
Death Knight: Improve Blood script when using Runic Empowerment.

Johnny C. Lam [05-19-14 - 16:41]
Death Knight: Improve Blood script when using Runic Empowerment.

Don't suggest ERW or DRW unless we've reached emergency Death Strike
conditions.  We want to hold those cooldowns on reserve.

git-svn-id: svn://svn.curseforge.net/wow/ovale/mainline/trunk@1472 d5049fe3-3747-40f7-a4b5-f36d6801af5f
diff --git a/scripts/ovale_deathknight.lua b/scripts/ovale_deathknight.lua
index 04c0927..eb03cea 100644
--- a/scripts/ovale_deathknight.lua
+++ b/scripts/ovale_deathknight.lua
@@ -46,10 +46,15 @@ AddFunction BloodApplyDiseases
 	if target.DebuffExpires(frost_fever_debuff) Spell(icy_touch)

+AddFunction BloodDeathStrikeCondition
+	IncomingDamage(5) >= MaxHealth() * 0.65
 AddFunction BloodSingleTargetActions
-	if IncomingDamage(5) >= MaxHealth() * 0.65 Spell(death_strike)
+	if BloodDeathStrikeCondition() Spell(death_strike)

 	if { Rune(blood) < 2 or Rune(unholy) < 2 or Rune(frost) < 2 } and Spell(outbreak) PlagueLeech()
@@ -97,7 +102,7 @@ AddFunction BloodSingleTargetActions
 AddFunction BloodAoeActions
-	if IncomingDamage(5) >= MaxHealth() * 0.65 Spell(death_strike)
+	if BloodDeathStrikeCondition() Spell(death_strike)

 	if BuffPresent(crimson_scourge_buff) Spell(death_and_decay)

@@ -156,8 +161,11 @@ AddFunction BloodShortCdActions
 	if HealthPercent() < 50 Spell(raise_dead)
 	if TalentPoints(death_pact_talent) and TotemPresent(ghoul) and HealthPercent() < 50 Spell(death_pact)

-	if Rune(unholy) < 1 and Rune(frost) < 1 and ArmorSetParts(T16_tank) >= 4 Spell(dancing_rune_weapon)
-	if Rune(blood) < 1 and Rune(unholy) < 1 and Rune(frost) < 1 Spell(empower_rune_weapon)
+	if BloodDeathStrikeCondition()
+	{
+		if Rune(unholy) < 1 and Rune(frost) < 1 and ArmorSetParts(T16_tank) >= 4 Spell(dancing_rune_weapon)
+		if Rune(blood) < 1 and Rune(unholy) < 1 and Rune(frost) < 1 Spell(empower_rune_weapon)
+	}
 	if BuffPresent(crimson_scourge_buff) Spell(death_and_decay)