
Disembedded OrderHallCommander

Alar of Runetotem [02-15-17 - 15:06]
Disembedded OrderHallCommander
diff --git a/.project b/.project
index a928868..c89c49c 100644
--- a/.project
+++ b/.project
@@ -19,15 +19,4 @@
-	<filteredResources>
-		<filter>
-			<id>1485246518169</id>
-			<name></name>
-			<type>26</type>
-			<matcher>
-				<id>org.eclipse.ui.ide.multiFilter</id>
-				<arguments>1.0-name-matches-false-false-OrderHallCommander</arguments>
-			</matcher>
-		</filter>
-	</filteredResources>
diff --git a/OrderHallCommander/OrderHallCommander.lua b/OrderHallCommander/OrderHallCommander.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index eca96e8..0000000
--- a/OrderHallCommander/OrderHallCommander.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
-local __FILE__=tostring(debugstack(1,2,0):match("(.*):1:")) -- Always check line number in regexp and file, must be 1
-local function pp(...) print(GetTime(),"|cff009900",__FILE__:sub(-15),strjoin(",",tostringall(...)),"|r") end
---*TYPE addon
---*CONFIG noswitch=false,profile=true,enhancedProfile=true
---*MIXINS "AceHook-3.0","AceEvent-3.0","AceTimer-3.0"
---*MINOR 35
--- Generated on 20/01/2017 08:15:04
-local me,ns=...
-local LibInit,minor=LibStub("LibInit",true)
-assert(LibInit,me .. ": Missing LibInit, please reinstall")
-assert(minor>=35,me ..': Need at least Libinit version 35')
-local addon=LibInit:NewAddon(ns,me,{noswitch=false,profile=true,enhancedProfile=true},"AceHook-3.0","AceEvent-3.0","AceTimer-3.0") --#Addon
--- Template
-local G=C_Garrison
-local _
-local AceGUI=LibStub("AceGUI-3.0")
-local C=addon:GetColorTable()
-local L=addon:GetLocale()
-local new=addon.NewTable
-local del=addon.DelTable
-local kpairs=addon:GetKpairs()
---local empty=addon:GetEmpty()
-local OHF=OrderHallMissionFrame
-local OHFMissionTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab --Container for mission list and single mission
-local OHFMissions=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionList -- same as OrderHallMissionFrameMissions Call Update on this to refresh Mission Listing
-local OHFFollowerTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab -- Contains model view
-local OHFFollowerList=OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerList -- Contains follower list (visible in both follower and mission mode)
-local OHFFollowers=OrderHallMissionFrameFollowers -- Contains scroll list
-local OHFMissionPage=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage -- Contains mission description and party setup
-local OHFMapTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.MapTab -- Contains quest map
-local followerType=LE_FOLLOWER_TYPE_GARRISON_7_0
-local garrisonType=LE_GARRISON_TYPE_7_0
-local FAKE_FOLLOWERID="0x0000000000000000"
-local MAXLEVEL=110
-local dprint=print
-local ddump
--- Addon Build, we need to create globals the easy way
-local function encapsulate()
-if LibDebug then LibDebug() dprint=print end
-local pcall=pcall
-local function parse(default,rc,...)
-	if rc then return default else return ... end
-	__index=function(table,key)
-		rawset(table,key,
-			function(default,...)
-				return parse(default,pcall(G[key],...))
-			end
-		)
-		return table[key]
-	end
-dprint=function() end
-ddump=function() end
-local print=function() end
-local MISSING=ITEM_MISSING:format('|cff'..C.Red.c)..'|r'
-local ctr=0
--- Sometimes matchmakimng starts before these are defined, so I put here a sensible default (actually, this values are constans)
-function addon.resolve(frame)
-	local name
-	if type(frame)=="table" and frame.GetName then
-		name=frame:GetName()
-		if not name then
-			local parent=frame:GetParent()
-			if not parent then return "UIParent" end
-			for k,v in pairs(parent) do
-				if v==frame then
-					name=resolve(parent) .. '.'..k
-					return name
-				end
-			end
-		else
-			return name
-		end
-		_G['UNK_'..ctr]=frame
-		return 'UNK_'..ctr
-	end
-	return "unk"
-function addon.colors(c1,c2)
-	return C[c1].r,C[c1].g,C[c1].b,C[c2].r,C[c2].g,C[c2].b
-function addon:ColorFromBias(followerBias)
-		if ( followerBias == -1 ) then
-			--return 1, 0.1, 0.1
-			return C:Red()
-		elseif ( followerBias < 0 ) then
-			--return 1, 0.5, 0.25
-			return C:Orange()
-		else
-			--return 1, 1, 1
-			return C:Green()
-		end
-local colors=addon.colors
-local Mixin=OrderHallCommanderMixin --#Mixin
-local MixinThreats=OrderHallCommanderMixinThreats --#MixinThreats
-local MixinMenu=OrderHallCommanderMixinMenu --#MixinMenu
-local MixinFollowerIcon= OrderHallCommanderMixinFollowerIcon --#MixinFollowerIcon
-function Mixin:CounterTooltip()
-	local tip=self:AnchorTT()
-	tip:AddLine(self.Ability)
-	tip:AddLine(self.Description)
-	tip:Show()
-function Mixin:DebugOnLoad()
-	self:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton")
-function Mixin:Bump(tipo,value)
-	value = value or 1
-	local riga=tipo..'Refresh'
-	self[tipo]=self[tipo]+value
-	self[riga]:SetFormattedText("%s: %d",tipo,self[tipo])
-function Mixin:Set(tipo,value)
-	value = value or 0
-	local riga=tipo..'Refresh'
-	self[tipo]=value
-	self[riga]:SetFormattedText("%s: %d",tipo,self[tipo])
-function Mixin:DragStart()
-	self:StartMoving()
-function Mixin:DragStop()
-	self:StopMovingOrSizing()
-function Mixin:AnchorTT(anchor)
-	anchor=anchor or "ANCHOR_TOPRIGHT"
-	GameTooltip:SetOwner(self,anchor)
-	return GameTooltip
-function Mixin:ShowTT()
-	if not self.tooltip then return end
-	local tip=Mixin.AnchorTT(self)
-	tip:SetText(self.tooltip)
-	tip:Show()
-function Mixin:HideTT()
-	GameTooltip:Hide()
-function Mixin:Dump(data)
-	local	tip=self:AnchorTT("ANCHOR_CURSOR")
-	if type(data)~="table" then
-		data=self
-	end
-	tip:AddLine(data:GetName(),C:Green())
-	self.DumpData(tip,data)
-	tip:Show()
-function Mixin.DumpData(tip,data)
-	for k,v in kpairs(data) do
-		local color="Silver"
-		if type(v)=="number" then color="Cyan"
-		elseif type(v)=="string" then color="Yellow" v=v:sub(1,30)
-		elseif type(v)=="boolean" then v=v and 'True' or 'False' color="White"
-		elseif type(v)=="table" then color="Green" if v.GetObjectType then v=v:GetObjectType() else v=tostring(v) end
-		else v=type(v) color="Blue"
-		end
-		if k=="description" then v =v:sub(1,10) end
-		tip:AddDoubleLine(k,v,colors("Orange",color))
-	end
-local threatPool
-function Mixin:ThreatsOnLoad()
-	if not threatPool then threatPool=CreateFramePool("Frame",UIParent,"OHCThreatsCounters") end
-	self.usedPool={}
-function MixinThreats:AddIconsAndCost(mechanics,biases,cost,color,notEnoughResources)
-	local icons=OHF.abilityCountersForMechanicTypes
-	if not icons then
-		--@debug@
-		print("Empty icons")
-		--@end-debug@
-		return false
-	end
-	for i=1,#self.usedPool do
-		threatPool:Release(self.usedPool[i])
-	end
-	self.mechanics=mechanics
-	wipe(self.usedPool)
-	local previous
-	for index,mechanic in pairs(mechanics) do
-		local th=threatPool:Acquire()
-		tinsert(self.usedPool,th)
-		th.Icon:SetTexture(icons[mechanic.id].icon)
-		th.Name=mechanic.name
-		th.Description=mechanic.description
-		th.Ability=mechanic.ability.name
-		th:SetParent(self)
-		th:SetFrameStrata(self:GetFrameStrata())
-		th:SetFrameLevel(self:GetFrameLevel()+1)
-		if not previous then
-			th:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",0,0)
-			previous=th
-		else
-			th:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",previous,"BOTTOMRIGHT",5,0)
-			previous=th
-		end
-		th.Border:SetVertexColor(addon:ColorFromBias(biases[mechanic] or mechanic.bias))
-		th:Show()
-	end
-	if cost >=0 then
-		self.Cost:Show()
-		self.Cost:SetFormattedText(addon.resourceFormat,cost)
-		self.Cost:SetTextColor(C[color]())
-		self.Cost:ClearAllPoints()
-		self.Cost:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",previous,"BOTTOMRIGHT",5,0)
-		self.HighCost:SetTextColor(C.Orange())
-		self.HighCost:ClearAllPoints()
-		self.HighCost:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",previous,"BOTTOMRIGHT",5,0)
-		if notEnoughResources then
-			self.HighCost:Show()
-		else
-			self.HighCost:Hide()
-		end
-	else
-		self.Cost:Hide()
-		self.HighCost:Hide()
-	end
-	return true
-function MixinFollowerIcon:SetFollower(followerID,checkStatus)
-	local info=addon:GetFollowerData(followerID)
-	if not info or not info.followerID then
-		local rc
-		rc,info=pcall(G.GetFollowerInfo,followerID)
-		if not rc or not info then
-			return self:SetEmpty(LFG_LIST_APP_TIMED_OUT)
-		end
-	end
-	self.followerID=followerID
-	self:SetupPortrait(info)
-	local status=(followerID and checkStatus) and G.GetFollowerStatus(followerID) or nil
-	if status then
-		self:SetILevel(0) --CHAT_FLAG_DND
-		self.Level:SetText(status);
-		self.Portrait:SetDesaturated(true)
-		self:SetQuality(1)
-		self:GetParent():SetNotReady(true)
-	else
-		self.Portrait:SetDesaturated(false)
-		if info.isMaxLevel then
-			self:SetILevel(info.iLevel)
-		else
-			self:SetLevel(info.level)
-		end
-	end
-function MixinFollowerIcon:SetEmpty(message)
-	self.followerID=false
-	self:SetLevel(message or MISSING)
-	self:SetPortraitIcon()
-	self:SetQuality(1)
-	self:GetParent():SetNotReady(true)
-function MixinFollowerIcon:ShowTooltip()
-	if not self.followerID then
-		return self:Dump()
-		return
-	end
-	local link = C_Garrison.GetFollowerLink(self.followerID);
-	if link then
-		local levelXP=G.GetFollowerLevelXP(self.followerID)
-		local xp=G.GetFollowerXP(self.followerID)
-		GarrisonFollowerTooltip:ClearAllPoints()
-		GarrisonFollowerTooltip:SetPoint("BOTTOM", self, "TOP")
-		local _, garrisonFollowerID, quality, level, itemLevel, ability1, ability2, ability3, ability4, trait1, trait2, trait3, trait4, spec1 = strsplit(":", link)
-		GarrisonFollowerTooltip_Show(tonumber(garrisonFollowerID), true, tonumber(quality), tonumber(level), xp,levelXP,  tonumber(itemLevel), tonumber(spec1), tonumber(ability1), tonumber(ability2), tonumber(ability3), tonumber(ability4), tonumber(trait1), tonumber(trait2), tonumber(trait3), tonumber(trait4))
-		if not GarrisonFollowerTooltip.Status then
-			GarrisonFollowerTooltip.Status=GarrisonFollowerTooltip:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontHighlight")
-			GarrisonFollowerTooltip.Status:SetPoint("BOTTOM",0,5)
-		end
-		local status=G.GetFollowerStatus(self.followerID)
-		if status then
-			GarrisonFollowerTooltip.Status:SetText(TOKEN_MARKET_PRICE_NOT_AVAILABLE.. ': ' .. status)
-			GarrisonFollowerTooltip.Status:SetTextColor(C:Orange())
-			GarrisonFollowerTooltip.Status:Show()
-			GarrisonFollowerTooltip:SetHeight(GarrisonFollowerTooltip:GetHeight()+10)
-		else
-			GarrisonFollowerTooltip.Status:Hide()
-		end
-	end
-function MixinFollowerIcon:HideTooltip()
-	GarrisonFollowerTooltip:Hide()
-function Mixin:MembersOnLoad()
-	for i=1,3 do
-		if self.Champions[i] then
-			self.Champions[1]:SetPoint("RIGHT")
-		else
-			self.Champions[i]=CreateFrame("Frame",nil,self,"OHCFollowerIcon")
-			self.Champions[i]:SetPoint("RIGHT",self.Champions[i-1],"LEFT",-15,0)
-		end
-		self.Champions[i]:SetFrameLevel(self:GetFrameLevel()+1)
-		self.Champions[i]:Show()
-		self.Champions[i]:SetEmpty()
-	end
-	self:SetWidth(self.Champions[1]:GetWidth()*3+30)
-	self.NotReady.Text:SetFormattedText(RAID_MEMBER_NOT_READY,STATUS_TEXT_PARTY)
-	self.NotReady.Text:SetTextColor(C.Orange())
-function Mixin:MembersOnShow()
-	self:SetNotReady()
-function Mixin:SetNotReady(show)
-	if show then
-		self.NotReady:Show()
-	else
-		self.NotReady:Hide()
-	end
-function MixinMenu:OnLoad()
-	self.Top:SetAtlas("_StoneFrameTile-Top", true);
-	self.Bottom:SetAtlas("_StoneFrameTile-Bottom", true);
-	self.Left:SetAtlas("!StoneFrameTile-Left", true);
-	self.Right:SetAtlas("!StoneFrameTile-Left", true);
-	self.GarrCorners.TopLeftGarrCorner:SetAtlas("StoneFrameCorner-TopLeft", true);
-	self.GarrCorners.TopRightGarrCorner:SetAtlas("StoneFrameCorner-TopLeft", true);
-	self.GarrCorners.BottomLeftGarrCorner:SetAtlas("StoneFrameCorner-TopLeft", true);
-	self.GarrCorners.BottomRightGarrCorner:SetAtlas("StoneFrameCorner-TopLeft", true);
-	self.CloseButton:SetScript("OnClick",function() MixinMenu.OnClick(self) end)
-if not addon.GetEmpty then -- Will be moved into LibInit
-	print("Used internal GetEmpty")
-	local type=type
-	local function empty(obj)
-		if not obj then return true end -- Simplest case, obj evaluates to false in boolean context
-		local t=type(obj)
-		if t=="number" then
-			return obj==0
-		elseif t=="bool" then
-			return true
-		elseif t=="string" then
-			return obj=='' or obj==tostring(nil)
-		elseif t=="table" then
-			return not next(obj)
-		end
-		return false -- Userdata and threads can never be empty
-	end
-	function addon:GetEmpty()
-		return empty
-	end
diff --git a/OrderHallCommander/OrderHallCommander.toc b/OrderHallCommander/OrderHallCommander.toc
deleted file mode 100644
index c2b9edf..0000000
--- a/OrderHallCommander/OrderHallCommander.toc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-## Interface: 70100
-## Title: OrderHallCommander
-## Notes: Sending all follower to missions with just one click and more
-## Notes-itIT: Invia tutti i seguaci in missione con un click e molto altro
-## Notes-frFR: Vous aide au moment de choisir le droit utilisateur pour la bonne mission
-## Notes-esES: Enviar todos los seguidores en una misión con un clic y más
-## Notes-esMX: Enviar todos los seguidores en una misión con un clic y más
-## Notes-ptBR: Enviar todos os seguidores em uma missão com um clique e mais
-## Notes-koKR: 클릭 등을 통해 임무에 모든 추종자 보내기
-## Notes-deDE: Senden Sie alle Anhänger auf einer Mission mit einem Klick und mehr
-## Notes-ruRU: Отправить всех последователей на миссии со щелчком и более
-## Notes-zhTW: 发送所有的追随者与点击多任务
-## Notes-zhCN: 發送所有的追隨者與點擊多任務
-## Author: Alar of Runetotem
-## Version: 1.0.0 7.1.0
-## X-Revision: GC
-## eMail: alar@aspide.it
-## URL: http://wow.aspide.it
-## OptionalDeps: Ace3,LibInit
-## Dependencies: Blizzard_OrderHallUI
-## DefaultState: Enabled
-## LoadOnDemand: 1
-## LoadWith: Blizzard_OrderHallUI
-## SavedVariables: dbOHC
-## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: dbOHCperChar
-## X-ID: OHC
-## X-Database:dbOHC
-## X-Category: Garrison
-## X-License: GPL v3
-## X-eMail: alar@aspide.it
-## X-Date: 2017-01-21T5:43:38Z
-## X-Embeds: LibInit
-## X-GotWith: GarrisonCommander
diff --git a/OrderHallCommander/OrderHallCommander.xml b/OrderHallCommander/OrderHallCommander.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bbaa08..0000000
--- a/OrderHallCommander/OrderHallCommander.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/
-	<Script file="OrderHallCommander.lua"/>
-	<Button name="OHCMissionButton" inherits="OrderHallMissionListButtonTemplate" virtual="true">
-		<Size x="832" y="75"/>
-		<KeyValues>
-			<KeyValue name="IsCustom" value="true" type="boolean"/>
-		</KeyValues>
-	</Button>
-	<Button name="OHCMiniMissionButton" inherits="GarrisonLandingPageReportMissionTemplate" virtual="true">
-		<Size x="400" y="47"/>
-	</Button>
-	<Frame parentKey="Stats" name="OHCStats" virtual="true" enableMouse="true" mixin="OrderHallCommanderMixin">
-		<Size x="110" y="75"/>
-		<Layers>
-			<Layer level="OVERLAY">
-				<FontString parentKey="Expire" justifyV="TOP" justifyH="CENTER" inherits="GameFontHighlightSmallOutline">
-					<Size x="95" y="30"/>
-					<Anchors>
-						<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" x="5" y="-10"/>
-						<Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" x="5" y="-10"/>
-					</Anchors>
-				</FontString>
-				<FontString parentKey="Chance" justifyV="BOTTOM" justifyH="CENTER" inherits="NumberFontNormalHuge">
-					<Size x="95" y="30"/>
-					<Anchors>
-						<Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" x="5" y="10"/>
-						<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" x="5" y="10"/>
-					</Anchors>
-				</FontString>
-			</Layer>
-		</Layers>
-		<Scripts>
-			<OnEnter method="Dump"/>
-			<OnLeave method="HideTT"/>
-		</Scripts>
-	</Frame>
-	<Frame name="OHCThreatsCounters" virtual="true" mixin="OrderHallCommanderMixin" enableMouse="true" inherits="GarrisonAbilityCounterTemplate">
-		<Scripts>
-			<OnEnter method="CounterTooltip"/>
-			<OnLeave method="HideTT"/>
-		</Scripts>
-	</Frame>
-	<Frame parentKey="Threats" name="OHCThreats" virtual="true" mixin="OrderHallCommanderMixin,OrderHallCommanderMixinThreats" enableMouse="true">
- 		<Size x="128" y="24"/>
-		<Layers>
-			<Layer level="OVERLAY">
-				<FontString parentKey="Cost" justifyV="TOP" justifyH="LEFT" inherits="GameFontHighlightSmallOutline">
-					<Size x="250" y="20"/>
-				</FontString>
-				<FontString parentKey="HighCost" text="GARRISON_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIALS_TOOLTIP" justifyV="BOTTOM" justifyH="LEFT" inherits="GameFontHighlightSmallOutline">
-					<Size x="350" y="20"/>
-				</FontString>
-			</Layer>
-		</Layers>
-		<Scripts>
-			<OnLoad method="ThreatsOnLoad"/>
-			<OnEnter>
-				self:Dump(self:GetParent())
-			</OnEnter>
-			<OnLeave method="HideTT"/>
-		</Scripts>
-	</Frame>
-	<Frame name="OHCMembers" mixin="OrderHallCommanderMixin" virtual="true" enableMouse="false">
-		<Size x="1" y="70"/>
-		<Frames>
-			<Frame parentKey="NotReady" strata="HIGH">
-				<Anchors>
-					<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" x="-5" y="0"/>
-					<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" x="5" y="0"/>
-				</Anchors>
-				<Layers>
-					<Layer level="OVERLAY">
-						<FontString parentKey="Text" justifyV="TOP" justifyH="CENTER" inherits="GameFontNormalOutline" text="GARRISON_PARTY_NOT_ENOUGH_CHAMPIONS">
-							<Anchors>
-								<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" x="5" y="0"/>
-								<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" x="-5" y="0"/>
-							</Anchors>
-						</FontString>
-					</Layer>
-				</Layers>
-			</Frame>
-			<Frame parentArray="Champions" inherits="OHCFollowerIcon" />
-		</Frames>
-		<Scripts>
-			<OnLoad method="MembersOnLoad"/>
-			<OnLeave method="HideTT"/>
-			<OnShow methot="MembersOnShow"/>
-		</Scripts>
-	</Frame>
-	<Frame name="OHCFollowerIcon" mixin="OrderHallCommanderMixin,OrderHallCommanderMixinFollowerIcon" enableMouse="true" inherits="GarrisonFollowerPortraitTemplate" virtual="true" >
-		<Size x="52" y="60"/>
-		<Scripts>
-			<OnEnter method="ShowTooltip"/>
-			<OnLeave method="HideTooltip"/>
-		</Scripts>
-	</Frame>
-	<Frame name="OHCFollowerPortrait" enableMouse="true" inherits="GarrisonMissionPageFollowerTemplate" virtual="true" >
-		<Size x="161" y="58"/>
-	</Frame>
-	<Button name="OHCFollowerButton" inherits="GarrisonFollowerButtonTemplate" virtual="true">
-		<Size x="260" y="56"/>
-	</Button>
-	<Button name="OHCUpgradeButton" enableMouse="true" virtual="true" inherits="GarrisonMissionListButtonRewardTemplate">
-		<Size x="32" y="32"/>
-	</Button>
-	<Button name="OHCPin" virtual="true" enableMouse="true" hidden="true">
-		<Size x="64" y="64" />
-		<Anchors>
-			<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="OrderHallMissionFrame" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" x="-15" y="13"/>
-		</Anchors>
-		<NormalTexture file="Interface\CHATFRAME\UI-ChatIcon-ScrollUp-Up">
-			<Size x="66" y="66" />
-		</NormalTexture>
-		<HighlightTexture file="Interface\CHATFRAME/UI-ChatIcon-BlinkHilight" alphaMode="ADD">
-			<Size x="60" y="60" />
-		</HighlightTexture>
-		<Scripts>
-			<OnLeave>
-				GameTooltip:Hide()
-			</OnLeave>
-			<OnEnter>
-				GameTooltip:SetOwner(self,"ANCHOR_TOPRIGHE")
-				if not self.tooltip then return end
-				GameTooltip:SetText(self.tooltip)
-				GameTooltip:Show()
-			</OnEnter>
-		</Scripts>
-	</Button>
-	<Frame name="OHCMenu" mixin="OrderHallCommanderMixin,OrderHallCommanderMixinMenu" inherits="GarrisonUITemplate" virtual="true">
-		<Size x="220" y="30"/>
-		<KeyValues>
-			<KeyValue key="PinOpen" value="true" type="boolean"/>
-			<KeyValue key="DefaultWidth" value="220" type="number"/>
-		</KeyValues>
-		<Anchors>
-			<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeKey="$parent" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" x="0" y="0"/>
-			<Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativeKey="$parent" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" x="0" y="0"/>
-		</Anchors>
-		<Layers>
-			<Layer level="OVERLAY">
-				<FontString parentKey="Title" justifyV="TOP" justifyH="CENTER" inherits="GameFontHighlightSmallOutline" text="OrderHallCommander">
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-			<OnLoad method="OnLoad"/>
-			<OnLeave>GameTooltip:Hide()</OnLeave>
-		</Scripts>
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-		<Size x="100" y="50" />
-		<KeyValues>
-			<KeyValue key="flag" value="" type="string"/>
-			<KeyValue key="tipo" value="" type="string"/>
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-		<Layers>
-			<Layer level="ARTWORK">
-				<Texture parentKey="Icon" file="Interface\ACHIEVEMENTFRAME\UI-ACHIEVEMENT-SHIELDS-NOPOINTS">
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-				<FontString parentKey="Name" text="Example" justifyV="CENTER" justifyH="LEFT" inherits="GameFontHighlightSmallOutline">
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-						<Anchor point="LEFT" x="40" y="10"/>
-						<Anchor point="RIGHT" x="40" y="10"/>
-					</Anchors>
-				</FontString>
-			</Layer>
-		</Layers>
-	</CheckButton>
-	<Frame parentKey="Spinner" name="OHCSpinner" virtual="true" inherits="LoadingSpinnerTemplate">
-		<Scripts>
-			<OnLoad>
-				self.Start=function(self) self:Show() self.Anim:Play() end
-				self.Stop=function(self) self.Anim:Stop() self:Hide() end
-			</OnLoad>
-		</Scripts>
-	</Frame>
-	<Frame name="OHCAlertFrameTemplate" inherits="GarrisonStandardFollowerAlertFrameTemplate" virtual="true"/>
-	<Frame name="OHCDebug" mixin="OrderHallCommanderMixin" visible="true" enableMouse="true" movable="true">
-		<Size x="240" y="160"/>
-		<KeyValues>
-			<KeyValue key="Missions" value="0" type="number"/>
-			<KeyValue key="Followers" value="0" type="number"/>
-			<KeyValue key="Coroutines" value="0" type="number"/>
-			<KeyValue key="Parties" value="0" type="number"/>
-			<KeyValue key="NumParties" value="0" type="number"/>
-		</KeyValues>
-		<Anchors>
-			<Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" x="0" y="20"/>
-		</Anchors>
-		<Backdrop bgFile="Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Background" edgeFile="Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Border" tile="true">
-			<BackgroundInsets>
-				<AbsInset left="11" right="12" top="12" bottom="11"/>
-			</BackgroundInsets>
-			<TileSize>
-				<AbsValue val="32"/>
-			</TileSize>
-			<EdgeSize>
-				<AbsValue val="32"/>
-			</EdgeSize>
-		</Backdrop>
-		<Layers>
-			<Layer level="ARTWORK">
-				<Texture name="$parentGameMenuFrameHeader" file="Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Header">
-					<Size x="256" y="64"/>
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-						<Anchor point="TOP" x="0" y="12"/>
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-				<FontString inherits="GameFontNormal" text="OHC Debug">
-					<Anchors>
-						<Anchor point="TOP" relativeTo="$parentGameMenuFrameHeader" x="0" y="-14"/>
-					</Anchors>
-				</FontString>
-			</Layer>
-			<Layer level="OVERLAY">
-				<FontString parentKey="MissionsRefresh" text="Missions" justifyV="CENTER" justifyH="LEFT" inherits="GameFontHighlightSmallOutline">
-					<Size x="95" y="30"/>
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-						<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" x="10" y="-20"/>
-						<Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" x="-10" y="-20"/>
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-				</FontString>
-				<FontString parentKey="FollowersRefresh" text="Followers" justifyV="CENTER" justifyH="LEFT" inherits="GameFontHighlightSmallOutline">
-					<Size x="95" y="30"/>
-					<Anchors>
-						<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" x="10" y="-40"/>
-						<Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" x="-10" y="-40"/>
-					</Anchors>
-				</FontString>
-				<FontString parentKey="CoroutinesRefresh" text="Coroutines" justifyV="CENTER" justifyH="LEFT" inherits="GameFontHighlightSmallOutline">
-					<Size x="95" y="30"/>
-					<Anchors>
-						<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" x="10" y="-60"/>
-						<Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" x="-10" y="-60"/>
-					</Anchors>
-				</FontString>
-				<FontString parentKey="PartiesRefresh" text="Parties" justifyV="CENTER" justifyH="LEFT" inherits="GameFontHighlightSmallOutline">
-					<Size x="95" y="30"/>
-					<Anchors>
-						<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" x="10" y="-80"/>
-						<Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" x="-10" y="-80"/>
-					</Anchors>
-				</FontString>
-				<FontString parentKey="NumPartiesRefresh" text="Num Parties" justifyV="CENTER" justifyH="LEFT" inherits="GameFontHighlightSmallOutline">
-					<Size x="95" y="30"/>
-					<Anchors>
-						<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" x="10" y="-100"/>
-						<Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" x="-10" y="-100"/>
-					</Anchors>
-				</FontString>
-				<FontString parentKey="CacheRefresh" text="Cache Refresh" justifyV="CENTER" justifyH="LEFT" inherits="GameFontHighlightSmallOutline">
-					<Size x="95" y="30"/>
-					<Anchors>
-						<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" x="10" y="-120"/>
-						<Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" x="-10" y="-120"/>
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-		</Layers>
-		<Scripts>
-			<OnLoad method="DebugOnLoad"/>
-			<OnDragStart method="DragStart"/>
-			<OnDragStop method="DragStop"/>
-		</Scripts>
-	</Frame>
-	<!--
-	GarrisonFollowerXPGainTemplate
-	GarrisonFollowerXPBarTemplate
-	GarrisonFollowerLevelUpTemplate
-	-->
diff --git a/OrderHallCommander/RelNotes.lua b/OrderHallCommander/RelNotes.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 297d31c..0000000
--- a/OrderHallCommander/RelNotes.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-local me,ns=...
