
The Position module has a new setting, "Position UI Tooltip." Here you can choose to place the default Unit tooltip next to the fake libqtip tooltip, choosing top, bottom, left, right, or position it offscreen.

Scott Sibley [07-04-11 - 06:56]
The Position module has a new setting, "Position UI Tooltip." Here you can choose to place the default Unit tooltip next to the fake libqtip tooltip, choosing top, bottom, left, right, or position it offscreen.
Positioning it offscreen as opposed to just hiding it keeps the GameTooltip valid for the unit. Otherwise if hide it then GameTooltip:GetUnit() returns nothing, which breaks other addons.
This is one of the main reasons the switch to libqtip was warranted. Once you hide or otherwise trash the GameTooltip, then it's left disfunctional.
Allowing the user to position the default tooltip alongside the fake tooltip will allow players to use StarTip along with other addons that otherwise modify the default tooltip, such as MyRolePlay.
diff --git a/Modules/Position/Position.lua b/Modules/Position/Position.lua
index dacb464..2ec28ac 100644
--- a/Modules/Position/Position.lua
+++ b/Modules/Position/Position.lua
@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ local UIParent = _G.UIParent
 local self = mod
 local L = StarTip.L

+local square = {L["Left"], L["Right"], L["Top"], L["Bottom"], L["Offscreen"]}
+local squareDict = {[L["Left"]] = 1, [L["Right"]] = 2, [L["Top"]] = 3, [L["Bottom"]] = 4, [L["Offscreen"]] = 5}
+local squareNames = {"LEFT", "RIGHT", "TOP", "BOTTOM"}
 local defaults = {
 	profile = {
 		inCombat = 1,
@@ -21,7 +25,9 @@ local defaults = {
 		unitFramesXOffset = 10,
 		unitFramesYOffset = 0,
 		otherXOffset = 10,
-		otherYOffset = 0
+		otherYOffset = 0,
+		defaultUnitTooltipPos = 5

@@ -281,7 +287,7 @@ local options = {
 			return val >= minY and val <= maxY
 		order = 18
-	}
+	},
 	--[[otherXOffset = {
 		name = "X-axis offset",
 		desc = "The x-axis offset used to position the tooltip in relationship to the anchor point",
@@ -306,6 +312,16 @@ local options = {
 		set = set,
 		order = 18
+	defaultUnitTooltipPos = {
+		name = "Position UI Tooltip",
+		type = "select",
+		values = square,
+		get = function() return mod.db.profile.defaultUnitTooltipPos end,
+		set = function(info, val)
+			mod.db.profile.defaultUnitTooltipPos = val
+		end,
+		order = 20
+	}

 function mod:OnInitialize()
@@ -348,56 +364,85 @@ local getIndex = function(owner)
 	return index

-local isSpell
-local isItem
-local lastSpell

+local isTrouble
+local isUnitTooltip
 local updateFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")
 local fakeUpdateFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")
-local oldX, oldY = -1, -1
 local currentAnchor = "BOTTOM"
 local xoffset, yoffset = 0, 0
 local active
 local positionTooltip = function()
-	if not active or isSpell or isItem then return end
+	if isTrouble or not active then return end
 	local x, y = GetCursorPosition()

 	local effScale = GameTooltip:GetEffectiveScale()

-	if x ~= oldX or y ~= oldY then
+	if not isUnitTooltip then
 		GameTooltip:SetPoint(currentAnchor, UIParent, "BOTTOMLEFT", (x + xoffset) / effScale, (y + yoffset) / effScale + 5)
-	oldX, oldY = x, y
+	if isUnitTooltip then
+		if mod.db.profile.defaultUnitTooltipPos == 5 then
+			GameTooltip:ClearAllPoints()
+			GameTooltip:SetClampRectInsets(10000, 0, 0, 0)
+			GameTooltip:SetPoint("RIGHT", UIParent, "LEFT")
+		else
+			local pos = squareNames[self.db.profile.defaultUnitTooltipPos]
+			GameTooltip:ClearAllPoints()
+			GameTooltip:SetPoint(StarTip.opposites[pos], StarTip.tooltipMain, pos)
+		end
+	end

 local oldX, oldY
 local positionMainTooltip = function()
+	local x, y = GetCursorPosition()
+	if oldX == x and oldY == y then return end
+	oldX, oldY = x, y
 	local index = getIndex(UIParent)
 	local currentAnchor = StarTip.opposites[StarTip.anchors[index]:sub(8)]
-	local x, y = GetCursorPosition()
 	local tooltip = StarTip.tooltipMain
 	local effScale = tooltip:GetEffectiveScale()
 	local height = tooltip:GetHeight() or 0
 	local width = tooltip:GetWidth() or 0
+	local realHeight = GameTooltip:GetHeight()
+	local realWidth = GameTooltip:GetWidth()
 	local screenWidth = UIParent:GetWidth() * effScale
 	local screenHeight = UIParent:GetHeight() * effScale
+        local realHeight = GameTooltip:GetHeight()
+	local realWidth = GameTooltip:GetWidth()
 	local myOffsetX, myOffsetY = 0, 0
+	local leftBottomOffset = 0
+        if mod.db.profile.defaultUnitTooltipPos == 1 then -- left
+		leftBottomOffset = realWidth
+	elseif mod.db.profile.defaultUnitTooltipPos == 2 then -- right
+		screenWidth = screenWidth - realWidth
+	elseif mod.db.profile.defaultUnitTooltipPos == 3 then -- top
+		screenHeight = screenHeight - realHeight
+	elseif  mod.db.profile.defaultUnitTooltipPos == 4 then -- bottom
+		leftBottomOffset = realHeight
+	end
 	if x + width / 2 + xoffset > screenWidth then
 		myOffsetX = (screenWidth - (x + width / 2 + xoffset)) * effScale
 	if y + height + yoffset > screenHeight then
 		myOffsetY = (screenHeight - (y + height + yoffset) + 1) * effScale
-	if x - width / 2 < 0 then
-		myOffsetX = (x - width / 2 + 1) * -1 * effScale
+	if x - width / 2 - leftBottomOffset < 0 then
+		myOffsetX = (x - width / 2 - leftBottomOffset + 2) * -1 * effScale
-	if x ~= oldX or y ~= oldY then
-		tooltip:ClearAllPoints()
-		tooltip:SetPoint(currentAnchor, UIParent, "BOTTOMLEFT",
-			(x + xoffset + myOffsetX) / effScale, (y + yoffset + myOffsetY) / effScale + 5)
+	if y - height - leftBottomOffset < 0 then
+		myOffsetY = (y - height - leftBottomOffset + 2) * effScale
+	tooltip:ClearAllPoints()
+	tooltip:SetPoint(currentAnchor, UIParent, "BOTTOMLEFT",
+		(x + xoffset + myOffsetX) / effScale, (y + yoffset + myOffsetY) / effScale + 5)

