diff --git a/WeightsWatcher.lua b/WeightsWatcher.lua
index bd3d37f..0ae5e7c 100644
--- a/WeightsWatcher.lua
+++ b/WeightsWatcher.lua
@@ -441,6 +441,7 @@ function WeightsWatcher:displayItemStats(tooltip, ttname)
local link, bareLink, itemType, stackSize, sockets, gemStats
local stat, value, str, formatStr
local compareLink, compareBareLink, compareLink2, compareBareLink2, compareMethod
+ local showWeights, showIdealWeights, showIdealGems, showIdealGemStats
local _, playerClass = UnitClass("player")
_, link = tooltip:GetItem()
@@ -452,6 +453,11 @@ function WeightsWatcher:displayItemStats(tooltip, ttname)
if (IsEquippableItem(link) and itemType ~= "Container" and itemType ~= "Quiver") or (itemType == "Gem" and stackSize == 1) or (itemType == "Consumable") or (itemType == "Recipe") then
bareLink = splitItemLink(link)
+ showWeights = keyDetectors[ww_vars.options.tooltip.showWeights]()
+ showIdealWeights = keyDetectors[ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealWeights]()
+ showIdealGems = keyDetectors[ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealGems]()
+ showIdealGemStats = keyDetectors[ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealGemStats]()
if ttname == "GameTooltip" and ww_vars.options.tooltip.showDifferences then
local currentSlot, compareSlot, compareSlot2, currentSubslot, compareSubslot, compareSubslot2
currentSlot = ww_bareItemCache[bareLink][1]["Slot"]
@@ -471,8 +477,9 @@ function WeightsWatcher:displayItemStats(tooltip, ttname)
compareMethod = determineCompareMethod(currentSlot, compareSlot, compareSlot2, currentSubslot, compareSubslot, compareSubslot2)
- if keyDetectors[ww_vars.options.tooltip.showWeights]() then
- tooltip:AddLine("Current Weights:")
+ if showWeights then
+ _, sockets, _ = unpack(ww_bareItemCache[bareLink])
for _, class in ipairs(ww_charVars.activeWeights) do
if ww_vars.weightsList[class] then
for _, weight in pairs(ww_charVars.activeWeights[class]) do
@@ -491,42 +498,24 @@ function WeightsWatcher:displayItemStats(tooltip, ttname)
compareScore = computeDifference(compareMethod, compareScore, compareScore2, currentScore)
tooltip:AddDoubleLine(str, string.format(colorizeDifferences(compareScore), currentScore, compareScore))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- _, sockets, _ = unpack(ww_bareItemCache[bareLink])
- if #(sockets) > 0 then
- if keyDetectors[ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealWeights]() then
- tooltip:AddLine("Ideally Gemmed Weights:")
- for _, class in ipairs(ww_charVars.activeWeights) do
- if ww_vars.weightsList[class] then
- for _, weight in pairs(ww_charVars.activeWeights[class]) do
- if ww_vars.weightsList[class][weight] then
- local currentScore = ww_weightIdealCache[class][weight][bareLink].score
- local compareScore, compareScore2
- str = " " .. weight
- if ww_vars.options.tooltip.showClassNames == "Always" or (ww_vars.options.tooltip.showClassNames == "Others" and class ~= playerClass) then
- str = str .. " - " .. classNames[class]
+ if #(sockets) > 0 and showIdealWeights then
+ local currentScore = ww_weightIdealCache[class][weight][bareLink].score
+ local compareScore, compareScore2
+ if compareBareLink then
+ compareScore = ww_weightIdealCache[class][weight][compareBareLink].score
+ if compareBareLink2 then
+ compareScore2 = ww_weightIdealCache[class][weight][compareBareLink2].score
- if compareBareLink then
- compareScore = ww_weightIdealCache[class][weight][compareBareLink].score
- if compareBareLink2 then
- compareScore2 = ww_weightIdealCache[class][weight][compareBareLink2].score
- end
- compareScore = computeDifference(compareMethod, compareScore, compareScore2, currentScore)
- end
- tooltip:AddDoubleLine(str, string.format(colorizeDifferences(compareScore), currentScore, compareScore))
- if keyDetectors[ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealGems]() then
- gemStats = ww_weightIdealCache[class][weight][bareLink].gemStats
- for _, gem in ipairs(gemStats) do
- tooltip:AddDoubleLine(" Using " .. gem[2] .. " (" .. gem[1] .. ")", " ")
- if keyDetectors[ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealGemStats]() then
- for stat, value in pairs(gem[3]) do
- tooltip:AddDoubleLine(" " .. stat .. ": " .. value, " ")
- end
+ compareScore = computeDifference(compareMethod, compareScore, compareScore2, currentScore)
+ end
+ tooltip:AddDoubleLine(" Ideally-gemmed:", string.format(colorizeDifferences(compareScore), currentScore, compareScore))
+ if showIdealGems then
+ gemStats = ww_weightIdealCache[class][weight][bareLink].gemStats
+ for _, gem in ipairs(gemStats) do
+ tooltip:AddDoubleLine(" Using " .. gem[2] .. " (" .. gem[1] .. ")", " ")
+ if showIdealGemStats then
+ for stat, value in pairs(gem[3]) do
+ tooltip:AddDoubleLine(" " .. stat .. ": " .. value, " ")
@@ -534,22 +523,27 @@ function WeightsWatcher:displayItemStats(tooltip, ttname)
- if not ww_vars.options.tooltip.hideHints and not keyDetectors[ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealGems]() then
- if ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealGems ~= "Never" then
- tooltip:AddLine("<Press " .. ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealGems .. " to show ideal gems>")
- end
- elseif not ww_vars.options.tooltip.hideHints and not keyDetectors[ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealGemStats]() then
- if ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealGemStats ~= "Never" then
- tooltip:AddLine("<Press " .. ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealGemStats .. " to show ideal gem stats>")
- end
+ end
+ end
+ if not ww_vars.options.tooltip.hideHints and #(sockets) > 0 then
+ if not showIdealWeights then
+ if ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealWeights ~= "Never" then
+ tooltip:AddLine("<Press " .. ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealWeights .. " to show ideal weights>")
+ end
+ elseif not showIdealGems then
+ if ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealGems ~= "Never" then
+ tooltip:AddLine("<Press " .. ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealGems .. " to show ideal gems>")
+ end
+ elseif not showIdealGemStats then
+ if ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealGemStats ~= "Never" then
+ tooltip:AddLine("<Press " .. ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealGemStats .. " to show ideal gem stats>")
- elseif not ww_vars.options.tooltip.hideHints and ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealWeights ~= "Never" then
- tooltip:AddLine("<Press " .. ww_vars.options.tooltip.showIdealWeights .. " to show ideal weights>")
elseif not ww_vars.options.tooltip.hideHints and ww_vars.options.tooltip.showWeights ~= "Never" then
tooltip:AddLine("<Press " .. ww_vars.options.tooltip.showWeights .. " to show weights>")