-local hlp=LibStub("LibInit"):GetAddon(me)
-local L=hlp:GetLocale()
-function hlp:loadHelp()
-= OrderHallCommander helps you when choosing the right follower for the right mission =
-== General enhancements ==
-* Mission panel is movable (position not saved, it's jus to see things, panel is so huge...)
-* Success chance extimation shown in mission list (optionally considering only available followers)
-* Proposed party buttons and mission autofill
-* "What if" switches to change party composition based on criteria
-== Silent mode ==
-typing /ohc silent in chat will eliminate every chat message from GarrisonCommander
-Fix: lua errors in matchmaker.lua
-Fix: sometimes cache was not refresh after completing missions,leaving al missions unpopulated
-Fix: Checks we actually cached a follower before removing it from cache
-Fix: one follower missions where not supported
-Fix: Countered spells are now always marked
-Feature: new options for party selection
-Feature: First release
diff --git a/OrderHallCommander/autocomplete.lua b/OrderHallCommander/autocomplete.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 89b4dc7..0000000
--- a/OrderHallCommander/autocomplete.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,537 +0,0 @@
-local __FILE__=tostring(debugstack(1,2,0):match("(.*):1:")) -- Always check line number in regexp and file, must be 1
-local function pp(...) print(GetTime(),"|cff009900",__FILE__:sub(-15),strjoin(",",tostringall(...)),"|r") end
---*TYPE module
---*CONFIG noswitch=false,profile=true,enhancedProfile=true
---*MIXINS "AceHook-3.0","AceEvent-3.0","AceTimer-3.0"
---*MINOR 35
--- Generated on 20/01/2017 08:15:04
-local me,ns=...
-local addon=ns --#Addon (to keep eclipse happy)
-local module=addon:NewSubModule('Autocomplete',"AceHook-3.0","AceEvent-3.0","AceTimer-3.0")  --#Module
-function addon:GetAutocompleteModule() return module end
--- Template
-local G=C_Garrison
-local _
-local AceGUI=LibStub("AceGUI-3.0")
-local C=addon:GetColorTable()
-local L=addon:GetLocale()
-local new=addon.NewTable
-local del=addon.DelTable
-local kpairs=addon:GetKpairs()
-local empty=addon:GetEmpty()
-local OHF=OrderHallMissionFrame
-local OHFMissionTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab --Container for mission list and single mission
-local OHFMissions=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionList -- same as OrderHallMissionFrameMissions Call Update on this to refresh Mission Listing
-local OHFFollowerTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab -- Contains model view
-local OHFFollowerList=OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerList -- Contains follower list (visible in both follower and mission mode)
-local OHFFollowers=OrderHallMissionFrameFollowers -- Contains scroll list
-local OHFMissionPage=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage -- Contains mission description and party setup
-local OHFMapTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.MapTab -- Contains quest map
-local followerType=LE_FOLLOWER_TYPE_GARRISON_7_0
-local garrisonType=LE_GARRISON_TYPE_7_0
-local FAKE_FOLLOWERID="0x0000000000000000"
-local MAXLEVEL=110
-local ShowTT=OrderHallCommanderMixin.ShowTT
-local HideTT=OrderHallCommanderMixin.HideTT
-local dprint=print
-local ddump
-if LibDebug then LibDebug() dprint=print end
-local safeG=addon.safeG
-dprint=function() end
-ddump=function() end
-local print=function() end
-local CompleteButton=OHFMissions.CompleteDialog.BorderFrame.ViewButton
-local followerType=LE_FOLLOWER_TYPE_GARRISON_7_0
-local pairs=pairs
-local format=format
-local strsplit=strsplit
-local mebefore={level=0,xp=0,xpMax=0}
-local meafter={level=0,xp=0,xpMax=0}
-function module:OnInitialized()
-	local ref=OHFMissions.CompleteDialog.BorderFrame.ViewButton
-	local bt = CreateFrame('BUTTON',nil, ref, 'UIPanelButtonTemplate')
-	bt:SetText(L["HallComander Quick Mission Completion"])
-	bt:SetWidth(bt:GetTextWidth()+10)
-	bt:SetPoint("CENTER",0,-50)
-	addon:ActivateButton(bt,"MissionComplete",L["Complete all missions without confirmation"])
-function module:GenerateMissionCompleteList(title,anchor)
-	local w=AceGUI:Create("OHCMissionsList")
-	title=format("%s %s %s",title,w.frame:GetName(),GetTime()*1000)
-	w:SetTitle(title)
-	w:SetCallback("OnClose",function(widget) return module:MissionsCleanup() end)
-	--report:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",GMFMissions.CompleteDialog.BorderFrame)
-	--report:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",GMFMissions.CompleteDialog.BorderFrame)
-	w:ClearAllPoints()
-	w:SetPoint("TOP",anchor)
-	w:SetPoint("BOTTOM",anchor)
-	w:SetWidth(700)
-	w:SetParent(anchor)
-	w.frame:SetFrameStrata("HIGH")
-	return w
-function addon:ShowRewards()
-	return module:GenerateMissionCompleteList("Test",UIParent)
-local cappedCurrencies={
-local missions={}
-local states={}
-local rewards={
-	items={},
-	followerQLevel=setmetatable({},{__index=function() return 0 end}),
-	followerXP=setmetatable({},{__index=function() return 0 end}),
-	followerPortrait={},
-	followerName={},
-	currencies=setmetatable({},{__index=function(t,k) rawset(t,k,{icon="",qt=0}) return t[k] end}),
-	bonuses={}
-local scroller
-local report
-local timer
-local function stopTimer()
-	if (timer) then
-		module:CancelTimer(timer)
-		timer=nil
-	end
-local function startTimer(delay,event,...)
-	delay=delay or 0.2
-	event=event or "LOOP"
-	stopTimer()
-	timer=module:ScheduleRepeatingTimer("MissionAutoComplete",delay,event,...)
-	--@debug@
-	print("Timer rearmed for",event,delay)
-	--@end-debug@
-function module:MissionsCleanup()
-	local f=OHF
-	self:Events(false)
-	stopTimer()
-	f.MissionTab.MissionList.CompleteDialog:Hide()
-	f.MissionComplete:Hide()
-	f.MissionCompleteBackground:Hide()
-	f.MissionComplete.currentIndex = nil
-	f.MissionTab:Show()
-	-- Re-enable "view" button
-	CompleteButton:SetEnabled(true)
-	f:UpdateMissions()
-	f:CheckCompleteMissions()
-Eventi correlati al completamento missione
-GARRISON_MISSION_BONUS_ROLL_COMPLETE,missionID,true (standard loot)
-GARRISON_MISSION_BONUS_ROLL_LOOT,139611(itemid) (bonus loot)
-function module:Events(on)
-	if (on) then
-		self:RegisterEvent("GARRISON_MISSION_BONUS_ROLL_LOOT","MissionAutoComplete")
-		self:RegisterEvent("GARRISON_MISSION_BONUS_ROLL_COMPLETE","MissionAutoComplete")
-		self:RegisterEvent("GARRISON_MISSION_COMPLETE_RESPONSE","MissionAutoComplete")
-		self:RegisterEvent("GARRISON_FOLLOWER_XP_CHANGED","MissionAutoComplete")
-		self:RegisterEvent("GARRISON_FOLLOWER_REMOVED","MissionAutoComplete")
-		self:RegisterEvent("GARRISON_FOLLOWER_DURABILITY_CHANGED","MissionAutoComplete")
-	else
-		self:UnregisterAllEvents()
-	end
-function module:CloseReport()
-	addon:ResetParties()
-	addon:ScheduleTimer("HardRefreshMissions",0.1)
-	if report then pcall(report.Close,report) report=nil end
-	print(pcall(OHF.CloseMissionComplete(OHF)))
-local function fillMyStatus(tab)
-	tab.level,tab.xp,tab.xpMax=UnitLevel("player") or 0,UnitXP('player') or 0,UnitXPMax('player') or 0
-local function printMyStatus(tab)
-	pp(tab.level,tab.xp,tab.xpMax)
-function module:MissionComplete(this,button,skiprescheck)
-	missions=G.GetCompleteMissions(followerType)
-	fillMyStatus(mebefore)
-	addon:PushEvent("Starting autocomplete")
-	if (missions and #missions > 0) then
-		this:SetEnabled(false)
-		OHFMissions.CompleteDialog.BorderFrame.ViewButton:SetEnabled(false) -- Disabling standard Blizzard Completion
-		for k,v in pairs(rewards) do
-			if type(v)=="table" then
-				wipe(rewards[k])
-			end
-		end
-		local message=C("WARNING",'red')
-		local wasted={}
-		for i=1,#missions do
-			for _,v in pairs(missions[i].followers) do
-				rewards.followerQLevel[v]=addon:GetFollowerData(v,'qLevel',0)
-				rewards.followerPortrait[v]=addon:GetFollowerData(v,'portraitIconID')
-				rewards.followerName[v]=G.GetFollowerLink(v)
-			end
-			for k,v in pairs(missions[i].rewards) do
-				if v.itemID then GetItemInfo(v.itemID) end -- tickling server
-				if v.currencyID and tContains(cappedCurrencies,v.currencyID) then
-					wasted[v.currencyID]=(wasted[v.currencyID] or 0) + v.quantity
-				end
-			end
-	      for k,v in pairs(missions[i].overmaxRewards) do
-	        if v.itemID then GetItemInfo(v.itemID) end -- tickling server
-	        if v.currencyID and tContains(cappedCurrencies,v.currencyID) then
-	          wasted[v.currencyID]=(wasted[v.currencyID] or 0) + v.quantity
-	        end
-	      end
-			local m=missions[i]
---totalTimeString, totalTimeSeconds, isMissionTimeImproved, successChance, partyBuffs, isEnvMechanicCountered, xpBonus, materialMultiplier, goldMultiplier = C_Garrison.GetPartyMissionInfo(MISSION_PAGE_FRAME.missionInfo.missionID);
-			_,_,m.isMissionTimeImproved,m.successChance,_,_,m.xpBonus,m.resourceMultiplier,m.goldMultiplier=G.GetPartyMissionInfo(m.missionID)
-			addon:GetCacheModule():SetMissionStatus(m.missionID,'completed')
-		end
-		local stop
-		for id,qt in pairs(wasted) do
-			local name,current,_,_,_,cap=GetCurrencyInfo(id)
-			--@debug@
-			print(name,current,qt,cap)
-			--@end-debug@
-			current=current+qt
-			if current+qt > cap then
-				message=message.."\n"..format(L["Capped %1$s. Spend at least %2$d of them"],name,current+qt-cap)
-				stop =true
-			end
-		end
-		if stop and not skiprescheck then
-			self:Popup(message.."\n" ..format(L["If you %s, you will lose them\nClick on %s to abort"],ACCEPT,CANCEL),0,
-				function()
-					StaticPopup_Hide("LIBINIT_POPUP")
-					module:MissionComplete(this,button,true)
-				end,
-				function()
-					StaticPopup_Hide("LIBINIT_POPUP")
-					this:SetEnabled(true)
-					CompleteButton:SetEnabled(true)
-					OHF:Hide()
-					addon.quick=false
-				end
-			)
-			return
-		end
-		report=self:GenerateMissionCompleteList("Missions' results",OHF)
-		report:SetUserData('missions',missions)
-		report:SetUserData('current',1)
-		self:Events(true)
-		self:MissionAutoComplete("INIT")
-		this:SetEnabled(true)
-	end
-function module:GetMission(missionID)
-	if not report then
-		return
-	end
-	local missions=report:GetUserData('missions')
-	if missions then
-		for i=1,#missions do
-			if missions[i].missionID==missionID then
-				return missions[i]
-			end
-		end
-	end
-GARRISON_FOLLOWER_DURABILITY_CHANGED,followerType,followerID,number(Durability left?)
-GARRISON_FOLLOWER_XP_CHANGED,followerType,followerID,gainedxp,oldxp,oldlevel,oldquality (gained is 0 for maxed)
-If succeeded then
-GARRISON_FOLLOWER_XP_CHANGED,followerType,followerID,gainedxp,oldxp,oldlevel,oldquality (gained is 0 for maxed)
-If troops lost:
-function module:MissionAutoComplete(event,...)
--- C_Garrison.MarkMissionComplete Mark mission as complete and prepare it for bonus roll, da chiamare solo in caso di successo
--- C_Garrison.MissionBonusRoll
-	if event=="LOOT" then
-		return self:MissionsPrintResults()
-	end
-	local current=report:GetUserData('current')
-	local currentMission=report:GetUserData('missions')[current]
-	local missionID=currentMission and currentMission.missionID or 0
-	print("evt",missionID,event,...)
-	-- GARRISON_FOLLOWER_XP_CHANGED: followerType,followerID, xpGained, oldXp, oldLevel, oldQuality
-		local followerType,followerID, xpGained, oldXp, oldLevel, oldQuality=...
-		xpGained=addon:tonumber(xpGained,0)
-		if xpGained>0 then
-			rewards.followerXP[followerID]=rewards.followerXP[followerID]+xpGained
-		end
-		return
-	elseif (event=="GARRISON_MISSION_BONUS_ROLL_LOOT") then
-		local itemID=...
-		local key=format("%d:%s",missionID,itemID)
-		--if not rewards.items[key] then
-			--rewards.bonuses[key]=1
-		--end
-		startTimer(0.1)
-		return
-	-- GARRISON_FOLLOWER_DURABILITY_CHANGED,followerType,followerID,number(Durability left?)
-		local followerType,followerID,durabilityLeft=...
-		durabilityLeft=addon:tonumber(durabilityLeft)
-		if durabilityLeft<1 then
-			rewards.followerXP[followerID]=-1
-		end
-	elseif (event=="GARRISON_FOLLOWER_REMOVED") then
-		-- gestire la distruzione di un follower... senza il follower
-		-- Should be managed on GARRISON_FOLLOWER_DURABILITY_CHANGED event
-	-- GARRISON_MISSION_COMPLETE_RESPONSE,missionID,canComplete,success,unknown_bool,unknown_table
-		local missionID,canComplete,success,overMaxSucceeded,follower_deaths=...
-		if currentMission.completed or select('#',...) == 1 then
-			canComplete=true
-			success=true
-		else
-			currentMission.overSuccess=overMaxSucceeded
-		end
-		if (not canComplete) then
-			-- We need to call server again
-			currentMission.state=0
-		elseif (success) then -- success, we need to roll
-			currentMission.state=1
-		else -- failure, just print results
-			currentMission.state=2
-		end
-		startTimer(0.1)
-		return
-	-- GARRISON_MISSION_BONUS_ROLL_COMPLETE: missionID, requestCompleted; happens after calling C_Garrison.MissionBonusRoll
-		currentMission.state=currentMission.overSuccess and 4 or 3
-		startTimer(0.2)
-		return
-	else -- event == LOOP or INIT
-		if (currentMission) then
-			local step=currentMission.state or -1
-			if (step<1) then
-				step=0
-				currentMission.state=0
-				currentMission.goldMultiplier=currentMission.goldMultiplier or 1
-				currentMission.xp=select(2,G.GetMissionInfo(currentMission.missionID))
-				report:AddMissionButton(currentMission,currentMission.followers,currentMission.successChance,"report")
-			end
-			if (step==0) then
-				print("Fired MarkMissionCompleter",currentMission.missionID)
-				addon:PushEvent("MarkMissionComplete",currentMission.missionID)
-				G.MarkMissionComplete(currentMission.missionID)
-				startTimer(2)
-			elseif (step==1) then
-				print("Fired MissionBonusRoll",currentMission.missionID)
-				addon:PushEvent("MissionBonusRoll",currentMission.missionID)
-				G.MissionBonusRoll(currentMission.missionID)
-				startTimer(2)
-			elseif (step>=2) then
-				print("Advanced to next mission  last:",currentMission.missionID,step)
-				addon:PushEvent("Next mission last:",currentMission.missionID)
-				self:GetMissionResults(step,currentMission)
-				--addon:RefreshFollowerStatus()
-				--shipyard:RefreshFollowerStatus()
-				local current=report:GetUserData('current')
-				report:SetUserData('current',current+1)
-				startTimer()
-				return
-			end
-			currentMission.state=step
-		else
-			addon:PushEvent("Building final report")
-			report:AddButton(L["Building Final report"])
-			startTimer(1,"LOOT")
-		end
-	end
-function module:GetMissionResults(finalStatus,currentMission)
-	stopTimer()
---	PlaySound("UI_Garrison_CommandTable_MissionSuccess_Stinger");
---	PlaySound("UI_Garrison_Mission_Complete_MissionFail_Stinger");
-	if (finalStatus>=3) then
-		report:AddMissionResult(currentMission.missionID,finalStatus)
-		PlaySound("UI_Garrison_CommandTable_MissionSuccess_Stinger")
-	else
-		report:AddMissionResult(currentMission.missionID,false)
-		PlaySound("UI_Garrison_Mission_Complete_MissionFail_Stinger")
-	end
-	local resourceMultiplier=currentMission.resourceMultiplier or {}
-	local goldMultiplier=currentMission.goldMultiplier or 1
-	if finalStatus>2 then
-		for k,v in pairs(currentMission.rewards) do
-			v.quantity=v.quantity or 0
-			if v.currencyID then
-				rewards.currencies[v.currencyID].icon=v.icon
-				local multi=resourceMultiplier[v.currencyID]
-				if v.currencyID == 0 then
-					rewards.currencies[v.currencyID].qt=rewards.currencies[v.currencyID].qt+v.quantity * goldMultiplier
-				elseif resourceMultiplier[v.currencyID] then
-					rewards.currencies[v.currencyID].qt=rewards.currencies[v.currencyID].qt+v.quantity * multi
-				else
-					rewards.currencies[v.currencyID].qt=rewards.currencies[v.currencyID].qt+v.quantity
-				end
-			elseif v.itemID then
-				rewards.items[format("%d:%s",currentMission.missionID,v.itemID)]=1
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	if finalStatus>3 then
-		for k,v in pairs(currentMission.overmaxRewards) do
-			v.quantity=v.quantity or 0
-			if v.currencyID then
-				rewards.currencies[v.currencyID].icon=v.icon
-				local multi=resourceMultiplier[v.currencyID]
-				if v.currencyID == 0 then
-					rewards.currencies[v.currencyID].qt=rewards.currencies[v.currencyID].qt+v.quantity * goldMultiplier
-				elseif resourceMultiplier[v.currencyID] then
-					rewards.currencies[v.currencyID].qt=rewards.currencies[v.currencyID].qt+v.quantity * multi
-				else
-					rewards.currencies[v.currencyID].qt=rewards.currencies[v.currencyID].qt+v.quantity
-				end
-			elseif v.itemID then
-				rewards.bonuses[format("%d:%s",currentMission.missionID,v.itemID)]=1
-			end
-		end
-	end
-function module:MissionsPrintResults(success)
-	stopTimer()
-	local reported
-	local followers
-	--@debug@
-	_G["testrewards"]=rewards
-	--@end-debug@
-	for k,v in pairs(rewards.currencies) do
-		reported=true
-		if k == 0 then
-			-- Money reward
-			report:AddIconText(v.icon,GetMoneyString(v.qt))
-		else
-			-- Other currency reward
-			report:AddIconText(v.icon,GetCurrencyLink(k),v.qt)
-		end
-	end
-	local items=new()
-	for k,v in pairs(rewards.items) do
-		local missionid,itemid=strsplit(":",k)
-		if (not items[itemid]) then
-			items[itemid]=1
-		else
-			items[itemid]=items[itemid]+1
-		end
-	end
-	for itemid,qt in pairs(items) do
-		reported=true
-		report:AddItem(itemid,qt)
-	end
-	wipe(items)
-	for k,v in pairs(rewards.bonuses) do
-		local missionid,itemid=strsplit(":",k)
-		if (not items[itemid]) then
-			items[itemid]=1
-		else
-			items[itemid]=items[itemid]+1
-		end
-	end
-	for itemid,qt in pairs(items) do
-		reported=true
-		report:AddItem(itemid,qt,true)
-	end
-	del(items)
-	for k,v in pairs(rewards.followerXP) do
-		reported=true
-		followers=true
-		if v~=0 then
-			if v>0 then
-				local b=addon:GetFollowerData(k,'qLevel',0) or 0
-				local c=rewards.followerQLevel[k] or 0
-				report:AddFollower(k,v, b>c,rewards.followerPortrait[k],	rewards.followerName[k])
-			else
-				report:AddFollower(k,v, false,rewards.followerPortrait[k],	rewards.followerName[k])
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	if not reported then
-		report:AddRow(L["Nothing to report"])
-	end
-	if not followers then
-		report:AddRow(L["No follower gained xp"])
-	end
-	if mebefore.level < 110 then
-		fillMyStatus(meafter)
-		--@debug@
-		--printMyStatus(mebefore)
-		--printMyStatus(meafter)
-		--@end-debug@
-		local xpgain=0
-		if meafter.level>mebefore.level then
-			xpgain=mebefore.xpMax-mebefore.xp + meafter.xp
-		else
-			xpgain=meafter.xp-mebefore.xp
-		end
-		if xpgain > 0 then
-			report:AddPlayerXP(xpgain)
-		end
-	end
-	report:AddRow(DONE)
-	if addon.quick then
-		self:ScheduleTimer("CloseReport",0.1)
-		local qm=addon:GetModule("Quick",true)
-		addon.ScheduleTimer(qm,"RunQuick",0.2)
-	end
-function addon:MissionComplete(...)
-	return module:MissionComplete(...)
-function addon:CloseMissionComplete()
-	return module:CloseReport()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/OrderHallCommander/autopilot.lua b/OrderHallCommander/autopilot.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e345ce6..0000000
--- a/OrderHallCommander/autopilot.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-local __FILE__=tostring(debugstack(1,2,0):match("(.*):1:")) -- Always check line number in regexp and file, must be 1
-local function pp(...) print(GetTime(),"|cff009900",__FILE__:sub(-15),strjoin(",",tostringall(...)),"|r") end
---*TYPE module
---*CONFIG noswitch=false,profile=true,enhancedProfile=true
---*MIXINS "AceHook-3.0","AceEvent-3.0","AceTimer-3.0"
---*MINOR 35
--- Generated on 20/01/2017 08:15:04
-local me,ns=...
-local addon=ns --#Addon (to keep eclipse happy)
-local module=addon:NewSubModule('Autopilot',"AceHook-3.0","AceEvent-3.0","AceTimer-3.0")  --#Module
-function addon:GetAutopilotModule() return module end
--- Template
-local G=C_Garrison
-local _
-local AceGUI=LibStub("AceGUI-3.0")
-local C=addon:GetColorTable()
-local L=addon:GetLocale()
-local new=addon.NewTable
-local del=addon.DelTable
-local kpairs=addon:GetKpairs()
-local empty=addon:GetEmpty()
-local OHF=OrderHallMissionFrame
-local OHFMissionTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab --Container for mission list and single mission
-local OHFMissions=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionList -- same as OrderHallMissionFrameMissions Call Update on this to refresh Mission Listing
-local OHFFollowerTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab -- Contains model view
-local OHFFollowerList=OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerList -- Contains follower list (visible in both follower and mission mode)
-local OHFFollowers=OrderHallMissionFrameFollowers -- Contains scroll list
-local OHFMissionPage=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage -- Contains mission description and party setup
-local OHFMapTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.MapTab -- Contains quest map
-local followerType=LE_FOLLOWER_TYPE_GARRISON_7_0
-local garrisonType=LE_GARRISON_TYPE_7_0
-local FAKE_FOLLOWERID="0x0000000000000000"
-local MAXLEVEL=110
-local ShowTT=OrderHallCommanderMixin.ShowTT
-local HideTT=OrderHallCommanderMixin.HideTT
-local dprint=print
-local ddump
-if LibDebug then LibDebug() dprint=print end
-local safeG=addon.safeG
-dprint=function() end
-ddump=function() end
-local print=function() end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/OrderHallCommander/cache.lua b/OrderHallCommander/cache.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 37e2cf7..0000000
--- a/OrderHallCommander/cache.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,624 +0,0 @@
-local __FILE__=tostring(debugstack(1,2,0):match("(.*):1:")) -- Always check line number in regexp and file, must be 1
-local function pp(...) print(GetTime(),"|cff009900",__FILE__:sub(-15),strjoin(",",tostringall(...)),"|r") end
---*TYPE module
---*CONFIG noswitch=false,profile=true,enhancedProfile=true
---*MIXINS "AceHook-3.0","AceEvent-3.0","AceTimer-3.0"
---*MINOR 35
--- Generated on 20/01/2017 08:15:04
-local me,ns=...