@@ -426,6 +471,7 @@ local setOffsets = function(owner)

+local locked = false
 local currentOwner
 local currentThis
 local delayFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")
@@ -443,11 +489,18 @@ local function delayAnchor()
 	elseif StarTip.anchors[index]:find("^CURSOR_")  then
 		oldX, oldY = 0, 0
 		currentAnchor = StarTip.opposites[StarTip.anchors[index]:sub(8)]
-		updateFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", positionTooltip)
-		fakeUpdateFrame:SetScript("OnUPdate", positionMainTooltip)
+		isUnitTooltip = false
+		if GameTooltip:GetUnit() then
+			isUnitTooltip = true
+		end
 		active = true
+		if isUnitTooltip then
+			updateFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", positionTooltip)
+			fakeUpdateFrame:SetScript("OnUPdate", positionMainTooltip)
+			positionMainTooltip()
+		end
-		positionMainTooltip()
 		if updateFrame:GetScript("OnUpdate") then updateFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil) end
 		this:SetPoint(StarTip.anchors[index], UIParent, StarTip.anchors[index], xoffset, yoffset)
@@ -468,31 +521,29 @@ end


-local locked = false
 function mod:OnHide()
 	updateFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
 	delayFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
-	oldSpell = nil
-	newSpell = nil
+	isTrouble = false
 	locked = false

-local threshold = .3
+local threshold = 1
 local lastTime = GetTime()
 function mod:SetSpell()
 	if locked then return end
 	if GetTime() - lastTime < threshold then
 		locked = true
 	lastTime = GetTime()
 	local index = getIndex(currentOwner)
 	if StarTip.anchors[index]:find("^CURSOR_")  then
-		isSpell = false
-		isItem = false
 		updateFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
+		isTrouble = false
-		isSpell = true
+		isTrouble = true
 		GameTooltip:SetPoint(StarTip.anchors[index], UIParent, StarTip.anchors[index], xoffset, yoffset)
@@ -501,18 +552,19 @@ function mod:SetSpell()

 function mod:SetItem()
 	if locked then return end
 	if GetTime() - lastTime < threshold then
 		locked = true
 	lastTime = GetTime()
 	local index = getIndex(currentOwner)
 	if StarTip.anchors[index]:find("^CURSOR_")  then
-		isSpell = false
-		isItem = false
 		updateFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
+		isTrouble = false
-		isItem = true
+		isTrouble = true
 		GameTooltip:SetPoint(StarTip.anchors[index], UIParent, StarTip.anchors[index], xoffset, yoffset)
@@ -521,8 +573,8 @@ function mod:SetItem()

 function mod:SetUnit()
-	isSpell = false
-	isItem = false
-	updateFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", positionTooltip)
-	fakeUpdateFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", positionMainTooltip)
+	isTrouble = false
+	--updateFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", positionTooltip)
+	--fakeUpdateFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", positionMainTooltip)
diff --git a/StarTip.lua b/StarTip.lua
index d06a9df..932e6d0 100644
--- a/StarTip.lua
+++ b/StarTip.lua
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ function StarTip:OnEnable()
 	self:RawHook(GameTooltip, "FadeOut", "GameTooltipFadeOut", true)
 	self:RawHook(GameTooltip, "Hide", "GameTooltipHide", true)
 	self:RawHook(GameTooltip, "Show", "GameTooltipShow", true)
-	self:RawHook(GameTooltip, "GetUnit", "GameTooltipGetUnit", true)
+	--self:RawHook(GameTooltip, "GetUnit", "GameTooltipGetUnit", true)

 	for k,v in self:IterateModules() do
 		if (self.db.profile.modules[k]  == nil and not v.defaultOff) or self.db.profile.modules[k] then
@@ -703,7 +703,6 @@ function StarTip.OnTooltipSetUnit(...)
 	StarTip.justSetUnit = nil
 	--checkTooltipAlphaFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", checkTooltipAlpha)
-	GameTooltip:Hide()

@@ -823,6 +822,7 @@ function StarTip:GameTooltipShow(...)

 function StarTip:GameTooltipGetUnit()
 	local name, unit = self.hooks[GameTooltip].GetUnit(GameTooltip)
 	if name then
@@ -833,7 +833,7 @@ function StarTip:GameTooltipGetUnit()
 		return name, StarTip.unit

 function StarTip.OnTooltipShow(...)