd
 							v.lineNum = lineNum
diff --git a/StarTip.toc b/StarTip.toc
index de0406f..2ac1a67 100644
--- a/StarTip.toc
+++ b/StarTip.toc
@@ -31,4 +31,7 @@ Modules\Targeting.lua

diff --git a/config.lua b/config.lua
index 1af2fe1..925a0c4 100644
--- a/config.lua
+++ b/config.lua
@@ -1,181 +1,202 @@
-StarLib.config = [[
+StarTip.config = [[
 local foo = 500
-config = {
-    "display_startip": {
-        "driver": "startip",
-        "layers": 3,
-        "background": "d9ccf16f",
-        "rows": 4,
-        "cols": 20,
-        "layout-timeout": 0,
-        "update": 25,
-        "widget0": "widget_key_up",
-        "widget1": "widget_key_down",
-        "transition-speed": 50,
-        "refresh-rate": 25,
-        "layout0": "layout_startip"
+return {
+    ["display_startip"] = {
+		["driver"] = "startip",
+		["layers"] = 3,
+		["background"] = "d9ccf16f",
+		["rows"] = 2,
+		["cols"] = 20,
+		["layout-timeout"] = 0,
+		["update"] = 25,
+		["widget0"] = "widget_key_up",
+		["widget1"] = "widget_key_down",
+		["transition-speed"] = 50,
+		["refresh-rate"] = 25,
+		["layout0"] = "layout_startip"
-    "layout_blank": {
-        "keyless": 1,
-        "layout-timeout": 0
+	["layout_blank"] = {
+		["keyless"] = 1,
+		["layout-timeout"] = 0
-    "layout_startip": {
-        "row1": {
-            "col1": "widget_cpu_label",
-            //"col11": "widget_cpu_histogram",
-            "col6": "widget_cpu"
+	["layout_startip"] = {
+		["row1"] = {
+    		["col1"] = "widget_name_label",
+    		["col10"] = "widget_name"
-        "row2": {
-            "col1": "widget_wlan0_label",
-            //"col11": "widget_wlan0_histogram",
-            "col7": "widget_wlan0"
+		["row2"] = {
+    		["col1"] = "widget_class_label",
+    		["col10"] = "widget_class"
-        "row3": {
-        },
-        "row4": {
-            "col1": "widget_bottom_ticker"
-        },
-        "transition": "U"
+		["transition"] = "U"
-    "widget_icon_blob": {
-        "bitmap": {
-            "row1": ".....|.....|.....",
-            "row2": ".....|.....|.***.",
-            "row3": ".....|.***.|*...*",
-            "row4": "..*..|.*.*.|*...*",
-            "row5": ".....|.***.|*...*",
-            "row6": ".....|.....|.***.",
-            "row7": ".....|.....|.....",
-            "row8": ".....|.....|....."
+	["widget_name_label"] = {
+		type = "text",
+		value = 'return "Name:"',
+		prefix = '',
+		postfix = '',
+		precision = 0xbabe,
+		align = ALIGN_LEFT,
+		update = 0,
+		speed = 0,
+		direction = SCROLL_RIGHT,
+		cols = 5,
+		color = "return 0xffffffff"
+	},
+	["widget_name"] = {
+		type = "text",
+		value = "return UnitName('player')",
+		cols = 10
+	},
+	["widget_class_label"] = {
+		type = "text",
+		value = 'return "Class:"',
+		cols = 7
+	},
+	["widget_class"] = {
+		type = "text",
+		value = "return UnitClass('player')",
+		cols = 10
+	},
+	["widget_icon_blob"] = {
+		["bitmap"] = {
+    		["row1"] = ".....|.....|.....",
+    		["row2"] = ".....|.....|.***.",
+    		["row3"] = ".....|.***.|*...*",
+    		["row4"] = "..*..|.*.*.|*...*",
+    		["row5"] = ".....|.***.|*...*",
+    		["row6"] = ".....|.....|.***.",
+    		["row7"] = ".....|.....|.....",
+    		["row8"] = ".....|.....|....."
-        "speed": "return foo",
-        "type": "icon"
+		["speed"] = "return foo",
+		["type"] = "icon"
-    "widget_icon_ekg": {
-        "bitmap": {
-            "row1": ".....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....",
-            "row2": ".....|....*|...*.|..*..|.*...|*....|.....|.....",
-            "row3": ".....|....*|...*.|..*..|.*...|*....|.....|.....",
-            "row4": ".....|....*|...**|..**.|.**..|**...|*....|.....",
-            "row5": ".....|....*|...**|..**.|.**..|**...|*....|.....",
-            "row6": ".....|....*|...*.|..*.*|.*.*.|*.*..|.*...|*....",
-            "row7": "*****|*****|****.|***..|**..*|*..**|..***|.****",
-            "row8": ".....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|....."