-local addon=ns --#Addon (to keep eclipse happy)
-local module=addon:NewSubModule('Cache',"AceHook-3.0","AceEvent-3.0","AceTimer-3.0")  --#Module
-function addon:GetCacheModule() return module end
--- Template
-local G=C_Garrison
-local _
-local AceGUI=LibStub("AceGUI-3.0")
-local C=addon:GetColorTable()
-local L=addon:GetLocale()
-local new=addon.NewTable
-local del=addon.DelTable
-local kpairs=addon:GetKpairs()
-local empty=addon:GetEmpty()
-local OHF=OrderHallMissionFrame
-local OHFMissionTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab --Container for mission list and single mission
-local OHFMissions=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionList -- same as OrderHallMissionFrameMissions Call Update on this to refresh Mission Listing
-local OHFFollowerTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab -- Contains model view
-local OHFFollowerList=OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerList -- Contains follower list (visible in both follower and mission mode)
-local OHFFollowers=OrderHallMissionFrameFollowers -- Contains scroll list
-local OHFMissionPage=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage -- Contains mission description and party setup
-local OHFMapTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.MapTab -- Contains quest map
-local followerType=LE_FOLLOWER_TYPE_GARRISON_7_0
-local garrisonType=LE_GARRISON_TYPE_7_0
-local FAKE_FOLLOWERID="0x0000000000000000"
-local MAXLEVEL=110
-local ShowTT=OrderHallCommanderMixin.ShowTT
-local HideTT=OrderHallCommanderMixin.HideTT
-local dprint=print
-local ddump
-if LibDebug then LibDebug() dprint=print end
-local safeG=addon.safeG
-dprint=function() end
-ddump=function() end
-local print=function() end
-local pairs,math,wipe,tinsert,GetTime,next,ipairs,type,OHCDebug=
-		pairs,math,wipe,tinsert,GetTime,next,ipairs,type,OHCDebug
-local missionsRefresh,followersRefresh=0,0
-local volatile={
-isMaxLevel=function(followerID)	return G.GetFollowerLevelXP(followerID)==0 end,
-busyUntil=function(followerID) return GetTime() + (G.GetFollowerMissionTimeLeftSeconds(followerID) or 0) end
-}--- Caches
-local currency
-local currencyName
-local currencyTexture
-local resources=0
-local id2index={f={},m={}}
-local avgLevel,avgIlevel=0,0
-local cachedFollowers={}
-local cachedMissions={}
-local categoryInfo
-local shipmentInfo={}
-local emptyTable={}
-local permutations={
-	{},
-	{},
-	{}
-local methods={available='GetAvailableMissions',inProgress='GetInProgressMissions',completed='GetCompleteMissions'}
-local catPool={}
-local troopTypes={}
-local function fillCachedMission(mission,time)
-	if not time then time=GetTime() end
-	local _,baseXP,_,_,_,_,exhausting,enemies=G.GetMissionInfo(mission.missionID)
-	mission.exhausting=exhausting
-	mission.baseXP=baseXP
-	mission.enemies=enemies
-	mission.lastUpdate=time
-	mission.available=not mission.inProgress
-	addon:Reward2Class(mission)
-local function getCachedMissions()
-	if not next(cachedMissions) then
-		OHCDebug:Bump("Missions")
-		local time=GetTime()
-		for property,method in pairs(methods) do
-			local missions=G[method](followerType)
-			for _,mission in ipairs(missions) do
-				mission[property]=true
-				fillCachedMission(mission,time)
-				cachedMissions[mission.missionID]=mission
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	return cachedMissions
-local function getCachedFollowers()
-	if empty(cachedFollowers) then
-		OHCDebug:Bump("Followers")
-		local followers=G.GetFollowers(followerType)
-		if type(followers)=="table" then
-			local time=GetTime()
-			for _,follower in ipairs(followers) do
-				if follower.isCollected and follower.status ~= GARRISON_FOLLOWER_INACTIVE then
-					cachedFollowers[follower.followerID]=follower
-					cachedFollowers[follower.followerID].lastUpdate=time
-					cachedFollowers[follower.followerID].busyUntil=volatile.followers.busyUntil(follower.followerID)
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	return cachedFollowers
-function module:GetAverageLevels(cached)
-	if avgLevel==0 or not cached then
-		local level,ilevel,tot=0,0,0
-		local f=getCachedFollowers()
-		for i,d in pairs(f) do
-			if d.isCollected and not d.isTroop then
-				tot=tot+1
-				level=level+self:GetKey(d,'level',0)
-				ilevel=ilevel+self:GetKey(d,'iLevel',0)
-			end
-		end
-		avgLevel,avgIlevel=math.floor(level/tot),math.floor(ilevel/tot)
-	end
-	return avgLevel,avgIlevel
-function addon:GetPermutations()
-	local champs=new()
-	addon:GetAllChampions(champs)
-	local k=#champs
-	local refresh=false
-	for i=1,k do
-		if permutations[1][i]~=champs[i] then refresh=true end
-	end
-	if refresh then
-		wipe(permutations[1])
-		wipe(permutations[2])
-		wipe(permutations[3])
-		for i=1,k do
-			tinsert(permutations[1],champs[i].followerID)
-			for j=i+1,k do
-				tinsert(permutations[2],strjoin(',',tostringall(champs[i].followerID,champs[j].followerID)))
-				for z=j+1,k do
-					tinsert(permutations[3],strjoin(',',tostringall(champs[i].followerID,champs[j].followerID,champs[z].followerID)))
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	del(champs)
-	return permutations
-function module:DeleteFollower(followerID)
-	if followerID and cachedFollowers[followerID] then
-		del(cachedFollowers[followerID])
-	end
-function module:BuildFollower(followerID)
-	local f=getCachedFollowers()
-	if f[followerID] then
-		f[followerID].busyUntil=volatile.followers.busyUntil(followerID)
-		return
-	end
-	local rc,data=pcall(G.GetFollowerInfo,followerID)
-	if rc then
-		if data and data.isCollected then
-			data.lastUpdate=GetTime()
-			data.busyUntil=volatile.followers.busyUntil(data.followerID)
-			cachedFollowers[followerID]=data
-		elseif data then
-			del(data,true)
-		end
-	end
-function module:BuildMission(missionIDfollowerID)
-	local rc,data=pcall(G.GetFollowerInfo,followerID)
-	if rc then
-		if data and data.isCollected then
-			data.lastUpdate=GetTime()
-			data.busyUntil=volatile.followers.busyUntil(data.followerID)
-			cachedFollowers[followerID]=data
-		elseif data then
-			del(data,true)
-		end
-	end
-function module:refreshMission(data)
-	--local runtime,runtimesec,inProgress,duration,durationsec,bool1,string1=G.GetMissionTimes(data.missionID)
-function module:refreshFollower(data)
-	if (data.lastUpdate or 0) < followersRefresh then
-		-- stale data, refresh volatile fields
-		local id=data.followerID
-		local rc,name=pcall(G.GetFollowerName,id)
-		if rc and name then
-			for field,func in pairs(volatile.followers) do
-				data[field]=func(id)
-			end
-			data.lastUpdate=followersRefresh
-		else
-			del(data,true)
-			data=nil
-		end
-	end
-function module:GetFollower(key)
-	if (key:sub(1,2)=='0x') then
-		key="0x" .. ("0000000000000000" ..key:sub(3)):sub(-16)
-		return self:GetFollowerData(key)
-	end
-	for _,data in pairs(getCachedFollowers()) do
-		if data.name:find(key)==1 then
-			return data
-		end
-	end
-function module:GetFollowerData(...)
-	local id,key,defaultvalue=...
-	local f=getCachedFollowers()
-	if not id then
-		for _,data in pairs(f) do
-			self:refreshFollower(data)
-		end
-		return f
-	end
-	local data=f[id]
-	if data then
-		self:refreshFollower(data)
-	end
-	if data then
-		if key then
-			return self:GetKey(data,key,defaultvalue)
-		else
-			return data
-		end
-	else
-		if select('#',...) > 2 then
-			return defaultvalue
-		else
-			return emptyTable
-		end
-	end
-function module:SetMissionStatus(missionID,status)
-	local mission=getCachedMissions()[missionID]
-	if mission then
-		mission.inProgress=nil
-		mission.available=nil
-		mission.completed=nil
-	end
-	mission[status]=true
-function module:GetMissionData(...)
-	local id,key,defaultvalue=...
-	local f=getCachedMissions()
-	if not id then
-		return f
-	end
-	local data=f[id]
-	if data and not data.numFollowers then
-		del(data)
-		data=nil
-	end
-	if not data then
-		local rc,data=pcall(G.GetBasicMissionInfo,id)
-		if rc and data then
-			self:refreshMission(data)
-			fillCachedMission(data,GetTime(time))
-			f[id]=data
-		else
-			if select('#',...) > 2 then
-				return defaultvalue
-			else
-				return emptyTable
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	if data then
-		if key then
-			return self:GetKey(data,key,defaultvalue)
-		else
-			return data
-		end
-	end
-function module:GetKey(data,key,defaultvalue)
--- some keys need to be fresh only if champions is not maxed
-	if volatile[key] and not data[key] then
-		data[key]=volatile[key](data.followerID)
-	end
-	if key=='status' and data.status=="refresh" then
-		data.status=G.GetFollowerStatus(data.followerID)
-	end
-	if data[key] then return data[key] end
-	-- pseudokeys
-	if key=="qLevel" then
-		return data.isMaxLevel and data.quality+data.level or data.level
-	end
-	assert("Invalid pseudo key " .. tostring(key))
-	return defaultvalue
-function module:Clear()
-	wipe(cachedFollowers)
-	wipe(cachedMissions)
-local function alertSetup(frame,name,...)
-	GarrisonFollowerAlertFrame_SetUp(frame,FAKE_FOLLOWERID,...)
-	frame.Title:SetText(name)
-	return frame
-function module:RefreshTroopTypes()
-	wipe(troopTypes)
-	local t=new()
-	for i,v in pairs(getCachedFollowers()) do
-		if v.isTroop then
-			t[v.classSpec]=true
-		end
-	end
-	for i,_ in pairs(t) do
-		tinsert(troopTypes,i)
-	end
-local TroopsHeader
-function module:GetTroopsFrame()
-	if not TroopsHeader then
-		local frame=CreateFrame("Frame",nil,OrderHallMissionFrame,"TooltipBorderedFrameTemplate")
-		frame.Background:Hide()
-		frame.Top=frame:CreateTexture(nil,"BACKGROUND",nil,-1)
-		frame.Top:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
-		frame.Top:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT")
-		frame.Top:SetAtlas("_StoneFrameTile-Top")
-		frame:SetHeight(35)
-		frame:ClearAllPoints()
-		frame:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",OrderHallMissionFrame,"TOPLEFT",0,-2)
-		frame:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",OrderHallMissionFrame,"TOPRIGHT",2,-2)
-		frame:SetFrameLevel(OrderHallMissionFrame:GetFrameLevel()-1)
-		frame:Show()
-		TroopsHeader=frame
-	end
-	return TroopsHeader
-function module:ParseFollowers()
-	self:RefreshTroopTypes()
-	categoryInfo = G.GetClassSpecCategoryInfo(followerType)
-	if empty(categoryInfo) then
-		G.RequestClassSpecCategoryInfo(followerType)
-		self:ScheduleTimer("ParseFollowers",1)
-		return
-	end
-	G.RequestLandingPageShipmentInfo();
-	if not OHF:IsVisible() then return end
-	local main=self:GetTroopsFrame()
-	local numCategories = #categoryInfo;
-	local prevCategory, firstCategory;
-	local xSpacing = 20;	-- space between categories
-	for i, category in ipairs(categoryInfo) do
-		local index=category.classSpec
-		if not catPool[index] then
-			catPool[index]=CreateFrame("Frame","FollowerIcon",main,"OrderHallClassSpecCategoryTemplate")
-		end
-		local categoryInfoFrame = catPool[index];
-		if not shipmentInfo[category.icon] then
-			shipmentInfo[category.icon]={0,0}
-		end
-		categoryInfoFrame.Icon:SetTexture(category.icon);
-		categoryInfoFrame.Icon:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0.25, 0.75)
-		categoryInfoFrame.TroopPortraitCover:Hide()
-		categoryInfoFrame.Icon:SetHeight(15)
-		categoryInfoFrame.Icon:SetWidth(35)
-		categoryInfoFrame.name = category.name;
-		categoryInfoFrame.description = category.description;
-		categoryInfoFrame.Count:SetFormattedText(
-			category.count, category.limit,unpack(shipmentInfo[category.icon]));
-		categoryInfoFrame.Count:SetWidth(categoryInfoFrame.Count:GetStringWidth()+10)
-		categoryInfoFrame:ClearAllPoints();
-		local w=35 + categoryInfoFrame.Count:GetWidth()
-		categoryInfoFrame:SetWidth(w)
-		categoryInfoFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",60 +(w+10) *(i-1), 0);
-		categoryInfoFrame:Show();
-	end
-function addon:ParseFollowers()
-	return module:ParseFollowers()
-local OrderHallCommanderAlertSystem=AlertFrame:AddSimpleAlertFrameSubSystem("OHCAlertFrameTemplate", alertSetup)
-local shownAlerts={}
-	if not addon:GetBoolean('TROOPALERT') then return end
-	if (not G.IsPlayerInGarrison(garrisonType)) then return end
-	local followerShipments = C_Garrison.GetFollowerShipments(garrisonType);
-	for _,t in pairs(shipmentInfo) do
-		t[1]=0
-		t[2]=0
-	end
-	for i = 1, #followerShipments do
-	   local name, texture, shipmentCapacity, shipmentsReady, shipmentsTotal, creationTime, duration, timeleftString, _, _, _, _, followerID = C_Garrison.GetLandingPageShipmentInfoByContainerID(followerShipments[i]);
-	   if name and shipmentCapacity > 0 then
-			shipmentInfo[texture]=shipmentInfo[texture] or {}
-			shipmentInfo[texture][1]=shipmentsReady
-			shipmentInfo[texture][2]=shipmentsTotal
-			local signature=strjoin(':',name,shipmentsReady)
-			if not shownAlerts[signature] then shownAlerts[signature]=GetTime()+15 end
-			if shipmentsReady > 0 then
-				if GetTime()>shownAlerts[signature] then
-					shownAlerts[signature]=GetTime()+60
-					OrderHallCommanderAlertSystem:AddAlert(name, GARRISON_LANDING_COMPLETED:format(shipmentsReady,shipmentsTotal), 110, 0, false,
-						{isTroop=true,followerTypeID=4,portraitIconID=texture,quality=1}
-					)
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-function module:Refresh(event,...)
-	OHCDebug.CacheRefresh:SetText(event:sub(10))
-	addon:RefreshFollowerStatus()
-	if (event == "CURRENCY_DISPLAY_UPDATE") then
-		resources = select(2,GetCurrencyInfo(currency))
-		return
-	end
-		local currentType=... -- alas, we dont have followerId here
-		if currentType==followerType then
-			followersRefresh=GetTime()
-			return self:ParseFollowers()
-		end
-		return self:ParseFollowers()
-	elseif event=="GARRISON_FOLLOWER_ADDED" then
-		local followerID, name, class, level, quality, isUpgraded, texPrefix, currentType = ...
-		if currentType==followerType  then
-			self:BuildFollower(followerID) -- kicks rebuild
-			return self:ParseFollowers()
-		end
-	elseif event=="GARRISON_FOLLOWER_XP_CHANGED"  then
-		local currentType,followerID,xp=...
-		if currentType==followerType and xp > 0 then
-			local data=cachedFollowers[followerID]
-			if data then
-				data.lastUpdate=0
-				self:refreshFollower(data)
-				addon:PushEvent("CURRENT_FOLLOWER_XP",4,followerID,0,data.xp,data.level,data.quality)
-			end
-		end
-	elseif event=="GARRISON_FOLLOWER_UPGRADED"then
-		local followerID=...
-		local follower=cachedFollowers[followerID]
-		if follower and follower.followerTypeID==followerType then
-			self:refreshFollower(follower)
-		end
-		local currentType,followerID,durability=...
-		if currentType==followerType then
-			if durability==0 then
-				self:DeleteFollower(followerID)
-			else
-				local follower=cachedFollowers[followerID]
-				if follower then
-					follower.durability=durability
-					follower.lastUpdate=GetTime()
-				else
-					self:BuildFollower(followerID) -- kicks rebuild
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		local currentType=...
-		if currentType==followerType then
-			followersRefresh=GetTime()
-		end
-		-- alas, no followerType here
-		followersRefresh=GetTime()
-	end
-function module:OnInitialized()
-	self:RegisterEvent("CURRENCY_DISPLAY_UPDATE","Refresh")
-	self:RegisterEvent("GARRISON_FOLLOWER_REMOVED","Refresh")
-	self:RegisterEvent("GARRISON_FOLLOWER_LIST_UPDATE","Refresh")
-	self:RegisterEvent("GARRISON_FOLLOWER_ADDED","Refresh")
-	self:RegisterEvent("GARRISON_FOLLOWER_LIST_UPDATE","Refresh")
-	self:RegisterEvent("GARRISON_FOLLOWER_XP_CHANGED","Refresh")
-	self:RegisterEvent("GARRISON_MISSION_STARTED","Refresh")
-	self:RegisterEvent("GARRISON_MISSION_FINISHED","Refresh")
-	self:RegisterEvent("GARRISON_MISSION_COMPLETE_RESPONSE","Refresh")
-	self:RegisterEvent("GARRISON_MISSION_LIST_UPDATE","Refresh")
-	currency, _ = C_Garrison.GetCurrencyTypes(garrisonType);
-	currencyName, resources, currencyTexture = GetCurrencyInfo(currency);
-	addon.resourceFormat=COSTS_LABEL .." %d " .. currencyName
-	self:ParseFollowers()
----- Public Interface
-function addon:GetResources()
-	return resources,currencyName
-function addon:GetMissionData(...)
-	return module:GetMissionData(...)
-function addon:GetFollowerData(...)
-	return module:GetFollowerData(...)
-function addon:GetFollower(...)
-	return module:GetFollower(...)
-function addon:GetFollowerCounts()
-	local t,c=0,0
-	for _,follower in pairs(getCachedFollowers()) do
-		if follower.isTroop then
-			t=t+1
-		else
-			c=c+1
-		end
-	end
-	return c,t
-function addon:GetAllChampions(table)
-	for _,follower in pairs(getCachedFollowers()) do
-		if not follower.isTroop then
-			tinsert(table,follower)
-		end
-	end
-	return table
-function addon:GetAllTroops(table)
-	for _,follower in pairs(getCachedFollowers()) do
-		if follower.isTroop then
-			tinsert(table,follower)
-		end
-	end
-	return table
-local function isInParty(followerID)
-	return G.GetFollowerStatus(followerID)==GARRISON_FOLLOWER_IN_PARTY
-local troops={}
-function addon:GetTroop(troopType,qt,skipBusy)
-	if type(qt)=="boolean" then skipBusy=qt qt=1 end
-	qt=self:tonumber(qt,1)
-	local found=0
-	wipe(troops)
-	for _,follower in pairs(getCachedFollowers()) do
-		if follower.isTroop and follower.classSpec==troopType and (not skipBusy or not follower.status) then
-			tinsert(troops,follower)
-			found=found+1
-			if found>=qt then
-				break
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	return unpack(troops)
-function addon:GetTroopTypes()
-	return troopTypes
-function addon:RebuildMissionCache()
-	wipe(cachedMissions)
-	getCachedMissions()
-function addon:RebuildFollowerCache()
-	wipe(cachedFollowers)
-	getCachedFollowers()
-	module:RefreshTroopTypes()
-function addon:RebuildAllCaches()
-	self:RebuildFollowerCache()
-	self:RebuildMissionCache()
-function addon:GetAverageLevels(...)
-	return module:GetAverageLevels(...)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/OrderHallCommander/core.lua b/OrderHallCommander/core.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 22f7b21..0000000
--- a/OrderHallCommander/core.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-local __FILE__=tostring(debugstack(1,2,0):match("(.*):1:")) -- Always check line number in regexp and file, must be 1
-local function pp(...) print(GetTime(),"|cff009900",__FILE__:sub(-15),strjoin(",",tostringall(...)),"|r") end
---*TYPE module
---*CONFIG noswitch=false,profile=true,enhancedProfile=true
---*MIXINS "AceHook-3.0","AceEvent-3.0","AceTimer-3.0"
---*MINOR 35
--- Generated on 20/01/2017 08:15:04
-local me,ns=...
-local addon=ns --#Addon (to keep eclipse happy)
-local module=addon:NewSubModule('Core',"AceHook-3.0","AceEvent-3.0","AceTimer-3.0")  --#Module
-function addon:GetCoreModule() return module end
--- Template
-local G=C_Garrison
-local _
-local AceGUI=LibStub("AceGUI-3.0")
-local C=addon:GetColorTable()
-local L=addon:GetLocale()
-local new=addon.NewTable
-local del=addon.DelTable
-local kpairs=addon:GetKpairs()
-local empty=addon:GetEmpty()
-local OHF=OrderHallMissionFrame
-local OHFMissionTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab --Container for mission list and single mission
-local OHFMissions=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionList -- same as OrderHallMissionFrameMissions Call Update on this to refresh Mission Listing
-local OHFFollowerTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab -- Contains model view
-local OHFFollowerList=OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerList -- Contains follower list (visible in both follower and mission mode)
-local OHFFollowers=OrderHallMissionFrameFollowers -- Contains scroll list
-local OHFMissionPage=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage -- Contains mission description and party setup
-local OHFMapTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.MapTab -- Contains quest map
-local followerType=LE_FOLLOWER_TYPE_GARRISON_7_0
-local garrisonType=LE_GARRISON_TYPE_7_0
-local FAKE_FOLLOWERID="0x0000000000000000"
-local MAXLEVEL=110
-local ShowTT=OrderHallCommanderMixin.ShowTT
-local HideTT=OrderHallCommanderMixin.HideTT
-local dprint=print
-local ddump
-if LibDebug then LibDebug() dprint=print end
-local safeG=addon.safeG
-dprint=function() end
-ddump=function() end
-local print=function() end
---local missionPanelMissionList=OrderHallMissionFrameMissions
-Su OrderHallMissionFrameMissions viene chiamato Update() per aggiornare le missioni
-.listScroll = padre della scrolllist delle missioni
-	local scrollFrame = self.listScroll;
-	local offset = HybridScrollFrame_GetOffset(scrollFrame);
-OHC- OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab.DurabilityFrame : OnShow :  table: 0000000033557BD0
-OHC- OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab.QualityFrame : OnShow :  table: 0000000033557C20
-OHC- OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab.PortraitFrame : OnShow :  table: 0000000033557D60
-OHC- OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab.ModelCluster : OnShow :  table: 0000000033557F40
-OHC- OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab.XPBar : OnShow :  table: 00000000335585D0
--- Upvalued functions
---local I=LibStub("LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0",true)
-local GetItemInfo=GetItemInfo
---if I then GetItemInfo=I:GetCachingGetItemInfo() end
-local select,CreateFrame,pairs,type,tonumber,math=select,CreateFrame,pairs,type,tonumber,math
-local QuestDifficultyColors,GameTooltip=QuestDifficultyColors,GameTooltip
-local tinsert,tremove,tContains=tinsert,tremove,tContains
-local format=format
-local resolve=addon.resolve
-local colors=addon.colors
-local menu
-local menuType="OHCMenu"
-local menuOptions={mission={},follower={}}
-function addon:ApplyMOVEPANEL(value)
-	OHF:EnableMouse(value)
-	OHF:SetMovable(value)
-function addon:OnInitialized()
-  _G.dbOHCperChar=_G.dbOHCperChar or {}
-	menu=CreateFrame("Frame")
-	local f=menu
-	f:RegisterAllEvents()
-	self:RawHookScript(f,"OnEvent","ShowGarrisonEvents")
-	self:AddLabel(L["General"])
-	self:AddBoolean("MOVEPANEL",true,L["Make Order Hall Mission Panel movable"],L["Position is not saved on logout"])
-	self:AddBoolean("TROOPALERT",true,L["Troop ready alert"],L["Notifies you when you have troops ready to be collected"])
-	OHF:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton")
-	OHF:SetScript("OnDragStart",function(frame) if self:GetBoolean('MOVEPANEL') then frame:StartMoving() end end)
-	OHF:SetScript("OnDragStop",function(frame) frame:StopMovingOrSizing() end)
-	self:ApplyMOVEPANEL(self:GetBoolean('MOVEPANEL'))
-function addon:ClearMenu()
-	if menu.widget then
-		pcall(AceGUI.Release,AceGUI,menu.widget)
-		menu.widget=nil
-	end
-	menu:Hide()
-function addon:RegisterForMenu(menu,...)
-	for i=1,select('#',...) do
-		local value=(select(i,...))
-		if not tContains(menuOptions[menu],value) then
-			tinsert(menuOptions[menu],value)
-		end
-	end
-function addon:GetRegisteredForMenu(menu)
-	return menuOptions[menu]
--- my implementation of tonumber which accounts for nan and inf
-function addon:tonumber(value,default)
-	if value~=value then return default
-	elseif value==math.huge then return default
-	else return tonumber(value) or default
-	end
--- my implementation of type which accounts for nan and inf
-function addon:type(value)
-	if value~=value then return nil
-	elseif value==math.huge then return nil
-	else return type(value)
-	end
-function addon:ActivateButton(button,OnClick,Tooltiptext,persistent)
-	button:SetScript("OnClick",function(...) self[OnClick](self,...) end )
-	if (Tooltiptext) then
-		button.tooltip=Tooltiptext
-		button:SetScript("OnEnter",ShowTT)
-			button:SetScript("OnLeave",HideTT)
-	else
-		button:SetScript("OnEnter",nil)
-		button:SetScript("OnLeave",nil)
-	end
---- Helpers
-function addon:SetBackdrop(frame,r,g,b,a)
-	r=r or 1
-	g=g or 0
-	b=b or 0
-	a=a or 1
-   frame:SetBackdrop({
-         bgFile = "Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Background",
-         xedgeFile = "Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Border",
-         tile = true, tileSize = 16, edgeSize = 16,
-         insets = { left = 4, right = 4, top = 4, bottom =   4}
-      }
-   )
-   frame:SetBackdropColor(r,g,b,a)
-function addon:GetDifficultyColors(...)
