diff --git a/helper.lua b/helper.lua
index 511421d..f65ce58 100644
--- a/helper.lua
+++ b/helper.lua
@@ -11,11 +11,7 @@ end
-- prints debug messages only when debug mode is active
function BrokerGarbage:Debug(...)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
if BG_GlobalDB and BG_GlobalDB.debug then
- if BG_GlobalDB.debug then
->>>>>>> 5718466e0636150e9aca329ad638bf22e4e21cfa
BrokerGarbage:Print("! "..string.join(", ", tostringall(...)))
@@ -114,11 +110,7 @@ end
function BrokerGarbage:CreateDefaultLists(global)
if global then
BG_GlobalDB.include[46069] = true -- argentum lance
-<<<<<<< HEAD
if BG_GlobalDB.include[6265] == nil then BG_GlobalDB.include[6265] = 20 end -- soulshards CATYCLYSM: remove this
- if BG_GlobalDB.include[6265] == nil then BG_GlobalDB.include[6265] = 20 end -- soulshards
->>>>>>> 5718466e0636150e9aca329ad638bf22e4e21cfa
BG_GlobalDB.include["Consumable.Water.Conjured"] = true
BG_GlobalDB.include["Consumable.Food.Edible.Basic.Conjured"] = true
BG_GlobalDB.forceVendorPrice["Consumable.Food.Edible.Basic"] = true
@@ -127,27 +119,17 @@ function BrokerGarbage:CreateDefaultLists(global)
-- tradeskills
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-- CATACLYSM compatibility:begin --
local tradeSkills, limit
if GetProfessions then
tradeSkills = { GetProfessions() }
limit = 6 -- GetProfessions() returns 6 indices
- local tradeSkills, limit
- if GetProfessions then
- tradeSkills = { GetProfessions() }
- limit = 6 -- GetProfessions() returns 6 indices
->>>>>>> 5718466e0636150e9aca329ad638bf22e4e21cfa
tradeSkills = BrokerGarbage:CheckSkills() or {}
limit = #tradeSkills
for i = 1, limit do
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-- CATACLYSM compatibility:end --
->>>>>>> 5718466e0636150e9aca329ad638bf22e4e21cfa
local englishSkill, isGather = BrokerGarbage:UnLocalize(tradeSkills[i])
if englishSkill then
if isGather then
@@ -178,12 +160,9 @@ function BrokerGarbage:CreateDefaultLists(global)
BrokerGarbage.itemsCache = {}
-<<<<<<< HEAD
if BrokerGarbage.ListOptionsUpdate then
->>>>>>> 5718466e0636150e9aca329ad638bf22e4e21cfa
-- returns options for plugin use
@@ -209,20 +188,14 @@ end
-- returns original English names for non-English locales
function BrokerGarbage:UnLocalize(skillIndex)
if not skillIndex then return nil, nil end
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-- CATACLYSM compatibility:begin --
->>>>>>> 5718466e0636150e9aca329ad638bf22e4e21cfa
local skillName
if type(skillIndex) == "number" then
skillName = GetProfessionInfo(skillIndex)
skillName = skillIndex
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-- CATACLYSM compatibility:end --
->>>>>>> 5718466e0636150e9aca329ad638bf22e4e21cfa
if string.find(GetLocale(), "en") then return skillName end
-- crafting skills
@@ -289,7 +262,6 @@ function BrokerGarbage:FormatString(text)
-- returns a red-to-green color depending on the given percentage
-<<<<<<< HEAD
function BrokerGarbage:Colorize(min, max)
local color
if not min then
@@ -306,20 +278,6 @@ function BrokerGarbage:Colorize(min, max)
color = string.format("|cff%02x%02x%02x", color[1], color[2], color[3])
-function BrokerGarbage:Colorize(top, bottom)
- if not bottom and (top >= 1 or top < 0) then return "" end
- local percentage = top/(bottom ~= 0 and bottom or 1)
- local color
- if percentage <= 0.5 then
- color = {255, percentage*510, 0}
- else
- color = {510 - percentage*510, 255, 0}
- end
- color = string.format("|cff%02x%02x%02x", color[1], color[2], color[3])
->>>>>>> 5718466e0636150e9aca329ad638bf22e4e21cfa
return color
@@ -339,20 +297,6 @@ function BrokerGarbage:ResetMoney(which, global)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-function BrokerGarbage:ResetList(which)
- if which == "exclude" then
- BG_GlobalDB.exclude = {}
- elseif which == "include" then
- BG_GlobalDB.include = {}
- elseif which == "autosell" then
- -- TODO: add to options
- BG_GlobalDB.autoSellList = {}
- end
->>>>>>> 5718466e0636150e9aca329ad638bf22e4e21cfa
-- resets statistics. global = true -> global, otherwise local
function BrokerGarbage:ResetAll(global)
if global then
@@ -366,10 +310,7 @@ function BrokerGarbage:ResetAll(global)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-- CATACLYSM compatibility:begin [remove] --
->>>>>>> 5718466e0636150e9aca329ad638bf22e4e21cfa
-- returns the skill rank of a given tradeskill, or nil
function BrokerGarbage:GetTradeSkill(skillName)
for i=1, GetNumSkillLines() do
@@ -381,10 +322,6 @@ function BrokerGarbage:GetTradeSkill(skillName)
return nil
-<<<<<<< HEAD
->>>>>>> 5718466e0636150e9aca329ad638bf22e4e21cfa
-- returns all tradeskills found
function BrokerGarbage:CheckSkills()
local result = {}
@@ -401,11 +338,7 @@ function BrokerGarbage:CheckSkills()
if result == {} then return nil else return result end
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-- CATACLYSM compatibility:end --
->>>>>>> 5718466e0636150e9aca329ad638bf22e4e21cfa
local scanTooltip = CreateFrame('GameTooltip', 'BGItemScanTooltip', UIParent, 'GameTooltipTemplate')
-- misc: either "true" to check only for the current character, or a table {container, slot} for reference
@@ -420,7 +353,6 @@ function BrokerGarbage:CanDisenchant(itemLink, misc)
-- can we DE ourself?
