Why the fuck was tooltip information for recipe achievements in an @alpha@ block?
James D. Callahan III [04-04-11 - 02:28]
Why the fuck was tooltip information for recipe achievements in an @alpha@ block?
diff --git a/Interface/List.lua b/Interface/List.lua
index 1f75d93..df3d9a9 100644
--- a/Interface/List.lua
+++ b/Interface/List.lua
@@ -1794,17 +1794,14 @@ do
Tooltip_AddWorldDrop(recipe_id, id_num, location, addline_func)
elseif acquire_type == A.CUSTOM then
addline_func(0, -1, false, private.custom_list[id_num].name, CATEGORY_COLORS["custom"])
- --@alpha@
elseif acquire_type == A.ACHIEVEMENT then
Tooltip_AddAchievement(recipe_id, id_num, addline_func)
- elseif can_display then
- -- Unhandled
+ else
addline_func(0, -1, 0, L["Unhandled Recipe"], BASIC_COLORS["normal"])
- --@end-alpha@
- end -- for id_num
- end -- if can_display
- end -- for acquire_type
+ end
+ end
+ end