-	local q=self:GetDifficultyColor(...)
-	return q.r,q.g,q.b
-function addon:GetDifficultyColor(perc,usePurple)
-	if perc>=100 then
-		return C.Green
-	elseif(perc >90) then
-		return QuestDifficultyColors['standard']
-	elseif (perc >74) then
-		return QuestDifficultyColors['difficult']
-	elseif(perc>49) then
-		return QuestDifficultyColors['verydifficult']
-	elseif(perc >20) then
-		return QuestDifficultyColors['impossible']
-	else
-		return not usePurple and C.Silver or C.Fuchsia
-	end
-function addon:GetAgeColor(age)
-		age=tonumber(age) or 0
-		if age>GetTime() then age=age-GetTime() end
-		if age < 0 then age=0 end
-		local hours=floor(age/3600)
-		local q=self:GetDifficultyColor(hours+20,true)
-		return q.r,q.g,q.b
-local function tContains(table, item)
-	local index = 1;
-	while table[index] do
-		if ( item == table[index] ) then
-			return index;
-		end
-		index = index + 1;
-	end
-	return nil;
-local emptyTable={}
-local function Reward2Class(self,mission)
-	local overReward=mission.overmaxRewards
-	if not overReward then overReward=mission.OverRewards end
-	local reward=mission.rewards
-	if not reward then reward=mission.Rewards end
-	if not overReward or not reward then
-		return "Generic",0
-	end
-	overReward=overReward[1]
-	reward=reward[1]
-	if not reward then return "Generic",0 end
-	if not overReward then overReward = emptyTable end
-	if reward.currencyID then
-		local name=GetCurrencyInfo(reward.currencyID)
-		if name=="" then name = MONEY end
-		return name,reward.quantity/10000
-	elseif reward.followerXP then
-			return "FollowerXp",reward.followerXP
-	elseif type(reward.itemID) == "number" then
-		if tContains(self:GetData('ArtifactPower'),reward.itemID) then
-			return "Artifact",0
-		elseif overReward.itemID==1447868 then
-			return "PlayerXP",0
-		elseif overReward.itemID==141344 then
-			return "Reputation",0
-		elseif tContains(self:GetData('Equipment'),reward.itemID) then
-			return "Equipment",0
-		elseif tContains(self:GetData("Upgrades"),reward.itemID) then
-			return "Upgrades",0
-		else
-			local class,subclass=select(12,GetItemInfo(reward.itemID))
-			class=class or -1
-			if class==12 then
-				return "Quest",0
-			elseif class==7 then
-				return "Reagent",reward.quantity or 1
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	return "Generic",reward.quantity or 1
-local classSort={
-	[MONEY]=11,
-	Artifact=12,
-	Equipment=13,
-	Quest=14,
-	Upgrades=15,
-	Reputation=16,
-	PlayerXP=17,
-	FollowerXP=18,
-	Generic=19
-function addon:Reward2Class(mission)
-	if not mission.missionClass then
-		mission.missionClass,mission.missionValue=Reward2Class(self,mission)
-		mission.missionSort=classSort[mission.missionClass]
-	end
-	return mission.missionSort
-local events={}
-function addon:Trace(frame, method)
-	if true then return end
-	method=method or "OnShow"
-	if type(frame)=="string" then frame=_G[frame] end
-	if not frame then return end
-	if not self:IsHooked(frame,method) and frame:GetObjectType()~="GameTooltip" then
-		self:HookScript(frame,method,function(...)
-			local name=resolve(frame)
-			tinsert(dbOHCperChar,resolve(frame:GetParent())..'/'..name)
-			print(("OHC [%s] %s:%s %s %d"):format(frame:GetObjectType(),name,method,frame:GetFrameStrata(),frame:GetFrameLevel()))
-			end
-		)
-	end
-local lastevent=""
-function addon:ShowGarrisonEvents(this,event,...)
-	if event:find("GARRISON") then
-		if event=="GARRISON_MISSION_LIST_UPDATE" and event==lastevent then
-			return
-		end
-			local _,_,_,followers=...
-			if type(followers)=="table" then
-				tinsert(dbOHCperChar,followers)
-			end
-		end
-		lastevent=event
-		tinsert(events,{event,...})
-		return self:PushEvent(event,...)
-	end
-function addon:PushEvent(event,...)
-	if not AlarLog then AlarLog={} end
-	if not AlarLog[me] then AlarLog[me]={} end
-	tinsert(AlarLog[me],event.. " : '" .. strjoin(tostringall("' '",...)) .. "'")
-function addon:DumpEvents()
-	return events
diff --git a/OrderHallCommander/data.lua b/OrderHallCommander/data.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b64ba5b..0000000
--- a/OrderHallCommander/data.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,451 +0,0 @@
-local __FILE__=tostring(debugstack(1,2,0):match("(.*):1:")) -- Always check line number in regexp and file, must be 1
-local function pp(...) print(GetTime(),"|cff009900",__FILE__:sub(-15),strjoin(",",tostringall(...)),"|r") end
---*TYPE module
---*CONFIG profile=true,enhancedProfile=true
--- Generated on 20/01/2017 08:15:04
-local me,ns=...
-local addon=ns --#Addon (to keep eclipse happy)
-local module=addon:NewSubModule('Data')  --#Module
-function addon:GetDataModule() return module end
--- Template
-local G=C_Garrison
-local _
-local AceGUI=LibStub("AceGUI-3.0")
-local C=addon:GetColorTable()
-local L=addon:GetLocale()
-local new=addon.NewTable
-local del=addon.DelTable
-local kpairs=addon:GetKpairs()
-local empty=addon:GetEmpty()
-local OHF=OrderHallMissionFrame
-local OHFMissionTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab --Container for mission list and single mission
-local OHFMissions=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionList -- same as OrderHallMissionFrameMissions Call Update on this to refresh Mission Listing
-local OHFFollowerTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab -- Contains model view
-local OHFFollowerList=OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerList -- Contains follower list (visible in both follower and mission mode)
-local OHFFollowers=OrderHallMissionFrameFollowers -- Contains scroll list
-local OHFMissionPage=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage -- Contains mission description and party setup
-local OHFMapTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.MapTab -- Contains quest map
-local followerType=LE_FOLLOWER_TYPE_GARRISON_7_0
-local garrisonType=LE_GARRISON_TYPE_7_0
-local FAKE_FOLLOWERID="0x0000000000000000"
-local MAXLEVEL=110
-local ShowTT=OrderHallCommanderMixin.ShowTT
-local HideTT=OrderHallCommanderMixin.HideTT
-local dprint=print
-local ddump
-if LibDebug then LibDebug() dprint=print end
-local safeG=addon.safeG
-dprint=function() end
-ddump=function() end
-local print=function() end
-local fake={}
-local data={
-	Upgrades={
-		136412,
-		137207,
-		137208,
-	},
-	Xp={
-		141028
-	},
-	Equipment={
-		'Success Chance Increase',
-		139816,
-		139801,
-		139802,
-		140572,
-		140571,
-		140573,
-		140581,
-		140582,
-		140583,
-		'Mission Time Reduction',
-		139813,
-		139814,
-		139799,
-		'Combat Ally Bonus',
-		139792,
-		139808,
-		139809,
-		139795,
-		139811,
-		139812,
-		'Troop Affinity',
-		139875,
-		139876,
-		139877,
-		139878,
-		139835,
-		139836,
-		139837,
-		139838,
-		139863,
-		139864,
-		139865,
-		139866,
-		139847,
-		139848,
-		139849,
-		139850,
-		139843,
-		139844,
-		139845,
-		139846,
-		139859,
-		139860,
-		139861,
-		139862,
-		139867,
-		139868,
-		139869,
-		139870,
-		139871,
-		139872,
-		139873,
-		139874,
-		139831,
-		139832,
-		139833,
-		139834,
-		139839,
-		139840,
-		139841,
-		139842,
-		139855,
-		139856,
-		139857,
-		139858,
-		139851,
-		139852,
-		139853,
-		139854,
-		'Legendary Equipment',
-		139830,
-		139828,
-		139829,
-		139827,
-		139825,
-		139826,
-		139821,
-		139804,
-		139819,
-		139824,
-		139823,
-		139822,
-		'Consumables',
-		140749,
-		139419,
-		140760,
-		139428,
-		139177,
-		139420,
-		138883,
-		139376,
-		138418,
-		138412,
-		139670
-	},
-	ArtifactPower={130152,131751,131753,131763,131795,131802,131808,132897,132950,136356,136655,136656,136657,136658,136659,136660,136661,136662,136663,136664,138480,138487,138732,138781,138782,138783,138785,138786,138812,138813,138814,138816,138839,138864,138865,138880,138881,138885,138886,139390,139506,139507,139508,139509,139510,139511,139512,139591,139608,139609,139610,139611,139612,139613,139614,139615,139616,139617,140176,140237,140238,140241,140244,140247,140250,140251,140252,140254,140255,140304,140305,140306,140307,140310,140322,140349,140357,140358,140359,140361,140364,140365,140366,140367,140368,140369,140370,140371,140372,140373,140374,140377,140379,140380,140381,140382,140383,140384,140385,140386,140387,140388,140389,140391,140392,140393,140396,140409,140410,140421,140422,140444,140445,140459,140460,140461,140462,140463,140466,140467,140468,140469,140470,140471,140473,140474,140475,140476,140477,140478,140479,140480,140481,140482,140484,140485,140486,140487,140488,140489,140490,140491,140492,140494,140497,140498,140503,140504,140505,140507,140508,140509,140510,140511,140512,140513,140515,140516,140517,140518,140519,140520,140521,140522,140523,140524,140525,140528,140529,140530,140531,140532,140685,140847,141023,141024,141310,141313,141314,141335,141383,141384,141385,141386,141387,141388,141389,141390,141391,141392,141393,141394,141395,141396,141397,141398,141399,141400,141401,141402,141403,141404,141405,141638,141639,141667,141668,141669,141670,141671,141672,141673,141674,141675,141676,141677,141678,141679,141680,141681,141682,141683,141684,141685,141689,141690,141699,141701,141702,141703,141704,141705,141706,141707,141708,141709,141710,141711,141852,141853,141854,141855,141856,141857,141858,141859,141863,141872,141876,141877,141883,141886,141887,141888,141889,141890,141891,141892,141896,141921,141922,141923,141924,141925,141926,141927,141928,141929,141930,141931,141932,141933,141934,141935,141936,141937,141940,141941,141942,141943,141944,141945,141946,141947,141948,141949,141950,141951,141952,141953,141954,141955,141956,142001,142002,142003,142004,142005,142006,142007,142054,142449,142450,142451,142454,142455,142533,142534,142535,142555,143333,143486,143487,143488,143498,143499,143533,143536,143538,143540,143677,143680,143713,143714,143715,143716,143738,143739,143740,143741,143742,143743,143744,143745,143746,143747,143749,143757,143844,143868,143869,143870,143871}
-function addon:GetData(key)
-	key=key or "none"
-	return data[key] or fake
-function module:OnInitialized()
-	--
-	addon.coroutineExecute(module,0,"TickleServer")
-function module:AddItem(itemID)
-function module:TickleServer()
-	addon:Print("Precaching items")
-	local i=0
-	for _,categories in pairs(data) do
-		for _,itemid in pairs(categories) do
-			if type(itemid)=="number" then
-				pcall(GetItemInfo,itemid)
-				i=i+1
-				coroutine.yield()
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	addon:Print("Precached ",i," items")
-dbOHCperChar = {
-	"GameTooltip/GarrisonMissionListTooltipThreatsFrame", -- [299]
-	"GameTooltip/GarrisonMissionListTooltipThreatsFrame", -- [301]
-	"GameTooltip/GarrisonMissionListTooltipThreatsFrame", -- [303]
-	"GameTooltip/GarrisonMissionListTooltipThreatsFrame", -- [367]
-	"GameTooltip/GarrisonMissionListTooltipThreatsFrame", -- [369]
-	"GameTooltip/GarrisonMissionListTooltipThreatsFrame", -- [371]
-	"GarrisonFollowerTooltip/GarrisonFollowerTooltip.PortraitFrame", -- [421]
-	"GarrisonFollowerTooltip/GarrisonFollowerTooltip.PortraitFrame", -- [425]
-	"GarrisonFollowerTooltip/UNK_0", -- [422]
-	"GarrisonFollowerTooltip/UNK_0", -- [426]
-	"GarrisonFollowerTooltip/UNK_0", -- [427]
-	"GarrisonMissionListTooltipThreatsFrame/UNK_0", -- [298]
-	"GarrisonMissionListTooltipThreatsFrame/UNK_0", -- [300]
-	"GarrisonMissionListTooltipThreatsFrame/UNK_0", -- [302]
-	"GarrisonMissionListTooltipThreatsFrame/UNK_0", -- [366]
-	"GarrisonMissionListTooltipThreatsFrame/UNK_0", -- [368]
-	"GarrisonMissionListTooltipThreatsFrame/UNK_0", -- [370]
-	"OrderHallCommandBar/OrderHallCommandBar.CurrencyHitTest", -- [173]
-	"OrderHallCommandBar/OrderHallCommandBar.CurrencyHitTest", -- [1]
-	"OrderHallCommandBar/OrderHallCommandBar.CurrencyHitTest", -- [87]
-	"OrderHallCommandBar/OrderHallCommandBar.WorldMapButton", -- [13]
-	"OrderHallCommandBar/OrderHallCommandBar.WorldMapButton", -- [174]
-	"OrderHallCommandBar/OrderHallCommandBar.WorldMapButton", -- [88]
-	"OrderHallFollowerOptionDropDown/OrderHallFollowerOptionDropDownButton", -- [324]
-	"OrderHallFollowerOptionDropDown/OrderHallFollowerOptionDropDownButton", -- [411]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab.AbilitiesFrame/OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab.AbilitiesFrame.CombatAllySpell1", -- [311]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab.AbilitiesFrame/OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab.AbilitiesFrame.CombatAllySpell2", -- [312]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab.ModelCluster.Child/OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab.ModelCluster.Child.Model1", -- [327]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab.ModelCluster.Child/OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab.ModelCluster.Child.Shadows", -- [307]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab.ModelCluster/OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab.ModelCluster.Child", -- [308]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab/OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab.AbilitiesFrame", -- [313]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab/OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab.DurabilityFrame", -- [304]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab/OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab.ItemAverageLevel", -- [315]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab/OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab.ModelCluster", -- [309]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab/OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab.PortraitFrame", -- [306]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab/OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab.QualityFrame", -- [305]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab/OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab.Source", -- [314]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab/OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab.XPBar", -- [310]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.BuffsFrame/UNK_0", -- [418]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Enemy1/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Enemy1.MechanicEffect", -- [386]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Enemy1/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Enemy1.PortraitFrame", -- [384]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Enemy1/UNK_0", -- [385]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Enemy2/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Enemy2.MechanicEffect", -- [390]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Enemy2/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Enemy2.PortraitFrame", -- [388]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Enemy2/UNK_0", -- [389]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Enemy3/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Enemy3.MechanicEffect", -- [394]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Enemy3/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Enemy3.PortraitFrame", -- [392]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Enemy3/UNK_0", -- [393]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Follower1/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Follower1.PortraitFrame", -- [396]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Follower2/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Follower2.Durability", -- [416]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Follower2/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Follower2.PortraitFrame", -- [398]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Follower3/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Follower3.Durability", -- [417]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Follower3/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Follower3.PortraitFrame", -- [400]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.RewardsFrame/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.RewardsFrame.MissionXPTooltipHitBox", -- [381]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.RewardsFrame/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.RewardsFrame.OvermaxItem", -- [378]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.RewardsFrame/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.RewardsFrame.OvermaxItem", -- [415]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.RewardsFrame/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.RewardsFrame.OvermaxItem", -- [420]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.RewardsFrame/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.RewardsFrame.Reward1", -- [379]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.RewardsFrame/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.RewardsFrame.Reward2", -- [380]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.RewardsFrame/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.RewardsFrame.TooltipHitBox", -- [382]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Stage/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Stage.MissionEnvIcon", -- [374]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Stage/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Stage.MissionInfo", -- [373]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.BuffsFrame", -- [419]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.CloseButton", -- [372]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.CostFrame", -- [377]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.EmptyFollowerModel", -- [402]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Enemy1", -- [387]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Enemy2", -- [391]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Enemy3", -- [395]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Follower1", -- [397]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Follower2", -- [399]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Follower3", -- [401]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.ItemLevelHitboxFrame", -- [414]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.RewardsFrame", -- [383]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.Stage", -- [375]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage.StartMissionButton", -- [376]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage", -- [403]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab/OrderHallMissionFrameMissions", -- [280]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab/OrderHallMissionFrameMissions", -- [351]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab/UNK_0", -- [281]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab/UNK_0", -- [282]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab/UNK_0", -- [283]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab/UNK_0", -- [284]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab/UNK_0", -- [285]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab/UNK_0", -- [286]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab/UNK_0", -- [287]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab/UNK_0", -- [288]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab/UNK_0", -- [289]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab/UNK_0", -- [290]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab/UNK_0", -- [291]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab/UNK_0", -- [292]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab/UNK_0", -- [293]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab/UNK_0", -- [352]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab/UNK_0", -- [353]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab/UNK_0", -- [354]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab/UNK_0", -- [355]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab/UNK_0", -- [356]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab/UNK_0", -- [357]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab/UNK_0", -- [358]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab/UNK_0", -- [359]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab/UNK_0", -- [360]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab/UNK_0", -- [361]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab/UNK_0", -- [362]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab/UNK_0", -- [363]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab/UNK_0", -- [364]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame/OrderHallMissionFrame.ClassHallIcon", -- [253]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame/OrderHallMissionFrame.CloseButton", -- [251]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame/OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab", -- [316]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame/OrderHallMissionFrame.GarrCorners", -- [252]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab", -- [294]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame/OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab", -- [365]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame/OrderHallMissionFrameFollowers", -- [326]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame/OrderHallMissionFrameFollowers", -- [413]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame/OrderHallMissionFrameTab1", -- [254]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame/OrderHallMissionFrameTab1", -- [296]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame/OrderHallMissionFrameTab2", -- [255]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame/OrderHallMissionFrameTab2", -- [297]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrame/OrderHallMissionFrameTab3", -- [256]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameFollowers/OrderHallFollowerOptionDropDown", -- [325]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameFollowers/OrderHallFollowerOptionDropDown", -- [412]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameFollowers/OrderHallMissionFrameFollowers.MaterialFrame", -- [322]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameFollowers/OrderHallMissionFrameFollowers.MaterialFrame", -- [409]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameFollowers/OrderHallMissionFrameFollowers.SearchBox", -- [323]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameFollowers/OrderHallMissionFrameFollowers.SearchBox", -- [410]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameFollowers/OrderHallMissionFrameFollowersListScrollFrame", -- [321]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameFollowers/OrderHallMissionFrameFollowersListScrollFrame", -- [408]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameFollowersListScrollFrame/OrderHallMissionFrameFollowersListScrollFrameScrollBar", -- [320]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameFollowersListScrollFrame/OrderHallMissionFrameFollowersListScrollFrameScrollBar", -- [407]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameFollowersListScrollFrame/OrderHallMissionFrameFollowersListScrollFrameScrollChild", -- [317]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameFollowersListScrollFrame/OrderHallMissionFrameFollowersListScrollFrameScrollChild", -- [404]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameFollowersListScrollFrameScrollBar/OrderHallMissionFrameFollowersListScrollFrameScrollBarScrollDownButton", -- [319]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameFollowersListScrollFrameScrollBar/OrderHallMissionFrameFollowersListScrollFrameScrollBarScrollDownButton", -- [406]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameFollowersListScrollFrameScrollBar/OrderHallMissionFrameFollowersListScrollFrameScrollBarScrollUpButton", -- [318]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameFollowersListScrollFrameScrollBar/OrderHallMissionFrameFollowersListScrollFrameScrollBarScrollUpButton", -- [405]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissions.CombatAllyUI.Available/OrderHallMissionFrameMissions.CombatAllyUI.Available.AddFollowerButton", -- [277]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissions.CombatAllyUI.Available/OrderHallMissionFrameMissions.CombatAllyUI.Available.AddFollowerButton", -- [348]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissions.CombatAllyUI/OrderHallMissionFrameMissions.CombatAllyUI.Available", -- [278]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissions.CombatAllyUI/OrderHallMissionFrameMissions.CombatAllyUI.Available", -- [349]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissions/OrderHallMissionFrameMissions.CombatAllyUI", -- [279]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissions/OrderHallMissionFrameMissions.CombatAllyUI", -- [350]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissions/OrderHallMissionFrameMissions.MaterialFrame", -- [276]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissions/OrderHallMissionFrameMissions.MaterialFrame", -- [347]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissions/OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrame", -- [273]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissions/OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrame", -- [344]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissions/OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsTab1", -- [274]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissions/OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsTab1", -- [345]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissions/OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsTab2", -- [275]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissions/OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsTab2", -- [346]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrame/OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameScrollBar", -- [272]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrame/OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameScrollBar", -- [343]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrame/OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameScrollChild", -- [269]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrame/OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameScrollChild", -- [340]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameButton1/UNK_0", -- [257]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameButton1/UNK_0", -- [328]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameButton2/UNK_0", -- [259]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameButton2/UNK_0", -- [330]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameButton3/UNK_0", -- [261]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameButton3/UNK_0", -- [332]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameButton4/UNK_0", -- [263]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameButton4/UNK_0", -- [334]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameButton5/UNK_0", -- [265]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameButton5/UNK_0", -- [336]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameButton6/UNK_0", -- [267]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameButton6/UNK_0", -- [338]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameScrollBar/OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameScrollBarScrollDownButton", -- [271]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameScrollBar/OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameScrollBarScrollDownButton", -- [342]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameScrollBar/OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameScrollBarScrollUpButton", -- [270]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameScrollBar/OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameScrollBarScrollUpButton", -- [341]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameScrollChild/OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameButton1", -- [258]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameScrollChild/OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameButton1", -- [329]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameScrollChild/OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameButton2", -- [260]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameScrollChild/OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameButton2", -- [331]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameScrollChild/OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameButton3", -- [262]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameScrollChild/OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameButton3", -- [333]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameScrollChild/OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameButton4", -- [264]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameScrollChild/OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameButton4", -- [335]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameScrollChild/OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameButton5", -- [266]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameScrollChild/OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameButton5", -- [337]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameScrollChild/OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameButton6", -- [268]
-	"OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameScrollChild/OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsListScrollFrameButton6", -- [339]
-	"UIParent/GameMenuFrame", -- [440]
-	"UIParent/GarrisonFollowerMissionAbilityWithoutCountersTooltip", -- [424]
-	"UIParent/GarrisonFollowerTooltip", -- [423]
-	"UIParent/GarrisonFollowerTooltip", -- [428]
-	"UIParent/OrderHallCommandBar", -- [14]
-	"UIParent/OrderHallCommandBar", -- [175]
-	"UIParent/OrderHallCommandBar", -- [89]
-	"UIParent/OrderHallMissionFrame", -- [295]
-RETURN_TO_START = "Return to your Class Hall to start this mission"
-FOLLOWER_ADDED_TOAST = "Follower Gained"
-TROOP_ADDED_UPGRADED_TOAST = "Upgraded Troop Gained"
-TRAITS_LABEL = "Equipment Slots"
-FOLLOWER_ADDED_UPGRADED_TOAST = "Upgraded Follower Gained"
-FOLLOWER_COUNT_STRING = "Champions: %s%d/%d%s"
-CONFIRM_EQUIPMENT = "Are you sure you want to equip your follower with %s?"
-TROOP_ADDED_TOAST = "Troop Gained"
-LANDING_COMPLETE = "Complete - Return to your Class Hall"
-followerListCounterInnerSpacing = 4
-minQualityLevelToShowLevel = 0
-showSpikyBordersOnSpecializationAbilities = true
-hideMissionTypeInLandingPage = true
-missionCompleteUseNeutralChest = true
-followerPageShowGear = false
-followerListCounterScale = 1.15
-isPrimaryFollowerType = true
-garrisonType = 3
-missionPageMaxCountersInFollowerFrame = 3
-missionPageMaxCountersInFollowerFrameBeforeScaling = 2
-hideCountersInAbilityFrame = true
-usesOvermaxMechanic = true
-showCategoriesInFollowerList = true
-missionFrame = "OrderHallMissionFrame"
-missionTooltipShowPartialCountersAsFull = true
-showCautionSignOnMissionFollowersSmallBias = false
-displayCounterAbilityInPlaceOfMechanic = true
-showSingleMissionCompleteAnimation = true
-followerPageShowSourceText = false
-missionPageAssignTroopSound = "UI_Mission_SlotTroop"
-minFollowersForThreatCountersFrame = 1.#INF
-partyNotFullText = "You do not have enough Champions to start this mission."
-followerListCounterOuterSpacingX = 8
-missionAbilityTooltipFrame = "GarrisonFollowerMissionAbilityWithoutCountersTooltip"
-abilityTooltipFrame = "GarrisonFollowerAbilityWithoutCountersTooltip"
-missionPageMechanicYOffset = -32
-followerListCounterNumPerRow = 2
-traitAbilitiesAreEquipment = true
-missionFollowerSortFunc = function: 000000003F78CD70
-followerListCounterOuterSpacingY = 4
-useAbilityTooltipStyleWithoutCounters = true
-missionFollowerInitSortFunc = function: 00007FF788B90998
-missionPageAssignFollowerSound = "UI_Mission_SlotChampion"
-showSingleMissionCompleteFollower = false
-showILevelOnFollower = false
-showILevelInFollowerList = true
-missionPageShowXPInMissionInfo = true
-GARRISON_FOLLOWER_DURABILITY_CHANGED,followerType,followerID,number(Durability left?)