+	["widget_icon_ekg"] = {
+		["bitmap"] = {
+    		["row1"] = ".....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....",
+    		["row2"] = ".....|....*|...*.|..*..|.*...|*....|.....|.....",
+    		["row3"] = ".....|....*|...*.|..*..|.*...|*....|.....|.....",
+    		["row4"] = ".....|....*|...**|..**.|.**..|**...|*....|.....",
+    		["row5"] = ".....|....*|...**|..**.|.**..|**...|*....|.....",
+    		["row6"] = ".....|....*|...*.|..*.*|.*.*.|*.*..|.*...|*....",
+    		["row7"] = "*****|*****|****.|***..|**..*|*..**|..***|.****",
+    		["row8"] = ".....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|....."
-        "speed": "return foo",
-        "type": "icon"
+		["speed"] = "return foo",
+		["type"] = "icon"
-    "widget_icon_heart": {
-        "bitmap": {
-            "row1": ".....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....",
-            "row2": ".*.*.|.....|.*.*.|.....|.....|.....",
-            "row3": "*****|.*.*.|*****|.*.*.|.*.*.|.*.*.",
-            "row4": "*****|.***.|*****|.***.|.***.|.***.",
-            "row5": ".***.|.***.|.***.|.***.|.***.|.***.",
-            "row6": ".***.|..*..|.***.|..*..|..*..|..*..",
-            "row7": "..*..|.....|..*..|.....|.....|.....",
-            "row8": ".....|.....|.....|.....|.....|....."
+	["widget_icon_heart"] = {
+		["bitmap"] = {
+    		["row1"] = ".....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....",
+    		["row2"] = ".*.*.|.....|.*.*.|.....|.....|.....",
+    		["row3"] = "*****|.*.*.|*****|.*.*.|.*.*.|.*.*.",
+    		["row4"] = "*****|.***.|*****|.***.|.***.|.***.",
+    		["row5"] = ".***.|.***.|.***.|.***.|.***.|.***.",
+    		["row6"] = ".***.|..*..|.***.|..*..|..*..|..*..",
+    		["row7"] = "..*..|.....|..*..|.....|.....|.....",
+    		["row8"] = ".....|.....|.....|.....|.....|....."
-        "speed": "return foo",
-        "type": "icon"
+		["speed"] = "return foo",
+		["type"] = "icon"
-    "widget_icon_heartbeat": {
-        "bitmap": {
-            "row1": ".....|.....",
-            "row2": ".*.*.|.*.*.",
-            "row3": "*****|*.*.*",
-            "row4": "*****|*...*",
-            "row5": ".***.|.*.*.",
-            "row6": ".***.|.*.*.",
-            "row7": "..*..|..*..",
-            "row8": ".....|....."
+	["widget_icon_heartbeat"] = {
+		["bitmap"] = {
+    		["row1"] = ".....|.....",
+    		["row2"] = ".*.*.|.*.*.",
+    		["row3"] = "*****|*.*.*",
+    		["row4"] = "*****|*...*",
+    		["row5"] = ".***.|.*.*.",
+    		["row6"] = ".***.|.*.*.",
+    		["row7"] = "..*..|..*..",
+    		["row8"] = ".....|....."
-        "speed": "return foo",
-        "type": "icon"
+		["speed"] = "return foo",
+		["type"] = "icon"
-    "widget_icon_karo": {
-        "bitmap": {
-            "row1": ".....|.....|.....|.....|..*..|.....|.....|.....",
-            "row2": ".....|.....|.....|..*..|.*.*.|..*..|.....|.....",
-            "row3": ".....|.....|..*..|.*.*.|*...*|.*.*.|..*..|.....",
-            "row4": ".....|..*..|.*.*.|*...*|.....|*...*|.*.*.|..*..",
-            "row5": ".....|.....|..*..|.*.*.|*...*|.*.*.|..*..|.....",
-            "row6": ".....|.....|.....|..*..|.*.*.|..*..|.....|.....",
-            "row7": ".....|.....|.....|.....|..*..|.....|.....|.....",
-            "row8": ".....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|....."