-- name, icon, rank, maxrank, numspells, spelloffset, skillline = GetProfessionInfo(index)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
if IsUsableSpell(BrokerGarbage.enchanting) then
local name, _, rank, maxRank
-- CATACLYSM compatibility:begin --
@@ -434,15 +366,6 @@ function BrokerGarbage:CanDisenchant(itemLink, misc)
rank = BrokerGarbage:GetTradeSkill(BrokerGarbage.enchanting) or 0
-- CATACLYSM compatibility:end --
- if IsUsableSpell(BrokerGarbage.enchanting) then
- local prof1, prof2 = GetProfessions()
- local name, _, rank, maxRank = GetProfessionInfo(prof1)
- if name ~= BrokerGarbage.enchanting then
- name, _, rank, maxRank = GetProfessionInfo(prof2)
- end
->>>>>>> 5718466e0636150e9aca329ad638bf22e4e21cfa
local requiredSkill = 0
if level <= 20 then
@@ -457,11 +380,7 @@ function BrokerGarbage:CanDisenchant(itemLink, misc)
requiredSkill = 300
elseif level <= 200 and quality <= 3 then -- WotLK starts here
requiredSkill = 325
-<<<<<<< HEAD
else -- TODO: get cataclysm values
- else
->>>>>>> 5718466e0636150e9aca329ad638bf22e4e21cfa
requiredSkill = 375
@@ -683,14 +602,9 @@ function BrokerGarbage:GetBagSlots()
-- formats money int values, depending on settings
-<<<<<<< HEAD
function BrokerGarbage:FormatMoney(amount, displayMode)
if not amount then return "" end
displayMode = displayMode or BG_GlobalDB.showMoney
-function BrokerGarbage:FormatMoney(amount)
- if not amount then return "" end
->>>>>>> 5718466e0636150e9aca329ad638bf22e4e21cfa
local signum
if amount < 0 then
@@ -704,7 +618,6 @@ function BrokerGarbage:FormatMoney(amount)
local silver = math.fmod(floor(amount / 100), 100)
local copper = math.fmod(floor(amount), 100)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
if displayMode == 0 then
return format(signum.."%i.%i.%i", gold, silver,copper)
@@ -713,16 +626,6 @@ function BrokerGarbage:FormatMoney(amount)
-- copied from Ara Broker Money
elseif displayMode == 2 then
- if BG_GlobalDB.showMoney == 0 then
- return format(signum.."%i.%i.%i", gold, silver,copper)
- elseif BG_GlobalDB.showMoney == 1 then
- return format(signum.."|cffffd700%i|r.|cffc7c7cf%.2i|r.|cffeda55f%.2i|r", gold, silver, copper)
- -- copied from Ara Broker Money
- elseif BG_GlobalDB.showMoney == 2 then
->>>>>>> 5718466e0636150e9aca329ad638bf22e4e21cfa
if amount>9999 then
return format(signum.."|cffeeeeee%i|r|cffffd700g|r |cffeeeeee%.2i|r|cffc7c7cfs|r |cffeeeeee%.2i|r|cffeda55fc|r", floor(amount*.0001), floor(amount*.01)%100, amount%100 )
@@ -734,28 +637,17 @@ function BrokerGarbage:FormatMoney(amount)
-- copied from Haggler
-<<<<<<< HEAD
elseif displayMode == 3 then
gold = gold > 0 and gold .."|TInterface\\MoneyFrame\\UI-GoldIcon:0|t" or ""
silver = silver > 0 and silver.."|TInterface\\MoneyFrame\\UI-SilverIcon:0|t" or ""
copper = copper > 0 and copper.."|TInterface\\MoneyFrame\\UI-CopperIcon:0|t" or ""
- elseif BG_GlobalDB.showMoney == 3 then
- gold = gold > 0 and gold .."|TInterface\\MoneyFrame\\UI-GoldIcon:12:12:4:0|t" or ""
- silver = silver > 0 and silver.."|TInterface\\MoneyFrame\\UI-SilverIcon:12:12:4:0|t" or ""
- copper = copper > 0 and copper.."|TInterface\\MoneyFrame\\UI-CopperIcon:12:12:4:0|t" or ""
->>>>>>> 5718466e0636150e9aca329ad638bf22e4e21cfa
-- add spaces if needed
copper = (silver ~= "" and copper ~= "") and " "..copper or copper
silver = (gold ~= "" and silver ~= "") and " "..silver or silver
return signum..gold..silver..copper
-<<<<<<< HEAD
elseif displayMode == 4 then
- elseif BG_GlobalDB.showMoney == 4 then
->>>>>>> 5718466e0636150e9aca329ad638bf22e4e21cfa
gold = gold > 0 and "|cffeeeeee"..gold .."|r|cffffd700g|r" or ""
silver = silver > 0 and "|cffeeeeee"..silver.."|r|cffc7c7cfs|r" or ""
copper = copper > 0 and "|cffeeeeee"..copper.."|r|cffeda55fc|r" or ""