-GARRISON_FOLLOWER_XP_CHANGED,followerType,followerID,gainedxp,oldxp,oldlevel,oldquality (gained is 0 for maxed)
-If succeeded then
-GARRISON_FOLLOWER_XP_CHANGED,followerType,followerID,gainedxp,oldxp,oldlevel,oldquality (gained is 0 for maxed)
-If troops lost:
diff --git a/OrderHallCommander/embeds.xml b/OrderHallCommander/embeds.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e1cf200..0000000
--- a/OrderHallCommander/embeds.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
-	<Include file="..\GarrisonCommander\embeds.xml"/>
diff --git a/OrderHallCommander/followerpage.lua b/OrderHallCommander/followerpage.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 82c5470..0000000
--- a/OrderHallCommander/followerpage.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-local __FILE__=tostring(debugstack(1,2,0):match("(.*):1:")) -- Always check line number in regexp and file, must be 1
-local function pp(...) print(GetTime(),"|cff009900",__FILE__:sub(-15),strjoin(",",tostringall(...)),"|r") end
---*TYPE module
---*CONFIG noswitch=false,profile=true,enhancedProfile=true
---*MIXINS "AceHook-3.0","AceEvent-3.0","AceTimer-3.0"
---*MINOR 35
--- Generated on 20/01/2017 08:15:04
-local me,ns=...
-local addon=ns --#Addon (to keep eclipse happy)
-local module=addon:NewSubModule('Followerpage',"AceHook-3.0","AceEvent-3.0","AceTimer-3.0")  --#Module
-function addon:GetFollowerpageModule() return module end
--- Template
-local G=C_Garrison
-local _
-local AceGUI=LibStub("AceGUI-3.0")
-local C=addon:GetColorTable()
-local L=addon:GetLocale()
-local new=addon.NewTable
-local del=addon.DelTable
-local kpairs=addon:GetKpairs()
-local empty=addon:GetEmpty()
-local OHF=OrderHallMissionFrame
-local OHFMissionTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab --Container for mission list and single mission
-local OHFMissions=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionList -- same as OrderHallMissionFrameMissions Call Update on this to refresh Mission Listing
-local OHFFollowerTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab -- Contains model view
-local OHFFollowerList=OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerList -- Contains follower list (visible in both follower and mission mode)
-local OHFFollowers=OrderHallMissionFrameFollowers -- Contains scroll list
-local OHFMissionPage=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage -- Contains mission description and party setup
-local OHFMapTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.MapTab -- Contains quest map
-local followerType=LE_FOLLOWER_TYPE_GARRISON_7_0
-local garrisonType=LE_GARRISON_TYPE_7_0
-local FAKE_FOLLOWERID="0x0000000000000000"
-local MAXLEVEL=110
-local ShowTT=OrderHallCommanderMixin.ShowTT
-local HideTT=OrderHallCommanderMixin.HideTT
-local dprint=print
-local ddump
-if LibDebug then LibDebug() dprint=print end
-local safeG=addon.safeG
-dprint=function() end
-ddump=function() end
-local print=function() end
-local UpgradeFrame
-local UpgradeButtons={}
-local pool={}
-local debugInfo
-function module:CheckSpell()
-function module:OnInitialized()
-	UpgradeFrame=CreateFrame("Frame",nil,OHFFollowerTab)
-	local u=UpgradeFrame
-	u:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",OHFFollowerTab,"TOPLEFT",5,-72)
-	u:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",OHFFollowerTab,"BOTTOMLEFT",5,7)
-	u:SetWidth(70)
-	u:Show()
-	--addon:SetBackdrop(u,C:Green())
-	self:SecureHook("GarrisonMission_SetFollowerModel","RefreshUpgrades")
-	UpgradeFrame:EnableMouse(true)
-	--@debug@
-	self:RawHookScript(UpgradeFrame,"OnEnter","ShowFollowerData")
-	self:RawHookScript(UpgradeFrame,"OnLeave",function() GameTooltip:Hide() end)
-	debugInfo=u:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormal")
-	debugInfo:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",70,20)
-function module:ShowFollowerData(this)
-	local tip=GameTooltip
-	tip:SetOwner(this,"CURSOR_ANCHOR")
-	tip:AddLine(me)
-	OrderHallCommanderMixin.DumpData(tip,addon:GetFollowerData(OHFFollowerTab.followerID))
-	tip:Show()
-function module:GARRISON_FOLLOWER_UPGRADED(event,followerType,followerId)
-	if OHFFollowerTab:IsVisible() then
-		self:ScheduleTimer("RefreshUpgrades",0.3)
-	end
-function module:RenderUpgradeButton(id,previous)
-		local qt=GetItemCount(id)
-		if qt== 0 then return previous end --Not rendering empty buttons
-		print("Rendering",id,"for",qt,"pieces")
-		local b=self:AcquireButton()
-		if previous then
-			b:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",previous,"BOTTOMLEFT",0,-8)
-		else
-			b:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",5,-10)
-		end
-		previous=b
-		b.itemID=id
-		b:SetAttribute("item",select(2,GetItemInfo(id)))
-		GarrisonMissionFrame_SetItemRewardDetails(b)
-		b.Quantity:SetFormattedText("%d",qt)
-		b.Quantity:SetTextColor(C.Yellow())
-		b.Quantity:Show()
-		b:Show()
-		return b
-function module:RefreshUpgrades(model,followerID,displayID,showWeapon)
-	debugInfo:SetText(followerID)
-	if not OHFFollowerTab:IsVisible() then return end
-	if model then
-		UpgradeFrame:SetFrameStrata(model:GetFrameStrata())
-		UpgradeFrame:SetFrameLevel(model:GetFrameLevel()+5)
-	end
-	if not followerID then followerID=OHFFollowerTab.followerID end
-	local follower=addon:GetFollowerData(followerID)
-	for i=1,#UpgradeButtons do
-		self:ReleaseButton(UpgradeButtons[i])
-	end
-	wipe(UpgradeButtons)
-	if not follower then print("No follower for ",followerID) return end
-	if follower.isTroop then return end
-	if not follower.isCollected then return end
-	if follower.status==GARRISON_FOLLOWER_ON_MISSION then return end
-	if follower.status==GARRISON_FOLLOWER_COMBAT_ALLY then return end
-	if follower.status==GARRISON_FOLLOWER_INACTIVE then return end
-	local u=UpgradeFrame
-	local previous
-	if follower.iLevel <850 then
-		for _,id in pairs(addon:GetData("Upgrades")) do
-			previous=self:RenderUpgradeButton(id,previous)
-		end
-	end
-	if not follower.isMaxLevel or  follower.quality ~=LE_ITEM_QUALITY_EPIC then
-		for _,id in pairs(addon:GetData("Xp")) do
-			previous=self:RenderUpgradeButton(id,previous)
-		end
-	end
-	if follower.quality >=LE_ITEM_QUALITY_RARE then
-		for _,id in pairs(addon:GetData("Equipment")) do
-			previous=self:RenderUpgradeButton(id,previous)
-		end
-	end
-function module:AcquireButton()
-	local b=tremove(pool)
-	if not b then
-		b=CreateFrame("Button",nil,UpgradeFrame,"OHCUpgradeButton,SecureActionbuttonTemplate")
-		b:EnableMouse(true)
-		b:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonDown")
-		b:SetAttribute("type","item")
-		b:SetSize(40,40)
-		b.Icon:SetSize(40,40)
-		b:EnableMouse(true)
-		b:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonDown")
-	end
-	tinsert(UpgradeButtons,b)
-	return b
-function module:ReleaseButton(u)
-	u:Hide()
-	u:ClearAllPoints()
-	tinsert(pool,u)
-local CONFIRM1=L["Upgrading to |cff00ff00%d|r"].."\n" .. CONFIRM_GARRISON_FOLLOWER_UPGRADE
-local CONFIRM2=L["Upgrading to |cff00ff00%d|r"].."\n|cffffd200 "..L["You are wasting |cffff0000%d|cffffd200 point(s)!!!"].."|r\n" .. CONFIRM_GARRISON_FOLLOWER_UPGRADE
-local function DoUpgradeFollower(this)
-		G.CastSpellOnFollower(this.data);
-local function UpgradeFollower(this)
-	local follower=this:GetParent()
-	local followerID=follower.followerID
-	local upgradelevel=this.rawlevel
-	local genere=this.tipo:sub(1,1)
-	local currentlevel=genere=="w" and follower.ItemWeapon.itemLevel or  follower.ItemArmor.itemLevel
-	local name = ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[G.GetFollowerQuality(followerID)].hex..G.GetFollowerName(followerID)..FONT_COLOR_CODE_CLOSE;
-	local losing=false
-	local upgrade=math.min(upgradelevel>600 and upgradelevel or upgradelevel+currentlevel,GARRISON_FOLLOWER_MAX_ITEM_LEVEL)
-	if upgradelevel > 600 and currentlevel>600 then
-		if (currentlevel > upgradelevel) then
-			losing=upgradelevel - 600
-		else
-			losing=currentlevel -600
-		end
-	elseif upgrade > GARRISON_FOLLOWER_MAX_ITEM_LEVEL then
-	end
-	if losing then
-		return module:Popup(format(CONFIRM2,upgrade,losing,name),0,DoUpgradeFollower,true,followerID,true)
-	else
-		if addon:GetToggle("NOCONFIRM") then
-			return G.CastSpellOnFollower(followerID);
-		else
-			return module:Popup(format(CONFIRM1,upgrade,name),0,DoUpgradeFollower,true,followerID,true)
-		end
-	end
diff --git a/OrderHallCommander/localization.lua b/OrderHallCommander/localization.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cdba7c..0000000
--- a/OrderHallCommander/localization.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,559 +0,0 @@
-local me,ns=...
-local lang=GetLocale()
-local l=LibStub("AceLocale-3.0")
-local L=l:NewLocale(me,"enUS",true,true)
-L["Always counter increased resource cost"] = true
-L["Always counter increased time"] = true
-L["Always counter kill troops (ignored if we can only use troops with just 1 durability left)"] = true
-L["Always counter no bonus loot threat"] = true
-L["Better parties available in next future"] = true
-L["Building Final report"] = true
-L["Capped %1$s. Spend at least %2$d of them"] = true
-L["Changes the sort order of missions in Mission panel"] = true
-L["Combat ally is proposed for missions so you can consider unassigning him"] = true
-L["Complete all missions without confirmation"] = true
-L["Configuration for mission party builder"] = true
-L["Dont kill Troops"] = true
-L["Duration reduced"] = true
-L["Duration Time"] = true
-L["Expiration Time"] = true
-L["Favours leveling follower for xp missions"] = true
-L["General"] = true
-L["Global approx. xp reward"] = true
-L["HallComander Quick Mission Completion"] = true
-L[ [=[If you %s,  you will lose them
-Click on %s to abort]=] ] = [=[If you %s, you will lose them
-Click on %s to abort]=]
-L[ [=[If you %s, you will lose them
-Click on %s to abort]=] ] = true
-L["Keep cost low"] = true
-L["Keep extra bonus"] = true
-L["Keep time short"] = true
-L["Keep time VERY short"] = true
-L["Level"] = true
-L["Make Order Hall Mission Panel movable"] = true
-L["Maximize xp gain"] = true
-L["Missions"] = true
-L["No follower gained xp"] = true
-L["Nothing to report"] = true
-L["Notifies you when you have troops ready to be collected"] = true
-L["Only accept missions with time improved"] = true
-L[ [=[OrderHallCommander overrides GarrisonCommander for Order Hall Management.
- You can revert to GarrisonCommander simpy disabling OrderhallCommander]=] ] = true
-L["Original method"] = true
-L["Position is not saved on logout"] = true
-L["Resurrect troops effect"] = true
-L["Reward type"] = true
-L["Show/hide OrderHallCommander mission menu"] = true
-L["Sort missions by:"] = true
-L["Success Chance"] = true
-L["Troop ready alert"] = true
-L["Upgrading to |cff00ff00%d|r"] = true
-L["Use combat ally"] = true
-L["You are wasting |cffff0000%d|cffffd200 point(s)!!!"] = true
-if (L) then
-L["Always counter increased resource cost"] = "Sempre contra o aumento do custo de recursos"
-L["Always counter increased time"] = "Sempre contra o aumento do tempo"
-L["Always counter kill troops (ignored if we can only use troops with just 1 durability left)"] = "Sempre counter kill tropas (ignorado se podemos apenas usar tropas com apenas 1 durabilidade à esquerda)"
-L["Better parties available in next future"] = "Festas melhores disponíveis no próximo futuro"
-L["Building Final report"] = "Relatório final do edifício"
-L["Capped %1$s. Spend at least %2$d of them"] = "Capped% 1 $ s. Gaste pelo menos% 2 $ d deles"
-L["Changes the sort order of missions in Mission panel"] = "Altera a ordem de classificação das missões no painel da Missão"
-L["Complete all missions without confirmation"] = "Complete todas as missões sem confirmação"
-L["Configuration for mission party builder"] = "Configuração para o construtor de parte da missão"
-L["Dont kill Troops"] = "Não mate tropas"
-L["Duration reduced"] = "Duração reduzida"
-L["Duration Time"] = "Tempo de duração"
-L["Expiration Time"] = "Data de validade"
-L["Favours leveling follower for xp missions"] = "Favors leveling follower para missões xp"
-L["General"] = "Geral"
-L["Global approx. xp reward"] = "Global aprox. Recompensa xp"
-L["HallComander Quick Mission Completion"] = "Conclusão Rápida da Missão HallComander"
-L[ [=[If you %s,  you will lose them
-Click on %s to abort]=] ] = "Se você% s, você os perderá  nClique em% s para abortar"
-L["Keep cost low"] = "Mantenha o custo baixo"
-L["Keep time short"] = "Mantenha o tempo curto"
-L["Keep time VERY short"] = "Mantenha o tempo MUITO curto"
-L["Level"] = "Nível"
-L["Make Order Hall Mission Panel movable"] = "Faça a encomenda Hall Missão Painel móvel"
-L["Maximize xp gain"] = "Maximize o ganho de xp"
-L["Missions"] = "Missões"
-L["No follower gained xp"] = "Nenhum seguidor ganhou xp"
-L["Nothing to report"] = "Nada a declarar"
-L["Notifies you when you have troops ready to be collected"] = "Notifica você quando você tem tropas prontas para serem coletadas"
-L["Only accept missions with time improved"] = "Aceitar apenas missões com o tempo melhorado"
-L[ [=[OrderHallCommander overrides GarrisonCommander for Order Hall Management.
- You can revert to GarrisonCommander simpy disabling OrderhallCommander]=] ] = "OrderHallCommander substitui o GarrisonCommander para a Gestão de Hall de Ordem.  N Você pode reverter para GarrisonCommander simplesmente desativando o OrderhallCommander"
-L["Original method"] = "Método original"
-L["Position is not saved on logout"] = "A posição não é salva no logout"
-L["Resurrect troops effect"] = "Resurrect efeito tropas"
-L["Reward type"] = "Tipo de recompensa"
-L["Show/hide OrderHallCommander mission menu"] = "Mostrar / ocultar o menu da missão OrderHallCommander"
-L["Sort missions by:"] = "Classifique missões por:"
-L["Success Chance"] = "Chance de sucesso"
-L["Troop ready alert"] = "Alerta de tropas"
-L["Upgrading to |cff00ff00%d|r"] = "Atualizando para | cff00ff00% d | r"
-L["You are wasting |cffff0000%d|cffffd200 point(s)!!!"] = "Você está desperdiçando | cffff0000% d | cffffd200 point (s) !!!"
-if (L) then
-L["Always counter increased resource cost"] = "Toujours contrer les coûts accrus des ressources"
-L["Always counter increased time"] = "Toujours contrer le temps accru"
-L["Always counter kill troops (ignored if we can only use troops with just 1 durability left)"] = "Toujours contre tuer les troupes (ignoré si nous ne pouvons utiliser des troupes avec une seule durabilité à gauche)"
-L["Better parties available in next future"] = "De meilleures parties disponibles au prochain avenir"
-L["Building Final report"] = "Rapport final du bâtiment"
-L["Capped %1$s. Spend at least %2$d of them"] = "Plafonné% 1 $ s. Dépenser au moins% 2 $ d d'entre eux"
-L["Changes the sort order of missions in Mission panel"] = "Modifie l'ordre de tri des missions dans le panneau Mission"
-L["Complete all missions without confirmation"] = "Terminer toutes les missions sans confirmation"
-L["Configuration for mission party builder"] = "Configuration pour le constructeur de mission"
-L["Dont kill Troops"] = "Ne tuez pas les troupes"
-L["Duration reduced"] = "Durée réduite"
-L["Duration Time"] = "Durée"
-L["Expiration Time"] = "Date d'expiration"
-L["Favours leveling follower for xp missions"] = "Favors level follower pour les missions xp"
-L["General"] = "Général"
-L["Global approx. xp reward"] = "Global env. Xp récompense"
-L["HallComander Quick Mission Completion"] = "Achèvement rapide de mission HallComander"
-L[ [=[If you %s,  you will lose them
-Click on %s to abort]=] ] = "Si vous% s, vous les perdrez  nCliquez sur% s pour annuler"
-L["Keep cost low"] = "Garder le coût bas"
-L["Keep time short"] = "Garde le temps court"
-L["Keep time VERY short"] = "Gardez le temps très court"
-L["Level"] = "Niveau"
-L["Make Order Hall Mission Panel movable"] = "Commande Hall Mission Panneau mobile"
-L["Maximize xp gain"] = "Maximiser le gain de xp"
-L["Missions"] = true
-L["No follower gained xp"] = "Aucun adepte n'a gagné xp"
-L["Nothing to report"] = "Rien à signaler"
-L["Notifies you when you have troops ready to be collected"] = "Vous avertit lorsque vous avez des troupes prêtes à être recueillies"
-L["Only accept missions with time improved"] = "N'acceptez que les missions avec le temps améliorées"
-L[ [=[OrderHallCommander overrides GarrisonCommander for Order Hall Management.
- You can revert to GarrisonCommander simpy disabling OrderhallCommander]=] ] = "OrderHallCommander annule GarrisonCommander pour la gestion des commandes Hall.  N Vous pouvez revenir à GarrisonCommander simpy désactiver OrderhallCommander"
-L["Original method"] = "Méthode originale"
-L["Position is not saved on logout"] = "La position n'est pas enregistrée lors de la déconnexion"
-L["Resurrect troops effect"] = "Effet Résurrection des troupes"
-L["Reward type"] = "Type de récompense"
-L["Show/hide OrderHallCommander mission menu"] = "Afficher / masquer le menu de mission OrderHallCommander"
-L["Sort missions by:"] = "Missions de tri par:"
-L["Success Chance"] = "Chance de succès"
-L["Troop ready alert"] = "Alerte prêt des troupes"
-L["Upgrading to |cff00ff00%d|r"] = "Mise à niveau vers | cff00ff00% d | r"
-L["You are wasting |cffff0000%d|cffffd200 point(s)!!!"] = "Vous perdez | cffff0000% d | cffffd200 point (s) !!!"
-if (L) then
-L["Always counter increased resource cost"] = "Immer erhöhte Ressourcenkosten kontern"
-L["Always counter increased time"] = "Immer erhöhte Missionsdauer kontern"
-L["Always counter kill troops (ignored if we can only use troops with just 1 durability left)"] = "Töten der Trupps immer kontern (dies wird ignoriert, falls nur Truppen mit 1 Haltbarkeit benutzt werden können)"
-L["Always counter no bonus loot threat"] = "Kontert immer Bedrohungen, die Bonusbeute verhindern"
-L["Better parties available in next future"] = "Bessere Gruppen sind in absehbarer Zeit verfügbar"
-L["Building Final report"] = "Erstelle Abschlussbericht"
-L["Capped %1$s. Spend at least %2$d of them"] = "Maximal %1$ s. Gib mindestens %2$d davon aus"
-L["Changes the sort order of missions in Mission panel"] = "Verändert die Sortierreihenfolge der Missionen in der Missionsübersicht"
-L["Combat ally is proposed for missions so you can consider unassigning him"] = "Der Kampfgefährte wird für Missionen vorgeschlagen, du kannst dann entscheiden, ob du ihn abziehen möchtest"
-L["Complete all missions without confirmation"] = "Alle Missionen ohne Bestätigung abschließen"
-L["Configuration for mission party builder"] = "Konfiguration des Gruppenerstellers für Missionen"
-L["Dont kill Troops"] = "Trupps nicht töten"
-L["Duration reduced"] = "Dauer reduziert"
-L["Duration Time"] = "Dauer"
-L["Expiration Time"] = "Ablaufzeit"
-L["Favours leveling follower for xp missions"] = "Bevorzugt niedrigstufige Anhänger für EP-Missionen"
-L["General"] = "Allgemein"
-L["Global approx. xp reward"] = "Ca. Insgesamte EP-Belohnung"
-L["HallComander Quick Mission Completion"] = "HallComander Schneller Missionsabschluss"
-L[ [=[If you %s,  you will lose them
-Click on %s to abort]=] ] = [=[Wenn du %s, wirst du sie verlieren.
-Klicke auf %s, um abzubrechen]=]
-L[ [=[If you %s, you will lose them
-Click on %s to abort]=] ] = [=[Wenn du %s, wirst du sie verlieren.
-Klicke auf %s, um abzubrechen]=]
-L["Keep cost low"] = "Kosten niedrig halten"
-L["Keep extra bonus"] = "Bonusbeute behalten"
-L["Keep time short"] = "Zeit kurz halten"
-L["Keep time VERY short"] = "Zeit SEHR kurz halten"
-L["Level"] = "Stufe"
-L["Make Order Hall Mission Panel movable"] = "Ordenshallen-Missionsfenster beweglich machen"
-L["Maximize xp gain"] = "Erfahrungszunahme maximieren"
-L["Missions"] = "Missionen"
-L["No follower gained xp"] = "Kein Anhänger erhielt EP"
-L["Nothing to report"] = "Nichts zu berichten"
-L["Notifies you when you have troops ready to be collected"] = "Benachrichtigt, wenn Truppen bereit sind, gesammelt zu werden"
-L["Only accept missions with time improved"] = "Nur Missionen mit verkürzter Dauer annehmen"
-L[ [=[OrderHallCommander overrides GarrisonCommander for Order Hall Management.
- You can revert to GarrisonCommander simpy disabling OrderhallCommander]=] ] = "OrderHallCommander überschreibt GarrisonCommander für die Verwaltung der Ordenshalle. Sie können GarrisonCommander wiederherstellen, indem Sie OrderhallCommander deaktivieren"
-L["Original method"] = "Ursprüngliche Methode"
-L["Position is not saved on logout"] = "Die Position wird beim Ausloggen nicht gespeichert"
-L["Resurrect troops effect"] = "Truppen wiederbeleben"
-L["Reward type"] = "Belohnungsart"
-L["Show/hide OrderHallCommander mission menu"] = "OrderHallCommander-Missionsmenü zeigen/ausblenden"
-L["Sort missions by:"] = "Sortieren nach:"
-L["Success Chance"] = "Erfolgschance"
-L["Troop ready alert"] = "Warnung Trupp bereit"
-L["Upgrading to |cff00ff00%d|r"] = "Aktualisieren auf | cff00ff00% d | r"
-L["Use combat ally"] = "Kampfgefährten verwenden"
-L["You are wasting |cffff0000%d|cffffd200 point(s)!!!"] = "Sie verschwenden | cffff0000% d | cffffd200 Punkt (e) !!!"
-if (L) then
-L["Always counter increased resource cost"] = "Contrasta sempre incremento risorse"
-L["Always counter increased time"] = "Contrasta sempre incremento durata"
-L["Always counter kill troops (ignored if we can only use troops with just 1 durability left)"] = "Contrasta sempre morte milizie (ignorato tutte le milizie hanno solo una vita rimanente)"
-L["Always counter no bonus loot threat"] = "Contrasta sempre il \"no bonus\""
-L["Better parties available in next future"] = "Ci sono combinazioni migliori nel futuro"
-L["Building Final report"] = "Sto preparando il rapporto finale"
-L["Capped %1$s. Spend at least %2$d of them"] = "%1$s ha un limite. Spendine almeno %2%d"
-L["Changes the sort order of missions in Mission panel"] = "Cambia l'ordine delle mission nel Pannello Missioni"
-L["Combat ally is proposed for missions so you can consider unassigning him"] = "Viene proposto l'alleato, per poter valutare se rimuoverlo dalla missione di scorta"
-L["Complete all missions without confirmation"] = "Completa tutte le missioni senza chiedere conferma"
-L["Configuration for mission party builder"] = "Configurazioni per il generatore di gruppi"
-L["Dont kill Troops"] = "Non uccidere le truppe"
-L["Duration reduced"] = "Durata"
-L["Duration Time"] = "Scadenza"
-L["Expiration Time"] = "Scadenza"
-L["Favours leveling follower for xp missions"] = "Preferisci i campioni che devono livellare"
-L["General"] = "Generale"
-L["Global approx. xp reward"] = "Approssimativi PE globali"
-L["HallComander Quick Mission Completion"] = "OrderHallCommander Completamento rapido"
-L["Keep cost low"] = "Mantieni il costo basso"
-L["Keep extra bonus"] = "Ottieni il bonus aggiuntivo"
-L["Keep time short"] = "Riduci la durata"
-L["Keep time VERY short"] = "Riduci MOLTO la durata"
-L["Level"] = "Livello"
-L["Make Order Hall Mission Panel movable"] = "Rendi spostabile il pannello missioni"
-L["Maximize xp gain"] = "Massimizza il guadagno di PE"
-L["Missions"] = "Missioni"
-L["No follower gained xp"] = "Nessun campione ha guaagnato PE"
-L["Nothing to report"] = "Niente da segnalare"
-L["Notifies you when you have troops ready to be collected"] = "Notificami quando ho truppe pronte per essere raccolte"
-L["Only accept missions with time improved"] = "Accetta solo missioni con bonus durata ridotta"
-L[ [=[OrderHallCommander overrides GarrisonCommander for Order Hall Management.