+	["widget_icon_karo"] = {
+		["bitmap"] = {
+    		["row1"] = ".....|.....|.....|.....|..*..|.....|.....|.....",
+    		["row2"] = ".....|.....|.....|..*..|.*.*.|..*..|.....|.....",
+    		["row3"] = ".....|.....|..*..|.*.*.|*...*|.*.*.|..*..|.....",
+    		["row4"] = ".....|..*..|.*.*.|*...*|.....|*...*|.*.*.|..*..",
+    		["row5"] = ".....|.....|..*..|.*.*.|*...*|.*.*.|..*..|.....",
+    		["row6"] = ".....|.....|.....|..*..|.*.*.|..*..|.....|.....",
+    		["row7"] = ".....|.....|.....|.....|..*..|.....|.....|.....",
+    		["row8"] = ".....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|....."
-        "speed": "return foo",
-        "type": "icon"
+		["speed"] = "return foo",
+		["type"] = "icon"
-    "widget_icon_rain": {
-        "bitmap": {
-            "row1": "...*.|.....|.....|.*...|....*|..*..|.....|*....",
-            "row2": "*....|...*.|.....|.....|.*...|....*|..*..|.....",
-            "row3": ".....|*....|...*.|.....|.....|.*...|....*|..*..",
-            "row4": "..*..|.....|*....|...*.|.....|.....|.*...|....*",
-            "row5": "....*|..*..|.....|*....|...*.|.....|.....|.*...",
-            "row6": ".*...|....*|..*..|.....|*....|...*.|.....|.....",
-            "row7": ".....|.*...|....*|..*..|.....|*....|...*.|.....",
-            "row8": ".....|.....|.*...|....*|..*..|.....|*....|...*."
+	["widget_icon_rain"] = {
+		["bitmap"] = {
+    		["row1"] = "...*.|.....|.....|.*...|....*|..*..|.....|*....",
+    		["row2"] = "*....|...*.|.....|.....|.*...|....*|..*..|.....",
+    		["row3"] = ".....|*....|...*.|.....|.....|.*...|....*|..*..",
+    		["row4"] = "..*..|.....|*....|...*.|.....|.....|.*...|....*",
+    		["row5"] = "....*|..*..|.....|*....|...*.|.....|.....|.*...",
+    		["row6"] = ".*...|....*|..*..|.....|*....|...*.|.....|.....",
+    		["row7"] = ".....|.*...|....*|..*..|.....|*....|...*.|.....",
+    		["row8"] = ".....|.....|.*...|....*|..*..|.....|*....|...*."
-        "speed": "return foo",
-        "type": "icon"
+		["speed"] = "return foo",
+		["type"] = "icon"
-    "widget_icon_squirrel": {
-        "bitmap": {
-            "row1": ".....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....",
-            "row2": ".....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....",
-            "row3": ".....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....",
-            "row4": "**...|.**..|..**.|...**|....*|.....",
-            "row5": "*****|*****|*****|*****|*****|*****",
-            "row6": "...**|..**.|.**..|**...|*....|.....",
-            "row7": ".....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....",
-            "row8": ".....|.....|.....|.....|.....|....."
+	["widget_icon_squirrel"] = {
+		["bitmap"] = {
+    		["row1"] = ".....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....",
+    		["row2"] = ".....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....",
+    		["row3"] = ".....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....",
+    		["row4"] = "**...|.**..|..**.|...**|....*|.....",
+    		["row5"] = "*****|*****|*****|*****|*****|*****",
+    		["row6"] = "...**|..**.|.**..|**...|*....|.....",
+    		["row7"] = ".....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....",
+    		["row8"] = ".....|.....|.....|.....|.....|....."