- You can revert to GarrisonCommander simpy disabling OrderhallCommander]=] ] = [=[OrderHallCommander sostituisce l'interfaccia di GarrisonComamnder per le missioni di classe
-Disabilitalo se preferisci GarrisonCommander]=]
-L["Position is not saved on logout"] = "La posizione non è salvata alla disconnessione"
-L["Resurrect troops effect"] = "Resurrezione truppe possibile"
-L["Reward type"] = "Tipo ricompensa"
-L["Show/hide OrderHallCommander mission menu"] = "Mostra/ascondi il menu di missione di OrderHallCommander"
-L["Troop ready alert"] = "Avviso truppe pronte"
-L["Use combat ally"] = "Usa l'alleato"
-if (L) then
-L["Always counter increased resource cost"] = "자원 비용 증가 항상 대응"
-L["Always counter increased time"] = "소요 시간 증가 항상 대응"
-L["Always counter kill troops (ignored if we can only use troops with just 1 durability left)"] = "병력 죽이기 항상 대응 (활력이 1만 남은 병력만 있을 땐 무시)"
-L["Always counter no bonus loot threat"] = "추가 전리품 획득 불가 항상 대응"
-L["Better parties available in next future"] = "다음 시간 후엔 더 나은 파티가 가능합니다"
-L["Building Final report"] = "최종 보고서 작성"
-L["Capped %1$s. Spend at least %2$d of them"] = "%1$s 상한선에 도달했습니다. 최소 %2$d개를 소모하세요"
-L["Changes the sort order of missions in Mission panel"] = "임무 창 내 임무의 정렬 방법을 변경합니다"
-L["Combat ally is proposed for missions so you can consider unassigning him"] = "전투 동료가 임무에 제안되며 전투 동료 지정 해제를 해야 할 수 있습니다"
-L["Complete all missions without confirmation"] = "확인 없이 모든 임무를 완료합니다"
-L["Configuration for mission party builder"] = "임무 파티 구성 설정"
-L["Dont kill Troops"] = "병력 죽이지 않기"
-L["Duration reduced"] = "수행 시간 감소됨"
-L["Duration Time"] = "수행 시간"
-L["Expiration Time"] = "만료 시간"
-L["Favours leveling follower for xp missions"] = "레벨 육성 중인 추종자를 경험치 임무에 우선 지정합니다"
-L["General"] = "일반"
-L["Global approx. xp reward"] = "전체 경험치 보상 추정치"
-L["HallComander Quick Mission Completion"] = "HallCommander 빠른 임무 완료"
-L[ [=[If you %s,  you will lose them
-Click on %s to abort]=] ] = [=[만약 %s\1241이라면;라면;, 그들을 잃게 됩니다
-취소하려면 %s\1241을;를; 클릭하세요]=]
-L[ [=[If you %s, you will lose them
-Click on %s to abort]=] ] = [=[만약 %s\1241이라면;라면;, 그들을 잃게 됩니다
-취소하려면 %s\1241을;를; 클릭하세요]=]
-L["Keep cost low"] = "비용 절감 유지"
-L["Keep extra bonus"] = "추가 전리품 유지"
-L["Keep time short"] = "시간 절약 유지"
-L["Keep time VERY short"] = "시간 매우 절약 유지"
-L["Level"] = "레벨"
-L["Make Order Hall Mission Panel movable"] = "직업 전당 임무 창 이동 가능 설정"
-L["Maximize xp gain"] = "경험치 획득 최대화"
-L["Missions"] = "임무"
-L["No follower gained xp"] = "경험치를 획득한 추종자 없음"
-L["Nothing to report"] = "보고할 내용 없음"
-L["Notifies you when you have troops ready to be collected"] = "병력을 회수할 준비가 되면 당신에게 알립니다"
-L["Only accept missions with time improved"] = "소요 시간이 감소한 임무만 수락합니다"
-L[ [=[OrderHallCommander overrides GarrisonCommander for Order Hall Management.
- You can revert to GarrisonCommander simpy disabling OrderhallCommander]=] ] = [=[OrderHallCommander는 직업 전당 관리를 위해 GarrisonCommander보다 우선됩니다.
-OrderHallCommander를 사용 하지 않으면 GarrisonCommander로 전환할 수 있습니다.]=]
-L["Original method"] = "원래의 방법"
-L["Position is not saved on logout"] = "접속 종료시 위치는 저장되지 않습니다"
-L["Resurrect troops effect"] = "병력 부활 효과"
-L["Reward type"] = "보상 유형"
-L["Show/hide OrderHallCommander mission menu"] = "OrderHallCommander 임무 메뉴 표시/숨기기"
-L["Sort missions by:"] = "임무 정렬 방법:"
-L["Success Chance"] = "성공 확률"
-L["Troop ready alert"] = "병력 준비 경보"
-L["Upgrading to |cff00ff00%d|r"] = "|cff00ff00%d|r\\1241으로;로; 향상시키기"
-L["Use combat ally"] = "전투 동료 사용"
-L["You are wasting |cffff0000%d|cffffd200 point(s)!!!"] = "|cffff0000%d|cffffd200점을 낭비하고 있습니다!!!"
-if (L) then
-L["Always counter increased resource cost"] = "Siempre contrarreste el mayor costo de recursos"
-L["Always counter increased time"] = "Siempre contrarreste el tiempo incrementado"
-L["Always counter kill troops (ignored if we can only use troops with just 1 durability left)"] = "Siempre contra las tropas de matar (ignorado si sólo podemos utilizar tropas con sólo 1 durabilidad a la izquierda)"
-L["Better parties available in next future"] = "Mejores fiestas disponibles en el próximo futuro"
-L["Building Final report"] = "Informe final del edificio"
-L["Capped %1$s. Spend at least %2$d of them"] = "% 1 $ s cubierto. Gasta al menos% 2 $ d de ellos"
-L["Changes the sort order of missions in Mission panel"] = "Cambia el orden de las misiones en el panel de la Misión"
-L["Complete all missions without confirmation"] = "Completa todas las misiones sin confirmación"
-L["Configuration for mission party builder"] = "Configuración para el constructor de la misión"
-L["Dont kill Troops"] = "No matar a las tropas"
-L["Duration reduced"] = "Duración reducida"
-L["Duration Time"] = "Duración"
-L["Expiration Time"] = "Tiempo de expiración"
-L["Favours leveling follower for xp missions"] = "Favors nivelando seguidor para las misiones xp"
-L["General"] = true
-L["Global approx. xp reward"] = "Global aprox. Recompensa xp"
-L["HallComander Quick Mission Completion"] = "Conclusión de la misión rápida de HallComander"
-L[ [=[If you %s,  you will lose them
-Click on %s to abort]=] ] = "Si% s, los perderá  nHaga clic en% s para abortar"
-L["Keep cost low"] = "Mantenga el costo bajo"
-L["Keep time short"] = "Mantenga el tiempo corto"
-L["Keep time VERY short"] = "Mantener el tiempo muy corto"
-L["Level"] = "Nivel"
-L["Make Order Hall Mission Panel movable"] = "Hacer pedido Hall Misión Panel móvil"
-L["Maximize xp gain"] = "Maximizar la ganancia de xp"
-L["Missions"] = "Misiones"
-L["No follower gained xp"] = "Ningún seguidor ganó xp"
-L["Nothing to report"] = "Nada que reportar"
-L["Notifies you when you have troops ready to be collected"] = "Notifica cuando hay tropas listas para ser recolectadas"
-L["Only accept missions with time improved"] = "Sólo aceptar misiones mejoradas con el tiempo"
-L[ [=[OrderHallCommander overrides GarrisonCommander for Order Hall Management.
- You can revert to GarrisonCommander simpy disabling OrderhallCommander]=] ] = "OrderHallCommander reemplaza a GarrisonCommander para la Gestión de Hall de Orden.  N Puede volver a GarneyCommander simplemente inhabilitando OrderhallCommander"
-L["Original method"] = "Método original"
-L["Position is not saved on logout"] = "La posición no se guarda al cerrar la sesión"
-L["Resurrect troops effect"] = "Efecto de las tropas de resurrección"
-L["Reward type"] = "Tipo de recompensa"
-L["Show/hide OrderHallCommander mission menu"] = "Mostrar / ocultar el menú de la misión OrderHallCommander"
-L["Sort missions by:"] = "Ordenar misiones por:"
-L["Success Chance"] = "Éxito"
-L["Troop ready alert"] = "Alerta lista de tropas"
-L["Upgrading to |cff00ff00%d|r"] = "Actualizando a | cff00ff00% d | r"
-L["You are wasting |cffff0000%d|cffffd200 point(s)!!!"] = "Está perdiendo | cffff0000% d | cffffd200 punto (s)!"
-if (L) then
-L["Always counter increased resource cost"] = "Учитывать увеличение стоимости ресурсов."
-L["Always counter increased time"] = "Учитывать увеличение времени на задание"
-L["Always counter kill troops (ignored if we can only use troops with just 1 durability left)"] = "Учитывать жизни валарьяров. (Игнорируется, если остались войска только с 1 ед.здоровья)"
-L["Always counter no bonus loot threat"] = [=[Игнорировать миссии, если
-нет шанса на дополнительную добычу]=]
-L["Better parties available in next future"] = "Лучшая партия будет скоро доступна"
-L["Building Final report"] = "Создать отчет."
-L["Capped %1$s. Spend at least %2$d of them"] = "Достигнуто %1$. Потратьте  по крайней мере 2%$"
-L["Changes the sort order of missions in Mission panel"] = "Изменение порядка сортировки миссий"
-L["Combat ally is proposed for missions so you can consider unassigning him"] = [=[Использовать боевого соратника в расчетах.
-Перед отправкой освободите соратника.]=]
-L["Complete all missions without confirmation"] = "Завершить все миссии без подтверждения"
-L["Configuration for mission party builder"] = "Конфигурация для построения мисии"
-L["Dont kill Troops"] = "Не убивать валарьяров"
-L["Duration reduced"] = "Продолжительность уменьшена"
-L["Duration Time"] = "Продолжительность"
-L["Expiration Time"] = "Время окончания"
-L["Favours leveling follower for xp missions"] = "В миссиях на опыт, использовать гибкую прокачку соратников"
-L["General"] = "Основные"
-L["Global approx. xp reward"] = "Опыт"
-L["HallComander Quick Mission Completion"] = "HallComander Быстрое завершение миссий"
-L[ [=[If you %s,  you will lose them
-Click on %s to abort]=] ] = [=[Если вы %, вы потеряете их.
-Нажмите на %, чтобы прервать]=]
-L[ [=[If you %s, you will lose them
-Click on %s to abort]=] ] = [=[Если вы %, вы потеряете их.
-Нажмите на %, чтобы прервать]=]
-L["Keep cost low"] = "Дешевые миссии"
-L["Keep extra bonus"] = "Дополнительная добыча"
-L["Keep time short"] = "Короткие миссии"
-L["Keep time VERY short"] = "Быстрые миссии"
-L["Level"] = "Уровень"
-L["Make Order Hall Mission Panel movable"] = "  Разрешить перемещать панель Order Hall"
-L["Maximize xp gain"] = "Максимальный опыт"
-L["Missions"] = "Миссии"
-L["No follower gained xp"] = "Соратник не получает опыт"
-L["Nothing to report"] = "Без отчета"
-L["Notifies you when you have troops ready to be collected"] = "Уведомлять о готовности свежих войск"
-L["Only accept missions with time improved"] = "Разрешать миссии только с ускоренным выполнением"
-L[ [=[OrderHallCommander overrides GarrisonCommander for Order Hall Management.
- You can revert to GarrisonCommander simpy disabling OrderhallCommander]=] ] = "OrderHallCommander переопределяет GarrisonCommander для управления оплотом. Вы можете вернуться к GarrisonCommander отключив OrderhallCommander"
-L["Original method"] = "Обычный метод"
-L["Position is not saved on logout"] = "Позиция не сохранится при выходе из системы"
-L["Resurrect troops effect"] = "Эффект воскрешения войск"
-L["Reward type"] = "Награда"
-L["Show/hide OrderHallCommander mission menu"] = "Показать/скрыть меню OrderHallCommander"
-L["Sort missions by:"] = "Сортировать миссии по:"
-L["Success Chance"] = "Шанс успеха"
-L["Troop ready alert"] = "Предупреждать о готовности войск"
-L["Upgrading to |cff00ff00%d|r"] = "Обновление до |cff00ff00%d|r"
-L["Use combat ally"] = "Боевой соратник"
-L["You are wasting |cffff0000%d|cffffd200 point(s)!!!"] = "Вы тратите |cffff0000%d|cffffd200 очков !!!"
-if (L) then
-L["Always counter increased resource cost"] = "总是反制增加资源花费"
-L["Always counter increased time"] = "总是反制增加任务时间"
-L["Always counter kill troops (ignored if we can only use troops with just 1 durability left)"] = "总是反制杀死部队(如果我们用只剩一次耐久的部队则忽略)"
-L["Always counter no bonus loot threat"] = "总是反制没有额外奖励的威胁"
-L["Better parties available in next future"] = "在将来有更好的队伍"
-L["Building Final report"] = "构建最终报告"
-L["Capped %1$s. Spend at least %2$d of them"] = "%1$s封顶了。花费至少%2$d在它身上"
-L["Changes the sort order of missions in Mission panel"] = "改变任务面板上的任务排列顺序"
-L["Combat ally is proposed for missions so you can consider unassigning him"] = "战斗盟友被建议到任务,所以你可以考虑取消指派他"
-L["Complete all missions without confirmation"] = "完成所有任务不须确认"
-L["Configuration for mission party builder"] = "任务队伍构建设置"
-L["Dont kill Troops"] = "别让部队被杀死"
-L["Duration reduced"] = "持续时间已缩短"
-L["Duration Time"] = "持续时间"
-L["Expiration Time"] = "到期时间"
-L["Favours leveling follower for xp missions"] = "倾向于使用升级中追隨者在经验值任务"
-L["General"] = "一般"
-L["Global approx. xp reward"] = "整体大约经验值奖励"
-L["HallComander Quick Mission Completion"] = "大厅指挥官快速任务完成"
-L[ [=[If you %s,  you will lose them
-Click on %s to abort]=] ] = [=[如果你继续,你会失去它们
-L[ [=[If you %s, you will lose them
-Click on %s to abort]=] ] = [=[如果你继续,你会失去它们
-L["Keep cost low"] = "节省大厅资源"
-L["Keep extra bonus"] = "优先额外奖励"
-L["Keep time short"] = "减少任务时间"
-L["Keep time VERY short"] = "最短任务时间"
-L["Level"] = "等级"
-L["Make Order Hall Mission Panel movable"] = "让大厅任务面板可移动"
-L["Maximize xp gain"] = "最大化经验获取"
-L["Missions"] = "任务"
-L["No follower gained xp"] = "没有追随者获得经验"
-L["Nothing to report"] = "没什么可报告"
-L["Notifies you when you have troops ready to be collected"] = "当部队已准备好获取时提醒你"
-L["Only accept missions with time improved"] = "只允许有时间改善的任务"
-L[ [=[OrderHallCommander overrides GarrisonCommander for Order Hall Management.
- You can revert to GarrisonCommander simpy disabling OrderhallCommander]=] ] = [=[OrderHallCommander覆盖GarrisonCommander订单厅管理。
-  你可以恢复到GarrisonCommander simpy禁用OrderhallCommander]=]
-L["Original method"] = "原始方法"
-L["Position is not saved on logout"] = "位置不会在登出后储存"
-L["Resurrect troops effect"] = "复活部队效果"
-L["Reward type"] = "奖励类型"
-L["Show/hide OrderHallCommander mission menu"] = "显示/隐藏大厅指挥官任务选单"
-L["Sort missions by:"] = "排列任务根据:"
-L["Success Chance"] = "成功机率"
-L["Troop ready alert"] = "部队装备提醒"
-L["Upgrading to |cff00ff00%d|r"] = "升级到|cff00ff00%d|r"
-L["Use combat ally"] = "使用战斗盟友"
-L["You are wasting |cffff0000%d|cffffd200 point(s)!!!"] = "你浪费了|cffff0000%d|cffffd200 点数!!!"
-if (L) then
-L["Always counter increased resource cost"] = "Siempre contrarreste el mayor costo de recursos"
-L["Always counter increased time"] = "Siempre contrarreste el tiempo incrementado"
-L["Always counter kill troops (ignored if we can only use troops with just 1 durability left)"] = "Siempre contrarrestar la muerte de tropas (ignorado si sólo podemos utilizar tropas con un solo punto de durabilidad)"
-L["Always counter no bonus loot threat"] = "Siempre contrarresta la falta de bonificación de botín"
-L["Better parties available in next future"] = "Mejores fiestas disponibles en el próximo futuro"
-L["Building Final report"] = "Informe final del edificio"
-L["Capped %1$s. Spend at least %2$d of them"] = "% 1 $ s cubierto. Gasta al menos% 2 $ d de ellos"
-L["Changes the sort order of missions in Mission panel"] = "Cambia el orden de las misiones en el panel de la Misión"
-L["Complete all missions without confirmation"] = "Completa todas las misiones sin confirmación"
-L["Configuration for mission party builder"] = "Configuración para el constructor de la misión"
-L["Dont kill Troops"] = "No matar a las tropas"
-L["Duration reduced"] = "Duración reducida"
-L["Duration Time"] = "Duración"
-L["Expiration Time"] = "Tiempo de expiración"
-L["Favours leveling follower for xp missions"] = "Favors nivelando seguidor para las misiones xp"
-L["General"] = true
-L["Global approx. xp reward"] = "Global aprox. Recompensa xp"
-L["HallComander Quick Mission Completion"] = "Conclusión de la misión rápida de HallComander"
-L[ [=[If you %s,  you will lose them
-Click on %s to abort]=] ] = "Si% s, los perderá  nHaga clic en% s para abortar"
-L["Keep cost low"] = "Mantenga el costo bajo"
-L["Keep extra bonus"] = "Mantener bonificación extra"
-L["Keep time short"] = "Mantenga el tiempo corto"
-L["Keep time VERY short"] = "Mantener el tiempo muy corto"
-L["Level"] = "Nivel"
-L["Make Order Hall Mission Panel movable"] = "Hacer pedido Hall Misión Panel móvil"
-L["Maximize xp gain"] = "Maximizar la ganancia de xp"
-L["Missions"] = "Misiones"
-L["No follower gained xp"] = "Ningún seguidor ganó xp"
-L["Nothing to report"] = "Nada que reportar"
-L["Notifies you when you have troops ready to be collected"] = "Notifica cuando hay tropas listas para ser recolectadas"
-L["Only accept missions with time improved"] = "Sólo aceptar misiones mejoradas con el tiempo"
-L[ [=[OrderHallCommander overrides GarrisonCommander for Order Hall Management.
- You can revert to GarrisonCommander simpy disabling OrderhallCommander]=] ] = "OrderHallCommander reemplaza a GarrisonCommander para la Gestión de Hall de Orden.  N Puede volver a GarneyCommander simplemente inhabilitando OrderhallCommander"
-L["Original method"] = "Método original"
-L["Position is not saved on logout"] = "La posición no se guarda al cerrar la sesión"
-L["Resurrect troops effect"] = "Efecto de las tropas de resurrección"
-L["Reward type"] = "Tipo de recompensa"
-L["Show/hide OrderHallCommander mission menu"] = "Mostrar / ocultar el menú de la misión OrderHallCommander"
-L["Sort missions by:"] = "Ordenar misiones por:"
-L["Success Chance"] = "Éxito"
-L["Troop ready alert"] = "Alerta lista de tropas"
-L["Upgrading to |cff00ff00%d|r"] = "Actualizando a | cff00ff00% d | r"
-L["Use combat ally"] = "Usar aliado de combate"
-L["You are wasting |cffff0000%d|cffffd200 point(s)!!!"] = "Está perdiendo | cffff0000% d | cffffd200 punto (s)!"
-if (L) then
-L["Always counter increased resource cost"] = "總是反制增加資源花費"
-L["Always counter increased time"] = "總是反制增加任務時間"
-L["Always counter kill troops (ignored if we can only use troops with just 1 durability left)"] = "總是反制殺死部隊(如果我們用只剩一次耐久的部隊則忽略)"
-L["Always counter no bonus loot threat"] = "總是反制沒有額外獎勵的威脅"
-L["Better parties available in next future"] = "在將來有更好的隊伍"
-L["Building Final report"] = "構建最終報告"
-L["Capped %1$s. Spend at least %2$d of them"] = "%1$s封頂了。花費至少%2$d在它身上"
-L["Changes the sort order of missions in Mission panel"] = "改變任務面板上的任務排列順序"
-L["Combat ally is proposed for missions so you can consider unassigning him"] = "戰鬥盟友被建議到任務,所以你可以考慮取消指派他"
-L["Complete all missions without confirmation"] = "完成所有任務不須確認"
-L["Configuration for mission party builder"] = "任務隊伍構建設置"
-L["Dont kill Troops"] = "別讓部隊被殺死"
-L["Duration reduced"] = "持續時間已縮短"
-L["Duration Time"] = "持續時間"
-L["Expiration Time"] = "到期時間"
-L["Favours leveling follower for xp missions"] = "傾向於使用升級中追隨者在經驗值任務"
-L["General"] = "(G) 一般"
-L["Global approx. xp reward"] = "整體大約經驗值獎勵"
-L["HallComander Quick Mission Completion"] = "大廳指揮官快速任務完成"
-L[ [=[If you %s,  you will lose them
-Click on %s to abort]=] ] = [=[如果您繼續,您會失去它們
-L[ [=[If you %s, you will lose them
-Click on %s to abort]=] ] = [=[如果您繼續,您會失去它們
-L["Keep cost low"] = "保持低花費"
-L["Keep extra bonus"] = "保持額外獎勵"
-L["Keep time short"] = "保持短時間"
-L["Keep time VERY short"] = "保持非常短的時間"
-L["Level"] = "等級"
-L["Make Order Hall Mission Panel movable"] = "讓大廳任務面板可移動"
-L["Maximize xp gain"] = "最大化經驗獲取"
-L["Missions"] = "(M) 任務"
-L["No follower gained xp"] = "沒有追隨者獲得經驗"
-L["Nothing to report"] = "沒什麼可報告"
-L["Notifies you when you have troops ready to be collected"] = "當部隊已準備好獲取時提醒你"
-L["Only accept missions with time improved"] = "只允許有時間改善的任務"
-L[ [=[OrderHallCommander overrides GarrisonCommander for Order Hall Management.
- You can revert to GarrisonCommander simpy disabling OrderhallCommander]=] ] = [=[大廳指揮官會覆蓋要塞指揮官為大廳管理。
-L["Original method"] = "原始方法"
-L["Position is not saved on logout"] = "位置不會在登出後儲存"
-L["Resurrect troops effect"] = "復活部隊效果"
-L["Reward type"] = "獎勵類型"
-L["Show/hide OrderHallCommander mission menu"] = "顯示/隱藏大廳指揮官任務選單"
-L["Sort missions by:"] = "排列任務根據:"
-L["Success Chance"] = "成功機率"
-L["Troop ready alert"] = "部隊整備提醒"
-L["Upgrading to |cff00ff00%d|r"] = "升級到|cff00ff00%d|r"
-L["Use combat ally"] = "使用戰鬥盟友"
-L["You are wasting |cffff0000%d|cffffd200 point(s)!!!"] = "你浪費了|cffff0000%d|cffffd200 點數!!!"
diff --git a/OrderHallCommander/matchmaker.lua b/OrderHallCommander/matchmaker.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b8d04aa..0000000
--- a/OrderHallCommander/matchmaker.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,665 +0,0 @@
-local __FILE__=tostring(debugstack(1,2,0):match("(.*):1:")) -- Always check line number in regexp and file, must be 1
-local function pp(...) print(GetTime(),"|cff009900",__FILE__:sub(-15),strjoin(",",tostringall(...)),"|r") end
---*TYPE module
---*CONFIG noswitch=false,profile=true,enhancedProfile=true
---*MIXINS "AceHook-3.0","AceEvent-3.0","AceTimer-3.0","AceSerializer-3.0","AceConsole-3.0"
---*MINOR 35
--- Generated on 20/01/2017 08:15:04
-local me,ns=...
-local addon=ns --#Addon (to keep eclipse happy)
-local module=addon:NewSubModule('Matchmaker',"AceHook-3.0","AceEvent-3.0","AceTimer-3.0","AceSerializer-3.0","AceConsole-3.0")  --#Module
-function addon:GetMatchmakerModule() return module end
--- Template
-local G=C_Garrison
-local _
-local AceGUI=LibStub("AceGUI-3.0")
-local C=addon:GetColorTable()
-local L=addon:GetLocale()
-local new=addon.NewTable
-local del=addon.DelTable
-local kpairs=addon:GetKpairs()
-local empty=addon:GetEmpty()
-local OHF=OrderHallMissionFrame
-local OHFMissionTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab --Container for mission list and single mission
-local OHFMissions=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionList -- same as OrderHallMissionFrameMissions Call Update on this to refresh Mission Listing
-local OHFFollowerTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab -- Contains model view
-local OHFFollowerList=OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerList -- Contains follower list (visible in both follower and mission mode)
-local OHFFollowers=OrderHallMissionFrameFollowers -- Contains scroll list
-local OHFMissionPage=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage -- Contains mission description and party setup
-local OHFMapTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.MapTab -- Contains quest map
-local followerType=LE_FOLLOWER_TYPE_GARRISON_7_0
-local garrisonType=LE_GARRISON_TYPE_7_0
-local FAKE_FOLLOWERID="0x0000000000000000"
-local MAXLEVEL=110
-local ShowTT=OrderHallCommanderMixin.ShowTT
-local HideTT=OrderHallCommanderMixin.HideTT
-local dprint=print
-local ddump
-if LibDebug then LibDebug() dprint=print end
-local safeG=addon.safeG
-dprint=function() end
-ddump=function() end
-local print=function() end
-local lethalMechanicEffectID = 437;
-local cursedMechanicEffectID = 471;
-local slowingMechanicEffectID = 428;
-local disorientingMechanicEffectID = 472;
-local debugMission=0
-local function parse(default,rc,...)
-	if rc then
-		return ...
-	else
-	--@debug@
-		error(message,2)
-	--@end-debug@
-		return default
-	end
-local meta={
-__index = function(t,key)
-	return function(...) return parse(nil,pcall(C_Garrison[key],...)) end end
-local assert,ipairs,pairs,wipe,GetFramesRegisteredForEvent=assert,ipairs,pairs,wipe,GetFramesRegisteredForEvent
-local select,tinsert,format,pcall,setmetatable,coroutine=select,tinsert,format,pcall,setmetatable,coroutine
-local tostringall=tostringall
-local followerType=LE_FOLLOWER_TYPE_GARRISON_7_0
-local emptyTable={}
-local holdEvents
-local releaseEvents
-local debug=setmetatable({},{__index=function(t,k) rawset(t,k,new()) return t[k] end})
-local events={stacklevel=0,frames={}} --#events
-function addon:GetDebug()
-	return debug
-function events.hold() --#eventsholdEvents
-	if events.stacklevel==0 then
-		events.frames={GetFramesRegisteredForEvent('GARRISON_FOLLOWER_LIST_UPDATE')}
-		for i=1,#events.frames do
-			events.frames[i]:UnregisterEvent("GARRISON_FOLLOWER_LIST_UPDATE")
-		end
-	end
-	events.stacklevel=events.stacklevel+1
-function events.release()
-	events.stacklevel=events.stacklevel-1
-	assert(events.stacklevel>=0)
-	if (events.stacklevel==0) then
-		for i=1,#events.frames do
-			events.frames[i]:RegisterEvent("GARRISON_FOLLOWER_LIST_UPDATE")
-		end
-		events.frames=nil
-	end
-local maxtime=3600*24*7
--- Candidate management
-local CandidateManager={perc=0,chance=0} --#CandidateManager
-local CandidateMeta={__index=CandidateManager}
-local emptyCandidate=setmetatable({},CandidateMeta)
-local inProgressCandidate=setmetatable({},CandidateMeta)
-function CandidateManager:IterateFollowers()
-	return ipairs(self)
-function CandidateManager:Follower(index)
-	return self[index]
--- Party management
-local partyManager={} --#PartyManager
-local function newParty()
-	return setmetatable(new(),
-		{__index=partyManager,
-		__call=function(table)  end
-		})
-local parties={}
-local function IsLower(cur,base)
-	if not cur then
-		return 99
-	else
-		return cur < base
-	end
-local function IsHigher(cur,base)
-	if not cur then
-		return 0
-	else
-		return cur > base
-	end
---	addon:RegisterForMenu("mission","SAVETROOPS","SPARE","MAKEITQUICK","MAXIMIZEXP")
-function partyManager:Fail(reason,...)
-	reason=strjoin(' ',tostringall(reason,...))
-	return false,reason
-local keys={
-function partyManager:FillRealFollowers(candidate,dbg)
-	candidate.busyUntil=GetTime()
-	local troops=new()
-	addon:GetAllTroops(troops)
-	for i=1,3 do
-		if i > (self.numFollowers or 3) then return end
-		local key=keys[i];
-		if  candidate[key] then
-			local followerID,classSpec=strsplit(',',candidate['f'..i])
-			classSpec=addon:tonumber(classSpec,0)
-			if classSpec~=0 then
-				local better=(candidate.hasKillTroopsEffect and IsLower or IsHigher)
-				local base=better()
-				local baseBusy=base
-				local found,foundBusy,foundFree
-				for t,troop in pairs(troops) do
-					local ignore=false
-					if troop.classSpec==classSpec then
-						if i>1 and troop.followerID==candidate[i-1] then
-							ignore=true
-						end
-						if i>2 and troop.followerID==candidate[i-2] then
-							ignore=true
-						end
-						troop.status=G.GetFollowerStatus(troop.followerID)
-						if troop.status then
-							if better(troop.durability,baseBusy) and not ignore then
-								foundBusy=t
-								baseBusy=troop.durability
-							end
-						else
-							troop.busyUntil=0
-							if better(troop.durability,base) and not ignore then
-								found=t
-								base=troop.durability
-							end
-							if not ignore and not foundFree then
-								foundFree=t
-							end
-						end
-					end
-				end
-				-- SAVETROOPS doesnt allow to have unintended casualties
-				if addon:GetBoolean("SAVETROOPS") and candidate.hasKillTroopsEffect and addon:GetFollowerData(followerID,'durability') > 1 then
-					followerID=nil
-				else
-					if found then
-						followerID=troops[found].followerID
-					elseif foundFree then
-						followerID=troops[foundFree].followerID
-					elseif foundBusy then
-						followerID=troops[foundBusy].followerID
-					else
-						followerID=nil
-					end
-				end
-			end
-			candidate[i]=followerID
-			if followerID then
-				candidate.busyUntil=math.max(addon:GetFollowerData(followerID,'busyUntil',0),candidate.busyUntil)
-			end
-		else
-			candidate[i]=nil
-		end
-	end
-	del(troops)
-function partyManager:SatisfyCondition(candidate,key,table)
-	if type(candidate) ~= "table" then return self:Fail("NOTABLE") end
-	local followerID=candidate[key]
-	self.lastChecked=followerID
-	if not followerID then return self:Fail("No follower id for party slot",key) end
-	if addon:GetBoolean("SPARE") and candidate.cost > candidate.baseCost then return self:Fail("SPARE",addon:GetBoolean("SPARE"),candidate.cost , candidate.baseCost) end
-	if addon:GetBoolean("MAKEITVERYQUICK") and not candidate.timeIsImproved then return self:Fail("VERYQUICK") end
-	if addon:GetBoolean("MAKEITQUICK") and candidate.hasMissionTimeNegativeEffect then return self:Fail("QUICK") end
-	if addon:GetBoolean("BONUS") and candidate.hasBonusLootNegativeEffect then return self:Fail("BONUS") end
-	local ready=addon:GetFollowerData(followerID,"busyUntil")
-	if not ready then return self:Fail("No ready data") end
-	local status=G.GetFollowerStatus(followerID)
-	if status then
-		if addon:GetBoolean("USEALLY") and status==GARRISON_FOLLOWER_COMBAT_ALLY then
-			return true
-		end
-		return self:Fail("BUSY",status,'G.GetFollowerStatus("' ..followerID..'")')
-	end
-	return true,'OK'
-function partyManager:IterateIndex()
-	self:GenerateIndex()
-	return ipairs(self.candidatesIndex)
-local function GetSelectedParty(self,dbg)
-	local lastkey
-	local bestkey
-	local xpkey
-	local absolutebestkey
-	local busybestkey
-	local xpperc=0
-	local xpgainers=0
-	self:GenerateIndex()
-	local maxChamps=addon:GetNumber("MAXCHAMP")
-	for i,key in ipairs(self.candidatesIndex) do
-		local candidate=self.candidates[key]
-		if dbg then
-			local a={'f1','f2','f3'}
-			local message="key "
-			for i=1,#a do
-				local f=candidate[a[i]]
-				if f then
-					local id,troop,name=strsplit(',',f)
-					key=key.. id:sub(11) .. C(name,troop==0 and 'orange' or 'cyan') .. ' '
-				end
-			end
-			addon:Print(key)
-		end
-		if candidate and candidate.champions <=maxChamps  then
-			self:FillRealFollowers(candidate,dbg)
-			if not absolutebestkey then absolutebestkey=key end
-			lastkey=key
-			local got=true
-			local reason=''
-			if type(self.numFollowers) ~= "number" then
-			end
-			for i=1,self.numFollowers do
-				local rc,reason = self:SatisfyCondition(candidate,i)
-				got=got and rc
-				if not got then
-					if dbg then
-						if reason=="NOTABLE" then
-							addon:Print("Received a non table as candidate",type(candidate),candidate)
-						else
-							addon:Print(candidate['f'..i],C(reason,'RED'))
-						end
-					end
-					break
-				end
-			end
-			if got then
-				if dbg then
-					addon:Print(C("Satisfy ok","green"))
-				end
-				if not bestkey then bestkey=key end
-				if addon:GetBoolean("MAXIMIZEXP") then
-					if candidate.perc >= 100 and candidate.xpGainers >xpgainers then
-						xpkey=key
-						xpperc=candidate.perc
-						xpgainers=candidate.xpGainers
-					end
-				else
-					candidate.order=i
-					candidate.key=key
-					return candidate,key
-				end
-			end
-		else
-			if dbg then addon:Print("Too many champions:",candidate.champions) end
-		end
-	end
-	--@debug@
-	if dbg then addon:Print(
-		format("Best: %s, Xp: %s, Absolute: %s, Last:%s",tostringall(bestkey,xpkey,absolutebestkey,lastkey))
-		)
-	end
-	print("XPKey,Bestkey,Lastkey",self.missionID,xpkey,bestkey,lastkey)
-	--@end-debug@
-	if xpkey then
-		return self.candidates[xpkey],xpkey
-	end
-	if bestkey then
-		return self.candidates[bestkey],bestkey
-	end
-	if absolutebestkey then
-		return self.candidates[absolutebestkey],absolutebestkey
-	end
-	if lastkey then
-		--if self.candidates[lastkey].busyUntil <= GetTime() then
-			return self.candidates[lastkey],lastkey -- should not return busy followers
-		--end
-	end
-	return setmetatable(self:GetEffects(),CandidateMeta)
-function partyManager:GetSelectedParty(mission)
-	wipe(debug[self.missionID])
-	if type(mission)=="table" and mission.inProgress then
-		print("inProgress")
-		if not self.candidates or not self.candidates.progress then
-			local candidate=self:GetEffects()
-			local followers=mission.followers
-			if followers then
-				for i =1,#followers do
-					candidate[i]=followers[i]
-				end
-			end
-			self.candidates.progress=setmetatable(candidate,CandidateMeta)
-		end
-		return self.candidates.progress,"progress"
-	end
-	if type(mission)=="string" and self.candidates[mission] then
-		print("Returning explicity set key ",mission)
-		return self.candidates[mission],mission
-	end
-	if not self.ready then
-		print("Rebuilding list")
-		self:Match()
-	end
-	local candidate=GetSelectedParty(self)
-	self.bestChance=candidate.perc or 0
-	self.bestTimeseconds=candidate.timeseconds or 0
-	self.totalXP=(self.baseXP+self.rewardXP+(candidate.bonusXP or 0))*(candidate.xpGainers or 0)
-	return candidate
-function partyManager:Remove(...)
-	local tbl=...
-	if type(tbl)=="table" then
-		for _,id in ipairs(tbl) do
-			if type(id)=="table" then id=id.followerID end
-			local rc,message=pcall(G.RemoveFollowerFromMission,self.missionID,id)
-			if not rc then
-				print("Remove failed",message,self.missionID,...)
-			end
-		end
-	else
-		for i=1,select('#',...) do
-			local rc,message=pcall(G.RemoveFollowerFromMission,self.missionID,(select(i,...)))
-			if not rc then
-				print("Remove failed",message,self.missionID,...)
-			end
-		end
-	end
-function partyManager:GetEffects()
-	local timestring,timeseconds,timeImproved,chance,buffs,missionEffects,xpBonus,materials,gold=G.GetPartyMissionInfo(self.missionID)
-	missionEffects.timestring=timestring
-	missionEffects.timeseconds=timeseconds
-	missionEffects.perc=chance
-	missionEffects.timeImproved=timeImproved
-	missionEffects.xpBonus=xpBonus
-	missionEffects.materials=materials
-	missionEffects.gold=gold
-	local improvements=5
-	if timeImproved then improvements=improvements -1 end
-	if missionEffects.hasMissionTimeNegativeEffect then improvements=improvements+1 end
-	missionEffects.baseCost,missionEffects.cost=G.GetMissionCost(self.missionID)
-	if missionEffects.baseCost < missionEffects.cost then
-		improvements=improvements+2
-	elseif missionEffects.baseCost > missionEffects.cost then
-		improvements=improvements-1
-	end
-	if missionEffects.hasKillTroopsEffect then
-		improvements=improvements+2
-	end
-	missionEffects.improvements=improvements
-	return missionEffects
-function partyManager:Build(...)
-	print("Build",self.numFollowers,...)
-	local followers=new()
-	if select('#',...)>0 then
-		for i=1,self.numFollowers or 3 do
-			local follower=select(i,...)
-			if not follower then return self:Remove(followers) end
-			local followerID=follower.followerID
-			local rc,res = pcall(G.AddFollowerToMission,self.missionID,followerID)
-			if not rc or not res then
-				self:Remove(followers)
-				del(followers)
-				return
-			end
-			tinsert(followers,follower)
-		end
-	end
-	local missionEffects=self:GetEffects()
-	missionEffects.xpGainers=0
-	missionEffects.champions=0
-	for i=1,#followers do
-		local followerID=followers[i].followerID
-		local k='f'..i
-		if not followers[i].isTroop then
-			local qlevel=addon:GetFollowerData(followerID,'qLevel',0)
-			missionEffects.champions=missionEffects.champions+1
-			if qlevel < addon.MAXQLEVEL then
-				missionEffects.xpGainers=missionEffects.xpGainers+1
-			end
-		end
-		missionEffects[k]=format("%s,%s",tostringall(followerID,followers[i].isTroop and followers[i].classSpec or "0"))
-	--@debug@
-		missionEffects[k]=missionEffects [k]..','..addon:GetFollowerData(followerID,'name')
-	--@end-debug@
-	end
-	self.unique=self.unique+1
-	local index=format("%03d:%1d:%1d:%1d:%2d",900-missionEffects.perc,missionEffects.improvements,missionEffects.champions,3-missionEffects.xpGainers,self.unique)
-	missionEffects.chance=index
-	self.candidates[index]=setmetatable(missionEffects,CandidateMeta)
-	self:Remove(followers)
-function partyManager:Match()
-	local champs=addon:GetPermutations()
-	wipe(self.candidates)
-	local totChamps=#champs
-	local mission=addon:GetMissionData(self.missionID)
-	if not mission then
-	 	addon:RebuildMissionCache()
-	 	mission=addon:GetMissionData(self.missionID)
-	 end
-	if not mission then return false end
-	OHCDebug:Bump("Parties")
-	print("Match started for mission",mission.name)
-	self.unique=0
-	self.numFollowers=mission.numFollowers
-	self.missionSort=addon:Reward2Class(mission)
-	self.missionClass=mission.missionClass
-	self.missionValue=mission.missionValue
-	self.baseXP=mission.baseXP or 0
-	self.rewardXP=(self.missionClass=="FollowerXP" and self.missionValue) or 0
-	self.totalXP=self.baseXP+self.rewardXP
-	local t=addon:GetTroopTypes()
-	local t1_1,t1_2=addon:GetTroop(t[1],2)
-	local t2_1,t2_2=addon:GetTroop(t[2],2)
-	local t3_1,t3_2=addon:GetTroop(t[3],2)
-	local async=coroutine.running()
-	if not async then holdEvents() end
-	local n=self.numFollowers or 3
-	for i=1,n do
-		for _,tuple in pairs(champs[i]) do
-			if async then holdEvents() end
-			local f1,f2,f3=strsplit(',',tuple)
-			f1=empty(f1) and nil or addon:GetFollowerData(f1)
-			f2=empty(f1) and nil or addon:GetFollowerData(f2)
-			f3=empty(f1) and nil or addon:GetFollowerData(f3)
-			print("Match",tuple,f1,f2,f3)
-			if i < n then
-				if n==3 then
-					if i==1 then -- single champ group, adding double follower
-						if t1_1 and t1_2 then self:Build(f1,t1_1,t1_2) end -- 2
-						if t1_1 and t2_1 then self:Build(f1,t1_1,t2_1) end -- 1 1
-						if t1_1 and t3_1 then self:Build(f1,t1_1,t3_1) end -- 1   1
-						if t2_1 and t2_2 then self:Build(f1,t2_1,t2_2) end --   2
-						if t2_1 and t3_1 then self:Build(f1,t2_1,t3_1) end --   1 1
-						if t3_1 and t3_2 then self:Build(f1,t3_1,t3_2) end --     2
-					elseif i==2 then -- 2 champ group, adding single follower
-						if t1_1 then self:Build(f1,f2,t1_1) end
-						if t2_1 then self:Build(f1,f2,t2_1) end
-						if t3_1 then self:Build(f1,f2,t3_1) end
-					end
-				elseif n==2 then
-					if t1_1 then self:Build(f1,t1_1) end
-					if t2_1 then self:Build(f1,t2_1) end
-					if t3_1 then self:Build(f1,t2_1) end
-				end
-			else
-				self:Build(f1,f2,f3) -- Full Champions group
-			end
-		end
-		if async then
-			releaseEvents()
-			coroutine.yield()
-		end
-	end
-	self:Build()
-	if not async then releaseEvents() end
-	self.ready=true
-	return true
-function partyManager:GenerateIndex()
-	if not self.candidatesIndex then self.candidatesIndex=new() else wipe(self.candidatesIndex) end
-	for k,_ in pairs(self.candidates) do
-		tinsert(self.candidatesIndex,k)
-	end
-	table.sort(self.candidatesIndex)
-function module:OnInitialized()
-	addon:AddLabel(L["Missions"],L["Configuration for mission party builder"])
-	addon:AddBoolean("SAVETROOPS",false,L["Dont kill Troops"],L["Always counter kill troops (ignored if we can only use troops with just 1 durability left)"])
-	addon:AddBoolean("BONUS",true,L["Keep extra bonus"],L["Always counter no bonus loot threat"])
-	addon:AddBoolean("SPARE",false,L["Keep cost low"],L["Always counter increased resource cost"])
-	addon:AddBoolean("MAKEITQUICK",true,L["Keep time short"],L["Always counter increased time"])
-	addon:AddBoolean("MAKEITVERYQUICK",false,L["Keep time VERY short"],L["Only accept missions with time improved"])
-	addon:AddBoolean("MAXIMIZEXP",false,L["Maximize xp gain"],L["Favours leveling follower for xp missions"])
-	--addon:AddBoolean("MAXIMIZEMISSIONS",false,L["Maximize filled missions"],L["Attempts to use less champions for missions, in order to fill more missions"])
-	addon:AddRange("MAXCHAMP",2,1,3,L["Max champions"],L["Use at most this many champions"])
-	addon:AddBoolean("USEALLY",false,L["Use combat ally"],L["Combat ally is proposed for missions so you can consider unassigning him"])
-	self:RegisterEvent("GARRISON_FOLLOWER_XP_CHANGED","Refresh")
-	self:RegisterEvent("GARRISON_FOLLOWER_UPGRADED","Refresh")
-	self:RegisterEvent("GARRISON_FOLLOWER_ADDED","Refresh")
-	self:RegisterEvent("GARRISON_MISSION_STARTED","Refresh")
-	self:RegisterEvent("GARRISON_MISSION_COMPLETE_RESPONSE","Refresh")
-	self:RegisterEvent("FOLLOWER_LIST_UPDATE","Refresh")
-function module:Refresh(event)
-	self:ResetParties()
-	addon:GetMissionlistModule():SortMissions()
-	return addon:RefreshMissions()
-function module:ResetParties()
-	for _,party in pairs(parties) do
-		party.ready=false
-	end
---Public interface
-function addon:ApplySAVETROOPS(value)
-	return addon:RefreshMissions()
-function addon:ApplySPARE(value)
-	return addon:RefreshMissions()
-function addon:ApplyMAKEITQUICK(value)
-	return addon:RefreshMissions()
-function addon:ApplyUSEALLY(value)
-	return addon:RefreshMissions()
-function addon:ApplyMAXIMIZEMISSIONS(value)
-	return addon:RefreshMissions()
-function addon:ApplyMAXCHAMP(value)
-	return addon:RefreshMissions()
-function addon:ApplyBONUS(value)
-	return addon:RefreshMissions()
-function addon:ApplyMAKEITVERYQUICK(value)
-	return addon:RefreshMissions()
-function addon:ApplyMAXIMIZEXP(value)
-	return addon:RefreshMissions()
-function addon:HoldEvents()
-	return holdEvents()
-function addon:ReleaseEvents()
-	return releaseEvents()
-function addon:GetSelectedParty(missionID,key)
-	return self:GetParties(missionID):GetSelectedParty(key)
-function addon:ResetParties()
-	return module:ResetParties()
-function addon:TestParty(missionID)
-	local parties=self:GetParties(missionID)
-	self:Print("Debug for ", missionID,G.GetMissionName(missionID))
-	local choosen,choosenkey=GetSelectedParty(parties,true)
-	self:Print(choosenkey)
-	DevTools_Dump(choosen)
-function addon:GetParties(missionID)
-	if not parties[missionID] then
-		parties[missionID]=newParty()
-		parties[missionID].missionID=missionID
-		parties[missionID].candidates=new()
-	end
-	local n=0
-	for _,_ in pairs(parties) do
-		n=n+1
-	end
-	OHCDebug:Set("NumParties",n)
-	return parties[missionID]
-function addon:GetAllParties()
-	return parties
-function addon:ReFillParties()
-	for missionID,_ in pairs(addon:GetMissionData()) do
-		self:GetParties(missionID):Match()
-	end
-function addon:SetDebug(id)
-	debugMission=id
diff --git a/OrderHallCommander/missionlist.lua b/OrderHallCommander/missionlist.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index a1fe935..0000000
--- a/OrderHallCommander/missionlist.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,672 +0,0 @@
-local __FILE__=tostring(debugstack(1,2,0):match("(.*):1:")) -- Always check line number in regexp and file, must be 1
-local function pp(...) print(GetTime(),"|cff009900",__FILE__:sub(-15),strjoin(",",tostringall(...)),"|r") end
---*TYPE module
---*CONFIG noswitch=false,profile=true,enhancedProfile=true
---*MIXINS "AceHook-3.0","AceEvent-3.0","AceTimer-3.0"
---*MINOR 35
--- Generated on 20/01/2017 08:15:04
-local me,ns=...
-local addon=ns --#Addon (to keep eclipse happy)
-local module=addon:NewSubModule('Missionlist',"AceHook-3.0","AceEvent-3.0","AceTimer-3.0")  --#Module
-function addon:GetMissionlistModule() return module end
--- Template
-local G=C_Garrison
-local _
-local AceGUI=LibStub("AceGUI-3.0")
-local C=addon:GetColorTable()
-local L=addon:GetLocale()
-local new=addon.NewTable
-local del=addon.DelTable
-local kpairs=addon:GetKpairs()
-local empty=addon:GetEmpty()
-local OHF=OrderHallMissionFrame
-local OHFMissionTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab --Container for mission list and single mission
-local OHFMissions=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionList -- same as OrderHallMissionFrameMissions Call Update on this to refresh Mission Listing
-local OHFFollowerTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab -- Contains model view
-local OHFFollowerList=OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerList -- Contains follower list (visible in both follower and mission mode)
-local OHFFollowers=OrderHallMissionFrameFollowers -- Contains scroll list
-local OHFMissionPage=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage -- Contains mission description and party setup
-local OHFMapTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.MapTab -- Contains quest map
-local followerType=LE_FOLLOWER_TYPE_GARRISON_7_0
-local garrisonType=LE_GARRISON_TYPE_7_0
-local FAKE_FOLLOWERID="0x0000000000000000"
-local MAXLEVEL=110
-local ShowTT=OrderHallCommanderMixin.ShowTT
-local HideTT=OrderHallCommanderMixin.HideTT
-local dprint=print
-local ddump
-if LibDebug then LibDebug() dprint=print end
-local safeG=addon.safeG
-dprint=function() end
-ddump=function() end
-local print=function() end
--- Additonal frames
-local GARRISON_MISSION_ID="MissionID: %d"
-local missionstats=setmetatable({}, {__mode = "v"})
-local missionmembers=setmetatable({}, {__mode = "v"})
-local missionthreats=setmetatable({}, {__mode = "v"})
-local missionIDS={}
-local spinners=setmetatable({}, {__mode = "v"})
-local parties=setmetatable({}, {__mode = "v"})
-local buttonlist={}
-local oGarrison_SortMissions=Garrison_SortMissions
-local function nop() end
-local Current_Sorter
-local sorters={
-		Garrison_SortMissions_Original=nop,
-		Garrison_SortMissions_Chance=function(a,b)
-			local aparty=addon:GetParties(a.missionID)
-			local bparty=addon:GetParties(b.missionID)
-			return aparty.bestChance>bparty.bestChance
-		end,
-		Garrison_SortMissions_Level=function(a,b) return a.level==b.level and a.iLevel>b.iLevel or a.level >b.level end,
-		Garrison_SortMissions_Age=function(a,b) return (a.offerEndTime or 0) < (b.offerEndTime or 0) end,
-		Garrison_SortMissions_Xp=function(a,b)
-			local aparty=addon:GetParties(a.missionID)
-			local bparty=addon:GetParties(b.missionID)
-			return aparty.totalXP>bparty.totalXP
-		end,
-		Garrison_SortMissions_Duration=function(a,b)
-			local aparty=addon:GetParties(a.missionID)
-			local bparty=addon:GetParties(b.missionID)
-			return aparty.bestTimeseconds<bparty.bestTimeseconds
-		end,
-		Garrison_SortMissions_Class=function(a,b)
-			local a=addon:GetMissionData(a.missionID)
-			local b=addon:GetMissionData(b.missionID)
-			return (a.missionSort or 0)>(b.missionSort or 0)
-		end,
-local function Garrison_SortMissions_PostHook()
-   print("Riordino le missioni")
-   table.sort(OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionList.availableMissions,function(a,b) return a.name < b.name end)
-function module:OnInitialized()
--- Dunno why but every attempt of changing sort starts a memory leak
-	local sorters={
-		Garrison_SortMissions_Original=L["Original method"],
-		Garrison_SortMissions_Chance=L["Success Chance"],
-		Garrison_SortMissions_Level=L["Level"],
-		Garrison_SortMissions_Age=L["Expiration Time"],
-		Garrison_SortMissions_Xp=L["Global approx. xp reward"],
-		Garrison_SortMissions_Duration=L["Duration Time"],
-		Garrison_SortMissions_Class=L["Reward type"],
-	}
-	addon:AddSelect("SORTMISSION","Garrison_SortMissions_Original",sorters,	L["Sort missions by:"],L["Changes the sort order of missions in Mission panel"])
-	addon:AddPrivateAction("HardRefreshMissions","Recalculate",L["Recalculate all parties"])
-	addon:RegisterForMenu("mission","SORTMISSION","HardRefreshMissions")
-	self:LoadButtons()
-	self:RegisterEvent("GARRISON_MISSION_STARTED",function() wipe(missionIDS) wipe(parties) end)
-	Current_Sorter=addon:GetString("SORTMISSION")
-	self:SecureHookScript(OHF--[[MissionTab--]],"OnShow","InitialSetup")
-	--@debug@
-	pp("Current sorter",Current_Sorter)
-	--@end-debug@
-	--hooksecurefunc("Garrison_SortMissions",Garrison_SortMissions_PostHook)--function(missions) module:SortMissions(missions) end)
-	--self:SecureHook("Garrison_SortMissions",function(missionlist) print("Sorting",#missionlist,"missions") end)
-	--function(missions) module:SortMissions(missions) end)
-	self:SecureHookScript(OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsTab1,"OnClick","SortMissions")
-	self:SecureHookScript(OrderHallMissionFrameMissionsTab2,"OnClick","SortMissions")
-function module:Print(...)
-	print(...)
-function module:LoadButtons(...)
-	buttonlist=OHFMissions.listScroll.buttons
-	for i=1,#buttonlist do
-		local b=buttonlist[i]
-		self:SecureHookScript(b,"OnEnter","AdjustMissionTooltip")
-		self:SecureHookScript(b,"OnClick","PostMissionClick")
-		b:RegisterForClicks("AnyDown")
-		local scale=0.8
-		local f,h,s=b.Title:GetFont()
-		b.Title:SetFont(f,h*scale,s)
-		local f,h,s=b.Summary:GetFont()
-		b.Summary:SetFont(f,h*scale,s)
-	end
--- This method is called also when overing on tooltips
--- keeps a reference to the mission currently bound to this button
-function module:OnUpdate()
-	print("OnUpdate")
---	for _,frame in pairs(buttonlist) do
---		if frame:IsVisible() then
---			self:AdjustPosition(frame)
---			if frame.info.missionID ~= missionIDS[frame] then
---				self:AdjustMissionButton(frame)
---				missionIDS[frame]=frame.info.missionID
---			end
---		end
---	end
-function module:OnSingleUpdate(frame)
-	addon:Print("OnSingleUpdate",frame and frame.info and frame.info.missionID,missionIDS[frame])
-	if frame:IsVisible() then
-		self:AdjustPosition(frame)
-		if frame.info.missionID ~= missionIDS[frame] then
-			self:AdjustMissionButton(frame)
-			missionIDS[frame]=frame.info.missionID
-		end
-	end
--- called when needed a full upodate (reload mission data)
-function module:OnUpdateMissions(...)