-        "speed": "return foo",
-        "type": "icon"
+		["speed"] = "return foo",
+		["type"] = "icon"
-    "widget_icon_timer": {
-        "bitmap": {
-            "row1": ".....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|",
-            "row2": ".***.|.*+*.|.*++.|.*++.|.*++.|.*++.|.*++.|.*++.|.*++.|.*++.|.*++.|.*++.|.+++.|.+*+.|.+**.|.+**.|.+**.|.+**.|.+**.|.+**.|.+**.|.+**.|.+**.|.+**.|",
-            "row3": "*****|**+**|**++*|**+++|**++.|**++.|**+++|**+++|**+++|**+++|**+++|+++++|+++++|++*++|++**+|++***|++**.|++**.|++***|++***|++***|++***|++***|*****|",
-            "row4": "*****|**+**|**+**|**+**|**+++|**+++|**+++|**+++|**+++|**+++|+++++|+++++|+++++|++*++|++*++|++*++|++***|++***|++***|++***|++***|++***|*****|*****|",
-            "row5": "*****|*****|*****|*****|*****|***++|***++|**+++|*++++|+++++|+++++|+++++|+++++|+++++|+++++|+++++|+++++|+++**|+++**|++***|+****|*****|*****|*****|",
-            "row6": ".***.|.***.|.***.|.***.|.***.|.***.|.**+.|.*++.|.+++.|.+++.|.+++.|.+++.|.+++.|.+++.|.+++.|.+++.|.+++.|.+++.|.++*.|.+**.|.***.|.***.|.***.|.***.|",
-            "row7": ".....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|",
-            "row8": ".....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|"
+	["widget_icon_timer"] = {
+		["bitmap"] = {
+    		["row1"] = ".....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|",
+    		["row2"] = ".***.|.*+*.|.*++.|.*++.|.*++.|.*++.|.*++.|.*++.|.*++.|.*++.|.*++.|.*++.|.+++.|.+*+.|.+**.|.+**.|.+**.|.+**.|.+**.|.+**.|.+**.|.+**.|.+**.|.+**.|",
+    		["row3"] = "*****|**+**|**++*|**+++|**++.|**++.|**+++|**+++|**+++|**+++|**+++|+++++|+++++|++*++|++**+|++***|++**.|++**.|++***|++***|++***|++***|++***|*****|",
+    		["row4"] = "*****|**+**|**+**|**+**|**+++|**+++|**+++|**+++|**+++|**+++|+++++|+++++|+++++|++*++|++*++|++*++|++***|++***|++***|++***|++***|++***|*****|*****|",
+    		["row5"] = "*****|*****|*****|*****|*****|***++|***++|**+++|*++++|+++++|+++++|+++++|+++++|+++++|+++++|+++++|+++++|+++**|+++**|++***|+****|*****|*****|*****|",
+    		["row6"] = ".***.|.***.|.***.|.***.|.***.|.***.|.**+.|.*++.|.+++.|.+++.|.+++.|.+++.|.+++.|.+++.|.+++.|.+++.|.+++.|.+++.|.++*.|.+**.|.***.|.***.|.***.|.***.|",
+    		["row7"] = ".....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|",
+    		["row8"] = ".....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|"
-        "speed": "return foo",
-        "type": "icon"
+		["speed"] = "return foo",
+		["type"] = "icon"
-    "widget_icon_wave": {
-        "bitmap": {
-            "row1": "..**.|.**..|**...|*....|.....|.....|.....|.....|....*|...**",
-            "row2": ".*..*|*..*.|..*..|.*...|*....|.....|.....|....*|...*.|..*..",
-            "row3": "*....|....*|...*.|..*..|.*...|*....|....*|...*.|..*..|.*...",
-            "row4": "*....|....*|...*.|..*..|.*...|*....|....*|...*.|..*..|.*...",
-            "row5": "*....|....*|...*.|..*..|.*...|*....|....*|...*.|..*..|.*...",
-            "row6": ".....|.....|....*|...*.|..*..|.*..*|*..*.|..*..|.*...|*....",
-            "row7": ".....|.....|.....|....*|...**|..**.|.**..|**...|*....|.....",
-            "row8": ".....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|....."
+	["widget_icon_wave"] = {
+		["bitmap"] = {
+    		["row1"] = "..**.|.**..|**...|*....|.....|.....|.....|.....|....*|...**",
+    		["row2"] = ".*..*|*..*.|..*..|.*...|*....|.....|.....|....*|...*.|..*..",
+    		["row3"] = "*....|....*|...*.|..*..|.*...|*....|....*|...*.|..*..|.*...",
+    		["row4"] = "*....|....*|...*.|..*..|.*...|*....|....*|...*.|..*..|.*...",
+    		["row5"] = "*....|....*|...*.|..*..|.*...|*....|....*|...*.|..*..|.*...",
+    		["row6"] = ".....|.....|....*|...*.|..*..|.*..*|*..*.|..*..|.*...|*....",
+    		["row7"] = ".....|.....|.....|....*|...**|..**.|.**..|**...|*....|.....",
+    		["row8"] = ".....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|.....|....."
-        "speed": "return foo",
-        "type": "icon"
+		["speed"] = "return foo",
+		["type"] = "icon"
-    "widget_key_down": {
-        "expression": "lcd.Transition(-1)",
-        "key": 2,
-        "type": "key"
+	["widget_key_down"] = {
+		["expression"] = "lcd.Transition(-1)",
+		["key"] = 2,
+		["type"] = "key"
-    "widget_key_up": {
-        "expression": "lcd.Transition(1)",
-        "key": 1,
-        "type": "key"
+	["widget_key_up"] = {
+		["expression"] = "lcd.Transition(1)",
+		["key"] = 1,
+		["type"] = "key"
-    "widget_percent": {
-        "expression": "'%'",
-        "type": "text"
+	["widget_percent"] = {
+		["expression"] = "'%'",
+		["type"] = "text"
\ No newline at end of file