-	if OHFMissions:IsVisible() then
-		addon:HardRefreshMissions()
-		--self:SortMissions()
-		--OHFMissions:Update()
-		--for _,frame in pairs(buttonlist) do
-		--	if frame:IsVisible() then
-		--		self:AdjustMissionButton(frame,frame.info.rewards)
-		--	end
-		--end
-	end
-local function sortfunc1(a,b)
-	return a.timeLeftSeconds < b.timeLeftSeconds
-local prova={
-	{followerTypeID=1},
-	{followerTypeID=2},
-function module:SortMissions()
-	if OHFMissions:IsVisible() then
-		if OHFMissions.inProgress then
-			pcall(table.sort,OHFMissions.inProgressMissions,sortfunc1)
-		else
-			pcall(table.sort,OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionList.availableMissions,sorters[Current_Sorter])
-			--Garrison_SortMissions(OHFMissions.availableMissions)
-			--Garrison_SortMissions(prova)
-		end
-		OHFMissions:Update()
-	end
-function addon:ApplySORTMISSION(value)
-	Current_Sorter=value
-	module:SortMissions()
-function addon:HardRefreshMissions()
-	print("Called hard refresh")
-	wipe(missionIDS)
-	wipe(parties)
-	self:RebuildAllCaches()
-	self:ResetParties()
-	collectgarbage()
-local timer
-function addon:RefreshMissions()
-	if OHFMissionPage:IsVisible() then
-		module:PostMissionClick(OHFMissionPage)
-	else
-		if timer then self:CancelTimer(timer) end
-		timer=self:ScheduleTimer("EffectiveRefresh",0.1)
-	end
-function addon:EffectiveRefresh()
-	timer=nil
-	wipe(parties)
-	wipe(missionIDS)
-	OHFMissions:Update()
-local function ToggleSet(this,value)
-	return addon:ToggleSet(this.flag,this.tipo,value)
-local function ToggleGet(this)
-	return addon:ToggleGet(this.flag,this.tipo)
-local function PreToggleSet(this)
-	return ToggleSet(this,this:GetChecked())
-local pin
-local close
-local menu
-local button
-local function OpenMenu()
-	addon.db.profile.showmenu=true
-	button:Hide()
-	menu:Show()
-local function CloseMenu()
-	addon.db.profile.showmenu=false
-	button:Show()
-	menu:Hide()
-function module:Menu()
-	local previous
-	local factory=addon:GetFactory()
-	for _,v in pairs(addon:GetRegisteredForMenu("mission")) do
-		local flag,icon=strsplit(',',v)
-		local f=factory:Option(addon,menu,flag)
-		if type(f)=="table" and f.GetObjectType then
-			if flag=="MAXCHAMP" then f:SetStep(1) end
-			if previous then
-				f:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",previous,"BOTTOMLEFT",0,-10)
-			else
-				f:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",menu,"TOPLEFT",32,-30)
-			end
-			previous=f
-		end
-	end
-function module:InitialSetup(this)
-	if type(addon.db.global.warn01_seen)~="number" then	addon.db.global.warn01_seen =0 end
-	if type(addon.db.global.warn02_seen)~="number" then	addon.db.global.warn02_seen =0 end
-	if GetAddOnEnableState(UnitName("player"),"GarrisonCommander") > 0 then
-		if addon.db.global.warn02_seen  < 3 then
-			addon.db.global.warn02_seen=addon.db.global.warn02_seen+1
-			addon:Popup(L["OrderHallCommander overrides GarrisonCommander for Order Hall Management.\n You can revert to GarrisonCommander simply disabling OrderhallCommander.\nIf instead you like OrderHallCommander remember to add it to Curse client and keep it updated"],20)
-		end
-	end
-	menu=CreateFrame("Frame",nil,OHFMissionTab,"OHCMenu")
-	menu.Title:SetText(me .. ' ' .. addon.version)
-	menu.Title:SetTextColor(C:Yellow())
-	close=menu.CloseButton
-	button=CreateFrame("Button",nil,OHFMissionTab,"OHCPin")
-	button.tooltip=L["Show/hide OrderHallCommander mission menu"]
-	close:SetScript("OnClick",CloseMenu)
-	button:SetScript("OnClick",OpenMenu)
-	button:GetNormalTexture():SetRotation(math.rad(270))
-	button:GetHighlightTexture():SetRotation(math.rad(270))
-	self:Menu()
-	if addon.db.profile.showmenu then OpenMenu() else CloseMenu() end
-	addon.MAXLEVEL=OHF.followerMaxLevel
-	addon.MAXQUALITY=OHF.followerMaxQuality
-	self:Unhook(this,"OnShow")
-	self:SecureHookScript(this,"OnShow","MainOnShow")
-	self:SecureHookScript(this,"OnHide","MainOnHide")
-	OHF.FollowerStatusInfo=OHF:CreateFontString(nil,"OVERLAY","GameFontNormalSmall")
-	OHF.FollowerStatusInfo:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT",-45,-5)
-	OHF.FollowerStatusInfo:SetText("")
-	self:MainOnShow()
-function module:MainOnShow()
-	self:Hook(OHFMissions,"Update","OnUpdate",true)
-	self:Hook(OHFMissions,"UpdateMissions","OnUpdateMissions",true)
-	self:SecureHook("GarrisonMissionButton_SetRewards","OnSingleUpdate")
-	--self:SecureHook(OHFMissions,"UpdateCombatAllyMission",function() pp("Called inside updatemissions") pp("\n",debugstack(1)) end)
-	self:OnUpdate()
-	addon:ApplySORTMISSION(addon:GetString("SORTMISSION"))
-	addon:RefreshFollowerStatus()
-	addon:ParseFollowers()
-function module:MainOnHide()
-	self:Unhook(OHFMissions,"UpdateCombatAllyMission")
-	self:Unhook(OHFMissions,"UpdateMissions")
-	self:Unhook(OHFMissions,"Update")
-	self:Unhook("GarrisonMissionButton_SetRewards")
-	self:Unhook(OHFMissions,"OnUpdate")
-function module:AdjustPosition(frame)
-	local mission=frame.info
-	frame.Title:ClearAllPoints()
-	if  mission.isResult then
-		frame.Title:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",165,15)
-	elseif  mission.inProgress then
-		frame.Title:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",165,-10)
-	else
-		frame.Title:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",165,-7)
-	end
-	if mission.isRare then
-		frame.Title:SetTextColor(frame.RareText:GetTextColor())
-	else
-		frame.Title:SetTextColor(C:White())
-	end
-	frame.RareText:Hide()
-	-- Compacting mission time and level
-	frame.RareText:Hide()
-	frame.Level:ClearAllPoints()
-	frame.MissionType:ClearAllPoints()
-	frame.ItemLevel:Hide()
-	frame.Level:SetPoint("LEFT",5,0)
-	frame.MissionType:SetPoint("LEFT",5,0)
-	if mission.isMaxLevel then
-		frame.Level:SetText(mission.iLevel)
-	else
-		frame.Level:SetText(mission.level)
-	end
-	local missionID=mission.missionID
-function module:AdjustMissionButton(frame)
-	if not OHF:IsVisible() then return end
-	local mission=frame.info
-	local missionID=mission and mission.missionID
-	if not missionID then return end
-	missionIDS[frame]=missionID
-	-- Adding stats frame (expiration date and chance)
-	if not missionstats[frame] then
-		missionstats[frame]=CreateFrame("Frame",nil,frame,"OHCStats")
-		self:RawHookScript(missionstats[frame],"OnEnter","MissionTip")
-	end
-	local stats=missionstats[frame]
-	local aLevel,aIlevel=addon:GetAverageLevels()
-	if mission.isMaxLevel then
-		frame.Level:SetText(mission.iLevel)
-		frame.Level:SetTextColor(addon:GetDifficultyColors(math.floor((aIlevel-750)/(mission.iLevel-750)*100)))
-	else
-		frame.Level:SetText(mission.level)
-		frame.Level:SetTextColor(addon:GetDifficultyColors(math.floor(aLevel/mission.level*100)))
-	end
-	if mission.inProgress then
-		stats:SetPoint("LEFT",48,14)
-		stats.Expire:Hide()
-		addon:GetCacheModule():SetMissionStatus(missionID,'inProgress')
-	else
-		stats.Expire:SetFormattedText("%s\n%s",GARRISON_MISSION_AVAILABILITY,mission.offerTimeRemaining)
-		stats.Expire:SetTextColor(addon:GetAgeColor(mission.offerEndTime))
-		stats:SetPoint("LEFT",48,0)
-		stats.Expire:Show()
-	end
-	stats.Chance:Show()
-	if not missionmembers[frame] then
-		missionmembers[frame]=CreateFrame("Frame",nil,frame,"OHCMembers")
-	end
-	if not missionthreats[frame] then
-		missionthreats[frame]=CreateFrame("Frame",nil,frame,"OHCThreats")
-	end
-	self:AddMembers(frame)
-function module:AddMembers(frame)
-	local start=GetTime()
-	local mission=frame.info
-	local nrewards=#mission.rewards
-	local missionID=mission and mission.missionID
-	local followers=mission.followers
-	local key
-	local party
-	if not key then
-		party,key=addon:GetSelectedParty(missionID,mission)
-		parties[missionID]=key
-		print("Party recalculated",party)
-	else
-		print(key,"Party retrieved",party)
-		party=addon:GetSelectedParty(missionID,key)
-	end
-	local members=missionmembers[frame]
-	members:SetNotReady()
-	local stats=missionstats[frame]
-	members:SetPoint("RIGHT",frame.Rewards[nrewards],"LEFT",-5,0)
-	for i=1,mission.numFollowers do
-		if party:Follower(i) then
-			members.Champions[i]:SetFollower(party:Follower(i),not mission.inProgress)
-		else
-			members.Champions[i]:SetEmpty()
-		end
-		members.Champions[i]:Show()
-	end
-	for i=mission.numFollowers+1,3 do
-			members.Champions[i]:Hide()
-	end
-	local perc=party.perc or 0
-	if perc==0 then
-		stats.Chance:SetText("N/A")
-	else
-		stats.Chance:SetFormattedText(PERCENTAGE_STRING,perc)
-	end
-	stats.Chance:SetTextColor(addon:GetDifficultyColors(perc))
-	local threats=missionthreats[frame]
-	if frame.info.inProgress then
-		frame.Overlay:SetFrameLevel(20)
-		threats:Hide()
-		return
-	else
-		threats:Show()
-	end
-	threats:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",frame.Title,"BOTTOMLEFT",0,-5)
-	local enemies=addon:GetMissionData(missionID,'enemies')
-	if type(enemies)~="table" then
-		enemies=select(8,G.GetMissionInfo(missionID))
-	end
-	local mechanics=new()
-	local counters=new()
-	local biases=new()
-	for _,enemy in pairs(enemies) do
-		if type(enemy.mechanics)=="table" then
-		   for mechanicID,mechanic in pairs(enemy.mechanics) do
-	   	-- icon=enemy.mechanics[id].icon
-	   		mechanic.id=mechanicID
-	   		mechanic.bias=-1
-				tinsert(mechanics,mechanic)
-	   	end
-   	end
-   end
-   for _,followerID in party:IterateFollowers() do
-   	if not G.GetFollowerIsTroop(followerID) then
-		   local followerBias = G.GetFollowerBiasForMission(missionID,followerID)
-		   tinsert(counters,("%04d,%s,%s,%f"):format(1000-(followerBias*100),followerID,G.GetFollowerName(followerID),followerBias))
-	   end
-   end
-   table.sort(counters)
-   for _,data in pairs(counters) do
-   	local _,followerID,_,bias=strsplit(",",data)
-      local abilities=G.GetFollowerAbilities(followerID)
-      for _,ability in pairs(abilities) do
-         for counter,info in pairs(ability.counters) do
-         	for _,mechanic in pairs(mechanics) do
-         		if mechanic.id==counter and not biases[mechanic] then
-         			biases[mechanic]=tonumber(bias)
-         			break
-         		end
-         	end
-         end
-		end
-   end
-   local color="Yellow"
-   local baseCost, cost = party.baseCost ,party.cost
-	if cost<baseCost then
-		color="Green"
-	elseif cost>baseCost then
-		color="Red"
-	end
-	if frame.IsCustom or OHFMissions.showInProgress then
-		cost=-1
-	end
-   if not threats:AddIconsAndCost(mechanics,biases,cost,color,cost > addon:GetResources()) then
-   	addon:RefreshMissions()
-   end
-   del(mechanics)
-   del(counters)
-   del(biases)
-function module:MissionTip(this)
-	local tip=GameTooltip
-	tip:SetOwner(this,"ANCHOR_CURSOR")
-	tip:AddLine(me)
-	tip:AddDoubleLine(addon:GetAverageLevels())
-	local info=this:GetParent().info
-	OrderHallCommanderMixin.DumpData(tip,info)
-	tip:AddLine("Followers")
-	for i,id in ipairs(info.followers) do
-		tip:AddDoubleLine(id,pcall(G.GetFollowerName,id))
-	end
-	tip:AddLine("Rewards")
-	for i,d in pairs(info.rewards) do
-		tip:AddLine('['..i..']')
-		OrderHallCommanderMixin.DumpData(tip,info.rewards[i])
-	end
-	tip:AddLine("OverRewards")
-	for i,d in pairs(info.overmaxRewards) do
-		tip:AddLine('['..i..']')
-		OrderHallCommanderMixin.DumpData(tip,info.overmaxRewards[i])
-	end
-	tip:AddDoubleLine("MissionID",info.missionID)
-	local mission=addon:GetMissionData(info.missionID)
-	tip:AddDoubleLine("MissionClass",mission.missionClass)
-	tip:AddDoubleLine("MissionValue",mission.missionValue)
-	tip:AddDoubleLine("MissionSort",mission.missionSort)
-	tip:Show()
-local bestTimes={}
-local bestTimesIndex={}
-local nobonusloot=G.GetFollowerAbilityDescription(471)
-local increasedcost=G.GetFollowerAbilityDescription(472)
-local increasedduration=G.GetFollowerAbilityDescription(428)
-local killtroops=G.GetFollowerAbilityDescription(437)
-function module:AdjustMissionTooltip(this,...)
-	local tip=GameTooltip
-	local missionID=this.info.missionID
-	tip:AddDoubleLine("MissionID",missionID)
-	if this.info.inProgress or this.info.completed then return end
-	if not this.info.isRare then
-		GameTooltip:AddLine(this.info.offerTimeRemaining, 1, 1, 1);
-	end
-	local party=addon:GetParties(missionID)
-	local key=parties[missionID]
-	if party then
-		local candidate =party:GetSelectedParty(key)
-		if candidate then
-			if candidate.hasBonusLootNegativeEffect then
-				GameTooltip:AddLine(nobonusloot,C:Red())
-			end
-			if candidate.hasKillTroopsEffect then
-				GameTooltip:AddLine(killtroops,C:Red())
-			end
-			if candidate.hasResurrectTroopsEffect then
-				GameTooltip:AddLine(L["Resurrect troops effect"],C:Green())
-			end
-			if candidate.cost > candidate.baseCost then
-				GameTooltip:AddLine(increasedcost,C:Red())
-			end
-			if candidate.hasMissionTimeNegativeEffect then
-				GameTooltip:AddLine(increasedduration,C:Red())
-			end
-			if candidate.timeImproved then
-				GameTooltip:AddLine(L["Duration reduced"],C:Green())
-			end
-			-- Not important enough to be specifically shown
-			-- hasSuccessChanceNegativeEffect
-			-- hasUncounterableSuccessChanceNegativeEffect
-		end
-	end
-	-- Mostrare per ogni tempo di attesa solo la percentuale migliore
-	wipe(bestTimes)
-	wipe(bestTimesIndex)
-	key=key or "999999999999999999999"
-	if key then
-		for _,otherkey in party:IterateIndex() do
-			if otherkey < key then
-				local candidate=party:GetSelectedParty(otherkey)
-				local duration=math.max((candidate.busyUntil or 0)-GetTime(),0)
-				if duration > 0 then
-					if not bestTimes[duration] or bestTimes[duration] < candidate.perc then
-						bestTimes[duration]=candidate.perc
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		for t,p in pairs(bestTimes) do
-			tinsert(bestTimesIndex,t)
-		end
-		if #bestTimesIndex > 0 then
-			tip:AddLine(me)
-			tip:AddLine(L["Better parties available in next future"])
-			table.sort(bestTimesIndex)
-			local bestChance=0
-			for i=1,#bestTimesIndex do
-				local key=bestTimesIndex[i]
-				if bestTimes[key] > bestChance then
-					bestChance=bestTimes[key]
-					tip:AddDoubleLine(SecondsToTime(key),GARRISON_MISSION_PERCENT_CHANCE:format(bestChance),C.Orange.r,C.Orange.g,C.Orange.b,addon:GetDifficultyColors(bestChance))
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		tip:AddLine("-----------------------------------------------")
-		OrderHallCommanderMixin.DumpData(tip,addon:GetParties(this.info.missionID):GetSelectedParty(key))
-	end
-	tip:Show()
-function module:PostMissionClick(this,button)
-	local mission=this.info or this.missionInfo -- callable also from mission page
-	addon:Print(button)
-	if button=="MiddleButton" then
-		addon:TestParty(mission.missionID)
-		return
-	end
-	addon:GetMissionpageModule():FillMissionPage(mission,parties[mission.missionID])
-	local s=setmetatable({},{__index=function(t,k) return 0 end})
-	local FOLLOWER_STATUS_FORMAT= L["Followers status "] ..
-								C(AVAILABLE..':%d ','green') ..
-								C(GARRISON_FOLLOWER_COMBAT_ALLY .. ":%d ",'cyan') ..
-								C(GARRISON_FOLLOWER_ON_MISSION .. ":%d ",'red') ..
-								C(GARRISON_FOLLOWER_INACTIVE .. ":%d","silver")
-	function addon:RefreshFollowerStatus()
-		if not OHF:IsVisible() then return end
-		if empty(addon:GetFollowerData()) then return end
-		wipe(s)
-		for followerID,_ in pairs(addon:GetFollowerData()) do
-			local rc,status=pcall(G.GetFollowerStatus,followerID) -- Follower could have been exhasted and still present in cache
-			if rc then
-				status=status or AVAILABLE
-				s[status]=s[status]+1
-			end
-		end
-		if (OHF.FollowerStatusInfo) then
-			OHF.FollowerStatusInfo:SetWidth(0)
-			OHF.FollowerStatusInfo:SetFormattedText(
-				s[AVAILABLE],
-				)
-		end
-	end
-	function addon:GetTotFollowers(status)
-		if not status then
-			return s[AVAILABLE]+
-		else
-			return s[status] or 0
-		end
-	end
diff --git a/OrderHallCommander/missionpage.lua b/OrderHallCommander/missionpage.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c86c35..0000000
--- a/OrderHallCommander/missionpage.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-local __FILE__=tostring(debugstack(1,2,0):match("(.*):1:")) -- Always check line number in regexp and file, must be 1
-local function pp(...) print(GetTime(),"|cff009900",__FILE__:sub(-15),strjoin(",",tostringall(...)),"|r") end
---*TYPE module
---*CONFIG noswitch=false,profile=true,enhancedProfile=true
---*MIXINS "AceHook-3.0","AceEvent-3.0","AceTimer-3.0"
---*MINOR 35
--- Generated on 20/01/2017 08:15:04
-local me,ns=...
-local addon=ns --#Addon (to keep eclipse happy)
-local module=addon:NewSubModule('Missionpage',"AceHook-3.0","AceEvent-3.0","AceTimer-3.0")  --#Module
-function addon:GetMissionpageModule() return module end
--- Template
-local G=C_Garrison
-local _
-local AceGUI=LibStub("AceGUI-3.0")
-local C=addon:GetColorTable()
-local L=addon:GetLocale()
-local new=addon.NewTable
-local del=addon.DelTable
-local kpairs=addon:GetKpairs()
-local empty=addon:GetEmpty()
-local OHF=OrderHallMissionFrame
-local OHFMissionTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab --Container for mission list and single mission
-local OHFMissions=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionList -- same as OrderHallMissionFrameMissions Call Update on this to refresh Mission Listing
-local OHFFollowerTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab -- Contains model view
-local OHFFollowerList=OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerList -- Contains follower list (visible in both follower and mission mode)
-local OHFFollowers=OrderHallMissionFrameFollowers -- Contains scroll list
-local OHFMissionPage=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage -- Contains mission description and party setup
-local OHFMapTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.MapTab -- Contains quest map
-local followerType=LE_FOLLOWER_TYPE_GARRISON_7_0
-local garrisonType=LE_GARRISON_TYPE_7_0
-local FAKE_FOLLOWERID="0x0000000000000000"
-local MAXLEVEL=110
-local ShowTT=OrderHallCommanderMixin.ShowTT
-local HideTT=OrderHallCommanderMixin.HideTT
-local dprint=print
-local ddump
-if LibDebug then LibDebug() dprint=print end
-local safeG=addon.safeG
-dprint=function() end
-ddump=function() end
-local print=function() end
-local GARRISON_MISSION_ID="MissionID: %d"
-function module:FillMissionPage(missionInfo)
-	if type(missionInfo)=="number" then missionInfo=addon:GetMissionData(missionInfo) end
-	if not missionInfo then return end
-	local missionType=missionInfo.followerTypeID
-	if not missionInfo.canStart then return end
-	local main=OHF
-	if not main then return end
-	local missionpage=main:GetMissionPage()
-	local stage=main.MissionTab.MissionPage.Stage
-	local model=stage.MissionInfo.MissionTime
-	if not stage.expires then
-		stage.expires=stage:CreateFontString()
-		stage.expires:SetFontObject(model:GetFontObject())
-		stage.expires:SetDrawLayer(model:GetDrawLayer())
-	end
-	stage.expires:SetFormattedText(GARRISON_MISSION_AVAILABILITY2,missionInfo.offerTimeRemaining or "")
-	stage.expires:SetTextColor(addon:GetAgeColor(missionInfo.offerEndTime))
-	stage.expires:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",stage.MissionInfo,"BOTTOMLEFT")
-	if not stage.missionid then
-		stage.missionid=stage:CreateFontString()
-		stage.missionid:SetFontObject(model:GetFontObject())
-		stage.missionid:SetDrawLayer(model:GetDrawLayer())
-		stage.missionid:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",stage.expires,"BOTTOMLEFT")
-	end
-	stage.missionid:SetFormattedText(GARRISON_MISSION_ID,missionInfo.missionID)
-	if( IsControlKeyDown()) then self:Print("Ctrl key, ignoring mission prefill") return end
-	if (addon:GetBoolean("NOFILL")) then return end
-	self:FillParty(missionInfo.missionID)
-function module:FillParty(missionID,key)
-	--addon:HoldEvents()
-	local main=OHF
-	main:ClearParty()
-	local party=addon:GetParties(missionID):GetSelectedParty(key)
-	local missionPage=main:GetMissionPage()
-	for i=1,#party do
-		local followerID=party:Follower(i)
-		if followerID then
-			missionPage:AddFollower(followerID)
-		end
-	end
-	--addon:ReleaseEvents()
diff --git a/OrderHallCommander/widgets.lua b/OrderHallCommander/widgets.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c139662..0000000
--- a/OrderHallCommander/widgets.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-local __FILE__=tostring(debugstack(1,2,0):match("(.*):1:")) -- Always check line number in regexp and file, must be 1
-local function pp(...) print(GetTime(),"|cff009900",__FILE__:sub(-15),strjoin(",",tostringall(...)),"|r") end
---*TYPE module
---*CONFIG noswitch=false,profile=true,enhancedProfile=true
---*MIXINS "AceHook-3.0","AceEvent-3.0","AceTimer-3.0"
---*MINOR 35
--- Generated on 20/01/2017 08:15:04
-local me,ns=...
-local addon=ns --#Addon (to keep eclipse happy)
-local module=addon:NewSubModule('Widgets',"AceHook-3.0","AceEvent-3.0","AceTimer-3.0")  --#Module
-function addon:GetWidgetsModule() return module end
--- Template
-local G=C_Garrison
-local _
-local AceGUI=LibStub("AceGUI-3.0")
-local C=addon:GetColorTable()
-local L=addon:GetLocale()
-local new=addon.NewTable
-local del=addon.DelTable
-local kpairs=addon:GetKpairs()
-local empty=addon:GetEmpty()
-local OHF=OrderHallMissionFrame
-local OHFMissionTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab --Container for mission list and single mission
-local OHFMissions=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionList -- same as OrderHallMissionFrameMissions Call Update on this to refresh Mission Listing
-local OHFFollowerTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerTab -- Contains model view
-local OHFFollowerList=OrderHallMissionFrame.FollowerList -- Contains follower list (visible in both follower and mission mode)
-local OHFFollowers=OrderHallMissionFrameFollowers -- Contains scroll list
-local OHFMissionPage=OrderHallMissionFrame.MissionTab.MissionPage -- Contains mission description and party setup
-local OHFMapTab=OrderHallMissionFrame.MapTab -- Contains quest map
-local followerType=LE_FOLLOWER_TYPE_GARRISON_7_0
-local garrisonType=LE_GARRISON_TYPE_7_0
-local FAKE_FOLLOWERID="0x0000000000000000"
-local MAXLEVEL=110
-local ShowTT=OrderHallCommanderMixin.ShowTT
-local HideTT=OrderHallCommanderMixin.HideTT
-local dprint=print
-local ddump
-if LibDebug then LibDebug() dprint=print end
-local safeG=addon.safeG
-dprint=function() end
-ddump=function() end
-local print=function() end
-function module:OnInitialized()
diff --git a/OrderHallCommander/widgets.xml b/OrderHallCommander/widgets.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ddee4b..0000000
--- a/OrderHallCommander/widgets.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
-	<Script file="widgets.lua"/>
-	<Script file="widgets/GUIContainer.lua"/>
-	<Script file="widgets/MissionsList.lua" />
-	<Script file="widgets/MissionButton.lua" />
-	<Script file="widgets/Reward.lua" />
-	<Script file="widgets/Follower.lua" />
-	<Frame name="OHCSpinner" inherits="LoadingSpinnerTemplate" virtual="true">
-		<Scripts>
-			<OnLoad>
-				self.start=function(self) return self.Anim:Play() end
-				self.stop=function(self) return self.Anim:Stop() end
-			</OnLoad>
-		</Scripts>
-	</Frame>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/OrderHallCommander/wowhead.lua b/OrderHallCommander/wowhead.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index ec74e31..0000000
--- a/OrderHallCommander/wowhead.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-local me,ns = ...